SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1061: Protects a Saint clan

Haha, no wonder, no wonder......” Feng Feiyun long has smiled. “哈哈,难怪,难怪……”风飞云长笑了起來。 You are smiling anything.” Protects a that clan old sinking sound said of Saint clan. “你在笑什么。”护圣一族的那一位族老沉声道。 Feng Feiyun said: No wonder you do not know that now Saint courtyard deterioration, the control is incompetent, entire sixth Yang Dynasty was given the control by Master Shen Tianjue, to make the feudal lord depend on the emperor, the present Saint courtyard control let alone is to see Master Shen Tianjue, was saw the nobility masters who these major boundaries must shrink, had respectfully......” 风飞云道:“难怪你们不知道现在圣庭积弱,主宰无能,整个第六中央王朝都被神天爵爷给掌控,挟天子以令诸侯,现在的圣庭主宰别说是见到神天爵爷,就是见到那些各大境的爵爷都要畏畏缩缩,恭敬有加……” Nonsense, the Saint courtyard control is unsurpassed dignified existence, the entire sixth Yang Dynasty Ruler of Heaven, was given how possibly the control by trivial Master Shen Tianjue.” “胡说,圣庭主宰乃是无上威严的存在,整个第六中央王朝的真宰,怎么可能被区区一个神天爵爷给掌控。” Protects a that clan of Saint clan old to turn toward the Feng Feiyun bang to kill once more, the air/Qi resulted in the hair to stand, thought that Feng Feiyun controlled in the insult Saint courtyard, this was the capital crime. 护圣一族的那一位族老再次向着风飞云轰杀过來,气得头发都立了起來,觉得风飞云是在侮辱圣庭主宰,这是死罪。 Simultaneously also has a powerhouse of many protecting Saint clan to catch up, assumes the four directions. 同时还有更多的护圣一族的强者赶來,坐镇四方。 Aura rushing likely are stars float in the vault of heaven, they heard the Feng Feiyun wild talk, murderous aura is steaming, must the fellow who this is degrading the Saint prestige writing off. 一个个都气息滂湃像是一颗颗星辰悬浮在天穹,他们都听到了风飞云的妄言,杀气腾腾,要将这个有辱圣威的家伙给抹杀。 Too was really bold, dares so to disrespect unexpectedly the control, must defeat the bone to raise the ash him.” “实在太大胆了,竟然敢如此不敬主宰,必须要将他挫骨扬灰。” Despises the law of the land, the contempt control, frustrated the bone to raise the ash is cheap he.” “藐视王法,轻视主宰,挫骨扬灰都是便宜他了。” ...... …… Protects many powerhouses of Saint clan very much air/Qi the anger, thinks is the impudent remarks. 护圣一族的很多强者都很气怒,觉得的都是混账话。 Protects a that clan of Saint clan old is very naturally formidable, already arrived at certain altitude in the Ascension boundary, Feng Feiyun has and drawn back , and war, long said with a smile: Ignorant person who one crowd hoodwinked, now the Saint courtyard controls by the bad man is controlled, the beloved imperial concubines by the heir apparent insult of nobility mansion, have not been dared to make widely known, the Saint courtyard non- Saint, controls like the dog, this clansman by your this crowd of protection Saint courtyards was given the evil.” 护圣一族的那位族老自然很强大,已经羽化境走到了一定的高度,风飞云且退且战,长笑道:“一群被人蒙蔽的无知之人,如今圣庭主宰被歹人控制,就连心爱的妃子都被爵府的世子侮辱,还不敢张扬,圣庭不圣,主宰如狗,这都是被你们这群守护圣庭的族人给害的。” When the Saint courtyard control is insulted, you where.” “在圣庭主宰受辱的时候,你们在哪里。” „When Saint imperial concubine is insulted, you where.” “圣妃受辱之时,你们又在哪里。” Also dares saying that protects a Saint clan, I thought that you change name to by the muddled clan are considered as finished.” “还敢自称是护圣一族,我看你们改名被糊涂一族算了。” The Feng Feiyun long laughter spreads over the entire Saint courtyard treasure house, the sound enlightens the benighted, all was protected a clansman of Saint clan hearing. 风飞云的长笑声传遍整个圣庭宝库,声音振聋发聩,被所有护圣一族的族人给听到。 Nonsense, Saint courtyard control merit covers immeasurably, nobody can control him.” “胡说,圣庭主宰功盖无量,沒有人能够控制他。” Nobody can insult the control, that will only die without the burial ground.” “沒有人能侮辱主宰,那只会死无葬身之地。” ...... …… Protects a person of Saint clan to clench jaws, thought that Feng Feiyun this is controls in the insult Saint courtyard, simultaneously some people have revealed the color/look of thinking deeply. 护圣一族的人都咬牙切齿,觉得风飞云这是在侮辱圣庭主宰,同时其中有些人露出了深思之色。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: 10,000 years ago, the Saint courtyard bitter experience biggest shame, including the Saint courtyard control, imperial concubine, the Saint princess and Saint imperial prince, was kidnapped netherworld by three king of netherworld, has encountered the shame, afterward the Saint courtyard controlled by Master Shen Tianjue is given to retrieve, henceforth the Saint courtyard control became the Master Shen Tianjue puppet......” 风飞云笑道:“10000年前,圣庭遭遇最大的耻辱,包括圣庭主宰、妃子、圣公主、圣皇子,都被阴间界的三大王者劫持到了阴间界,遭到了羞辱,后來圣庭主宰被神天爵爷给救回,从此圣庭主宰就成为了神天爵爷的傀儡……” You court death, dares to bring disgrace on the Saint courtyard to control unexpectedly, nobody can save you.” Protected many member of Saint clan to launch the attack to Feng Feiyun, the magical powers magic arts has shelled. “你找死,竟然敢辱沒圣庭主宰,沒有人能够救得了你。”护圣一族的很多修士都对风飞云发起了攻击,神通道法都轰击了过去。 Feng Feiyun as before appears serene, said with a smile: We have stolen several treasure that's all in Saint courtyard treasure house, but Master Shen Tianjue steals is actually the entire Saint courtyard, you believe also well, does not believe also well, this is the fact, from now on the history will investigate, you will protect a Saint clan to take the blame for biggest.” 风飞云依旧显得风轻云淡,笑道:“我们不过只是窃取了圣庭宝库之中的几件宝物罢了,但是神天爵爷窃取的却是整个圣庭,你们信也好,不信也好,这就是事实,今后历史追究起來,你们护圣一族要背负最大的罪名。” The Feng Feiyun sound really has energy, is not lying likely, protects a Saint clan to have the intelligent person many, naturally can determine the words genuine and fake that he said. 风飞云的声音实在太有底气,并不像是在说谎,护圣一族不乏有聪慧之人,自然能够判定他所说的话的真假。 All people protect a member of Saint clan to be startled, suddenly does not know that should get rid, the arms of many person are shivering. 所有人护圣一族的修士都被怔住,一时间都不知道该不该出手,很多人的手臂都在颤抖。 At this time, in remote void heard old sigh, 30,000 years ago, the control ordered, assigned us to protect a Saint clan to protect the Saint courtyard treasure house for generations, cannot tread Saint courtyard treasure house half-step, these for 30,000 years we respectfully followed the Saint command of control, never went out of the Saint courtyard treasure house, 30,000 years, 30,000 years, we have isolated with the outside were too long, such remote time passed by, outside exactly had anything.” 这个时候,遥远的虚空之中传來一声苍老的叹息声,“30000年前,主宰下令,命我们护圣一族世世代代守护圣庭宝库,不能踏出圣庭宝库半步,这30000年來我们都谨遵主宰的圣令,从未走出圣庭宝库,30000年了,30000年了,我们与外界隔绝了太久,这么久远的时间过去,外面到底都发生了一些什么。” In the Saint courtyard treasure house, all protects a member of Saint clan to kneel down on the ground, is very neat. 圣庭宝库之中,所有护圣一族的修士都跪倒在地上,十分整齐。 Feng Feiyun naturally also heard this old sound, but he wanted to seek for that sound the source actually unable to find, resembled that sound to come from the day, from came in all directions, likely was a voice of god. 风飞云自然也听到了这个苍老的声音,但是他想要寻找那声音的源头却又根本找不到,就好像那声音是从天外而來,从四面八方而來,像是一位神的声音。 This is an unsurpassed powerhouse, cultivation base is extremely scary. 这是一位无上强者,修为极其吓人。 Feng Feiyun knows that the opposite party has not killed his meaning, or can want his life to the thought of opposite party. 风飞云知道对方并沒有杀他的意思,要不到对方的一个念头就能要他的性命。 No wonder and other fierce and ambitious characters does not dare to hit the attention of Saint courtyard treasure house by Master Shen Tianjue that originally in this unexpectedly so terrifying existences. 难怪以神天爵爷那等枭雄人物都不敢打圣庭宝库的注意,原來这里面竟然有一尊如此恐怖的存在。 We have protected a Saint clan since the Middle Ages on the already establishment, protects the Saint courtyard, goes on an expedition the world for the control, so long as we , the Saint courtyard do not extinguish, is these for 30,000 years, we actually in the side of control, as if really do not leave too for a long time.” “我们护圣一族自中古以來就已经成立,守护圣庭,为主宰征战天下,只要我们在,圣庭就不灭,可是这30000年來,我们却并不在主宰的身边,似乎真的离开得太久了。” One group of golden yellow radiance fly from void, in radiance is wrapping a height three zhang (3.33 m) person's shadow, puts on the golden armor, grasps the thunderclap battle axe, although seems already is quite old, but actually as before gives people a strength feeling of sweeping away all obstacles. 一团金黄色的光华从虚空之中飞來,光华之中包裹着一尊身高三丈的人影,穿着黄金铠甲,手持霹雳战斧,虽然看上去已经颇为苍老,但是却依旧给人一种所向披靡的力量感。 His body has a bright mighty force, is passing an ancient strength, is historical somebody collects likely from the books, likely is a true Spiritual God, letting the person has to submit. 他的身上有着一股煌煌伟力,透着一种古老的劲力,像是历史上的某个人从书卷之中凑出,像是一尊真正的神灵,让人不得不臣服。 Feng Feiyun has also held breath a cold air/Qi, this person's shadow and that half Saint shadow is together exactly the same. 风飞云也是倒吸了一口冷气,这一尊人影和那一道半圣影子一模一样。 ...... This is his main body. 难道……难道这就是他的本尊。 This is -and-a-half Saints. 这是一位半圣。 Pays a visit to protect the Saint war-god.” These protect a member of Saint clan to kneel on the ground, wears the great perspiration of golden armor to respect to this. “拜见护圣战神。”那些护圣一族的修士跪在地上,对这个身穿金甲的巨汗十分尊敬。 Protects the Saint war-god slowly arrives at the Feng Feiyun front, the sound is vigorous, said: I recognize you, is you awakens from the deep sleep me, I in the place bottom deep sleep, you touch wisp of air/Qi that I kept, making me induce the Saint courtyard treasure house danger, therefore woke.” 护圣战神徐徐的走到风飞云的面前,声音浑厚,道:“我认得你,是你将我从沉睡之中唤醒,我就在地底沉睡,你触动了我留下來的一缕气,让我感应到了圣庭宝库危险,所以才醒了过來。” Protects the Saint war-god the body to pass a tyrant prestige, likely is the war-god being near world, if other person definitely is unable to stand in his front, that will be given the pressure to kneel by him in the ground all at once. 护圣战神的身上透着一股霸威,像是战神临世,若是别的人在他的面前肯定无法站立,会被他身上的那一股气给压跪在地上。 The body of Feng Feiyun is straight like a spear/gun, neither arrogant nor servile say/way: Your already has achieved the boundary of half Saint.” 风飞云的身体直得就像一杆枪,不卑不亢的道:“你已经达到了半圣的境界。” Protects the Saint war-god already not to reply is, does not have the reply is not, said: In your body has 80 together Phoenix Bones, what you cultivation is Phoenix Monster Clan unsurpassed merit law «Undying Phoenix Physique», you win that together Phoenix Bones, to cultivation «Undying Phoenix Physique» to a big sidereal revolution, but you may know that the significance of that together Phoenix Bones to Saint courtyard, after that has represented a Phoenix Monster Clan monster, owes the favor of Saint courtyard.” 护圣战神既沒有回答是,也沒有回答不是,道:“你的身体之中有80一块凤骨,你修炼的乃是凤凰妖族的无上功法《不死凤凰身》,你夺走那一块凤骨,就是为了将《不死凤凰身》修炼到一个大的周天,但是你可知道那一块凤骨对圣庭的意义,那代表了凤凰妖族的一位妖后欠圣庭的一个人情。” Feng Feiyun said: Phoenix Monster Clan is very proud, observes commitment, even if no Phoenix Bones, if the Saint courtyard wants to return to the favor, they also definitely.” 风飞云道:“凤凰妖族十分骄傲,信守承诺,就算沒有凤骨,圣庭若是想要要回人情,她们也肯定会还。” But you were refine to melt Phoenix Bones eventually, no one can change this fact, I protect a war-god of Saint clan, had the absolute reason to strike to kill you.” Protects the Saint war-god cold sound said. “可是你终究是炼化了凤骨,谁都改变不了这个事实,我乃是护圣一族的战神,有绝对的理由击杀你。”护圣战神冷声道。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: You , to kill me, had already gotten rid, why with me said that many idle talk, I guess...... You have the matter to ask me.” 风飞云笑道:“你若是想要杀我,早就出手了,何必和我说那么多的废话,我猜……你是有事求我吧。” Bold, you may know oneself are speaking with whom.” Protects a clan of Saint clan old fierce to drink. “大胆,你可知道自己是在和谁说话。”护圣一族的一位族老厉声一喝。 Protected the Saint war-god to stare at that clan old one, that clan old has drawn back at once. 护圣战神盯了那个族老一眼,那一位族老旋即退了下去。 Protects the holy war shintoism: You said that Saint courtyard deterioration, controls is controlled by Master Shen Tianjue, falls into the mud, this...... I believe you.” 护圣战神道:“你说圣庭积弱,主宰被神天爵爷掌控,身陷泥泞,这个……我信你。” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Why you believe me, you did not fear that my this is only the idea of withdrawing.” 风飞云笑道:“你为何信我,你不怕我这只是脱身之计。” In my your body has several Phoenix Bones to see clearly, you thought that I can unable to hear clearly the truth and lie.” “我连你身体之中有几块凤骨都能看清,你觉得我能听不清真话和假话。” Protects the Saint war-god to be indeed fierce, cultivation base is much more formidable, the Feng Feiyun already use fifty technique has covered secret, twisted the physique, but was actually seen through by his one eyes. 护圣战神的确厉害,修为强大得吓人,风飞云已经使用大衍术掩盖了身上的天机,扭曲了体质,但是却还是被他一眼看穿。 It seems like I have not gone to Moonwater Wonderland really am a correct decision, Shui Yueting cultivation base, definitely protects above the Saint war-god, if saw her, definitely will be seen my actual situation by her one eyes. 看來我沒有去水月天境真的是一个正确的决定,水月婷修为,肯定还是护圣战神之上,若是见到了她,肯定会被她一眼看出我的虚实來。 Protects the Saint war-god the complexion becomes some sorrow Ku, deep sighed, however such facial expression also merely flashed to pass, was quick his vision also to be then verve fearful, said: Controls the Sir to be insulted like this, we protect a Saint clan to take full responsibility.” 护圣战神的脸色变得有些哀苦,深深的一叹,但是这样的神情也仅仅只是一闪而逝,很快他的目光便又刚猛慑人了起來,道:“主宰大人遭受这样的侮辱,我们护圣一族要负全责啊。” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Since thought oneself are responsible, that kills the Saint courtyard treasure house, goes to and Master Shen Tianjue fights high, so long as cutting to kill Master Shen Tianjue, then naturally was also the hero in Saint courtyard.” 风飞云笑道:“既然觉得自己有责任,那就杀出圣庭宝库,去和神天爵爷一战高下,只要将神天爵爷给斩杀,那么自然也就算是圣庭的功臣了。” Protects the Saint war-god to shake the head, said: We are receive order of control to guard the Saint courtyard treasure house, cannot leave half-step, before entering Saint courtyard treasure house, we protect Saint clan all clansmen to pledge, the pledge cannot violate.” 护圣战神摇了摇头,道:“我们乃是接到主宰的命令镇守圣庭宝库,不能离开半步,在进入圣庭宝库之前,我们护圣一族所有族人都发过誓,誓言不能违背。” Oh, since you such have the principle, that did not have the means that you here protected for a lifetime.” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. ,既然你们这么有原则,那沒办法了,你们就在这里守护一辈子吧。”风飞云笑道。 Protects the holy war shintoism: No, so long as we can obtain now the Saint command of Saint courtyard control, summoned us to exit, then we are not considered as that violates the pledge.” 护圣战神道:“不,只要我们能够得到现在圣庭主宰的圣令,召唤我们出去,那么我们就不算是违背誓言。” Feng Feiyun shook the head, said: Two points you need to be clear, first, Master Shen Tianjue, since controlled the Saint courtyard to control, then definitely will not make him contact the Saint courtyard treasure house, even if the Saint courtyard control has issued the Saint command, is unable to transmit in your hands absolutely.” 风飞云摇了摇头,道:“有两点你们需要清楚,第一,神天爵爷既然控制了圣庭主宰,那么就肯定不会让他接触到圣庭宝库,就算圣庭主宰下达了圣令,也绝对无法传达你们的手中。” Second, your already pledged that cannot leave the Saint courtyard treasure house, how then also to seek the Saint courtyard control to ask for the clever Saint command to you.” “第二,你们都已经发誓不能出圣庭宝库,那么又怎么去求圣庭主宰给你们讨贼的圣令。” The Feng Feiyun voice just fell, the feeling atmosphere very much does not suit, discovered that the vision of all people are staring at him. 风飞云的话音刚落,就感觉气氛很不对劲,发现所有人的目光都盯着他。 You...... Does your this is do, I may state beforehand, Master Shen Tianjue cultivation base is very fearful, I do not want to offend this archenemy.” Feng Feiyun said. “你们……你们这是干嘛,我可事先声明了,神天爵爷修为很可怕,我可不想得罪这一尊大敌。”风飞云道。 Protects the holy war shintoism: You have not chosen, you refine to melt Phoenix Bones, on already was the capital crime, you only then went to invite the control Saint command to be able for us to make up for one's faults by good deeds, otherwise I can now suppress and kill you.” 护圣战神道:“你沒有选择,你炼化了凤骨,就已经是死罪,你只有去为我们请來主宰圣令才能将功补过,不然我现在就能镇杀你。” Feng Feiyun said: I and Master Shen Tianjue do not have the enmity without the injustice, why I must help you cope with him, the matter of this doing a thankless job, I am why dry, if you must kill, that kills.” 风飞云道:“我和神天爵爷无冤无仇,我为何要帮你们去对付他,这种吃力不讨好的事,我为什么要干,你若是要杀,那就杀吧。” At this time negotiated already to start. 这个时候谈判已经开始了。 Feng Feiyun calculates that protects the Saint war-god not to kill him certainly, therefore displays a dead pig not to fear from the beginning boiling water hot appearance, initiative firmly grasps in own hand, like this negotiates, can gain more benefits for oneself. 风飞云算准护圣战神不会杀他,所以一开始就表现出一幅死猪不怕开水烫的样子,将主动权牢牢的掌握在自己的手中,这样谈判起來,才能为自己争取到更多的利益。 renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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