SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1062: Half the Saint made the symbol

All people know that Feng Feiyun was wrangling, but took him not to have the means. 所有人都知道风飞云在扯皮,但是却偏偏拿他沒办法。. Protects the Saint war-god appears very tranquil, golden radiance collecting slowly in within the body, the gold fights armor and law also contracts, turns into an old person of wear hemp cotton robe. 护圣战神显得很平静,身上的金色光华缓缓的敛于体内,黄金战甲和法相也收缩起來,变成一个穿着麻布袍的老人。 Young people, you are very intelligent, understood how very much should protect itself, but you also need to understand, if you do not accept my request, you for a lifetime will possibly be stranded in the Saint courtyard treasure house.” “年轻人,你很聪明,很懂得该如何來保护自己,但是你也需要明白,若是你不答应我的要求,你可能一辈子都会被困在圣庭宝库之中。” Feng Feiyun naturally knows the own present situation, says with a smile: I am not anxious, even if crosses for several hundred years to exit to might as well again, but crossed several hundred years of Saint courtyard still to have that difficultly to say again.” 风飞云自然知道自己现在的处境,笑道:“我不急,就算再过几百年出去都无妨,但是再过几百年圣庭还存不存在那就难说了。” You......” protect a clan of Saint clan always to get rid to teach Feng Feiyun, thought that he is too rash, but this clan old was actually protected the Saint war-god staring. “你……”护圣一族的一位族老想要出手教训风飞云,觉得他太胆大妄为,但是这位族老却被护圣战神给瞪了回去。 Protects the Saint war-god slightly makes concession, said: Good, I can promise you, so long as you can invite the Saint command of control for us, you and your friend in the treasure that the Saint courtyard treasure house steals, we can not investigate, this already is the biggest concession that I can make, if you do not comply, then I also can only suppress you, always cannot be reincarnated.” 护圣战神略微的做出让步,道:“好吧,我可以答应你,只要你能够为我们请來主宰的圣令,你和你的朋友在圣庭宝库盗走的宝物,我们可以不追究,这已经是我能够做出的最大让步,你若是不答应,那么我也只能将你镇压,永世不能超生。” The Feng Feiyun heart secretly thought, lived worthily the old fogy of endless years, wants to profit from his body, but also is really difficult. 风飞云心头暗道,不愧是活了无尽岁月的老家伙,想要从他的身上占到便宜,还真是难。 I comply to help you probably come the Saint command of Saint courtyard control, how you ensure I will also come back.” “就算我答应出去帮你要來圣庭主宰的圣令,你们又如何保证我还会回來。” Feng Feiyun smiled and said: „, Since the Saint courtyard control dreads Master Shen Tianjue, I suddenly tell him now, making under him the Saint command make you exit to put to death Master Shen Tianjue together, under I suspect him to dare this order, will not be good he perhaps also to give to buy me.” 风飞云笑了笑又道:“还有,既然圣庭主宰那么畏惧神天爵爷,我现在却突然去告诉他,让他下一道圣令让你们出去诛杀神天爵爷,我真怀疑他敢不敢下这个命令,一个不好他说不定还会将我给买了。” Protected the Saint war-god to consider the moment, took out a command symbol, said: This command symbol is by my say/way concise, inside has my one wisp to do several things at the same time, so long as there are enough many Spirit Stone to provide the spiritual energy, can display half Saint rank when the short time the strength, you have this command symbol to exit, in you place the dangerous situation, can help you to withdraw surely.” 护圣战神斟酌了片刻,取出一枚令符,道:“这一枚令符乃是由我的道凝练而成,里面有我的一缕分身,只要有足够多的灵石提供灵气,可以在短时间之内发挥出半圣级别的力量,你带着这一枚令符出去,在你身处险境之时,必定能够助你脱身。” My little darling, is really-and-a-half Saints. 我的乖乖,果然是一尊半圣。 Feng Feiyun stared at present old person one of the hempen garments cotton robe, the military order symbol meeting, if this command symbol can display half Saint in the short time really the strength, then from now on also with fearing anyone, direct military order symbol shining, the above half Saint mark, it is estimated that can frighten to fall face down a piece of person. 风飞云盯了眼前这个麻衣布袍的老人一眼,将令符给接了过去,若是这一枚令符真的能够在短时间发挥出半圣的力量,那么今后还用怕谁,直接将令符给亮出來,上面的半圣道纹,估计就能吓趴下一片人。 Feng Feiyun is very prudent, said: If I will not come back, perhaps doing several things at the same time in this command symbol will also give to write off me.” 风飞云很慎重,道:“若是我不会回來,恐怕这令符之中的分身也会将我给抹杀吧。” Right, if you have not taken the Saint command of control within three days, making doing several things at the same time in symbol automatically your suppress and kill.” Protects the Saint war-god is very serious saying, „, but, you, if can help us invite the Saint command of control, then this command symbol will turn over to you from now on.” “沒错,你若是在三天之内沒有取到主宰的圣令,令符之中的分身就会自动将你镇杀。”护圣战神很是严肃的说道,“不过,你若是能够帮我们请來主宰的圣令,那么这一枚令符今后就归你了。” Good, such decided.” “好,就这么定了。” Feng Feiyun the command symbol in hand receiving, this business has been worth doing, once can obtain a such command symbol, from now on big where will probably not hugely. 风飞云将手中的令符给收了起來,这笔买卖值得干,一旦能够得到这样的一枚令符,今后天大地大何处去不得。 Naturally before leaving Saint courtyard treasure house, Feng Feiyun has carried off massive Spirit Stone, moreover with righteously, cracks a joke this command symbol, although is fierce, but actually must consume great quantity Spirit Stone to take the energy, the strength of half Saint rank seems like very considerable, but the spiritual energy of that consumption is also astronomical figures. 当然在离开圣庭宝库之前,风飞云又带走了大量的灵石,而且拿得理直气壮,开玩笑这一枚令符虽然厉害,但是却要消耗巨量的灵石來作为能量,半圣级别的力量看似很可观,但是那消耗的灵气也是一个天文数字。 Spirit Stone that many in Saint courtyard treasure house, do not take does not take white/in vain. 圣庭宝库之中的灵石那么多,不拿白不拿。 Handles matters for you, with your Spirit Stone, you also has the opinion to be inadequate. 替你们办事,拿你们一点灵石,你们还有意见不成。 Feng Feiyun does not know that gives to pack many Spirit Stone, is only these install Spirit Stone Spirit Stone, he had a big burden to walk, looks protects these member of Saint clan to clench jaws, the heart was scolding Feng Feiyun too to be really greedy. 风飞云也不知将多少颗界灵石都给装满,光是那些装灵石的界灵石,他就背了一大包袱走,看得护圣一族的那些修士都咬牙切齿,心头都在骂风飞云实在太贪心了。 Protects the holy war shintoism: These year every year has treasure to be delivered to the Saint courtyard treasure house, sometimes also some people will hold the Saint command to arrive at the Saint courtyard treasure house extraction treasure, but the person of communication in the situation to present Saint courtyard keeps silent, this explained that Master Shen Tianjue affirmed already gave to control outside the Saint courtyard treasure house people, therefore this time you exited to be certainly careful, by the god Tianjue mansion person not realizing, so as to avoid alerted the enemy.” 护圣战神道:“这些年每年都有宝物被送到圣庭宝库,有时也会有人持着圣令來到圣庭宝库提取宝物,但是來往之人却都对现在圣庭之中的局势只字不提,这说明神天爵爷肯定已经将圣庭宝库外面的人都给控制了,所以这次你出去一定要小心,千万不要被神天爵府的人给察觉到,免得打草惊蛇。” Relax, receives the person wealth for the person disappearing disaster, this matter definitely could complete proper.” Feng Feiyun the Spirit Stone burden in hand swinging swinging, then received, then gives to wear dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, the body then vanishes from void at once does not see. “放心,收人钱财替人消灾,这件事肯定办得妥妥的。”风飞云将手中的灵石包袱给摇了摇,然后收了起來,接着便将龙鳞凤皮衣给穿上,身体旋即便从虚空之中消失不见。 Valuable clothes that hidden silkworm silk-weaving becomes, then I felt relieved.” Protects the Saint war-god to nod, has taken then away Feng Feiyun the front door of Saint courtyard treasure house, the Feng Feiyun secret has delivered. “隐蚕丝织成的宝衣,这下我放心了。”护圣战神点了点头,然后便将风飞云带去了圣庭宝库的大门,将风飞云秘密的送了出去。 At this time already at nightfall, entire vault of heaven dark, the surroundings had the spirit grass and ancient wood. 这个时候已经入夜,整个天穹都暗了下來,周围有很多灵草、古木。 Not far away, one team rides the sergeant of scarlet-red great tiger to go on patrol, cultivation base of this group of sergeants is very formidable, the body is bringing the iron bloody battle air/Qi. 不远处,就有一队骑着赤红巨虎的军士在巡逻,这群军士的修为都很强大,身上带着铁血战气。 Outside of Saint courtyard treasure house also has the powerhouse to assume personal command, in the stretch of camp in distant place has the palatial boundless aura to transmit faintly, is a giant beast lies to the feeling of person there likely. 圣庭宝库的外面也有强者坐镇,远处的一片营地之中有巍峨磅礴的气息隐隐传來,给人的感觉像是一尊巨兽卧在那里。 Is the god Tianjue mansion person, Master Shen Tianjue to the Saint courtyard treasure house also is really not general regarding as important.” Feng Feiyun wears dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, as before careful concealment own personal appearance, here is the god Tianjue mansion person, once makes them know that some people come out from the Saint courtyard treasure house, even if he has revealed the token of Bu Tian pavilion, can perhaps by suppress and kill. “都是神天爵府的人,神天爵爷对圣庭宝库还真不是一般的看重。”风飞云穿着龙鳞凤皮衣,依旧小心的隐匿自己的身形,这里都是神天爵府的人,一旦让他们知道有人从圣庭宝库之中出來,就算他亮出了补天阁的令牌,说不定都会被镇杀 Here definitely already has been listed as the restricted area same place. 这里肯定都已经被列为了禁地一样的地方。 Had Feng Feiyun, Grandfather Bi and Demoness this group of talented people to rush in the Saint courtyard treasure house from other place luckily, otherwise protected these powerhouses of Saint clan to estimate that was kept in the dark for a lifetime. 幸好有风飞云毕姥爷女魔这群人才从别的地方闯进了圣庭宝库,要不然护圣一族的那些强者估计一辈子都被蒙在鼓里。 Feng Feiyun a patrol sergeant of leaving behind patting, with the flame his body firing the flying ash, then puts on his armor, changes his appearance, entered in the patrol team haughtily. 风飞云将一个落单的巡逻军士给拍死,用火焰将他的身体给烧成飞灰,然后穿上他的铠甲,变化成他的模样,大模大样的走进了巡逻队伍之中。 Nobility masters already of major boundaries arrive at the Saint courtyard, tomorrow will be held the pledge rally state banquet in the Saint courtyard control palace, when the time comes definitely will be a wind and cloud border meeting.” “各大境的爵爷都已经來到圣庭,明天将会在圣庭主宰宫举行誓师国宴,到时候肯定又将是一场风云际会。” Feng Feiyun heard patrol speaking voice of sergeant, the heart moved, the nobility masters of major boundaries came to result in the Saint courtyard unexpectedly, this exactly was what happened. 风飞云听到了一位巡逻的军士的说话声,心头不禁一动,各大境的爵爷竟然都來得了圣庭,这到底是发生什么事。 Therefore he has encircled, said with a smile: Several brothers your this was saying anything, any pledge rally state banquet, how I have not heard.” 于是他围了过去,笑道:“几位兄弟你们这是在说什么,什么誓师国宴,我怎么从來都沒有听说过。” Haha, your boy was too friendless and unlearned, this time how sixth Yang Dynasty wants thorough elimination netherworld, nobility masters already of major boundaries led the army to arrive at the Saint courtyard, now the armies of major boundaries guard in the Saint boundary fight the territory, only waited for issuing an order of Master Shen Tianjue, then directly killed netherworld, this was the merit covers the century the grand occasion.” “哈哈,你小子太孤陋寡闻了,这次咋们第六中央王朝是要彻底的消灭阴间界,各大境的爵爷都已经率领大军來到了圣庭,现在各大境的军队就驻守在圣境斗域,只等神天爵爷的一声令下,便径直的杀去阴间界,这可是功盖千秋的盛事。” clear(ly) Tiansheng courtyard control will be placed the pledge rally state banquet in the control palace, when the time comes not only the nobility masters of major boundaries all will arrive, talent outstanding of major boundaries will also be assemble, discusses together the punitive expedition netherworld important matter.” “明天圣庭主宰将会在主宰宫摆誓师国宴,到时候不仅各大境的爵爷会悉数到场,各大境的天才俊杰也会齐聚一堂,共商讨伐阴间界的大计。” I heard how , is not only the sixth Yang Dynasty member, other Yang Dynasty talent and overlord will arrive.” “我听说不仅是咋们第六中央王朝的修士,还有别的中央王朝的才俊和霸主会到來。” Monster Clan will have the powerhouse to be a guest.” 妖族也会有强者过來做客。” ...... …… The Feng Feiyun deep knitting the brows head, always thought that this matter will not be simple, since Saint courtyard deterioration, the nobility masters of major boundaries again simultaneously have not gathered crosses, this time pledge rally state banquet absolutely is for 30,000 years the first time. 风飞云深深的皱了皱眉头,总觉得这件事不会那么简单,自从圣庭积弱之后,各大境的爵爷就再也沒有同时聚集在一起过,这次的誓师国宴绝对是30000年來的第一次。 Has the issue, has the major problem. 有问題,有大问題。 Feng Feiyun retreating quietly, left the garrison camp in Saint courtyard treasure house. 风飞云悄然的退走,离开了圣庭宝库的驻军营地。 Feng Feiyun arrived at quadrangle star Immortal City, here leaves the Saint courtyard control palace to be very near, is quite lively, the head/number of people shivers, heavy traffic. 风飞云來到了中庭星的一座仙城,这里离圣庭主宰宫很近,相当繁华,人头颤动,车水马龙。 Perhaps is reason that because the nobility masters of major boundaries catch up with the Saint courtyard, this Immortal City compared with toward saying appears prosperous. 或许是因为各大境的爵爷都赶來圣庭的原因,这一座仙城比往曰显得更加的繁盛。 In a while, Mao Wugui looked for Feng Feiyun. 沒过多久,茅乌龟就找上了风飞云 Said that millennium turtle ten thousand years of tortoise, the life of turtle is hardest, mother, the life of your this fellow is simply harder than the life of turtle.” Mao Wugui crawled on the table, was slightly impolite, but actually got up one glass of liquor to oneself. “都说千年乌龟万年王八,乌龟的命最硬,妈的,你这家伙的命简直比乌龟的命还要硬。”茅乌龟爬到了桌子上,丝毫都不客气,就给自己倒上了一杯酒。 Feng Feiyun sits in three buildings in restaurant, closes right up against the window, on the table is suspending several precious famous cuisine, has selected pot good spirit liquor. 风飞云坐在一座酒楼的三楼上,靠着窗户,桌上摆着几个珍奇的名菜,点了一壶上好的灵酒。 Can see outside vista by the window, has to ride Spirit Beast to go through the streets, but formidable member, some trades Spirit Artifact and valuable medicine old taoist priest. 透过窗户能够看到外面的街景,有骑着灵兽穿街而过的强大修士,也有一些贩卖灵器、宝药的老道士。 In the immortal palace in distant place hears the wonderful singing sound, some good-looking man beautiful women ascend the Exalted Immortal palace, some were reading poems to make the tax, some blood energy side just talents to wrestle the beautiful woman favored, fought with another youngster talent ratio, the ray shuttle of Spirit Artifact in the expansive sky, fought the sound to be unceasing. 远处的仙宫之中传來美妙的歌声,有一个个俊男美人登上仙宫,有的在吟诗作赋,有的血气方刚的才俊为搏佳人青睐,与另一位少年才俊比斗起來,灵器的光芒穿梭在长空,战声不绝。 Many stories pass from tranquil such night, perhaps tomorrow morning will have some heavenly talent powerful to rise, fights the becoming famous world knowledge, then has left behind a loose charming story with some beautiful woman. 很多故事都是从这样平静的夜晚传出去,或许明早又有某位天骄强势崛起,一战成名天下知,然后与某位美人留下了一段风流佳话。 How you found my.” Feng Feiyun sits before the window, has drunk liquor gently, is bringing several points of curiosity. “你是怎么找到我的。”风飞云坐在窗前,轻轻的饮了一口酒,带着几分好奇。 Hehe, was actually not I found you, but was my grandson knows that you came out from the Saint courtyard treasure house, leading me to look for you.” “嘿嘿,却不是我找到你,而是我孙子知道你从圣庭宝库之中出來了,带我过來找你。” Sacred Fruit departs from the Mao Wugui tortoise shell, to Feng Feiyun respectful calling out: Has seen the uncle.” 圣实果茅乌龟的龟壳之中飞出,对着风飞云恭恭敬敬的叫道:“见过二大爷。” Feng Feiyun said: How only to remain your grandfather and grandson, the Grandfather Bi grandfather and grandson also has Sir Demoness to go to where.” 风飞云道:“怎么就只剩你们祖孙俩,毕姥爷祖孙俩还有女魔大人去哪里了。” How this time to get rich in the Saint courtyard treasure house, because divides the booty unevenly, has made slightly some contradictory, that two three hands and Sir Demoness on the bar, both sides were jealous, our masters two slide luckily quickly, otherwise definitely also will be curled goes.” “这次咋们在圣庭宝库之中发了大财,但是因为分赃不均,闹了一些小矛盾,那两个三只手和女魔大人杠上了,双方都很眼红,幸好我们爷两溜得快,不然肯定也会被卷进去。” The Feng Feiyun forehead braves the heavy line, said: Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai dare with the Female Monster bar on, they not to fear that was looted one Spirit Stone grain not to remain by Female Monster.” 风飞云的额头冒黑线,道:“毕姥爷毕宁帅敢和女魔头杠上,难道他们不怕被女魔头洗劫得一个灵石粒都不剩。” Mao Wugui said: That is uncertain, their side uses to steal, a side uses to snatch, was this capable person in aspect, Grandfather Bi said that Female Monster did not have the technique content, should take everybody to divide Spirit Stone that she gathered together, Female Monster said that Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai worked insufficiently frankly, did not match the master who made the treasure, should make them take the treasure, gave her to take care temporarily, such two sides on bar.” 茅乌龟道:“那可不一定,他们一方用偷,一方用抢,都是这方面的能人,毕姥爷女魔头沒有技术含量,应该将她收取的灵石拿出來大家一起分了,女魔头毕姥爷毕宁帅做事不够光明磊落,不配做宝物的主人,应该让他们将宝物都拿出來,交给她暂时保管,就这样两方就杠了起來。” Feng Feiyun is crazy, said: Looting Saint courtyard treasure house...... The words said that this and frank does not touch on slightly completely.” 风飞云狂汗,道:“洗劫圣庭宝库……话说这和光明磊落也完全不沾边嘛。” Who did not say that Female Monster was in a rage Grandfather Bi hitting half dead, stood in Bi Ningshuai that the one side has not spoken gives has punched crazily, hit bleeds profusely from the head, but this master grandson two worthily were the magical powers gate successors, time of escape first-class, finally escaped in the hand of Female Monster, Female Monster then pursued afterward, does not know that overtook.” “谁说不是呢,女魔头一怒之下将毕姥爷给打了一个半死,就连站在一旁沒有说话的毕宁帅都给狂揍了一顿,打得七窍流血,不过这爷孙两不愧是神通门的传人,逃命的功夫一流,最终在女魔头的手中逃脱,女魔头随后便追了上去,也不知追上了沒有。” ...... …… Three chapters finished, tonight early morning also has, tomorrow is on Monday, the new week hopes that everybody wishes the stinking ninth category to clash the list, quiet was very long, should attack, otherwise Spirit-Vessel must drop out the list, when the time comes asks everybody's fresh flower and distinguished guest, to stamp, the concave-convex ticket, to subscribe and collect, so long as can ask, how to strive. 三章完毕,今晚凌晨还有更,明天就是星期一,新的一周希望大家祝老九冲榜,沉寂了很久了,该冲击了一下了,不然灵舟就要掉出榜单了,到时候求大家的鲜花、贵宾、盖章、凹凸票、订阅、收藏,只要是能求的,咋们都求。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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