SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#990: )

Right, I do not believe that her so age, can defeat completely our more than ten Ascension boundary powerhouses.” An oppressor Monster Clan guy goes out, wears the sincere war armor, a sinking sound roar, the sound like the thunder. “沒错,我也不相信她如此年纪,就能败尽我们十多位羽化境强者。”虎狼妖族的一位大汉走出,身披厚重的战铠,沉声一吼,声音如雷霆。 The cold wind Monster Clan sage and sage body of oppressor Monster Clan also departs, falls to the basin wave surface above, goes easily and freely, simultaneously launches the strongest magical powers, condenses the strength of two destruction, shells to Xuanyuan Yiyi. 阴风妖族的贤者和虎狼妖族的贤者身体同时飞出,落到水池波面之上,如履平地,同时展开最强神通,凝聚出两道破坏之力,轰击向轩辕一一 Xuanyuan Yiyi slowly closes the double pupil, the eyelash is long and curving, a sword intent departs from her forehead, integrates in Ancient Sword. 轩辕一一缓缓的闭上双眸,睫毛长而弯曲,一股剑意从她的眉心飞出,融入古剑之中。 Bang.” “嘭。” radiance above Ancient Sword sword blade rises suddenly, like together meteor, oppressor Monster Clan the dantian of sage piercing. 古剑剑身之上的光华暴涨,就像一道流星,将虎狼妖族的贤者的丹田给洞穿。 „, You...... You have abandoned my cultivation base......” “啊,你……你废了我的修为……” That oppressor Monster Clan the dantian of sage was shattered, the body fast becomes old, ischemic muscular atrophy, the skin becomes wrinkled, falls on the ground, twitches unceasingly. 那一位虎狼妖族的贤者的丹田破碎,身体快速变得苍老,身上的肌肉萎缩,皮肤变得皱巴巴,掉落在地上,不断抽搐。 .” “噗。” Cold wind Monster Clan that sage was also hit the vitality to damage severely, lies is hard to crawl on the ground, the body probably must dissipate in the wind. 阴风妖族的那一位贤者也被打得元气大伤,趴在地上难以爬起來,身体就好像要消散在风中。 This is a fearful heart and soul sword intent, making heart Divine Capital of person unable to bear shiver. 这是一股慑人心魄的剑意,让人的心神都忍不住颤抖。 ...... …… ............ ………… A very long ancient street, the ground full is the monster corpse, the blood dyes the Honggu stone, incarnadine this piece of metro. 一条很长的古街,地上满是妖尸,鲜血染红古石,染红了这一片城域。 The Feng Feiyun whole body is the blood, the body surroundings has ten thousand beast empty shades presents, fights with the fists, can the disintegration fall a Monster Clan member. 风飞云浑身都是鲜血,身体周围有万兽虚影呈现,一拳打出,就能崩碎掉一位妖族修士。 Feng Feiyun murderous aura rushing, gives these Monster Clan member startled draws back, arrives at outside an ancient garden, a blood red eye stared at one toward inside, has not rushed rashly, the outstretch finger slowly, white light appears. 风飞云身上的杀气滂湃,将那些妖族修士都给惊退,走到一座古老的庭院外面,一双血红色的眼睛向着里面盯了一眼,并沒有贸然闯进去,缓缓的伸出手指,一层白色的阵光出现。 That is a Formation strength. 那是一层阵法的力量。 Bang.” “嘭。” A fist shells, erupts the strengths of 10,000 times of Nirvana 5th-layer member, broken to the bang Formation, then opened the front door to walk. 一拳轰击出去,爆发出10000倍涅槃第五重修士的力量,将阵法给轰破,然后推开大门走了进去。 This garden appears is very peaceful, but has the faint smell of blood, many places have the trace that the fight will leave from now on. 这一座庭院显得很是安静,但是却有着淡淡的血腥味,有很多地方都有战斗过后留下的痕迹。 Xuanyuan Yiyi sits in the center of basin as before, the white clothing is floating, the long hair drags, the jade neck is slender, at the back of Ancient Sword, the hand pinches the jade ruler, appears very tranquil. 轩辕一一依旧坐在水池的中央,白衣飘飘,长发摇曳,玉颈修长,背着古剑,手捏玉尺,显得很宁静。 Monster Clan powerhouse has not actually seen. 妖族的强者却一个都沒有看到。 Feng Feiyun standing remarkably in pond Bian, looked at the bloodstain of pool, looked at pond center holy solemn Xuanyuan Yiyi, in the heart sighed one secretly, her cultivation base grown stronger. 风飞云卓然的站在池边,看了看池畔的血迹,又看了看池中心的圣洁端庄的轩辕一一,心中暗叹一声,她的修为又变强了。 The cool breeze sways, limpid pool of water will blow out wave ripples. 清风吹拂,将清澈的池水吹出一道道波涟。 They are you invite.” The Xuanyuan Yiyi sound is vast, to person an incomparably delightful feeling. “他们都是你请來的吧。”轩辕一一的声音浩渺,给人一种无比悦耳的感觉。 Feng Feiyun said: Right.” 风飞云道:“沒错。” Our whereabouts, only then you and I know, if nobody disclosed secret information, the Monster Clan powerhouse was impossible to come such quickly.” The Xuanyuan Yiyi sound is clear, too many mood have not contained in inside. “我们的行踪只有你和我知道,若是沒有人通风报信,妖族的强者不可能來得这么快。”轩辕一一的声音清灵,并沒有太多的情绪包含在里面。 „It is not false.” Feng Feiyun did not deny. “一点都不假。”风飞云也并不否认。 She also said: Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan is a very intelligent female, you want to cope with me with her hand, but she actually betrayed you.” 她又道:“妃媛公主是一个很聪明的女子,你想要借她的手來对付我,但是她却又出卖了你。” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: „ This point is also expected in me, in the world does not lack the smart person, if you regard the fool others, then finally becomes the person of fool surely is oneself. 风飞云笑道:“这一点也在我所预料之中,世上并不缺乏聪明人,你若是将别人当成傻子,那么最后成傻子的人必定是自己。 I am very curious, my any place has not been unfair to you, does not have any enmity, why you must so to me.” Xuanyuan Yiyi stared toward Feng Feiyun, reveals a fine peerless immortal face. “我很好奇,我并沒有任何地方对不起你,也沒有任何仇怨,你为何要如此对我。”轩辕一一向着风飞云盯了过來,露出一张精致绝伦的仙颜。 Feng Feiyun one hee, said: Some matters, you do not understand.” 风飞云一嘻,道:“有些事,你不会明白。” Xuanyuan Yiyi also said: I was more curious, since you already want to cope with me, why has killed that many Monster Clan powerhouses outside, arrived here is any goal, was this too contradictory.” 轩辕一一又道:“那我就更好奇了,你既然已经想要对付我,为何又在外面杀了那么多妖族的强者,來到这里又是什么目的,这是不是太矛盾了。” The Feng Feiyun vision becomes sinks to congeal, said: Why I do not know......” 风飞云的目光变得沉凝起來,道:“我也不知道为什么……” , Also teased: Perhaps I suddenly discovered oneself liked you, therefore came to see you dead on running back.” 顿了顿,又调侃道:“说不定我突然发现自己喜欢上你了,所以就跑回來看你死了沒有。” Xuanyuan Yiyi is completely aloof to Feng Feiyun this words of teasing, static sitting there, the immortal pupil is elusive, hesitates saying: Your that two female friends had been taken away by Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan, you have killed that many Monster Clan powerhouses, perhaps Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan will not emit them.” 轩辕一一风飞云这一句调侃的话完全无动于衷,静静的坐在那里,仙眸空灵,沉吟道:“你的那两位红颜知己都被妃媛公主带走了,你杀了那么多妖族强者,恐怕妃媛公主不会放出她们。” The Feng Feiyun vision also becomes dignified, knows that the situation is not very wonderful, planned pursues gives to retrieve Yao Ji and Xue Shuang, he just now turns around, hears behind hears one to remain silent. 风飞云的目光也变得凝重起來,也知道情况很不妙,打算追上去将姚吉雪泷给救回,他才刚一转身,就听到身后传來一声闷声。 Funny.” “哏。” When he has turned around once more looks toward basin central Xuanyuan Yiyi, discovered that her already lay above the stone table, the corners of the mouth had blood, the face whiten much. 当他再次转过身向着水池中央的轩辕一一看去的时候,发现她已经趴在了石桌之上,嘴角有一丝血液,脸色苍白得吓人。 Her head long hair scatters, lets fall the ground. 她头上的长发散落下來,垂落到地上。 „.” “唰。” Feng Feiyun has leapt the water surface, falling cautiously to side of stone table, determined after she is injured, walks to go forward, presses firmly between the fingers her slender white delicate arms, the finger is pinching her pulse. 风飞云飞跃过水面,小心翼翼的落到石桌的旁边,确定她是真的受伤之后,才走上前,捏住她纤细的玉臂,手指掐着她的脉搏。 Her pulse, intermittent, the fire of life probably momentarily must be put out weakly. 她的脉搏微弱至极,时断时续,生命之火就好像随时都要熄灭。 In her body has ice-cold cold air, almost must give the freeze her bloodlines. 她的身体之中有一股冰冷的寒气,几乎要将她血脉都给冻结。 Before Feng Feiyun enters this garden, Xuanyuan Yiyi received the internal injury on already, forcefully has actually been suppressing own injury, feared that was given to see by Feng Feiyun, wants retreating in fear Feng Feiyun by imposing manner. 风飞云进入这一座庭院之前,轩辕一一已经受了暗伤,却一直强行压制着自己的伤势,怕被风飞云给看出,想要以身上的气势将风飞云给吓退。 Heart lineage/vein are damaged, this was the self-inflicted injury that «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» backlashed to create, the wound and source, although it seems like she gave to repel Monster Clan these powerhouses, the wound of but own receiving was also heavy.” “心脉受损,这是《心御静心剑典》反噬造成的自伤,伤及了本源,看來她虽然将妖族的那些强者给击退,但是自身所受的伤也不轻。” Feng Feiyun was familiar again cannot to this injury be familiar, his first time met Shui Yueting time, Shui Yueting also and Xuanyuan Yiyi at this moment was exactly the same, the heart lineage/vein were damaged, the sword air/Qi bit the heart. 风飞云对这种伤势熟悉得不能再熟悉了,他第一次遇到水月婷的时候,水月婷也和此刻的轩辕一一一模一样,心脉受损,剑气噬心。 At this time has killed Xuanyuan Yiyi, not only can retaliate Shui Yueting, but can also obtain Xuanyuan Yiyi horizon ruler, this completely is the good deed of killing two birds with one stone. 这个时候杀了轩辕一一,不仅能够报复水月婷,而且还能得到轩辕一一身上的天涯尺,这完全是一举两得的好事。 However the Feng Feiyun heart hesitated, he and Shui Yueting gratitude and grudges, Xuanyuan Yiyi does not have the mistake, moreover Xuanyuan Yiyi has also saved him twice. 但是风飞云的心头却犹豫了,他和水月婷的恩怨,轩辕一一并沒有过错,而且轩辕一一还救过他两次。 Although Feng Feiyun has never thought is a good person, but wants him to make a graciousness the mean villain of enmity report, the psychological bottom line has actually braved. 风飞云虽然从未想过自己是个好人,但是要他做一个恩将仇报的卑鄙小人,心理的底线却又冒了出來。 You will not want to kill her, killed has really been a pity, after all the talent of legendary rank may with not be possible to ask . Moreover the Moonwater Wonderland person will not let off you absolutely, will look for not at any cost you, only if you escaped from the human state, otherwise was then impossible to evade chasing down of Moonwater Wonderland.” Mao Wugui feels Feng Feiyun murderous aura. “你不会想要杀了她吧,杀了实在太可惜了,毕竟传奇级别的天才可遇不可求,而且水月天境的人也绝对不会放过你,会不惜一切代价将你找出來,除非你逃出人类国度,不然便不可能躲得过水月天境的追杀。”茅乌龟感觉到风飞云身上的杀气 The Feng Feiyun heart has struggled for a long time, finally the Xuanyuan Yiyi wrist/skill place stone table above gently, with the sleeves building, said: I do not kill her, I have better means to retaliate Shui Yueting, since she can teach the so outstanding successor, I can make her successor degenerate.” 风飞云的心头挣扎了许久,最后将轩辕一一的手腕轻轻的放在石桌之上,用衣袖给搭好,道:“我不杀她,我有更好的办法來报复水月婷,她既然能够教出如此杰出的传人,我就能让她的传人堕落下去。” You do not want to buy in the brothel Moonwater Saintess, quack, this idea I like.” Mao Wugui anxioused to stir up trouble, has laughed, offered the stupid idea to Feng Feiyun. “你不会想将水月圣女买到青楼里面去吧,嘎嘎,这个想法我喜欢。”茅乌龟唯恐天下不乱,大笑了起來,给风飞云出馊主意。 Xuanyuan Yiyi cultivation base is extremely high, even if buys the brothel her, does not have any brothel to surround her, moreover Moonwater Wonderland is fierce, powerhouse such as multitude of people moving to and fro, once left the Immortal City ruins, definitely some people will calculate that her ominous, nobody can injure her radically truly.” Feng Feiyun said. 轩辕一一修为极高,就算将她买到青楼,也沒有任何一座青楼困得住她,况且水月天境何等厉害,强者如过江之鲫,一旦离开了仙城遗址,就肯定有人会推算出她的凶吉,根本沒有人能够真正的伤害到她。”风飞云道。 Mao Wugui said: You will not think to rest her now, quack, this...... I also like.” 茅乌龟道:“你不会想现在就将她睡了吧,嘎嘎,这……我也喜欢。” Feng Feiyun shook the head: What Xuanyuan Yiyi cultivation is «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard», state of mind cultivation base profound, even if gave to rest her, her say/way heart did not extinguish as before, moreover she was the Moonwater Wonderland saintess, Shui Yueting definitely had the jade palace sand at her body point, only if she were voluntary, otherwise...... Among the world can break on her the man of jade palace sand to fear that is few.” 风飞云摇了摇头:“轩辕一一修炼的乃是《心御静心剑典》,心境修为高深至极,就算真的将她给睡了,她的道心依旧不灭,况且她乃是水月天境的圣女,水月婷肯定在她身上点有玉宫砂,除非她自愿,不然……天下间能够破她身上玉宫砂的男人怕是沒有几个。” Mao Wugui is dejected, said: Her say/way heart stable cannot break, the body also has the jade palace sand, and spiritually you are unable to break through her from the body, you have still compelled for quite a while there attire, is useful.” 茅乌龟垂头丧气,道:“她的道心稳固不可破,身上又有玉宫砂,从身体和精神上你都无法将她攻破,那你还在那里装逼了半天,有什么用。” Feng Feiyun said: Her say/way heart not necessarily may not break, so long as is the woman surely has the weakness, so long as made me know her weakness, was I routs her to say heart time, will happen one day I must Moonwater Saintess became Half Monster Feng Feiyun double cultivate/repair the cauldron furnace, when the time comes I must go to Moonwater Wonderland to tell Shui Yueting this news personally.” 风飞云道:“她的道心未必不可破,只要是女人就必定有弱点,只要让我知道了她的弱点,就是我击溃她道心的时候,终有一天我要将水月圣女成为半妖风飞云的双修鼎炉,到时候我要亲自去水月天境将这个消息告诉水月婷。” Enough ruthless, if Moonwater Holy Spirit knows oneself calm the mind ** successor who comes out, was given by you ** one...... The mother, she will definitely kill you......” “够狠,水月圣神若是知道自己静心**出來的传人,又被你给**了一遍……妈的,她肯定会杀了你……” The water in basin is rippling gently, whips underwater/splashing sound gently. 水池之中的水在轻轻荡漾,拍打出轻轻的水声。 After Feng Feiyun a Gold Silkworm pill to the Xuanyuan Yiyi clothing/taking next, then sits cross-legged to cultivate in the one side, under the body presents seven ten Grade 2 Buddha stages, body Fokuang is bright, after the brain, has the Buddha link presents, myriad Sanskrit rich/forgive body. 风飞云将一枚金蚕佛丹给轩辕一一服下之后,便盘坐在一旁修炼起來,身下出现一座七十二品佛台,身上佛光熠熠,脑后有佛环呈现,万千梵文饶体。 Feng Feiyun already cultivates «Gold Silkworm Scripture» third now, under perceiving through meditation of eight hundred million Holy Saint bone ashes, third Fig. already thoroughly comprehended completely, Buddha Qi already in body is also transforming toward a higher rank, the Buddha strength becomes purer. 风飞云现在已经修炼到《金蚕经》的第三幅古图,在八亿圣灵骨灰的参悟之下,第三幅古图已经完全被悟透,身体之中的佛气已经在往更高级别转化,佛力变得更加精纯。 Third has 3.6 million changes, presents 3.6 million Buddhist doctrine magical powers, these Buddhist doctrine magical powers in others opinion perhaps are the extraordinary technique laws, however looks like in Feng Feiyun is only small technique that's all. 第三幅古图有3600000种变化,呈现出3600000种佛法神通,这些佛法神通在别人看來或许都是了不得的术法,但是在风飞云看來都只是小术罢了 The so-called main road to Jane/simple, the genuine world, turns the hand to become a world, the turning over the palm can destroy all living things, all magical powers technique laws contain in the palm, directs to break completely all magic arts in world. 所谓大道至简,真正的天地至强,翻手可成一片世界,覆手可以毁灭众生,一切的神通术法都蕴含在手掌心,一指点出去能够破尽世间的一切道法。 Feng Feiyun decided that must give 3.6 million Buddhist doctrines concise, making the quantity of Buddhist doctrine tail off, the might increases, finally concise becomes strongest Buddhist doctrine magical powers. 风飞云决定要将3600000种佛法都给凝练,使佛法的数量变少,威力变大,最终凝练成一种最强的佛法神通。 3.6 million Buddhist doctrine Sanskrit dance in the air around his body, then overlaps, two Buddhist doctrines were overlapped one type, 22 superpositions, then fuse, finally changed into 1.8 million Buddhist doctrine magical powers, the might increased one section immediately. 3600000种佛法梵文在他身体周围飞舞,然后重叠起來,两种佛法被重叠成一种,22重合,然后融和,最后化为了1800000种佛法神通,威力顿时增加了一截。 Feng Feiyun continues concise, overlaps three Buddhist doctrines, quick on concise becomes 600,000 Buddhist doctrine magical powers. 风飞云继续凝练,将三种佛法重叠起來,很快就凝练成600000种佛法神通。 Concise magical powers are one quite test the member patient matter, Feng Feiyun do not know that experienced many time has overlapped and fused, finally concise has become 3.6 million Buddhist doctrine magical powers 36 types, each type might be called the Buddhism big technique, once displayed, the might will not compare Grade 9 Spirit Artifact to be weak. “凝练神通”是一件相当考验修士耐心的事,风飞云也不知经历了多少次重叠和融合,最后将3600000种佛法神通给凝练成了36种,每一种都堪称佛门大术,一旦施展出來,威力不会比九品灵器弱。 He felt that oneself can also let these Buddhist doctrine magical powers more concise simplifications. 他感觉自己还能让这些佛法神通更加凝练简化。
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