SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#987: )

The Demoness hesitation moment, then said: That present seizes immortal conceals with me, therefore Spirit Stone is my, immortal conceals treasure separable your three......!” 女魔沉吟片刻,然后道:“那现在就跟我去夺仙藏,所以灵石都是我的,仙藏宝物可分你三层……一层吧!” ! 一层! Nyima! Also dug out. 尼玛!也太抠了。 If not for Feng Feiyun cultivation base is worse, definitely turns around walks. 风飞云若不是修为还差一些,肯定掉头就走。 Do not walk, female bandit, female robber, but also my ship, but also my ship......” “别走,女土匪,女强盗,还我宝船,还我宝船……” A snow white small turtle dashes to come from the horizon, like a duck, runs extremely quickly, the tortoise shell that carries on the back must fly. 一只雪白的小乌龟从地平线上飞奔而來,像一只鸭子,跑得极快,背上的龟壳都要飞起來了。 Mao Wugui dashes to Demoness front quickly, unceasing gasping for breath, blocks in her front. 茅乌龟很快就飞奔到女魔的前面,不断的喘气,拦在她的面前。 Feng Qingqing follows, flies to fall from the backdrop, falls to the Feng Feiyun side, the white clothing is floating, the fragrant wind, is nine days of beautiful woman flies to fall likely. 风卿卿紧随其后,从天幕之上飞落下來,落到风飞云的身边,白衣飘飘,香风袭人,像是九天玉女飞落下來。 The Demoness vision is indifferent, static standing there, the body has a continuously white immortal light to surround, does not pay attention to clamoring of Mao Wugui slightly, probably does not close her matter. 女魔的目光淡然,静静的站在那里,身上有一缕缕白色仙光环绕,丝毫都不理会茅乌龟的叫嚣,就好像根本不关她的事。 Grandfather! Whom did you call the female bandit?” Sacred Fruit jumped from the Feng Feiyun pocket, get lost/rolls to the Mao Wugui front. “爷爷!你叫谁女土匪啊?”圣实果风飞云的衣兜里跳了出來,滚到茅乌龟的面前。 Mao Wugui gives to grasp Sacred Fruit with the claw, nasal mucus tears complained tearfully: Honest! Honest! Grandfather heart pain! The grandfather was given to snatch, snatched has not remained one including the underpants......” 茅乌龟用爪子将圣实果给抱住,一把鼻涕一把泪的哭诉道:“老实啊!老实啊!爷爷心头苦啊!爷爷被人给抢了,抢得连裤衩都沒剩一条了……” Grandfather, aren't you always do not wear the underpants?” Sacred Fruit said. “爷爷,你不是从來都不穿裤衩的?”圣实果道。 Eh......” Mao Wugui is stunned, has gawked the long time, then also complained tearfully: Right! The grandfather rescued poorly, cannot put on underpants, now was poorer, Feng Feiyun, you compensate my ship, compensated my treasure, Female Monster, the old man spells with you!” “额……”茅乌龟一脸错愕,愣了半晌,然后又哭诉道:“对啊!爷爷本來救穷,连裤衩都穿不起,现在更穷了,风飞云,你赔我宝船,赔我的宝物,女魔头,老夫跟你拼了!” Although Mao Wugui was clamoring, but truly has not actually begun, if it were really the Demoness match, in hand of crystal red clever ship not percussion instrument Demoness. 茅乌龟虽然在叫嚣,但是却沒有真正动手,它若是真的是女魔的对手,晶红鬼船就不会锣鼓女魔的手中。 Feng Feiyun has sighed deeply, the feeling of instinct is bad! 风飞云长叹了一声,本能的感觉到要糟! The eye pupil of Demoness really stared on the body of Sacred Fruit, in the pupil the radiance flow of tears, was huger much the aura to inflate from her, Sacred Fruit, if can take this Sacred Fruit, did not need the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market to buy the antique demon to be unsophisticated.” 女魔的眼眸子果然盯在了圣实果的身上,瞳孔之中光华涟涟,一股庞大得让人窒息的气息从她身上膨胀起來,“圣实果,若是能够服用这枚圣实果,也就不用去丹鼎鬼市买太古魔土了。” Mao Wugui weeping sound immediately one mute, hastily Sacred Fruit protecting after behind, honestly runs away quickly, the grandfather helps you bring up the rear......” 茅乌龟的哭声顿时一哑,连忙将圣实果给护在身后,“老实快逃,爷爷帮你断后……” Bang!” “嘭!” Mao Wugui was flown to the ball by a Demoness finger. 茅乌龟女魔的一根手指头给弹飞了出去。 Grandfather......” Sacred Fruit changes into together the black flowing light, runs away hastily, feared that is eaten by this Female Monster at present exactly. “爷爷……”圣实果化为一道黑色的流光,连忙逃窜,怕被眼前这个女魔头给活吃。 The interest of Demoness to Sacred Fruit is enormous, the sleeves were floating, change into a flowing light to pursue. 女魔圣实果的兴趣极大,衣袖飘飘,化为了一道流光追了上去。 Help!” “救命啊!” Do not run away , helping me to break through cultivation base!” “别逃,助我突破修为!” Help! I am only a fruit......” “救命啊!我只是一只果子……” ...... …… ............ ………… Quick, a fruit person vanished in the horizon. 很快,一果一人就消失在了地平线上。 Feng Feiyun deep air vent, had the brand-new understanding to Demoness, was too overbearing, no wonder her previous generation dares to steal Dao Sect ancestor ancient scripture. 风飞云深深的出了一口气,对女魔有了全新的理解,实在太霸道了,难怪她前世敢去盗取道门的“道祖古经”。 „Did Feng Feiyun, who tell the old man her is? The old men must with her duel, the crystal red clever ship, but the old man risks neck to seize, cannot, because her this ship is very attractive, then became her thing, you figured out, what matter was this? Also has the natural justice, but also there is a natural justice......” 风飞云,告诉老夫她到底是谁?老夫要和她决斗,晶红鬼船可是老夫冒着生命危险夺來,不能因为她的一句‘这船挺漂亮’,然后就成她的东西了,你來评评理,这算什么事?还有沒有天理,还有沒有天理……” Mao Wugui crawled, the facial expression is very excited, flies on the shoulder of Feng Feiyun, was roaring to the ear of Feng Feiyun. 茅乌龟爬了回來,神情很激动,飞到风飞云的肩膀上,对着风飞云的耳朵咆哮。 The Feng Feiyun forced smile said: Her real status I not am quite clear, only knows that her given name is Xiao NuoLan, 30,000 years ago robs corridor ancestor ancient scripture, striking to kill by Dao Sect Holy Saint, crashes together with the immeasurable tower Divine Jin Dynasty. I know these many. You are not very knew about her you should know a lot compared with me?” 风飞云苦笑道:“她的真实身份我也不太清楚,只知道她的本名叫做萧诺兰,30000年前盗过道祖古经,被道门的一位圣灵给击杀,连同无量塔一起坠落到神晋王朝。我知道的就这么多。你不是对她挺了解,你应该比我知道得多吧?” I understand merely am only she in that Divine Jin Dynasty runs amuck, she in has not changed into the corpse evil beforehand matter, I know that who she is? However...... Since she can rob via ancestor ancient scripture, when being alive has the earthshaking magical powers surely, she surnamed Xiao...... Is she that?” “我了解得仅仅只是她在神晋王朝胡作非为的那一段,她在沒有化为尸邪之前的事,我怎么知道她是谁?不过……她既然能够盗取道祖古经,那么在世之时必定有惊天动地的神通,她姓萧……难道她是那一位?” The Mao Wugui look becomes serious, the mouth is keeping whispering, suddenly the eye must come out from the tenor drum of eye socket. 茅乌龟的神色变得严肃起來,嘴里在不停嘀咕,突然眼睛都要从眼眶之中鼓出來了。 Feng Feiyun said: „When she is alive, should be under Holy Saint one of the topest that batch of people. Can achieve her in human state cultivation base at that time existence of that rank, it is estimated that is few.” 风飞云道:“她在世之时,应该是圣灵之下最顶尖的那一批人之一。在人类国度修为能够达到她当时那种级别的存在,估计屈指可数。” The eyeball of Mao Wugui keeps rotating, said: We are quicker leave this place, this Female Monster is not a good person, rash, kills people like the hemp, the robber bandit, she offended Dao Sect Holy Saint, we and she walk too nearly, do not have the good deed certainly.” 茅乌龟的眼珠子不停转动,道:“我们还是快些离开此地,这女魔头不是好人,胆大妄为,杀人如麻,强盗土匪,她得罪了一位道门圣灵,我们和她走得太近,准沒好事。” Feng Feiyun nodded, thought that is a companion with Demoness is very dangerous, even if can seek the treasure also to be given to rob by her in the Immortal City ruins. 风飞云点了点头,也觉得和女魔为伍很危险,就算能够在仙城遗址之中寻到宝物也会被她给抢走。 Searches immortal conceals with her, can only divide to one, might as well Feng Feiyun seek. 和她一起去寻觅仙藏,只能分到一层,还不如风飞云自己去寻找。 Comes relieves to Nine Firmaments Immortal City and crisis already of non- longevity god palace, Feng Feiyun does not need to reply on the Demoness strength again, plans to go to the center of Immortal City ruins, he always thought that there has any thing to wait for him. 來至九霄仙城和无寿星宫的危机已经解除,风飞云也不需要再借助女魔的力量,打算前往仙城遗址的中心,他总觉得那里有什么东西在等着他。 As for that several days of leaf Hongjing boundary main mansion the arrogant female battle, Feng Feiyun is not wants to have a hand to meddle in very much again, Liu Sulu already died, by the Liu Suzi method and plans, copes with six princess Liu Sulan and big princess Liu Suhong, should be an easy matter. 至于叶红境境主府的那几个天之骄女的争斗,风飞云也不是很想再插手进去,琉苏绿已经身亡,以琉苏紫的手段和心机,对付六郡主“琉苏蓝”和大郡主“琉苏红”,应该是一件轻而易举的事。 Feng Feiyun is not worried about Sacred Fruit seizing by Demoness, Demoness cultivation base absolute high, but wants to overtake Sacred Fruit is not an easy matter. 风飞云并不担心圣实果会被女魔给擒住,就算女魔修为高绝,但是想要追上圣实果也不是一件容易的事。 Feng Feiyun is also disinclined to worry for others, cultivates diligently , to promote own cultivation base is the proper business, he also has the matter that he must do, his enemy is very formidable, all can only depend on itself. 风飞云也懒得去为别人操心,还是努力修炼,提升自己的修为才是正事,他还有他要去做的事,他的敌人无比强大,一切只能靠自己。 Early knows that Demoness is so overbearing, initially should not help her attack the boundary in Divine Jin Dynasty.” The cheek of Feng Qingqing is ruddy, is ordinary like the peach blossom, is being flat the mouth, was not quite happy, because on her several treasures also by Demoness robbing. “早知道女魔这么霸道,当初在神晋王朝就不该帮她冲击境界。”风卿卿的脸蛋红扑扑,就像桃花一般,扁着嘴,颇为不高兴,因为她身上的几件宝物也被女魔给抢走。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Absolutely does not have advantage, at least now Nine Firmaments Immortal City and non- longevity god palace and leaf Hongjing Lord the mansion to know that my back has a corpse king, this news definitely will also spread, when the time comes dares to kill my person not to be many in the southwest 12 boundaries, this is also taking advantage of somebody's authority.” 风飞云笑道:“也不是完全沒有好处,至少现在九霄仙城、无寿星宫、叶红境主府都知道我的背后有一尊尸王,这个消息也肯定会流传出去,到时候在西南12境敢杀我的人就不多了,这也是一种借势。” Feng Qingqing nodded with a smile, reveals a pure white white teeth. 风卿卿笑着点了点头,露出一口洁白的皓齿。 Feng Feiyun, Feng Qingqing and Mao Wugui set out toward the Immortal City center, meets many evil spirits all the way, was given suppress and kill by Feng Feiyun, 风飞云风卿卿茅乌龟向着仙城中心进发,一路上遇到不少凶煞,都被风飞云镇杀 This stretch of earth, there are many abandons many years palace error and ancient roads, already is total wreck, the sores all over the eye, this also merely is the abyss Immortal City peripheral these metros, is not the real abyss Immortal City center. 这一片大地,有很多废弃许多年的宫阙和古道,已经破烂不堪,满目疮痍,这还仅仅只是属于九渊仙城周边的那些城域,并不是真的九渊仙城中心。 Has Monster Qi!” “有妖气!” Mao Wugui looks like a little white dog, the nose smelled on the ground, then gained ground, is looking at the bright red horizon, said: Is the aura that White Spider Monster Clan leaves behind.” 茅乌龟像一只小白狗,鼻子在地上闻了闻,然后抬起头來,望着艳红的天边,道:“是白蛛妖族留下的气息。” Feng Feiyun naturally knows that the Monster Clan member entered this region, because these Monster Clan powerhouse books are he contact to cope with Xuanyuan Yiyi, but Feng Feiyun is actually not very much wants to contact with this Monster Clan powerhouse now, does not want to cope with Xuanyuan Yiyi again. 风飞云自然知道妖族修士进入了这一片区域,因为这些妖族强者本就是他联络过來对付轩辕一一,但是风飞云现在却不是很想和这种妖族强者接触,也不想再去对付轩辕一一 Xuanyuan Yiyi was a good female, Feng Feiyun has been short of some prejudices to her actually now, not, because bore a grudge Shui Yueting, then linked her to bear a grudge together. 轩辕一一其实是一个不错的女子,风飞云现在对她少了一些成见,并不因为记恨水月婷,便连她一起记恨。 When are not many, Mao Wugui smelled several other types of Monster Clan aura, oppressor Monster Clan, great ant Monster Clan and fox clan and gale clan...... Reaches nine Monster Clan aura. 不多时,茅乌龟又闻到了另外几种妖族气息,虎狼妖族、巨蚁妖族、狐族、大风族……多达九个妖族的气息。 „It is not normal, is not normal, what thing this Immortal City center has, to give how to attract these many Monster Clan?” Mao Wugui said. “太不正常了,太不正常了,这仙城中心到底有什么东西,怎么会将这么多妖族都给吸引过來?”茅乌龟道。 Feng Feiyun stands by together the stone of dust break, this once was a stele, now actually already becomes such as a territory cultivates., 风飞云站在一块灰褐色的断裂的石头旁,这曾是一块石碑,现在却已经变得如一方土培。、 Feng Feiyun tight bites tooth, the body blood of Demon is surging fiercely, feeling that one types are unable to suppress, but actually as before transfers Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi to suppress forcefully. 风飞云的紧紧的咬着牙齿,身体之中的妖魔之血涌动得更加厉害,有一种无法压制下去的感觉,但是却依旧调动金蚕佛气强行镇压下去。 Elder Brother, you how?” Feng Qingqing pulls the arm of Feng Feiyun, the kind inquiry said. “哥,你怎么了?”风卿卿挽住风飞云的手臂,关切的询问道。 Might as well, you...... To me slightly.” Feng Feiyun deep inspiration, looks up the horizon, the vision dignified say/way: They come for the dragon corpse of real dragon.” “无妨,你……离我稍微远一点。”风飞云深深的吸了一口气,抬起头望着天边,目光凝重的道:“它们是为了真龙的龙尸而來。” What? The dragon corpse of real dragon?” “什么?真龙的龙尸?” The chin of Mao Wugui must fall on the ground, said: Is impossible, is impossible, dragon clan the skeleton can bury the dragon tomb, is impossible to leave behind in the outside.” 茅乌龟的下巴都要掉在地上,道:“不可能,不可能,龙族的尸骨都会埋葬道龙冢,不可能遗留在外界。” Feng Feiyun somewhat curiously stared at this turtle one, dragon corpse conceals dragon tomb this is a very secret matter, only then among four big Monster Clan knows, does it know? 风飞云有些好奇的盯了这头乌龟一眼,“龙尸藏龙冢”这是一件十分隐秘的事,只有四大妖族之间才知晓,它怎么会知道? You determined that is really a dragon corpse?” The eyeball of Mao Wugui started to shine ray. “你确定真的是一头龙尸?”茅乌龟的眼珠子又开始放光芒了起來。 Feng Feiyun said: I personally see the dragon corpse to look like a mountain ridge across the sky to fly generally, aura is huge, the blood in freeze person body, has flown into the center of Immortal City ruins finally.” 风飞云道:“我亲眼看见龙尸像一座山岭一般横空飞过,身上的气息庞大,冻结人身体之中的血液,最后飞进了仙城遗址的中心。” That was really good! dragon clan the corpse was buried in the outside, only then a situation, that presented the heresy and rebel. The body of real dragon may all be the treasure! dragon scale, dragon skin, dragon blood, dragon bone and dragon Jin, gentian and dragon pill, dragon heart, if we can obtain dragon corpse, under obtaining a far Ancient Immortal conceals.” Mao Wugui drool unceasing falling on the ground. “那真是太好了!龙族的尸体被埋葬在外界,只有一种情况,那就是出现了异端和叛逆。真龙的身上可全是宝啊!龙鳞、龙皮、龙血、龙骨、龙筋、龙胆、龙丹、龙心,若是我们能够得到一具龙尸,不下于得到一座远古仙藏。”茅乌龟哈喇子不断的掉在地上。 Heresy and rebel!” The mouth of Feng Feiyun read such one. “异端和叛逆!”风飞云的嘴里念了这么一句。 Leave alone that many, since dragon clan have not come to gather up dead bodies to it, explained that it committed the big crime, so long as did not shame its corpse, dragon clan will not find our heads, this was may with the opportunity that cannot be sought, if can obtain dragon pill of real dragon, your cultivation base will be big.” “别管那么多,既然龙族都沒有來给它收尸,说明它是真的犯下了大罪,只要不羞辱它的尸身,龙族都不会找到我们的头上,这是可遇不可求的机会,若是能够得到真龙的龙丹,你的修为将会大进。” The Feng Feiyun body blood of Demon starts to surge, inspires in the body truly the reason of blood of Demon is not dragon corpse, but is other thing. 风飞云身体之中的妖魔之血又开始涌动,真正引动身体之中妖魔之血的原因不是龙尸,而是别的东西。 This is strange Spiritual Awareness, making Feng Feiyun feel that the heart is not steadfast. 这是一种奇怪的灵觉,让风飞云感觉到心头不踏实。 Mao Wugui dashes quickly, forgot quite the same as oneself by Demoness snatching the matter, how wholeheartedly only thinks doing the corpse of real dragon. 茅乌龟飞奔得更快,浑然忘记自己被女魔给抢了的事,一心只想着怎么将真龙的尸身给搞到手。 Bang!” “嘭!” Its hits above invisible knot. 它一头撞在一座无形的结界之上。 Void, erupts a piece of white radiance, innumerable Formation flow in radiance, raising flew several somersaults it, tumbled good four and five on the ground. 虚空之中,爆发出一片白色的光华,无数阵法在光华之中流动,将它给掀飞了几个跟头,在地上翻滚了好四、五圈。 The white light collects, ties also becomes does not have the shade invisible. 白光敛去,结界又变得无影无形。 Aiyu feeds! Whose his mother is so insincere, arranges to tie above the wilderness?” Mao Wugui has rubbed own head, the feeling eye is somewhat colored. “哎呦喂!谁他妈这么不厚道,在旷野之上布置结界?”茅乌龟揉了揉自己的头,感觉眼睛有些花。 The surroundings are very bleak, full is yellow stone and ruins, the wall and rubble are densely covered, once for a while has the astral wind of howling to blow, sends out the giant beast to roar the common sound. 周围很荒凉,满是黄石和废墟,还有断墙和瓦砾密布,时不时有呼啸的罡风吹过來,发出巨兽咆哮一般的声音。
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