SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#1053: The revolutions buddha of tragedy

Transfers demon person who the buddha overawes the world, is afraid by everybody, one called the king, even if the vitality damages severely now as before is also quite terrifying, the Ascension sage who let the older generation trembled with fear. 转轮王可是威震天下的魔人,人见人惧,一界称王,就算现在元气大伤也依旧相当恐怖,让老一辈的羽化贤者丧胆。 Feng Feiyun also can only at risk of life a war. 风飞云也只能拼死一战。 Hou.” “嚯。” Void, black radiance flies together suddenly, is quick like together the light, intently toward transferring buddha hit in the past. 虚空之中,一道黑色的光华突然飞过來,快得就像一道光,直愣愣的向着转轮王撞击过去。 Transfers the buddha also complexion to congeal, has not seen clearly the opposite party is any thing, hastily dodges, however the speed of opposite party is too fast, hit in his chest. 转轮王也脸色一凝,还沒有看清对方是什么东西,就连忙闪避,但是对方的速度实在太快,一头撞在了他的胸口。 Transferred the buddha just to condense flesh and blood rebirth, the mortal body was extremely unstable, this was hit the body to be split up immediately, changed into one group of purple fog and white bones, in these bones had the spirit attachment, sent out a sad and shrill pitiful yell. 转轮王才刚刚凝聚骨肉重生,肉身极其不稳定,被这一撞身体顿时四分五裂,化为了一团紫雾和白骨,那些骨头之中有精魂依附,发出一声凄厉的惨叫。 Feng Feiyun also stares, already was ready that fights at risk of life, but has not actually thought that had such one. 风飞云也是一愣,本來都已经做好拼死一战的准备,但是却沒有想到发生了这么一出。 That black radiance has not stayed together, then continues crooked toward forward flight, is avoiding anything likely, in an instant, vanishes without the trace. 那一道黑色的光华并沒有怎么停留,便继续歪歪扭扭的往前飞,像是在躲避什么,转眼间,就消失无踪。 Stops to me, runs away, I thought where you toward run away.” “给我停下,逃,我看你往哪里逃。” Demoness pursued from void, the long hair is floating, the white clothing is slender, the double pupil inspects in all directions, finally frames between that group of purple fog and broken bones, in the beautiful pupil projects clear brights. 女魔从虚空之中追了上來,长发飘飘,白衣窈窕,双眸四处巡视,最后定格在那一团紫色的云雾和碎骨之间,美眸之中射出一道道晶莹的亮光。 Who is in sneak attacking this King, after this King goes against heaven's will the rebirth, tears to shreds you surely.” These white bones and purple fog condense one always to say once more, the angry glare circle stares, the air/Qi results in the body to tremble. “到底是谁在偷袭本王,本王逆天重生之后,必定将你碎尸万段。”那些白骨和紫雾再次凝聚成一个老道,怒目圆瞪,气得身体发抖。 Demoness offered a sacrifice to that half day Venerable/to revere immeasurable tower to transfer the buddha taking in tower directly. 女魔祭出了那半座“天尊无量塔”直接将转轮王给收进了塔子之中。 Who sneak attacks this King.” The day Venerable/reveres in the immeasurable tower to spread transfers roaring of buddha. “谁又偷袭本王。”天尊无量塔之中传出转轮王的咆哮。 Demoness does not pay attention to him, tower changed into one inch fine buttress tower, falls into her shining white in the hand, this is a spirit of King, blood energy of blood qilin half Saint, was really good, if gave to refine them, attacked the sixth sudden rising benefit to be enormous to me.” 女魔并不理会他,塔子化为了一座一寸长的精致小塔,落入她莹白的手中,“这是一位王者的精魂,还有血麒半圣的血气,真是太好了,若是将他们给炼化,对我冲击第六次尸变裨益极大。” Feng Feiyun stood in the distant place, the chin must fall on the ground, Nyima, netherworld one of the ten emperors like this is suppressed. 风飞云站在远处,下巴都要掉在地上,尼玛,阴间界的十天子之一就这样被镇压了。 Mao Wugui crawled from the Feng Feiyun pocket, sits in the shoulder, said: I will make a bet that together to be a moment ago black light am our family/home am honest.” 茅乌龟风飞云的衣兜里爬了出來,坐在肩头,道:“我敢打赌刚才那一道黑光就是我们家老实。” Your meaning is...... Transfers the buddha killing by a fruit.” “你的意思是……转轮王是被一枚果子给撞死的。” Mao Wugui said: Nonsense, honest carefully does not run upon, what the suppression transfers the buddha is that Female Monster.” 茅乌龟道:“胡说,老实只是不小心撞上,镇压转轮王的乃是那个女魔头。” „.” “唰。” Demon Qi heads on. 魔气扑面而來。 Demoness already stood in the Mao Wugui front, graceful, simple and beautiful refined, the pupil was only limpid, Demon Qi restrained into within the body, what replaces it is a holy moving spiritual energy, was born into this world like the saintess simply. 女魔已经站在了茅乌龟的面前,婀娜多姿,清丽雅致,眸光清澈,魔气收敛入体内,取而代之的是一股圣洁动人的灵气,简直就像圣女临凡。 You two noticed that Sacred Fruit flies not to have.” “你们两个看到圣实果飞过去沒有。” No.” Mao Wugui has closed tightly the tooth. “沒有。”茅乌龟咬紧了牙齿。 Demoness is raising its neck, gave to raise it, then unceasing swung its body, tortoise shell inside drops out blood red crystal stones, these crystal stone rays were radiant, the aura rushing, had Holy Saint , then twined above. 女魔提着它的脖子,将它给提了起來,然后不断的摇它的身体,龟壳里面掉出一块块血红色的晶石,这些晶石光芒璀璨,气息滂湃,有圣灵道则缠绕在上面。 Female Monster, has anything to clash me to come, do not move my treasure.” Mao Wugui wields four claw, unceasing struggling, however its neck was given to seize by Demoness, cannot struggle, hid is shaken in tortoise shell inside treasure. 女魔头,有什么都冲我來,别动我的宝物。”茅乌龟挥动四只爪子,不断的挣扎,但是它的脖子被女魔给逮住,根本挣扎不掉,藏在龟壳里面的宝物都被抖了出來。 Demoness a blood red crystal stone picking, in the eye pupil emits the fine glow, is Holy Saint the bloodstone of blood condensation, belongs to Phoenix Monster Clan Holy Saint, good, good, is the good thing, these Holy Saint phoenix bloodstones attack the sixth sudden rising benefit to be enormous to me, when I occupy takes over for use, later also you.” 女魔将一枚血红色的晶石给捡起來,眼眸之中冒出精芒,“是圣灵的血液凝聚的血晶,属于凤凰妖族圣灵,不错,不错,是好东西,这些圣灵凤凰血晶对我冲击第六次尸变裨益极大,我占时征用,以后还你。” Also your Sir.” Mao Wugui threw toward Demoness, but was actually flown to the racket by a Demoness palm of the hand, hits supinely on the ground, unceasing tumbling like a melon wooden scoop. “还你大爷。”茅乌龟向着女魔扑了过去,但是却被女魔一巴掌给拍飞出去,打得仰在地上,就像一个瓜瓢一样不断翻滚。 Demoness in the treasure that restraining the tortoise shell drops out, this is ancient medicine rainbow incense stick bamboo rhizome, if can make the rhizome germinate to grow ancient Yaolai, increases ten thousand years of life sufficiently, this root tuber will place your there definitely to rot, will make me plant.” 女魔在收敛龟壳之中掉出的宝物,“这是古药‘彩虹香竹’的根茎,若是能够让根茎发芽长出一株古药來,足以增加万年寿命,这一块根放在你那里肯定会烂掉,还是让我來栽种吧。” This is together feather immortal copper, can be used for the sacrifice to refine ten Grade 5 above Spirit Artifact, I take care for you temporarily.” “这是一块羽仙铜,可以用來祭炼十五品以上的灵器,我暂时替你保管。” Well, the phoenix carved stone, this should be the say/way that achieves the Holy Saint phoenix to carve, a turtle affirmation could not comprehend, I borrowed first for three days.” “咦,凤凰石刻,这应该是一位达到圣灵的凤凰刻下的道,一只乌龟肯定领悟不了,我先借阅三天。” Demoness stared at Mao Wugui one, the flesh clear, eyelash curved, holy moving, sound gently beautiful say/way: You do not have the opinion.” 女魔盯了茅乌龟一眼,肌肤晶莹,睫毛弯弯,圣洁动人,声音柔美的道:“你沒有意见吧。” Mao Wugui crawled from the ground with great difficulty, tight pinches the claw, the tooth is nipping giggle is making noise, these treasures may be it brave the enormous danger to bring back from the antique day wood, now actually by this female robber snatching. 茅乌龟好不容易从地上爬了起來,紧紧的捏着爪子,牙齿咬着“咯咯”作响,这些宝物可都是它冒着极大的危险从太古天木之中取回,现在却又被这个女强盗给抢了。 Her already took in Spirit Stone, asked, you do not have the opinion. 她都已经收进了界灵石,才问,你沒有意见吧。 The Mao Wugui hollow laugh two, have squeezed out an ugly expression, said: Does not have the opinion.” 茅乌龟干笑了两声,挤出一个难看的表情,道:“沒意见。” The heart of turtle twists very much, cold -ly snorted and said, Female Monster, you snatch, you seize, one day will suffer the retribution, how to wait and see.” 乌龟的心头很扭曲,冷哼道,“女魔头,你抢吧,你夺吧,总有一天都会遭报应,咋们走着瞧。” Oh, that is good.” ,那就好。” Demoness continues to take inventory these treasures, takes in Spirit Stone, appears is very natural, the movement is exquisite, seems like doing an unusual refined matter. 女魔继续去清点那些宝物,统统都收进界灵石,显得很是自然,动作优美,就像是在做一件超凡脱俗的事。 Mao Wugui arrives at the Feng Feiyun foot, cloudy say/way: Feng Feiyun, you also looked are not familiar with her, how must collaborate to give to receive her.” 茅乌龟走到风飞云鞋面边上,阴沉沉的道:“风飞云,你是不是也看不习惯她了,要不要咋们联手将她给收掉。” Feng Feiyun already already three taste real stoves hiding, dragon scale phoenix leather clothing was also received, said: In her hand grasps half Holy Saint Container day Venerable/to revere immeasurable tower, perhaps we have not received her, was given to receive by her.” 风飞云早就已经将三味真火炉给藏好,身上的龙鳞凤皮衣也被收了起來,道:“她手中掌握着半件圣灵器皿‘天尊无量塔’,恐怕我们还沒有收她,就被她给收了。” What old man said is wants you to receive her to be the wife, this Female Monster is too difficult to be together, must find a person to teach her well.” Mao Wugui hates to Demoness, each time it bullied is very miserable, decided that must retaliate this Female Monster. “老夫说的是要你收她做老婆,这女魔头实在太难相处,必须找个人好好的管教她。”茅乌龟女魔十分痛恨,每次它都被欺负的很惨,决定要报复这个女魔头 How Feng Feiyun will unable to see that its heart is thinking anything, said with a smile: I thought that we first retreat to well, after waiting for cultivation base to be formidable, then before coming snow, shame.” 风飞云岂会看不出它心头在想什么,笑道:“我觉得我们还是先退走为好,等修为强大之后,再來一雪前耻。” After the Feng Feiyun sensation to Demoness obtains the crystal red clever ship, cultivation base increased, present are also not her match, at this time does not walk, if were given to block by her, feared that is must be received to blow. 风飞云感知到女魔得到晶红鬼船之后,修为增加了很多,现在的自己还不是她的对手,此时不走,若是被她给拦住,怕是又要被收刮一番。 Feng Feiyun has not left finally, Demoness already stood in his front, was above mundane thoughts simple and beautiful, the eye pupil contained the smoke, the flesh shining white, red lip clear, said: Sacred Fruit already runs away, can only seek other method to attack the sixth sudden rising in addition, I want you to go to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market purchase antique demon earth along with me.” 风飞云最终还是沒有走掉,女魔已经站在了他的面前,清丽绝尘,眼眸含烟,肌肤莹白,红唇晶莹,道:“圣实果已经逃走,只能另寻别的方法冲击第六次尸变,我要你随我去丹鼎鬼市购买太古魔土。” The Feng Feiyun forced smile said: Why is I.” 风飞云苦笑道:“为什么是我呢。” Because my Spirit Stone is insufficient.” Demoness said very confidently, is very tranquil. “因为我身上的灵石不够。”女魔说得很坦然,也很平静。 On me does not have Spirit Stone.” Feng Feiyun as far as possible maintains the smiling face. “我身上也沒有灵石。”风飞云尽量保持笑容。 Demoness said: That did not have the means that can only borrow.” 女魔道:“那沒办法了,只能去借了。” Taking advantage of anything.” Feng Feiyun said. “借什么。”风飞云道。 Taking advantage of antique demon earth.” “借太古魔土。” Feng Feiyun naturally knows her so-called taking advantage of meaning, if accompanies her to go to crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market really taking advantage of antique demon earth, god knows must hold the big basket. 风飞云自然知道她所谓的“借”的意思,若是真的陪她去丹鼎鬼市“借”太古魔土,天知道又要捅多大的篓子。 After she obtains the antique demon earth, can attack the sixth sudden rising, when the time comes naturally nobody dares to annoy her, what to do but Feng Feiyun, how could it not be has wanted the day of hiding. 她得到太古魔土之后,就可以冲击第六次尸变,到时候自然沒有人敢惹她,但是风飞云怎么办,岂不又要过躲躲藏藏的日子。 Feng Feiyun said: Crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market collected the ominous people of various clans, the powerhouse like clouds, had the Antique Saint Monster Clan member, we went to there...... taking advantage of antique demon earth, definitely will encounter besieging of various clan powerhouses . Moreover the successful probability was also very small, actually...... I have another means.” 风飞云道:“丹鼎鬼市汇集了各族的凶人,强者如云,更是有太古圣妖族的修士,我们去那里……‘借’太古魔土,肯定会遭到各族强者的围攻,而且成功的几率也很小,其实……我还有另一个办法。” Any means.” The eye pupil of Demoness is bright, is staring at his red monster eye. “什么办法。”女魔的眼眸明亮,盯着他那一双红色的妖性的眼睛。 Feng Feiyun has coughed two, said: Spirit and blood energy of blood that qilin half Saint you will transfer the buddha to me, I told you.” 风飞云干咳了两声,道:“你将转轮王的精魂和血麒半圣的血气给我,我就告诉你。” You are threatening me.” Demoness Demon Qi surges, long hair dances in the air, each sends the silk to look like a handle sharp sword, pulls out „not” broken rumor/wind sound. “你在威胁我。”女魔身上的魔气涌动,长发飞舞,每一根发丝都像一柄锋利的剑,拉出“唔唔”的破风声。 No, this is only the transaction.” Feng Feiyun displays very calm. “沒有,这只是交易。”风飞云表现得很淡定。 Demoness for a very long time is staring at Feng Feiyun, the spirit and blood energy of blood that qilin half Saint finally will transfer the buddha gave. ” 女魔久久的盯着风飞云,最终还是将转轮王的精魂和血麒半圣的血气交给了吧。” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: „The Spirit Stone quantity that antique demon earth precious treasure, needs is astronomical figures, average person radically with, but the place actually have several endless Spirit Stone.” 风飞云笑道:“太古魔土何等珍贵的宝物,需要的灵石量是一个天文数字,一般人根本拿不出來,但是有一个地方却有数之不尽的灵石。” Where.” “什么地方。” Saint courtyard treasure house.” Feng Feiyun say/way slowly. “圣庭宝库。”风飞云徐徐的道。 Outside Demoness cold air passed, freezes on the skin of Feng Feiyun to tie an ice crystal, cold say/way: Saint courtyard treasure house is Saint courtyard defends one of the strictest places, rushes Saint courtyard treasure house, might as well goes to the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market to borrow the antique demon earth directly.” 女魔的身上寒气外透,冻得风飞云的皮肤上结上了一层冰晶,冷道:“圣庭宝库乃是圣庭防御最严密的地方之一,去闯圣庭宝库,还不如直接去丹鼎鬼市借太古魔土。” „Different, now the Saint courtyard deterioration, the god Tianjue mansion does in a big way, in the Saint courtyard some people submit the god Tianjue mansion, but also some people as before support the Saint courtyard to control, so long as can use the delicate relations between these two, Saint courtyard treasure house that firm cannot be broken, will open for us.” Feng Feiyun said. “不一样,如今圣庭积弱,神天爵府做大,圣庭之中有人归附神天爵府,而也有一些人依旧拥护圣庭主宰,只要能够利用这两者间的微妙关系,坚不可破的圣庭宝库,也会为我们而打开。”风飞云道。 Demoness said: That also waits for anything, now goes to the Saint courtyard treasure house.” 女魔道:“那还等什么,现在就去圣庭宝库。” Feng Feiyun launches Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, looks to put on void, saw outside the chaotic and dark battlefield, four directions main star already of Saint courtyard falls to the enemy, was given the control by netherworld, only then the most central quadrangle star had not been broken through. 风飞云展开凤凰天眼,望穿虚空,看到了外面混乱而黑暗的战场,圣庭的四方主星都已经沦陷,被阴间界给控制,只有最中央的中庭星还沒有被攻破。 Good, the army of netherworld entered the Saint courtyard, the quadrangle star affirmed that a confusion, took the Phoenix Bones best moment in Saint courtyard treasure house at this time.” The Feng Feiyun heart so thinks. “太好了,阴间界的大军杀入圣庭,中庭星肯定一片混乱,这个时候去取圣庭宝库之中的凤骨正是最佳时刻。”风飞云的心头如此想到。 Feng Feiyun and Demoness go out from void, appears on the South Pole star again. 风飞云女魔从虚空之中走出,再次出现在南极星上。 Here everywhere is the netherworld member, sees them to appear, one group of people have killed at once then. 这里到处都是阴间界的修士,见到他们两人出现,旋即便有一群人杀了过來。 Here also two, immediately clear kill.” “这边还有两个,立即清杀。” Feng Feiyun is relentless, a palm chops, makes the strengths of 10,000 Nirvana 8th-layer member, gives the bang to kill the member of more than 100 netherworld, these member like raining general falls from the midair. 风飞云毫不留情,一掌劈出去,打出10000位涅槃第八重修士的力量,将100多位阴间界的修士都给轰杀,这些修士就像下雨一般的从半空落下。 They do not stay slightly, rise straight from the ground, depart the South Pole star, flies toward the quadrangle star. 两人丝毫都不停留,拔地而起,飞出南极星,向着中庭星飞去。 Quadrangle star is the Saint courtyard center place, defends the most perfect place, several emperors of netherworld collaborate to attack, will not have day to fight limitless defeating. “中庭星”乃是圣庭最中心的地方,也是防御最完善之地,阴间界的几位天子联手攻伐,也沒有将“天斗无极阵”给击破。 This was antiquity Grand Formation, in the Grand Formation most prosperous time, had once blocked Holy Saint. 这是上古大阵,在大阵最鼎盛的时期,曾经挡住了一位圣灵 Renews the quick pure writing 更新快纯文字
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