SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1059: Half wisp of air/Qi of Saint

Feng Feiyun Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall calling, sends out dazzling white radiance, inside sends out in the sound, three Grade 10 Spirit Artifact by Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall building up, fall pile of waste iron slag from the soldier guts. 风飞云天髓兵胆给唤出,发出璀璨夺目的白色光华,里面发出“噼里啦”的声音,三件十品灵器天髓兵胆给炼化,从兵胆里面掉落下來一堆废铁渣。 Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall has absorbed three Grade 10 Spirit Artifact soldier souls, becomes even more bright, sharp incomparable, likely is a round full moon float in the Feng Feiyun top of the head. 天髓兵胆吸收了三件十品灵器的兵魂,变得越发的明亮,锋利无匹,像是一轮圆月悬浮在风飞云的头顶。 Cuts.” “斩。” Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall changes into a white light, attacks, protects a powerhouse of Saint clan dividing that body by flame burning ashes. 天髓兵胆化为一道白光,冲击出去,将那一位护圣一族的强者给劈死,身体被火焰给燃烧成灰烬。 Feng Feiyun once more Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall pinching in hand, points at last to protect a powerhouse of Saint clan, cold sound said: You are not my match, wants to maintain a livelihood, oneself retreat.” 风飞云再次将天髓兵胆给捏在手中,遥指最后一位护圣一族的强者,冷声道:“你不是我的对手,想要活命,自己退走。” Protects a Saint clan is proud, where has the truth of retreating.” “护圣一族最是骄傲,哪有退却的道理。” That protects in a powerhouse body of Saint clan to launch a territory, the fist turns into the golden color, is refining up by the gold/metal brass casting likely. 那一位护圣一族的强者身体之中展开一座域,拳头变成金色,像是由金铜铸炼而成。 His fist has not rumbled to Feng Feiyun, but is the bombardment in the ground. 他这一拳并沒有轰向风飞云,而是轰击在地面上。 The soil in ground splits, in crack has many god articles to interweave, murdering bans in these flame mountains were activated, protected a powerhouse of Saint clan to give to strangle that instantaneously, changed into the dried blood powder. 地面上的泥土裂开,裂缝之中有很多神文交织,这几座火焰山岳之中的杀伐禁制都被激活,瞬间就将那一位护圣一族的强者给绞死,化为了血粉。 Meanwhile, Feng Feiyun also beset with a crisis big. 同时,风飞云也陷入了大危机。 Good move of the method of perishing together, is unafraid of death, this is the genuine blood and iron son. 好一招同归于尽的手段,视死如归,这才是真正的铁血男儿。 .” 。” Bang.” “轰。” ...... …… Extinguishes the strength that kills to turn toward Feng Feiyun to shell innumerably, the natural moat that that together half sanctum turns into lived, condensed a battle soul shadow. 无数灭杀的力量都向着风飞云轰击过來,就连那一道半圣所化成的天堑都活过來了,凝聚成一尊战魂影子。 This is a thought that-and-a-half Saint leaves behind, endures compared with the decree of half Saint. 这是那一位半圣留下的一道意念,堪比半圣的旨意。 The battle soul shadow height three zhang (3.33 m), put on the golden armor, grasps the thunderclap battle axe, the imposing manner is arrogant, has the facial expression that is overlooking all living things. 战魂影子身高三丈,穿着黄金铠甲,手持霹雳战斧,气势凌人,带着一股俯视众生的神情。 Although merely is only together the shadow, but as before is quite terrifying. 虽然仅仅只是一道影子,但是却依旧相当恐怖。 Bang.” “轰。” The battle axe shells, gives to break out a flame mountain range, the innumerable flame were separated, have a shocking loud sound. 战斧轰击下來,将一座火焰山脉都给劈开,无数火焰都被分开,发生一声震天巨响。 Condenses the successful that flash in half Saint thought that Feng Feiyun then rapidly retrocedes, but as before by the strength of that axe scratching one, the chest has encountered the fierce hit, the rib has probably broken several. 在半圣意念凝聚成功的那一刹那,风飞云便急速后退,但是依旧被那斧头的力量给擦上了一丝,胸口遭遇了猛烈撞击,肋骨都好像断裂了数根。 If not for wears dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, perhaps that strength of Feng Feiyun already above by axe deducting two sections. 若不是穿着龙鳞凤皮衣,恐怕风飞云已经被斧头之上的那一丝力量给劈成了两截。 This is the dignity of half Saint, even if only wisp of air/Qi of half Saint, does not allow to look down upon. 这是半圣的威严,哪怕只是半圣的一缕气,都不容小视。 .” 。” The bone that Feng Feiyun revolution «Gold Silkworm Scripture», the body is cut off continues fast joins, distant avoids that together half Saint shadow. 风飞云运转《金蚕经》,身上断掉的骨头快速续接上,远远的避开那一道半圣影子。 That together half Saint the speed of shadow wonderful quick incomparable, exceeded the Feng Feiyun samsara speedily, instantaneously has given to overtake him, the giant golden axe shelled toward Feng Feiyun. 那一道半圣的影子的速度则奇快无比,超越了风飞云的轮回疾速,瞬间就将他给追上,巨大的黄金斧头向着风飞云轰击下去。 The Feng Feiyun complexion crazily changes, gives to haunch five territories hastily, then fast making magical powers magic arts. 风飞云的脸色狂变,连忙将五座域都给撑起,然后快速的打出神通道法。 „The universe is in charge the world.” “乾坤掌印天地。” Phoenix crack day.” “凤凰裂天。” „The strength of ten thousand beast.” “万兽之力。” ...... …… Feng Feiyun runs away, while makes 13 magical powers, but cannot block half Saint shadow as before an axe. 风飞云一边逃窜,一边打出13种神通,但是依旧挡不住半圣影子的一斧。 The disparity is too big. 差距实在太大。 All magical powers by an axe breaking, the axe bombardment in Feng Feiyun behind, have given tearing the ground, an enormous and powerful strength impacts the back of Feng Feiyun, making his breath stop. 所有神通都被一斧给破去,斧头轰击在了风飞云身后,将地面给撕裂,一股浩荡的力量冲击到风飞云的背部,让他的呼吸都为之一停。 „The air/Qi of Holy Saint.” 圣灵之气。” In the Feng Feiyun condensation body the air/Qi of all Holy Saint, likely are glittering and translucent carving spider's silks, has shelled the past toward that handle axe. 风飞云凝聚身体之中所有的圣灵之气,像是一根根晶莹剔透的蛛丝,向着那一柄斧头轰击了过去。 Bang.” “嘭。” The air/Qi of Holy Saint is too after all thin, by great axe cutting broken. 圣灵之气毕竟太稀薄,被巨斧给斩破。 The body of Feng Feiyun has flown upside down once more, puts out a blood. 风飞云的身体再次倒飞了出去,吐出一口鲜血。 Because formerly twice prevented, strength already of great axe was worn down, this axe has not brought the ruinous injury to him, was quick he to stand firm the injury, launched the phoenix wing, has flown another flame mountain range from this flame mountain range. 因为先前两次阻挡,巨斧的力量已经被消磨了很多,这一斧并沒有给他带來毁灭性的伤害,很快他就稳住了伤势,展开凤凰羽翼,从这一座火焰山脉飞到了另一座火焰山脉。 Quick, quick, quick. 快,快,快。 Half Saint empty shade speed is too fast, surmounts the samsara speedily, once more overtakes Feng Feiyun. 半圣虚影的速度实在太快,超越轮回疾速,再次追上风飞云 The golden great axe falls once more, the radiance heyday, the spirit four plunder, to have a destruction strength of vibration entire Saint courtyard treasure house, looks like must destroy a world simply. 黄金巨斧再次落下,光华极盛,锐气肆掠,带着一股震动整个圣庭宝库的毁灭力,简直就像是要毁灭一片世界。 This is the strength of half Saint, even if only half Saint keeps here wisp of air/Qi, terrifying to this degree.” “这就是半圣的力量吗,哪怕只是半圣留在这里的一缕气,也恐怖到这个程度。” Feng Feiyun tight bit the tooth, the body was changing into a huge incomparable phoenix, blocked the sky, flew toward the reversed direction, direct impact that gold great axe went. 风飞云紧紧的咬着牙齿,身体化为了一只庞大无比的凤凰,遮天蔽日,向着反方向飞去,直冲那黄金巨斧而去。 At this time chose to run away, only then dead end, if took Phoenix Bones, instead also had the opportunity of life. 这个时候选择逃走,只有死路一条,若是取到了凤骨,反而还有活命的机会。 .” “噗。” Golden great axe bombardment on the huge phoenix, the axe and phoenix dragon scale moves, makes sparks/Mars, finally dragon scale cutting broken. 黄金巨斧轰击在庞大的凤凰身上,斧头与凤凰身上的龙鳞相触碰,打出一道道火星,最终沒有将龙鳞给斩破。 All strengths poured into the body of Feng Feiyun, attacked the bloodlines, meridians and skeleton Feng Feiyun. 所有力量都灌注到了风飞云的身体中,冲击风飞云的血脉、经络、骨骼。 „.” “哇。” Feng Feiyun changed into the human form, in the mouth has spat blood once more, was very distressed. 风飞云化为了人形,口中再次吐血,十分狼狈。 Although dragon Linfeng the leather clothing has blocked most strengths, but that golden great axe has created the huge scar in his body, the bloodlines and meridians were almost broken completely, in 80 Phoenix Bones except for body, other bone almost changed into the bone dregs. 虽然龙鳞凤皮衣挡住了绝大多数的力量,但是那黄金巨斧在他的身体之中造成了巨大伤痕,血脉和经络几乎全部都被震碎,除了身体之中的80块凤骨,别的骨头几乎都化为了骨渣。 Cannot drop down, drops down really dead. 不能倒下,倒下就真的死定了。 Rushed to rush, how can drop down at this time. 闯都闯过來了,怎能在这个时候倒下。 In the body of Feng Feiyun only remains an unyielding thought that went by Mt. Huoyan Yue Fei of cleaving in two toward that is putting together the scarlet red bone on the summit of mountain, has the grinding pan to be so big fully, does not have the flaw jade likely together, sends out the burning hot, but dazzling ray. 风飞云的身体之中只剩一股不屈的意念,向着那一座被劈成两半的火焰山岳飞去,在山岳之巅放着一块赤红色的骨头,足有磨盘那么大,像是一块无瑕的玉石,发出炙热而耀眼的光芒。 Half Saint shadow pursued, one after another three times at present this small and weak base and low member cutting to kill, making it feel angry. 半圣影子又追上來了,接连三次都沒有将眼前这个弱小卑微的修士给斩杀,让它感觉到恼怒。 Its gold/metal is more abundant, looks like a Sun, is powerful makes the person unable to open the eye. 它身上的金芒更盛,就像是一轮太阳,强盛得让人睁不开眼睛。 Bang.” “轰。” Bang.” “轰。” ...... …… Its sound of footsteps vibration is void. 它的脚步声震动虚空。 Feng Feiyun body already is tattered, the blood has flowed place, finally has arrived at that Phoenix Bones front. 风飞云的身体都已经破破烂烂,鲜血流淌了一地,最终走到了那一枚凤骨的前面。 This Phoenix Bones also wants to be higher than his body, above has trace, trace that this does not carve artificially, but is the trace that grows into inborn, only then the cultivation base profound phoenix possibly grows the trace above Phoenix Bones. 这块凤骨比他的身体还要高一些,上面有很纹路,这不是人为刻上去的纹路,而是天生长成的纹路,只有修为高深的凤凰才可能在凤骨之上长出纹路來。 The trace above this Phoenix Bones is quite fuzzy, almost does not form, explained that this Phoenix Bones master has not strided in the Holy Saint boundary. 只是这一块凤骨之上的纹路还相当模糊,几乎不成形,说明这一块凤骨的主人并沒有跨入圣灵的境界。 Gives me to get up.” “给我起。” Feng Feiyun gives a loud shout, this Phoenix Bones taking in three taste real stoves, has then jumped in three real stoves. 风飞云大喝一声,将这一块凤骨给收进了三味真火炉,然后自己也跳进了三位真火炉。 Bang.” “轰。” After Feng Feiyun jumps in that flash of three taste real stoves, the golden great axe bang has then pressed, shells above three taste real stoves, exudes a great sound of steel collision. 就在风飞云跳进三味真火炉的那一刹那之后,黄金巨斧便轰压了下來,轰击在三味真火炉之上,发出一声钢铁碰撞的巨声。 Three taste real stoves were rumbled directly the bottom. 三味真火炉直接被轰进地底。 Was bad, came one step, Feng Feiyun to make into the ash lately, the wool had not remained one.” Mao Wugui dashes, stands above a tattered palace, looks into that several flame mountains from afar, by that-and-a-half Saint shadows of summit of mountain frightening. “糟了,來迟了一步,风飞云被打成了灰,毛都沒有剩一根。”茅乌龟飞奔过來,站在一座破烂的宫殿之上,远远眺望那几座火焰山岳,被山岳之巅的那一尊半圣影子给震慑住。 Looked at that flash of past in Mao Wugui, the half Saint shadow of distant place felt anything, has turned around suddenly, stared toward it. 就在茅乌龟望过去的那一刹那,远处的半圣影子感受到了什么,豁然转过身,向着它瞪了过來。 Was discovered. 被发现了。 Whole body of Mao Wugui ice-cold, frightens hastily runs away. 茅乌龟的全身冰冷,吓得连忙逃窜。 Bang.” “轰。” A handle gold great axe bombardment above its tortoise shell, gave to rumble directly the bottom it, in the ground full was the cracks in the earth, left behind many gullies. 一柄黄金巨斧轰击在它的龟壳之上,直接将它给轰进了地底,地面上满是地裂,留下很多沟壑。 However the tortoise shell of this turtle is much harder, the shadow of half Saint cannot extinguish it, was quick it to crawl from the place bottom, head from tortoise shell slowly extended, then turned toward all around to seek to look. 但是这只乌龟的龟壳硬得出奇,半圣的影子也灭不了它,很快它就从地底爬了出來,脑袋从龟壳里面缓缓的伸出來,然后向着四周寻望。 At this time Demoness already and that -and-a-half Saint shadows have fought. 这个时候女魔已经和那一尊半圣影子战了起來。 She offers a sacrifice to the day Venerable/to revere immeasurable tower that together half Saint shadow taking in the tower, the day Venerable/reveres the immeasurable tower violent vibration, the shadow of half Saint roared in inside. 她祭出天尊无量塔将那一道半圣影子给收进塔里面,天尊无量塔猛烈的震动,半圣的影子在里面咆哮。 Wisp of air/Qi that's all, but also wants to escape from the day Venerable/to revere the immeasurable tower to be inadequate, I give the town.” “一缕气罢了,还想逃出天尊无量塔不成,我给镇。” Demoness Demon Qi is cold, the double pupil turns into the black ink black, the skin even more clear, stands Venerable/reveres the top of immeasurable tower in the day, gives suppression the shadow of half Saint stubbornly in inside. 女魔的身上魔气凛凛,双眸变成墨黑色,皮肤越发的晶莹,站在天尊无量塔之顶,将半圣的影子给死死的镇压在里面。 Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai at the back of bags crawled from the corpse mountain, looked at periphery the dense and numerous corpses, the heart somewhat has trembled. 毕姥爷毕宁帅背着大包小包的从尸山之中爬了出來,看了看周围密密麻麻的死尸,心头都有些发颤。 The corners of the mouth of Grandfather Bi have pulled out pulling out, said: We a bit faster remove, this Female Monster really murders to kill, will protect a powerhouse of Saint clan to give to kill one-third, definitely protecting these old monsters of Saint clan annoying, nobody can leave at the appointed time.” 毕姥爷的嘴角抽了抽,道:“我们快点撤,这女魔头实在太弑杀,将护圣一族的强者都给杀了1,肯定会将护圣一族的那些老怪物给惹出來,到时就沒有人能够走掉了。” That Feng Feiyun what to do.” Bi Ningshuai said. “那风飞云怎么办。”毕宁帅道。 Grandfather Bi thinks when scene that abyss Immortal City sees, said: He is not the life thin person, the back has the great person for his berm, does not need to worry for his life.” 毕姥爷想到在九渊仙城之时见到的场景,道:“他不是命薄之人,背后有大人物在为他护道,无须为他的性命担忧。” Mao Wugui dashes, said: This Female Monster already killed being popular, I do not want to be a companion with her, front Mao Laoshi, went to clear the way quickly.” 茅乌龟飞奔过來,道:“这女魔头已经杀起了兴,我也不想和她为伍,茅老实,快去前面开道。” The black none remaining flew together, changed into a black fruit. 一道黑色的精光飞了出來,化为了一枚黑色的果子。 Grandfather Bi, Mao Wugui and Bi Ningshuai sat above the fruit, ran away at the wonderful quick speed, some midway people intercepted them, but actually by Sacred Fruit forgiving the past, nobody overtook them finally. 毕姥爷茅乌龟毕宁帅都坐到了果子之上,以奇快的速度逃了出去,中途有人截杀他们,但是却都被圣实果给饶了过去,最终沒有人追上他们。 After Demoness has gathered half Saint shadow, does not have the restoration to slaughter, sought for Feng Feiyun in the Saint courtyard treasure house, Feng Feiyun finding. 女魔收取了半圣影子之后,也沒有再造杀戮,在圣庭宝库之中寻找了风飞云一遍,并沒有将风飞云给找到。 At this time in Saint courtyard treasure house transmitted enormous and powerful angry roaring, a huge aura was regaining consciousness. 这个时候圣庭宝库之中传來一声浩荡的怒吼,一股庞大的气息在苏醒。 Demoness has not remained, calls the crystal red clever ship, then escaped the Saint courtyard treasure house. 女魔也沒有多留,唤出了晶红鬼船,便遁出了圣庭宝库。 Leaves the difficulty of Saint courtyard treasure house compared with entering the Saint courtyard treasure house must lower a lot, many place's bans and murder are actually unilaterally, is so terrifying. 出圣庭宝库的难度比进圣庭宝库要低得多,很多地方的禁制和杀伐其实都是单方面,并沒有进來的时候那么恐怖。 ...... …… The Saint courtyard treasure house establishes in an independent space actually, but this space and real space connect. 圣庭宝库其实是建立在一座独立的空间之中,只是这个空间和真实的空间又相连接。 The bottom in Saint courtyard treasure house, is the space storm that a piece will never cease, even if the Ascension sage intrudes here, will be given tearing by the space storm. 在圣庭宝库的底部,是一片永不停息的空间风暴,就算是羽化贤者闯入这里,都会被空间风暴给撕裂。 But now in this space storm actually the stove of flaming combustion, from afar looks, actually hangs like one group of small flame in void, the stove drifts along with the storm. 而现在这一片空间风暴之中却有一座熊熊燃烧的火炉,远远望去,其实就像一团小小的火焰悬在在虚空之中,火炉随着风暴而漂移。 But at this time, in that stove was having the tremendous changes, the deaths and life two strengths interweaves in inside. 而此时,那火炉之中正发生着翻天覆地的变化,死亡和生命两种力量在里面交织。 Two strengths of most perfect oppositions, at this moment merging into one organic whole slowly. 两种最极致对立的力量,此刻正在缓缓的融为一体。 ...... …… My Hu Hansan came back finally, tomorrow starts to restore to renew, during the new year's celebration , a day a chapter, the renewal is very indeed slow, the stinking ninth category gives everybody to apologize here, the following two weeks of stinking ninth category will make up crazily, hopes that everybody can continue to support the stinking ninth category. 我胡汉三终于回來了,明天开始恢复更新,过年期间一天一章,更新的确很慢,老九在这里给大家道歉,接下來的两周老九会疯狂补更,希望大家能够继续支持老九。
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