SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1058: Half Saint natural moat

Halts, who you are, knows that here is heavy, only then holds is controlling the person who the Sir Saint made to enter.” “站住,你是什么人,知不知道这里乃是重地,只有持着主宰大人圣令的人才能进入。” This is mysterious place, float several flame massifs, four palaces these flame massifs to protection in central, in each palace has the terrifying aura to spread, the average person stands trembling that here can be able not help. 这是一处神秘之地,悬浮着几座火焰山丘,有四座殿宇将这几座火焰山丘给守护在中央,每一座殿宇之中都有恐怖的气息传出,一般人站在这里会情不自禁的发抖。 Feng Feiyun arrived here according to the direction of Spiritual Awareness, then immediately was given the discovery by the protector. 风飞云根据灵觉的指引來到这里,便立即被守护者给发现。 A whole body is the female of white armor stands in his opposite, the body wears the broad war sword, appears quite young, however aura is extremely formidable, is one cultivates over a thousand years of existence of absolutely. 一个全身都是白色铠甲的女子站在他的对面,身上佩戴宽阔的战剑,显得颇为年轻,但是身上的气息却极其强大,绝对是一位修炼上千年的存在。 Feng Feiyun appears unflustered, gives to take out the token of Bu Tian pavilion, said: I am the Master Shen Tianjue person.” 风飞云显得从容不迫,将补天阁的令牌给取出,道:“我乃是神天爵爷的人。” „.” “唰。” That wears the female of white armor to fight the sword to give to extract, sword air/Qi such as cold frost, cold sound said: We protect a Saint clan only to obey orders in the order of control, Master Shen Tianjue is only a nobility master has any qualifications to send for entering the Saint courtyard treasure house, who you are, confessed that otherwise killed without the amnesty.” 那一个身穿白色铠甲的女子将战剑给抽出,剑气如寒霜,冷声道:“我们护圣一族只听令于主宰的命令,神天爵爷不过只是一个爵爷有什么资格派人进入圣庭宝库,你到底是什么人,从实招來,不然杀无赦。” Feng Feiyun is surprised slightly, thinks now the Saint courtyard deterioration, Master Shen Tianjue does in a big way, the place like Saint courtyard treasure house affirmed that already was given the control by Master Shen Tianjue, but he detected at this moment the fact seems not this appearance. 风飞云微微一诧,本來以为现在圣庭积弱,神天爵爷做大,像圣庭宝库这样的地方肯定已经神天爵爷给控制,但是此刻他才发觉事实似乎并不是这个样子。 The female of that wear white armor sees the words, then no longer has any hesitation, fights the sword to wield, sharp sword glow has cut toward Feng Feiyun. 那穿着白色铠甲的女子见话,便不再有任何犹豫,战剑一挥,一片锋利的剑芒向着风飞云斩了过來。 This female cultivation base was good, strided in the Ascension boundary, moreover from Nirvana 4th-layer on existence of breakthrough Ascension boundary, cultivation base was very not absolutely formidable, the sword air/Qi swept the four directions. 这个女子修为不俗,跨入了羽化境,而且绝对不是从涅槃第四重就突破羽化境的存在,修为很强大,剑气扫四方。 Feng Feiyun offered a sacrifice to three taste real stoves, this female taking in valuable furnace, stimulated to movement the three tastes in furnace to be really hot, burns to refine her Ascension true body. 风飞云祭出了三味真火炉,将这个女子给收进了宝炉之中,催动炉中的三味真火,焚炼她的羽化真身。 The sword air/Qi runs out from three taste real stoves together, heart of straight thrust Feng Feiyun. 一道剑气从三味真火炉之中冲出,直刺风飞云的心脏。 Bang.” “嘭。” Feng Feiyun a say/way seal offering a sacrifice, in front revolving of chest, sends out black and white radiance, sword air/Qi blocking. 风飞云将一枚道印给祭出,在胸口的前方旋转,发出黑白光华,将剑气给挡住。 This is transfers war soldier who buddha moves the world „the Eight Trigrams (gossip) to say seal, is ten Grade 5 Spirit Artifact. 这是转轮王名动天下的战兵“八卦道印”,为十五品灵器 Feng Feiyun also merely the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said a moment ago a wisp of aura of seal gives the activation, is not true use its strength, only then the air/Qi of Ascension can true the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said that the strength of seal stimulating, the might endures to be red the boundary boundary main mansion town clan god soldier sun treasure wheel. 风飞云刚才也仅仅只是将八卦道印的一缕气息给激活,并不是真正的使用它的力量,只有羽化之气才能真正的将八卦道印的力量给激发出來,威力堪比叶红境境主府的镇族神兵“金乌宝轮”。 That female finally by three taste real stoves building up, changed into a Ascension blood pill, falls into the Feng Feiyun palm. 那个女子最终被三味真火炉给炼化掉,化为了一枚羽化血丹,落入风飞云的手心。 Excels at rushing to the Saint courtyard treasure house, kills without the amnesty.” Also is these words. “擅闯圣庭宝库,杀无赦。”又是这句话。 A cam wood palace soars, palatial aggressive, is standing a old person in the summit of palace, the fine fierce military might, the vision like the electricity, likely is a tyrant certainly square King. 一座紫木宫殿腾飞而起,巍峨霸气,在宫殿之巅站着一位老人,精猛威武,目光如电,像是一位霸绝四方的王者。 In this old population put out one breath, the air/Qi has formed partial clouds naturally. 这位老人口中吐出一口气,气自然而然的形成了一片云。 His thought cuts, to person the feeling of day broken cracks in the earth. 他的一道意念斩下來,给人一种天碎地裂的感觉。 Feng Feiyun top of the head float three taste real stoves, straight stand forth, the clothing flutters, has an imposing appearance, presents the pictures of ten thousand beast galloping, a fist has shelled the past, has torn old person's thought that overrunning of directly. 风飞云的头顶悬浮着三味真火炉,笔直的向前走去,衣衫飘飞,器宇轩昂,身后呈现出万兽奔腾的景象,一拳轰击了过去,撕裂了老人的意念,径直的冲了过去。 Feng Feiyun carries on the back to give birth to a pair of phoenix wing, the wing is covered by the flame, delimits together the brilliant ray, has flown into the flame wooded mountains of four palace protections. 风飞云的背上生出一对凤凰羽翼,羽翼被火焰覆盖,划出一道绚烂的光芒,飞进了四座殿宇守护的火焰山林。 Well, young so is unexpectedly fierce, unexpectedly can tear the thought of old man, can intrude the Saint courtyard treasure house, is really not the average person.” “咦,年纪轻轻竟然如此厉害,居然能够撕裂开老夫的一道意念,能够闯入圣庭宝库,果然不是一般人。” That stands old person's the vision above palace is fine, is bringing more and more abundant murderous aura, the entire body ballooning gets up, the arm extends, stretches out dozens miles far, Feng Feiyun of palm during toward flight has patted. 那一位站在宫殿之上的老人的目光精猛,带着越來越盛的杀气,整个身体都鼓胀起來,手臂一伸,伸出数十里远,一掌向着飞行之中的风飞云拍了过去。 His palm is true getting rid, the strength is very overbearing. 他这一掌乃是真正的出手,力量无比霸道。 „The universe is in charge the world.” “乾坤掌印天地。” Feng Feiyun was also rumbles a palm, rushing transmitted from the arm vigorously, like had been hit the body by the idol, the five main internal organs (entrails) was violent a pain. 风飞云也是轰出了一掌,一股滂湃的大力从手臂之上传來,就像被神象撞击了身体,五脏六腑都猛烈一痛。 Really has the disparity with these genuine older generation powerhouses. 和这些真正的老一辈强者果然还是有差距。 Feng Feiyun does not prolong contact, the body speedily flew, intruded in a flash in a flame mountain. 风飞云并不恋战,身体疾速飞了出去,转瞬间就闯入了其中一座火焰山岳之中。 Young fellow, can actually meet my palm, but undying.” This old person is very shocked, after all he cultivates over ten thousand years of existence, some top distinguished merit ingenious methods in the Saint courtyard treasure house can cultivation, disdains to get rid to a young later generation to this character radically. “好小子,竟然能够接我一掌而不死。”这位老人还是很震惊,毕竟他乃是修炼上万年的存在,在圣庭宝库之中又有很多顶尖的奇功妙法可以修炼,向他这种人物根本都不屑对一个年轻后辈出手。 However a moment ago this young later generation obviously age not over hundred years old, but actually twice escapes from his hand, this goes against the common sense simply. 但是刚才这个年轻后辈明明年纪不超过百岁,但是却两度从他手中逃生,这简直太违背常理。 Cannot make him intrude that restricted area absolutely, that thing taking.” “绝对不能让他闯入那一处禁地,将那一件东西给取走。” This old person plans to pursue, suppress and kill that intruder, at this moment, above the vault of heaven, a plain remnant tower had suppressed toward him fully a moment ago, is bringing air/Qi of Holy Saint, has to sweep across the galaxy the strength. 这位老人打算追上去,全力镇杀刚才那个闯入者,就在这时,天穹之上,一座古朴的残塔向着他镇压了下來,带着一股圣灵之气,有席卷星河的力量。 Unexpectedly also has the intruder, this is...... This is...... The Holy Saint Container day in legend Venerable/reveres the aura of immeasurable tower.” “居然还有闯入者,这是……这是……传说之中的圣灵器皿天尊无量塔的气息。” This old person feels the terrifying power that above remnant tower transmits, is Holy Saint Container. 这位老人感受到残塔之上传來的恐怖力量,是圣灵器皿 He escapes hastily into the palace under body, haunches the light of protection, wants to contend with the strength of remnant tower. 他连忙遁入身下的宫殿之中,撑起守护之光,想要抗衡残塔的力量。 However the Holy Saint Container strength so is can it be that easy to resist, even if only half Holy Saint Container goes against heaven's will as before, Holy Saint kills off to descend together, instantaneously then the light of protection broken to the bang, palace blasting open. 但是圣灵器皿的力量岂是那么容易可以抵挡,即便只是半件圣灵器皿依旧十分逆天,一道圣灵杀光降落下來,瞬间便将守护之光给轰破,宫殿给炸裂开。 „......” “啊……” In the palace transmits a pitiful yell. 宫殿之中传來一声惨叫。 That formidable old person was revered the strength of immeasurable tower to give suppress and kill by the day, changed into the repercussions. 那一位强大的老人被天尊无量塔的力量给镇杀,化为了劫灰。 Bang.” “轰。” The remnant tower falls to the ground, nine meters towers sink to the bottom, shakes the ground to rock. 残塔落地,有九米塔身沉入地底,震得地面晃动。 Demoness stands in the tower top/withstand looking disdainfully four directions, the pupil light is chilly, sinking sound said: Hands over entirely Spirit Stone, otherwise kills without the amnesty.” 女魔站在塔顶睥睨四方,眸光清冷,沉声道:“将灵石统统交出來,不然杀无赦。” Had protects a member of Saint clan to hear her voice much, thought that this intruder was too rampant, killed without amnesty this words this they said that but now actually has become a slogan of intruder. 有不少护圣一族的修士都听到了她的声音,觉得这个闯入者实在太嚣张了,“杀无赦”这种话本來该他们说,但是现在却成了一个闯入者的口号。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” Also three palaces rise straight from the ground, by the divine light package, had the cultivation base formidable character to assume personal command, simultaneously makes the destruction magical powers, has killed toward the Demoness bang. 又有三座宫殿拔地而起,都被神光包裹,有修为强大的人物坐镇,同时打出毁灭神通,向着女魔轰杀了过去。 Demoness does not fear, body Demon Qi surges, likely is an unparalleled demon, gives to tear into shreds palaces, makes into the remnants of destroyed buildings. 女魔丝毫不惧,身上魔气涌动,像是一尊盖世魔头,将一座座宫殿给撕碎,打成残垣断壁。 Ai ya mother, was too impulsive, the impulsion is a devil, like this makes, must protecting these old monsters in Saint clan gives to annoy not to be possible.” Grandfather Bi wants to rush to prevent Demoness very much, but thinks to bear carefully finally, after he fears himself to rush, did not come back. “唉呀妈呀,太冲动了,冲动是魔鬼啊,这样闹下去,非要将护圣一族之中的那些老怪物都给惹出來不可。”毕姥爷很想冲上去阻止女魔,但是仔细想了想最终还是忍住了,他怕自己冲上去之后,就回不來了。 Brings this Female Monster to enter the Saint courtyard treasure house is really huge taking a rash step, will make the big trouble. 带这个女魔头进入圣庭宝库真是天大的失策,会闹出大乱子。 Protects a Saint clan to affirm incomparably formidable, is the generation guards the tribal group of Saint courtyard treasure house, will not go for generations out of the Saint courtyard treasure house, Master Shen Tianjue does not dare to put here the hand, can see that in this definitely has to let the thing that Master Shen Tianjue abstains from. 护圣一族肯定无比强大,乃是世代镇守圣庭宝库的族群,世世代代都不会走出圣庭宝库,就连神天爵爷都沒敢将手伸进这里,就可以看出这里面肯定有让神天爵爷都忌讳的东西。 Now already will be noisy, protects a powerhouse of Saint clan definitely one after another to catch up, must find Phoenix Bones as soon as possible. 现在已经闹大,护圣一族的强者肯定会陆续赶來,必须尽快找到凤骨 Feng Feiyun by oneself to the Phoenix Bones inborn induction ability, rushed to the center of flame mountain, the temperature of here flame was very fearful, color scarlet-red like blood, endured is really hotter than three tastes. 风飞云凭借自己对凤骨天生的感应能力,闯到了火焰山岳的中心,这里火焰的温度无比可怕,颜色赤红如血,堪比三味真火。 Good strange place, here has the natural moat under half Saint arrange/cloth.” “好古怪的地方,这里有半圣布下的天堑。” The foot of Feng Feiyun just lifted immediately to receive, the front flame becomes more terrifying, moreover in the flame is also blending the strength of half Saint, will not pay attention cutting the broken body by that strength slightly. 风飞云的脚刚刚抬起就立即收了回來,前面的火焰变得更加恐怖,而且火焰之中还参杂着半圣的力量,稍不注意就会被那一股力量给斩碎身体。 This is an absolute deathtrap, only if half Saint comes, possibly rushes. 这是一处绝对死地,除非半圣前來,才可能闯过去。 „The natural moat under half Saint arrange/cloth is not certainly is perfect, would a flaw.” “半圣布下的天堑也不是就一定完美,总会有一丝破绽。” Feng Feiyun makes own heart diligently tranquil, sits cross-legged on the ground, launches Heavenly Eye of Phoenix and fifty technique, the observation and calculation present half Saint natural moat. 风飞云努力使自己的心变得平静下來,盘坐在地上,展开凤凰天眼和大衍术,观察和推算眼前的半圣天堑。 Boy, you thinks that escaped into the flame mountain to steal here treasure, you were too simply naive.” Protected a powerhouse of Saint clan to pursue the flame mountain, walked in the halfway up the mountainside, turned toward Feng Feiyun to approach step by step. “小子,你以为遁入了火焰山岳就能盗走这里的瑰宝,你简直太天真了。”护圣一族的一位强者追进了火焰山岳,行走在半山腰,一步步向着风飞云靠近。 This powerhouse has scruples to this flame mountain obviously, knows in the flame mountain to have many murders the method, will not pay attention to stir up the person to unravel slightly. 这位强者显然对这一座火焰山岳颇为顾忌,知道火焰山岳之中有很多杀伐手段,稍不注意就会惹得人灰飞烟灭。 He walks, although is very slow, but actually in step by step imminent. 他走得虽然很慢,但是却在一步步迫近。 Feng Feiyun knit the brows, unexpectedly such quickly with. 风飞云皱了皱眉,居然这么快就跟上來了。 Looks in another direction, saw that protects a powerhouse of Saint clan to walk slowly, the portable long spear/gun, the vision is cold. 向着另外一个方向看去,又看到一位护圣一族的强者缓缓走过來,手提长枪,目光冷然。 Altogether three direction three powerhouses catch up, is cultivation base great strength, three people of strengths were refine by Feng Feiyun above that female. 一共有三个方向三位强者赶來,都是修为强大者,三人的实力都在被风飞云炼化的那个女子之上。 Feng Feiyun does not fear but actually, instead the corners of the mouth also reveal a curve, the finger toward protected a powerhouse of Saint clan to refer , the body of that powerhouse twitched unrestrainedly, like was shelled by the heavy blows in the chest, the life reduced several hundred years. 风飞云倒也不惧,反而嘴角还露出一丝弧度,手指向着其中一位护圣一族的强者指了过去,那一位强者的身体情不自禁的抽搐了一下,就像被重拳在胸口轰击了一下,寿命减少了数百年。 God, how can like this.” 天呐,怎么会这样。” That protects a powerhouse of Saint clan to think that Feng Feiyun is skilled in some cult tactic, pasted on talisman on the body hastily, the body by white virtual light protecting. 那一位护圣一族的强者以为风飞云精通某种邪术,连忙在身上贴上了一张符箓,身体被一层白色的虚光给守护了起來。 Tribulation the strength cannot avoid, seizes every opportunity. “劫”的力量不能躲避,无孔不入。 Feng Feiyun was a direction in the past, cut this to protect a Saint clan powerhouse several hundred years of life. 风飞云又是一指点过去,又斩掉了这位护圣一族强者数百年的寿命。 „.” “哇。” This protects a powerhouse of Saint clan to vanish nearly millenniums lives, is seriously battered, in the mouth puts out a blood, the whole face feared, has cried out strangely, then rapid turned around to run away. 这位护圣一族的强者消失近千年的寿命,遭受重创,口中吐出一口鲜血,满脸都是恐惧,怪叫了一声,然后便飞速的转身逃走。 Another two protect a powerhouse of Saint clan to feel that somewhat bewildered, was not fully correct own companion to encounter any fearful matter, however their wills were very firm, had not been given to retreat in fear by the Feng Feiyun strange method, one of them already has arrived at Feng Feiyun not far away. 另外两位护圣一族的强者感觉到有些莫名其妙,猜不透自己的同伴到底遭遇了什么可怕的事,但是他们的意志都很坚定,并沒有被风飞云的诡异手段给吓退,其中一人已经走到了风飞云的不远处。 Dies.” “去死吧。” This protects powerhouse thunder general getting rid of Saint clan, simultaneously offers a sacrifice to three handle Spirit Artifact, is three bronze cauldrons, emits the electric light, emits the flame, emits gold/metal. 这位护圣一族的强者雷霆一般的出手,同时祭出三柄灵器,乃是三座青铜鼎,一座冒出电光,一座冒出火光,一座冒出金芒。 Three are Grade 10 Spirit Artifact. 三件都是十品灵器 Is the keeper in Saint courtyard treasure house, Grade 10 Spirit Artifact this thin stockout can put out three worthily one time. 不愧是圣庭宝库的守护人,十品灵器这种稀缺货都能一次性拿出三件。 Feng Feiyun stands Phoenix Fire God Domain, body surroundings presents eight flame phoenixes, phoenix crack day.” 风飞云站來凤凰火神域,身体周围出现八只火焰凤凰,“凤凰裂天。” The palm of Feng Feiyun becomes the phoenix god claw is the same, touches with Grade 10 Spirit Artifact directly hardly, a claw racket presses, sends out the metal hit the clangour, after a thunderous lightning flash, three Spirit Artifact were given to receive by him. 风飞云的手掌变得更凤凰神爪一样,直接和十品灵器硬碰,一爪拍压过去,发出金属撞击的铿锵声,一阵雷鸣电闪之后,三件灵器都被他给收了过來。
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