SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#996: People of high skill

Big puppet technique final deep meaning: First had all living things, then all living things together formed the world. “大傀儡术”最终奥义:先是有了芸芸众生,然后芸芸众生才共同组建成了世界。 With rule in control myriad things, had the rule, the universe world can also revolve. 用“规则”在控制万物,有了规则,乾坤世界也就能运转了。 Entrusts with the soul with truth to the myriad things. 用“道理”给万物赋予灵魂。 Gave the myriad things life with time, the time was operating, will have the life, the time, once stopped, the life also stopped. 用“时间”给了万物生命,时间在运行,才会有生命,时间一旦停止,生命也就停止了。 Feng Feiyun now by far could not naturally have achieved that boundary, this boundary also merely only exists during creating the technique imagination, creates technique not to practice that rank the puppet technique. 风飞云现在自然还远远达不到那个境界,这一种境界也仅仅只存在于创术者的推想之中,创术者也沒有修炼出那种级别的傀儡术。 Feng Feiyun can also achieve now simply control puppet, this was big puppet technique the thing of most foundation. 风飞云现在也就能够做到简单的“控制傀儡”,这算是“大傀儡术”最基础的东西了。 Feng Feiyun the strength in body sends out, the Stoneman puppet in entire stone forest revolves, each Stoneman probably lived generally, some were brandishing the war sword in hand, some starts began to play chess, some starts tea, some sang loudly loudly...... 风飞云的身体之中的力量散发出去,整个石林之中的石人傀儡都运转起來,每一个石人都好像活过來了一般,有的挥舞着手中的战剑,有的开始落子下棋,有的开始饮茶,有的放声高歌…… The life hundred condition here present, all Stoneman puppets in the movement, making here more chaotic. 人生百态都在这里呈现,所有的石人傀儡都在运动,使这里变得更加混乱。 These intrude the powerhouse also complexion in stone forest slightly change, has a ten points not wonderful feeling. 那些闯入石林之中的强者也都脸色微微一变,生出一股十分不妙的感觉。 Princess, what's all this about? Is it possible that the master in this mansion has not died really cleanly, lived?” A full hair white old man said. “公主殿下,这是怎么回事?莫非这一座府邸的主人真的沒有死干净,又活过來了?”一位满头发白的老叟说道。 The Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan apricot pupil contains the smoke, white hair is mild-mannered, flesh snow white, said: Can leave so many Stoneman puppets with Bu Tian stone Jilian, the former master in this mansion is one has a Great God person surely......” 妃媛公主杏眸含烟,白发柔顺,肌肤雪白,道:“能够用补天石祭炼出如此多的石人傀儡,这一座府邸的前主人必定是一个拥有大神通的人……” Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, stands side Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan grasps to fight Stoneman of lance, the war lance in hand gives birth to the scarlet-red flame, chops toward Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan, the strength is very scary, a pull-off big piece of hot wave. 突然,站在妃媛公主身边的一个手持战矛的石人,手中的战矛生出赤红的火焰,向着妃媛公主直劈下去,力量很是骇人,拖出一大片火浪。 The Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan body like the cool breeze, tender body regarding Stoneman one revolution, evaded this has struck. 妃媛公主身如清风,娇躯围绕石人一转,躲过了这一击。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... …… Also there is a one after another attack, has shelled toward her, altogether seven Stoneman puppets also get rid, each has the strength of quarrying a mountain crack place. 又有接二连三的攻击,向着她轰击了过來,一共七尊石人傀儡同时出手,每一个都有开山裂地的力量。 Jade xuan sword territory “琅嬛剑域” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan calls Ancient Sword, in -line on the ground, Ancient Sword inflates, finally is long must have more than ten meters high fully, the attack of that seven Stoneman puppets blocking. 妃媛公主唤出一口古剑,直插在地上,古剑膨胀,最终长得足有十多米高,将那七尊石人傀儡的攻击给挡住。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” In the body of Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan departs the endless sword wave, shaking draws back that seven Stoneman puppets, the slender exquisite tender body departs from inside. 妃媛公主的身体之中飞出无尽剑波,将那七尊石人傀儡给震退,纤细玲珑的娇躯从里面飞出。 Each Stoneman puppet in this bedstone forest in the movement, the body is hard, the strength is huge, making the stone forest thorough chaotic. 这一座石林之中的每一尊石人傀儡都在运动,身体坚硬,力量庞大,让石林变得彻底混乱。 Quickly leaves here! This is the Stoneman puppet that the Bu Tian Spirit Stone sacrifice refining up, was destroyed very much difficultly, the strength is very fearful.” The White Spider Monster Clan that Ascension 1st-layer sage is attacked front and rear, felt that the pressure is enormous. “还是快离开这里吧!这是补天灵石祭炼的石人傀儡,很难被打碎,力量都很可怕。”白蛛妖族的那一位羽化第一重的贤者腹背受敌,感到压力极大。 Sends jade symbol space seal, contacts with other Monster Clan powerhouses, temporarily first withdraws from this mansion.” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan ordered. “发玉符空间印,联系其它妖族的强者,暂时先退出这一座府邸。”妃媛公主下令道。 White Spider Monster Clan that sage takes out a jade seal, according to the ground, a white radiance shoots up to the sky. 白蛛妖族的那一位贤者取出一枚玉印,按在地上,一道白色的光华冲天而起。 Meanwhile, in stone forest also the light beams raise, respective fixed Coordinate, these powerhouses such as tide general retreat. 与此同时,石林之中也有一道道光柱升起,各自锁定坐标,那些强者如潮水一般的退去。 Until after Monster Clan and powerhouses of netherworld retreat, stone forest gradually is tranquil. 直到妖族和阴间界的强者都退走之后,石林才渐渐的平静下來。 !” “呼!” The Feng Feiyun long exhalation one breath, merely has then stimulated to movement these Stoneman puppets shortly , the spiritual energy in his body has consumed most probably. 风飞云这才长长的呼出一口气,才仅仅只是催动了这些石人傀儡沒多久,他身体之中的灵气就消耗了大半。 These powerhouses will not leave Xuanyuan Yiyi surely the time that the injury recuperates, within three double-hour, will definitely launch the attack, after they are ready, this Stoneman puppet Grand Formation is impossible to block them.” The Feng Feiyun heart so thinks. “这些强者必定不会留给轩辕一一将伤势养好的时间,三个时辰之内,肯定还会发起攻击,等他们做好准备之后,这一座石人傀儡大阵根本不可能挡住他们。”风飞云的心头如此想到。 Xuanyuan Yiyi as before static sitting cross-legged there, the body such as the jade sculpture, the long hair pitch-black and mild-mannered, the neck is very slender snow white, above the skin is flowing the Saint strength. 轩辕一一依旧静静的盘坐在那里,身体如玉石雕塑而成,长发乌黑而柔顺,颈部十分纤细雪白,皮肤之上流动着圣性的力量。 After half double-hour, Feng Feiyun then restores in peak condition, starts to think deeply about the countermeasure. 半个时辰之后,风飞云便恢复到巅峰状态,开始思索应对之策。 Ten big Monster Clan have the powerhouse to catch up with the Immortal City ruins, altogether the sages of 11 Ascension 1st-layer ranks, are belongs to feudal lord rank the big monsters, in the Monster Clan area is extremely the overlords. They ambush the human state, the status is extremely usually secret, be only the special time will appear. 十大妖族都有强者赶來仙城遗址,一共有11位羽化第一重级别的贤者,都是属于“领主级别”的大妖,在妖族的疆域之中都算是绝顶霸主。他们潜伏到人类国度,平时身份极其隐秘,只有到了特殊时候才会出现。 Beside two Monster Clan sages who except that was discarded by Moonwater Saintess, altogether also the big monsters of nine feudal lord ranks, each one are the extraordinary characters. 除了被水月圣女废掉的两个妖族贤者之外,一共还有九位领主级别的大妖,个个都是非凡人物。 Princess, now what to do?” A great ant Monster Clan big monster said. “公主殿下,现在怎么办?”巨蚁妖族的一位大妖说道。 This major Monster Clan reunions, were gathered by Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan. 这次各大妖族聚首,都是被妃媛公主聚集过來。 Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan promised advantage to them, now they naturally also temporarily follow the lead by Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan, once Xuanyuan Yiyi were put to death, the horizon ruler is born, then they can also obey the order of Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan not to be uncertain. 妃媛公主都给他们许下了好处,现在他们自然也就暂时以妃媛公主马首是瞻,一旦轩辕一一被诛杀,天涯尺出世,那么他们还会不会听从妃媛公主的命令就不一定了。 The Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan physique is pure white, long hair stream filament, said: It seems like only then the strength of use Saint soul.” 妃媛公主的身姿洁白,长发流丝,道:“看來只有使用圣魂的力量了。” She gives to put out white Monster Bead, above Monster Bead radiance brilliant, the vast aura, likely are white stars. 她将一枚白色的妖珠给吐出,妖珠之上光华灼灼,有一股浩瀚的气息,像是一颗白色星辰。 Hears Saint soul these two characters, these Monster Clan sage complexions change, this is endures compared with the strength of air/Qi of Holy Saint, aura condensation that after is Holy Saint dies, to remain, belongs strength that one type strikes to kill, destroys the hardest defenses. 听到“圣魂”这两个字,那些妖族的贤者都脸色一变,这可是堪比圣灵之气的力量,乃是圣灵死后残留下來的气息凝聚而成,属于一种一击必杀的力量,无坚不摧。 Holds on a minute, our netherworld has a sage to fall from the sky in this mansion.” “且慢,我们阴间界有一位贤者陨落在这一座府邸之中。” Dark clouds have pressed, inside goes out of three to wear the old man of black robe, looks like three Asura who goes out of the hell. 一片阴云压了下來,里面走出三个身穿黑袍的老者,就像是三位从地狱之中走出的修罗。 The Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan delicate eyebrows twist immediately, this is not the good news. 妃媛公主的秀眉顿时一拧,这可不是什么好消息。 Moonwater Saintess already received the heavy losses, is impossible to strike to kill the strength of sage.” 水月圣女已经受了重创,不可能拥有击杀贤者的力量。” That Half Monster...... Hehe, is more impossible.” “那一个半妖……呵呵,更加不可能了。” The Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan look is dignified, said: Since is not Moonwater Saintess, is not that Half Monster, whom then meets? In this mansion has an unknown thing really?” 妃媛公主的神色凝重,道:“既然不是水月圣女,也不是那一个半妖,那么会谁呢?难道这一座府邸之中真的存在一位未知的东西?” Member on the scene, although is the powerhouses who experiences the great storms, but thinks that this matter also felt since creepy feeling, cold air braves from the sole. 在场的修士,虽然都是经历大风大浪的强者,但是想到此事也感觉到头皮发麻,有一股凉气从脚底冒起。 „!” “吱呀!” At this time, the gate of worn-out mansion was opened. 这个时候,破旧的府邸的门被打开。 A young man of wear white leotard raises a white long spear/gun to go out from inside, the body stands straightly, the eyebrow is thick, a pair of pupil glows the faint red light, has been full of the charm. 一个穿着白色紧身衣的年轻男子提着一杆白色长枪从里面走出,身体站得笔直,眉毛浓密整齐,一双瞳孔焕发出淡淡的红光,充满了魅力。 Bang!” “嘭!” The long spear/gun inserts in the ground, opens to the nail an ancient jade board. 长枪在地上一插,将一块古玉石板给钉开。 Feng Feiyun said: In this mansion has a senior to stay overnight in somebody's home, you and other ganefs are best fast to depart, otherwise......” 风飞云道:“这一座府邸之中有一位前辈借宿,尔等宵小最好速速离去,不然……” Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun a blood robe throwing. 风飞云将一张血袍给扔了出去。 This was that dying netherworld powerhouse the corner/horn of clothes robe, filled the dead air/Qi and Evil Qi. 这乃是那一位死去的阴间界的强者的衣袍的一角,充满死气和邪气 Feng Feiyun decided that must pull the fierce appearance ignorant/veiled flag, as far as possible is dragging these people some time, is Xuanyuan Yiyi wins more time. 风飞云决定要扯虎皮蒙大旗,尽量的拖着这一些人一段时间,为轩辕一一争取更多时间。 Snort! The boys, depend on you also to frighten me and others.” “哼!小子,就凭你也想吓唬我等。” Qilin pig Monster Clan that sage has suffered a loss in the hand of Feng Feiyun, decided that must suppress and kill this Half Monster junior, a giant scale claw depart from its carrying on the back personally, shells toward Feng Feiyun. 麟猪妖族的那一位贤者在风飞云的手中吃过亏,决定要亲自镇杀这个半妖小辈,一只巨大的鳞片手爪从它的背上飞出,向着风飞云轰击下去。 Feng Feiyun stands there is motionless. 风飞云就站在那里一动不动。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” White fine glow does not know where from has cut, across the sky, like together horizon aurora, very dazzling. 一道白色的精芒不知从什么地方斩了出來,横空而过,像一道天际的极光,十分刺目。 Holy Saint aura!” 圣灵气息!” That Qilin pig Monster Clan sage was given to have a scare by that breath all at once, receives the reaching behind the back claw hastily, kneels to bend down on the ground, the body fear fear trembles, said: Heating power, does not know that the senior stays overnight in somebody's home in inside, many offends, but also looks at the senior to forgive a heating power dog's life.” 那一位麟猪妖族的贤者被那一股气息给吓了一跳,连忙收回手爪,跪伏在地上,身体慑慑发抖,道:“卡卡,不知前辈在里面借宿,多有得罪,还望前辈饶过卡卡一条狗命。” „Aren't you a pig?” “你不是一头猪吗?” A very old sound spreads from the mansion, this sound was very vast, has been full of meaning of being as deep as a well. 一个十分苍老的声音从府邸之中传出,这声音十分浩渺,充满了高深莫测的意味。 Right, right, is the pig life, is the pig life!” Qilin pig Monster Clan that sage whole body is shivering. “对,对,是猪命,是猪命!”麟猪妖族的那一位贤者浑身都在颤抖。 Mao Wugui digs the buttocks to hide in behind of ancient wall, has coughed gently two, said: Looks back looks at three ten thousand years, the mist crosses eye ten thousand spatial. The old men are old, already does not want to vie for supremacy to fight the victory again, your young juniors do not disturb the old man again.” 茅乌龟撅着屁股藏在古墙的后面,轻轻的干咳了两声,又道:“回首一望三万载,云烟过眼万道空。老夫年事已高,咳咳,已经不想再争强斗胜,你们这些年轻小辈就不要再來打扰老夫了。” Does not dare, does not dare!” Although Qilin pig Monster Clan that sage cultivation base is formidable, but actually also by that Holy Saint aura daunting. “不敢,不敢!”麟猪妖族的那一位贤者虽然修为强大,但是却也被那一丝圣灵的气息给吓住。 Looks back looks at three ten thousand years, does the mist cross eye ten thousand spatial this is the profound boundary? “回首一望三万载,云烟过眼万道空”这是何等高深的境界? Outside these powerhouses will give to fear, hesitates in making a move, if in this mansion has Holy Saint, then they rush again, that is courts death simply. 将外面的那些强者都给惊住,一个个都举棋不定,若是这府邸里面真的有一尊圣灵,那么他们再闯进去,那简直就是去找死。 Naturally these powerhouses are also the mental absolute high people, will determine in mansion from some clues person of high skill absolutely is not Holy Saint. 当然这些强者也都是心智高绝的人,从一些蛛丝马迹之中判定出府邸之中的这位“高人”绝对不会是圣灵 Even if not Holy Saint, so long as has a person of Holy Saint aura, the affirmation no small matter, has the big background, cannot offend easily. 即便不是圣灵,只要拥有一丝圣灵气息的人,都肯定非同小可,有大來头,不能轻易得罪。 Feng Feiyun stands in the entrance of mansion, the portable long spear/gun, the heroic bearing thrives, says with a smile: Really admires your courage, unexpectedly also dares to stay here, really does not know how the dead characters do write?” 风飞云就站在府邸的大门口,手提长枪,英姿勃发,笑道:“真是佩服你们的勇气,居然还敢留在这里,真是不知道死字是怎么写的?” Feng Feiyun plans to want unyieldingly, only then this possible to give to retreat in fear these powerhouses, thorough elimination future trouble. 风飞云打算要硬气到底,只有这样才可能将这些强者都给吓退,彻底的消除后患。 However, Feng Feiyun gradually felt that is not wonderful, probably behind has a gloomy eye to stare at him, the backbone was frozen stiff. 但是,渐渐的风飞云感觉到不妙起來,就好像背后有一双阴森森的眼睛在盯着他,脊梁骨都要冻僵了。 Moreover Monster Clan and powerhouse of netherworld has the complexion to be somewhat unusual at this moment, is staring at him, starts to retrocede. 而且妖族和阴间界的强者此刻都有脸色有些异样,都盯着他的身后,一个个都开始后退。 Such do not play me! What ominous thing in this mansion won't have really?” “不要这么玩我吧!这一座府邸之中不会真的有什么不祥的东西吧?” Feng Feiyun does not dare to turn around at this moment, but sends out Divine Sense to come, was behind has an eye toward behind to look likely, had one group of gloom the sensation to behind one meter position, the chill/yin cold piercingly. 风飞云此刻不敢转身,只是散发出神识來,像是背后长了一双眼睛向着身后看去,感知到身后一米的位置有一团阴气,阴寒得刺骨。 In the gloom is wrapping a person, is binding the rotten corpse robe, the whole body is the blood, the chest has a bowl mouth big blood hole, the entire body was penetrated, from this head, can see that head of body. 阴气之中包裹着一个人,裹着腐烂的尸袍,满身都是鲜血,胸口有一个碗口大的血窟窿,整个身体都被穿透,从这一头,可以看到身体的那一头。 This is playing me really! 这是真的在玩我啊! Feng Feiyun felt that own throat has frozen likely, back already frozen becomes the icicle, no wonder Monster Clan and these powerhouses of netherworld are keeping retroceding. 风飞云感觉自己的喉咙像是结了一层冰,脊梁都已经冻成冰棍,难怪妖族和阴间界的那些强者都在不停后退。 This on gloom that the gloom by rotten corpse wraps is too been really heavy, is very fearful, is much scarier than it Monster Clan and these sages of netherworld, is not the Ascension 1st-layer sage can compare absolutely. 这一个被阴气包裹的烂尸身上的阴气实在太重,很是慑人,比之妖族和阴间界的那些贤者都要吓人得多,绝对不是羽化第一重的贤者可以比拟。 You did not claim a moment ago inside has a senior person of high skill, how I think this senior person of high skill...... already dying many years.” On the face of Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan has a smile, if the skin the congealing snow, the white teeth is pure white, the charm such as the immortal spirits. “你刚才不是声称里面有一位前辈高人,我怎么觉得这位前辈高人……已经死去很多年了。”妃媛公主的脸上含笑,肤若凝雪,皓齿洁白,神韵如仙灵。 That ancient corpse makes chews the sound, in the mouth braves the corpse fog, the corpse fog city to rush to the Feng Feiyun scalp unceasingly. 古尸发出一声“嚼嚼”的声音,口中不断冒尸雾,尸雾都要冲到风飞云的头皮上。
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