SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#997: One Yuan life body

These powerhouses all are extraordinary characters, saw some clue, thought that these have the fishy very much, therefore they have not retreated, waits as in not far away, wants to observe the progress of situation. 那些强者个个都是非凡人物,都看出了一些端倪,觉得这其中很有蹊跷,所以他们都沒有退走,依旧等在不远处,想要观察形势的发展。 The cloudy corpse is very terrifying, fiendish features, in several tens of thousands years, also had becoming malignant, already was not once appearance. 阴尸很恐怖,青面獠牙,在数万年的时间里,又发生了恶变,已经不是曾经的样子。 Feng Feiyun was stiff the face to smile saying with a smile: Even if died for many years, not as before senior person of high skill? You disrespect to the person of high skill, will arrive at the big mildew!” 风飞云僵着脸笑了笑道:“即便死去了多年,不依旧还是前辈高人?你们对高人不敬,会到大霉的!” These powerhouses have sneered, knows that Feng Feiyun was pulling the fierce appearance ignorant/veiled flag a moment ago, then looked how this boy dealt with that ancient corpse, feared that is eaten exactly. 那些强者都冷笑了起來,知道风飞云刚才是在扯虎皮蒙大旗,这下看这小子如何应对那一位古尸,怕是会被活吃掉。 That is called heating power the Qilin pig Monster Clan sage ridiculed, said: Acting recklessly Half Monster, died to being imminent also in too stubborn to admit a mistake.” 那一个叫做“卡卡”的麟猪妖族的贤者嘲笑了一声,道:“不知死活的半妖,死到临头了还在嘴硬。” Feng Feiyun felt that behind that cold air is getting more and more abundant, the whole person must frozen stiff. 风飞云感觉身后的那一股寒气越來越盛,整个人都要被冻僵。 Who is this fellow?” “这家伙到底是谁?” Feng Feiyun uses the fifty technique to calculate hastily, quick draws the conclusion, this ancient corpse indeed already died for several tens of thousands years, but ancient corpse when dying, has actually used the formidable puppet technique, refine the puppet own body sacrifice, wanted to go against heaven's will the rebirth, with day same longevity, always undying. 风飞云连忙使用大衍术推算,很快就得出结论,这一尊古尸的确已经死去了数万年,但是古尸在死之时,却施展了强大的傀儡术,将自己的身体祭炼成了傀儡,想要逆天重生,与天同寿、永世不死 Finally actually turned into a undying not live monster. 结果却变成了一尊不死不活的怪物。 In fact he already already died, in the corpse puppet survives also merely is only together the puppet thought that body already is tattered. 实际上他早就已经死了,尸身傀儡之中残存的也仅仅只是一道傀儡意念,身体都已经破破烂烂。 He before death is really abyss Immortal City that after the powerhouse of day latitude place Nie sea, „will puppet technique cultivation the sixth Yang Dynasty first person of rank? 难道他生前真的乃是九渊仙城的那一位经天纬地的强者“聂海”,将“道傀儡术”修炼到第六中央王朝的第一人的级别? It may be said that is pitiful, will say that the puppet technique cultivated the peak, wanted to go against heaven's will the rebirth, finally actually turned into own puppet. 真可谓是悲惨至极,将道傀儡术修炼到了巅峰,本來想要逆天重生,结果却变成了自己的傀儡。 If is really so, Feng Feiyun thought perhaps oneself have strength of the spelling. 若真是如此,风飞云觉得自己或许还有一拼之力。 Since he in dying to offer a sacrifice to refine the undying puppet, then I did cultivate big puppet technique also to control his corpse?” “既然他在死的时候将自己祭炼成了不死傀儡,那么我修炼了‘大傀儡术’是不是也能控制他的尸身?” The cultivation of Feng Feiyun to big puppet technique is very shallow , can only try, can succeed is an unknown. 风飞云对大傀儡术的修炼还很浅,也只能试一试,能不能成功是一个未知数。 His finger pinches puppet technique seal to decide, ten Daoguang shuttles departed from his fingertip, broke in the body of that ancient corpse like ten extremely thin fine lines. 他的手指捏动傀儡术的印决,十道光梭从他的指尖飞出,就像十根极细的精线冲入那一尊古尸的身体之中。 Bang!” “轰!” ancient corpse sends out a long and loud cry, a foot this stretch of earth stepping on broken, the body runs out of the rushing the strength, the corpse jumps, has rushed ahead toward Monster Clan and these powerhouses of netherworld. 古尸发出一声长啸,一脚将这一片大地给踩碎,身上冲出滂湃的力量,尸身跳跃起來,向着妖族和阴间界的那些强者冲杀了上去。 God! This......” 天呐!这……” These powerhouses were feared, has not thought that Half Monster can actually control ancient corpse, this did Half Monster also cultivation the formidable puppet technique to be inadequate? 那些强者都被惊住,沒有想到一个半妖竟然能够操控一尊古尸,难道这个半妖也修炼了强大的傀儡术不成? Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The nail of ancient corpse looks like a handle pointed knife, as long is long as more than three meters, the azure light is cool and refreshing, the five fingers have grasped, pulls out five terrifying mark marks. 古尸的指甲就像是一柄尖刀,长到三米多长,青光泠泠,五指抓过,拉出五道恐怖的纹痕。 Qilin pig Monster Clan that sage and great ant Monster Clan that sage simultaneously the incarnation is the main body, the body becomes has dozens meters high fully, like two hills, the whole body is rushing Monster Qi, a layer upon layer sincere mail-armor and helmet splices above their bodies. 麟猪妖族的那一位贤者和巨蚁妖族的那一位贤者同时化身为本体,身体变得足有数十米高,就像两座小山,全身都是滂湃的妖气,一层层厚重的甲胄在他们身体之上拼接。 Base and low Half Monster, died many years of old corpse, is it possible that wants to go against heaven's will inadequately?” “一只卑微的半妖,一只死去多年的老尸,莫非想要逆天不成?” That was called heating power Qilin pig Monster Clan the scale of sage whole body has stood, changed into palm of the hand big blade Ye Fei to leave, must ancient corpse cutting thousands of pieces. 那个叫“卡卡”的麟猪妖族的贤者全身的鳞片都立了起來,化为一块块巴掌大的刀叶飞出,要将古尸给切割成千万片。 „!” “嗷!” The energy that accumulated in ancient corpse body nurtures is very huge, a palm of the hand bang presses, gives to sweep across all blade leaves, Corpse Qi that in the mouth puts out changes into together the column of smoke, attacks on Qilin pig Monster Clan the body of that sage, flew to the bang it directly, falls like a dead pig to several hundred meters beyond. 古尸身体之中的蕴育的能量十分庞大,一巴掌轰压过去,就将所有刀叶都给席卷回去,口中吐出的尸气化为一道烟柱,冲击在麟猪妖族的那位贤者的身上,直接将它给轰飞了出去,像一只死猪一样掉到数百米之外。 This ancient corpse when is living, cultivation base is quite absolutely fearful, the strength as before is still very strong. 这头古尸在活着的时候,修为绝对相当可怕,力量至今依旧很强大。 Bang!” “轰!” The nail of ancient corpse punctures from great ant Monster Clan the back of that sage, carries on the back the thick armor puncturing the great ant. 古尸的指甲从巨蚁妖族的那一位贤者的背部刺进去,将巨蚁背上厚厚的铠甲给刺破。 !” “噗!” Great ant Monster Clan that sage changes into the human form immediately, the body retrocedes rapidly, in the mouth full was the blood, in the eye has been full of the scary color/look, said: This ancient corpse cultivation base was too fearful, everybody collaborates.” 巨蚁妖族的那一位贤者顿时化为人形,身体飞速后退,口中满是鲜血,眼中更是充满了骇人之色,道:“这一尊古尸修为太可怕了,大家联手。” The Monster Clan powerhouse gets rid, some make Spirit Artifact, some display to go against heaven's will the technique law, turned toward that ancient corpse bang to press completely. 妖族的强者纷纷出手,有的打出灵器,有的施展逆天术法,全部都向着那一尊古尸轰压了下去。 Howling!” “嚎!” ancient corpse hitting to fly each article Spirit Artifact, during the tight encirclement kills severely runs out, a fist bombardment in wren liao Monster Clan the top of the head of sage, gives to destroy the head of this sage, is split up, tears a huge blood hole. 古尸将一件件灵器给打飞,从重重围杀之中冲出,一拳轰击在鹪鹩妖族的贤者的头顶,将这位贤者的头颅给打碎,四分五裂,撕裂出一个庞大的血窟窿。 Wren liao Monster Clan that sage looks like a headless corpse, the retreat, has fallen back on beyond several hundred meters in a panic, once more unites the strength, making the head grow. 鹪鹩妖族的那一位贤者像一位无头的死尸,仓惶后退,一直退到数百米之外,才再次凝聚力量,使头颅又生长出來。 Although it condensed the head, but actually also the vitality damages severely, the complexion must look like a paper white/in vain. 虽然它重新凝聚了头颅,但是却也元气大伤,脸色白得像一张纸。 This Half Monster so will be how strong, unexpectedly can transfer so formidable ancient corpse, what magical powers has he cultivated?” “这个半妖怎么会这么强,居然能够调动一尊如此强大的古尸,他到底修炼了什么神通?” Wren liao Monster Clan the vision of the sage is gloomy, toward Feng Feiyun killing in the past, a pinion appeared in his hands, changed into a handle to fight the sword, the thorn to the heart of Feng Feiyun. 鹪鹩妖族的这一位贤者的目光阴沉,向着风飞云扑杀过去,一根鸟羽出现在他的手中,化为一柄战剑,刺向风飞云的心脏。 Gives me dead!” Its vision full is killing intent, the dead air/Qi is steaming. “给我去死!”它的目光满是杀意,死气腾腾。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” That ancient corpse drops from the clouds, a pair of hand, ten nails, fall like ten handle day blade revolving, strangles to death the round number ten sections wren liao Monster Clan the sage directly, changes into bloody monster corpses. 那一尊古尸从天而降,一双手,十根指甲,就像十柄天刀旋转落下,直接将鹪鹩妖族的这位贤者绞杀成数十截,化为一块块血淋淋的妖尸。 A Monster Clan sage such falls from the sky. 一位妖族的贤者就这么陨落。 „The Monster Clan corpse of Ascension rank, this is the good thing!” 羽化级别的妖族尸体,这可是好东西啊!” Bricks and stones get lost/rolled from the mansion together, blood energy huge monster corpses taking away. 一块“砖石”从府邸之中滚了出來,将一块块血气庞大的妖尸给收走。 This bricks and stones are growing two snow white legs, dashes on the ground, gives to take in the jar each Ascension blood. 这一块砖石长着两条雪白的腿,在地上飞奔,将每一滴羽化血液都给收进瓶子里。 Feng Feiyun is stimulating to movement big puppet technique at this moment fully, but also knows that this goods definitely are Mao Wugui, it feared that was given to recognize by the Monster Clan powerhouse, therefore has gone against a brick in the head. 风飞云此刻在全力催动“大傀儡术”,但是也知道这货肯定是茅乌龟,它怕被妖族的强者给认出,所以才顶了一块板砖在头上。 These powerhouses also saw that is Feng Feiyun is controlling this ancient corpse, once cutting to kill Feng Feiyun, then ancient corpse naturally also collapses of itself. 那些强者也都看出是风飞云在控制这一具古尸,一旦将风飞云给斩杀,那么古尸自然也就不攻自破。 You constrain this ancient corpse, I kill him.” “你们拖住这一具古尸,我去杀他。” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan body such as a white flower petal, toward Feng Feiyun speedily flutters, in the hand raises a handle to fight the sword, turns toward the Feng Feiyun top of the head to divide to fall in the sky. 妃媛公主身如一片白色的花瓣,向着风飞云疾速的飘飞过來,手中提着一柄战剑,当空向着风飞云的头顶劈落下去。 Burns lamp ancient Lian!” “燃灯古莲!” In the body of Feng Feiyun runs out of endless Buddha Qi, condenses an ancient lotus throne above the top of the head, like a floor-lamp shape, sends out the eye-catching god glow. 风飞云的身体之中冲出无尽的佛气,在头顶之上凝聚出一座古莲台,像一座灯形,散发出夺目的神芒。 This is one of nine Buddhist doctrine magical powers «Gold Silkworm Scripture» third comes out concise. 这是《金蚕经》第三幅佛图凝练出來的九种佛法神通之一。 Bang!” “轰!” Fights sword burnt lamp ancient Lian gives to block, surges endless Fokuang, golden radiance departs in two people bodies. 战剑被燃灯古莲给挡住,激荡出无尽佛光,一道道金色的光华在两人的身体之间飞出。 Has not thought that your this Half Monster can actually cultivation present this region, early knows that should kill you above ten thousand clan battlefields.” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan double pupil pure clear, murderous intention actually incomparable rushing that but accumulated nurtures, vibration day clouds. “沒想到你这个半妖竟然能够修炼到现在这种境地,早知道在万族战场之上就该杀了你。”妃媛公主的双眸纯澈,但是身上蕴育的杀机却无比滂湃,震动天霄。 Feng Feiyun both hands tie seal unceasingly, uses the big puppet technique, gives to recall ancient corpse, simultaneously must branch out a mind to control burns lamp ancient Lian, squeezes out a happy expression to come as before, said: Princess. Does not use that excitedly, some day I will be sooner or later stronger than you.” 风飞云双手不断的结印,施展大傀儡术,将古尸给召回,同时又要分出一丝心神來掌控“燃灯古莲”,依旧挤出一丝笑意來,道:“公主殿下。不用那么激动,迟早有一天我会比你更强。” Right? Perhaps you did not have that opportunity.” “是吗?恐怕你沒那个机会了。” Fights the sword to sink, the strength becomes huge. 战剑一沉,力量变得更加庞大。 „!” “咔嚓!” Burnt lamp ancient Lian to split a slit, must the fought sword cutting to break. 燃灯古莲裂开了一道缝隙,要被战剑给斩破了。 Bang!” “嘭!” ancient Lian was cut thoroughly broken, fought the sword to press toward the Feng Feiyun top of the head. 古莲彻底被斩破,战剑向着风飞云的头顶压了下去。 Bang!” “轰!” Huge Corpse Qi has welled up, a fist bombardment above the arm of Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan, gave to hit to fly the war sword in her hand directly, can clear heard her arm bone break the sound. 一股庞大的尸气涌了回來,一拳轰击在妃媛公主的手臂之上,直接将她手中的战剑都给打飞了出去,能够清晰的听到她手臂骨头断裂的声音。 The Feng Feiyun long putting out one breath, was blocks finally. 风飞云长长的吐出一口气,总算是拦下來了。 Not doing injures the princess.” “休要伤公主殿下。” In White Spider Monster Clan the mouth of that sage puts out together the spider's silk, passes through the nighttime sky like a white meteor, toward the ancient corpse bombardment in the past. 白蛛妖族的那一位贤者的口中吐出一道蛛丝,就像一根白色的流星贯穿夜空,向着古尸轰击过去。 ancient corpse gives to hold the spider's silk, fiercely, that White Spider Monster Clan sage complexion immediately changes, the entire body turned toward ancient corpse to fly. 古尸一把将蛛丝给抓住,猛地一拉,那一位白蛛妖族的贤者脸色顿时一变,整个身体都向着古尸飞了过去。 When he wants cuts off the spider's silk to run away, its body already by ancient corpse pinching in hand. 当他想要斩断蛛丝逃走之时,它的身体已经古尸给捏在手中。 The ancient corpse appearance is fierce, the body corpse cloud is billowing, short distance is staring at this sage. 古尸的面目狰狞,身上尸云滚滚,近距离的盯着这位贤者。 Does not want......” the arm of Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan to be broken, falls back on the distant place, models the bone by the monster Yuan. “不要……”妃媛公主的手臂都被打断,退到远处,以妖元重新塑骨。 Ba!” “吧唧吧唧!” In White Spider Monster Clan the pitiful yell sound of that sage, ancient corpse eats its body exactly, swallows into the abdomen completely, does not have remaining including a finger. 白蛛妖族的那一位贤者的惨叫声当中,古尸将它的身体给活吃,全部都吞入腹中,连一根手指头都沒有剩下。 This is exceptionally fierce one, lets many person heart hair being afraid/painful. 这是异常狰狞的一幕,让很多人都心头发憷。 A sage of Ascension 1st-layer rank, such exactly was eaten! 一位羽化第一重级别的贤者,就这么被活吃了! In the ancient corpse rotten mouth full is the blood, body radiance is brilliant, Corpse Qi is steaming, becomes is fiercer and formidable. 古尸的腐烂的口中满是鲜血,身上光华烂漫,尸气腾腾,变得更加的狰狞和强大。 „!” “嗷!” A long and loud cry, filled has murdered the air/Qi of killing, vibrated big piece of Ancient City. 一声长啸,充满了弑杀之气,震动大一片古城 These powerhouses were occupied by the fear, discovered that this ancient corpse became more formidable. 那些强者都被慑住,发现这一具古尸变得更加强大了。 Feng Feiyun some heart surprise, have not thought that Nie sea that fellow puppet technique will cultivate this grade of region unexpectedly, already can make the puppet through swallowing other member, the automatic promotion boundary, this already is a quite high boundary. 风飞云的心头也有些诧异,沒想到聂海那家伙竟然将“道傀儡术”修炼到这等境地,已经可以让傀儡通过吞服别的修士,自动的提升境界,这已经是一种相当高的境界。 Is called in the puppet Master one Yuan life body. 在傀儡师之中被称为“一元生命体”。 In the big puppet technique is called ten diploids the life, so long as makes the puppet achieve 12 Yuan life body, even if this puppet Master had has created the new life the ability. 大傀儡术里面将生命称为“十二元体”,只要让傀儡达到12元生命体,就算这位傀儡师拥有了创造新的生命的能力。 Can create the life and world. 可以创造生命和世界。 This is the highest boundary in big puppet technique, no person can achieve that boundary. 这是大傀儡术之中的最高境界,从來沒有人能够达到那种境界。 Can offer a sacrifice to refining up one Yuan life body the puppet Masters to be miserable, although merely is only one Yuan, but the significance actually no small matter of his representative. Because one Yuan life body can through swallowing other Spirit Stone, Spirit Material, Spirit Artifact or spiritual intelligence living thing , to promote the self- boundary, making the puppet more and more formidable. 能够祭炼出“一元生命体”的傀儡师都少得可怜,虽然仅仅只是一元,但是其代表的意义却非同小可。因为“一元生命体”可以通过吞噬灵石灵材灵器或者别的灵性生物,提升自我的境界,使傀儡变得越來越强大。 This point is not other puppet can achieve, is boundary that therefore the puppet Masters want to achieve. 这一点不是别的傀儡能够做到,也是所以傀儡师都想要达到的境界。 Nie sea has achieved that rank, he at the point of death will offer a sacrifice to refine the puppet in death, and became one Yuan life body, was only a pity that this cannot let his rebirth, but turned into one type is not the corpse, was not puppet becoming malignant lifeform. 聂海就达到了那个级别,他在临死之死将自己祭炼成了傀儡,并且成为了“一元生命体”,只可惜这并未能让他重生,只是变成了一种“不是尸体,不是傀儡”的恶变生物。
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