SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#985: )

Great wild goose old say/way has practiced for more than 6000 years, is the sage in non- longevity god palace, air/Qi is very profound, is a sea of qi tumbles in his body likely. 地鸿老道修炼了6000多年,乃是无寿星宫的一位贤者,一身道气无比精深,像是一片气海在他身体之中翻滚。 His index finger and middle finger pinch to refer to the sword, has directed, projects together the sharp sword air/Qi. 他的食指和中指捏成指剑,一指点了出去,射出一道锐利的剑气。 Feng Feiyun launches three big territories, protects oneself, blocks this together sword air/Qi, then Sacred Fruit hitting, has shelled above the Daoist monk's cap of place great wild goose old say/way. 风飞云展开三座大域,守护自身,挡住这一道剑气,然后又将圣实果给打了出去,轰击在地鸿老道的道冠之上。 Bang!” “嘭!” The Sacred Fruit speed is too fast, even if the great wild goose old say/way also without enough time prevents, the Daoist monk's cap threw to fly, white-haired sprinkled, appeared is very distressed. 圣实果的速度实在太快,就算是地鸿老道也來不及阻挡,道冠抛飞了出去,满头白发洒落下來,显得很是狼狈。 Hateful.” “可恶。” Great wild goose old say/way so has been how could distressed, moreover by a Half Monster younger generation wiping out Daoist monk's cap, this matter is the great shame. 地鸿老道何曾如此狼狈过,况且还是被一个半妖晚辈给打掉了道冠,这件事就是奇耻大辱。 The Feng Feiyun vision is incisive, even if to Ascension worthy people of former times, war intent rushing, above the arm unites 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul strengths as before, emits endless radiance, used the strength of whole body flinging Sacred Fruit. 风飞云的目光尖锐,即便是对上羽化先贤,身上的战意依旧滂湃,手臂之上凝聚出10000头灵兽战魂的力量,冒出无尽光华,使用全身的力量将圣实果给甩了出去。 Grandfather saves a life! The grandfather saves a life! The uncle maltreats me!” “爷爷救命啊!爷爷救命啊!二大爷虐待我!” Sacred Fruit loud wailing, the body looks like a small meteorite, has the fierce friction with the air, above the body emits the flame, carries the incomparably sharp air/Qi, shells above the body of place great wild goose old say/way. 圣实果大声的哀嚎,身体像一枚小陨石,与空气发生剧烈的摩擦,身体之上冒出火焰來,携带无比锐利之气,轰击在地鸿老道的身体之上。 !” “噗!” The body of great wild goose old say/way was given to puncture by Sacred Fruit, above the chest are many a blood hole, in unceasing bleeding, 地鸿老道的身体被圣实果给打穿,胸口之上多出一个血窟窿,在不断的淌血、 Sacred Fruit transferred curved, flies to fall in the hand of Feng Feiyun, on the peel is also bringing the Ascension blood, if other fruit, perhaps already by the Ascension blood building up, but it does not have, instead in the Ascension blood swallowing in body, makes ba sound. 圣实果转了一个弯,又飞落回风飞云的手中,果皮上还带着羽化血液,若是别的果子,恐怕早就被羽化血液给炼化,但是它却沒有,反而在将羽化血液给吞噬到身体之中,发出“吧唧吧唧”的声音。 All people were dumbfounded, a Ascension sage was given to injure by Feng Feiyun unexpectedly, pierced the body. 所有人都目瞪口呆了起來,一个羽化贤者竟然被风飞云给打伤,洞穿了身体。 How this Half Monster achieves. 这个半妖是如何做到。 Many people turned toward that pitch-dark strange thing in Feng Feiyun hand to look at the past, likely was the stone, likely was the iron ball, was likely the meteorite...... 很多人都向着风飞云手中的那一枚黑漆漆的怪东西看过去,像是石头,又像是铁球,又是像陨石…… What thing is? Actually can penetrate the defense of Ascension sage easily. 到底是什么东西?竟然能够轻易的穿透羽化贤者的防御。 Some Feng Feiyun also surprise, Mao Laoshi this goods probably very much go against heaven's will, to any Formation and knot and defense complete immunity, can imprison it without anything. 风飞云也有些诧异,茅老实这货好像很逆天,对任何阵法、结界、防御都完全免疫,沒有任何东西可以禁锢住它。 The key is its speed is extremely fearful, once carried Mao Wugui to kill the tight encirclements of ten thousand clan powerhouses, nobody has been able to block it. 关键是它的速度还极其可怕,曾经可是背着茅乌龟杀出了万族强者的重围,无人可以拦它。 Because Sacred Fruit becomes, only then spade size, and nobody recognizes it is Sacred Fruit, nobody knows it to escape from that fruit that various clan powerhouses surround in Holy Ghost Tomb. 因为圣实果变得只有黑桃大小,并沒有人将它认出是圣实果,也沒有人知晓它就是在圣灵墓葬之中逃出各族强者围堵的那一枚果子。 Liu Suzi in that treasure to Feng Feiyun hand is also very curious, but she has not asked eventually, but was saying with a smile to Liu Sulan: Feng Feiyun is my chief staff, the sister, perhaps you and sisters gave to plan him! Today you fall short, has only self to blame.” 琉苏紫也对风飞云手中的那一件“宝物”很好奇,但是她终究是沒有问出來,只是对着琉苏蓝笑道:“风飞云乃是我的首席幕僚,六姐,恐怕你和四姐都将他给谋算掉了吧!今日你们功亏一篑,也是咎由自取。” Yes! I like this do not think.” “是嘛!我可不这样认为。” Behind, the thick smoke is billowing, Nine Firmaments Immortal City and Liu Sulu and the others pursued, cuts off Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi escape route thoroughly. 后方,浓烟滚滚,九霄仙城琉苏绿等人追了上來,将风飞云琉苏紫的退路彻底斩断。 Liu Sulu stands in carrying on the back of white snow wolf Spirit Beast, the body greenbelt is floating, the flesh is pure whiter than the fur/superficial knowledge of snow wolf, glittering and translucent carving, becomes just like the beautiful jade carving. 琉苏绿站在一只白色雪狼灵兽的背上,身上绿带飘飘,肌肤比雪狼的皮毛还要洁白,晶莹剔透,宛如美玉雕成。 Hundred called the senior and hundred miles senior, this time looked your, must cutting to kill these two, thoroughly eliminated the future trouble.” The Liu Sulu pupil light feels cold, full is the mean sinister look. “百鸣前辈和百里前辈,这次就看你们的了,务必要将这两人给斩杀,彻底清除后患。”琉苏绿的眸光发冷,满是阴狠毒辣的神色。 The Nine Firmaments Immortal City two Ascension sages go out, lived several thousand -year-old existence, spiritual energy rushing like the Hong River, was imprisoned the entire space. 九霄仙城的两位羽化贤者走出,都是活了数千岁高龄的存在,身上的灵气滂湃如洪河,将整个空间都被禁锢住。 Other these member respective sacrifices the spirit soldier, respectively defends a side, the imprisonment is void, to guard Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi runs away. 其他的那些修士都各自祭出灵兵,各守一方,禁锢虚空,以防风飞云琉苏紫逃走。 The Liu Suzi complexion also sank, knows the opportunity of today getting out of trouble is not big, but too many fears, have not actually offered a sacrifice to White Jade to fight the sword, the horizontal sword stands, the heroic bearing is not weaker than Feng Feiyun many. 琉苏紫的脸色也沉了下來,知道今日脱困的机会不大,但是却并沒有太多的畏惧,祭出一口白玉战剑,横剑而立,英姿不比风飞云弱多少。 Prepared to go all out?” Feng Feiyun said. “准备拼命了吗?”风飞云道。 already became now this aspect, you think that also had the choice?” Liu Suzi said. “都已经成现在这种局面了,那你认为还有选择?”琉苏紫道。 Feng Feiyun smiled, said: That is uncertain, my reinforcement came.” 风飞云笑了笑,道:“那也不一定,我的救兵來了。” Your reinforcement?” Liu Suzi wrinkled the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow, said: Half Monster Union powerhouse?” “你的救兵?”琉苏紫皱了皱黛眉,道:“半妖盟的强者?” Feng Feiyun shook the head, but is looking at the horizon the vision, stares black ink that a piece is surging saying that the gloomy heyday, is the bright demon arrives likely. 风飞云摇了摇头,只是将目光望着天边,盯着一片涌动过來的墨云,阴气极盛,像是有神魔降临。 Presents all people to feel the extremely formidable aura that has caught up with, looks like a god of death must arrive at this world. 在场所有人都感受到了那一股赶过來的极其强大的气息,就像是一位死神要降临这个世间。 Two Ascension sage Xiao Baiming and clouds that hundred miles complete/even complete/even stopping footsteps the original already preparation begins, the respective sacrifice meets the soldier, defends that unknown bad risk. 本來已经准备动手的两位羽化贤者霄百鸣和霄百里都齐齐的停下脚步,各自祭出战兵,防守那一股未知的凶险。 They felt that some vest round of cold, the bone becomes some numb and achings. 他们感觉到背心有些发寒,骨头都变得有些酸麻。 What's the matter? On whether there does the overlord arrive?” “到底怎么回事?难道有无上霸主降临?” Liu Sulu and Liu Sulan complexion is dignified, felt that does not suit very much, this breath too is all at once terrorist, lets the black ink black that the entire vault of heaven turns into. 琉苏绿琉苏蓝都脸色凝重,感觉到很不对劲,这一股气息实在太恐怖,让整个天穹都变成的墨黑色。 After severe Howl, above sky are many a slender white shade, is a whole body Corpse Qi female. 一声厉啸之后,天空之上多出一个窈窕的白影,是一个满身尸气的女子。 The bunch dark clouds surge, gives the package her body, what appearance can't see clearly her to be long? 一团团黑云涌动过去,将她的身体给包裹,看不清她到底长什么模样? Future who?” “來者何人?” Xiao Baiming is staring at that shadow above sky, felt that air/Qi of huge constraining, in the tone also has several points to respect. 霄百鸣盯着天空之上的那一道黑影,感觉到一股庞大的压抑之气,语气之中也带着几分尊敬。 The opposite party is very formidable, can not give to enrage the opposite party, do not enrage. 对方很强大,能不将对方给激怒,就千万别激怒。 However sometimes, is not he does not want to enrage can not enrage. 但是有些时候,不是他不想激怒就能不激怒。 !” “噗!” A black long hair counter cuts from sky, the connection day and place, likely is a handle several thousand miles long day blade, the body of Xiao Baiming cleaving in two. 一根黑色的长发从天空之上逆斩下來,连接天与地,像是一柄数千里长的天刀,将霄百鸣的身体给劈成两半。 The Ascension blood in Xiao Baiming body by that hair absorption completely, was changed into two halves dry corpse. 霄百鸣身体之中的羽化血液被那一根头发吸收殆尽,化为了两半干尸。 Really murdered to kill! 实在太弑杀了! Xiao Baiming has not offended her, inquired merely, was given to cut by her, isn't a bloodthirsty insanity? 霄百鸣也沒有怎么得罪她,仅仅只是询问了一句,就被她给斩掉,不会是一尊嗜血的疯魔吧? This is a Ascension sage, is not any cat flatter dog, how could to cut to kill at will? 这可是一尊羽化贤者,不是阿猫阿狗,岂能随意斩杀? Nine Firmaments Immortal City these member felt that heart trembles, the future is bad! 九霄仙城的那些修士都感觉心头为之一颤,來者不善啊! Is a corpse king.” “是一位尸王。” The Old Dexu heart of non- longevity god palace also feels to constrain, doesn't the atmosphere dare to leave, like corpse king why cannot master the great person to with them oppose? 无寿星宫的地虚老道的心头也感到压抑,大气都不敢出,搞不懂像尸王这样的大人物为何要与他们作对? Liu Suzi was also feared, Feng Feiyun said with the arm elbow: She who?” 琉苏紫也被惊住,用胳膊肘了肘风飞云道:“她谁啊?” Feng Feiyun is also the knitting the brows head, thought that Demoness became murders to kill, say/way slowly: Before was my Boss!”, Also said: Now estimated that she is an Boss.” 风飞云也是皱了皱眉头,觉得女魔变得更加弑杀了,徐徐的道:“以前是我老大!”顿了顿,又道:“现在估计她还是老大。” Feng Feiyun does not think the own present strength, can give to defeat Demoness, has missed not small one section. 风飞云不认为自己现在的实力,能够将女魔给击败,还是差了不小的一截。 That shadow above backdrop, frightens at the scene, making all people not dare to act rashly. 天幕之上的那一个黑影,震慑当场,让所有人都不敢轻举妄动。 This handle Grade 10 Spirit Artifact was my, didn't you have the opinion?” The Demoness sound is very delightful, forms the striking contrast with her body surrounding dark clouds corpse fog, in the fairy maiden like spatial valley is playing the immortal tune. “这柄十品灵器是我的了,你们沒意见吧?”女魔的声音很悦耳,与她身体周围的黑云尸雾形成鲜明对比,就像空谷之中的仙子在弹奏仙曲。 However listens in the ears of these member, is gloomier than the voice of devil, making their teeth tremble. 但是听在那些修士的耳中,却比魔鬼的声音更阴森,让他们的牙齿打颤。 Does not have...... Does not have the opinion.” “沒……沒意见。” She falls that in ground Grade 10 Spirit Artifact gives to take away, this Grade 10 Spirit Artifact is Xiao Baiming all, now turned into her thing. 她将那一件掉在地上的十品灵器给收走,这一件十品灵器乃是霄百鸣所有,现在变成了她的东西。 Demoness stands above the clouds, long hair run all over the place, the body dark clouds are billowing, the Corpse Qi rushing, a pair of jet black double pupil stared on non- longevity god palace the bodies of three old say/way, said: On you have three abyss spirit lineage/vein, gives me.” 女魔站在云霄之上,长发满天飞,身上阴云滚滚,尸气滂湃,一双漆黑的双眸盯在了无寿星宫的三位老道的身上,道:“你们身上有三条深渊灵脉,交给我。” Why? Since old times the treasure had virtue to occupy it, but we non- longevity god palace......” the great wild goose old say/way is very disgruntled, thought that this corpse king was too overbearing, oneself said again was also the sage in non- longevity god palace, how to look like a corpse king to lower the head? “凭什么?自古宝物有德者居之,我们可是无寿星宫……”地鸿老道很是不悦,觉得这一位尸王实在太霸道,自己再怎么说也是无寿星宫的贤者,岂会像一位尸王低头? The black vestige of the past falls together, has the Corpse Qi collection, is slender and gently beautiful, but was having also a death aura. 一道黑色的爪印落下來,乃是有尸气汇集而成,纤细而柔美,但是却又带着一股死亡气息。 Demon outlet, cannot win positively.” “邪魔外道,不可胜正。” Great wild goose old say/way grasps to whisk, is drawing a Yin-Yang fish seal void, like huge black and white compass revolving, making the entire world revolve, the world rule turns toward the central gathering of Yin-Yang fish seal. 地鸿老道手持拂尘,在虚空画出一座阴阳鱼印,就像一座庞大的黑白罗盘旋转,让整座天地都跟着运转,天地规则都向着阴阳鱼印的中心汇聚。 !” “噗!” The vestige of the past moved broke Yin-Yang fish seal! 爪印动破了阴阳鱼印! In the heart of great wild goose old say/way unwilling, but is actually not able to resist, the body generally gives birth to the crack like the ceramics, was given the crumb by that vestige of the past, Ascension blood was swallowed completely. 地鸿老道的心中不甘,但是却又无法抵挡,身体就像陶瓷一般生出裂纹,被那一只爪印给捏碎,身上的羽化血液被吞噬殆尽。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Abyss spirit lineage/vein from the body of place great wild goose old rupturing depart, then by Demoness taking away. 一条深渊灵脉从地鸿老道爆裂的身体之中飞出,然后被女魔给收走。 Everybody spelled with this female bandit.” “大家跟这女土匪拼了。” -and-a-half only feet stride in the old man mouth of Ascension boundary to put out the flame, in the hand are lifting ancient Cauldron, the body ejection of rickets, toward the Demoness rush in the past. 一位半只脚跨入羽化境的老者口中吐出火焰,手中举着一座古鼎,佝偻的身体弹射而起,向着女魔冲杀过去。 However actually as before by a Demoness palm of the hand patting, the body turned into one mud, falls on the ground, the ancient cauldron turns into one tattered jar rolls on the ground, thump thump makes noise. 但是却依旧被女魔一巴掌给拍死,身体变成了一团烂泥,落在地上,就连古鼎都变成一个破烂的“罐子”在地上滚动,“噔噔”作响。 Bang!” “轰!” Nine Firmaments Immortal City and people in non- longevity god palace are indignant, they were the Middle Ages Confucianism, the status comply with, by such humiliation, all people had not been thought at present this corpse king really goes too far, everybody must execute it. 九霄仙城和无寿星宫的人都气愤不已,他们都是中古大教,地位遵从,沒受过这样的屈辱,所有人都觉得眼前这个尸王实在太过分,人人得而诛之。 They simultaneously launch the magical powers, gets rid to Demoness, must collaborate to give to write off her. 他们同时展开神通,对女魔出手,要联手将她给抹杀。 Demoness stands in void, the body by the Corpse Qi package, nobody can see clearly her appearance, can only see that her head long hair drags, like the innumerable day blades, sends out to kill off, the innumerable member cutting to fall. 女魔站在虚空,身体被尸气包裹,沒有人能够看清她的模样,只能看到她头上的长发摇曳,就像无数的天刀,发出一道道杀光,将无数的修士给斩落。 She does not have touch of humanity, is very indifferent, starts not to be forgiving, everything was cut by the long hair, then must die without doubt. 她沒有一丝人情味,很冷漠,下手也绝不留情,凡是被长发斩中,便必死无疑。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” Head/Number of people likely rain general falling, everywhere broken corpse, blood incarnadine this stretch of earth. 人头像雨一般的落下,满地碎尸,鲜血染红这片大地。 The sage who only then achieves the Ascension boundary, has the qualifications to be absorbed the blood by her, other member such as the range chicken earthenware dog, wrote off in her eyes, does not keep a living witness. 只有达到羽化境的贤者,才有资格被她吸收血液,别的修士在她眼中如土鸡瓦狗,都被抹杀,不留一个活口。 Her body has an evil strength, the Demoness god who also one demonic nature aura, went out of like an abyss, only to slaughter to live, only to slaughter dead. 她的身上有一股邪性的力量,也有一种魔性的气息,像极了一位深渊之中走出的女魔神,只为杀戮而生,只为杀戮而死。 A pair of beautiful pupil of Liu Suzi stares in a big way, the eyeball is glittering and translucent carving, felt that the heart hair is cold, this person also too strange, makes the person fear very much, even if has seen her of many magnificent scene, at this moment cannot bear tremble. 琉苏紫的一双美眸都瞪大,眼珠子晶莹剔透,感觉到心头发寒,这人也太邪乎了,很让人惧怕,就算是见过很多大场面的她,此刻也忍不住颤栗。 What Feng Feiyun this fellow invited was who? 风飞云这家伙到底请來的是什么人?
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