SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#993: Hiding everywhere

Saintess your highness dwelling heart is kindhearted, the Sir does not cross the villain, today's matter also looks at saintess your highness to uncover in light of this, I and other present ran into saintess your highness to yield and withdraw surely.” An old person of netherworld bows slightly, tone is gentle, is very respectful to Shui Yueting. “圣女殿下宅心仁厚,大人不记小人过,今日的事还望圣女殿下就此揭过,我等今后遇到圣女殿下必定退避三舍。”阴间界的一位老人微微躬身,语气便的平和起來,对水月婷很恭敬。 Another old man also bows saying: „The benevolence world of saintess your highness all knows, naturally will not lower oneself to the same level with the person who our these will probably not exposed to the light.” 另一位老者也躬身道:“圣女殿下的善心天下皆知,自然是不会与我们这几个见不得光的人一般见识。” Four sages of netherworld knew that is not the Xuanyuan Yiyi match, feared that Moonwater Wonderland will ask them to trouble in the future, at this moment admitted defeat, curved under backbone. 阴间界的四位贤者自知不是轩辕一一的对手,又怕水月天境将來找他们麻烦,此刻都纷纷服软,弯下脊梁骨。 Xuanyuan Yiyi also insists at this moment very difficultly, but actually as before very tranquil say/way: Any person who runs away the netherworld, is the damn people, or is already in the human state died the person, so long as you me promised that from now on will not come out from netherworld, I...... I can forgive your life actually.” 轩辕一一此刻也坚持得很艰难,但是却依旧很平静的道:“凡是逃去阴间的人,都是该死的人,或者说是已经在人类国度之中死了的人,你们只要向我保证今后再也不从阴间界出來,我……我倒是可以饶你们一命。” Her condition is very unsatisfactory, speaks of last, in the sound already few minute of strengths. 她的状态很不佳,说到最后一句,声音之中都已经沒有几分力气。 The Feng Feiyun heart also jumps, for fear that Xuanyuan Yiyi cannot support to expose weaknesses, therefore keeps off her front, sinking sound say/way: Saintess Sir effective and influential word, since already said that must forgive your dog's life, then surely will forgive you, has not gone.” 风飞云的心头也是一跳,生怕轩辕一一撑不住露出破绽來,于是挡到她的面前,沉声的道:“圣女大人一言九鼎,既然已经放话要饶你们狗命,便必定会饶过你们,还不快滚。” Four sages of netherworld such as the Mongolian pardon, know that Moonwater Saintess is very indeed authoritative, her already said that must let off their life, absolutely will again not investigate. 阴间界的四位贤者如蒙大赦,知道水月圣女的话的确很权威,她已经说要放过他们性命,也就绝对不会再追究。 Many thanks saintess your highness benevolence.” “多谢圣女殿下厚恩。” Four sages of netherworld bow do obeisance. 阴间界的四位贤者躬身一拜。 And, old blind person who above both eyes covers entirely the bloody scab when bow lower part of the body, on the old face has several points of strange smiling face, the fine glow flew from his fingertip together, slenderly like needle, straight thrust Xuanyuan Yiyi vest. 其中,一个双眼之上布满血痂的老瞎子在躬下身的时候,苍老的脸上生出几分诡异的笑容,一道精芒从他的指尖飞了出去,纤细如针,直刺轩辕一一的背心。 Bang.” “轰。” The Feng Feiyun complexion changes, offers a sacrifice to Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, changes into zhang (3.33 m) two long-barrelled guns, that together fine glow striking powder. 风飞云脸色一变,祭出天髓兵胆,化为一根丈二长枪,将那一道精芒给击散。 Aura that however above the fine glow condenses, actually as before hit on the body of Xuanyuan Yiyi. 但是精芒之上凝聚的气息,却依旧有一丝撞击在轩辕一一的身上。 .” “噗。” The body of Xuanyuan Yiyi like by heavy hammer shelling, in the sandalwood mouth of fuchsin overflowed together the blood threads, float the Ancient Sword ray above her top of the head was also gloomy, exudes one to call out in grief, has flown back to the scabbard. 轩辕一一的身体就像被重锤给轰击了一下,樱红的檀口之中溢出一道血丝,悬浮在她头顶上方的古剑也光芒暗淡,发出一声悲鸣,飞回了剑鞘之中。 Quack, famous Moonwater Saintess so collapses at the first blow unexpectedly, has unearned reputation.” “嘎嘎,大名鼎鼎的水月圣女竟然如此不堪一击,浪得虚名啊。” Four sages of netherworld gained ground, have flung the sleeves, the body runs out of turbulent malignant influences, the air/Qi near the highest heaven. 阴间界的四位贤者都抬起头來,甩了甩衣袖,身上冲出一股汹涌的煞气,气临九霄。 Which on them also had shrinking, simply looked like four impressive sacred arrivals, was looking disdainfully Feng Feiyun and Xuanyuan Yiyi. 他们身上哪还有刚才的畏畏缩缩,简直就像是四位气度不凡的神圣降临,睥睨着风飞云轩辕一一 Old man knows that your this girl is putting on airs, it seems like Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan said not false, your real already was seriously injured with the showdown of Monster Clan powerhouse.” In that pair of eyes eye socket full is the old man of bloody scab sneers to say. “老夫就知道你这丫头在装腔作势,看來妃媛公主说得不假,你真的已经在和妖族强者的对决之中受了重伤。”那一个双眼眼眶之中满是血痂的老者冷笑道。 This old man is Wiseman of grandmaster rank, the wisdom is extremely high, can from one small clue one can see what is coming, calculate calamity, expects Xuanyuan Yiyi very possible already injured, he dares to take risk to try. 这个老者乃是一位宗师级别的智师,智慧极高,能够见微知著,推算祸吉,料到轩辕一一很可能已经受伤,他才敢冒险一试。 His that eye, is Feng Feiyun with a Holy Saint aura cutting broken, but he does not know that person is Feng Feiyun that's all. 他的那一双眼睛,就是风飞云用一丝圣灵气息给斩破,只是他并不知道那个人就是风飞云罢了 Face whiten of Xuanyuan Yiyi, no longer powerful, delicate, on the lip is moistening the bloodstain, at this moment let alone is makes her fight with four sages, even if makes her move a finger is very difficult. 轩辕一一的脸色苍白,不复刚才的强势,柔弱至极,嘴唇上沾着血迹,此刻别说是让她与四位贤者交手,就算是让她动一根指头都十分艰难。 How netherworld already was suppressed 10,000 years by Moonwater Wonderland, aggrieved 10,000 years, how today must cut to kill the Moonwater Wonderland saintess, making the Moonwater Wonderland person also know, they are not invincible.” “咋们阴间界已经水月天境压制了10000年,憋屈了10000年,今日咋们就要斩杀水月天境的圣女,让水月天境的人也知道,他们并不是无敌。” Four sage murderous aura of netherworld are cold, in the Immortal City ruins they did not fear that was known by the Moonwater Wonderland person, only then removes Moonwater Saintess, they do not fear by the person retaliation of Moonwater Wonderland. 阴间界的四位贤者都杀气凛凛,在仙城遗址之中他们不怕被水月天境的人知晓,只有除掉水月圣女,他们才不怕被水月天境的人报复。 Although I do not like the Moonwater Wonderland person, but depends on you also to want with the Moonwater Wonderland person to oppose, simply is dream of a fool.” Feng Feiyun long has smiled one. “虽然我也不怎么喜欢水月天境的人,但是就凭你们也想和水月天境的人作对,简直就是痴人说梦。”风飞云长笑了一声。 Above that left shoulder at the back of the sage sinking sound said of azure iron hoop: „The Feng Feiyun young child, you thinks that you can run away today, returning to netherworld to have you to feel better.” 那一个左肩之上背着青色铁环的贤者沉声道:“风飞云小儿,你以为你今天就能逃走,回到阴间界有你好受。” Feng Feiyun slowly arrives at the Xuanyuan Yiyi side, with building in her gown she slender soft luster of the skin binding, gives the back to carry on the back her, said: Is holding my neck.” 风飞云将缓缓的走到轩辕一一的身边,用搭在她身上的袍子将她纤细柔软的玉体给裹起,将她给背在背上,道:“抱着我的脖子。” Pair of white delicate arms of Xuanyuan Yiyi shivered gently two, first time is so close with other man, finally she is difficult outstretch both hands, building gently on two shoulders of Feng Feiyun, the fine and simple and elegant cheek pasted in his vest. 轩辕一一的一双玉臂轻轻的颤抖了两下,第一次和别的男子如此贴近,最终她还是艰难的伸出双手,轻轻的搭在风飞云的两只肩膀上,精致而清雅的脸蛋贴在了他的背心。 Enclasped.” “抱紧了。” Feng Feiyun the two sleeves of that long gown is on the waist, will insert in ground Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall raising, the body runs out of sharp war air/Qi. 风飞云将那长袍的两只袖子给系在腰上,将插在地上的天髓兵胆给提起來,身上冲出一股锐利的战气。 You are not their matches......” “你不是他们的对手……” The Xuanyuan Yiyi sound is somewhat weak, buckled pair of slender white hands on the neck of Feng Feiyun, the fingertip was exquisite is common like the allium cepa, is bringing faint fragrant. 轩辕一一的声音有些虚弱,将一双纤纤玉手扣在了风飞云的脖子上,指尖细腻得就像玉葱一般,带着一股淡淡的芳香。 That four sages of netherworld also sneer again and again, that both eyes blind old man, said blindly: Famous Moonwater Saintess, needs Half Monster to carry unexpectedly...... It seems like Moonwater Wonderland is also mediocre.” 阴间界的那四位贤者也都冷笑连连,那一个双目瞎盲的老者,道:“大名鼎鼎的水月圣女,竟然需要一个半妖來背……看來水月天境也不过如此。” Fights a hopeless battle, likes a moth to the flame that's all, today no one can get away.” “以卵击石,飞蛾扑火罢了,今天谁都走不了。” ...... …… In the body of Feng Feiyun first even/including runs out of three big territories, each big territory aura rushing, like three protection cover general covering above his body, that is not you decides, you can overtake me, said again this boast is not late.” 风飞云的身体之中一连冲出三座大域,每一座大域都气息滂湃,就像三层守护罩子一般的笼罩在他身体之上,“那可不是你们说了算,你们能够追上我,再说这种大话也不迟。” „.” “唰。” Feng Feiyun launches the samsara speedily, both feet like stepping on two samsara, if the speed quickly the flowing light, the point of tip of the toe above the water surface, the body flies to fall on already to the ancient wall in garden above. 风飞云展开轮回疾速,双脚就像踩着两道轮回,速度快若流光,脚尖在水面之上一点,身体就已经飞落到庭院的古墙之上。 Cannot get away.” “走不了。” An old man of netherworld hits a azure iron hoop, the iron hoop becomes more and more greatly, finally the inflation to a diameter ten meters degree, the iron hoop above full is the ancient writing, is shining all over the body. 阴间界的一位老者打出一只青色的铁环,铁环变得越來越大,最后膨胀到直径十米的程度,铁环上面满是古老的文字,通体都在放光。 If in the outside, does not have the suppression of strength, this azure iron hoop strikes to be able a disintegration stretch of little world, destroys a side earth plate. 若是在外界,沒有力量的压制,这一只青色的铁环的一击能够崩碎一片小天地,毁灭一方大地板块。 Above the arm of Feng Feiyun presents ten thousand beast shadows, floods above Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall completely, the Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall shape had the change, like by ten thousand beasts pestering, to have drawn back to the bang that azure iron hoop. 风飞云的手臂之上呈现出万兽影子,全部都充斥到天髓兵胆之上,天髓兵胆的形状发生了改变,就像被万兽给扭缠而成,将那一只青色的铁环给轰退了回去。 Bang.” “轰。” Feng Feiyun huge was also attacked, the body throws to fly toward the rear area, the under foot gives birth to a piece of samsara radiance, then falls to another ancient ruined construction of distant place above, does not stay slightly , to continue to speed along toward the abyss Immortal City center. 风飞云亦受到庞大的冲击,身体向着后方抛飞出去,脚下生出一片轮回光华,然后落到远处的另一座古老破败的建筑之上,丝毫都不停留,继续向着九渊仙城的中心飞驰过去。 My strength is strong, five territories add the body, the mortal body is stronger than them, more to the abyss Immortal City center, more is favorable for me.” “我的力量强大,有五座域加身,肉身比他们更强,越是到九渊仙城的中心,越是对我有利。” Feng Feiyun carries Xuanyuan Yiyi, grasps the white zhang (3.33 m) two long-barrelled guns, the speed must look like together the illusory image quickly. 风飞云背着轩辕一一,手持白色的丈二长枪,速度快得像一道幻影。 This child can actually shoulder me to strike hardly fully, no wonder the Yama master makes us guard against him carefully, such mortal body strength, already not compared with me and other weak many.” That powerhouse of netherworld, gives to take back the azure iron hoop, on the face full is the astonished color/look. “此子竟然能够硬扛住我全力一击,难怪阎王爷让我们小心提防他,这样的肉身力量,已经不比我等弱多少。”阴间界的那一位强者,将青色的铁环给收回,脸上满是惊异之色。 Pursues quickly, cannot make them escape absolutely.” “快追,绝对不能让他们逃掉。” Four sages of netherworld launch the magical powers respectively speedily, has dashed the wall of garden, pursued toward the abyss Immortal City center. 阴间界的四位贤者各自展开神通疾速,撞破了庭院的墙壁,向着九渊仙城的中央追了上去。 The Feng Feiyun speed is astonishing, is quicker than the it four sages, but has not escaped far, then has encountered the formidable enemy. 风飞云的速度惊人,比之四位贤者还要快,但是沒有逃出多远,便又遭遇了强大的敌人。 Bang.” “轰。” A body had more than ten meters high great ants to dash two historic buildings fully, horizontally in the Feng Feiyun front, body Monster Qi Teng Teng, in both eyes full was fearful murderous aura. 一头身体足有十多米高的巨蚁撞破了两座古建筑,横在风飞云的前方,身上妖气滕腾,双目之中满是慑人的杀气 This great ant Monster Clan big monster blood energy is huge, armor piece like black god iron, a sphere common eye stubbornly is staring at Feng Feiyun, cold Chen bellows: Half Monster, throws down Moonwater Saintess, forgives your undying.” 这一头巨蚁妖族的大妖身上的血气庞大,身上的甲片就像黑色的神铁,一双圆球一般的眼睛死死的盯着风飞云,冷沉的大吼一声:“半妖,丢下水月圣女,饶你不死。” Feng Feiyun stops the footsteps, a body revolution, dashes in another direction. 风飞云停下脚步,身体一转,向着另一个方向飞奔过去。 He already expected present this situation, Monster Clan these sages are the generations of wily old fox, will not be easy to retreat in fear. 他早就料到了现在这种情况,妖族的这些贤者都是老奸巨猾之辈,不会那么容易就被吓退。 Four sages who they instigate netherworld probe Moonwater Saintess, definitely ambushes in the nearby. 他们唆使阴间界的四位贤者去试探水月圣女,也肯定就潜伏在附近。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” That great ant Monster Clan sage pursues crazily does not abandon, ancient streets stepping on broken, hitting to collapse thick walls, a handle monster sword puts out from its mouth, cuts toward the Feng Feiyun vest. 身后的那一只巨蚁妖族的贤者狂追不舍,将一条条古街给踩碎,将一堵堵厚墙给撞塌,一柄妖剑从它的口中吐出,向着风飞云的背心斩來。 Feng Feiyun does not dare to stay, haunches three big territories, condenses three shields in the back, then Xuanyuan Yiyi from carrying on the back drawing front, a hand is blocking her slender jade waist, hugs in the bosom. 风飞云不敢停留,撑起三座大域,在背后凝聚成三层盾牌,然后又将轩辕一一从背上给拉到了前面,一只手拦着她纤细的玉腰,抱在怀中。 Bang.” “轰。” That handle monster sword cuts above three big territories, a layer upon layer strength puncturing. 那一柄妖剑斩在三座大域之上,将一层层力量给刺破。 Sharp strength of final three big territories above that monster sword keeping off, but that impulse is actually hard to block completely. 最终三座大域将那妖剑之上锐利的力量给挡下來,但是那一股冲击力却难以完全挡住。 The Feng Feiyun vest likely by mountain hitting, in the body the vitality tumbled, the body was attacked to fly directly, departed dozens meters to fall the ground, continued to dash forward. 风飞云的背心像是被大山给撞击了一下,身体之中气血翻滚,身体直接被冲击得飞了起來,飞出了数十米远才落到地上,继续向前飞奔。 If Xuanyuan Yiyi in his carrying on the back, were given the impact by that strength a moment ago as before, must injure on adds the wound. 若是刚才轩辕一一依旧在他的背上,被那一股力量给冲击,恐怕是要伤上加伤。 You...... You are quite strange, formerly also colluded with the Monster Clan powerhouse...... The powerhouses cope with me, now actually at risk of life saves me...... So to be how contradictory.” The Xuanyuan Yiyi beautiful pupil winks, from below short distance is staring at Feng Feiyun that wheel corner/horn distinct face, the pupil is very limpid, does not have impurity. “你……你这人好奇怪,先前还勾结妖族的强者……强者來对付我,现在却又拼死救我……怎么会这么矛盾。”轩辕一一美眸眨眨,从下方近距离的盯着风飞云那一张轮角分明的脸,瞳孔十分清澈,沒有一丝杂质。 Feng Feiyun lowers the head brightly to her sunlight smiled, hugs the hand of her waist to tighten, said: I had already said that perhaps I liked you.” 风飞云低头对着她阳光灿烂的一笑,搂着她腰肢的手不禁紧了紧,道:“我早就说过,说不定我喜欢上你了。” Xuanyuan Yiyi shaking the head gently, has then closed the double pupil, the Feng Feiyun words in her mind light like wind, has not left any trace. 轩辕一一轻轻的摇头,然后闭上了双眸,风飞云的话在她的心中就像风一样的清淡,沒有留下任何痕迹。 Feng Feiyun gradually does not smile, the vision becomes ten segregates heavily, felt several huge aura to surround toward him, was the Ascension aura. 风飞云渐渐的不笑了,目光变得十分凝重,感受到了好几股庞大的气息向着他包围过來,都是羽化气息。 Bang.” “轰。” The huge claw stretches out from the front place bottom together, the earth tearing huge openings, the claw pinches toward the body of Feng Feiyun. 一道庞大的爪子从前方的地底伸出,将大地给撕裂出一道道巨大的口子,爪子向着风飞云的身体捏去。 Feng Feiyun mobilizes the strength of whole body, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall sweeping away, that huge claw hitting fiercely in a flash. 风飞云调动全身的力量,将天髓兵胆给横扫出去,将那一只庞大的爪子给打得剧烈的一晃。
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