SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1064: Young Lady Ling

A pearl hangs the expansive sky, illuminates this immortal palace, multi-colored sunlight sprinkles a repeatedly, has put on silver gauze to the palace. 一颗明珠高悬长空,将这一片仙宫照亮,一屡屡霞光洒落下來,给宫殿披上了一层银纱。 Saint courtyard control palace. 圣庭主宰宫。 A piece the square that above is spread by White Jade, many guards and palace maid in busy, some things of arrangement pledge rally state banquet, are setting up four tall tower in the square four corner/horn, the old men of some wear gold thread robes in an arrangement mark , some people of great strength bronze big cauldrons lifting, set up in some specific positions. 一片由白玉铺成的广场之上,有很多侍卫和宫女在忙碌,筹备誓师国宴的一些用品,在广场的四角立着四座高塔,有一些穿着金丝袍的老者在布置阵纹,也有一些力士将一尊尊青铜大鼎给抬出,立在一些特定的方位。 Feng Feiyun goes through powerfully, some people come the interrogation, he gives to put out the Bu Tian pavilion token, the opposite party kneels down to pay respects at once. 风飞云威风凛凛穿行其中,有人过來盘问,他就将补天阁令牌给拿出,对方旋即就下跪请安。 Pledge rally state banquet manages enough is really grand, perhaps invites several tens of thousands people, can sit down.” “誓师国宴办得真是够隆重,恐怕就算是邀请数万人,都能坐下。” Feng Feiyun saw an acquaintance above the state banquet, this is young people quite delicately, puts on the military garb mail-armor and helmet, stands above a stage, several old people gather round him, in a low voice whisper. 风飞云在国宴之上看到了一位熟人,这是一个年轻人长得颇为清秀,穿着戎装甲胄,站在一座高台之上,有几个老人围着他,在低声耳语。 This young people Feng Feiyun that two heir apparents who sees in the forest pavilion old mansion, he politely calls forest Gelao is the teacher, the name is near. 这个年轻人正是风飞云在林阁老府见到的那一位二世子,他尊称林阁老为老师,名字叫做“宁嘉临”。 Also does not know that is the two heir apparents of which boundary. 也不知是哪一境的二世子。 He appears in the Saint courtyard control palace unexpectedly, moreover in the distribution of dispatch pledge rally state banquet, before it seems like me, was to despise him.” “他居然出现在圣庭主宰宫,而且还在调度誓师国宴的排布,看來我以前是小看他了。” Status already that is near is vivid, Feng Feiyun does not want to put in an appearance with him at this time, therefore hid. 宁嘉临的身份已经呼之欲出,风飞云这个时候不想和他照面,于是隐藏了起來。 After hearing several old people's words nod of gently, on the face emerges to wipe the happy expression, well-mannered to several old people good a ritual, then left this square, toward Saint courtyard control palace Bank of China, these palace maids and guards all the way saw that he kneels down to salute immediately, to him respectfully. 宁嘉临听到几个老人的话之后轻轻的点了点头,脸上浮出一抹笑意來,彬彬有礼的对着几个老人行了一礼,然后便离开了这一座广场,向着圣庭主宰宫中行去,一路上的那些宫女和侍卫见到他都立即下跪行礼,对他恭敬至极。 Feng Feiyun gives to wear dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, the body vanishes without the trace at once, then followed. 风飞云将龙鳞凤皮衣给穿上,身体旋即消失无踪,然后跟了上去。 Saint courtyard control palace is very huge, has the powerhouse to assume in the palace, many places have arranged Formation and ban, cultivation base that is near is profound, turn left turns right in the palace, quick on disappearing trace. 圣庭主宰宫很是庞大,有强者坐镇宫中,很多地方都布置了阵法和禁制,宁嘉临的修为精深,在宫中左转右转,很快就不见了踪影。 His cultivation base is really fierce.” “他的修为果然厉害。” Feng Feiyun stands in palace chambers, here is a spirit flower garden garden, the Spirit Stone stack rockery, the immortal spring changes into the small stream likely, on the track of White Jade stone has the young attractive palace maid good. 风飞云站在一片宫闱之中,这里像是一处灵花圃园,灵石堆砌假山,仙泉化为小溪,白玉石的小道上有很多年轻漂亮的宫女行过。 Not far away is planting an ancient apricot blossom tree, little said that also lived for over ten thousand years, the tree trunk is sturdy, the leaf cover, the power and prestige sways, then pink flower rain fall gently, some fell in the ground, some fell to the immortal spring, fluttered along with the current of water. 不远处栽种着一颗古老的杏花树,少说也活了上万年,树干粗壮,叶子茂密,威风吹拂过來,便有一片粉色的花雨飘落,有的落到了地面上,有的落到仙泉之中,随着水流飘走。 Incense stick|Fragrant wind transmits, arousing that could not say from the spirit flower garden garden. 一股香风从灵花圃园中传來,说不出的撩人。 The Feng Feiyun footsteps are leisurely, has escaped along the immortal spring water, stands in groves of cover, by the leaf blade, sees a beautiful scene in distant place pond. 风飞云的脚步轻缓,沿着仙泉水流走了进去,站在一处茂密的树丛间,透过叶片,看到远处池中的一片美景。 Crash-bang.” The underwater/splashing sound resounds. “哗啦啦。”水声响起。 In the immortal pond the white fog is steaming, the organism snow white female bathes in the pond, the black hair is moist, some glues on the skin, some let fall in the water. 仙池之中白雾腾腾,有一个肌体雪白的女子在池中沐浴,青丝湿润,有的粘贴在皮肤上,有的垂落在水中。 She is shutting double pupil gently, the eyelash is slender, jade neck snow white, the twin peaks are proud and full, that hides in the underwater body is mysterious is more inobservable. 她轻轻的闭着双眸,睫毛纤长,玉颈雪白,双峰傲人而饱满,那隐藏在水下的躯体更是神秘不可测。 This lets the beautiful scene that the person bloodlines inflate, is bathing on such as the fairy maiden simply. 这是让人血脉膨胀的美景,简直就如仙子在沐浴。 Two 14 and five -year-old young girls stand in pond Bian, calmly stands, the hand holds the clothes, a bright eye envies is staring at the beautiful woman in pond, this type of perfect luster of the skin is hard to resist including the females. 有两个14、五岁的妙龄少女站在池边,静静站立,手捧衣冠,一双明亮的眼睛羡慕的盯着池中的美人,这种完美的玉体连女子都难以抗拒。 Young Lady Ling, two heir apparents went to snow god noble concubine there.” A palace maid of wear lunar white color cape or shawl worn by upper-class ladies in ancient times arrives at pond Bian, is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to do obeisance to the female who is bathing in the pond. 玲姑娘,二世子去雪神贵妃那里了。”一个穿着月白色霞帔的宫女走到池边,对着正在池中沐浴的女子拱手一拜。 In the eyes of this palace maid is having the look of awe, knows this Young Lady Ling not only the beautiful appearance is moving, but also the mental summit certainly, the snow god noble concubine and Saint courtyard control always follow to her words every so often, this is an extraordinary character, cannot offend. 这位宫女的眼中带着敬畏的神色,知道这位玲姑娘不仅美貌动人,而且心智巅绝,就连雪神贵妃和圣庭主宰很多时候都对她的话言听计从,这可是一位了不得的人物,万万不能得罪。 That Young Lady Ling static lying down in the immortal pond, continuously immortal light rosy cloud air/Qi to inspiration within the body, the water of these immortal springs delivers as before from the Goddess Tai Wei temple, inside is full of the strength of belief. 那一个玲姑娘依旧静静的躺在仙池之中,将一缕缕仙光霞气给吸入体内,这些仙泉之水都是从太微女神庙送过來,里面饱含信仰之力。 After immortal light rosy cloud air/Qi she inhales within the body, then automatically transforms as her strength, making her more and more holy moving, each sends in the silk to bloom pure white radiance, likely is the incarnation, for a sacredness. 仙光霞气被她吸入体内之后,便自动转化为她的力量,使她变得越來越圣洁动人,每一根发丝之中都绽放出洁白的光华,像是化身为了一位神圣。 That palace maid thinks that Young Lady Ling has not heard her words, therefore also said: Young Lady Ling, two heir apparents went to snow god noble concubine there, controlled the Sir to make me ask your countermeasure.” 那一位宫女以为玲姑娘沒有听到她的话,于是又道:“玲姑娘,二世子又去雪神贵妃那里了,主宰大人让我过來问你应对策略。” Young Lady Ling in immortal pond the water strength of belief gives to absorb finally, on the pure white perfectly clear face appears to wipe the faint sunset glow, slowly opens the double pupil, say/way slowly: „The two heir apparents of god Tianjue mansion, this is a character, the city mansion is extremely deep, the unusual person can compared with him, this person have to replace the Master Shen Tianjue ability.” 仙池之中的玲姑娘总算是将水中的信仰之力都给吸收完毕,洁白清透的脸上浮现出一抹淡淡的红霞,缓缓的睁开双眸,徐徐的道:“神天爵府的二世子,这可是一位人物,城府极深,少有人能和他相比,此人有接替神天爵爷的才能。” Feng Feiyun stands in not far away, stared at that beautiful shadow after white smog to wear the gauze white clothing, several times wanted to get rid, but bore finally. 风飞云站在不远处,盯着白色烟雾之后的那一道美丽的影子穿上了纱罗白衣,几次想要出手,但是最后都忍住了。 Long Jiangling, Long Jiangling, you hid in the Saint courtyard control palace unexpectedly.” 龙姜玲啊,龙姜玲,你居然躲进了圣庭主宰宫。” Long Jiangling present cultivation base enters greatly, already has achieved Nirvana 7th-layer, what is more important, her within the body the strength of belief is very boundless, does not know that has achieved the what kind of region. 龙姜玲现在的修为大进,已经达到了涅槃第七重,更重要的是,她体内的信仰之力很是磅礴,也不知达到了何等境地。 She might be considered as person god cultivates, not only has human body body, and has god is evil the god source. 她堪称是“人神同修”,既有“人体”的身体,又有“神邪”的神源。 This is „a heart plants god the fierce place. 这就是“道心种神”的厉害之处。 Feng Feiyun one has not struck the assurance that she strikes down, once cannot her as soon as strikes the suppression, then definitely the powerhouse Saint courtyard control palace attracting, when the time comes will trouble. 风飞云并沒有一击将她击倒的把握,一旦不能将她一击镇压,那么肯定就会将圣庭主宰宫的强者给吸引过來,到时候就麻烦了。 Only can wait for the opportunity again. 只能再等机会了。 Feng Feiyun knows that Long Jiangling walks very on Wiseman this road, Spiritual Awareness is exceptionally formidable, therefore can only fall by far in her, looked where she must go. 风飞云知道龙姜玲智师这条路上走得很远,灵觉异常强大,所以只能远远的掉在她的身后,看她到底要去什么地方。 Long Jiangling by white Shazhe the surface, body Xianxia winds around, the hand holds the guqin, the colored ribbon flutters, slowly walks toward the snow temple. 龙姜玲以白纱遮面,身上仙霞缭绕,手抱古琴,彩带飘飞,徐徐的向着雪神殿走去。 The snow temple is the resting palace of snow god noble concubine, here only then the Saint courtyard control and palace maid in snow temple can enter, but this moment near in the snow temple, sits before a sapphire case stage, drinks alone slightly thinks. 雪神殿乃是雪神贵妃的寝宫,这里只有圣庭主宰和雪神殿的宫女可以进入,但是此刻宁嘉临就在雪神殿之中,坐在一张青玉案台前,独饮小酌。 Noble beautiful snow god noble concubine actually rattled on Nono's standing to serve in the one side, near awes to extremely. 原本高贵美丽的雪神贵妃却喋喋诺诺的站在一旁侍候,对宁嘉临极其敬畏。 Near gently is caressing the wine glass, another hand gently is stroking the slender waist border of snow god noble concubine, said with a smile: clear(ly) Tiansheng courtyard control palace must change surname.” 宁嘉临轻轻的抚着酒杯,另一只手轻轻的抚摸着雪神贵妃的纤细的腰际,笑道:“明天圣庭主宰宫就要改姓了。” The tender body of snow god noble concubine shivered gently, in the eye full is the terrified look, she knows that Master Shen Tianjue must call has controlled, although on the day of already expected will have, when this day approaches makes people feel that as before is not very willingly. 雪神贵妃的娇躯轻轻的颤抖了一下,眼中满是惶恐的神色,她知道神天爵爷要称主宰了,虽然早就料到会有这一天,但是当这一天來临之时依旧让人感到很不甘心。 Sits down.” Near, although is very delicate, but in the sound is having several points of dignity. “坐下。”宁嘉临虽然很是清秀,但是声音之中却带着几分威严。 The snow god noble concubine does not dare to violate his order, in the heart is having the humiliation, in bosom that sitting slowly in has been near, the soft and warm tender body pasted on his body, in the eye pupil has flowed out a little bit clear tears. 雪神贵妃不敢违背他的命令,心中带着屈辱,缓缓的坐在了宁嘉临的怀中,柔软而温暖的娇躯贴在了他的身上,眼眸之中流出一滴滴清泪。 Near touched her exquisite cheek gently, the tip of the nose has attracted one in her sending silk gently, said with a smile: Beautiful female like you married the Saint courtyard to control that good-for-nothing really to be also a pity, from now on you with me.” 宁嘉临轻轻的抚摸她细腻的脸蛋,鼻尖在她的发丝之间轻轻的吸了一口,笑道:“像你这样美丽的女子嫁给圣庭主宰那种窝囊废还真是可惜了,今后你就跟我吧。” No.” The manner of snow god noble concubine becomes gets tough, in bosom that is near struggling vigorously, said: I am the noble concubine who the Saint courtyard controls, the life only serve to control the Sir......” “不。”雪神贵妃的态度变得强硬起來,在宁嘉临的怀中极力的挣扎,道:“我乃是圣庭主宰的贵妃,一生只侍奉主宰大人……” .” 。” Near a Palestinian long-handled fan in the past, flew the fan of snow god noble concubine, threw down on the ground, your this inexpensive goods, you already had served already me, but also the life only served that spineless person to control, was really laughable.” 宁嘉临一巴掌扇了过去,将雪神贵妃的扇飞出去,摔倒在地上,“你这贱货,你都早就已经侍奉过我了,还一生只侍奉那个软骨头主宰,真是可笑之极。” Wū wū...... That time...... Is you uses strongly...... You are not the person......” snow god noble concubine closely is covering swelling the face, sits on the ground, magnificence clothes is tattered, distressed. “呜呜……那次……是你用强……你不是人……”雪神贵妃紧紧的捂着肿胀起來的脸,坐在地上,身上的华衣破烂,狼狈至极。 The common people think in the Saint courtyard control palace ice. What shame snow god noble concubine is eight heir apparents, actually does not know that eight heir apparents just carried one to be unjustly discredited to two heir apparents, moreover this was unjustly discredited he not to dare not to carry. 世人都以为在圣庭主宰宫凌.辱雪神贵妃的是八世子,却不知八世子只不过是给二世子背了一个黑锅,而且这个黑锅他还不敢不背。 Because two heir apparents in the heir apparents of god Tianjue mansion is outstanding, the city mansion depth, the method is ruthless, understood that his person very much fears him, eight heir apparents are no exception. 因为在神天爵府的众世子之中二世子最是杰出,城府深,手段狠,了解他的人就都很惧怕他,八世子也不例外。 You only serve that spineless person control your entire life not, I send to the camp in Saint courtyard treasure house you now, making you serve in the camp all sergeants, was ridden by thousand people, rested the head on by ten thousand people, believes that they will like very much, broken rottengoods that's all, gives back to me to install aloof from worldly affairs.” Near cold snort/hum one. “你一生只侍奉那个软骨头主宰是不,那我现在就将你送去圣庭宝库的营地,让你侍奉营地之中所有军士,被千人骑,被万人枕,相信他们会很喜欢,一个破烂货罢了,还给我装清高。”宁嘉临冷哼一声。 Asked you, did not want, to ask you, like this, I do not dare, does not dare to disobey you, I served you, I was your slave......” snow god noble concubine am frightened the face whiten, tight hugged to be near the leg that. “求求你,不要,求你,不要这样,我不敢了,不敢违逆你,我侍奉你,我是你的奴隶……”雪神贵妃被吓得脸色苍白,紧紧的抱着宁嘉临的腿。 Now knows that you are my female slave, you should a morning point have such consciousness.” Hand that is near gently touches the cheeks of snow god noble concubine, in the eye is having the smiling face of mock, in his opinion is expensive is to control the woman of imperial concubine is also only toys. “现在才知道你是我的女奴隶,你应该早一点有这样的觉悟。”宁嘉临的手轻轻的抚摸着雪神贵妃的脸颊,眼中带着讥诮的笑容,在他看來就算是贵为主宰妃子的女人也不过只是一件玩物。 Wants her to live, she then lives \; Wants her dead, she then dies \; Wants her to wait on the bedroom, she wants the waiting on bedroom of little darling. 要她生,她便生\;要她死,她便死\;要她侍寝,她就要乖乖的侍寝。 How the noble concubine, as before does not kneel in the female slave of oneself under foot. 贵妃又如何,不依旧只是跪在自己脚下的女奴隶。 Here, but the harem of Saint courtyard control, two heir apparents did not think own going astray place.” A beautiful moving sound conveys from outside of snow temple, just like sounds of nature general interesting to listen. “这里可是圣庭主宰的后宫,二世子不觉得自己走错地方了。”一个美丽动人的声音从雪神殿的外面传來,宛如天籁一般的动听。 After the snow god noble concubine hears this sound, in the eye raised immediately the joyful ray. 雪神贵妃听到这声音之后,眼中顿时升起了欣喜的光芒。 The brow that is near raises, stands in the center of snow temple, has put in order the clothes, is staring at out of the door, said with a smile: Your excellency thinks really here is the 30,000 years ago harems heavy, these years rush in the person in harem to fear that are really many, the folk is spreading a few words: Brothel prostitute work place Ju Wangyi, the Saint courtyard harem is a heaven, such heaven on earth, so long as is the youngster son, naturally must rush.” 宁嘉临的眉头一掀,站在雪神殿的中央,整了整衣冠,盯着门外,笑道:“阁下真以为这里还是30000年前的后宫重地,这些年來闯进后宫的人怕是还真不少,民间流传着一句话:青楼妓坊俱往矣,圣庭后宫是天堂,这样的人间天堂,只要是个少年男儿,自然是要來闯一闯。” Sometimes rushes, sometimes cannot rush.” “有些时候闯得,有些时候闯不得。” Tai Wei is holding the guqin, entered the snow temple slowly, the body is bringing the faint fragrant wind, the long hair is elegant, beauty that the beautiful white skin flowing light, could not say. 太微抱着古琴,徐徐的走进了雪神殿,身上带着淡淡的香风,长发飘逸,玉肤流光,说不出的美丽。 The pupil that is near shrinks, he self-examined has seen the beautiful woman are many, many clear holy days arrogant female, but these days arrogant female and this female compares at present actually differs were too many, this simply likely is not the female of world, likely the fairy maiden that flies from the day. 宁嘉临的瞳孔一缩,他自问见过的美人不少,其中也不乏清纯圣洁的天之骄女,但是那些天之骄女和眼前这位女子相比却又相差了太多,这简直不像是人间的女子,像是从天外飞來的仙子。 Who you are.” “你是谁。” Near is a young man, so long as is young man's immunity ability to a female sexual attractiveness is very low, but he is an astute person, not because the beautiful appearance of opposite party will lose. 宁嘉临乃是一个年轻的男人,只要是一个年轻的男子对女色的免疫能力就很低,但同时他又是一个精明的人,并不会因为对方的美貌就迷失自我。 He felt that on the body of opposite party a dangerous aura, this hand has hugged the female of guqin to be very extraordinary, the vision like the sword general sharpness, absolutely is not the woman who snow god noble concubine that type can devastate at will. 他在对方的身上感觉到了一股危险的气息,这个手抱古琴的女子很了不得,目光就像剑一般的锋利,绝对不是雪神贵妃那种可以随意蹂躏的女人。
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