SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#994: Puppet

This claw feared that must have more than ten meters, each finger is thicker than the plate mouth, the position of wrist/skill is such as the great column is ordinary. 这一只爪子怕是得有十多米长,每一根指头都比盘口还粗,手腕的位置更是如巨柱一般。 The claw was given the bombardment by Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, was cut more than ten cuns (2.5 cm) depth merely, has not caused the damage of essence, obviously its hard degree. 爪子被天髓兵胆给轰击,也仅仅只是被斩开十多寸深,沒有造成实质的伤害,可见其坚硬程度。 The claw was hit fiercely in a flash. 爪子被打得剧烈一晃。 Took advantage that flash that the claw rocks, Feng Feiyun is holding Xuanyuan Yiyi overrunning speedily, then escapes this damaged ancient street. 就趁爪子晃动的那一刹那,风飞云抱着轩辕一一疾速的冲过去,然后遁出这一条破碎不堪的古街。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” The bottom runs out of a big monster of personal appearance likely pig, the body full is the scale, is growing four pillar that thick feet, carries on the back a fierce fearful great claw, on the claw is having a bloodstain steadily, drops in the bright blood. 地底冲出一头身形像猪的大妖,身上满是鳞片,长着四只柱子那么粗的脚,背上长着一支狰狞可怕的巨爪,爪子上有一道血痕,滴落在鲜艳的血液。 Qilin pig Monster Clan sage! 麟猪妖族的贤者! Very powerful big strength!” “好强大的力量!” Qilin pig Monster Clan the sage felt that the great claw severe pain, knows oneself had a low opinion of the enemy a moment ago, if not for have a low opinion of the enemy, perhaps a moment ago on already Moonwater Saintess and that Half Monster racket. 麟猪妖族的这一位贤者感觉到巨爪剧痛,知道自己刚才轻敌,若不是自己轻敌,说不定刚才就已经水月圣女和那个半妖的拍死。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Its four pig's feet dance, pursued toward Feng Feiyun. 它的四只猪蹄狂舞,向着风飞云追了上去。 Not is only only Monster Clan various clan powerhouses, four sages of netherworld, from turn toward Feng Feiyun to chase down in all directions, is the overlord who dominates a side, the prestige illustrious, strength terrifying. 不仅仅只是妖族的各族强者,还有阴间界的四位贤者,从四面八方向着风飞云追杀上來,一个个都是称雄一方的霸主,威名赫赫,战力恐怖。 The already more and more close abyss Immortal City center, that suppressed strength is getting stronger and stronger, on Feng Feiyun the strengths of three territories were also suppressed to extremely the low point, can only wrap him and Xuanyuan Yiyi merely. 已经越來越接近九渊仙城的中心,那一股压制力越來越强,就连风飞云身上的三座域的力量也被压制到极低点,仅仅只能包裹他和轩辕一一 The samsara speedily also becomes more and more slow. 轮回疾速也变得越來越慢。 Here weather becomes more and more dim, almost cannot see the sky, like turning into dark night. 这里的天色变得越來越昏暗,几乎都看不见天空,就像变成了黑夜。 The surrounding these ancient constructions are also full of the gloom, some 80,000 years ago the evil spirit that leaves behind occupies in inside, makes giggle sound. 周围的那些古老的建筑也都充满阴气,有一些80000年前遗留下來的凶煞盘踞在里面,发出“咯咯”的声响。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun hit in a palace general magnificent mansion. 风飞云撞进了一座宫殿一般辉煌的府邸之中。 The surrounding of this mansion has a mist package of haze, likely is by the endless Corpse Qi collection, punctures the person skin to send to hurt. 这一座府邸的外围有一层阴霾的雾气包裹,像是由无尽的尸气汇集而成,刺得人皮肤发疼。 The body of Feng Feiyun has Buddha Qi to protect body, breaks through the air/Qi of haze, intrudes in this palace. 风飞云的身上有佛气护体,冲破阴霾之气,闯入这一座宫殿之中。 Because the past time was too remote, above the ground full was the opening, the moisture emitted from the place bottom. 因为过去的时间实在太久远,地面之上满是裂口,有一股股湿气从地底冒出。 Feng Feiyun first step treads, felt heart fierce trembles, this is the extremely dangerous time, the physiological reaction of instinct can have. 风飞云第一步踏进去,就感觉到心脏剧烈的一颤,这是极度危险的时候,才会发生的本能的生理反应。 This mansion is very special, feeling...... Has the ominous thing to occupy in inside.” Although Xuanyuan Yiyi was seriously injured, but Spiritual Awareness actually as before exists, realized that the difference the aura, said in the heart has the vigilance. “这一座府邸很特别,感觉……有不祥的东西盘踞在里面。”轩辕一一虽然受了重伤,但是灵觉却依旧存在,察觉到异样的气息,道心之中产生警觉。 Feng Feiyun naturally already realized here strangeness, because here is very strange, therefore he decides to rush. Outside already encircles thoroughly by Monster Clan and powerhouse of netherworld, cannot rush, wants to maintain a livelihood only then puts in the deathtrap then to live. 风飞云自然早就察觉到这里的诡异,也正是因为这里十分诡异,所以他才决定闯进來。外面已经妖族和阴间界的强者彻底围死,根本就闯不出去,想要活命就只有置于死地而后生。 This mansion already quite close abyss Immortal City center, huge resembles palace error, the palace lies, pond like lake. 80,000 years ago, here affirmation is a residence of super great person. 这一座府邸已经相当接近九渊仙城的中心,庞大的像一座宫阙,殿宇横陈,池塘如湖泊。在80000年前,这里肯定乃是一位超级大人物的住所。 Stands can feel to have a cloudy ghost fearful aura outside of mansion, the average person does not dare to rush toward this inside, but Feng Feiyun already was compelled the hopeless situation, can only rush to here. 站在府邸的外面就能够感受到里面有一股阴煞慑人的气息,一般人根本不敢往这里面闯,但是风飞云已经被逼到绝境,只能闯这里。 You therapy are, all have me.” Feng Feiyun both hands Xuanyuan Yiyi hugging, along a clay track, are walking toward the inside of mansion. “你疗伤便是,一切有我。”风飞云双手将轩辕一一给抱着,沿着一条黄泥小道,向着府邸的里面走去。 Above this clay track full is space Formation, seems like not the far distance, but in fact actually several hundred miles far, if makes one rush ordinary, feared that is walks for one day unable from this palace to surmount to another palace. 这一条黄泥小道之上满是空间阵法,看似只有不远的距离,但是实际上却有数百里远,若是让一个普通闯进來,怕是走一天都无法从这一座殿宇跨越到另一座殿宇。 Well!” “咦!” Feng Feiyun stops the footsteps suddenly, toward behind looks. 风飞云突然停下脚步,向着身后看去。 How......” Xuanyuan Yiyi air/Qi, if gossamer. “怎么了……”轩辕一一气若游丝。 Not anything...... The feeling had person's shadow together from be after death good a moment ago, but has not actually felt the life the aura, strange.” The Feng Feiyun facial expression becomes is more dignified, knows that in this mansion definitely has the ominous thing. “沒什么……感觉刚才有一道人影从身后行过,但是却并沒有感受到生命的气息,奇怪。”风飞云的神情变得更加凝重起來,知道这一座府邸之中肯定有不祥的东西。 You...... Your chest, any thing...... As if still said in......” Xuanyuan Yiyi. “你……你的胸口,什么东西……似乎还在动……”轩辕一一道。 Feng Feiyun flipped the supercilious look, knows that is Mao Wugui that goods. 风飞云翻了翻白眼,知道是茅乌龟那货。 Mao Wugui lies in the Feng Feiyun clothes, shrinks in the hand, foot and tortoise shell, moves does not dare to move, for fear that by Xuanyuan Yiyi realizing. 茅乌龟就趴在风飞云的衣服里面,将手、脚、头都缩进龟壳里面,动都不敢动一下,生怕被轩辕一一给察觉到。 Must know that it has won the crystal red clever ship in Holy Ghost Tomb, once Xuanyuan Yiyi discovers it, then the affirmation important matter is not wonderful. 要知道它可是在圣灵墓葬之中夺走了晶红鬼船,一旦轩辕一一发现它,那么肯定大事不妙。 Pressing was so long by Moonwater Saintess, does not know that many people envy the envy, old man this whole life was the value.” The Mao Wugui heart so is thinking, but thinks that Feng Feiyun also held Moonwater Saintess was so long, the heart felt immediately was indignant. “被水月圣女给压了这么久,不知多少人羡慕嫉妒,老夫这辈子算是值了。”茅乌龟的心头如此想着,但是一想到风飞云水月圣女还抱了那么久,心头顿时就感觉愤愤不平起來。 If makes these God's favored ones in human state know that pure Moonwater Saintess by Half Monster holding the bosom, will perhaps be having countless people to come suppress and kill this Half Monster, the oath must this Half Monster being cut to pieces. 若是让人类国度之中的那些天之骄子知道冰清玉洁的水月圣女被一个半妖给抱着怀里,恐怕会有无数人前來镇杀这个半妖,誓要将这个半妖给千刀万剐。 Feng Feiyun has passed through that clay track, arrived in a slabstone forest, in this bedstone forest full is seven and eight meters high giant stones, each giant stone carves the appearance of adult, some finger shields, some are lifting the lance, some sit plays chess, some are fighting the fight...... 风飞云走过了那一条黄泥小道,來到了一片石林之中,这一座石林之中满是七、八米高的巨石,每一块巨石都雕琢成人的模样,有的手指盾牌,有的举着长矛,有的坐着下棋,有的正在交手战斗…… Feared that has several thousand Stoneman, the manner is respectively different, but the body of each Stoneman probably is breeding a say/way, to feeling that the person they momentarily will live. 怕是有数千个石人,神态各不一样,但是每一尊石人的身上都好像孕育着一种道则,给人一种他们随时都会活过來的感觉。 This...... This is not the stone carving, with Bu Tian stone Jilian, whose such great writer, actually the sacrifice refining up so many Stoneman puppets?” “这……这不是石头雕刻而成,是用补天石祭炼而成,谁这么大手笔,竟然祭炼出如此多的石人傀儡?” Feng Feiyun felt oneself entered a labyrinth likely, these Stoneman as if, but this type cannot realize with the naked eye, is very mysterious. 风飞云感觉自己像是走进了一座迷宫,那些石人似乎在动,但是这种动也不是用肉眼可以察觉到,十分玄妙。 He wants the old route to return, but turns head, already did not have the road. 他想要原路返回,但是一回头,身后已经沒有了路。 Bu Tian stone, how so many Bu Tian stone?” 补天石,怎么会有这么多的补天石?” Xuanyuan Yiyi injury already stabilizes initially, wants Feng Feiyun to put down her firmly. 轩辕一一的伤势已经初步稳定下來,坚决要风飞云将她放下。 Although Feng Feiyun wants to hug saintess your highness very much, this is the world men struggles to want the dry/does matter after all. 风飞云虽然很想抱着圣女殿下,这毕竟乃是天下男人都争着想要干的事。 If not for on its meeting, by his Half Monster status, how to turn is not one's turn him to rescue Moonwater Saintess? 若不是恰逢其会,以他一个半妖的身份,怎么轮都轮不到他來救水月圣女 So long as Moonwater Saintess has danger a such news to pass on, then definitely tens of thousands of young heroes will lead the powerhouse to catch up to rescue. 只要“水月圣女有危险”这样的一个消息传出去,那么肯定又会成千上万的年轻英杰带领强者赶來援救。 Goes to for the saintess, that is the quite honorable matter, will be being been struggling doing. 为圣女赴死,那是相当光荣的事,会被人争着做。 Xuanyuan Yiyi wears the white clothing, the luster of the skin is slender, is only merely shorter than Feng Feiyun half head, the eye pupil is limpid, fine jade nose clear, above the flesh flowing white immortal magnificent, the chest is not too tall and straight, slightly is full. 轩辕一一穿着白衣,玉体修长,仅仅只比风飞云矮半个头,眼眸清澈,琼鼻晶莹,肌肤之上流动白色的仙华,胸口并不算太挺拔,却也略显饱满。 Her pair of jade leg hidden in long gown, actually during can also walk the curve that through her outlined, saw that absolutely is a pair of slender and slender jade leg, making the person want to tuck in her skirt moved to and fro, watches that only to be the scenery of fairy maiden. 她的一双玉腿隐在长袍之中,却也能够通过她行走之中勾勒出來的曲线,看出那绝对是一双修长而纤细的玉腿,让人想要撩起她的裙摆,去观赏那一份只属于仙子的风景。 What are you looking at?” Xuanyuan Yiyi felt that the Feng Feiyun vision has different. “你在看什么?”轩辕一一感觉到风飞云的目光有异。 Both eyes of Feng Feiyun are scalding hot like to burn, child of body flowing of blood of rushing Demon, muscle becomes highlighting, the chest appears sturdy, deep inspiration, said: I am thinking that here original master is the cultivation oversized puppet technique, otherwise the impossible sacrifice to refine so many Stoneman puppets. The bodies of these Stoneman puppets attached a soul, even if 80,000 years passes, that soul in their body has not vanished, makes them continue to revolve as before.” 风飞云的双目灼热得就像要燃烧起來,身体之子的妖魔之血滂湃的流动,身上的肌肉都变得更加的凸显,胸膛显得更加的壮实,深深的吸了一口气,道:“我在想这里原來的主人是不是修炼过大傀儡术,要不然不可能祭炼出如此多的石人傀儡。这些石人傀儡的身上都附有了一丝灵魂,即便是80000年过去,它们身体之中的那一丝灵魂也沒有消失,依旧让它们继续运转着。” Big puppet technique is one of the antique eight techniques, already was already analyzed the puppet technique and Buddha puppet technique, the dead puppet technique and Saint puppet technique, can learn these four puppet techniques in which any already to enjoy infinitely, let alone the big puppet technique in legend.” “‘大傀儡术’乃是太古八术之一,早就已经被拆分成了道傀儡术、佛傀儡术、死傀儡术、圣傀儡术,能够学到这四种傀儡术的其中任何一种都已经受用无穷,更别说传说之中的大傀儡术了。” Understanding far ultra Feng Feiyun this foreign visitors of Xuanyuan Yiyi some secret history to human state, said: Hearsay abyss Immortal City and Nine Firmaments Immortal City once were Huan Tianjing the hugest two influences, the strength pursued Huan Tianjing the boundary main mansion, had several earthshaking characters in abyss Immortal City at that time, Nie sea person, cultivation was puppet technique.” 轩辕一一对人类国度的一些秘史的了解远超风飞云这个外來客,道:“传闻九渊仙城九霄仙城曾经乃是桓天境最庞大的两座势力,实力直追桓天境的境主府,在当时九渊仙城出了好几个惊天动地的人物,其中一个名叫聂海的人,修炼的就是‘道傀儡术’。” Nie sea was sixth Yang Dynasty will say at that time the puppet technique cultivated the topest character. Hearsay, on this day under between has the life thing not to have the life thing, once to his hand, could be given the obligation by him.” “聂海乃是当时第六中央王朝将道傀儡术修炼到最顶尖的人物。传闻,这天下之间无论是有生命的东西还是沒有生命的东西,一旦到了他的手中,都能被他给驱使。” The puppet technique, seems like the side door heretical ways, but big puppet technique can be one of the antique eight techniques, obviously its great strength, absolutely not only can refine several puppets to be so simple. 傀儡术,看似旁门左道,但是“大傀儡术”能够位列太古八术之一,就可见它的强大,绝对不仅仅只是能够炼制几个傀儡那么简单。 When the puppet technique refining up the summit certainly, can control others' Spirit Artifact, can control the thought of enemy, can control the magical powers magic arts that others make, achieves the universe to transfer, the effect of change of the seasons, even is controls outside the territory the distribution of stars, calls the stars to help itself fight from the territory. 当傀儡术炼到巅绝之时,能够控制别人的灵器,能够控制敌人的思想,能够控制别人打出的神通道法,达到乾坤挪移、斗转星移的效果,甚至是控制域外星辰的排布,从域外唤來星辰帮自己战斗。 This is one of the antique eight techniques big puppet technique mystery, absolutely not compared with the Feng Feiyun cultivation fifty technique weak. 这是太古八术之一“大傀儡术”的神奇,绝对不比风飞云修炼的“大衍术”弱。 These Stoneman puppets are Bu Tian stone Jilian, the implication strength is very strong, if can transfer them to help us fight, can perhaps block netherworld and Monster Clan these sages some time, recuperates the injury to win the time for you.” “这些石人傀儡都是补天石祭炼而成,蕴含的力量都很强大,若是能够调动它们來帮我们战斗,说不定能够挡住阴间界和妖族的那些贤者们一段时间,为你调养伤势争取到时间。” The eye face of Feng Feiyun shrank shrinking, tracing chin gently. 风飞云的眼脸缩了缩,轻轻的摸了摸下巴。 These Stoneman puppets are the top war puppets, is not the common puppet technique can transfer.” “这些石人傀儡都是顶尖的战傀儡,不是一般的傀儡术可以调动。” Xuanyuan Yiyi sits cross-legged in the Stoneman puppets, starts to recuperate the injury, the body runs out of a continuously immortal magnificent, said: This bedstone forest looks like a labyrinth, Monster Clan and person of netherworld wanted to find us is not an easy matter, perhaps with the aid of this time difference, my cultivation base can restore to come.” 轩辕一一盘坐在石人傀儡之间,开始调养伤势,身上冲出一缕缕仙华,又道:“这一座石林像一座迷宫,妖族和阴间界的人想要找到我们并不是一件容易的事,借助这一个时间差,或许我的修为能够恢复过來。” Said that this saying, she then closes the dark red lip, no longer said a word, start cultivation Saint of total involvement, treated the injury. 说完这话,她便闭上殷红的嘴唇,不再言语,全身心的开始修炼圣性,治疗伤势。 Feng Feiyun closes right up against a Stoneman puppet of hand dance long sword, stared at Xuanyuan Yiyi long time, then has given to take out one volume of iron bamboo bamboo slips, unfolded on the ground. 风飞云靠着一尊手舞长剑的石人傀儡,盯了轩辕一一半晌,然后便将一卷铁竹竹简给取出,在地上铺开。 Bamboo slip already is very ancient, corrodes everywhere is the hole, tattered was just dug out from the soil likely. 竹简已经十分古老,腐蚀得到处都是孔洞,破破烂烂像是刚从泥土之中挖出。 This is Eight Technique Volume, is «General's office Treasure hunt Record» one of the three volumes. 这就是“八术卷”,乃是《幕府寻宝录》的三卷之一。
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