SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#995: Kills Ascension

Has recorded the big puppet technique unexpectedly, Eight Technique Volume above records really will not be antique eight techniques, then «General's office Treasure hunt Record» will be existence of any rank.” “竟然真的记载了大傀儡术,‘八术卷’上面记载的不会真的就是‘太古八术’吧,那么《幕府寻宝录》又是什么级别的存在。” The Feng Feiyun heart is very shocking, in a Divine Jin Dynasty such small place, can actually publish «General's office Treasure hunt Record» such scripture, this was too simply inconceivable, merely is only Eight Technique Volume above any technique, if were passed on definitely to cause the vast turbulence, obviously the precious degree of this volume of scriptures. 风飞云的心头很震惊,在神晋王朝那样的一个小地方,竟然能够出《幕府寻宝录》这样的圣典,这简直太不可思议了,仅仅只是“八术卷”上面的任何一术若是被传出去都肯定会引起浩大的动荡,就可见这一卷圣典的珍贵程度。 Feng Feiyun passes message by Divine Sense, inquired Mao Wugui, wanted to ask some secrets from its mouth. 风飞云神识传音,询问茅乌龟,想要从它的口中问出一些隐秘。 This turtle has the issue very much, Feng Feiyun thought that it absolutely is not one casual in the seafood that on the sandbank can pick, perhaps has not the small background. 这只乌龟很有问題,风飞云觉得它绝对不是一只随便在河滩上就能捡到的海鲜,说不定有不小的來头。 This...... This designs an antique secret history, you know that does not have the advantage now to you.” Mao Wugui self-important saying. “这个……这个设计到太古的一段秘史,你现在知道对你沒有好处。”茅乌龟老气横秋的说道。 Feng Feiyun wants this turtle taking, crazy flat very much, always thought that it owes very flatly. 风飞云很想将这只乌龟给取出來,狂扁一顿,总觉得它十分欠扁。 Good, looked that you want to know, can tell you slightly a point, actually this with legend in general's office related.” Mao Wugui very vague saying. “好吧,看你这么想知道,可以略微的告诉你一点,其实这跟传说之中的‘幕府’有关。”茅乌龟很隐晦的说道。 Where general's office is.” Feng Feiyun really never has also listened to this place. “幕府是什么地方。”风飞云还真的从未听过这个地方。 By the great strength of «General's office Treasure hunt Record», if has general's office really this place, Feng Feiyun thought that must know this place as own previous generation phoenix head of the clan, but he truly has not actually heard. 以《幕府寻宝录》的强大,若是真的存在“幕府”这个地方,风飞云觉得以自己前世凤凰族长的身份不可能不知道这个地方,但是他却确确实实沒有听说过。 Mao Wugui has coughed two sound tracks: You have not listened is very normal, secret that this inside designs many...... Yeah, you know many, does not have the advantage to you, you first building said the big puppet technique again.” 茅乌龟干咳了两声道:“你沒有听过也很正常,这里面设计到的隐秘很多……哎,你知道得太多,对你真的沒有好处,你还是先将大傀儡术给修成再说。” , It also said: I always felt that this place is gloomy, has any thing to stare at us, you said that abyss Immortal City powerhouse can not die thoroughly.” 顿了顿,它又道:“我总感觉这个地方阴森森的,有什么东西在盯着我们,你说那一位九渊仙城的强者会不会还沒有死透。” „Does that powerhouse have dead thoroughly I not to know, but I felt that Monster Clan and sage already of netherworld rushed.” “那位强者有沒有死透我不知道,但我感觉妖族和阴间界的贤者都已经闯进來了。” Feng Feiyun Spiritual Awareness is exceptionally formidable, moreover had calculated with the fifty technique, indeed many powerhouses have dived, more than ten. 风飞云灵觉异常强大,而且用大衍术推算了一遍,的确有很多强者潜了进來,不下十位。 Even if this bedstone forest how gods and ghosts, is impossible to block these many sages, the most half-day time they will be found here. 就算这一座石林再怎么的神异,也不可能挡住这么多的贤者,最多半天的时间他们就会被找到这里。 If can cultivation to cross the threshold the big puppet technique, can control here Stoneman puppet on own initiative, when the time comes Feng Feiyun can guarantee that can surround these powerhouse three days, is Xuanyuan Yiyi wins more time. 若是能够将大傀儡术修炼到入门,就能主动掌控这里的石人傀儡,到时候风飞云可以保证能够困住那些强者三天的时间,为轩辕一一争取到更多时间。 Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged in the place, the total involvement invests into the cultivation of big puppet technique during, in the body 300 hundred million Holy Saint bone ashes also glitter radiant radiance, is born Holy Saint thoughts, helping him perceive through meditation the cultivation together. 风飞云盘坐在地,全身心投入到大傀儡术的修炼之中,身体之中300亿圣灵骨灰也都闪烁出璀璨的光华,诞生出一道道圣灵意念,帮助他一起参悟修炼。 How long also did not know in the past, Feng Feiyun once more gave to close that volume of iron bamboo bamboo slips, deep air vent, in the eye had several points of happy expression to come, already came.” 也不知多久过去,风飞云才再次将那一卷铁竹竹简给合上,深深的出了一口气,眼中生出几分笑意來,“已经來了。” After the cultivation of three double-hour , he although cannot the summary of ginseng grasping principles big puppet technique, but already had some methods, if gives him again time, he can cross the threshold surely. 经过三个时辰的修炼,他虽然沒有能够参悟道大傀儡术的纲要,但是却已经有了一些门路,若是再给他一点时间,他必定能够入门。 However at this time, his actually already not that many time of perceiving through meditation, because powerhouse already arrived around this, may find them within very short time. 但是这个时候,他却已经沒有那么多参悟的时间,因为有一位强者已经來到了这附近,在很短的时间之内就可能会找到他们。 Feng Feiyun must cut to kill this person first. 风飞云必须先斩杀此人。 Feng Feiyun gives to put on the hidden silkworm gauze, the body from vanishes immediately same place, then turns toward that powerhouse quietly good past. 风飞云将隐蚕纱罗给穿上,身体顿时从原地消失,然后向着那一位强者悄悄的行了过去。 This is a whole body is binding the old man of black gown, is netherworld one of the four sages, achieves the Ascension 1st-layer boundary, the head and finger by the black robe package, only keeps a jet black eye outside, swallows the light and heat between world. 这是一个全身都裹着黑色袍子的老者,乃是阴间界的四位贤者之一,达到羽化第一重的境界,头颅和手指都被黑袍包裹,只留一双漆黑的眼睛在外面,吞噬天地之间的光和热。 Above his left shoulder is holding a azure iron hoop, blood energy is extremely huge. 他的左肩之上抱着一只青色的铁环,身上的血气极其庞大。 Although his already very restraining aura desirably, but was given ahead of time the sensation by Feng Feiyun as before, this is the Great Amplify Domain strength. 虽然他已经很刻意的收敛身上的气息,但是依旧被风飞云给提前感知到,这就是大衍域的力量。 Great Amplify Domain invisible does not have the nature, can give to look the Ascension sages of concealment. 大衍域”无形无质,能够将隐匿的羽化贤者都给找出來。 This black robe old man is very careful, the step is strange. 这位黑袍老者十分小心,步伐诡异。 Feng Feiyun already stood in him, the 300 hundred million Holy Saint bone ashes in body united a strength respectively, finally changed into air/Qi of Holy Saint, divided to cut toward that black robe old man. 风飞云已经站在了他的身后,身体之中的300亿圣灵骨灰各自凝聚出一丝力量,最后化为了一丝圣灵之气,向着那一位黑袍老者劈斩过去。 In that flash that the airing of Holy Saint sends, erupts the fierce fluctuation in the air, gives to alarm that black robe old man, he offers a sacrifice to the azure iron hoop, keeps off toward behind the standard. 圣灵之气爆发出來的那一刹那,在空气中爆发出剧烈的波动,将那一位黑袍老者给惊动,他祭出青色的铁环,向着身后格挡出去。 Bang.” “嘭。” The azure iron hoop breaks accordingly, the air/Qi of that Holy Saint cuts two body of black robe old man around the middle, wipes the blood to explode to shoot from his body. 青色的铁环应声而断,那一丝圣灵之气将黑袍老者的身体给拦腰斩成两段,一抹鲜血从他的身体之中爆射出來。 „The air/Qi of Holy Saint......” 圣灵之气……” This black robe old man has not died, in two halves body is surviving the Ascension will, is divided into two directions to launch the attack toward Feng Feiyun. 这位黑袍老者未死,两半身体之中都残存着羽化意志,分成两个方向向着风飞云发起攻击。 Black robe old man already cutting the vitality damages severely by the air/Qi of Holy Saint, the body two points, the strength in body also consumes fiercely, to fear radically insufficient. 黑袍老者已经圣灵之气给斩得元气大伤,身体两分,身体之中的力量也消耗得厉害,根本不足为惧。 „The universe is in charge “乾坤掌印” Above the palm of Feng Feiyun gives birth to endless Fokuang, a palm holds back toward the head of black robe old man, above the palm presents various types of landforms, is a world makes likely. 风飞云的手掌之上生出无尽的佛光,一掌向着黑袍老者的头颅按压下去,手掌之上呈现出各种地貌,像是一片世界打出。 Bang.” “嘭。” The head of black robe old man was in charge by the hand of Feng Feiyun directly holds back on the ground, is split up, changes into a place remnant corpse, Divine Sense in body is ground thoroughly extinguishes. 黑袍老者的头颅直接被风飞云的手掌印按压在地上,然后四分五裂,化为一地残尸,身体之中的神识彻底被碾灭。 After his other half body loses the Divine Sense in addition holds, bang falls on the ground. 他的另外半截身体失去神识的加持之后,也“嘭”的一声掉在地上。 Feng Feiyun collects completely the corpse of ground, this is the corpse of Ascension sage, if attains on the black market, can sell the good price, especially the blood, bone and skin Fa Ascension sage, are the things of many evil way member purchase. 风飞云将地上的尸体给全部收集起來,这可是羽化贤者的尸首,若是拿到黑市上面,能够卖出不错的价格,特别是羽化贤者的血液、骨头、皮发,都是很多邪道修士争相购买的东西。 Gives after the trace of ground cleaning up is clean, Feng Feiyun once more returns to the Xuanyuan Yiyi cultivation the place, but...... Xuanyuan Yiyi actually already vanishes. 将地上的痕迹都给清理干净之后,风飞云才再次返回轩辕一一修炼的地方,但是……轩辕一一已经消失。 The body of Feng Feiyun lives immediately, the body gives birth to cold air, felt that behind has the aura that the life fluctuates. 风飞云的身体立即顿住,身上生出一股凉气,感觉到背后有生命波动的气息。 Bang.” “轰。” The strength of his whole body erupts, prepares to send out the thunder strikes. 他全身的力量都爆发出來,准备发出雷霆的一击。 You hid the strength.” The Xuanyuan Yiyi sound resounds in his back. “你隐藏了实力。”轩辕一一的声音在他的背后响起。 Her physique tall and slender, the luster of the skin is slender, the immortal light is bright, closes right up against a statue puppet at the back of Ancient Sword, a bright eye is staring at the Feng Feiyun back. 她的身姿高挑,玉体修长,仙光熠熠,背着古剑靠着一尊石像傀儡,一双明亮的眼睛盯着风飞云的背影。 Feng Feiyun received strength, has smiled saying with a smile: Saintess your highness said the heart pure brightness, was perceptive of the finest detail, my strength had several jin (0.5 kg) several two, saintess your highness has not known.” 风飞云将身上的力量收了起來,笑了笑道:“圣女殿下道心清明,明察秋毫,我的实力有几斤几两,圣女殿下难道还不知道。” The Xuanyuan Yiyi facial expression appeared, the fog link body, the white clothing like the picture, the black hair dragged, the sound was graceful and elusive, said: You do not need to improperly belittle oneself, your talent in I have seen in the young talent arranges sufficiently first 30 . Moreover the method of hiding always makes the person ponder over airtight, always felt that you are hiding many things.” 轩辕一一的气色显得好了一些,雾霭环身,白衣如画,青丝摇曳,声音优雅而空灵,道:“你沒必要妄自菲薄,你的天赋在我所见过的年轻才俊之中足以排进前30,而且隐藏的手段总是让人琢磨不透,总感觉你隐藏着不少东西。” Haha, saintess your highness was oversensitive, I am only Half Monster, even if hides again, can break through to the Ascension boundary.” Feng Feiyun said. “哈哈,圣女殿下多心了,我只是一个半妖而已,就算再隐藏,难道还能突破到羽化境。”风飞云道。 Xuanyuan Yiyi said: „It is not any Half Monster can strike to kill the Ascension sage.” 轩辕一一道:“可不是任何一个半妖都能击杀羽化贤者。” That is only achievement that I sneak attack, if simultaneously to the previous two Ascension sages, I can only run, is not awe-inspiring like saintess your highness, can fight more than ten Ascension sages alone, but undefeated.” Feng Feiyun said. “那只是我偷袭的成果,若是同时对上两位羽化贤者,我就只能跑路了,不像圣女殿下那么威风八面,可以独战十多位羽化贤者而不败。”风飞云道。 Xuanyuan Yiyi sighed one quiet, said: You are taunting me intentionally.” 轩辕一一幽叹一声,道:“你这是在故意挖苦我。” No, the sincerity admires very much.” Feng Feiyun said. “沒有,真心很佩服。”风飞云道。 The eye pupil of Xuanyuan Yiyi flashes to throw, the eyelash is slender, the organism is concave-convex, a holy elusive aura condensation on her, is looked like the fairy maiden that carves by the immortal jade. 轩辕一一的眼眸闪扑,睫毛纤长,肌体凹凸曼妙,有一种圣洁空灵的气息凝聚在她身上,就像是由仙玉雕琢的仙子。 Ok, by you and Suzi relations...... I extremely will not feel embarrassed you, method that you hide, I am not willing to ask.” In the pupil of Xuanyuan Yiyi is having unusual look, has thought during the dream day occupies that sees, vision that then at once puts aside, no longer and Feng Feiyun looking at each other. “算了,以你和苏紫的关系……我也不会太过为难你,你隐藏的手段,我也不愿多问。”轩辕一一的眸中带着一丝异色,想到了在梦天居之中看到的那一幕,便旋即移开的目光,不再和风飞云对视。 I and Liu Suzi relations. 我和琉苏紫的关系。 Very close. 很密切吗。 This already is not her first time raises itself and Liu Suzi relations, Feng Feiyun thinks how oneself and Liu Suzi relations are not close, can only calculate at most mutually using that's all. 已经不是她第一次提自己和琉苏紫的关系,风飞云自认为自己和琉苏紫的关系并不算怎么亲密,顶多只能算相互利用罢了 Feng Feiyun also can only draw a conclusion finally, looks like Liu Suzi and Xuanyuan Yiyi has the issue.” 风飞云最终也只能得出一个结论,“看來琉苏紫轩辕一一真的有问題。” How the injury of saintess your highness restored.” Feng Feiyun inquired. “圣女殿下的伤势恢复得如何了。”风飞云询问道。 Xuanyuan Yiyi leisurely sitting cross-legged however on the ground, beautiful pupil closing slowly, the say/way of gentle voice: already comprehends that in Saint one.” 轩辕一一施施然的盘坐在地上,美眸缓缓的闭上,柔声的道:“已经领悟到圣性之中的那一个‘一’。” Is so quick.” Feng Feiyun heart slightly one thump, Xuanyuan Yiyi perception also really fierce. “这么快。”风飞云的心头微微的一咯噔,轩辕一一的悟性还真的厉害。 Although Feng Feiyun does not understand Saint deep meaning very much, but also understands that one in the role that Saint deep meaning in plays, since comprehended this one, then also touches the Saint threshold. 风飞云虽然不是很懂“圣性奥义篇”,但是也明白那一个“一”在“圣性奥义篇”之中发挥的作用,既然领悟了这个“一”,那么也就是触摸到了圣性的门槛。 Once makes her cultivation Saint deep meaning, her cultivation base must certainly promote a big truncation. 一旦让她修炼成“圣性奥义篇”,她的修为肯定又要提升一大截。 The disposition and state of mind of this female are extremely fierce, under Shui Yueting, Feng Feiyun did not think that wants to give to handle her is not an easy matter. 这个女子的心性和心境都极其厉害,不下于水月婷,风飞云觉得想要将她给搞定不是一件容易的事。 Could start from the body of Liu Suzi.” In the Feng Feiyun eye is having several points of happy expression, shows the meaningful smiling face. “或许可以从琉苏紫的身上下手。”风飞云的眼中带着几分笑意,露出意味深长的笑容來。 Naturally before then, but must the first present crisis relieving is the proper business. 当然在这之前,还得先要将眼前的危机给解除才是正事。 Feng Feiyun also starts to perceive through meditation big puppet technique to get up, in own body has 300 hundred million Holy Saint thoughts to be auxiliary, how comprehends the ability to lose to Xuanyuan Yiyi. 风飞云也开始参悟“大傀儡术”起來,自己的身体之中有300亿圣灵意念辅助,领悟能力怎么能够输给轩辕一一 The Feng Feiyun comprehension ability is really actually lower than Xuanyuan Yiyi, after all he perceives through meditation big puppet technique is zero foundation, but Xuanyuan Yiyi perceives through meditation Saint, has to cultivate the «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» background since childhood, must touch to the Saint threshold naturally is much more relaxed. 风飞云的领悟能力倒不是真的就比轩辕一一低,毕竟他参悟“大傀儡术”乃是零基础,而轩辕一一参悟“圣性”,从小就有修炼《心御静心剑典》的底子,要摸到圣性的门槛自然就要轻松得多。 Is a double-hour passes probably, Feng Feiyun also strides to big puppet technique in threshold. 大概又是一个时辰过去,风飞云也跨入到“大傀儡术”的门槛之中。 The main point of big puppet technique lies in divine creative force, control, soul and life. 大傀儡术的要领在于造物、控制、灵魂、生命。 The sacrifice refining up the puppet the process, actually is also one divine creative force process. 祭炼傀儡的过程,其实也是一个“造物”的过程。 In the big puppet technique said: Takes the world as the palm, five behavior foundations, the myriad things are the puppet, the rule transfer the universe, the truth is the soul, the time is the life, the beginning has all living things, latter has the world. 大傀儡术之中说道:以天地为手掌,五行为基础,万物为傀儡,规则转乾坤,道理为灵魂,时间为生命,始有芸芸众生,后有世界。 In other words, even if all living things between world, is only the puppets that the world makes. 也就是说,即便是天地之间的芸芸众生,都只是天地造出來的傀儡。
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