SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#989: )

Feng Feiyun gives to pick up the two monster bones of ground, this is the big monster bone, although very small, as before several thousand jin (0.5 kg), above is also remaining the big monster strength, the might endures ratio formidable Spirit Artifact. 风飞云将地上的两块妖骨给捡起,这都是大妖的骨,虽然只是很小的一块,却依旧有数千斤重,上面还残留着大妖的力量,威力堪比一件强大的灵器 A moment ago by two that you killed is oppressor Monster Clan, great ant Monster Clan that in addition formerly met...... Really has felt strange, among major Monster Clan the mutual competition, mutually is also hostile, now unexpectedly collaborated, they want sole possession of that real dragon skeleton, is not right, this piece of metro also belongs to the surrounding, does not have the aura of real dragon skeleton.” Mao Wugui hides under the Feng Feiyun clothes robe, the cat the head, is not daring to appear. “刚才被你打死的两个乃是虎狼妖族,加上先前遇到的巨蚁妖族……真是奇怪了,各大妖族之间也都相互竞争,相互敌对,现在居然联起手來,难道他们是想独吞那一具真龙尸骨,也不对啊,这一片城域还属于外围,也沒有真龙尸骨的气息。”茅乌龟藏在风飞云的衣袍下面,猫着脑袋,不敢露头。 It has robbed the crystal red clever ship in Holy Ghost Tomb, was seen by many Monster Clan powerhouses, it does not want to be given to recognize, then by one crowd of formidable monsters besieging. 它在圣灵墓葬之中抢走了晶红鬼船,被很多妖族强者看到,它可不想被人给认出,然后被一群强大的妖给围攻。 Feng Feiyun rushes to Formation that the Monster Clan powerhouse has arranged, enters in this stretch of Immortal City ruins, during the both sides tattered construction transmits the unknown biological the sound, these hide in the lifeform of hidden place have not gotten rid, but not near with Feng Feiyun. 风飞云闯过妖族强者布置的阵法,走进这一片仙城废墟之中,两旁破破烂烂的建筑之中传來未知生物的声音,这些隐藏在暗处的生物都沒有出手,而是不远不近的跟着风飞云 They feel the formidable aura that lends from Feng Feiyun obviously very much, nobody dares to act rashly. 很显然他们都感受到从风飞云身上散发出的强大气息,沒有人敢轻举妄动。 One group of black smog trundles in the broken palaces, in the smog reveal a green and glossy eye, a big mouth, gloomy say/way: Young people, the Monster Clan ten clan reunions, here is not you should today the rushing place.” 一团黑色烟雾滚动在残破的殿宇间,烟雾之中露出一双绿油油的眼睛,还有一张血盆大口,阴沉的道:“年轻人,今日妖族十族聚首,这里不是你该闯的地方。” Feng Feiyun stops the footsteps, looked at one toward that black smog, in the vision full is dignified, sinking sound said: You did not have the qualifications and I speak.” 风飞云停下脚步,向着那黑色的烟雾看了一眼,目光之中满是威严,沉声道:“你还沒有资格和我说话。” Snort, I am the cold wind Monster Clan monster, has over ten thousand military exploits above ten thousand clan battlefields, you said unexpectedly I am unqualified.” That group of black smog sometimes gathers sometimes disperses, does not have the fixed shape, like piercing cold wind. “哼,我乃是阴风妖族的妖将,在万族战场之上有上万点军功,你居然说我不够资格。”那一团黑色烟雾时聚时散,沒有固定的形态,像一阵刺骨的阴风。 In the black smog stretches out a fierce hand claw, the nail is incisive, changes into god edges. 黑色的烟雾之中伸出一只狰狞的手爪,指甲尖锐,化为一根根神刃。 Cold wind Monster Clan, not popular Monster Clan that's all.” “阴风妖族,不入流的妖族罢了。” Feng Feiyun cried loud and long, in the mouth put out the endless phoenix evil fire, changed into together the scarlet-red burning hot sea of fire, will give the bang to fly that cold wind Monster Clan monster, its cold wind was almost scattered. 风飞云长啸一声,口中吐出无尽的凤凰孽火,化为一道赤红的炙热的火海,将那一位阴风妖族的妖将给轰飞出去,它身上的阴风都差点被打散。 „.” “嗷。” „.” “咻。” The surrounding these Monster Clan member also leap, simultaneously is getting rid to Feng Feiyun, wants the human member of suppress and kill this intrusion. 周围的那些妖族修士也都飞跃出來,同时对着风飞云出手,要镇杀这个闯入的人类修士。 The Feng Feiyun vision looks disdainfully, offers a sacrifice to Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, changes into several thousand handle small swords, the governing sword rapid flight, fights the four directions. 风飞云的目光睥睨,祭出天髓兵胆,化为数千柄小剑,御剑疾飞,大战四方。 ...... …… The corner/horn of this piece of metro, one full is in the dry defeat ancient wood garden. 这一片城域的一角,一座满是枯败的古木的庭院之中。 Here already was left uncultivated for 80,000 years, once ten thousand years of ironwood already death, rubbles must rottenly become the sand, the basin lake is also split, in the opening is dissipating the black smoke unceasingly. 这里已经被荒废了80000年,曾经的万年铁木都已经死亡,一块块瓦砾都要烂成沙粒,水池湖泊也都干裂,裂口之中在不断逸散黑烟。 Xuanyuan Yiyi sits above a stone table, the white clothing like the snow, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is clear, the pupil light is cool and refreshing, in the White Jade common fingers is pinching an immortal ruler, in the world all rules as if were collecting the past to her, condensed the immortal ruler above in her hands. 轩辕一一坐在一张石桌之上,白衣如雪,黛眉清晰,眸光泠泠,白玉一般的手指间捏着一根仙尺,天地之间所有的规则似乎都在向她汇集过去,凝聚在她手中的仙尺之上。 She is static to sit, body does not eat the person smoke and fire completely the holiness, probably is tranquil to divide with the entire world. 她就静静而坐,身上满是不食人烟火的圣洁,宁静得就好像与整个天地都分割开。 In this garden, but also stands in more than ten Monster Clan powerhouses, from ten Monster Clan, has White Spider Monster Clan and oppressor Monster Clan, great ant Monster Clan and fox clan...... Is these Monster Clan powerhouses, each one has an imposing appearance, aura rushing. 在这一座庭院之中,还站在十多位妖族强者,來自十个妖族,有白蛛妖族、虎狼妖族、巨蚁妖族、狐族……都是这些妖族的强者,个个都器宇轩昂,气息滂湃。 Overwhelming majorities strided in the Ascension boundary, is the worthy people of former times in Monster Clan. 绝大多数都跨入了羽化境,属于妖族之中的先贤。 This place already was blocked thoroughly, the secret rule was also hoodwinked.” A white-haired Ms. Monster Clan step limps, arrives in front of a white hearse, respectful one does obeisance to inside. “此地已经被彻底封死,天机规则也都被蒙蔽。”一个满头白发的妖族老妪步伐蹒跚,走到一辆白色的灵车面前,恭恭敬敬的对里面一拜。 This hearse has the day of crystal uncut jade sacrifice to refine, is directed by seven Luanniao, all over the body is white glow, inside sits an outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman, is the White Spider Monster Clan princess, Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan. 这一辆灵车乃是有天晶璞玉祭炼而成,由七只鸾鸟拉引,通体都是白芒,里面坐着一位绝色丽人,为白蛛妖族的公主,妃媛公主 Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan is throwing over a tissue in the body, the flesh is pure white, the jade chest is full, the waist is slender, the white delicate arms like the lotus root, the finger are soft, each nail cultivates very fine. 妃媛公主披着一层薄纱在身,肌肤洁白,玉胸饱满,腰肢纤细温婉,玉臂如莲藕,手指柔软纤长,每一片指甲都修得很精致。 Xue Shuang and Yao Ji also stand in side of this hearse at this moment, Xue Shuang is the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan, is the Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan biological paternal aunt, in her body in already brand mark the mark of human slave, but can win the trust of Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan as before. 雪泷姚吉此刻也站在这一辆灵车的旁边,雪泷乃是白蛛妖族的皇族,更是妃媛公主的亲姑姑,就算她的身体之中已经烙印上了人类奴隶的印记,但是依旧能够得到妃媛公主的信任。 Moonwater Saintess, we met.” 水月圣女,我们又见面了。” The Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan sound is very delightful, clear such as spring water ticktack, even if will hear her sound to be infatuated with. 妃媛公主的声音很悦耳,清脆如泉水嘀嗒,即便只是听到她的声音都会让人为之迷恋。 Xuanyuan Yiyi sits on that island of basin center, is above mundane thoughts simple and beautiful. 轩辕一一坐在水池中心的那一个小岛上,清丽绝尘。 The water in that basin had already been dried up for several tens of thousands years, the island probably was isolated in the center of basin, appears her situation also becomes very miserable. 只是那水池之中的水早已干枯了数万年,小岛就好像被孤立在水池的中央,显得她的处境也变得很凄凉。 Three years, as if early.” The Xuanyuan Yiyi facial expression is very tranquil, body has innumerable Xianxia to past, white clothing such as fog general dragging. “三年之约,似乎早了一些。”轩辕一一的神情很平静,身上有无数仙霞流转,身上的白衣如雾一般的摇曳。 Pours not early.” The Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan red lip opens lightly. “倒也不算早。”妃媛公主红唇轻启。 You are also not my match, seizes cannot the horizon ruler.” Xuanyuan Yiyi is pinching the ruler in hand, like pinching a stretch of world. “你还不是我的对手,夺不会天涯尺。”轩辕一一捏着手中的尺,就像捏着一片天地。 These Monster Clan powerhouses are all impressive, overawes a side, but in the ruler to her hand actually extremely abstained from, therefore has not acted rashly. 那些妖族的强者个个气度不凡,威震一方,但是对她手中的尺却极其忌讳,所以才沒有轻举妄动。 The Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan manner is arrogant, the immortal face is beautiful, the body also has the boundless physical strength to run out, transforms a huge white Zhu shape beside the hearse. 妃媛公主神态高傲,仙颜秀丽,身上亦有磅礴的气力冲出,在灵车之外幻化出一只庞大的白蛛的形态。 On the white spider has an extremely terrifying aura, is ancient and boundless, resembles to break the vault of heaven, the disintegration entire world. 白蛛身上有一股极其恐怖的气息,古老而磅礴,似要震碎天穹,崩碎寰宇。 «All generations undying Merit» and «Horizon Say/Way» is the magical powers that the Saint ancestor creates, today I then must have a look am «All generations undying Merit» am strong, is «Horizon Say/Way» is stronger.” “《万劫不死功》和《天涯道》都是圣祖所创的神通,今日我便要看看到底是《万劫不死功》强,还是《天涯道》更强。” Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan obtains the inheritance of «All generations undying Merit», the cultivation base speed is extremely fast, already strides in Nirvana 6th-layer, the strength tyrannicalally, netherworld Song Chengming, You Ziling of non- longevity god palace, is this boundary, but they weak more than planned compared with it Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan. 妃媛公主得到《万劫不死功》的传承,修为速度极快,已经跨入涅槃第六重,力量强横至极,阴间界的宋城名,无寿星宫的游紫菱,也是这个境界,但是他们比之妃媛公主弱了不止一筹。 Everywhere spider's silk departs, is trillion white radiance shells, has filled the dead air/Qi. 漫天的蛛丝飞出,就是亿万道白色光华轰击出去,充满了死气。 Jade white finger of Xuanyuan Yiyi rap of gently above stone table, a white Saint magnificent from her fingertip overflow, has filled with the endless vitality, making above the bare island give birth to light green grass buds, safflowers bloom, the flower fragrance is rich. 轩辕一一的玉白色的手指在石桌之上轻轻的一敲击,一道白色的圣华从她的指尖溢出,充满了无尽生机,使光秃秃的小岛之上生出一株株嫩绿的草芽,还有一株株红花绽放,花香浓郁。 Crash-bang.” “哗啦啦。” In the already withered basin flushed the limpid spring water, quick gives to fill up the basin together, the mighty waves ripple, spirit smoke like gauze. 原本已经干枯的水池之中冲起一道清澈的泉水,很快就将水池给填满,波涛荡漾,灵烟如纱。 These in entire garden died several tens of thousands years of dead wood to send out the sprout, releases the spiritual energy, gives full play to the vitality, that green bud is green is common like the emerald. 就连整个庭院之中的那些死去数万年的枯木都发出新芽,释放出灵气,焕发出生机,那绿芽绿得就像翡翠一般。 She one year ago heart world boundary, one year later the boundary increases once more, achieves read lives to extinguish the boundary.” “她一年前还是‘道心世界’的境界,一年之后境界再次攀升,达到‘一念生灭’的境界。” This was Great Sage possibly strided in the boundary, her natural talent was too high, young, already gave to throw the innumerable worthy people of former times after behind, this was the Holy Saint natural talent.” “这可是大贤者才可能跨入了境界,她的天资实在太高了,年纪轻轻,已经将无数先贤都给抛在身后,这是圣灵天资啊。” These Monster Clan powerhouse also hearts startled, was given to fear by Xuanyuan Yiyi state of mind cultivation base, they cultivation several thousand years of character, but the state of mind cultivation base actually sycophancy cannot catch up with a cultivation less than hundred years of young woman. 那些妖族强者也都心惊不已,被轩辕一一的心境修为给惊住,他们都是修炼数千年的人物,但是心境修为却拍马都赶不上一个修炼不足百年的年轻女子。 If makes her grow, perhaps is second Shui Yueting.” “若是让她成长起來,说不定就是第二个水月婷。” Her state of mind cultivation base, although absolute high unparalleled, but after all is only the Nirvana boundary, our sufficiently suppress and kill she.” “她的心境修为虽然高绝无双,但毕竟只是涅槃的境界,我们足以镇杀她。” More than ten Monster Clan powerhouses set firm resolve to Xuanyuan Yiyi give to write off, they are the Ascension sage, the strength in body are huge such as a entire world, simultaneously begins to Xuanyuan Yiyi. 十多位妖族强者都下定决心要将轩辕一一给抹杀,他们都是羽化贤者,身体之中的力量庞大得如一座寰宇,同时对轩辕一一动手。 The Ancient Sword tremor that Xuanyuan Yiyi carries on the back, sends out a long and loud cry, departs to the sheath, a pull-off white flowing light, such as meteor general flies, meets head-on the four directions. 轩辕一一背上的古剑颤动,发出一声长啸,离鞘飞出,拖出一道白色的流光,如流星一般的飞起,迎战四方。 She sits in the nearby of stone table as before, the white clothing is floating, the beautiful pupil is limpid, controls Ancient Sword by own thought that sends out rushing fearful sword intent, blocks more than ten Ascension sages by a person of strength unexpectedly, like a undefeated female sword immortal. 她依旧坐在石桌的边上,白衣飘飘,美眸清澈,以自身意念掌控古剑,发出滂湃慑人的剑意,竟然以一人之力挡住十多位羽化贤者,就像一位不败的女剑仙。 This is the «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» might, with the heart governing sword, the heart is stronger, the sword is stronger \; The heart is more static, the sword is also invincible.” The Xue Shuang physique sex appeal, after first is raised curls upwards, the luster of the skin is abundant, stares is sitting in basin central Xuanyuan Yiyi calmly. “这就是《心御静心剑典》的威力,以心御剑,心越强,剑就越强\;心越静,剑也就无敌。”雪泷的身姿性感,前凸后翘,玉体丰盈,盯着从容坐在水池中央的轩辕一一 Yao Ji such as young girl general shy , the flesh is exquisite, long hair pitch-black, glances charming, the snow neck such as White Jade carves. 姚吉如少女一般的青涩,肌肤细腻,长发乌黑,眼波迷人,雪颈如白玉雕成。 In her eyes pupil is having several points of happy expression, said: Good fierce sword, Feng Feiyun and this female oppose, feared that will taste the taste of failure.” 她眼眸之中带着几分笑意,道:“好厉害的剑,风飞云和这个女子作对,怕是会尝到失败的滋味。” «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» is the Moonwater Wonderland unsurpassed sword standard, has founded these ten thousand years since Moonwater Wonderland, can cultivates to read «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» lives to extinguish boundary person not over ten, but can cultivation reads lives to extinguish ’ the boundary person in Xuanyuan Yiyi this age ‚, then only has two, one is Moonwater Holy Spirit, one is Xuanyuan Yiyi.” “《心御静心剑典》乃是水月天境的无上剑典,从水月天境开创这万年以來,能够将《心御静心剑典》修炼到‘一念生灭’境界的人不超过十个,而能够在轩辕一一这个年纪就修炼到‘一念生灭’的境界的人,则只有两个,一个是水月圣神自己,一个是轩辕一一。” White Spider Monster Clan and human area is near, knows human these for ten thousand years rising and Moonwater Wonderland minute does not open. 白蛛妖族和人类疆域相临,知道人类这万年來的崛起和水月天境分之不开。 Rising of Moonwater Wonderland also threatens the survival of peripheral more than ten Monster Clan, therefore these Monster Clan quite knew about Moonwater Wonderland something. 水月天境的崛起也威胁到周边十多个妖族的生存,所以这些妖族水月天境的一些东西都颇为了解。 Calm sword advantage, heart permanently sword, read to live, read to extinguish......” “心静则剑利,心恒则剑强,一念为生,一念为灭……” Xuanyuan Yiyi is simple and elegant and tranquil, in red lip gently was reading the sword Secret Art, that handle flew in expansive sky Ancient Sword also becomes stronger and stronger, the sword air/Qi able to move unhindered eight sides, cutting to fly the Monster Clan sages. 轩辕一一清雅而宁静,红唇之中轻轻的念着剑诀,那一柄飞在长空的古剑也变得越來越强,剑气纵横八方,将一位位妖族的贤者给斩飞出去。 .” “噗。” .” “噗。” The sword such as roaming dragon, air/Qi governing daytime. 剑如游龙,气御长天。 The first even/including four Ascension sages by the long sword cutting the wound, the mouth spit the blood, the body has the sword air/Qi to scurry about, invades their blood vessels, making them draw back went back not to dare to move, fully the sword air/Qi in suppressed body. 一连四位羽化贤者被长剑给斩伤,口吐鲜血,身上有剑气在乱窜,侵入他们的血管,让他们退了回去不敢动弹,全力压制身体之中的剑气。 Worthily is the Moonwater Wonderland saintess, but sits there has not begun, gives to defeat four Ascension sages, this is the formidable boundary. 不愧是水月天境的圣女,只是坐在那里都沒有动过手,就将四位羽化贤者给击败,这是何等强大的境界。 Seven Ascension sages have not defeated as before, but actually also fights difficultly, their front like the mountain that sitting one cannot be shaken, their every strikes likely strikes on own body. 依旧还有七位羽化贤者未败,但是却也战得艰难,他们前方就像坐着一座不可撼动的山岳,他们的每一击都像是击在自己的身上。 You draw back, I do not want to take your life.” Xuanyuan Yiyi sits straightly, in the sound does not have a mood. “你们退下去吧,我不想取你们性命。”轩辕一一坐得笔直,声音之中沒有一丝情绪。 Cold wind Monster Clan sage cold sound said with a smile: «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» is fastidious with the heart governing sword, the calm undefeated, she now seems like relaxed, actually very possible already injured in fighting, does intentionally the power and prestige, wanted to retreat in fear our that's all.” 阴风妖族的一位贤者冷声笑道:“《心御静心剑典》讲究以心御剑,心静不败,她现在看似轻松,其实很可能已经在刚才的交手之中受伤,故作威风,想要吓退我们罢了。” ...... …… Yeah, the bank note is not powerful. 哎,票子不怎么给力啊。
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