SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1063: Saint courtyard control palace

This back story indeed stems from the expectation of Feng Feiyun, was Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai has also paid silent tribute for a half minute. 这背后的故事的确出乎风飞云的预料,同时也为毕姥爷毕宁帅默哀了半分钟。 Mao Wugui thinks, said: Matter that later has getting rich certainly cannot take Female Monster, otherwise definitely meets the misdemeanor.” 茅乌龟想了想,道:“以后有发财的事一定不能带上女魔头,不然肯定会坏事。” Feng Feiyun now to approve of these words deeply. 风飞云现在是深为赞同这句话。 This Immortal City is brilliantly illuminated, member is continuous, lively prosperous, does not have daytime and division of night, is on the contrary livelier than the daytime in the evening. 这一座仙城灯火通明,修士川流不息,繁华鼎盛,沒有白天和夜晚之分,反倒是晚上比白天更加热闹。 In this restaurant naturally also many member gather, above the stage in distant place the scholar was also explaining the Chinese classics, speaks the big event that some recently were having, for example Moonwater Saintess killed eight heir apparents, netherworld besieges Saint courtyard, „the hidden world person of high skill of some boundary leaves the mountain to rule the country wait/etc.. 这一座酒楼之中自然也有很多修士聚集,远处的一座高台之上还有一位文士在说书,讲着一些最近发生的大事件,比如“水月圣女杀八世子”,“阴间界围攻圣庭”,“某一境的隐世高人又出山治世”等等。 The person of Immortal Cultivation also many have the busybody, is interested in these stories. 修仙之人也不乏有好事之徒,对这些故事都很感兴趣。 The Mao Wugui sound becomes low and deep, an eye turning round revolution, passes on the sound said: You may know that now sixth Yang Dynasty 148 boundary Lord already came to the Saint courtyard, tomorrow will hold the pledge rally state banquet in the Saint courtyard control palace, discussed the punitive expedition netherworld important matter.” 茅乌龟的声音变得低沉起來,眼睛滴溜溜的一转,传音道:“你可知道现在第六中央王朝的148位境主都已经來了圣庭,明天将会在圣庭主宰宫召开誓师国宴,商讨讨伐阴间界的大计。” Feng Feiyun nodded, this matter my already has heard, it seems like that the tomorrow's Saint courtyard control palace will be very lively.” 风飞云点了点头,“此事我已经听说过,看來明天的圣庭主宰宫将会很热闹。” Not is only lively, may be called a time wind and cloud border meeting, hears some Monster Clan King to come, Master Shen Tianjue this time movement is not small, is not only only a pledge rally state banquet so is definitely simple.” Mao Wugui said. “岂止是热闹,堪称一次风云际会,听闻就连一些妖族的王者都会过來,神天爵爷这次的动作不小,肯定不仅仅只是一场誓师国宴那么简单。”茅乌龟道。 The eye of Feng Feiyun narrows the eyes, said: Is it possible that......” 风飞云的眼睛一眯,道:“莫非……” This incoming call already to the mouth, was too sensitive because of the words, the words swallowed. 本來话已经到了嘴边,但是因为话太敏感,的话吞了回去。 Mao Wugui said: „A very secret matter old man must tell you, I had discovered Temple in the quadrangle star a short time ago.” 茅乌龟道:“还有一件十分隐秘的事老夫必须告诉你,我前不久在中庭星发现了一座神庙。” Temple has anything to be good to make much ado about nothing.” Feng Feiyun said. “一座神庙有什么好大惊小怪。”风飞云道。 You come with me.” “你跟我來。” Mao Wugui and Sacred Fruit change into a white black two radiance to depart the window, the moment of Feng Feiyun ponder, together Spirit Stone of fist size losing on table, then also departed the window, pursued. 茅乌龟圣实果化为一白一黑两道光华飞出窗户,风飞云沉思的片刻,将一块拳头大小的灵石给丢在了桌上,然后也飞出了窗户,追了上去。 In this Immortal City, is situated a nine high temple, many member pass and out in the temple, the incense and candle is very prosperous. 就在这一座仙城之中,坐落着一座九层高的庙宇,有不少修士在庙宇之中进进出出,香火很鼎盛。 Goddess Tai Wei temple.” 太微女神庙。” Feng Feiyun stands in Temple, at present is a piece of White Jade stair, goes nonstop to the above Temple front door. 风飞云站在神庙的下方,眼前是一片白玉台阶,直通上方的神庙大门。 In Temple has a magic lamp float, the brilliance is brilliant, sends out a faint trace spiritual energy. 神庙之中有一盏神灯悬浮,光辉烂漫,散发出一丝丝灵气。 Old man already has inquired, Goddess Tai Wei is the new god who in recent years is born, but Temple already proliferates the entire Saint boundary now, is only above five big main star of Saint courtyard has 83 Goddess Tai Wei temples merely, but reaches hundreds of thousands of female Temple in the entire Saint boundary.” “老夫已经打听过了,太微女神乃是近几年才诞生的新神,但是神庙现在已经遍布整个圣境,仅仅只是圣庭的五大主星之上就有83座太微女神庙,而在整个圣境更是多达数十万座女神庙。” Then merely several years, develops so the degree on already, I will make a bet she definitely to win the trust of some big influence, had the support of opposite party, otherwise impossible to have the so prosperous incense and candle within the several years.” “这才仅仅几年的时间啊,就已经发展到如此程度,我敢打赌她肯定是取得了某一个大势力的信任,得到了对方的鼎力支持,不然不可能在短短几年的时间之内拥有如此鼎盛的香火。” The Feng Feiyun trend White Jade stair slowly, then entered Temple, is staring at that giant beautiful Statue in Temple, for a very long time later said: Really is she, can establish dozens female Temple in the Saint courtyard, the energy of this need is too big, only then few several people can help her achieve, but by her wisdom, wants to win these great people's trusts is actually not the too difficult matter, whose strength but she has replied on.” 风飞云缓缓的走向白玉台阶,然后走进了神庙,盯着神庙之中的那一座巨大的美丽的女神像,久久之后道:“果然是她,能够在圣庭建立数十座女神庙,这需要的能量实在太大,只有为数不多的几个人能够帮她做到,不过以她的智慧,想要获得这些大人物的信任其实并不是太难的事,只是她到底是借助了谁的力量。” Feng Feiyun has closed both eyes, the revolution fifty technique, the innumerable Heavenly Dao rules revolve around the body, however has another strength to prevent Feng Feiyun to calculate in the darkness. 风飞云闭上了双眼,运转大衍术,无数天道规则在身体周围运转,但是在冥冥之中却有另一个力量在阻止风飞云推算。 She cultivation base above Wiseman way was really fierce, cuts off the secret, the fifty technique could not calculate her whereabouts.” “她在智师一途之上的修为果然厉害,斩断了天机,大衍术都推算不出她的下落。” Actually the main reason is Feng Feiyun not too desirably studies the fifty technique, will otherwise definitely not compare Tai Wei to be weak in this domain. 其实最主要的原因乃是风飞云并沒有太刻意的去专研大衍术,不然在这个领域肯定不会比太微弱。 This matter must look up not to be actually difficult, but I have another matter to do tonight, can only wait to tidy up her another day again.” “这件事要查起來其实并不难,只是今晚我还有另外一件事要去做,只能等改天再去收拾她了。” Tomorrow is the pledge rally state banquet, the Master Shen Tianjue ambition is enormous, since main body already from outside returns, then cultivation base definitely another level higher, cultivation base strengthen, then the ambition naturally also becomes greatly. 明天就是誓师国宴,神天爵爷的野心极大,既然本尊已经从界外归來,那么修为肯定是更上一层楼了,修为变强,那么野心自然也就变得更大。 Feng Feiyun thought that tomorrow estimated is only the pledge rally state banquet so is not only simple, perhaps Master Shen Tianjue tomorrow must become the Saint courtyard of new generation controls. 风飞云觉得明天估计不仅仅只是誓师国宴那么简单,说不定神天爵爷明天就要成为新一代的圣庭主宰了。 Therefore Feng Feiyun must enter the Saint courtyard control palace tonight. 所以风飞云今天晚上必须要进圣庭主宰宫。 The guard in Saint courtyard control palace will not compare the Saint courtyard treasure house to be weak absolutely, the defense is extremely strict, the average person wants to enter the Saint courtyard control palace difficultly such as to ascend to heaven secretly simply. 圣庭主宰宫的守卫绝对不会比圣庭宝库弱,防守极其严密,一般人想要偷偷进入圣庭主宰宫简直难如登天。 This is one grand atmospheric palace, float above vault of heaven, has to ride Saint health/guard Feitian of flood dragon anytime. 这是一片宏伟大气的宫殿,悬浮在苍穹之上,随时都有骑着蛟龙的圣卫飞天而过。 Any person, here is the Saint courtyard control palace, the miscellaneous personnel all evades to draw back.” Before Saint courtyard control palace, man fierce scolding Feng Feiyun of wear silver robe golden armor. “什么人,这里乃是圣庭主宰宫,闲杂人等一律避退。”圣庭主宰宫前,一个穿着银袍金甲的男子厉声的呵斥风飞云 Male cultivation base of this guard control palace front door is extremely high, seems about 30 years old, both eyes clank have the light, the imposing manner compel the person. 这个看守主宰宫大门的男子修为极高,看上去30岁左右,双目铮铮有光,气势迫人。 Snort, this is the person in Bu Tian pavilion, your trivial the goalkeeper of guarding the door also dares to block me.” Feng Feiyun gives to take out the Bu Tian cabinet order in hand, immediately frightens the member in these guard Saint courtyard control palaces to kneel on the ground. “哼,本座乃是补天阁的人,你区区一个看门的门将也敢拦我。”风飞云将手中的补天阁令给取出,顿时吓得那些看守圣庭主宰宫的修士都跪在地上。 What existence Feng Feiyun now is also general understanding „the Bu Tian pavilion is, should with protect a Saint clan to differ not many. 风飞云现在也算是大概的明白“补天阁”是一个什么样的存在,应该和“护圣一族”相差不多。 But „the Bu Tian pavilion the person of protection is Master Shen Tianjue, protects the person who a Saint clan protects is Saint courtyard control. 只不过“补天阁”守护的人乃是神天爵爷,护圣一族守护的人乃是“圣庭主宰”。 To be honest Feng Feiyun to that spiritless cannot Saint courtyard control too many favorable impressions, instead have not thought Master Shen Tianjue such fierce and ambitious likely man, if wants Feng Feiyun to choose side Lai to hire oneself, Feng Feiyun definitely will choose Master Shen Tianjue, such future will be bright. 老实说风飞云对那个懦弱不能的圣庭主宰并沒有太多的好感,反而觉得神天爵爷这样的枭雄更加像个爷们,若是要风飞云选择一方來投靠,风飞云肯定会选择神天爵爷,这样前途才会光明。 But Feng Feiyun is impossible to hire oneself any side, because in this world nobody can restrain him radically, he wants to make anything to depend on oneself fondness. 风飞云不可能投靠任何一方,因为这世上根本沒有人能够约束他,他想要做什么都只是凭自己的喜好。 If there is chooses, he does not want to mix in sixth Yang Dynasty the deep pool turbid water. 若是有得选择,他根本就不想搀和到第六中央王朝的这一潭浑水之中來。 Takes Saint command of Saint courtyard control, after delivering protects the Saint war-god in the hand, Feng Feiyun will leave sixth Yang Dynasty, attacks the Ascension boundary fully. 将圣庭主宰的圣令拿到手,送到护圣战神的手中之后,风飞云就会离开第六中央王朝,去全力冲击羽化境。 Who the Saint courtyard should act as the master to act as the master on whom, appointed these dozens live to kill, and his what pass/test. 圣庭该谁做主人就谁做主人,任这些打生打死,又与他何关。 Feng Feiyun the token of Bu Tian pavilion receiving, cold snort/hum a sound said: I am arrangement of examining the tomorrow's pledge rally state banquet, may any careless mistake be good.” 风飞云补天阁的令牌给收起來,冷哼一声道:“我是來查看明天的誓师国宴的布置情况,可千万别出什么纰漏才好。” Ahem, the arrangement nobility master of pledge rally state banquet already plenary powers had already given us the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day, closes your Bu Tian pavilion anything matter, the hand of your Bu Tian pavilion extended is also long.” “哼哼,誓师国宴的布置爵爷早就已经全权交给了我们圣庭一品天,关你们补天阁什么事,你们补天阁的手伸得也太长了。” Original Feng Feiyun already must enter the Saint courtyard control palace, inside actually walks a man of wear green official's robe, intently blocking in Feng Feiyun front, was somewhat aggressive. 本來风飞云已经要进入圣庭主宰宫,里面却走出來一个穿着姆绿官袍的男子,直愣愣的拦在了风飞云的前面,有些咄咄逼人。 This man seems also on 20 -year-old appearances, the head brings the green hat, on the waist to leave palm of the hand big Iron Writ, above is printing „the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day inscription. 这男子看上去也就20來岁的样子,头上带着姆绿色的帽子,腰上别着一块巴掌大的铁令,上面印着“圣庭一品天”的字样。 His complexion is quite pale, sound is somewhat mystifying. 他的脸色颇为苍白,声音有些阴阳怪气。 After protecting a Saint clan sent in the Saint courtyard treasure house, the protector in Saint courtyard control palace has changed a native of Poland, this native of Poland unified organizations, are called „the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day. 护圣一族被调进圣庭宝库之后,圣庭主宰宫的守护者就换了一波人,这波人有一个统一的组织,被称为“圣庭一品天”。 On protects the imperial authority outwardly, supports control, supervises the world, in the hand grasps is murdering the power, but in fact this group of people are only Master Shen Tianjue dispatch the guard Saint courtyard control that's all, once the Saint courtyard control has many disloyalties, then Saint courtyard Grade 1 day the person the Saint courtyard control to heartless writing off, will then support a new control to ascend the throne. 明面上守护皇权,拥护主宰,监管天下,手中掌握着杀伐大权,但实际上这群人不过只是神天爵爷派遣过去看守圣庭主宰的罢了,一旦圣庭主宰有很多异心,那么“圣庭一品天”的人就会将圣庭主宰给无情的抹杀,然后扶持一位新的主宰登位。 Feng Feiyun stands straightly, sneers saying: Our pavilion Lord is feared that your Saint courtyard Grade 1 day the manpower is insufficient, sends me to help you especially.” 风飞云站得笔直,冷笑道:“我们阁主是怕你们圣庭一品天的人手不够用,特地派遣我过來帮你们忙。” You were saying our Saint courtyard Grade 1 day nobody, but also was really not the general rampancy, today makes you take a look at our Saint courtyard Grade 1 day fierce.” “你这是在说我们圣庭一品天无人,还真不是一般的嚣张,今天就让你瞧瞧我们圣庭一品天的厉害。” That wear green official's robe the body of man runs out of the endless rosy cloud air/Qi, condenses a handle to fight the sword, the body flies the Feng Feiyun front instantaneously, a sword cuts to the neck of Feng Feiyun. 那一个穿着姆绿色官袍的男子的身上冲出无尽霞气,凝聚成一柄战剑,身体瞬间就飞到风飞云的面前,一剑斩向风飞云的脖子。 Speed quickly to pinnacle. 速度快到极致。 Also is really impervious, a word does not get rid at earliest convenience, perhaps this is everybody fears the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day the reason. 还真是不可理喻,一言不合就出手,这或许就是人人都惧怕圣庭一品天的原因。 Any member who can enter „the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day or „the Bu Tian pavilion, is potential huge heavenly talent, is the Master Shen Tianjue absolute trusted friend, making these not have the heir apparent and princess of real power very much urgently awaits. 凡是能够进入“圣庭一品天”或者“补天阁”的修士,都是潜力巨大的天骄,乃是神天爵爷的绝对心腹,让那些沒有实权的世子和郡主都很亟待。 Two Sirs do not fight, here is the Saint courtyard control palace......” “两位大人别战了,这里是圣庭主宰宫……” The member whole body of that guard imperial city gate is breaking into sweat, his cultivation base is not low, naturally knows that the Bu Tian pavilion and Saint courtyard Grade 1 day usually disagreed, mutual battle that is the common matter, but tomorrow pledge rally state banquet, if makes these two ancestor give to destroy the imperial city gate of Saint courtyard control palace, perhaps first falls the person of head is he. 那一位看守宫门的修士浑身都在冒冷汗,他的修为不低,自然知道补天阁和圣庭一品天素來不和,相互争斗那是常有的事,但是明天可是誓师国宴,若是让这两位“祖宗”将圣庭主宰宫的宫门给打毁,恐怕第一个掉脑袋的人就是他。 However he actually does not dare to manage, if has enraged these two ancestor any, then he definitely could not eat to capture walking. 但是他却也不敢管,若是激怒了这两位“祖宗”中的任何一位,那么他肯定都是吃不了兜着走。 This Saint courtyard Grade 1 day male cultivation base indeed is much higher, really has with the Feng Feiyun evenly matched strength, two people continually fight several hundred moves not to decide the victory and defeat. 这个圣庭一品天的男子修为的确高得离谱,竟然有和风飞云势均力敌的战力,两人一连交手数百招都沒有分出胜负。 Master Shen Tianjue really has also bossed around many experts, the talent and strength of this man are quite extraordinary.” 神天爵爷还真是笼络了不少高手,这一个男子的天赋和战力都相当了不得。” The Feng Feiyun heart quite vibrates, to influence that Master Shen Tianjue has some new understanding, the heart suspected is protects a Saint clan to go out from the Saint courtyard treasure house, perhaps also not necessarily is the Master Shen Tianjue match. 风飞云的心头还是颇为震动,对神天爵爷拥有的势力又有了新的理解,心头很怀疑就算是护圣一族从圣庭宝库之中走出,恐怕也未必就是神天爵爷的对手。 Man who this and Feng Feiyun fights named white pleased, has practiced for more than 1000 years, the talent is extremely high, has achieved Nirvana 7th-layer when the Nirvana boundary. 这个和风飞云交手的男子名叫“白悦”,修炼了1000多年,天赋极高,在涅槃境之时达到了涅槃第七重 Talent that because he so goes against heaven's will, was selected into the Saint courtyard Grade 1 day, although now is Ascension 1st-layer peak cultivation base, however in Saint courtyard Grade 1 day already is the outstanding person, the throne of sitting quietly Saint courtyard Grade 1 day first talent. 正是因为他如此逆天的天赋,才被选入了圣庭一品天,虽然现在才是羽化第一重巅峰的修为,但是在圣庭一品已经算是佼佼者,稳坐圣庭一品天第一天才的宝座。 white Yueyue fights the heart startled, at present this youngster is younger than him, but the strength actually must suppress him, the Bu Tian pavilion also left one to achieve the Nirvana 7th-layer God's favored one. 白悦越战越心惊,眼前这个少年比他还要年轻,但是战力却还要压制他,难道补天阁也出了一位达到涅槃第七重的天之骄子。 No wonder forest Gelao will send him to meddle the pledge rally state banquet, the strength so is unexpectedly strong.” “难怪林阁老会派遣他來插手誓师国宴,战力竟然这么强。” white Yue is also a thoughts mature person, knows that the tomorrow's pledge rally state banquet will be extremely important, if will fight again with Feng Feiyun, definitely will receive does not stop, if when the time comes has damaged the Saint courtyard control palace, then he and Feng Feiyun must but actually big mildew. 白悦也是一个心思成熟之人,知道明天的誓师国宴极其重要,若是和风飞云再战下去,肯定会收不住手,到时候若是损毁了圣庭主宰宫,那么他和风飞云都要倒大霉。 Has not thought that your Bu Tian pavilion had several good characters actually, in tomorrow's pledge rally state banquet how again one high under.” Bai Yuechen sound said. “沒想到你们补天阁倒是出了几个不错的人物,明天的誓师国宴之中咋们再一较高下。”白悦沉声道。 Feng Feiyun smiled, momentarily accompanies.” 风飞云笑了笑,“随时奉陪。” Their wrong body leaves, white Yue left the Saint courtyard control palace, but Feng Feiyun natural calmly entered the imperial city gate, enters sixth Yang Dynasty to be most sacred the dignified place. 两人错身离开,白悦离开了圣庭主宰宫,而风飞云则潇洒从容的走进了宫门,进入第六中央王朝最神圣威严的地方。 Saint health/guard Men of protection Saint courtyard control palace then relaxed, these two live ancestor walked finally. 守护圣庭主宰宫的圣卫们这才松了一口气,这两个“活祖宗”总算是走了。 ...... …… Asked the distinguished guest, the fresh flower, stamped and subscribes, the new week, various types asked. 求贵宾,鲜花、盖章、订阅,新的一周,各种求。
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