SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#984: Hits the fruit of person

Feng Feiyun stops the footsteps, that inertia impulse, almost flinging to fly Liu Suzi. 风飞云停下脚步,那一股惯性的冲击力,差一点将琉苏紫给甩飞出去。 At this time was not spiteful time, you 11 weak were too more, has not run away quickly, if let Nine Firmaments Immortal City and Liu Sulu person pursued, we died.” Liu Suzi said. “这个时候不是赌气的时候,你本來就比11弱了太多,还不快逃,若是让九霄仙城琉苏绿的人追了上來,我们就死定了。”琉苏紫道。 Feng Feiyun is staring at the front, the face was smiling painstakingly, eldest sister, is not I am spiteful, but was the front road is blocked.” 风飞云盯着前方,苦着脸笑了笑,“大姐,不是我赌气,而是前面的路被封死了。” Liu Suzi has worked loose from the hand of Feng Feiyun, falls the ground, rubbed to be pinched the painful shoulder, then has turned around to think the front looked. 琉苏紫风飞云的手中挣脱了出來,落到地上,揉了揉被捏痛的肩膀,然后转过身想着前方看去。 The front road was really blocked, void was imprisoned, the mountain that high ancient wall rises straight from the ground, above the ancient wall stands in one group of aura formidable member. 前方的路果然都被封死,虚空都被禁锢住,有一段山岳那么高的古墙拔地而起,古墙之上站在一群气息强大的修士。 Stands in most central is also a female, wears the blue Daoist robe, the waist full is tassels, the head plate a hair bun, is inserting the white dragonfly hairpin. 站在最中央的也是一个女子,穿着蓝色的道袍,腰间满是流苏,头上盘着道髻,插着白色的蜻蜓簪子。 Her appearance and Liu Suzi have several phase splitting shapes, the age also differ not many, is very the beautiful appearance, said with a smile: Younger Sister Qi, has not thought that you escaped from the unescapable net under sister arrange/cloth unexpectedly, the elder sister holds in high esteem to you.” 她的模样和琉苏紫有几分相像,年纪也相差不多,很是美貌,笑道:“七妹,沒想到你竟然逃出了四姐布下的天罗地网,姐姐对你可是刮目相看。” The beautiful woman of this wear blue color Daoist robe, is six princess colored glaze is then blue, the immortal pupil winks, the body spiritual energy is threatening. 这一个穿着蓝色道袍的丽人,便是六郡主“琉璃蓝”,仙眸眨眨,身上灵气逼人。 Three of non- longevity god palace always said, You Ziling, You Zilin and other young disciples also stand above the ancient wall. 无寿星宫的三位老道,游紫菱游紫林等年轻弟子也站在古墙之上。 Liu Sulan did obeisance into non- longevity god palace to study the magic arts, was the disciple in non- longevity god palace, if she became leaf Hongjing the boundary Lord, had the greatest advantage to the non- longevity god palace, quite in many a formidable aid. 琉苏蓝拜入了无寿星宫修习道法,算是无寿星宫的一员弟子,她若是成为叶红境的境主,对无寿星宫也有莫大的好处,相当于多了一个强大的援手。 Therefore, she competes boundary main successor, the non- longevity god palace naturally must help. 所以,她竞争境主继承人,无寿星宫自然要帮忙。 I am also living, disappointing the sister?” Liu Suzi as before appears serene, is very calm, by the present battle formation daunting. “我还活着,让六姐失望了吧?”琉苏紫依旧显得风轻云淡,很是从容,并沒有被眼前的阵势给吓住。 Feng Feiyun also secretly approves her will to be formidable in the heart, is calm, many Ascension sages cannot achieve her such state of mind. 风飞云也在心中暗赞她的心志强大,处变不惊,就连很多羽化贤者都达不到她这样的心境。 That is not Half Monster Feng Feiyun, he how with seven princess in the same place?” Some You Zilin surprise, are very curious to Feng Feiyun, this is called the character of Half Monster Union first talent, making him want to fight very much with Feng Feiyun. “那不是半妖风飞云,他怎么和七郡主在一起?”游紫林有些诧异,对风飞云很好奇,这可是被称为半妖盟第一天才的人物,让他很想与风飞云战一场。 The star pupil of You Ziling is vast, has revealed strange color/look, her cultivation base understanding to the Feng Feiyun is quite deep, although cultivation base does not calculate extremely, however the strange move are many, is a hard to deal with match. 游紫菱的星眸浩渺,也露出了奇色,她对风飞云修为认识颇深,修为虽然不算绝顶,但是稀奇古怪的招数却很多,是一个难缠的对手。 Feng Feiyun indeed she twice, having made her very difficult graciousness get rid to Feng Feiyun hatred/enemy report. 况且风飞云的的确确就过她两次,让她很难恩将仇报对风飞云出手。 Liu Sulan beautiful pupil flow of tears, under Feng Feiyun toward ancient wall stared at one, said: „Does he eight give that Half Monster that Gu defeats? The first person of leaf Hongjing younger generation?” 琉苏蓝美眸涟涟,向着古墙下方的风飞云盯了一眼,道:“他就是将顾老八给击败的那个半妖?叶红境年轻一代的第一人?” You Zilin is just about to speak, actually by You Ziling one staring. 游紫林正要说话,却被游紫菱一眼给瞪了回去。 You Ziling aspirates such as blue, red lip clear, said: Feng Feiyun is the person who Holy Spirit must summon, this person not move to well.” 游紫菱吐气如兰,红唇晶莹,道:“风飞云乃是圣神要召见的人,此人还是不要动为好。” Liu Sulan and You Ziling are non- longevity god palace generation of days the arrogant female, but on the natural talent, the You Ziling natural talent must be higher than compared with it Liu Sulan plans, already achieves Nirvana 6th-layer. 琉苏蓝游紫菱都是无寿星宫这一代的天之骄女,但是就天资而言,游紫菱的天资比之琉苏蓝还要高出一筹,已经达到涅槃第六重 The You Ziling back also has the big influence background, since she is Feng Feiyun speaks, how Liu Sulan must give her again several points of face. 况且游紫菱的背后也有大势力背景,她既然为风飞云说话,琉苏蓝再怎么都要给她几分面子。 Liu Sulan brow curved, on the face is having several points of chill in the air, said: Feng Feiyun, this is our boundary main mansion the struggle of successor, is not your Half Monster can participate, the fast retreat, may forgive your undying today.” 琉苏蓝眉头弯弯,脸上带着几分寒意,道:“风飞云,这是我们境主府的继承人之争,不是你一个半妖可以参与进來,速速退去,今日可饶你不死。” Liu Suzi passes message to Feng Feiyun said: „The Liu Sulan plans are extremely deep, manner is deceitful, the method is ruthless, she colludes with the Ascension sage in non- longevity god palace to cope with me, this matter already has offended the boundary main law. You are an insider, she will kill you to eliminate a potential informant surely, even if not kill you now, is absolutely impossible to make you go out of the Immortal City ruins.” 琉苏紫传音给风飞云道:“琉苏蓝心机极深,为人狡诈,手段狠辣,她勾结无寿星宫的羽化贤者來对付我,这件事已经触犯了境主的法令。你是知情人,她必定会杀你灭口,就算现在不杀你,也绝对不可能让你走出仙城遗址。” In Feng Feiyun own heart the steelyard, does not believe Liu Sulan, all will not believe Liu Suzi, how he is clearer than anyone should do. 风飞云自己的心中也有一杆秤,不相信琉苏蓝,同时也不会全信琉苏紫,他比谁都清楚该怎么做。 „If no three seniors in longevity god palace, can give me three abyss spirit lineage/vein, I can consider that actually does not meddle this matter.” Feng Feiyun raises Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, both hands is supporting the hilt, the body is straight, on the face has the happy expression that several points are selecting lightly. “若是无寿星宫的三位前辈,能够将三条深渊灵脉给我,我倒是可以考虑不插手这件事。”风飞云提着天髓兵胆,双手撑着刀柄,身体笔直,脸上带着几分轻挑的笑意。 Liu Suzi complexion slightly changes, if Feng Feiyun really no matter independently, she definitely is unable to go out of the Immortal City ruins today. 琉苏紫的脸色微微的一变,若是风飞云真的放手不管,她今日肯定无法走出仙城遗址。 This dead Half Monster really does not have the principle! 这个死半妖实在太沒有原则! Feng Feiyun, do you want to renege?” Liu Suzi has twisted the brow, say/way in a low voice. 风飞云,你难道想变卦?”琉苏紫拧了拧眉头,低声的道。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: To be honest supports seven princess to be the boundary Lord, the difficulty is too big, the treasure that might as well be able to obtain immediately really comes. Seven princess, wanting me to help you withdraw, now this you added the chip.” 风飞云笑道:“老实说扶持七郡主做境主,难度实在太大,不如立即就能得到的宝物來得实在。七郡主,想要我帮你脱身,现在该你加筹码了。” You take advantage......” Liu Suzi air/Qi do a lot of talking, the beautiful pupil feels cold, wants staring Feng Feiyun. “你趁火打劫……”琉苏紫气得直磨牙,美眸发冷,想要将风飞云给瞪死。 First time thought that this dead Half Monster is not the general shamelessness and astuteness. 第一次觉得这个死半妖不是一般的无耻和精明。 Right, takes advantage, seven princess are the boundary main mansion day the arrogant female, won't link a treasure not to have?” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “沒错,就是趁火打劫,七郡主乃是境主府的天之骄女,不会身上连一件宝物都沒有吧?”风飞云笑道。 Liu Suzi more looked that more thought Feng Feiyun smiles too sinisterly, but she actually has to compromise, after all this dead Half Monster has including speedily, only then he who the Ascension sages cannot overtake possibly leads to leave this piece fully kills the Immortal City ruins of tribulation. 琉苏紫越看越觉得风飞云笑得太阴险,但是她却又不得不妥协,毕竟这个死半妖可是拥有连羽化贤者都追不上的疾速,也只有他才可能带着自己离开这一片满是杀劫的仙城遗址。 You want any thing, although opens the mouth is, so long as I can achieve, will satisfy you as far as possible.” Liu Suzi said. “你要什么东西,尽管开口便是,只要我能够做得到,会尽量满足你。”琉苏紫道。 Both eyes of Feng Feiyun were burning, stare at she concave-convex exquisite body to look, until looking at the Liu Suzi heart was scared, said with a smile: I have not thought that when I think after being good, told you again.” 风飞云的双目火辣辣,盯着她凹凸玲珑的身体看了看,直到看得琉苏紫心头发毛,才笑道:“我还沒有想好,等我想好之后再告诉你。” Liu Suzi long air vent, discovered oneself and Feng Feiyun position had the transformation, oneself are getting more and more difficult to obtain the dominant position in his front. But oneself princess, but he is only base and low Half Monster that's all, how can like this? Hateful! 琉苏紫长长的出了一口气,发现自己和风飞云的位置发生了转变,自己在他的面前越來越难取得主导地位。自己可是郡主,而他只是一个卑微的半妖罢了,怎么会这样?可恶! Regarding the Feng Feiyun impolite request, the three old say/way of non- longevity god palace are naturally impossible to agree, after all the value of abyss spirit lineage/vein is too big, endures the ratio three immortal ores, if let a Half Monster blackmail really in the past, let their face what save? 对于风飞云无礼的要求,无寿星宫的三位老道自然也不可能同意,毕竟深渊灵脉的价值实在太大,堪比三座仙矿,若是真的让一个半妖敲诈过去,让他们三人的脸面何存? Trivial Half Monster that's all, so does not know the immensity of heaven and earth unexpectedly, I come to see you to have legend strong in that.” “区区一个半妖罢了,竟然如此不知天高地厚,我就來看看你是不是真的有传说之中的那么强。” The young taoist priest in non- longevity god palace uses moves to shape changing positions the technique law, the body pulls out an elegant arc, the next quarter, falls to the Feng Feiyun front, above the finger presents five primal chaos gossips seal. 无寿星宫的一个年轻道士施展“移形换位”的术法,身体拉出一道优美的弧线,下一刻,落到风飞云的面前,手指之上呈现出五座太极八卦印。 This is a Nirvana 5th-layer God's favored one, named outstanding is happy, has the extremely high status in the non- longevity god palace, and does not have the longevity god female except for the non- long-lived planetesimal, he can show disdain for the outstanding heroes. 这是一位涅槃第五重的天之骄子,名叫“卓乐”,在无寿星宫有极高地位,除了无寿星子和无寿星女,他可以傲视群雄。 Technique law of moving shape changing positions outstanding Le cultivates, the speed is too fast, is fast like a lightning. 卓乐修炼的移形换位的术法,速度实在太快,快得就像一道闪电。 The Feng Feiyun speed is faster than him, stands in his, a palm pats in his top of the head. 风飞云的速度却比他更快,站在他的身后,一掌拍在他的头顶。 Bang!” “轰!” In outstanding Le body sends out five purple talisman, forms five defense shield stages. 卓乐的身体之中发出五道紫色的符箓,形成五座防御盾台。 Bang, bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭,嘭……” These defense shield stages collapse at the first blow, was in charge by the hand of Feng Feiyun to the bang is broken, is split up completely. 这些防御盾台都不堪一击,被风飞云的手掌印给轰碎,全部四分五裂。 So to be how strong? These five defend talisman to be the Ascension sage sacrifice refining up.” outstanding Le heart is imposing, the Feng Feiyun speed and strength make him feel shocking. “怎么会这么强?这五张防御符箓可都是羽化贤者祭炼。”卓乐的心头凛然,风飞云的速度和力量都让他感到震惊。 Suddenly he felt that the body suddenly changed light, originally own left leg unexpectedly by Feng Feiyun seizing. 突然他感觉到身体突然变轻了起來,原來自己的左腿竟然被风飞云给擒住。 Feng Feiyun like throwing to fly a duck generally throwing to fly outstanding Le. 风飞云就像扔飞一只鸭子一般将卓乐给扔飞出去。 Bang!” “轰!” outstanding Le body hit above ancient wall, whole person fell, the life and death does not know. 卓乐的身体撞击在古墙之上,整个人都陷了进去,生死不知。 Feng Feiyun has patted both hands, said with a smile: This is my strength, if who also wants to block the way, I hit unable to crawl surely him.” 风飞云拍了拍双手,笑道:“这就是我的实力,谁若是还想拦路,我必定将他打得爬不起來。” The great strength of Feng Feiyun has surpassed Liu Sulan and non- longevity god palace the estimates of these member, the Nirvana 5th-layer member easily were thrown to fly by him, strength not available common sense of this Half Monster estimated. 风飞云的强大超过了琉苏蓝和无寿星宫的那些修士的预估,就连涅槃第五重的修士都被他轻易扔飞,这个半妖的实力不可用常理來揣度。 Is this Half Monster? 这是一个半妖吗? Feng Feiyun, I already want to fight with you, today makes you have a look at my fierce, haha!” 风飞云,我早就想和你一战,今日就让你看看我的厉害,哈哈!” You Zilin offers a sacrifice to execute evil Ancient Sword, the foot steps on Qingyun to say the air/Qi, a sword from out of the blue. 游紫林祭出诛邪古剑,脚踩青云道气,一剑破空而來。 This You Zilin was not happier than a moment ago defeated outstanding, this fellow had the Epic Level peak talent, moreover same has reached the Nirvana 5th-layer peak with Feng Feiyun, was the non- long-lived planetesimal of non- longevity god palace, the strength surpassed the talent with boundary. 这个游紫林可不比刚才被击败的卓乐,这家伙拥有史诗级别巅峰的天赋,而且和风飞云一样达到了涅槃第五重的巅峰,乃是无寿星宫的无寿星子,战力远超同境界的天才。 Feng Feiyun with own eyes saw that he once struck collapsing several thousand Monster Clan. 风飞云就亲眼见到他曾经一击将数千名妖族给崩死。 Feng Feiyun does not fear, the body fights air/Qi to increase, raises a war four directions heroic feelings, fishes out a pitch-dark fruit from the pocket, has hit toward You Zilin. 风飞云丝毫不惧,身上战气攀升,升起一股大战四方的豪情,从衣兜里摸出一个黑漆漆的果子,向着游紫林打了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” The speed of pitch-dark fruit wonderful quick incomparable, letting You Zilin is unable to move aside, the nose hits the dripping with blood. 黑漆漆的果子的速度奇快无比,让游紫林无法躲闪,鼻子都打得鲜血淋漓。 Aiyu! What thing?” You Zilin is covering the nose, almost crashes from Qingyun. “哎呦!什么东西?”游紫林捂着鼻子,差点从青云之上坠落下來。 The pitch-dark fruit flew a fist, has flown back to the hand of Feng Feiyun, only then the spade is so big, the whole body is a thorn. 黑漆漆的果子飞了一拳,又飞回了风飞云的手中,只有黑桃那么大,满身都是刺。 Feng Feiyun once more this fruit throwing, has hit on the You Zilin forehead, immediately pounds his forehead blood-covered, the skull was almost pounded to split. 风飞云再次将这一枚果子给扔了出去,打在游紫林的额头上,顿时将他的额头砸得血糊糊,头盖骨都差点被砸裂开。 „! What concealed or hidden weapon is this?” You Zilin offers a sacrifice to Grade 10 Spirit Artifact primal chaos to gossip seal hastily, protects oneself, feared that was hit by the Feng Feiyun concealed or hidden weapon again. “靠!这是什么暗器?”游紫林连忙祭出十品灵器“太极八卦印”,守护自身,怕被风飞云的暗器再次袭击。 Bang!” “嘭!” However the primal chaos gossips seal actually unable to defend this pitch-dark fruit, his dantian was hit, the entire body shakes. 但是太极八卦印却根本防御不住这枚黑漆漆的果子,他的丹田被撞击了一下,整个身体都是一震。 ! 哇! In the mouth puts out a blood. 口中吐出一口鲜血來。 Feng Feiyun, has the type frankly and uprightly fights with me, what heroes with the stone attack is?” The You Zilin air/Qi must to spit blood, carried the boundless say/way air/Qi to come, to fight earth-shaking with the Half Monster Union first talent, but has not fought, was hit such distressedly, making this non- long-lived planetesimal feel that quite loses face. 风飞云,有种光明正大的与我一战,拿石头攻击算什么英雄好汉?”游紫林气得要吐血,本來自己携无边道气而來,想要和半妖盟的第一天才战个天翻地覆,但是还沒有交手,就被打得这么狼狈,让他这个无寿星子感到相当丢脸。 „It is not the stone, is fruit.” Sacred Fruit whispered. “不是石头,是果子。”圣实果嘀咕了一声。 Feng Feiyun said: I urged in the struggle of successor your non- longevity god palaces should better do not participate in the boundary main mansion, so as to avoid from harming.” 风飞云道:“我劝你们无寿星宫最好还是不要参与到境主府的继承人之争中,免得自误。” Snort! Big tone!” “哼!好大的口气!” The great wild goose old temperament is irritable, thought that Feng Feiyun is too rampant, dares so to boast shamelessly in the front of three Ascension sages unexpectedly, will not have had the longevity god palace paying attention to simply. 地鸿老道脾气火爆,觉得风飞云实在太嚣张,竟然敢在三位羽化贤者的面前如此大言不惭,简直就是沒有将无寿星宫给放在眼里。
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