SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1055: Has the idea of Saint courtyard treasure house

„The path of cultivation road is not the immortal way, even if earthshaking Holy Saint also has to fall from the sky for the liman the time, when is dominates Monster Clan sovereign of clan also has to change into the bleached bone, do not care.” Liu Suzi said. 修道路并不是长生途,就算是叱咤风云的圣灵也有陨落为沉泥的时候,即便是称雄一族的妖族皇者也有化为枯骨之时,你也不要太放在心上。”琉苏紫道。 Feng Feiyun nod of gently. 风飞云轻轻的点了点头。 Sleeves one volume of red daytime official titles master, a piece of brilliant radiance departs from the sleeves, several thousand Stoneman puppets appear from radiance, Sea God Guard and hell Yama also. 红昼人爵爷的衣袖一卷,一片绚烂的光华从衣袖之中飞出,数千具石人傀儡从光华之中显现出來,“海神卫”和“地狱阎罗”也都在其中。 After these puppets see Feng Feiyun, automatically has encircled, gives the protection Feng Feiyun in the center. 这些傀儡见到风飞云之后,都自动的围了过去,将风飞云给守护在中央。 These puppets also had been brought the quadrangle star by the red daytime official titles, after research, these puppets have brought the huge upheaval to the red daytime official titles. 这些傀儡都被红昼人爵也带來了中庭星,经过研究之后,这些傀儡给红昼人爵带來了巨大的震动。 Especially hell Yama, makes the person shock simply, he estimated initially, if can provide enough many resources, the hell Yama has the growth is the possibility of half Saint, this is the conservative estimate. 特别是“地狱阎罗”,简直让人震撼,他初步预估,若是能够提供足够多的资源,地狱阎罗有成长为半圣的可能,这还是保守的估计。 This result makes these old ancestors of colored glaze family shock, has to appraise the value that Feng Feiyun has once more. 这个结果让琉璃家族的那些老祖都震惊住,不得不再次评估风飞云所拥有的价值。 You are truly high above the attainments of puppet technique, heard that ten thousand years of demon slaughter dark green dies with Gu Zhanxi dies in your hands, but also is really the hero has the youngster, our colored glaze family really needs your such talented person.” “你在傀儡术的造诣之上确实很高,听说就连万年魔头屠苍死和古扎西都死在你的手中,还真是英雄出少年,我们琉璃家族很需要你这样的人才啊。” Although red daytime official titles master said very calmly, but anybody can hear him the appreciation to Feng Feiyun, wants to enroll the colored glaze family him. 红昼人爵爷虽然说得很平静,但是任何人都听得出他对风飞云的欣赏,想要将他招入琉璃家族。 Feng Feiyun had not promised immediately, but has shown the look of ponder. 风飞云并沒有立即许诺,而是露出了沉思的神色。 The atmosphere in entire palace becomes very tight, Liu Suzi for fear that Feng Feiyun will reject the red daytime official titles master, signals with the eyes to him unceasingly. 整个宫殿之中的气氛变得很紧张,琉苏紫生怕风飞云会拒绝红昼人爵爷,不断给他使眼色。 Red daytime official titles master smiled, said: You do not need to worry that I will covet your big puppet technique, the formidable puppet Masters need the innate talent, I, if captures your big puppet technique, but actually could not find to be able the person who the big puppet technique cultivates the peak, instead is the loss of our colored glaze family.” 红昼人爵爷笑了笑,又道:“你不用担心我会觊觎你的大傀儡术,强大的傀儡师都需要先天的天赋,我若是夺取你的大傀儡术,但是却找不到能够将大傀儡术修炼到巅峰的人,反而是我们琉璃家族的一个损失。” Four ancestors said: Big princess was killed by the evil person, but she after all is your nominal wife, actually Feiyun already already was one of our colored glaze family, the old man has not regarded as the bystander him.” 四祖道:“大郡主遭邪人杀害,但是她毕竟乃是你名义上的妻子,其实飞云早就已经是我们琉璃家族的一员,老夫从來沒有将他看成外人。” Feng Feiyun naturally knows that they vigorously win over oneself reason now, they definitely knew the hell Yama potential, but not because of this Half Monster. 风飞云自然知道他们现在极力拉拢自己的原因,他们肯定是知道了地狱阎罗的潜力,而并不是因为他这个半妖 After Feng Feiyun has hesitated for a long time, said: Now Saint courtyard is suffering netherworld the felling with axe, I thought what we now are most important is how should break the crisis, accommodates after other matter was discussing.” 风飞云沉吟了许久之后,才道:“如今圣庭正遭受阴间界的围伐,我觉得我们现在最重要的是该如何破开危局,至于别的事还是容后在谈吧。” Red daytime official titles master shook the head with a smile, said: Quadrangle star has the day to fight the limitless protection, even if netherworld ten king to is not necessarily able to break together, so long as the army of netherworld is unable to attack and capture the quadrangle star within three days, then the nobility masters of major boundaries will catch up to rescue, when the time comes the army of netherworld naturally can retreat, therefore this matter you do not need to consider thoroughly.” 红昼人爵爷笑着摇了摇头,道:“中庭星有天斗无极阵守护,就算是阴间界的十大王者齐至都未必能够破开,只要阴间界的大军在三天之内无法攻克中庭星,那么各大境的爵爷就都会赶來救援,到时候阴间界的大军自然会退走,所以此事你无须多虑。” The Feng Feiyun heart sighed one secretly, if it seems like oneself today cannot indicate the manner, perhaps was this palace is very continually difficult to walk. 风飞云心头暗叹一声,看來自己今天若是不能表明态度,恐怕是连这一座宫殿都很难走出去。 This is a side overlord manner, since cannot be adopted by us, then must write off in the cradle. 这就是一方霸主态度,既然不能为我所用,那么就要抹杀在摇篮之中。 The atmosphere becomes more and more tight, the look of everyone becomes the non- nature. 气氛变得越來越紧张,每个人的神色都变得很不自然。 report boundary Lord, forest Gelao pays a visit.” Sound that outside of palace transmits an old servant. 禀报境主,林阁老登门拜访。”宫殿的外面传來一个老仆的声音。 The atmosphere in palace was then more moderate, the red daytime official titles master has several points to smile as before, said: Suzi, leads Feng Feiyun and his friend gets down the rest, they just arrived at the quadrangle star also to be perhaps tired, this matter we pass some days to discuss again.” 宫殿之中的气氛这才缓和了一些,红昼人爵爷依旧带着几分微笑,道:“苏紫,带风飞云和他的朋友下去休息吧,他们刚刚來到中庭星恐怕也累了,这件事我们过些天再谈。” Liu Suzi was bringing Feng Feiyun and Demoness left this palace, places their dwellings. 琉苏紫带着风飞云女魔离开了这一座宫殿,去安置他们的住处。 Until after walking away, she complexion sinks, said: Dead Half Monster, do you know that you already walked outside Gate of Death a moment ago.” 直到走远之后,她才脸色一沉,道:“死半妖,你知不知道你刚才已经在鬼门关外走了一圈。” Liu Suzi stands in the Feng Feiyun opposite, is tying the chignon, the facial features are fine, complexion somewhat ice-cold, very discontented Feng Feiyun manner. 琉苏紫站在风飞云的对面,束着发髻,五官精致,脸色有些冰冷,很不满风飞云刚才的态度。 That not necessarily is Gate of Death.” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “那也不一定就是鬼门关。”风飞云笑道。 Is it possible that you think oneself have with the strength that the boundary Lord contends with.” Liu Suzi consoles saying: Boundary main and well-meant, but appreciates your talent and talent, wants to win over you to enter colored glaze family that's all.” “你莫非认为自己拥有和境主抗衡的力量。”琉苏紫劝解道:“境主并沒有恶意,只是欣赏你的天赋和才华,想要拉拢你进入琉璃家族罢了。” Feng Feiyun said: Seven princess, were needless to say again, this matter I will consider clearly, after there is a decision, naturally can make the choice.” 风飞云道:“七郡主,不用再说了,这件事我会考虑清楚,当有了决定之后,自然会做出选择。” Did not listen to the advice.” “不听劝告就算了。” Liu Suzi is also quite angry, turns around to walk, this Half Monster is too tenacious, simply is a muscle, the fool, the idiot. 琉苏紫也颇为气恼,转身就走,这个半妖实在太固执,简直就是一根筋,笨蛋,白痴。 The Demoness jade refers to moving gently sending the silk, does not have to a Feng Feiyun private affair interest, said: Our how long goes to Saint courtyard treasure house.” 女魔的玉指轻轻的撩动发丝,对风飞云的私事一点兴趣都沒有,道:“我们多久去圣庭宝库。” Now is not the time, but must look for two helpers.” “现在不是时候,还得去找两个帮手。” Feng Feiyun correspondence to recording above the jade symbol, then the jade symbol hitting, has flown into the vault of heaven. 风飞云将一封书信给刻录在玉符之上,然后将玉符给打了出去,飞入天穹。 Must go to Saint courtyard treasure house such place to steal the thing, naturally must look to do this line of experts, Bi Ningshuai and Grandfather Bi these two grandparent and grandchild, if goes into action, the success ratio definitely increases. 要去圣庭宝库这样的地方偷东西,自然要找干这一行的行家,毕宁帅毕姥爷这两祖孙若是出马,成功率肯定大增。 Waited for these days that Bi Ningshuai and Grandfather Bi come, Feng Feiyun planned the sacrifice refining up the second puppet. 等待毕宁帅毕姥爷來的这段时间,风飞云打算祭炼第二尊傀儡。 Feng Feiyun arranges Formation first, isolates the surrounding space, then gives to take out three taste real stoves, then Sea God Guard calling. 风飞云先是布置出一座阵法,隔绝周围的空间,然后将三味真火炉给取出,接着将“海神卫”给唤了出來。 Sea God Guard is one Yuan life body, has ability that unceasing grows, but it after all is the puppet that the human body meat embryo changes into, can achieve highly limited. 海神卫乃是一元生命体,拥有不断成长的能力,但是它毕竟乃是人体肉胎化为來的傀儡,能够达到的高度有限。 But Feng Feiyun must refine this puppet sacrifice now again, making him with the hell Yama same great strength. 风飞云现在就要将这一具傀儡重新祭炼,使他变得和地狱阎罗一样的强大。 The spirit and blood energy of blood that qilin half Saint Feng Feiyun will transfer the buddha, comes out from a day clever bottle but actually, then has infiltrated three taste real stoves. 风飞云将转轮王的精魂和血麒半圣的血气,从天一鬼瓶之中倒出來,然后打入了三味真火炉。 „The this King spirit does not extinguish, the Half Monster young child, you could not build up me.” 本王精魂不灭,半妖小儿,你炼不了我。” Transfers the buddha to roar in three taste real stoves, shakes the flame unceasingly to climb high, the hot wave seethes with excitement. 转轮王在三味真火炉之中咆哮,震得火焰不断攀高,火浪沸腾起來。 Feng Feiyun does not pay attention to transfer the roaring sound of buddha, stimulates to movement «Tribulation To extinguish Ten thousand Magic arts» strength of the Extreme Disaster dividing such as three taste real stoves, in the furnace transmits transfers the pitiful yell sound of buddha. 风飞云并不理会转轮王的咆哮声,催动《劫灭万道法》将一道道死劫之力给劈如三味真火炉,炉中传來转轮王的惨叫声。 Each Extreme Disaster strength falls, will let his spirit weak point, finally he then did not have including the pitiful yell strength, changed into one group of purple mist. 每一道死劫的力量落下,就会让他的精魂虚弱一分,最后他便连惨叫的力量都沒有了,化为了一团紫色的雾气。 blood energy of blood qilin half Saint also melts, turns into one group of blood red flame. 血麒半圣的血气也化解开,变成一团血红色的火焰。 The blood red flame and purple mist continuously are fusing, finally fuses together, the hot fog that turns into dense chaos. 血红色的火焰和紫色的雾气在不断融合,最终融为一体,变成一片氤氲混沌的火雾。 Sea God Guard, the present is you grow, once you absorb the spirit and blood energy of blood that qilin half Saint transferred the buddha, will become more formidable, the future growth space will be limitless.” 海神卫,现在是你成长的时候了,你一旦吸收了转轮王的精魂和血麒半圣的血气,将会变得更加强大,今后的成长空间不可限量。” Sea God Guard has as if understood the Feng Feiyun words, cried loud and long, then jumped to leap has run into three taste real stoves. 海神卫似乎是听懂了风飞云的话,长啸一声,然后纵身一跃逃进了三味真火炉。 Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged in the banks of three taste real stoves, both eyes shuts, then his already does not need to make anything again, which this puppet can be step to look at its good fortune, perhaps is evildoer/monstrous talent is born, perhaps will unable to withstand to transfer the buddha and strengths of blood qilin half Saint these two overlords explodes. 风飞云盘坐在三味真火炉之畔,双目微闭,接下來他已经不需要再做什么,这一具傀儡能够达到哪一步都要看它的造化了,说不定又是一尊妖孽出世,说不定会承受不住转轮王和血麒半圣这两位霸主的力量爆裂开。 Time such one minute one second of past. 时间就这么一分一秒的过去。 After a day a night, three taste real stoves start the strenuous vibration, inside projects the purple light from time to time, from time to time shoots the hemorrhage glow, flame surging one after another. 一天一夜之后,三味真火炉开始剧烈震动起來,里面时而射出紫光,时而射出血芒,火焰一波一波的激荡。 Bang.” “轰。” The dazzling rosy cloud air/Qi soars together from inside, sends out the Qilin to shout, like the heavenly thunder from the expansive sky trundle in the past, shook the person eardrum to send to hurt. 一道刺目的霞气从里面腾飞出來,发出麒麟嘶吼,就像天雷从长空滚动过去,震得人耳膜发疼。 Howling.” “嚎。” The Qilin roared. 麒麟咆哮。 A wear Daoist robe grows the puppet of Qilin head to stand in the ground, the whole body is the flame, the whole body is covered by the scale, a scarlet-red eye has the fist to be so big fully, stared the past, sent out two flame god glow. 一个穿着道袍长着麒麟头颅的傀儡站在地面上,浑身都是火焰,全身被鳞片覆盖,一双赤红的眼睛足有拳头那么大,一眼瞪过去,发出两道火焰神芒。 This is the spirit and blood energy later Sea God Guard of blood that qilin half Saint absorbed transferred the buddha. 这是吸收了转轮王的精魂和血麒半圣的血气之后的海神卫 Exactly said, god sea health/guard are quite few in proportion already that its within the body occupies, instead was transfers the essence and blood energy of blood of qilin half Saint buddha has occupied the big end. 确切的说,神海卫在它体内所占的比重已经相当少,反而是转轮王的精气和血麒半圣的血气占了大头。 Since you choose to be headed by the head of Qilin, will then call you blood qilin king from now on ‚’.” “既然你选择以麒麟的头颅为首,那么今后就叫你‘血麒王’吧。” Feng Feiyun gives this puppet name once more. 风飞云再次给这一具傀儡命名。 After blood Qi king receiving, Feng Feiyun abolished Formation, place that went out of this closing up. 将血麒王给收起來之后,风飞云撤销了阵法,走出了这一座闭关的地方。 Bi Ningshuai and Grandfather Bi received the Feng Feiyun jade flying symbol to catch up, early outside. 毕宁帅毕姥爷收到风飞云的玉飞符就赶了过來,早早的等在了外面。 You in the letter said that this time must do a ticket to be big, I prepared the fellows, does not know where this time must move.” Bi Ningshuai appears very excited, recently by Xie Honglian safeguarding, these time is sliding with great difficulty, must bring skills into full play. “你在信上说这次要干一票大的,我将家伙都准备好了,不知这次要动什么地方。”毕宁帅显得很兴奋,最近一段时间都被邪红莲给看管着,这一次好不容易溜出來,一定要大展拳脚。 Grandfather Bi appears very much the air/Qi calms down idly, puts on fully is the clothes of patch, carries a broken wooden club, sits is smoking the tobacco smoked dry in the stone steps. 毕姥爷就显得很气定神闲,穿着满是补丁的衣服,扛着一根破木棍,坐在石阶上抽着旱烟。 A following afternoon, Feng Feiyun, Bi Ningshuai, Grandfather Bi and Mao Wugui have conspired, encircles unceasing portray of a small circle in the ground, seems drawing any road map. 接下來的一个下午,风飞云毕宁帅毕姥爷茅乌龟密谋了起來,围成一个小圆圈在地面上不断的刻画,似乎在画什么路线图。 Demoness stands in the distant place, appears serene, in the jade white finger is pinching together the Holy Saint phoenix bloodstone, starts to absorb bloodstone inside blood energy, senses inside scarce Holy Saint to say. 女魔则站在远处,显得风轻云淡,玉白的手指中捏着一块圣灵凤凰血晶,开始吸收血晶里面的血气,感悟里面稀少的圣灵道。 Until soon the sun sets over the western hills time, Feng Feiyun and the others finally the entire plan making a final decision. 直到快要日落西山的时候,风飞云等人总算是将整个计划给敲定了下來。 „The Saint health/guard armed forces command with the equal king fight, were seriously injured, now Saint health/guard armed forces already gives the control by the Bu Tian pavilion and Saint courtyard Grade 1 day, in your hand is grasping a token of Bu Tian pavilion, makes us open access in many checkpoints sufficiently.” Grandfather Bi twisted the beard, eye has narrowed a seam. “圣卫军统领和平等王一战,受了重伤,现在圣卫军已经补天阁和圣庭一品天给掌控,你手中掌握着一枚补天阁的令牌,足以让我们在很多关卡都畅通无阻。”毕姥爷捻了捻胡须,眼睛眯成一道缝。 The Feng Feiyun complexion with deep veneration, said: I thought that now begins is not the best opportunity, the netherworld army also in the attack quadrangle star, now definitely is the Saint courtyard treasure house defends the strictest time, but army already continuous attack of netherworld two days a night, if could not have captured the quadrangle star tonight, when the time comes all nobility master definitely will lead the army to come to rescue the Saint courtyard.” 风飞云的脸色肃然,道:“我觉得现在动手并不是最佳时机,阴间界的大军还在攻击中庭星,现在肯定是圣庭宝库防御最严密的时候,但是阴间界的大军已经连续攻击了两天一夜,若是今晚还攻不下中庭星,到时候各方爵爷肯定会带领大军前來救援圣庭。” Therefore netherworld will draw back the armed forces according to my estimate at the latest tomorrow morning, after netherworld draws back the armed forces, the defense of Saint courtyard will be instead lax, when the time comes is we begins.” “所以根据我的估算最迟明天早上阴间界就会退军,阴间界退军之后,圣庭的防守反而会松懈下來,到时候就是我们动手的时候。” Bi Ningshuai and Mao Wugui exude quack the laughter, with stylish: When the time comes Saint courtyard treasure house having it all.” 毕宁帅茅乌龟都发出嘎嘎的笑声,同时道:“到时候就将圣庭宝库给一锅端。”
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