SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#988: )

Feng Feiyun slowly arrived at Mao Wugui to hit the position that a moment ago, the feeling world rule, toward void in gently extended a hand, a feeling of receiving an electric shock transmitted from the finger, that white knot appeared again, connection day and place. 风飞云缓缓的走到茅乌龟刚才撞击的位置,感受天地规则,向着虚空之中轻轻的伸出一只手,一股触电的感觉从手指之上传來,那一层白色的结界再次出现,连接天与地。 Bang!” “嘭!” A huge incomparable strength, shells on the finger of Feng Feiyun. 一股庞大无比的力量,轰击在风飞云的手指上。 Feng Feiyun receives the hand hastily, but was shaken the going well finger to tingle with numbness as before. 风飞云连忙收手,但是依旧被震得手指头发麻。 This is the world that a formidable Ascension sage arranges ties, an isolation very big piece of space, should want to prevent the people to enter the center of Immortal City ruins.” Feng Feiyun said. “这是一位强大的羽化贤者布置的天地结界,隔绝很大的一片空间,应该是想阻挡人们进入仙城遗址的中心。”风飞云道。 Mao Wugui said: Was not a Ascension sage arranges, built up many people of strengths, it seems like some people wanted to collaborate to carve up inside treasure, was really absurd, one group of robbers.” 茅乌龟道:“并不是一位羽化贤者所布置,集结了多人的力量,看來是有人想要联手瓜分里面的宝物,真是岂有此理,一群强盗。” „Aren't we capture dragon corpse?” Feng Qingqing is smiling, the eye flashes to flash to throw. “我们不也是來夺取龙尸?”风卿卿笑盈盈的,眼睛闪扑闪扑。 We are different, we capture dragon corpse to do the research, the truth tell you, the old man recently in studying an antique secret, just wants to draw some dragon blood, sought for dragon clan the ancient times to remember from the dragon blood.” Mao Wugui is very the dai Chinese zither, mysterious saying. “我们不一样,我们夺取龙尸是为了做研究,实话告诉你们,老夫最近在研究一个太古隐秘,正想抽取一些龙血,从龙血之中寻找龙族的远古记忆。”茅乌龟很是嘚瑟,神秘兮兮的说道。 „!” Feng Qingqing naturally does not believe. “切!”风卿卿自然是不信。 Do not believe! Four big Monster Clan inheritance are remote, the bloodlines in body are also ancient, wants to study that secret, but must start to study from the bloodlines of four big Monster Clan may not.” “别不信啊!四大妖族传承最是久远,身体之中的血脉也最是古老,想要研究那一件隐秘,还非得从四大妖族的血脉之中开始研究不可。” Mao Wugui also said: Therefore this time we must capture the real dragon skeleton in any event, if my research had the achievement, becomes the turning point of history, you wait to look at the old man to become world-famous, the name hangs eternally! Shivers! Your these two Half Monster and human!” 茅乌龟又道:“所以说这次我们无论如何都要夺取真龙尸骨,若是我的研究有了成果,将会成为历史的转折点,你们等着看老夫扬名天下,名垂万古!颤抖吧!你们这两个半妖和人类!” Feng Feiyun does not want to see that a turtle installs to compel in front of oneself, this really does not have anything the place that is worth appreciating, said: „Do you first find way to break to tie? Great researcher.” 风飞云不想看到一只乌龟在自己面前装逼,这实在沒有什么值得欣赏的地方,道:“那你还是先想想办法怎么破开结界?伟大的研究者。” „! Can this also perplex the old man?” The Mao Wugui vision looks disdainfully, the facial expression with deep veneration, said: Old man is skilled in a secret technique, may tear to pieces in the world all knot.” “切!这也能难住老夫?”茅乌龟的目光睥睨,神情肃然,道:“老夫精通一种秘术,可撕破天地之间一切结界。” Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall in Feng Feiyun hand also has the broken knot strength, but this ties together is several Ascension powerhouses arranges, already exceeds the Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall strength range. 风飞云手中的天髓兵胆也有破结界的力量,但是这一道结界乃是数位羽化强者布置,已经超过天髓兵胆的力量范围。 Feng Feiyun naturally is also skilled in breaks to tie the magical powers, but the strength has missed a point, is unable to tie this breaking. 风飞云自然也精通一些破开结界的神通,可是力量都差了一分,也无法将这一座结界给破开。 The Mao Wugui person stands, both legs are very long, on such as a small duck, arrives at the world ties the front, then...... Opens mouth bites. 茅乌龟人立而起,双腿很长,真的就如一只小小的鸭子,走到天地结界的面前,然后……张开嘴就去咬。 Bang!” “嘭!” Ties above gives birth to endless electricity glow, dividing to fly it, the whole body becomes burned black, in the mouth braves the black smoke unceasingly, spits the large flame. 结界之上生出无尽电芒,将它给劈飞了出去,浑身变得焦黑,口里不断冒黑烟,吐火舌。 Lying down that Mao Wugui suffocates on the ground, in the mouth is interweaving as before the electricity glow. 茅乌龟奄奄一息的躺在地上,口中依旧交织着电芒。 This...... Is this your secret technique?” Feng Feiyun said. “这……这就是你的秘术?”风飞云道。 Mao Wugui crawled, said: Before...... Pours also hundred to try the lark, do not nip not broken knot, these time makes a mistake purely. Damn, is the arrangement ties that group of people were too strong, moreover in tying above arranged has attacked Formation, pit turtle!” 茅乌龟爬了起來,道:“以前……倒也百试百灵,沒要咬不破的结界,这一次纯粹是失误。他妈的,是布置结界的那群人太强了,而且还在结界之上布置了攻击阵法,坑乌龟啊!” Makes me try!” “还是让我來试试吧!” Feng Feiyun launches Phoenix Fire God Domain, the endless flame will condense the fist to be so big, changes into one group of scarlet-red color/look hot beads. 风飞云展开凤凰火神域,将无尽的火焰都凝聚成拳头那么大,化为一团赤红的色火珠。 The flame is very concise, starts to burn to refine to tie slowly. 火焰十分凝练,开始缓缓焚炼结界。 Probably after half double-hour, tied to be built up a small hole. 大概半个时辰之后,结界才被炼开了一个小窟窿。 Feng Feiyun heart one happy, can be built up to melt explains usefully, hastily stimulation of movement many strengths, making Phoenix Fire God Domain start the unceasing expansion, finally is the degree that can let person of passing. 风飞云心头一喜,能够被炼化开就说明有用,连忙催动更多的力量,使凤凰火神域开始不断的扩大,最后达到能够让一人通过的程度。 I go advanced!” “我先进去!” Mao Wugui drools to the dragon corpse very much, first jumped, Feng Qingqing also flew. 茅乌龟对龙尸很垂涎,第一个跳了进去,紧接着风卿卿也飞了进去。 Feng Feiyun last rushes. 风飞云最后一个闯进去。 After intruding ties, the present picture becomes dim ice-cold, this is an ancient remnant city, bluish gray wall, everywhere tattered, some metros float in space, some fall in the ground, like by day of great axe chopping into pieces. 闯入结界之后,眼前的景象变得昏暗冰冷起來,这是一座古老的残城,青灰色的墙体,到处都破破烂烂,有的城域悬浮在天上,有的掉落在地面,就像被一道道开天巨斧给劈碎。 The remnants of destroyed buildings, the shatter ancient wall, collapse palace, is flooding the entire space. 残垣断壁,破碎古墙,倒塌殿宇,充斥着整个空间。 Looks unable to see the end, has the avenue of being cut off, the turret that ruins, was symbolizing here once liveliness. 一眼望去看不到尽头,有断掉的大街,毁掉的塔楼,都象征着这里曾经的繁华。 In that ancient wall also has falling day Spirit Stone!” Mao Wugui does not know where from fishes out a big hammer, anti- on the shoulder, must stave the ancient wall, in falling day Spirit Stone pulling out. “那一堵古墙之中还有陨天灵石!”茅乌龟不知从什么地方摸出一个大锤子,抗在肩膀上,就要去敲破古墙,将里面的陨天灵石给掏出來。 Feng Feiyun rushes gives to hold down it, in the awl its hand seizing, said: Had the powerhouse to arrange here, anything do not move heedlessly, will otherwise possibly initiate the mishap.” 风飞云冲上去就将它给按住,将它手中锥子给夺过來,道:“有强者曾经在这里布置过,任何东西都不要乱动,不然可能会引发不测。” Enters this broken Ancient City, in ground also some glittering and translucent carving white bones fragments, this is the bone of powerhouse, already is 80,000 years passes, does not have decayed passing. 走进这一座残破的古城,地面上还有一些晶莹剔透的白骨碎片,这是强者的骨,已经是80000年过去,都沒有腐朽透。 In this Immortal City ruins very powerful suppressed strength, pressed the old men to be about unable to walk, it seems like had the powerhouse to arrange really here, does not know that has buried many falling day Spirit Stone in this Ancient City.” Mao Wugui felt that has pressed several mountains likely, in red leaves star not such strong suppression strength. “这一座仙城遗址之中好强的压制力,压得老夫都快走不动路了,看來真的有强者在这里布置过,不知埋了多少陨天灵石在这一座古城之中。”茅乌龟感觉身上像是压了几座大山,在红叶星都沒有这么强的压制力。 More walks toward the center of Immortal City ruins, the pressure is then getting bigger and bigger, has not achieved the Nirvana 4th-layer member like these, it is estimated that just entered the Immortal City ruins to be pressed to lie on the ground. 越是往仙城遗址的中心走,压力便越來越大,像那些沒有达到涅槃第四重的修士,估计刚走进仙城遗址就被压趴在地上。 This is also only the abyss Immortal City surrounding, abyss Immortal City doesn't the suppressed strength of center know is formidable? 这还只是九渊仙城的外围而已,九渊仙城的中心的压制力不知得有多么强大? It seems like some people do not want to make here secret be known, but cannot ruin here secret, therefore has arranged massive falling day Spirit Stone in the Immortal City center, perhaps...... Nobody can arrive at the Immortal City center......” “看來是有人不想让这里的秘密被人知晓,但是又毁不掉这里的秘密,所以才布置了大量陨天灵石仙城的中心,或许……沒有人能够到达仙城的中心……” The Feng Feiyun body blood of Demon becomes ebullition, an eye becomes red, above the arm has faint demon marks. 风飞云身体之中的妖魔之血变得更加的沸腾,一双眼睛都变得通红,手臂之上生出一道道淡淡的魔纹。 The demon blood picture in Feng Feiyun body is to burn, gives to compel to draw back Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi, the arm of both hands has small bulge, the shape resembles dragon scale, these azure meridians also storms suddenly get up, appears especially fierce. 风飞云身体之中的魔血像是燃烧起來,将金蚕佛气都给逼退,双手的手臂生出一个个小小的凸起,形状似龙鳞,那些青色的经脉也都暴突起來,显得格外狰狞。 Elder Brother!” Feng Qingqing realized once more unusuality of Feng Feiyun, was very kind, has depended. “哥!”风卿卿再次察觉到风飞云的异常,十分关切,靠了过去。 Mao Wugui also realizes exceptionally, stared at the Feng Feiyun moment, said: Was his body blood of Demon has had problems, you left him.” 茅乌龟也察觉到异常,盯了风飞云片刻,道:“是他身体之中的妖魔之血出问題了,你还是离他远一点。” The Feng Feiyun look with deep veneration, once more forcefully the body blood of Demon suppressing, said: Feng Qingqing, you go to heaven first.” 风飞云的神色肃然,再次强行将身体之中的妖魔之血给压制下去,道:“风卿卿,你先去天国之中。” I, I do not go.” Feng Qingqing honk the mouth, is very obstinate, the slender gently beautiful physique changes into a spoken parts shade, distant avoiding. “我不,我才不进去。”风卿卿嘟着嘴,十分执拗,纤细柔美的身姿化为一道白影,远远的躲开。 The Feng Feiyun speed like the ghost, gives to seize Feng Qingqing quickly, then gives in her the back heaven. 风飞云的速度快如鬼影,将风卿卿给逮住,然后将她给送回天国之中。 Feng Feiyun body blood of very evil in Demon, once is wild, then has very high demand to the female, the desire in exciting body, he feared that oneself will unable to control, therefore has to give in the back heaven Feng Qingqing. 风飞云的身体之中的妖魔之血很邪性,一旦狂暴起來,便对女子有很高的需求,刺激身体之中的欲望,他怕自己会控制不住,所以不得不将风卿卿给送回天国之中。 In your body won't have dragon blood?” Mao Wugui becomes excited, wants to draw a blood to come out very much to conduct the research in the body of Feng Feiyun. “你的身体之中不会有龙血吧?”茅乌龟变得兴奋起來,很想在风飞云的身体之中抽一管血出來搞研究。 Feng Feiyun the demon mark above arm suppressing, vision actually as before scarlet-red, likely is two groups of blood, stares at the Mao Wugui heart to be straight. 风飞云将手臂之上的魔纹给压制下去,目光却依旧赤红,像是两团鲜血,盯着茅乌龟的心头直寒碜。 „! Old men...... The old men do not have interest to your blood, well, smelled Monster Qi!” Mao Wugui goes toward the central line of Immortal City ruins along a shatter stone street, the suppressed strength above body is getting stronger and stronger, the speed becomes more and more slow. “咳咳!老夫……老夫对你的血液沒兴趣,咦,又闻到妖气了!”茅乌龟沿着一条破碎的石街向着仙城遗址的中心行去,身体之上的压制力越來越强,速度变得越來越慢。 Works as!” “哐当!” An iron arm makes from behind of ancient wall, presses toward the Mao Wugui racket. 一只铁手臂从一座古墙的后面打出,向着茅乌龟拍压下去。 This iron arm is very strange, likely is not the arm of human, more than six meters are fully long, is growing pair of big pliers, that stretch of earth under Mao Wugui body by disintegration. 这一只铁手臂很奇怪,不像是人类的手臂,足有六米多长,长着一对大钳子,将茅乌龟身下的那一片大地都被崩碎。 I depend! Any thing!” “我靠!啥玩意!” Mao Wugui flies to jump, jumps to the shoulder of Feng Feiyun on, then hides in the Feng Feiyun front piece, only reveals half head to come out. 茅乌龟飞跳起來,跳到风飞云的肩膀上,然后躲到风飞云的衣襟之中,只露出半个头颅出來。 Bang!” “轰!” Also wants the huge ant to crack-up the ancient wall compared with the elephant, flushed, the whole body is the metal common armor, is growing six bowl mouth that sturdy legs, likely is the metal refining up to make, on each leg has big pliers, sharp incomparable. 一只比大象还要庞大的蚂蚁撞碎古墙,冲了出來,全身都是金属一般的铠甲,长着六条碗口那么粗壮的腿,都像是金属炼造而成,每一条腿上都有一个大钳子,锋利无比。 „The Monster Clan management, the idler fast draws back.” This great ant mouth spits the criticism, the sound is very indifferent, fills, but malignant influences. 妖族办事,闲人速退。”这一只巨蚁口吐人言,声音很冷漠,充满而煞气。 Both eyes of Feng Feiyun are red, body aura is very unstable, above the arm condenses the strength of ten thousand beast, a fist flew to the bang this great ant, the metal common leg collapsed two. 风飞云的双目通红,身上气息很不稳定,手臂之上凝聚出万兽之力,一拳将这一只巨蚁给轰飞了出去,金属一般的腿都崩断了两根。 Bang!” “嘭!” This great ant called out pitifully, the body changes into the human form, the whole body covers the black armor, was growing six arms, each arm was growing sharp big pliers. 这一只巨蚁惨叫一声,身体化为人形,全身覆盖黑色铠甲,长着六条手臂,每一只手臂都长着一把锋利的大钳子。 In his mouth puts out talisman, talisman changed into the flowing light to fly together. 他的口中吐出一枚符箓,符箓化为一道流光飞了出去。 Our Monster Clan has many powerhouses to gather here, my already has informed them, quick has the powerhouse to catch up to suppress you.” Great ant monster cold sound saying. “我们妖族有很多强者聚集在这里,我已经通知了他们,很快就有强者赶过來镇压你。”巨蚁妖冷声的说道。 The body of Feng Feiyun moves, suddenly appears before the body of great ant Monster Clan, before the opposite party has not responded, a palm of the hand bang in his top of the head, immediately patting broken becomes fragments his body, the monster blood sprinkles the avenue. 风飞云的身体一动,突然出现在巨蚁妖族的身前,在对方还沒有反应过來之前,一巴掌轰在他的头顶,顿时将他的身体给拍碎成一块块碎片,妖血洒满大街。 Bold human, this place already was detained by Monster Clan, you dare to intrude, calculates that your luck is too bad.” “大胆人类,此地已经妖族圈禁,你敢闯入,算你运气太差。” Idle talk do that many do! suppress and kill he.” “废话那么多干嘛!镇杀他。” Two bind the old man of gray long gown across the sky to fly, body Monster Qi is dense, the imposing manner is overbearing, makes together the monster bone respectively, presses toward the Feng Feiyun bang. 两个裹着灰色长袍的老者横空飞來,身上妖气氤氲,气势霸道无比,各自打出一块妖骨,向着风飞云轰压过來。 They block this region, conspires the important matter, does not want to be intruded by the human member. 他们封锁这一片地域,密谋大事,不想被人类修士闯入。 Bang!” “轰!” Above the arm of Feng Feiyun the monster mark makes up, Demon Qi ascends, like changing into two evil claws, both hands has shelled, makes two rushing the beast souls, collides with that two monster bones together. 风飞云的手臂之上妖纹弥补,魔气升腾,就像化为了两只邪爪,双手轰击出去,打出两道滂湃的兽魂,与那两块妖骨碰撞在一起。 The beast soul and monster bone refuse to compromise, erupts the strength fluctuation of terrifying. 兽魂和妖骨僵持起來,都爆发出恐怖的力量波动。 Two bind the old man of gray gown is appearing especially strenuous, mobilizes the strength of whole body, turns toward the Feng Feiyun forcing to get down completely. 两位裹着灰色袍子的老者显得格外吃力,调动全身的力量,全部都向着风飞云力压下去。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” In the body of Feng Feiyun runs out of 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul, because receives the suppression of falling day Spirit Stone, these Spirit Beast battle soul were suppressed in the surrounding area in ten meters, but the might is as before tyrannical, ten thousand beasts present, the strength shells. 风飞云的身体之中冲出10000头灵兽战魂,因为受到陨天灵石的压制,这些灵兽战魂都被压制在方圆十米之内,但是威力依旧强横,万兽呈现,力量轰击出去。 !” “噗!” !” “噗!” Two Monster Clan powerhouses become two groups of blood fog by the disintegration. 两位妖族强者被崩碎成两团血雾。 That two monster bones fall on the ground, gives to be mixed up two big holes the earth. 那两块妖骨掉落在地上,将大地给杂碎出两个大坑。 ...... …… Five chapters finished, read subscription list, stamping list, distinguished guest list, fresh flower list and collection list, then decides daytime additional section number/count. 五章完毕,看订阅榜、盖章榜、贵宾榜、鲜花榜、收藏榜,然后决定白天加更章数。
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