SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1057: Thousand Jane|treasure Wanbao

Old man helps your helping hand.” “老夫來助你一臂之力。” The body of Mao Wugui emits the white light, gives a claw according to above stone wall. 茅乌龟的身上冒出白光,将一只爪子给按在石壁之上。 A piece of white radiance attacks from its claw, these other mountain and sea gives the disintegration. 一片白色的光华从它的爪子上冲击出去,将那些余下的“山”和“海”都给崩碎。 This old tortoise obtained Ji Family Grave Palace Treasure Seeking Record «Treasure Tower Volume», cultivated some treasure hunt magical powers, was very extraordinary, understood the Treasure Hunter method quite thoroughly, had the restraint method. 这老王八得到了纪家墓府寻宝录的《灵宝卷》,修炼出了一些寻宝神通,十分了不得,将寻宝师的手段也了解得颇为透彻,有克制手段。 Bang.” “轰。” The mountain coral wall has collapsed an corner/horn finally, revealed a three meters high big hole, Demoness, Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai flashed rapidly, then Feng Feiyun and Mao Wugui also flushed. 山海石壁终于垮塌了一角,露出一个三米高的大窟窿,女魔毕姥爷毕宁帅迅速的闪了进去,接着风飞云茅乌龟也冲了进去。 They just flushed the walking into the mountain coral wall, collapsed a hole stone wall then to close at once on. 他们刚刚冲进山海石壁,原本垮塌了一个窟窿的石壁旋即便又闭合上。 This is the treasure hunt technique above stone wall has the regeneration strength, does not need to manage it.” “这是石壁之上的寻宝术有再生力量,不用管它。” The group continue, walks cautiously, cautious. 一行人继续前行,都走得小心翼翼,如履薄冰。 Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai give to wear the valuable clothes, the body changes into two groups of golden rays, the ray gradually changes pale, finally turned transparently, probably vanishes during was void. 毕姥爷毕宁帅将宝衣给穿上,身体化为两团金色的光芒,光芒渐渐变淡,最后变成了透明,就好像消失在了虚空之中。 Although their valuable clothes rob the Saint writing clothes replica merely, the material that but uses is as before good, can achieve robs Saint writing clothes one and two effects. 他们身上的宝衣虽然仅仅只是盗圣文衣的仿制品,但是所使用的材料依旧不俗,能够达到盗圣文衣的一、两层功效。 Feng Feiyun Mao Wugui seizing in pocket, gives to wear dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, what puts on is other side, wove the hidden silk, the body was also going into hiding, vanished does not see. 风飞云茅乌龟给捉进了衣兜里,将龙鳞凤皮衣给穿上,穿的乃是另一面,织着隐蚕丝,身体也隐匿了起來,消失不见。 Demoness calls crystal red clever ship, the body is given to cover by one group of bloody water, finally changed into a drop of tiny bubble, hid in the Feng Feiyun sleeves. 女魔唤出晶红鬼船,身体被一团血水给覆盖,最后化为了一滴细小的液滴,藏在了风飞云的衣袖之中。 , ......” ,……” They pass through thunder and lightning sea, here thunder and lightning incomparable terrifying, even if the character of Ascension sage rank by the electric light dividing, will unravel. 他们走过一片雷电海洋,这里的雷电都无比恐怖,即便是羽化贤者级别的人物被电光给劈上一下,都会灰飞烟灭。 Has Grandfather Bi this expert to clear the way in front, means that this naturally explains. 毕姥爷这位行家在前面开道,这自然都破解的办法。 He offered a sacrifice to a god needle, decided above. 他祭出了一枚神针,定在雷海之上。 These thunder and lightning turn toward above god needle completely the detachment, drew support from such short time, Feng Feiyun one line of fast has passed through. 那些雷电全部都向着神针之上劈去,就借助这么一个短暂的时间,风飞云一行人快速的穿过了雷海。 Is passing through that flash, the god needle was divided to change into the molten iron, these thunder and lightning then in all directions shell, four plunder. 就在穿过雷海的那一刹那,神针被劈化为铁水,那些雷电便又四处轰击,更加肆掠起來。 Narrow squeak.” Bi Ningshuai has scratched the cold sweat on forehead, felt that the sole full is the cold air. “好险。”毕宁帅擦了擦额头上的冷汗,感觉脚底满是凉气。 Looks that god needle melts, some Grandfather Bi anxiety, but clenches teeth close to, said: Walks, we are break the side wall of Saint courtyard treasure house to enter the treasure house, belongs to the action of going against heaven's will, this already is extremely a wall strength weakest point, front should have several dangerous situations, the bad risk, everybody is one by one more careful.” 看着那一枚神针融化,毕姥爷有些肉疼,但还是咬着牙巴,道:“走吧,我们是破开圣庭宝库的极壁进入宝库,属于逆天之举,这已经是极壁力量最薄弱的一个点,前面应该还有好几层险境,一层比一层凶险,大家小心一些。” Here, but Saint courtyard treasure house, sixth Yang Dynasty Spirit Treasure depositing place, if there are broken through easily, historically does not know that was looted many to return, please remember us probably create the person of history...... Turtle.” Mao Wugui said. “这里可是圣庭宝库,第六中央王朝灵宝的存放地,若是有那么容易被攻破,在历史上就不知被洗劫过多少回了,请记住我们是要创造历史的人……还有乌龟。”茅乌龟道。 This extremely bad risk, except for mountain coral wall, cuts god, their group has met space storm, really hot wind stops. 这一路极其凶险,除了“山海石壁”,“斩神雷海”,他们一行人又遇到了“空间风暴”,“真火煞风”。 After space storm time, is Demoness offers a sacrifice to the crystal red ghost ship-based the people to cross. 经过“空间风暴”的时候,乃是女魔祭出晶红鬼船载着众人渡过去。 Really hot wind stops cross exceptionally difficultly, three tastes are really hot and five wind stops coexist, on such as the human purgatory, this is a piece of isolation strip simply, at all was not the manpower can pass. “真火煞风”就渡得异常艰难,三味真火和五煞风并存,简直就如人间炼狱,这属于一片隔离带,根本不是人力可以度过。 Bi Ningshuai wears the valuable clothes, almost dies in inside as before, the Feng Feiyun prompt discovery, launches the samsara luckily speedily, leading him to pass through that piece of wind stops belt. 毕宁帅就算穿着宝衣,依旧差点死在里面,幸好风飞云及时发现,展开轮回疾速,带他穿过了那一片煞风带。 Well, this is...... This is gadfly Spirit Stone, Spirit Stone that is listed 11 th.” “咦,这是……这是马蜂灵石,排名第11的灵石。” Grandfather Bi picked brown Spirit Stone of head/number of people size, the shape like the gadfly, above was flowing meridians, inside spiritual energy was extremely rich. 毕姥爷捡到了一块人头大小的褐色灵石,形状如马蜂,上面流动着一道道经络,里面的灵气极其浓郁。 Gadfly Spirit Stone can exchange 10 million Trueglory Spirit Stone together, already belongs to rare Spirit Stone. 一块马蜂灵石可以兑换10000000枚真耀灵石,已经属于稀有灵石 The gadfly Spirit Stone that Grandfather Bi picks exceptionally big, at least can cut 50 Spirit Stone, was a huge wealth. 毕姥爷捡到的这一块马蜂灵石异常的大,至少能够切割出50枚灵石,算是一笔巨大的财富了。 Grandfather Bi quickly this gadfly Spirit Stone receiving, the eye becomes scalding hot, somewhat excited say/way: Gadfly Spirit Stone definitely was stored up in the Saint courtyard treasure house, by wind stops blowing here, I thought that we must enter the Saint courtyard treasure house quickly.” 毕姥爷以迅雷不及掩耳之势将这块马蜂灵石给收了起來,眼睛变得灼热起來,有些激动的道:“马蜂灵石肯定被储存在圣庭宝库之中,被煞风给吹來了这里,我觉得我们很快就要进入圣庭宝库了。” All people were excited, this is in the creation history, if they really Saint courtyard treasure house evacuating, surely the vibration world. 所有人都激动了起來,这可是在创造历史,若是他们真的将圣庭宝库给搬空了,必定震动天下。 Everybody should not be happy too soon, the Saint courtyard treasure house exceptionally is definitely huge, inside treasure was classified to safeguard surely, arranges the ban to kill, moves slightly, definitely dies without the burial ground.” “大家不要高兴得太早,圣庭宝库肯定异常庞大,里面的宝物必定都被分类看管,布置了禁制杀阵,稍有触碰,肯定死无葬身之地。” Moreover each region, definitely also has the expert who special protects the heavy treasure, if by these experts were discovered we intruded the Saint courtyard treasure house, kills to give to open treasure house's all bans, when the time comes was half Saint came, perhaps was the dead ends.” “而且每一区域,肯定还有专门守护重宝的高手,若是被这些高手发现我们闯入了圣庭宝库,将宝库的所有禁制杀阵都给打开,到时候就算是半圣來了,恐怕都是死路一条。” Grandfather Bi is a slippery customer, has rushed to many restricted area treasure houses, the experience is very rich. 毕姥爷乃是老油子,闯过许多禁地宝库,经验十分丰富。 The group concealment personal appearance, set out toward the Saint courtyard treasure house in once more, when are not many, front presented a valuable palace, is carved by the amethyst colored glaze, 380 ten feets in height, the imposing manner is broad, float above a Ling River, the Ling River is several hundred miles, inside is Spirit Stone, the grade is completely lowest is Spirit Stone, even also has few dragon Spirit Stone and falling day Spirit Stone. 一行人再次隐匿身形,向着圣庭宝库之中进发,不多时,前面出现了一座宝宫,由紫晶琉璃雕琢而成,高380丈,气势恢宏,悬浮在一条灵河之上,灵河长达数百里,里面全部都是灵石,品级最低都是界灵石,甚至还有少量的龙灵石、陨天灵石 They have not seen so many Spirit Stone, is looks dumbfoundedly. 他们从來都沒有见过如此多的灵石,皆是看得目瞪口呆。 Feng Feiyun also very much exclaimed in surprise, here Spirit Stone reserve is too terrifying, is hard to calculate the number. 风飞云也很是惊叹,这里的灵石储备实在太恐怖,难以计算数目。 Enough purchase antique demon earth Spirit Stone.” Eye pupil of Demoness clear, the allium cepa finger brandished gently two, already started to be ready to make trouble. “足够购买太古魔土的灵石了。”女魔的眼眸晶莹,玉葱手指轻轻的抡动了两下,已经开始蠢蠢欲动。 Ai ya mother, this is must send.” Bi Ningshuai has also been ready to fight. “唉呀妈呀,这是要发呀。”毕宁帅也摩拳擦掌了起來。 Thump.” “咚。” Grandfather Bi also spent well long time to respond, the pursing the lips lip, has then knocked one in the head of Bi Ningshuai, said: Thing of lacking prospects, these Spirit Stone are not here most precious things, most precious thing in that palace.” 毕姥爷也花了好半晌才反应过了,抿了抿嘴唇,然后在毕宁帅的头上敲了一记,道:“沒出息的东西,那些灵石都不是这里最贵重的东西,最贵重的东西在那一座宫殿之中。” Right, these Spirit Stone merely are only the carriers of cradling palace, looks like moves bricks high-level, is the low level goods. 沒错,这些灵石都仅仅只是托住宫殿的载体,就像是一块块高级搬砖,属于低级货。 The genuine treasure in the palace of that broad atmosphere, inside unusual brightness is bright, brilliant eye-catching. 真正的宝物都在那一座恢弘大气的宫殿之中,里面宝光熠熠,绚烂夺目。 Everybody was careful, outside the palace altogether more than 800 murder the ban, goes astray slightly, will be beyond redemption.” Ms. complete(ly) gives the end a White Jade compass in the hand, slowly above walking toward Spirit Stone rivers. “大家小心,宫殿外一共有800多座杀伐禁制,稍有走错,就会万劫不复。”毕老妪将一个白玉罗盘给端在手中,缓缓的向着灵石河流之上的走去。 Where is so troublesome.” “哪有那么麻烦。” Demoness Venerable/reveres the immeasurable tower offering a sacrifice to half day, murders the ban to give to dash one big piece, the day Venerable/reveres the immeasurable tower becomes the foot have several the hundred zhang (333 m) to be high, changed into a huge Yunta. 女魔将半座天尊无量塔给祭出,将一大片杀伐禁制给撞破,天尊无量塔变得足有数百丈高,化为了一座庞大的云塔。 The tower entrance opens, changed into the black hole likely, unceasing takes in Spirit Stone the tower. 塔门打开,像是化为了黑洞,不断的将灵石收进塔中。 Demoness gets rid too the violence, will murder the ban to give to touch innumerably, the innumerable electric light and fireball bang falls, forms one to destroy the day to extinguish the place the scene. 女魔出手实在太暴力,将无数杀伐禁制都给触动,无数电光和火球轰落下來,形成一幅毁天灭地的场景。 Grass, before getting rid, does not know that informs one, will kill the person.” Grandfather Bi tumbles ran away, if not for the body wears the golden treasure clothes, has blocked the majority of strengths, definitely already was deducted the dregs. “草,出手之前也不知道通知一声,会害死人啊。”毕姥爷连滚带爬的逃了回來,若不是身上穿着金色宝衣,挡住了大部分的力量,肯定已经被劈成了渣。 Demoness stands in the day Venerable/reveres above immeasurable tower, these murdered the ban unable to moisten her body, the pupil light ice-cold, did not have the least bit mood, regarded the neglected advice the Grandfather Bi bawl, but the stimulation of movement day Venerable/revered immeasurable tower fast collection Spirit Stone. 女魔站在天尊无量塔之上,那些杀伐禁制都沾不了她的身体,眸光冰冷,不带半点情绪,将毕姥爷的叫骂声当成耳边风,只是催动天尊无量塔快速的收取灵石 Who is gathering Spirit Stone, may know that here is the Saint courtyard treasure house exquisite palace.” Drinks from the palace severely spreads, the sound is quite old. “何人在收取灵石,可知道这里乃是圣庭宝库玲珑宫。”一声厉喝从宫殿之中传出,声音颇为苍老。 Was bad, in this palace has the protector, was discovered.” Grandfather Bi said. “糟了,这一座宫殿之中有守护者,被发现了。”毕姥爷道。 Feng Feiyun haunches Great Amplify Domain immediately, covers the surrounding space, was separated the voice of this protector, has not disseminated, will otherwise alarm the entire Saint courtyard treasure house. 风飞云立即撑起大衍域,覆盖周围的空间,将这位守护者的声音被隔断,沒有传播出去,不然会惊动整个圣庭宝库。 A pupil light cold, slender arm of Demoness has held back toward that palace, the huge hand imprint falls, rumbling is split up the entire palace, the rubble and wall disintegration, inside treasure was also separated from the ban to fly, everywhere was the unusual brightness. 女魔的眸光一寒,纤细的手臂向着那一座宫殿按压了下去,巨大的手印落下,将整个宫殿给轰得四分五裂,瓦砾和墙壁都崩碎,里面的宝物也都脱离禁制飞了起來,漫天都是宝光。 Excels at rushing to Saint courtyard treasure house, the death.” “擅闯圣庭宝库者,死。” An old man of wear azure Daoist robe goes out from the unusual brightness, the cheeks are thin, the white hair is floating, but in the body is actually breeding the terrifying peerless aura, both hands open and close, condense a huge azure disc, has hit toward Demoness. 一个穿着青色道袍的老者从宝光之中走出,脸颊消瘦,白发飘飘,但是身体之中却孕育着恐怖绝伦的气息,双手开合,凝聚出一个庞大的青色圆盘,向着女魔打了过去。 Demoness speed wonderful quick incomparable, first also stands in the day Venerable/reveres in the immeasurable tower, next quarter already stood in the front of that azure clothes old say/way. 女魔的速度奇快无比,前一刻都还站在天尊无量塔上,下一刻已经站在了那青衣老道的面前。 The old say/way is also the heart one cold, retreat one step of being able not help, very powerful big Demon Qi. 老道也是心头一凛,情不自禁的后退一步,好强大的魔气 .” “噗。” A Demoness palm of the hand hitting to fly his head, only remains a headless corpse also to stand there. 女魔一巴掌将他的头颅给打飞了出去,只剩一具无头死尸还站立在那里。 Her bloody on hand, look was very indifferent, looks like has done an extremely sloppy ordinary matter, wielded the sleeves then to turn around to leave , to continue to restrain Spirit Stone. 她的手边的血淋淋,眼神很冷漠,就像是做了一件极其稀松平常的事,挥了挥衣袖便转身离开,继续去收敛灵石 Was too cruel.” Bi Ningshuai hit one to tremble. “太残暴了。”毕宁帅打了一个哆嗦。 But at this time Feng Feiyun, Mao Wugui and Grandfather Bi already crashes in the broken valuable palace, in restrains the treasure that these dance in the air in all directions. 而此时风飞云茅乌龟毕姥爷已经冲进残破的宝宫之中,去收敛里面那些四处飞舞的宝物。 Ten Grade 3 ancient Suidan, this is the good treasure.” Grandfather Bi is excited shivers, hastily jade box and close, fast hiding. “十三品古髓丹,这可是好宝贝啊。”毕姥爷激动得颤抖,连忙将玉盒子和合上,快速的藏了起來。 „The saber of sixth generation of Saint courtyard control young times, the Heavenly Dragon sword, this is the sacred thing.” Mao Wugui fights sword receiving a handle dragon's head, smiled the face to be crooked. “第六代圣庭主宰年轻时候的佩剑,天龙剑,这可是神圣之物。”茅乌龟将一柄龙头战剑给收起,笑得脸都歪了。 The common treasure to the already too big attraction, Feng Feiyun has not arrived at the Saint courtyard treasure house biggest goal is to seek for Phoenix Bones. 一般的宝物对已经沒有太大的诱惑力,风飞云來到圣庭宝库最大的目的是为了寻找凤骨 He launches Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, seeks for Phoenix Bones, but here had not actually found the aura of any phoenix, Saint courtyard treasure house is so big, perhaps 1/1000 of treasure even/including Shengting Treasure house here stores up do not have, Phoenix Bones should in other place.” 他展开凤凰天眼,寻找凤骨,但是却并沒有在这里找到任何凤凰的气息,“圣庭宝库这么大,这里储存的宝物说不定连圣庭宝库的1都沒有,凤骨应该是在别的地方。” This valuable palace already was destroyed, even if there is Great Amplify Domain to cover, how long also will not definitely be able to hide the truth from be realized. 这一座宝宫已经被破坏,就算有大衍域掩盖,也肯定瞒不了多久就会被察觉。 Feng Feiyun has gathered several precious treasures casually, then left this valuable palace, going elsewhere sought for Phoenix Bones. 风飞云随便收取了几件珍贵的宝物,然后便离开了这一座宝宫,前去别处寻找凤骨 Feng Feiyun Spiritual Awareness is formidable, induced the aura of phoenix in the Saint courtyard treasure house, immediately flew in the direction of own Spiritual Awareness direction. 风飞云灵觉强大,在圣庭宝库之中感应到了凤凰的气息,立即沿着自己灵觉指引的方向飞过去。
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