SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#992: Saint deep meaning

Ancient City is ruined, the weather is extremely dim, is in all directions destructive. 古城破败,天色极其昏暗,四处都充满杀机。 This saves in a world several tens of thousands years of ancient garden to give full play to the boundless vitality, the dead tree gives birth to the green bud, the dry pond emits the spring water, in the slit of soil grows the light green grass bud, like a life oasis. 这一座存世数万年的古老庭院之中焕发出磅礴生机,枯树生出绿芽,枯池冒出泉水,泥土的缝隙之中长出嫩绿的草芽,就像一座生命的绿洲。 The center of pool of water, above the island, is shining one group of bonfires. 池水的中央,小岛之上,亮着一团篝火。 The flame is bright, sends out in the combustion sound. 火焰明明晃晃,发出“噼里啦”的燃烧声音。 „.” “咳咳。” Xuanyuan Yiyi revolutions slowly wakes, exudes the slight cough sound, beautiful pupil slowly opens one, looked at not far away flame, then slowly has closed a pupil. 轩辕一一徐徐的转醒过來,发出轻微的咳嗽声,美眸徐徐的睁开一丝,看了看不远处的火焰,然后又缓缓的闭上了眼眸。 You have not walked unexpectedly.” Xuanyuan Yiyi closes the eye, starts to sexually harass, Buddha strength in the active uptake Gold Silkworm pill, accumulated raises the say/way body that is damaged. “你居然还沒有走。”轩辕一一又闭上眼睛,开始自我调戏,主动吸收金蚕佛丹之中的佛力,蕴养受创的道体。 Above she slender slender luster of the skin is throwing over a white long gown, understood at a glance that is the clothes of man, helping her block the cold wind, absolutely is a careful man so- said. 她纤细窈窕的玉体之上披着一件白色的长袍,一看就知道是男子的衣服,帮她挡住寒风,绝对是一个细心的男子所谓。 Feng Feiyun wears tight-fitting personal vigor clothes, sits by the fire of high-piled firewood, in the hand is taking one can of jade bottle-gourd spirit liquor, once for a while drinking, that flame reflects red his face, reflects that handsome face turns the corner/horn to be distinct. 风飞云穿着紧身的贴身劲衣,坐在火堆旁,手里拿着一罐玉葫灵酒,时不时的喝上一口,那火光将他的脸映得通红,将那一张英俊的脸映得轮角分明。 He has smiled saying with a smile: I, if walked, famous Moonwater Saintess by wolf holding in the mouth what to do.” 他笑了笑道:“我若是走了,大名鼎鼎的水月圣女被狼给叼走了怎么办。” Xuanyuan Yiyi deep inspiration, Fokuang starts the overflow, all over the body is the brilliant spirit glow, then opening eye slowly, in the beautiful pupil are many several points of spirit, body sitting slowly was straight, as before is very tranquil, said: You know that here does not have wolf.” 轩辕一一深深的吸一口气,身上的佛光开始外溢,通体都是绚烂的灵芒,然后又缓缓的睁开眼睛,美丽的瞳孔之中多了几分精神,身体缓缓的坐直,依旧很是平静,道:“你本知道这里沒有狼。” Person probably will turn sometimes also into the wolf.” Feng Feiyun smiled, at once also said: Cracks a joke, the saintess Sir may not take seriously.” “人有的时候也可能会变成狼。”风飞云笑了笑,旋即又道:“开个玩笑而已,圣女大人可千万别当真。” Xuanyuan Yiyi extends slender white hands, tracing white clothing meek robe gently, brow slightly twists. 轩辕一一伸出一只纤细的玉手,轻轻的摸了摸身上的白衣儒袍,眉头微微的一拧。 That was I once when the meek robe that Tower of Myriad Manifestations path of cultivation got, never passed through, the saintess Sir does not need to be worried to contaminate the unluckiness of Half Monster.” Feng Feiyun from attending to has been drinking one. “那是我曾经在万象塔修道之时领的儒袍,从未穿过,圣女大人无须担心沾染半妖的晦气。”风飞云只是自顾着喝了一口。 Xuanyuan Yiyi loosened the finger, said: Many thanks.” 轩辕一一松开了手指,道:“多谢。” Her complexion is very pale, injures extremely heavily, namely the civilian clothes got down a Gold Silkworm pill unable to make her injury convalesce, made her wake merely, wants to restore cultivation base, must look at her. 她的脸色很苍白,伤得极重,即便服下了一枚金蚕佛丹也未能让她身上的伤势痊愈,仅仅只是让她醒了过來,想要恢复修为,得看她自己。 Feng Feiyun sits on the ground, the chest is generous, the back is straight, on the face is hanging the sunlight smiling face, a pair sends the red light eye to be full of the charming charm slightly, said: What you cultivation is «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard», becomes a lay priest by the heart, by the sword profession, to get an idea saying that you and Monster Clan these worthy people of former times fight, forcefully the Saint deep meaning of use sword standard, although gives to repel these Monster Clan worthy people of former times, but also were actually injured by the sword air/Qi.” 风飞云坐在地上,胸膛宽厚,脊梁笔直,脸上挂着阳光的笑容,一双微微发着红光的眼睛充满迷人的魅力,道:“你修炼的乃是《心御静心剑典》,以心入道,以剑行道,以意会道,你和妖族的那些先贤一战,强行使用剑典的圣性奥义,虽然将那些妖族先贤给击退,但是自己却也被剑气所伤。” The Xuanyuan Yiyi beautiful woman, static sitting there, the body is similar to Gu Song, motionless, said: How you know that in «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» has Saint deep meaning, this chapter to curl certainly, only then each generation of Moonwater Saintess stride in the Ascension boundary to cultivation, when I also only listen Holy Spirit explains religious doctrine to mention, not true cultivation.” 轩辕一一明眸皓齿,静静的坐在那里,身体如同古松,一动不动,道:“你怎么知道《心御静心剑典》之中有圣性奥义篇,这一篇章为绝卷,只有每一代的水月圣女跨入羽化境才能修炼,我也只听圣神讲道之时提到过,并未真正的修炼。” Feng Feiyun shows neither approval nor disapproval smiles, said: Why she wants you to achieve the Ascension boundary to start to cultivate.” 风飞云不置可否的一笑,道:“她为何要你们达到羽化境才能开始修炼。” The Xuanyuan Yiyi black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly wrinkle, thought that Feng Feiyun disrespects to Holy Spirit very much, in the heart is quite disgruntled, but tranquil saying: „When Holy Spirit passing on the dao once word, the Saint deep meaning was as deep as a well, only then achieved the Ascension boundary cultivation to be best, cultivation base has not reached the Ascension boundary to cultivate forcefully, instead to own disadvantageous.” 轩辕一一黛眉微皱,觉得风飞云圣神很不敬,心中颇为不悦,但还是平静的说道:“圣神传道之时曾言,圣性奥义高深莫测,只有达到羽化境修炼才最佳,修为未达羽化境强行修炼,反而对自身不利。” Saying with a smile that Feng Feiyun mocked: Utter nonsense, this is only she deceives your words that's all, feared that you exceed her, Saint, is the «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» foundation, like member dantian, Spirit Beast spirit nucleus, corpse ghost source, an earlier cultivation is advantageous, only then Saint understanding, «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» can cultivation quickly.” 风飞云讥诮的笑道:“一派胡言,这不过只是她骗你们的话罢了,怕你们超越她,圣性,为《心御静心剑典》的基础,就像修士的‘丹田’,灵兽的‘灵核’,尸鬼的‘本源’,越早修炼便越是有利,只有圣性通达,《心御静心剑典》才能修炼得更快。” Is impossible.” “不可能。” Xuanyuan Yiyi overruled the Feng Feiyun words decisively, the immortal face becomes very chilly, said: Cannot you insult Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit state of mind cultivation base is not you can understand, unselfish, and Jinan world, if cultivates Saint ahead of time, is favorable for us, she will definitely pass to us.” 轩辕一一断然的否决了风飞云的话,仙颜变得很清冷,道:“不许你侮辱圣神,圣神心境修为不是你可以理解,大公无私,兼济天下,若是提前修炼圣性,对我们更有利,她肯定会传给我们。” Feng Feiyun knows that Shui Yueting also has the sacredness in her eyes critical fixed ratio Spiritual God, with her argued that does not have the slightest bit result, therefore access road/simply said: Your wound already wound and heart lineage/vein, wanted to restore the injury, must cultivation Saint deep meaning, otherwise you most only have three months of life.” 风飞云知道水月婷在她眼中肯定比神灵还有神圣,和她争论沒有半分结果,于是便道:“你身上的伤已经伤及了心脉,想要恢复伤势,就必须修炼‘圣性奥义篇’,不然你最多只有三个月的性命。” Xuanyuan Yiyi is clearer than anybody to own physical condition, when the stupor, opposite party already helped her examine the injury very much obviously. 轩辕一一对自己的身体状况比任何人都清楚,很显然自己在昏迷之时,对方已经帮她检验过了伤势。 She is extremely intelligent, mental unusual, said: You know Saint deep meaning.” 她聪明绝顶,心智超凡,道:“你知道‘圣性奥义篇’。” Feng Feiyun has lifted the head, has drunk one, said with a smile: You , to study, I can teach you actually.” 风飞云抬起了头,喝了一口,笑道:“你若是想学,我倒是可以教你。” Xuanyuan Yiyi is filled with the doubts, she does not believe Feng Feiyun knows «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard», this is the Moonwater Wonderland unsurpassed ancient book, only then each generation of Moonwater Saintess can cultivation, impossible to divulge to an outsider. 轩辕一一满心疑惑,她绝不相信风飞云会知道《心御静心剑典》,这是水月天境的无上典籍,只有每一代的水月圣女能够修炼,不可能外传。 Feng Feiyun corners of the mouth slightly selects, said: Thinks the magical powers, cultivates the magical powers, unclear Saint, knows nothing, personhears nature, is the person Saint, Saint of person will nothing which is not pass, passes, to pass, passes now, will pass cold hot, to pass the sound, to pass ten side world in the future, to pass the immeasurable dust particle, Saint will pass all, along counter will all facilitate...... ” 风飞云嘴角微微的一挑,道:“想神通,修神通,不明圣性,一窍不通,人的“闻性”,就是人的“圣性”,人的圣性无所不通,通过去、通现在、通未來、通冷热、通动静、通十方世界、通无量微尘,圣性无不通,顺逆皆方便……” Feng Feiyun in elaborating main road, Saint deep meanings said from his mouth. 风飞云似在阐述大道,一句句圣性奥义从他的口中说出。 Xuanyuan Yiyi when hearing first, on being able not help was attracted, if the whole person petrified generally, immersed in the Saint deep meaning, in the body had white flowing light to operate. 轩辕一一在听到第一句之时,就情不自禁的被吸引住,整个人如石化了一般,沉浸在圣性奥义之中,身体之中有一圈圈白色的流光在运作。 Feng Feiyun shot a look at her one eyes slightly, knows that her already starts the Zen to become aware Saint, therefore continues saying: «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» stems from Taoism, integrates the Buddhist truth, collection two long, Taoism three mixes, but is one, the Buddhist 25 lines mix, but is one, this one character is nihility the say/way, in «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard», this one is Saint.” 风飞云微微的瞥了她一眼,知道她已经开始禅悟圣性,于是继续道:“《心御静心剑典》源于道家,融入佛家道理,集两家之长,道家三者混而为一,佛家25行混而为一,这个‘一’字即是‘虚无’之道,在《心御静心剑典》之中,这个‘一’便是‘圣性’。” What is one.” “何为‘一’。” The Xuanyuan Yiyi initiative inquiry, immerses to cultivate, all over the body is the Saint light, in each long hair is containing white glow. 轩辕一一主动提问,沉浸在修炼之中,通体都是圣光,每一根长发之中都蕴含着白芒。 Feng Feiyun said: Regarding does not see to say foreign, listening is not well-known to say hope, wrestling does not acquire fame saying that the three cannot send the interrogation, therefore mixes but is one, first wants one, by the life two, by two lives three, three live the myriad things, Saint nature Greater Stage.” 风飞云道:“视之不见名曰夷,听之不闻名曰希,搏之不得名曰微,三者不可致诘,故混而为一,先要有一,以一生二,以二生三,三生万物,圣性大乘。” Under Xuanyuan Yiyi perception no longer Feng Feiyun, natural talent extremely, and has the original opinion to «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard», through the Feng Feiyun mnemonics, her already sought Saint that one. 轩辕一一的悟性不再风飞云之下,天资绝顶,而且对《心御静心剑典》有独到的见解,通过风飞云的口诀,她就已经寻到了圣性的那个“一”。 The understanding of Feng Feiyun «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» is not too many, Saint deep meaning merely has also glanced through one time, after saying these, was silent, making Xuanyuan Yiyi sense Saint existence voluntarily. 风飞云对《心御静心剑典》的了解也不是太多,“圣性奥义篇”也仅仅只是翻阅过一次,说出这些之后,便闭口不言,让轩辕一一自行去感悟圣性的存在。 Bang.” “轰隆。” Dark clouds sweep across to this piece of metro , the black person's shadows fly into this garden, body gloom flap flap, body by black gown binding. 一片阴云席卷到这一片城域之中,有一道道黑色的人影飞进这一座庭院之中,身上阴气猎猎,身体被黑色的袍子给裹住。 Kicks.” “扑腾。” The Feng Feiyun body one of the flame in fire of high-piled firewood for it slanting, the flame beats extremely quickly. 风飞云身前的火堆上的火焰为之一斜,火苗跳动得极快。 Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged on the ground, the vision casts a sidelong glance, cold sound said: Originally is the netherworld four seniors, you are really the big courage, had not seen that Moonwater Saintess calms the mind to cultivate here, if you disturbed her cultivation, feared that will pay the serious price.” 风飞云盘坐在地上,目光一睨,冷声道:“原來是阴间界的四位前辈,你们真是好大的胆子,沒看到水月圣女在这里静心修炼,你们若是打扰到了她的修炼,怕是会付出惨重的代价。” Although in the Feng Feiyun surface is very tranquil, but the heart is actually startled, secretly thought was bad. 风飞云表面上虽然很平静,但是心头却很是吃惊,暗道一声“糟了”。 At this moment, Xuanyuan Yiyi is still perceiving through meditation Saint, the convalescent injury, is impossible to get rid. 此刻,轩辕一一还在参悟圣性,疗养伤势,根本不可能出手。 Four old men of netherworld are the characters of Ascension sage rank, has seen the great storms, experiences the innumerable life and death fights, will watch a person's every mood very much, is the intelligent people, since they dare to come, definitely has prepared, wants retreating in fear to fear that them is not easy. 阴间界的四位老者又都是羽化贤者级别的人物,见过大风大浪,经历无数生死战斗,很会察言观色,都是聪慧之人,他们既然敢來,就肯定有所准备,想要将他们给吓退怕是沒那么容易。 The bodies of these four old men were given to cover by the black gown, the body flows a continuously gloom, only has jet black eye dew outside. 这四位老者的身体都被黑色的袍子给覆盖,身体流动一缕缕阴气,只有一双漆黑的眼睛露在外面。 And above a left shoulder at the back of azure iron hoop the eyes of old man shrinks, stared to sit in stone table nearby Xuanyuan Yiyi, in the pupil projects two fine glow, as if wanted completely understanding Xuanyuan Yiyi. 其中一个左肩之上背着青色铁环的老者的眼睛一缩,盯了盯坐在石桌旁边的轩辕一一,瞳孔之中射出两道精芒,似乎是想要将轩辕一一给看透。 Bang.” “轰。” In the body of Xuanyuan Yiyi erupts white immortal light, Ancient Sword fierce shivering that carries on the back, the ruddy lip opens slightly, said: Originally you are the netherworld people, is really the big courage, not only dares to be impolite to this saintess, but also dares to rob the person who Holy Spirit wants.” 轩辕一一的身体之中爆发出一股白色的仙光,背上的古剑剧烈的颤抖,红润的嘴唇微微张开,道:“原來你们是阴间界的人,真是好大的胆子,不仅敢对本圣女无礼,还敢抢夺圣神想要的人。” That shoulder upper back azure iron hoop the eyes of old man were being given the stabbing pain by the sword air/Qi, the complexion big change, takes back the vision hastily, retrocedes one step. 那一个肩上背着青色铁环的老者的眼睛被剑气给刺痛,脸色大变,连忙收回目光,后退一步。 Formerly they collaborated to cope with Xuanyuan Yiyi, wanted seizing of Feng Feiyun to walk from her hand, at that time they were binding the black robe, secret that hoodwinked, Xuanyuan Yiyi does not know that they were the netherworld people, therefore did not fear the retaliation of Moonwater Wonderland. 先前他们联手对付轩辕一一,想要从她的手中将风飞云的擒走,那个时候他们都裹着黑袍,蒙蔽的天机,轩辕一一并不知道他们是阴间界的人,所以也就不惧水月天境的报复。 However their status at this moment by Feng Feiyun calling broken, Moonwater Saintess also knew their status, once makes Moonwater Saintess return to Moonwater Wonderland, reported to give Holy Spirit this matter, Holy Spirit definitely will lower when the time comes punishes their laws. 但是他们此刻的身份却被风飞云给叫破,水月圣女也知道了他们的身份,一旦让水月圣女返回水月天境,将此事汇报给了圣神,到时候圣神肯定会降下惩罚他们的法令。 Blames White Spider Monster Clan Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan. 都怪白蛛妖族妃媛公主 At this moment, four Ascension sage heart hair pain of netherworld, blame the body of Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan all. 此刻,阴间界的四位羽化贤者都心头发苦,将所有一切都怪罪到妃媛公主的身上。 Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan told them Feng Feiyun and Moonwater Saintess was seriously injured, they nonstop caught up toward here, must Feng Feiyun seizing. 妃媛公主告诉他们风飞云水月圣女都受了重伤,他们才会马不停蹄的向着这边赶來,要将风飞云给擒走。 However has not thought that Moonwater Saintess not only has not been injured, instead also knew their status, then brings the big trouble. 但是沒有想到水月圣女不仅沒有受伤,反而还知道了他们的身份,这下算是闯大祸了。 It seems like Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan wants to make us probe Moonwater Saintess, worthily is the White Spider Monster Clan younger generation natural talent highest seductress, the plans is really really sinister enough.” “看來妃媛公主是想让我们來试探水月圣女,真不愧是白蛛妖族年轻一代天资最高的妖女,心机真是够毒辣。” Now their already is unable to back down, if must with the Moonwater Saintess fight of heyday, they simply not grasp really can striking to kill Moonwater Saintess, if unable striking to kill her, was bigger with the Moonwater Wonderland enmity, by the Moonwater Wonderland strength, they ascends the sky surely enters roadless does not have the gate, must die without doubt. 现在他们已经骑虎难下,若是真的要和全盛时期的水月圣女战斗,他们根本沒有把握能够将水月圣女给击杀,若是无法将她给击杀,那么和水月天境的仇怨就更大了,以水月天境的力量,他们必定上天无路入地无门,必死无疑。 Actually, this moment Feng Feiyun and Xuanyuan Yiyi heart is also very disturbed, if four sages of netherworld must wrestle by the fate , the opportunity that then they want to escape today was quite then uncertain. 其实,此刻风飞云轩辕一一的心头也很忐忑,万一阴间界的四位贤者真要以命相搏,那么今天他们想要逃脱的机会便相当渺茫了。 Above the Xuanyuan Yiyi forehead already overflows faint trace close fragrant perspiration, insists quite strenuously, is only her body is as before static and motionless, therefore temporarily by the netherworld four worthy people of former times seeing flaw. 轩辕一一的额头之上已经溢出一丝丝细密的香汗,坚持得相当吃力,只是她的身体依旧静而不动,所以才暂时沒有被阴间界的四位先贤给看出破绽。 ...... …… This time only exploded eight chapters, surplus had there, next Monday will explode again. 这次就只爆八章了,剩余的就存在那里,下周一再爆。
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