SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1054: Bustling place path remote

This is a scale vast fight, several billions armies fly in the expansive sky, is netherworld elite, the innumerable magical powers and Spirit Artifact toward quadrangle star bombardment in the past, changed into everywhere the light rain. 这是一场规模浩大的战斗,数十亿大军飞在长空,都是阴间界的精锐,无数的神通和灵器向着“中庭星”轰击过去,化为漫天的光雨。 These magical powers and Spirit Artifact in explode to the positions of quadrangle star three thousand li (500 km), day was fought limitless Grand Formation melting by antiquity. 这些神通和灵器都在离中庭星三千里的位置爆裂开,被上古“天斗无极大阵”给化解。 Some powerhouses of netherworld were clamoring: Quadrangle control, but in rein the Yang Dynasty character, has not thought that now actually has become a ghost turtle, your such chicken. The Palestinian gadget also matches to cultivate the behavior a control of kind of clan, holds up the Human Race future simply, sooner abdicates to give up one's post to a more qualified person then forget about it.” 阴间界的一些强者在叫嚣:“中庭主宰可是统御一座中央王朝的人物,沒想到现在却成了鬼头乌龟,就你这样的鸡.巴玩意儿也配做人类一族的主宰,简直就是耽误人族的前程,还是早些退位让贤算了。” Already heard that Master Shen Tianjue cultivation base is unparalleled, dominates in sixth Yang Dynasty, how does not dare to come out to fight with our equal king.” “早就听说神天爵爷修为盖世,在第六中央王朝称雄,怎么不敢出來和我们平等王一战。” Is one group of good-for-nothings, Human Race is ruled by your these people, therefore is inferior to these Antique Saint Monster Clan, if trades to be our Bian Chengwang to make the control of sixth Yang Dynasty, sixth Yang Dynasty in the future surely will become Human Race first Yang Dynasty.” “都是一群窝囊废,人族就是被你们这些人统治,所以才不如那些太古圣妖族,若是换做我们卞城王來做第六中央王朝的主宰,第六中央王朝将來必定成为人族的第一中央王朝。” Scolded the sound to be getting more and more coarse, finally some people could not calm down. 骂声越來越难听,终于有人沉不住气。 Day fights limitless Grand Formation to open an opening, inside runs out of one group of formidable member, what lead is Saint health/guard army commanding, puts on the ancient iron armor, grasps the blood red war dagger-axe, is riding wind hot day eyeball beast, powerful, the air/Qi soars to the heavens the river. “天斗无极大阵”打开一道口子,里面冲出一群强大的修士,领头的乃是圣卫军的统领,穿着古铁铠甲,手持血红战戈,骑着“风火天睛兽”,威风凛凛,气冲霄河。 .” “噗。” Fights the dagger-axe to eject, changes into flowing light to fly together the vault of heaven, was away from a piece void a moment ago piercing in railing the bodies of ten thousand old demons one. 战戈击出,化为一道流光飞过天穹,隔着一片虚空将一位刚才在谩骂的万年老魔的身体给洞穿。 Depends on your netherworld this group of motley crew also to think that rein sixth Yang Dynasty, simply is dream of a fool.” “就凭你们阴间界这群乌合之众也想统御第六中央王朝,简直就是痴人说梦。” cultivation base that the Saint health/guard armed forces command is unparalleled, launches war-god law, a 8564 ten feets in height war-god empty shade presents behind him. 圣卫军统领的修为盖世,展开“战神法相”,一尊身高8564丈的战神虚影在他背后呈现。 The war-god law a fist shells, gave the bang to kill the member of hundreds of thousands of netherworld, has emptied void. 战神法相一拳轰击出去,将数十万阴间界的修士都给轰杀,清空了一片虚空。 Saint courtyard also is really the powerhouse pours forth, a war-god makes Saint health/guard army commanding unexpectedly, was urged, this has done work beneath one's ability simply, if you want, after arriving at netherworld, can receive the King rank the treatment.” Equal king is grasping the iron volume, is grasping the life and death pen, commanded to throw the olive branch to the Saint health/guard armed forces. “圣庭还真是强者辈出,一位战神竟然做圣卫军的统领,被人驱使,这简直太屈才了,你若愿意,來到阴间界之后可以受到王者级别的待遇。”平等王一手握着铁卷,一手持着生死笔,向圣卫军统领投去了橄榄枝。 However what welcomed was the Saint health/guard armed forces commands the blood-color that to fight the lance, two people separated spar spatially, rumble dizzily, nobody dares to approach them, everything is given to stain by the air wave that on them overflowed, the body changed into the dried blood powder immediately. 但是迎來的乃是圣卫军统领的血色战矛,两人隔空斗法,轰得天旋地转,沒有人敢靠近他们,凡是被他们身上溢出的气浪给沾上,身体立即化为血粉。 Is now. 就是现在。 Feng Feiyun and Demoness change into two Daoist believers light, flies toward the quadrangle star. 风飞云女魔化为两道流光,向着中庭星飞去。 Grows the angry glare mendicant budhist monk of three eyes to stand in void, carries on the back a pair of black meat feather, both hands is lifting a handle hill that big iron hammer steadily, has pressed toward the Feng Feiyun bang. 一个长着三只眼睛的怒目头陀站在虚空,背上长着一对黑色的肉羽,双手举着一柄小山那么大的铁锤,向着风飞云轰压了下去。 „The universe is in charge the world.” “乾坤掌印天地。” The Feng Feiyun palm lifts, myriad presents in the palm, condenses a Fokuang world. 风飞云手掌一抬,万千佛芒呈现在掌心,凝聚成一个佛光世界。 However his being in charge has not divided, that grew the angry glare mendicant budhist monk of three eyes to turn into two sections on already, the body has crashed void. 但是他的掌印还沒有劈出,那一个长着三只眼睛的怒目头陀就已经变成了两截,身体坠落虚空。 Demoness goes out from the blood fog, that handle giant iron hammer receiving, has nosed, ten Grade 1 Spirit Artifact, are good Divine Weapon.” 女魔自血雾之中走出,将那一柄巨大的铁锤给收到手中,查探了一番,“十一品灵器,算是一件不错的神兵利器。” Then, she iron hammer receiving. 然后,她将铁锤给收了起來。 Feng Feiyun naturally also no longer gets rid, is in charge the world receiving the universe. 风飞云自然也就不再出手,将乾坤掌印天地给收起。 They intrude the day to fight the limitless Grand Formation gap in the tangled warfare, enters the quadrangle star. 两人在混战之中闯入天斗无极大阵的缺口,进入中庭星。 Just entered day fought limitless Grand Formation the gap, then immediately was attacked. 刚刚进入“天斗无极大阵”的缺口,便立即遭到攻击。 What getting rid is one wears white to fight the young man of armor, he stands above a side 9000 chi (0.33 m) spirit table, the item visits spatially, drinks one coldly: Rushes to Saint courtyard, death.” 出手的乃是一位身穿白色战铠的年轻男子,他站在一方9000尺神台之上,目光临空,冷喝一声:“闯圣庭者,死。” He is the day fights limitless Grand Formation defends one of the people, cultivation base is unparalleled, seems like young, in fact already has practiced for over a thousand years, mobilizes the Formation strength, attacks Feng Feiyun and Demoness. 他乃是天斗无极大阵的守阵人之一,修为盖世,看似年纪轻轻,实际上已经修炼了上千年,调动阵法的力量,攻击风飞云女魔 Do not misunderstand, I am leaf Hongjing the member, fights the territory territory Lord, the Bu Tian pavilion member.” “别误会,我乃是叶红境修士,斗域域主,补天阁成员。” Feng Feiyun will simultaneously fight the territory territory main official stamp and token of Bu Tian pavilion takes out, simultaneously turned toward that to defend a person to hit. 风飞云同时将斗域域主的官印和补天阁的令牌取出,同时向着那一位守阵人打了过去。 Fights territory territory main official stamp, is the token of Bu Tian pavilion, above leaves leeway the Feng Feiyun aura, but also records Feng Feiyun all materials, cannot allow to create a false impression. 无论是斗域域主的官印,还是补天阁的令牌,上面都留有风飞云的气息,还录有风飞云的所有资料,容不得造假。 After that defends a person to consult has fought the territory territory main official stamp and Bu Tian pavilion token, deep stared at Feng Feiyun one, as before maintains the facial expression of alert, indifferent say/way: Original territory main Sir, but the present is very special period, the member of netherworld is sinister, some people of already infiltrate the quadrangle star, to provide against contingencies, but also asked the territory Lord to give up resisting, went to the Ascension temple to rest along with Saint health/guard army, when confirmed the status of territory main Sir, can regain the freedom of territory main Sir.” 那一位守阵人查阅了斗域域主官印和补天阁令牌之后,深深的盯了风飞云一眼,依旧保持戒备的神情,冷漠的道:“原來的域主大人,不过现在乃是非常时期,阴间界的修士阴险狡诈,有人已经混进中庭星,为了以防万一,还请域主放弃抵抗,随圣卫军前往羽化神殿休憩,待确认了域主大人的身份,才能恢复域主大人的自由。” Very special period, naturally must be careful, I am willing to coordinate.” “非常时期,自然得小心谨慎,我愿意配合。” Feng Feiyun and Demoness fall to the ground, had one team of Saint health/guard Junwei, has taken away the Ascension temple them. 风飞云女魔落到地面上,自有一队圣卫军围了上來,将他们带去了羽化神殿。 Ascension temple accumulation is the status suspicious member, some are waited for member who confirmation status, now the Saint courtyard bitter experience unprecedented crisis, rather wrong kills 10,000, cannot leave out one. 羽化神殿聚集的都是身份可疑的修士,有的是等待验证身份的修士,现在圣庭遭遇前所未有的危机,宁愿错杀10000,也绝不能漏掉一个。 How long Feng Feiyun has not treated in the Ascension temple, then the Saint health/guard army soldier long comes to release on bail him, and will fight the territory territory main official stamp and Bu Tian pavilion token gives back to him. 风飞云羽化神殿并沒有待多久,便有一位圣卫军的兵长前來保释他,并将斗域域主官印和补天阁令牌还给他。 This soldier long height eight chi (0.33 m), robust, cups one hand in the other across the chest to do obeisance to Feng Feiyun, says with a smile: Pavilion old already had confirmed personally the status of territory main Sir, the friend of territory main Sir and territory main Sir is now free.” 这位兵长身高八尺,虎背熊腰,拱手对风飞云一拜,笑道:“阁老已经亲自证实过域主大人的身份,域主大人和域主大人的朋友现在自由了。” Many thanks soldier growing up person.” “多谢兵长大人。” Feng Feiyun official stamp and token receiving, heart secretly thought, it seems like that this different thing some uses. 风飞云将官印和令牌给收了起來,心头暗道,看來这两样东西还是有些用处。 Can in Saint health/guard Junhun to the soldier long rank, under the place at least 1 million sergeants, own cultivation base affirmation no small matter, Feng Feiyun to him naturally be quite polite. 能够在圣卫军混到兵长的级别,座下至少都有1000000军士,自身的修为肯定非同小可,风飞云对他自然还是颇为客气。 This soldier long said with a smile: We are the pavilion old disciples, is the same side brothers, does not use such politely.” 这位兵长笑道:“我们都是阁老的门人,算是同门兄弟,不用这么客气。” Feng Feiyun is suddenly enlighted, no wonder can obtain soldier long releasing on bail, originally because of forest Gelao this relations. 风飞云恍然大悟,难怪自己能够得到一位兵长的保释,原來是因为林阁老这一层关系。 At this time, old person caught up with the Ascension temple, after seeing Feng Feiyun, old face above revealed the happy expression, Feng Feiyun, the boundary main Sir must see you.” 这个时候,又有一位老人赶來了羽化神殿,见到风飞云之后,老脸之上露出喜色,“风飞云,境主大人要见你。” This old person, the Feng Feiyun somewhat reflection, is the old servant of colored glaze family, follows frequently in Liu Suzi, is a Liu Suzi berm old person. 这个老人,风飞云还是有几分映像,乃是琉璃家族的一位老仆,经常跟随在琉苏紫的身后,乃是琉苏紫的一位护道老人。 Boundary main Sir arrived at the Saint courtyard.” Feng Feiyun is quite surprised, nobility master already helped the Saint courtyard. “境主大人來到了圣庭。”风飞云颇为吃惊,难道各位爵爷已经來援圣庭了。 It is not right, if sixth Yang Dynasty nobility masters already helps, these evil people of netherworld definitely hear a rumor to draw back, which also dares to look like now is so rampant. 不对,若是第六中央王朝的爵爷都已经來援,阴间界的那些邪人肯定都闻风而退,哪还敢像现在这么猖獗。 Beginning Feng Feiyun the quadrangle star, is very strange to this huge star, let alone is the going Saint courtyard treasure house, which position is the Saint courtyard control palace now in he does not know. 风飞云初來中庭星,对这一颗庞大的星球还很陌生,别说是前去圣庭宝库,就是圣庭主宰宫现在在哪个方位他都不知。 The quadrangle star now is at the condition of all-out alert, all Formation already open, each mainland is at isolates the condition completely, has Saint health/guard army to protect, only then the character of territory main rank can shuttle back and forth freely these Formation systems. 中庭星现在正处在全面戒备的状态,所有阵法已经开启,每一块大陆都处于完全隔绝状态,有圣卫军守护,只有域主级别的人物才能够自由的穿梭这些阵法系统。 Now also only then walks one step is one step, before has not clarified the condition, sharply is not going to the Saint courtyard treasure house. 现在也只有走一步算一步,在沒有弄清楚状况之前,并不急着去圣庭宝库。 Under that old man's leadership, Feng Feiyun arrives at leaf Hongjing the member temporarily the base. 在那一位老者的带领下,风飞云來到叶红境修士暂时驻扎地。 This is a grand Tiangongbaolei, the city wall high like the mountain ridge, many member go on patrol in Formation, any region that has the stranger to enter Tiangongbaolei will be warned to attack. 这是一座宏伟的天宫堡垒,城墙高如山岭,有很多修士在阵法之中巡逻,凡是有陌生人进入天宫堡垒的地域都会受到警示攻击。 Demoness performance very calm indifferent, the white clothing is floating, the long hair drags, walks like a quiet and refined frail female in the Feng Feiyun body side, passes on the sound said: In this Tiangongbaolei has a formidable character.” 女魔表现的很从容淡然,白衣飘飘,长发摇曳,就像一位娴静文弱的女子走在风飞云的身侧,传音道:“这一座天宫堡垒之中有一位强大的人物。” What is the red daytime official titles, this is one war-god, cultivation base is quite naturally fearful. 的是红昼人爵,这可是一位“战神”,修为自然相当可怕。 Enters Tiangongbaolei, these also living leaf red the boundary member are extremely surprised, they have not thought that Feng Feiyun is living unexpectedly. 进入天宫堡垒,那些还活着的叶红境修士都极其惊讶,他们沒想到风飞云居然还活着。 This simply is a miracle, simultaneously they have awed to Feng Feiyun, no longer regards Half Monster to regard him. 这简直就是一个奇迹,同时他们对风飞云更加的敬畏了,不再将他当成一个半妖看待。 Pays a visit the boundary main Sir.” Feng Feiyun enters a resplendent in gold and jade green palace, the body stands straightly, the vision is swift and fierce, the complexion is firm and resolute, appears neither arrogant nor servile. “拜见境主大人。”风飞云走进一座金碧辉煌的宫殿,身体站得笔直,目光凌厉,脸色坚毅,显得不卑不亢。 The red daytime official titles „the daytime colored glaze sits above a golden vulture Péng big chair, seems also on 28 and nine appearances, the eyebrow peak is clear, the cheeks are hale and hearty, although already has practiced for more than 2000 years, but seems as if not compared with Feng Feiyun greatly several years old. 红昼人爵“昼琉”坐在一张金色的雕鹏大椅之上,看上去也就28、九的模样,眉峰清晰,脸颊硬朗,虽然已经修炼了2000多年,但是看上去似乎并不比风飞云大几岁。 His eye is fiery, is staring at Feng Feiyun, said with a smile: You strided in Nirvana 8th-layer.” 他的眼睛炯炯有神,盯着风飞云,笑道:“你跨入了涅槃第八重。” In palace, but also sits the four old ancestors of colored glaze family. 宫殿之中,还坐着琉璃家族的四位老祖。 Liu Suzi wears the bright purple clothes, flesh clear, the eye pupil is bright, sits in the palace, starting side situated in red daytime official titles master. 琉苏紫穿着鲜亮的紫衣,肌肤晶莹,眼眸明亮,也坐在宫殿之中,位于红昼人爵爷的下手方。 Feng Feiyun said: Good, the younger generation fortunately, already strides in Nirvana 8th-layer.” 风飞云道:“不错,晚辈有幸,已经跨入涅槃第八重。” Is very good, Half Monster can achieve Nirvana 8th-layer, this is a quite extraordinary boundary, called the king in Half Monster sufficiently, do not care about others alternative the vision, even if cannot stride in the Ascension boundary, your already was also quite outstanding, can reach the peak in a domain, this was the proof of a strength and talent.” Red daytime official titles master said with a smile. “很好,半妖能够达到涅槃第八重,这是一个相当了不得的境界,足以在半妖之中称王,你也别在乎别人另类的眼光,就算不能跨入羽化境,你也已经相当优秀,能够在一个领域达到顶峰,这就是一种实力和才华的证明。”红昼人爵爷笑道。 Many thanks the boundary main Sir praised.” Feng Feiyun, said: I want to see the big princess.” “多谢境主大人夸赞。”风飞云顿了顿,道:“我想见一见大郡主。” The smiling face on red daytime official titles master face vanishes gradually, becomes cold austere, making people the Liu Suhong remains lifting, has placed the Feng Feiyun front. 红昼人爵爷脸上的笑容渐渐消失,变得冷肃起來,令人将琉苏红的遗体给抬了上來,放在了风飞云的面前。 She lies down in a cold ice crystal coffin, took the ice soul protection body, the body became quite transparent, above the skin was hoodwinking frozen frost, sent out the faint jade light. 她躺在一口寒冰晶棺之中,服下了冰魄保护躯体,身体变得颇为透明,皮肤之上蒙着一层冻霜,散发出淡淡的玉光。 The finger of Feng Feiyun strokes above her ice-cold cheeks, said that Immortal Cultivation can completely understand the birth and death, but this merely is only legend that's all. 风飞云的手指在她冰冷的脸颊之上抚摸,都说修仙能够让人看透生老病死,但是这都仅仅只是传说罢了 So long as is the person, how can also look at the pale life and death. 只要是人,又怎么能够看淡生死。 The vitality in Liu Suhong body already already cut off, the blood already necrosis, soul already dissipates, even if goes against heaven's will resurrecting her is only did not remember, does not have the puppet of consciousness. 琉苏红身体之中的生机早就已经断绝,就连血液都已经坏死,灵魂都已经消散,就算将她逆天复活也不过只是一具沒有记忆,沒有意识的傀儡。 Feng Feiyun heaved a deep sigh, bustling place path remote, the minister was a traveler.” 风飞云长叹一声,“红尘路遥,卿为过客。” Feng Feiyun no longer looks at the female in ice coffin, covers the coffin covering, waving gently, had the servant lifting Liu Suhong. 风飞云不再看冰棺之中的女子,将棺盖给盖上,轻轻的挥手,自有仆人将琉苏红给抬了下去。 ...... …… 12 : 00 pm originally chapter, because cannot access the net, can only wait till at this time in addition, tonight two chapters. 中午12点本來有一章,但是因为不能上网,只能等到这个时候加更了,今晚两章。
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