SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1060: Nirvana 9th-layer

The news of netherworld attack Saint courtyard spreads over the world within the extremely short time, vibrates entire sixth Yang Dynasty, making the people think 10,000 years ago that shame. 阴间界攻击圣庭的消息在极短的时间之内传遍天下,震动整个第六中央王朝,让人们不由的想到了10000年前的那一次耻辱。 This was too simply crazy, the sixth Yang Dynasty representative, but the clan of human. 这简直太疯狂了,第六中央王朝代表的可是人类的一族。 This clan place of the highest rule was almost actually captured, was given to seize by one group of evil people, this simply is the funny matter. 这一族的最高统治之地却差一点被攻陷,被一群邪人给占领,这简直就是滑稽至极的事。 In youngster heart of each sixth Yang Dynasty warm-blooded was stimulated, resentful, must to a netherworld lesson, otherwise cannot set up the prestige of sixth Yang Dynasty.” 每一个第六中央王朝的少年心中的热血都被激发出來,愤懑不已,“一定要给阴间界一个教训,不然不能立第六中央王朝之威。” On the same day also has the person of high skill of older generation to come out to take a stand: Sixth Yang Dynasty is abundance of capable people, the latent talent, how could was insulted by one group of evil people, must fight, must fight, breaks through Gate of Death, levelling off netherworld.” 同一天也有老一辈的高人出來表态:“第六中央王朝人才济济,藏龙卧虎,岂能被一帮邪人欺辱,要战,必须要战,攻破鬼门关,夷平阴间界。” The sounds of powerful resound above this stretch of earth, is requests the Saint courtyard to issue the holy war command, thorough extermination netherworld. 一个个强势的声音在这一片大地之上响起,都是要求圣庭下达圣战令,彻底诛灭阴间界。 On this day, Saint courtyard has the news to spread, Master Shen Tianjue outside closed up practices to return.” 这一日,圣庭有消息传出,“神天爵爷在界外闭关修行归來了。” This news just spread then starts the giant mighty waves. 这个消息刚刚传出便又掀起巨大的波澜。 The hearsay hundred years ago, Master Shen Tianjue went outside to practice, in the Saint courtyard only then his did several things at the same time to assume personal command, suppression four directions. 传闻在百年之前,神天爵爷就去了界外修行,圣庭之中只有他的一具分身坐镇,镇压四方。 The Master Shen Tianjue what kind of character, absolutely is the sixth Yang Dynasty first overlord, fierce and ambitious general existence, once led troops to enter netherworld, then Saint courtyard control will give to retrieve, may be called supernaturally brave invincible. 神天爵爷何等人物,绝对是第六中央王朝的第一霸主,枭雄一般的存在,曾经带兵杀入阴间界,将当时的圣庭主宰给救回,堪称神勇无敌。 Merely one wisp does several things at the same time to assume in one Yang Dynasty, making all people dread, now his main body returned is also tyrannical to the what kind of degree. 仅仅一缕分身就能坐镇一个中央王朝,让所有人畏惧,如今他的本尊归來又强横到何等程度了。 Master Shen Tianjue is not Saint courtyard controls that weak and incompetent generation, wait and see, his main body, since returns, definitely will have a big movement.” 神天爵爷可不是圣庭主宰那种软弱无能之辈,等着瞧吧,他的本尊既然归來,肯定将会有一番大动作。” Some people in guessing Master Shen Tianjue have now achieved the what kind of boundary, after all before he went outside to practice has achieved an extremely terrifying boundary on already, now practices return already cultivation base to be perhaps complete. 有的人则在猜测神天爵爷现在达到了何等境界,毕竟在他去界外修行之前就已经达到了一个极其恐怖的境界,现在修行归來说不定已经修为圆满了。 The same day of Master Shen Tianjue return went to the Saint courtyard control palace to seek an interview the Saint courtyard to control, in the afternoon the Saint courtyard control had then issued the Saint command, „the boundary Lord who summoned the sixth Yang Dynasty 148 boundaries, within ten days entered the Saint courtyard to see right in front of one control.” 神天爵爷归來的当天就去圣庭主宰宫求见了圣庭主宰,当天下午圣庭主宰便下达了圣令,“召第六中央王朝148境的境主,十天之内进圣庭面见主宰。” Meanwhile, secret imperial edicts depart the Saint courtyard control palace, passed to the major boundary main hands in abundance. 与此同时,一封封密诏飞出圣庭主宰宫,纷纷传到了各大境主的手中。 leaf Hongjing commanding general secret imperial edict close slowly, on the face brings to wipe the faint smiling face. 叶红境主将密诏缓缓的合上,脸上带着一抹淡淡的笑容。 Boundary Lord, Master Shen Tianjue also has any movement.” Although Liu Suzi is extremely bright, but is actually not fully correct the idea of Master Shen Tianjue this grade of character. “境主,神天爵爷又有什么动作。”琉苏紫虽然冰雪聪明,但是却猜不透神天爵爷这等人物的想法。 This secret imperial edict seems like is the Saint courtyard control hands down from generation to generation, actually above is the meaning of Master Shen Tianjue, the Saint courtyard control is only a puppet. 这封密诏看似乃是圣庭主宰传下來,其实上面都是神天爵爷的意思,圣庭主宰不过只是一个傀儡。 leaf Hongjing the main King expansive sky, said with a smile: Must have the earthquake , helping me transmit orders the territory hosts to leaf Hongjing 8654 territories, limits them within five days I conform with 1 million member absolute elite, each must achieve above the Nirvana boundary.” 叶红境主王者长空,笑道:“要发生大地震了,去帮我传令给叶红境8654域的域主,限他们在五天之内给我整合一支1000000位修士的绝对精锐,每一个都必须达到涅槃境以上。” Territory 1 million elite, must achieve above the Nirvana boundary, this difficulty was too big, definitely some territories could not find these many powerhouses.” The Liu Suzi heart vibrates very much. “一座域1000000位精锐,都要达到涅槃境以上,这难度实在太大了,肯定有的域找不到这么多的强者。”琉苏紫的心头很是震动。 leaf Hongjing the principal point the nod, the vision became the ice is fierce, said: These territories main will always have the means that if who does not sufficiently collect these many powerhouses, then he can not be the territory Lord.” 叶红境主点了点头,目光变得凌烈起來,道:“那些域主总是会有办法,若是谁凑不够这么多强者,那么他就可以不做域主了。” A territory transfers 1 million armies, an army of boundary will be many people. 一座域调动1000000大军,一个境的军队将会是多少人。 Such reassignment, few times, it seems like that this time want the realistic qualifications since the ancient times. 这样的调动,自古以來也沒有几次,看來这次是要动真资格的了。 This is a big disturbance, sweeps across entire sixth Yang Dynasty, each boundary and each territory seethed with excitement. 这是一场大风波,席卷整个第六中央王朝,每一境、每一域都沸腾起來了。 Everybody knows that this netherworld the actions, aroused the anger of Saint courtyard truly. 大家都知道这一次阴间界的所作所为,真正的激起了圣庭的怒火。 Must have and between fight. 要发生界与界之间的战斗了。 ...... …… The space storm incomparable four plunder, this is not the genuine wind, but is the strength that the different spaces rub mutually interlock to have. 空间风暴无比肆掠,这不是真正的风,而是不同空间相互摩擦交错产生的力量。 Three real stoves ups and downs in the space storm. 三位真火炉就沉浮在空间风暴之中。 In three real stoves 80 together Phoenix Bones float, forms a faint person's shadow, many flame shuttle back and forth in the person's shadow, gradually, the person's shadow becomes more and more congealing reality. 三位真火炉之中80一块凤骨悬浮,形成一个淡淡的人影,有很多火焰在人影之中穿梭,渐渐的,人影变得越來越凝实。 The consciousness of Feng Feiyun recovers once more, this is a brand-new feeling, the feeling of really after likely is dies, to live. 风飞云的意识再次复苏,这是一次全新的感觉,真的像是死后又活过來的感觉。 The Feng Feiyun train of thought becomes more and more well-illuminated, the issue that before could not think through such as is enlightened now, wants to understand in abundance. 风飞云的思绪变得越來越通明,一个个以前想不通的问題现在都如醍醐灌顶,纷纷想明白了过來。 Looked like was reborn generally, the whole person becomes is completely different. 就像是脱胎换骨了一般,整个人变得完全不一样了。 Since the ancient times only then few several people have achieved Nirvana 9th-layer, for historically the greatest several people, this is the boundary that they achieved at that time.” “自古以來只有为数不多的几个人达到了涅槃第九重,为历史上最伟大的几个人,这难道就是他们当时达到的境界。” Feng Feiyun closing eye gently, innumerable truth and rules clear incomparable, continuously flame has fluttered from the body, can the clear feeling their strength intensities, even can feel their life. 风飞云轻轻的闭上眼睛,无数道理和规则都清晰无比,一缕缕火焰从身体周围飘过,都能够清晰的感觉到它们的力量强度,甚至能够感受到它们的生命。 All things have the life, flame are no exception. 万事万物都有生命,火焰也不例外。 Three taste real stoves have life, the space also has the life, the dust of ground also has the life. 三味真火炉也有生命,空间也有生命,地上的尘埃也有生命。 Nirvana 9th-layer was death pinnacle, but now my actually sensation before these thinks that was the life of dying thing, this was died extremely fresh the meaning.” 涅槃第九重是死亡的极致,而现在我却感知到了这些以前都认为是死物的生命,难道这就是‘死极为生’的意思。” The train of thought in Feng Feiyun heart subsides once more, in the body 81 quick Phoenix Bones are burning, has forever uses the endless energy, these Phoenix Bones arrange in Feng Feiyun various body places, is born the endless vitality. 风飞云心中的思绪再次平息下來,身体之中81快凤骨在燃烧,有永远用不尽的能量,这些凤骨都排列在风飞云的身体各处,诞生出无尽的生机。 Feng Feiyun does not know what boundary oneself have achieved, only knows that own vitality is increasing unceasingly, the life has been an extremely terrifying degree. 风飞云也不知道自己到底达到了一个什么样的境界,只知道自己的生命力在不断攀升,寿命达到了一个极其恐怖的程度。 Feng Feiyun gives under three Ascension blood pill the clothing/taking, as far as possible many promotion own blood energy and strength. 风飞云将三枚羽化血丹给服下,尽可能多的提升自己的血气和力量。 Bang.” “轰。” How long did not know in the past, Feng Feiyun flushed from three taste real stoves, then immediately called Bronze Ancient Vessel, broke in the space storm, appeared in the Saint courtyard treasure house again. 不知多久过去,风飞云从三味真火炉之中冲出來,然后立即唤出青铜古船,冲入空间风暴,再次出现在圣庭宝库之中。 A strength of burning hot erupts in his body, the ground to the melting is the magma, periphery several valuable palaces will give to cremate. 一股炙热的力量在他身体之中爆发出來,将地面给融化为岩浆,将周围的几座宝宫都给烧化。 Some people rush to the Saint courtyard treasure house, writes off fully.” “又有人闯圣庭宝库,全力抹杀。” The remote place, flies two splendid light, is two Spirit Artifact bang presses. 遥远处,飞來两道华光,是两件灵器轰压下來。 Feng Feiyun stands in void, carries on the back automatically presents a pair of flame wing, both eyes look disdainfully, Divine Sense extends, say/way that thought aloud: They left the Saint courtyard treasure house unexpectedly, it seems like I have treated some days in three real stoves.” 风飞云站在虚空,背上自动的呈现出一对火焰羽翼來,双目睥睨,神识延伸出去,自言自语的道:“他们居然都离开了圣庭宝库,看來我在三位真火炉之中待了有些日子了。” A wing leaf that Feng Feiyun carries on the back, directly hitting to fly that two Spirit Artifact, two Spirit Artifact both are braving the flame, finally was been really hot by three tastes cremating. 风飞云背上的羽翼一扇,直接将那两件灵器给打飞了出去,两件灵器都在冒火焰,最后被三味真火给烧化。 It seems like they are many in the treasure that in Saint courtyard treasure house takes, will otherwise not let protect a person of Saint clan to be so angry.” “看來他们在圣庭宝库之中取走的宝物不少,不然也不会让护圣一族的人这么愤怒。” Feng Feiyun enters the Saint courtyard treasure house to take Phoenix Bones, attacks Nirvana 9th-layer, now already has achieved this boundary, was day of high Ren Niaofei, naturally did not stay in the Saint courtyard treasure house, launches the wing that carried on the back, then turned toward the front door of Saint courtyard treasure house to fly. 风飞云进入圣庭宝库就是为了取凤骨,冲击涅槃第九重,如今已经达到了这个境界,算是天高任鸟飞了,自然不在圣庭宝库之中停留,展开背上的羽翼,便向着圣庭宝库的大门飞了出去。 Suppresses to me.” “给我镇压。” Also two old men kill baseless, the respective sacrifice a tower, was being ten Grade 1 Spirit Artifact, the might is very scary, changed into an iceberg and a sea of fire. 又有两位老者凭空杀出,各自祭着一座塔,都是十一品灵器,威力十分骇人,化为了一座冰山和一片火海。 Feng Feiyun is holding three taste real stoves, gives to drive out two towers of ten Grade 1 Spirit Artifact ranks, two cultivation base formidable old men to collapse to retreat, then flew, long said with a smile: Does not deliver.” 风飞云托着三味真火炉,将两座十一品灵器级别的塔给轰开,将两位修为强大的老者给崩退,然后飞了过去,长笑道:“不送。” On the face of that two old man full is facial expression with amazement, a huge strength will push them in the future, they do not resist the ability unexpectedly. 那两位老者的脸上满是骇然的神情,一股庞大的力量将他们往后推,他们竟然毫无抵挡能力。 A pair of big hand gives to catch these two old men, their has decided. 一双大手将这两个老者给接住,将他们的定了下來。 This double big hand master is protects a clan of Saint clan to be old, but appears is not senile, instead is quite young, puts on snow white expansion, the portable lance, the forehead has a five-star mark. 这双大手的主人是护圣一族的一位族老,但是却显得并不衰老,反而还颇为年轻,穿着雪白的展开,手提一根长矛,眉心有一个五星印记。 Clan is old.” “族老。” Two old men both turn toward this young people to kneel down. 两位老者都向着这个年轻人下跪。 Vision cold severe of that young people, said: Gets up, he cannot leave.” 那个年轻人的目光冷厉,道:“起來吧,他走不掉。” Since Grandfather Bi, Bi Ningshuai, Mao Wugui, Demoness and the others run away after the Saint courtyard treasure house, protected a Saint clan to patch the flaw in Saint courtyard treasure house, now wants to rush from the Saint courtyard treasure house, difficult such as to ascend to heaven simply. 自从毕姥爷毕宁帅茅乌龟女魔等人从圣庭宝库之中逃走之后,护圣一族就重新修补了圣庭宝库的缺陷,现在想要从圣庭宝库之中闯出去,简直难如登天。 Feng Feiyun tried several times to be defeated, above wind stops by treasure house extremely wall curling. 风飞云尝试了几次都失败,被宝库极壁之上的煞风给卷了回來。 This is the Saint courtyard treasure house really defense strength, even if will be half Saint is not necessarily able breaking through, now can only walk the main entrance of Saint courtyard treasure house, will kill from the main entrance.” “这才是圣庭宝库真的防御力量,就算是半圣都未必能够将之攻破,现在就只能走圣庭宝库的正门了,从正门杀出去。” Transmits bright air/Qi, making the Feng Feiyun vest one cold, knows that protected a Saint clan to have the powerhouse to get rid. 身后传來一股煌煌之气,让风飞云的背心为之一寒,知道护圣一族有强者出手了。 Interloper, I knows that you are nine days ago that person, at that time half Saint shadow had not killed you, your life is really big.” This protects a clan of Saint clan always seems very young, on 27 and eight appearances, however the real age will say will frighten a piece of person. “闯入者,我知道你就是九天前的那个人,当时半圣影子都沒有杀死你,你的命真大。”这位护圣一族的族老看上去十分年轻,也就27、八的样子,但是真实的年龄说出來会吓倒一片人。 He grasps the lance, powerful, forehead has a five-star mark to glitter. 他手持长矛,威风凛凛,眉心有一个五星印记在闪烁。 Feng Feiyun called the Eight Trigrams (gossip) to say seal, condensed huge black and white to gossip seal before the body, formed in lance of a black and white vortex resisting opposite party hand. 风飞云唤出了八卦道印,在身前凝聚出一个庞大的黑白八卦印,形成一个黑白漩涡将对方手中的长矛给抵挡住。 You protect Saint clan also several real men, I very much admire to the real man all along, do not compel me to get rid to kill people.” Feng Feiyun appears serene, the body is retroceding unceasingly, the Eight Trigrams (gossip) in hand said that seal presents the air current of runner, protects a clan old lance of Saint clan leading away that. “你们护圣一族也有几个真汉子,我对真汉子一贯都很佩服,你别逼我出手杀人。”风飞云显得风轻云淡,身体在不断后退,手中的八卦道印呈现出转轮的气流,将那一位护圣一族的族老的长矛给引开。 Snort, rushes to Saint courtyard treasure house damn, this is we protects a responsibility of Saint clan.” That clan is always in hot pursuit, above the lance puts on the beast roar, sends out resounding of broken wind. “哼,闯圣庭宝库就该死,这是我们护圣一族的职责。”那一位族老紧追不舍,长矛之上穿着蛮兽的吼声,发出破风的鸣响。 Feng Feiyun fans the phoenix wing that carries on the back, retreats fighting, says with a smile: You protect a responsibility of Saint clan are to protect the Saint courtyard, but not only protects the Saint courtyard treasure house, you think that protected the Saint courtyard treasure house, even if protects the entire Saint courtyard.” 风飞云扇动背上的凤凰羽翼,且战且退,笑道:“你们护圣一族的职责是守护圣庭,而不仅仅只是守护圣庭宝库,你们以为守护住了圣庭宝库,就算是守护住了整个圣庭吗。” Your anything meaning.” That protected a clan of Saint clan always to stop, the vision watched intently Feng Feiyun. “你什么意思。”那一位护圣一族的族老停了下來,目光逼视风飞云 Feng Feiyun happy does not fear, with his eye looking at each other, said with a smile: How long you protected a Saint clan have not left the Saint courtyard treasure house, it seems like does not know completely now outside is any situation.” 风飞云怡然不惧,与他的眼睛对视,笑道:“你们护圣一族是多久沒有离开圣庭宝库了,看來完全不知道现在外面是什么情况。” Protects a clan old icy say/way of Saint clan: 30,000 years ago, we protect a Saint clan to respectfully follow the control law aim, guards the Saint courtyard treasure house, cannot leave one.” 护圣一族的族老冷冰冰的道:“30000年前,我们护圣一族谨遵主宰法旨,镇守圣庭宝库,不能擅离一步。” renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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