SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#991: Xuanyuan Yiyi has not waked up as before, sits on the stone stool, bows the head on the stone table, the whole body is Fokuang, under after the clothing/taking Gold Silkworm pill, her condition already was better, should quick wake.

Feng Feiyun Buddha strength becomes more and more pure, oneself looks like changes into gold/metal, in each pore is braving Fokuang, changes into golden Buddha fog. 风飞云身上的佛力变得越來越精纯,自身就像是化为一尊金佛,每一个毛孔之中都在冒佛光,化为一道道金色的佛雾。 In the world is dancing in the air the innumerable Sanskrit, was reciting ancient scripture like 3000 Buddha, the main road for it resonance. 天地之间飞舞着无数梵文,就像有3000佛陀在吟唱古经,大道都为之共鸣。 36 strength tyrannical Buddhism magical powers evolve in his body, collides unceasingly, makes the sound that sonorous thunders, is hitting like inscriptions on stone tablet and bronze. 36道力量强横的佛门神通在他的身体之中衍化,不断碰撞,发出“铿锵”轰鸣的声音,就像一块块金石在撞击。 These magical powers Buddhist doctrine already are very formidable, repel becomes greatly, wanting once more concise fusion to become exceptionally difficult. 这些神通佛法都已经十分强大,相互之间的排斥变得更大,想要再次凝练融合变得异常困难。 Bang.” “轰。” Bang.” “轰。” ...... …… Great sounds resound in the body of Feng Feiyun, 36 Buddhist doctrine magical powers struggle extremely fiercely. 一声声巨声在风飞云的身体之中响起,36道佛法神通挣扎得极其厉害。 Finally two Buddhism magical powers twine in together, becomes sturdier, the strength is also stronger, mutually is complicated like two Dao Divinity electricity, then wears in unceasingly. 最终又有两道佛门神通缠绕在一起,变得更加粗壮,力量也更加强大,就像两道神电相互交缠,然后不断磨合。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” Buddhist doctrine magical powers mutually are concise, the final 36 Buddhist doctrine gods stretched the rules to refine 18 types, the might strengthened a point. 一道道佛法神通都相互凝练起來,最终36种佛法神通融炼成了18种,威力又增强了一分。 The might of these 18 Buddhist doctrine magical powers, merely are only also weaker than the might that it Grade 10 Spirit Artifact erupts, each type is extremely the magical powers. 这18种佛法神通的威力,比之十品灵器爆发出來的威力也仅仅只弱一丝,每一种都是绝顶神通。 Should also be able to melt.” “应该还能融化。” Feng Feiyun thought that own ample force had not been exhausted, can tap the potential in body once more, is once more concise 18 Buddhist doctrine magical powers, is more formidable. 风飞云觉得自己的余力还沒有被耗尽,可以再次挖掘身体之中的潜能,将18种佛法神通再次凝练,更加强大。 This is a more difficult process, unceasing eruption of 18 Buddhist doctrine magical powers in his body, almost gives the impact disruption his body, the skin must split. 这是更加艰辛的过程,18种佛法神通在他的身体之中不断的爆发,差一点将他的身体都给冲击碎裂,皮肤都要裂开。 Body Copper Furnance, the Buddhist doctrine magical powers are inside main road. 身体化铜炉,佛法神通就是里面的大道。 Concentrates to me.” “给我凝。” Feng Feiyun tight bites the tooth, in the body is erupting a compulsory suppressed strength. 风飞云紧紧的咬着牙齿,身体之中爆发出一股强制性的压制力。 However strength of that rebound is huge, fights in his body like two peerless powerhouses, if not for his body is formidable, the skeleton as one, changes a person continually, perhaps at this moment already explodes the body to perish. 但是那一股反弹的力量更是庞大,就像两位绝世强者在他身体之中交手,若不是他身体强大,骨骼连为一体,换一个人的话,恐怕此刻都已经爆体而亡。 I did not believe this to be evil.” “我就不信这个邪了。” Feng Feiyun dries the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, sits cross-legged once more, total involvement is concise. 风飞云擦干嘴角的血迹,再次盘坐,全身心的凝练起來。 This time, Feng Feiyun no longer to force, but wears in a relatively temperate method two Buddhist doctrine magical powers, making two magical powers produce the resonance, has the relation. 这一次,风飞云不再以强制强,而是以一种相对温和的方法去磨合两座佛法神通,使两种神通产生共鸣,产生联系。 After all cultivates Buddha more tasteful calm inactivity, botches it by rushing. 毕竟修佛者更讲究“心静无为”,欲速则不达。 Really after changing a way, finally obtains the success, lets two Buddhist doctrine magical powers concise in the same place, is sturdy like Tienchu, the Fokuang ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the prestige can be fearful. 果然换一种方式之后,终于取得成功,让其中两种佛法神通凝练在一起,粗壮得就像天柱,佛光万丈,威能慑人。 The Feng Feiyun heart great happiness, no longer hesitates, in one vigorous effort , to continue other concise Buddhist doctrine magical powers. 风飞云的心头大喜,不再犹豫,一鼓作气,继续凝练别的佛法神通。 Bang.” “嘭。” Bang.” “嘭。” Has the Buddhist doctrine magical powers concise success unceasingly, but Feng Feiyun also received not the small impulse, every two Buddhist doctrine magical powers come out concise, his body fiercely will vibrate, in the mouth spits the blood, was given the hit like the body by the great fist. 不断有佛法神通凝练成功,但是风飞云也受到了不小的冲击力,每两道佛法神通凝练出來,他的身体就会剧烈的震动,口中吐鲜血,就像身体被巨拳给撞击。 Finally changed into nine Buddhist doctrine magical powers, the god column that like nine being indomitable spirit, erupts golden radiance. 最终化为了九种佛法神通,就像九根顶天立地的神柱,爆发出金色的光华。 This is nine Buddhist doctrines, the might that each Buddhist doctrine erupts endures compared with the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact strength, even also wants the formidable point compared with some ordinary Grade 10 Spirit Artifact might. 这是九种佛法,每一种佛法爆发出來的威力都堪比十品灵器的力量,甚至比一些普通的十品灵器的威力还要强大一分。 Feng Feiyun deep inspiration, world vitality in gathers toward his mouth , the corners of the mouth nearby bloodstain vanishes automatically, blood energy also fast restoration that in the body vanishes. 风飞云深深的吸了一口气,天地元气都在往他的口中汇聚,嘴角边上的血迹自动消失,身体之中消失的血气也都快速的恢复过來。 Thump.” “噔。” His body changed into a golden god Buddha likely, ten thousand Buddha resound in his body toward the voice of sect. 他的身体像是化为了一尊金色的神佛,有万佛朝宗的声音在他的身体之中鸣响。 These Buddhist doctrine magical powers altogether have 3.6 million types, although classifies, but silkworm chart from third extends, it can be said that traces this common origin, finally also only then an ideology, can collect a magical powers Buddhist doctrine. 这些佛法神通共有3600000种,虽然分门别类,但都是从第三幅“中蚕图”中延伸出來,可以说是溯本同源,最终也只有一种意识形态,可以汇集成一种神通佛法。 But Feng Feiyun present cultivation base is weak, but also is unable concise to become one type these nine Buddhist doctrine magical powers, once concise becomes one type, the might will be more powerful than the present. 只不过风飞云现在的修为还不够强,还无法将这九种佛法神通凝练成一种,一旦凝练成一种,威力将会比现在更加强大。 Feng Feiyun stretches out a palm, the skin of arm turns into the golden color, above the palm has some illusory landforms to appear, mountain range, hill, rivers and lake...... These landforms are very illusory, seem like is a real world, actually likely is transforms. 风飞云伸出一只手掌,手臂的皮肤变成金色,手掌之上有一些虚幻的地貌出现,山脉、丘陵、河流、湖泊……这些地貌都很虚幻,看似是一个真实世界,其实又像是幻化出來。 This is nine one in Buddhist doctrine magical powers in palm the universe. 这是九种佛法神通之中的一种“掌里乾坤”。 Feng Feiyun thinks in palm the universe is nine key positions of Buddhist doctrines, is third silkworm chart one summary. 风飞云觉得“掌里乾坤”就是九种佛法的枢纽,也是第三幅“中蚕图”的一种纲要。 This should be in Buddhist legend universe beginning of the universe is in charge world embryo shape.” “这应该就是佛家传说之中的‘乾坤混元掌印天地’的胎形。” The hearsay, in the Buddhism has the saints and sages to stretch out a palm, can evolve one infinite vast universe world, even if has the world to be topest people speedily unable to depart his palm. 传闻,佛门之中有圣贤伸出一只手掌,可以衍化出一片无穷浩大的乾坤世界,就算是拥有天下最顶尖疾速的人都无法飞出他的手掌心。 But Feng Feiyun displays now in palm universe, is „the universe beginning of the universe is in charge world an embryo, after he can give nine Buddhist doctrine magical powers is concise, in palm the universe possibly evolves for „the universe is in charge world. 风飞云现在施展出來的“掌里乾坤”,就是“乾坤混元掌印天地”的一个胚胎,等他能够将九种佛法神通都给凝练之后,“掌里乾坤”才可能衍化为“乾坤掌印天地”。 A palm makes, the shatter universe, opens the day of crack place. 一掌打出,破碎乾坤,开天裂地。 After only then and other cultivation base becomes more formidable, has enough abundant Buddha Qi and says the comprehension, possibly cultivates „the universe beginning of the universe to be in charge world. 而只有等他的修为变得更强大之后,拥有足够充裕的佛气和佛道领悟,才可能修炼出“乾坤混元掌印天地”。 What is beginning of the universe. 何为“混元”。 Beginning of the universe all-embracing, has everything \; The beginnings of the universe are not chaotic, but is one type ordered mixes the movement, contained study, to know, profession, to preach, the development say/way and world life to say. “混元”无所不包,无所不有\;混元不是杂乱无章,而是一种有序的混化运动,包含了学道、知道、行道、布道、发展道、天地命道。 It can be said that beginning of the universe two characters, already has broken the taboo of main road, only if the magical powers of genuine day latitude place, otherwise cannot name with these two characters. 可以说“混元”二字,已经触犯了大道的禁忌,除非是真正的经天纬地的神通,不然不能以这两个字命名。 Therefore Feng Feiyun can cultivation in palm the universe, cultivates „the universe to be in charge world not to be considered as that the too difficult matter. 所以风飞云能够修炼成“掌里乾坤”,修炼出“乾坤掌印天地”也不算是太难的事。 However wants to cultivate „the universe beginning of the universe to be in charge world actually difficultly, possibly is unable to achieve that region for a lifetime. 但是想要修炼成“乾坤混元掌印天地”却难上加难,可能一辈子都无法达到那个境地。 If can achieve that boundary, the person who then in the world can contend with him are not many, is in charge one, may the breaking universe and beginning of the universe, who be able the enemy. 而若是能够达到那个境界,那么天地之间能够与他相抗衡的人也就不多了,掌印一出,可破碎乾坤、混元,何人能敌。 Whish.” “哗。” Feng Feiyun presses firmly between the fingers the palm, the virtual world of palm is disillusioned immediately, when the palm spreads out once more, above the palm full is golden Buddha Qi, like golden sea, buddha beads of buddha beads dragon eye size from palm flighty. 风飞云将手掌又捏住,掌心的虚幻世界顿时破灭,当手掌再次摊开的时候,掌心之上满是金色佛气,像一片金色的海洋,一枚佛珠龙眼大小的佛珠从掌心浮了起來。 This buddha beads all over the body are the golden color, young gold/metal sits cross-legged in the buddha beads center, the treasure is likely dignified, the gods and ghosts are sacred. 这一枚佛珠通体都是金色,有一尊小小的金佛盘坐在佛珠的中央,宝象庄严,神异而神圣。 Above the buddha beads also nine small holes, connect the outside and in that golden small Buddha, nine holes are breathing, the absorption world vitality to the buddha beads, making buddha beads radiance radiant, even there are able to hear main road singings in praise of the Buddha to reverberate in the air. 佛珠之上还有九个小小的孔洞,连接外界和里面的那一尊金色的小佛,九个孔洞都在呼吸,吸收天地元气到佛珠之中,使佛珠的光华变得更加的璀璨,甚至有能够听到一声声大道梵音在空气之中回荡。 Endures compared with ten Grade 1 Spirit Pill.” “堪比十一品灵丹。” Feng Feiyun is staring at palm Buddha slightly, the corners of the mouth curls upwards. 风飞云盯着手心的佛株,嘴角微微的一翘。 On Spirit Pill Grade 10 , is extremely precious, can sell the sky-high price, will have many member thousand li (500 km) purchase. 灵丹上了十品,也都极其珍贵,能够卖出天价來,会有很多修士千里购买。 After all Grade 10 Spirit Pill, quite in many a life, everyone is willing to spend the high price. 毕竟一枚十品灵丹,就相当于多一条命,谁都愿意花大价钱。 The buddha beads that Feng Feiyun condenses endure compared with ten Grade 1 Spirit Pill, is the best quality goods in compounded drug absolutely, even if the Ascension sages can use, can leave the high price purchase. 况且风飞云凝聚出來的这一枚佛珠堪比十一品灵丹,绝对属于丹药之中的极品,就算是羽化贤者都能用到,会出大价钱购买。 Even if these refine the pill of immortality Grandmaster wants to refine lineage/vein ten Grade 1 Spirit Pill to come, must cost the massive efficacious medicines and time, possibly the sacrifice refining up this rank Spirit Pill, moreover not necessarily has the pill who Feng Feiyun unifies to be pure. 就算是那些炼丹宗师想要炼出一脉十一品灵丹來,也要耗费大量的灵药和时间,才可能祭炼出这种级别的灵丹,而且还不一定有风飞云凝聚出的这一枚佛丹精纯。 Naturally the Feng Feiyun impossible unlimited condensation pill, unifies a pill to consume many source Buddha strength every time, the consumption is enormous, once condenses massively, will create the self-inflicted injury. 当然风飞云也不可能无限制的凝聚出佛丹,每凝聚出一枚佛丹都要耗费不少本源佛力,消耗极大,一旦大量凝聚,会造成自伤。 After this is silkworm chart of Feng Feiyun third cultivates, the rank that Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi achieves, endures compared with ten Grade 1 spiritual energies fine. 这就是风飞云将第三幅“中蚕图”修炼完毕之后,金蚕佛气达到的级别,精纯度堪比十一品灵气。 It can be said that Feng Feiyun infiltrates in wisp of Buddha Qi the body of person will die now, can let this person of be in good health, lives again for dozens years. 可以说,风飞云现在将一缕佛气打入一位将死的人的身体之中,就能让这人健康长寿,再活几十年。 This merely was only the cultivation has also completed first three, if cultivated a higher boundary, he becomes in the legend Gold Silkworm Egg, the flesh and blood in body had the transformation, ate his meat, even if cannot live forever, can live for several thousand years. 这还仅仅只是修炼完成了前三幅佛图,若是修炼到更高境界,他就会成为传说之中的“金蚕子”,身体之中的血肉发生蜕变,吃他的一块肉,就算不能长生不老,也能多活几千年。 Fourth is to become Cantu, has 800 million types of variables, complex is more difficult to be bright, broad and profound, the Heavenly Dao highest good of implication is also many, „” this is really Buddha Can Zi homemade one Buddha family merit law, who Buddha Can Zi is, to know how this person including Shui Yueting. ” “第四幅佛图乃是‘成蚕图’,拥有800000000种变数,更加的复杂难明,更加的博大精深,蕴含的天道至理也更加繁多,“”这真的是佛蚕子自创的一种佛门功法,佛蚕子到底是什么人,怎么会连水月婷都认识此人。” More cultivates «Gold Silkworm Scripture», then more can feel the abstruseness and complex of this volume of Buddhism ancient scripture. 越是修炼《金蚕经》,便越是能够感觉到这一卷佛门古经的深奥和复杂。 If this is really the Buddhist doctrine that Buddha Can Zi creates, then Buddha Can Zi status must estimate. 若是这真的是佛蚕子所创的佛法,那么佛蚕子的身份就要重新揣摩了。 If «Gold Silkworm Scripture» is not Buddha Can Zi creates, then Feng Feiyun suspected that Buddha Can Zi has not possibly practiced the «Gold Silkworm Scripture» profoundest place. 若是《金蚕经》不是佛蚕子所创,那么风飞云怀疑佛蚕子可能也沒有修炼到《金蚕经》的最精深之处。 Feng Feiyun has the Heavenly Dao sensibility of Ascension 9th-layer, 300 hundred million Holy Saint thoughts, cultivation to complete third Fig. that's all to the present. 风飞云羽化第九重天道感悟,又有300亿圣灵意念,到现在也才修炼完成第三幅佛图罢了 «Gold Silkworm Scripture» altogether seven silkworm charts, four abstruse, his clue did not have. 金蚕经》一共七幅蚕图,还有四幅更加的深奥,他一点头绪都还沒有。 If became aware to complete by the Zen seven, it is estimated that can become Buddha.” “若是将七幅佛图都被禅悟完成,估计能够成佛陀。” Feng Feiyun does not dare to expect builds Buddha, can help oneself future break through Ascension and Holy Saint with the aid of the above Buddhist doctrine, was very good on already. 风飞云不敢奢望修成佛陀,能够借助上面的佛法帮助自己将來冲破羽化圣灵,就已经很不错了。 Feng Feiyun does not plan to start to cultivate fourth now, thought that can be concise first nine Buddhist doctrine magical powers, making nine Buddhist doctrine magical powers concise become one type, changes into „the universe to be in charge world. 风飞云现在并不打算开始修炼第四幅佛图,觉得可以先凝练九种佛法神通,使九种佛法神通凝练成一种,化为“乾坤掌印天地”。 If perceives through meditation fourth now, definitely will affect nine concise of Buddhist doctrines, perhaps always cultivates inadequately „the universe to be in charge world, let alone in legend „the universe beginning of the universe is in charge world. 若是现在参悟第四幅佛图的话,肯定会影响九种佛法的凝练,说不定就永世都修炼不成“乾坤掌印天地”,就更别说传说之中的“乾坤混元掌印天地”。 Feng Feiyun cultivates, opening both eyes slowly, sit cross-legged as before above seven ten Grade 2 Buddha stage, huge Buddha link float, arrives like one to the Buddha sage in world, if appears in the earthliness, definitely some countless people will kneel to bow politely. 风飞云修炼完毕,徐徐的睁开双眼,依旧盘坐在七十二品佛台之上,身后有一个巨大的佛环悬浮,就像一位降临到世间的佛圣人,若是出现在俗世之间,肯定有无数人会跪下來叩拜。
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