SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1056: The gods steal the gate

Saint courtyard treasure house, but the place of sixth zhongyāng Dynasty most being rich, collection world Spirit Treasure in a storehouse, the sixth zhongyāng Dynasty 1 million years of accumulation in inside, any treasure took is the sky-high price god treasure. “圣庭宝库”可是第六zhongyāng王朝最富有之地,集天下灵宝于一库,第六zhongyāng王朝1000000年的积累都在里面,任何一件宝物被拿出來都是天价神宝。 No person can steal this Immortal Family heavily, the god mystical place mansion that the robber king of each time longs for opening, symbolizes is stealing the highest honor. 从來沒有人能够盗取这一座仙家重地,每个时代的盗王都渴望打开的神秘境府,象征着偷盗界最高荣誉。 Grandfather Bi is exceptionally excited, he had already had the idea of Saint courtyard treasure house, because the Saint courtyard treasure house defense is too strict, can not its, but also tried to find out that many ways, currently have Feng Feiyun, Mao Wugui and Demoness to assist, finally has offset his insufficiency, can rush to the world firmest treasure house fortress. 毕姥爷异常兴奋,他早就打过圣庭宝库的主意,但是因为圣庭宝库防守实在太严密,一直不得其门,不过也摸索出了不少门道,现在有风飞云茅乌龟女魔相助,终于弥补了他的不足,可以去闯天下最坚固的宝库堡垒。 Haha, tomorrow is father ming moves ri of world, I must steal the plum blossom mark of gate to carve the god above the god column of Saint courtyard treasure house.” Grandfather Bi one happy said inadvertently immediately, words that some should not speak saying. “哈哈,明天就是老子名动天下之ri,我要将神偷门的梅花标记刻在圣庭宝库的神柱之上。”毕姥爷一高兴顿时说漏了嘴,将一些不该说的话给说了出來。 Feng Feiyun naturally does not know that Dao Divinity steals to represent any significance in the human state, but Mao Wugui this slippery customer is very clear, that is the day calculates that gate compound existence, is called wonderful technique eight. 风飞云自然不知道神偷门在人类国度代表着什么意义,但是茅乌龟这老油条则十分清楚,那可是和天算门并列的存在,被称为“奇术八门”。 The gods steal the gate, although placed wonderful technique eight end, the disciple is scarce, but does not allow to look down upon as before, these wonderful technique magical powers make people virtually impossible to guard against. 神偷门虽然排在“奇术八门”的末尾,门人稀少,但是依旧不容小视,那些奇术神通让人防不胜防。 The gods steal the gate when is most prosperous, once presented one to rob Saint, is true Holy Saint, ancestor dragon bead gives to steal Holy Saint Container of dragon clan, carved the plum blossom mark above the Zulong temple of dragon clan, dragon clan afterward sent the powerhouse to chase down, but again had not actually found this to rob the Saint. 神偷门在最鼎盛之时,曾出现过一位“盗圣”,是真正的圣灵,将龙族的圣灵器皿“祖龙珠”都给盗走,在龙族的祖龙神殿之上刻下了梅花印记,龙族后來派遣强者去追杀,但是却再也沒有找到这位盗圣。 The dragon clan nature such disgraced matter will give to say embarrassed, that god steals the gate robber Saint naturally not saying that finally this matter then becomes an unsettled law case. 龙族自然不好意思将这样丢人的事给说出來,那一位神偷门的盗圣自然也不会说,最后这件事便成为一件悬案。 Mao Wugui looks at Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai look at once some differences, the successor who the god steals the gate is scarce all along, these two ancestor Sunkeng goods cannot be the successors who the god steals the gate. 茅乌龟毕姥爷毕宁帅的眼神旋即有些异样起來,神偷门的传人一贯稀少,这两个祖孙坑货不会就是神偷门的传人吧。 Feng Feiyun wholeheartedly only wants to obtain Phoenix Bones now, attacks Nirvana 9th-layer, too did not care that anything is the god steals the gate, said: „When tomorrow daybreak begins on time, now everybody prepares, only has a time opportunity, once is defeated, perhaps we do not have including the opportunity of escape.” 风飞云现在一心只想得到凤骨,冲击涅槃第九重,并不太关心什么是神偷门,道:“明天黎明之时准时动手,现在大家都去准备吧,只有一次机会,一旦失败,我们说不定连逃命的机会都沒有。” Face color/look of all people become serious, loots the Saint courtyard treasure house, this is a crazy idea, the average person does not dare these many absolutely, but Feng Feiyun this crowd of person one have not been the normal people, pours also has nothing to dread. 所有人的脸sè都变得严肃起來,洗劫圣庭宝库,这绝对是一个疯狂至极的想法,一般人根本不敢这么多,但是风飞云这群人沒有一个是正常人,倒也沒有什么可畏惧。 Grandfather Bi and Bi Ningshuai hurried departure, said that is prepares some tools, before daybreak, will return surely. 毕姥爷毕宁帅匆匆忙忙的离开,说是去准备一些工具,黎明之前,必定会归來。 Demoness all things do not harass the heart, like the virtuous young woman, static sitting cross-legged in the distant place, absorbs blood energy in phoenix bloodstone quiet and refined as before, increases own cultivation base. 女魔万事不扰心,娴静如淑女,依旧静静的盘坐在远处,吸取凤凰血晶之中的血气,增加自己的修为 The stone of Feng Feiyun under foot moves suddenly, a swarthy fruit braved several points from the soil, probably only then the finger was so big, if nonchalant looked, but also thinks that was an iron plum. 风飞云脚下的一块石头突然动了动,一个黑不溜秋的果子从泥土之中冒出來了几分,大概只有手指头那么大,若是不经意的看,还以为是一枚铁李子。 Well.” “咦。” Mao Wugui fart walked, is extending the neck, stared in a big way the eye, was staring at that small fruit. 茅乌龟屁头屁颠的走了过去,伸着脖子,瞪大了眼睛,盯着那一枚小果子。 Grandfather, is I.” Sacred Fruit passes message quietly, for fear that by not far away Demoness hearing. “爷爷,是我。”圣实果悄声的传音,生怕被不远处的女魔给听到。 After this is changes from Sacred Fruit, aura changes, no wonder Mao Wugui first has not given to recognize it. 这正是化形之后的圣实果,就连身上的气息都改变,难怪茅乌龟第一眼沒有将它给认出。 „.” “唰。” Mao Wugui stretches out a claw, quickly Sacred Fruit picking, shot a look at Demoness slightly, discovered that has not given to alarm her, this also immediately Sacred Fruit holding in tortoise shell. 茅乌龟伸出一只爪子,以迅雷不及掩耳之势将圣实果给捡起來,微微的瞥了女魔一眼,发现沒有将她给惊动,这才又立即将圣实果给揣进龟壳里面。 This nature falls in the Feng Feiyun eye, but actually is also only slightly smiles, then continues to start the platoon to calculate that the process of deduction looting Saint courtyard treasure house, this matter is very important, not being able to allow the least bit to be careless. 这一幕自然落在风飞云的眼里,但是却也只是微微的一笑,便继续开始排算推演洗劫圣庭宝库的过程,这件事很重要,容不得半点马虎。 Really is not as expected Feng Feiyun, among yin attacks at the same night, the attack is getting more and more fierce, but is actually not able to break the quadrangle star day fights limitless. 果然不出风飞云的预料,yin间界连夜进攻,攻击越來越凶猛,但是却都无法破开中庭星的“天斗无极阵”。 Finally starts to retreat before the daybreak, because among yin the member already discovery has the nobility master to come to rescue the Saint courtyard, if not draw back the armed forces, definitely will be given to surround by various path Jueye, when the time comes bad luck was they. 最终在黎明之前开始撤退,因为yin间界的修士已经发现有爵爷前來救援圣庭,若是再不退军,肯定会被各路爵爷给围堵,到时候倒霉的就是他们了。 But at this time, Bi Ningshuai and Grandfather Bi already came back. 而这个时候,毕宁帅毕姥爷已经回來了。 Their bodies wear two valuable clothes, by the gold thread knitting, above is recording the innumerable strange writing, looked like ancient times the bone-script of ancients, seemed like sloppy ordinary, but there is a certain cultivation base person to discover the writing on valuable clothes to be very strange, was containing a strange truth, like ri moon/month stars of mosaic in universe. 他们的身上穿着两件宝衣,由金丝编织而成,上面刻录着无数奇异文字,就像是远古先民的甲骨文,看似稀松平常,但是有一定修为的人就会发现宝衣上的文字很古怪,蕴含着一种奇异的道理,就像镶嵌在宇宙之中的ri月星辰。 „, Your wear robs Saint writing clothes unexpectedly.” Mao Wugui believes that this grandparent and grandchild two affirmations are the successors who the god steals the gate, otherwise is impossible to rob Saint writing clothes. “靠,你们居然穿着盗圣文衣。”茅乌龟更加坚信这祖孙两肯定乃是神偷门的传人,不然不可能拥有盗圣文衣。 Hearsay robs Saint article clothes is by robbing the Saint sacrifice refining up personally, the material of use is extremely rare hidden silk and Xiandong gold/metal, above is printed with the Holy Saint writing, can shuttle Formation, hide the personal appearance, restrains the aura, is the god steals the gate unsurpassed treasure. 传闻“盗圣文衣”乃是由盗圣亲手祭炼,利用的材料乃是极其稀有的“隐蚕丝”和“仙洞金”,上面印有圣灵文字,能够穿梭阵法,隐藏身形,收敛气息,乃是神偷门的无上瑰宝。 Really is the unsurpassed valuable clothes.” “果然是无上宝衣。” Demoness changes into together the cool breeze, stood in the Grandfather Bi side directly, the slender jade refers to the touching treasure clothes gently, above the valuable clothes flows at once gold/metal, has delimited from the body of Grandfather Bi her finger directly. 女魔化为一道清风,直接站在了毕姥爷的身旁,纤纤玉指轻轻的触摸宝衣,宝衣之上旋即流动出一道道金芒,将她的手指直接从毕姥爷的身体之中划过。 Naturally this is not true has delimited from the body of Grandfather Bi, when she points at moves the valuable clothes edge, the valuable clothes will automatically have a strength, will be void breaking together small opening, her finger has delimited from void, has not moistened to the body of Grandfather Bi. 当然这不是真正的从毕姥爷的身体之中划过,在她手指触碰到宝衣边缘的时候,宝衣自动就会产生一股力量,将虚空给破开一道小口子,她的手指就从虚空之中划过,根本就沒有沾到毕姥爷的身体。 This also robs one of the Saint writing clothes wondrous uses, even if some people hit on his body, will be included automatically void, like hitting in air. 这也是盗圣文衣的妙用之一,就算是有人撞击在他的身上,也会自动的划入虚空,就像撞在空气上。 I thought that this valuable clothes is predestined friends with me, I can feel in it spirit xing.” The Demoness eye pupil is limpid, holy solemn, calm saying. “我觉得这件宝衣与我有缘,我能感受到它里面的灵xing。”女魔眼眸清澈,圣洁端庄,波澜不惊的说道。 Body of Ms. complete(ly) slightly trembles, is predestined friends, Nyima, this does not want to snatch the person obvious. 毕老妪的身体微微的一颤,有缘,尼玛,这不是明摆着想抢人嘛。 „, This is not genuine robber Saint writing clothes, is only two replicas, most can only achieve robs the Saint writing clothes 1/10 effects truly.” Grandfather Bi for fear that Demoness begins to snatch, retroceded hurriedly two steps. “咳咳,这并不是真正的盗圣文衣,只是两件仿制品,最多只能达到真正盗圣文衣的1的功效。”毕姥爷生怕女魔动手抢,急忙后退了两步。 Mao Wugui said: I said that robber Saint writing clothes in legend only has one, how possibly suddenly changed two to come.” 茅乌龟道:“我就说嘛,传说之中的盗圣文衣只有一件,怎么可能突然就变出两件來了。” Demoness wrinkled the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly, received the hand, lacked to Grandfather Bi treasure clothes interest, because she discovered that this valuable clothes truly had very big loophole, already very weak to her present cultivation base. 女魔微微的皱了皱黛眉,将手收了回來,对毕姥爷身上的宝衣兴趣缺缺了,因为她发现这件宝衣的确存在很大的漏洞,对她现在的修为來说已经很鸡肋。 among yin draws back the armed forces, the member army in Saint courtyard starts to counter-attack, many powerhouses run out of the day to fight limitless, goes strikes to kill among yin member. yin间界退军,圣庭之中的修士军队开始反击,有不少强者冲出天斗无极阵,前去击杀yin间界的修士。 Over the two days among yin rampant arrogance made many people feel resentfully, at this time altogether erupted, before taking snow the shame, killed a happiness. 这两天yin间界的嚣张气焰让很多人都感觉到愤懑,这个时候都一股脑的爆发了出來,要一雪前耻,杀个痛快。 But at this time, Feng Feiyun, Demoness, Mao Wugui, Bi Ningshuai and Grandfather Bi arrived in the barren hill of quadrangle star. 而这个时候,风飞云女魔茅乌龟毕宁帅毕姥爷则來到了中庭星的一片荒山之中。 This barren hill is quite famous in quadrangle star, arranged in order the position the forbidden area, the common ominous beast appears and disappears , some formidable Ascension sages are buried above the mountain ridge, dyed blood red color/look some mountains and plains rills, the common person does not dare to approach. 这一片荒山在中庭星颇为有名,被列位了禁区,常有凶兽出沒,亦有一些强大的羽化贤者葬身在山岭之上,将一些山野小溪都染成了血红sè,寻常人不敢靠近。 Saint courtyard treasure house can here.” “圣庭宝库会在这里。” Demoness walks in the front line, the long hair is floating, the white clothing is graceful, in the hand holds the buttress tower that half jing is sending, everything has the ominous beast to come to block the way, was raised by her Ching Dynasty killed, the ground only has piece of skeleton remains. 女魔走在最前方,长发飘飘,白衣曼妙,手中托着半座jing致的小塔,凡是有凶兽前來拦路,都被她提前清杀,地上只有一片尸骨遗骸。 Grandfather Bi is true has experienced fierce of this Female Monster, kills xing to be too heavy, Demon Qi is too fierce, but also some do not dare to offend her, said hastily: „The gateway defense of Saint courtyard treasure house is extremely stern, some always did not inquire about the old fogy of fact to assume personal command there, I once went to there revolutions, was almost rumbled to kill, therefore I then drew back to ask next, sought for other entrance, the time does not lose the person with high aspirations, finally made me find the Saint courtyard treasure house weakest place.” 毕姥爷算是真正的见识了这女魔头的厉害,杀xing太重,魔气太烈,还真有些不敢得罪她,连忙道:“圣庭宝库的门户防守极其森严,有一些从來都不过问事实的老家伙坐镇在那里,我曾经去那里转了一圈,差一点就被轰杀,于是我便退而求其次,寻找别的入口,功夫不负有心人,终于让我找到了圣庭宝库最薄弱的地方。” Bi Ningshuai follows close on Grandfather Bi, in the hand is carrying a white color/look compass, above sends out asterism, is ordinary like an ancient Chinese compass, is seeking in anything. 毕宁帅紧跟在毕姥爷的身后,手里端着一个白sè的罗盘,上面散发出一道道星芒,就像一个司南一般,在寻在着什么。 The Grandfather Bi forehead gives birth to a light eye, inside shè leaves together radiant radiance, enters the bottom, as if can penetrate the center of the earth, suddenly on his face one happy, stops the footsteps, said: Was here, I here had once laid down the Coordinate.” 毕姥爷的眉心生出一只光眼,里面shè出一道璀璨光华,直入地底,仿佛能够穿透地心,突然他脸上一喜,停下脚步,道:“就是这里了,我曾经在这里埋下了坐标。” His palm extended, bottom light ball flew. 他的手掌伸出去,地底一枚光球飞了起來。 I lead the way.” “我來开路。” Feng Feiyun hell Yama and Qilin king calling, having urged them to go to the bottom opening. 风飞云将“地狱阎罗”和“麒麟王”给唤了出來,驱使他们去地底开路。 The hell Yama and Qilin king strength greatly is infinite, quick the hard rock will give to break open, has made a dozens miles deep channel, the bottom becomes more and more hard, endures compared with simply refining up the Artifact Spirit iron the degree of hardness. 地狱阎罗和麒麟王都力大无穷,很快就将坚硬的岩石给砸开,打出了一条数十里深的通道,地底变得越來越坚硬,简直堪比一些炼器灵铁的硬度。 Stops.” “停一下。” The finger of Grandfather Bi touches toward below stone wall above, above stone wall presents the innumerable halos at once, presents the leaving the mountain nautical chart article, so long as is the gravity bombardment above, will be rebounded. 毕姥爷的手指向着下方的石壁之上摸去,石壁之上旋即出现无数光晕,呈现出山海图文,只要是重力轰击在上面,都会被反弹回來。 According to my guess, this should be the first defense of Saint courtyard treasure house mountain Hai Yan wall, above the old book records, when the construction Saint courtyard treasure house, invited at that time most famous Treasure Hunter, has gotten down mountain sea not broken technique to each stone wall arrange/cloth ‚’.” “根据我的猜测,这应该乃是圣庭宝库的第一层防御‘山海岩壁’,古籍之上记载,在建造圣庭宝库之时,请來了当时最负盛名的寻宝师,给每一块石壁都布下了‘山海不破术’。” The Grandfather Bi knitting the brows head, already expected the Saint courtyard treasure house to be surely impregnable, but has not thought that this first defense is so abnormal. 毕姥爷皱了皱眉头,早就料到圣庭宝库必定牢不可破,但是沒有想到这第一层的防御这么变态。 Links our valuable clothes not to penetrate the mountain Hai Yan wall.” Bi Ningshuai said. “难道连我们身上的宝衣都穿不透山海岩壁。”毕宁帅道。 Grandfather Bi shook the head, said: Arranges mountain sea not the broken technique that Treasure Hunter no small matter, to at that time one of the fiercest several people, treasure hunt technique, the ghosts and gods all fear, our valuable clothes have the loophole, once rushes forcefully, perhaps will die in stone wall, only if genuine robber Saint writing clothes possibly passes through.” 毕姥爷摇了摇头,道:“布置山海不破术的那一位寻宝师非同小可,为当时最厉害的几个人之一,寻宝术一出,鬼神皆惧,我们身上的宝衣有漏洞,一旦强行去闯,说不定会死在石壁之中,除非是真正的盗圣文衣才可能穿过去。” How that must be able to break stone wall.” “那要如何才能破开石壁。” Demoness some are impatient, plan storm, but this is under the bad plan, once because the storm will alarm the protector in Saint courtyard treasure house surely, only then time as a last resort can use this means. 女魔有些不耐烦,打算强攻,但是这是下下策,因为一旦强攻必定会惊动圣庭宝库的守护者,只有万不得已的时候才能使用这个办法。 Grandfather Bi is careful, said: I first draw back, after waiting to prepare complete, comes again.” 毕姥爷十分小心谨慎,道:“我还是先退回去吧,等做好周全准备之后再來。” I try.” “我來试试。” Feng Feiyun obtains Phoenix Bones very urgently, does not want to wait again, palm according to above mountain coral wall, fifty technique displaying, above stone wall mountain and sea the chart article starts to walk randomly toward all around immediately, looks like some real mountain and sea by Great God for putting aside general. 风飞云十分迫切得到凤骨,不想再等下去,手掌按在了山海石壁之上,将“大衍术”给施展出來,石壁之上的“山”与“海”的图文顿时开始向着四周游走,就像是一些真实的“山”和“海”被大神通给移开一般。 Fifty technique is one of the antique eight techniques, is the general outline technique method above «General's office Treasure hunt Record», has certain restraint ability to the Treasure Hunter method. “大衍术”乃是太古八术之一,更是《幕府寻宝录》之上的总纲术法,对寻宝师的手段有一定的克制能力。
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