SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#986: )

Our Nine Firmaments Immortal City will not let off you......” “我们九霄仙城不会放过你……” In Nine Firmaments Immortal City eyes of powerhouse full is the blood light, above the arm presents the muscles of palm of the hand sizes, yellow golden radiance flows on the muscle, as if must give to break open armor. 九霄仙城的一位强者的眼中满是血光,手臂之上呈现出一块块巴掌大小的肌肉,有一道道黄金色的光华在肌肉上流动,似乎要将身上的铠甲都给撑破。 He offers a sacrifice to a sword embryo of highest heaven Divine Sword, brings in a Divine Sword prestige energy, has divided toward the sky. 他祭出一口九霄神剑的剑胚,引來一丝神剑威能,向着天空劈了下去。 This handle sword is good, the true body of sword body where?” “这柄剑还不错,剑体的真身在什么地方?” Demoness stretches out two slender jade to refer, takes out a palm of the hand size from the sleeves crystal red Ancient Vessel, glittering and translucent carving, miraculous glow brilliant, above Ancient Vessel erupts rich blood light, there are innumerable ghosts to run out in the hull, the sword embryo of highest heaven Divine Sword receiving. 女魔伸出两根纤细的玉指,从衣袖中取出一只巴掌大小的晶红色的古船,晶莹剔透,灵光灼灼,古船之上爆发出一片浓郁的血光,有无数的鬼影在船体之中冲出,将九霄神剑的剑胚给收了过去。 Demoness the sword embryo of that handle highest heaven Divine Sword pinching in hand, the careful observation, thought that the sword body is very exquisite, material quality also extremely excellent, especially sword body the sword air/Qi of that wisp of gods and ghosts, is a sword god lodges simply in the sword body. 女魔将那一柄九霄神剑的剑胚给捏在手中,仔细的观察,觉得剑体很精妙,材质也极其上乘,特别是剑体之中的那一缕神异的剑气,简直就是一位剑神寄宿在剑体之中。 Her back runs out of a Corpse Qi claw, pinched in Nine Firmaments Immortal City the neck of that powerhouse, his body raising, attractive pupil light very ice-cold, like a pair of hell demon eye. 她的背后冲出一只尸气手爪,捏在了九霄仙城的那一位强者的脖子,将他的身体给提起來,漂亮的眸光很冰冷,像一双地狱魔眼。 Sees her eye, making person unable to have slightly the aesthetic sense, instead the whole body trembles. 看到她的眼睛,让人生不出丝毫美感,反而浑身直哆嗦。 After Feng Feiyun sees crystal red Ancient Vessel in Demoness hand, immediately has sighed deeply, knew Mao Wugui also snatching by Demoness. 风飞云看到女魔手中的晶红古船之后,顿时长叹了一声,知道茅乌龟也被女魔给抢了。 This crystal red Ancient Vessel in the hand of Mao Wugui, it has brought to install to compel, when the hat wears in the head, thinks that nobody can give to win crystal red Ancient Vessel from its head, but everything always has the exception. 这一只晶红古船本來在茅乌龟的手中,它一直拿來装逼,当帽子戴在头上,以为沒有人能够从它的头上将晶红古船给夺走,但是凡事总有例外。 Now crystal red Ancient Vessel turned into the Demoness thing. 现在晶红古船就变成了女魔的东西。 Demoness really does not have the bottom line, is really too ruthless, does not let off the turtle. 女魔实在太沒底线,真是太狠,连乌龟都不放过。 The Feng Feiyun heart changes mind thinks, Demoness the Mao Wugui tortoise shell peeling, the sacrifice refining up the armor, was already is quite benevolent? 风飞云的心头转念一想,女魔沒有将茅乌龟的龟壳给剥下來,祭炼成铠甲,是不是已经相当仁慈了? Demoness in condenses three corpses, after stripping demon blood, the strength in body becomes on already very holy pure, but this Feng Feiyun sees her, actually before discovering she compares, murdering to kill, the aura becomes ice is also cold, the demonic nature is more intense, it seems like likely then received the influence of crystal red Ancient Vessel. 女魔在“凝聚三尸,剥离魔血”之后,身体之中的力量就已经变得十分圣洁精纯,但是这一次风飞云见到她,却发现她比以前更加的弑杀,气息也变得更加的冰寒,魔性更加强烈,看來很可能便是受了晶红古船的影响。 She can mobilize the crystal red Ancient Vessel strength, explained that her already and crystal red Ancient Vessel has had the contact, even has controlled the crystal red Ancient Vessel source. 她能够调动晶红古船的力量,说明她已经和晶红古船取得了联系,甚至掌控了晶红古船的本源。 That Nine Firmaments Immortal City powerhouse by Demoness pinching in hand, is similar to an old duck is ordinary, the body cannot move, the complexion becomes flushed, then turns purple, like a ballooning eggplant, tight is nipping the tooth, said: Demon, you wants to capture the highest heaven Divine Sword, is dies to seek the blind alley.” 那一位九霄仙城的强者被女魔给捏在手中,如同一只老鸭子一般,身体动弹不得,脸色涨红,然后发紫,就像一个鼓胀的茄子,紧紧的咬着牙齿,道:“魔头,你想要夺取九霄神剑,就是死寻死路。” Bang!” “嘭!” Demoness was staring at his one eyes, the ponder moment, no longer rubbish with him, directly his neck pinching, discards the ground. 女魔偏着头盯了他一眼,沉思片刻,不再跟他废话,直接将他的脖子给捏断,丢弃到地上。 Short several time of breath, has the most person to be cut to kill, the field littered with corpses, likely is the blood-color slaughter house, making these young member bodies shiver, cannot have the slightest bit revolt the mood. 短短的几个呼吸的时间,就有大半的人被斩杀,尸横遍野,像是血色屠宰场,让这些年轻修士都身体颤抖,生不出半分反抗的情绪。 Even if Liu Sulu, Liu Sulan and You Zilin these natural talent member able to move unhindered, at this moment turns very quiet, the atmosphere does not dare to leave, the opposite party is too strong, is not they can contend. 即便是琉苏绿琉苏蓝游紫林这些天资纵横的修士,此刻都屏住呼吸,大气都不敢出,对方实在太强,不是他们可以抗衡。 The member of older generation almost striking to kill, person not over 20 that lives by her. 老一辈的修士几乎都被她给击杀,活下來的人不超过20个。 That three old say/way also horizontal corpses of non- longevity god palace at the scene, on them three abyss spirit lineage/vein naturally fell into the hand of Demoness. 无寿星宫的那三位老道也都横尸当场,他们身上的三条深渊灵脉自然都落入了女魔的手中。 The Liu Suzi eyelash winks, the body purple robe drags, said in a low voice: She is really you are big, how I felt that she will link us to massacre together?” 琉苏紫睫毛眨眨,身上紫袍摇曳,低声道:“她真是你老大,我怎么感觉她会连我们一起都杀掉?” Feng Feiyun Sacred Fruit hiding, feared that was given to see by Demoness, has coughed two sound tracks: Her condition indeed some do not suit, but she has to us gets rid! Explained that she obtains the clear enemy and ourselves......” 风飞云圣实果给藏了起來,怕被女魔给看到,干咳了两声道:“她的状态的确有些不对劲,不过她不是沒有对我们出手嘛!说明她还是分得清敌我……” Feng Feiyun, gives me your Spirit Stone, I have big using.” 风飞云,将你身上的灵石给我,我有大用。” Demoness stands in the expansive sky, demon cloud divergence gradually, reveals a fine beautiful immortal face, the flesh like the flying snow, both eyes like the black pearl, the eyelash is long and curls upwards, angel 50% appearances, the whole body is sending holy radiance. 女魔站在长空,身上的魔云渐渐的散去,露出一张精致绝美的仙颜,肌肤如飞雪,双目就像黑珍珠,睫毛又长又翘,天使一半的容颜,浑身都在发着圣洁的光华。 She said righteously, not slightly irritable, this does not borrow, she has not said that must. 她说得理直气壮,沒有丝毫别扭,这不是借,她也沒有说要还。 The Feng Feiyun complexion changes, said: Spirit Stone...... What is Spirit Stone? I do not have!” 风飞云的脸色一变,道:“灵石……灵石是什么?我沒有啊!” Liu Suzi reveals the doubts once more look, said in a low voice: You determined that she does obtain the clear enemy and ourselves really?” 琉苏紫再次露出疑惑的神色,低声道:“你确定她真的分得清敌我?” Now...... Did not say!” Feng Feiyun will hang on the waist Spirit Stone holding the bosom, guards against Demoness. “现在……就不太好说了!”风飞云将挂在腰上的界灵石给揣进怀里,防备女魔 Her dark clouds and Corpse Qi diverge thoroughly, appears the immortal spirits, like saintess who does not eat the world smoke and fire, the star pupil is jet black, fine jade nose clear, the lip is ruddy, said: Spirit Stone will give me, inside Spirit Stone I take over for use temporarily, in the future surely also you.” 她身上的阴云和尸气彻底散去,显得很仙灵,像一位不食人间烟火的圣女,星眸漆黑,琼鼻晶莹,嘴唇红润,道:“将界灵石给我,里面的灵石我暂时征用,将來必定还你。” Also big end of ghost! 还个大头鬼! Feng Feiyun does not believe that her words, the heart has an impulsion of shouting 'motherfucker', these Spirit Stone may be he spells with the life, if such were robbed by Demoness, that is unworthy simply. 风飞云才不相信她的话,心头有一种骂娘的冲动,这些灵石可都是他拿命去拼來,若是就这么被女魔抢走,那简直太不值。 Fills in the river with Spirit Stone, at least can also froth over, but hands over in the hand of Demoness, definitely will soak will not brave one. 灵石來填河,至少还能冒个泡,但是交到女魔的手中,肯定连泡都不会冒一个。 Also Demoness a moment ago had killed that many elders member, others Spirit Stone gives to be ransacked, Spirit Stone quantity that she accumulates now not compared with Feng Feiyun on few, unexpectedly must take by force him, it seems like she also really regards the greatly fat sheep Feng Feiyun. 再说女魔刚才杀了那么多的老辈修士,将别人的界灵石都给洗劫一空,她现在积累的灵石量并不比风飞云身上少,居然还要打劫他,看來她还真的将风飞云当成大肥羊。 Feng Feiyun touches the chin, has coughed two, said: Sir Demoness, if urgently needed Spirit Stone, should manage three princess Sirs to beg, they may be status extremely high existences, is rich in a lot compared with me.” 风飞云摸了摸下巴,干咳了两声,道:“女魔大人若是真的急需灵石,应该管三位郡主大人讨要,她们可都是身份地位极高的存在,比我富有得多。” Stands criticizes in the heart in nearby three princess, thought that this Half Monster is too shameless, unexpectedly source of trouble directing on them. 站在一旁的三位郡主都在心头暗骂,觉得这个半妖太无耻,竟然将祸水给引到她们身上。 The Demoness appearance is simple and beautiful, unusual refined, if the skin the congealing snow, the long hair drags, has turned around to look at one toward Liu Sulu, said: „Are you an princess?” 女魔的容颜清丽,超凡脱俗,肤若凝雪,长发摇曳,转过身向着琉苏绿看了一眼,道:“你是郡主?” Although Liu Sulu is extremely arrogant, usually some countless people bow before her, but actually also can only be respectful at this moment, lowered the head, does not dare the slightest bit to neglect, must know that at present is one kills the star, Lord who a word at earliest convenience do not kill people. 琉苏绿虽然极其高傲,平时有无数人折腰在她面前,但是此刻却也只能恭恭敬敬,低下了头,不敢半分怠慢,要知道眼前可是一位杀星,一言不合就要杀人的主。 Yes! leaf Hongjing, four princess!” Liu Sulu sips red lip. “是的!叶红境,四郡主!”琉苏绿抿了抿红唇。 Demoness is more arrogant than them, said: This urgently needed Spirit Stone, hands over all Spirit Stone and treasures.” 女魔比她们更加高傲,道:“本座急需灵石,将身上所有灵石和宝物都交出來。” Liu Sulu nips the tooth, felt that quite aggrieved, emphasized again: I am leaf Hongjing four princess, in the future likely will become leaf Hongjing the boundary main......” 琉苏绿咬了咬牙齿,感觉到相当憋屈,再次强调道:“我是叶红境的四郡主,将來很可能会成为叶红境的境主……” Bang!” “轰!” Demoness frowns, does not want to continue rubbish with her, stretches out jade to refer, gives to pierce her forehead, the blood spring runs out from her back of the head together. 女魔直皱眉头,不想和她继续废话,伸出一根玉指,将她的眉心给洞穿,一道血泉从她的后脑勺冲出。 Liu Sulu falls down at once, brain spirit platform/stage Divine Sense completely extinguishes, in the blood hole of forehead the overflowing blood, the entire head was sewn to put on unceasingly. 琉苏绿旋即倒在地上,大脑灵台神识尽灭,眉心的血孔之中不断溢血,整个脑袋都被钉穿。 A day of peerless grace and talent arrogant female, such passed away. 一位风华绝代的天之骄女,就这么命丧黄泉。 Stands including Feng Feiyun in the one side, feels to regret. 风飞云站在一旁,就感到惋惜。 Demoness destroys the Liu Sulu dantian, gives to take out her associated Spirit Artifact, has taken then away on her Spirit Stone, cautiously takes and puts away. 女魔打碎琉苏绿的丹田,将她的伴生灵器给取出,然后又收走了她身上的界灵石,都小心翼翼的收放起來。 Her movement is very elegant, is full of the aesthetic sense, has not appeared a violence, quick receiving to blow cleanly Liu Sulu, a Spirit Artifact round of hairpin that on Liu Sulu wears was taken down, then wore in her head. 她的动作很文雅,充满美感,沒有显现出一丝暴力,很快就将琉苏绿给收刮干净,就连琉苏绿头上戴的灵器发簪都被取下,然后戴在了她的头上。 All people are very scared, this Female Monster gives to cut to kill leaf Hongjing four princess unexpectedly, murders is also too decisive, basic, regardless of the opposite party is, making many person whole bodies break into sweat. 所有人都很胆寒,这个女魔头竟然将叶红境的四郡主都给斩杀,杀伐也太果断,根本不论对方到底是什么人,让很多人都浑身冒冷汗。 „Are you also an princess?” “你也是郡主?” Demoness stares to Liu Sulan, pupil light is very limpid, on the face does not have Evil Qi, holy moving, simple and elegant charming. 女魔盯向琉苏蓝,眸光很清澈,脸上沒有一丝邪气,圣洁动人,清雅迷人。 Liu Sulan not any hesitant, immediately Spirit Stone handing over, for fear that handed over lately, striking to kill by her. 琉苏蓝沒有任何犹豫,立即将身上的界灵石给交出去,生怕交迟了,就会被她给击杀。 Demoness received Spirit Stone, has nosed the treasure and Spirit Stone in Spirit Stone, gently has selected the small head, you can walk!” 女魔接过界灵石,查探了界灵石之中的宝物和灵石,轻轻的点了点螓首,“你可以走了!” Liu Sulan such as the Mongolian pardon, flees hastily, does not dare to stay the slightest bit here. 琉苏蓝如蒙大赦,连忙遁走,不敢在这里停留半分。 Feng Feiyun also finally relaxed, it seems like Demoness after fusing three corpses, real already were many several points of touch of humanity, if before conversion, her impossible ignores who to leave, the people who so long as contacts with her must die without doubt. 风飞云也终于松了一口气,看來女魔在融合三尸之后,真的已经多了几分人情味,若是换成以前,她不可能放任何人离开,只要和她接触的人都必死无疑。 Then is one's turn Liu Suzi. 接下來轮到琉苏紫 Liu Suzi naturally also studied clever, knows that at present this Female Monster is not affable, has not died to knock with her, gave to hand over all treasures hastily. 琉苏紫自然也学乖了,知道眼前这个女魔头不好惹,沒有跟她死磕,连忙将身上所有宝物都给交出。 The person who lives, by Demoness looting, fast running away, has not then dared to wait for a long time here. 活下來的人,都被女魔给洗劫了一遍,然后快速的逃走,不敢在这里久待。 Seized property is small, dies is not here cost-effective. 被劫财是小,死在这里就太不划算了。 Finally is one's turn Feng Feiyun. 最后又轮到风飞云 Feng Feiyun also thought that Demoness is too flagrant, does not have the corpse king style, takes by force one group of juniors unexpectedly, was too shameless. 风飞云也觉得女魔实在太明目张胆,沒有尸王风范,竟然打劫一群小辈,实在太无耻了。 Sir Demoness, I, be only these many, are I save many years of treasure.” Feng Feiyun has the guard to Demoness, takes out spare Spirit Stone to give her. 女魔大人,我只有这么多,都是我积蓄多年的宝物。”风飞云女魔有防范,取出一枚备用的界灵石递给她。 In this Spirit Stone has Feng Feiyun 1/10 Spirit Stone, as before value not poor, surpasses Liu Suzi and other person of Spirit Stone reserves. 这一枚界灵石之中有着风飞云1的灵石,依旧价值不菲,超过琉苏紫等任何一人的灵石储量。 Demoness had been deceived by Feng Feiyun repeatedly, untrustworthy Feng Feiyun, in the double pupil gives birth to radiance, launches the Dao Sect discernment, must completely understand that on Feng Feiyun has also had other treasure? 女魔风飞云骗过多次,信不过风飞云,双眸之中生出一圈圈光华,展开道门的法眼,要看透风飞云身上还有沒有别的宝物? The Feng Feiyun pressure is enormous, expansion Great Amplify Domain quietly, twists the secret in surrounding space, resists the Dao Sect discernment that Demoness launches. 风飞云的压力极大,悄悄的展开大衍域,扭曲周围空间之中的天机,抵挡女魔展开的道门法眼。 Demoness wears the snow white long dress, is above mundane thoughts simple and beautiful, beautiful unparalleled, has one tranquil makings, for a very long time after stared at one, has not given to completely understand Feng Feiyun, this takes back the discernment, the red lip opens lightly, said: My cultivation base arrives at a critical point once more, wants to break through this critical point to go to crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality nighttime market to purchase antique demon earth accumulated to raise the corpse. Therefore needs magnanimous Spirit Stone, how told me to be able in the quickest time to obtain magnanimous Spirit Stone?” 女魔穿着雪白的长衣,清丽绝尘,美艳无双,有着一种宁静的气质,久久的盯了一阵之后,沒有将风飞云给看透,这才收回法眼,红唇轻启,道:“我的修为再次到达一个临界点,想要冲破这个临界点就必须去‘丹鼎鬼市’购买一种太古魔土蕴养尸身。所以需要海量灵石,告诉我怎么才能在最快的时间得到海量灵石?” Her has cultivation base achieved critical point? 她的修为又达到了临界点? Feng Feiyun thinks own cultivation speed already sufficed quickly, but has not actually thought that Demoness was quicker than him. 风飞云本來以为自己的修炼速度已经够快了,但是却沒有想到女魔比他还要快。 Also right! Demoness is also the Ascension 9th-layer powerhouse rebirth, does not have the boundary to limit, moreover she cultivates dedicated, like Feng Feiyun by many matter fetters, cannot break through such quickly is also the extremely normal matter. 也对!女魔也是羽化第九重的强者重生,也沒有境界限制,而且她专注修炼,不像风飞云被很多事羁绊,能够突破得这么快也是极其正常的事。 „The abyss Immortal City ruins are born, perhaps has abyss Immortal City immortal conceals that once left behind, if can obtain this immortal conceals, should suffice to purchase the antique demon earth Spirit Stone.” “九渊仙城的遗址出世,或许有九渊仙城的曾经留下的仙藏,若是能够得到这一笔仙藏,应该就够购买太古魔土的灵石。” Feng Feiyun knows that Demoness does not like contacting with the person very much, how it is estimated that isn't she really clear can obtain many Spirit Stone in the quickest time? 风飞云知道女魔不是很喜欢与人接触,估计她还真的不清楚怎样才能在最快的时间得到最多的灵石
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