SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#983: Breaking through a tight encirclement

„.” “嗷。” The both arms of Feng Feiyun at one fell swoop, ten thousand beasts roared, appeared like the mighty force in him behind. 风飞云的双臂一举,身后万兽咆哮,就像千军万马出现在他身后。 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul strengths condense on him, the double palm bombardment in the past, gave to hit to fly these seven old men. 10000头灵兽战魂的力量都凝聚在他身上,双掌轰击过去,将这七位老者都给打飞,。 Each old man is coughing up blood, in the eye full is the astonished color/look. 每一个老者都在咳血,眼中满是惊异之色。 The strength so will be how strong. 力量怎么会这么强。 Feng Feiyun follows up a victory with hot pursuit, the foot steps on void, first even/including makes three fists, kills to the bang three old men in void. 风飞云乘胜追击,脚踩虚空,一连打出三拳,将三位老者给轰杀在虚空之中。 Above the chests of these three old men the giant blood hole, the five main internal organs (entrails) changed into the powder powder, the lying down corpse on the ground. 这三位老者的胸膛之上都有一个巨大的血窟窿,五脏六腑化为了齑粉,躺尸在地上。 Another old men of four being damaged were daunted, the complexion becomes pale, this was also too valiant, but also is really the murder such as the slaughter pig dog. 另外四位受创的老者都被吓住,脸色变得苍白,这也太彪悍了,还真是杀人如屠猪狗。 They offer a sacrifice to Grade 9 Spirit Artifact once more, simultaneously turns toward Feng Feiyun to shake hardly. 他们再次祭出九品灵器,同时向着风飞云硬撼下去。 Bang.” “轰。” Bang.” “轰。” ...... …… The fist of Feng Feiyun is harder than it Grade 9 Spirit Artifact, gives to gather four Grade 9 Spirit Artifact, then refining up inside soldier soul and spirit with Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, sends out in the sound, turns into scrap iron finally, falls on the ground. 风飞云的拳头比之九品灵器还要坚硬,将四件九品灵器都给收取,然后用天髓兵胆炼化里面的兵魂和锐气,发出“噼里啦”的声音,最后变成一块块废铁,掉落在地上。 Bang.” “嘭。” A Feng Feiyun foot steps on to press, a body of old man stepping on will put on, the body will be split up. 风飞云一脚踩压下去,将其中一个老者的身体给踩穿,身体四分五裂。 Feng Feiyun condenses Phoenix Fire God Domain, changes into three more than ten meters raging fire phoenixes, attacks, gives to refine the remaining three old men, changes into place ashes. 风飞云凝聚出凤凰火神域,化为三只十多米长的烈火凤凰,冲击出去,将剩下的三位老者也给炼死,化为一地灰烬。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” The electric light drops from the clouds together, has water jar to be so thick fully, is having the huge destruction strength, divided to fall. 一道电光从天而降,足有水缸那么粗,带着庞大的毁灭力,劈落下了。 Feng Feiyun haunches Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, the body is given the package by myriad Sanskrit, changes into a golden Buddha egg. 风飞云撑起金蚕佛域,身体被万千梵文给包裹,化为一座金色的佛卵。 .” 。” The electric light bombardment above the Buddha egg, creates the earth strenuous vibration, that destroys the strength breaking out a slit the Buddha egg, the strength falls to the arm of Feng Feiyun on together, gives the deducting flying ash section of sleeves. 电光轰击在佛卵之上,造成大地剧烈震动,那一股摧毁力将佛卵给劈开一道缝隙,一道力量落到风飞云的手臂上,将一截衣袖给劈成飞灰。 Highest heaven heavenly thunder.” “九霄天雷。” The Xiao Baiming arm is withered, the flashing eyes, stand above a tattered stone palace, the ebony god stick in hand, brings in the second electricity glow once more. 霄百鸣手臂干枯,目光炯炯,站在一座破烂的石宫之上,手中的乌木神杖,再次引來第二道电芒。 Feng Feiyun launches the samsara speedily, the body changes into lightning flowing light, avoids the electricity glow that above the backdrop lowers, the palm separates spatially strikes, makes the innumerable beast shades, gives to chop into pieces the stone palace under Xiao Baiming body, changes into the mist and dust. 风飞云展开轮回疾速,身体化为一道道闪电流光,躲避天幕之上降下的电芒,手掌隔空一击,打出无数兽影,将霄百鸣身下的石宫给劈碎,化为烟尘。 The Xiao Baiming heart also is very surprised, this child good quick speed, is unexpectedly faster than the speed of highest heaven heavenly thunder landing, this is any speedily magical powers. 霄百鸣的心头也很是惊讶,此子好快的速度,竟然比九霄天雷降落的速度还要快,这是什么疾速神通。 When his heart is surprised, sword rain flies toward him, that sword air/Qi is very sharp, by feeling that his Ascension 1st-layer cultivation base one type cannot defend unexpectedly. 在他心头惊疑之时,一片剑雨向着他飞來过來,那一股剑气十分锋利,以他羽化第一重修为竟然都有一种防御不住的感觉。 You dare to get rid to the sage of Ascension boundary unexpectedly on own initiative, big courage.” “你竟然敢对羽化境的贤者主动出手,好大的胆子。” A moment ago was this god soldier, gave to pierce Nine Firmaments Immortal City the armor of two people ready dead, although Xiao Baiming self-contained cultivation base absolute high, but actually does not dare to go to meet hardly. 刚才就是这一件神兵,将九霄仙城的两位死士的铠甲给洞穿,霄百鸣虽然自持修为高绝,但是却也不敢去硬接。 He gives to haunch the ebony god stick in hand, forms a defense circle, gives to block the sword rain that Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall condenses, looked like decides the white small sword in left a body ten meters far position. 他将手中的乌木神杖给撑起,形成一片防御圈,将天髓兵胆凝聚成的剑雨给挡住,就像是将白色的小剑定在了离身体十米远的位置。 Bang.” “轰。” Feng Feiyun coldly stared at his one eyes, old man, I had already said you, if dares again with me for the enemy, I make your Nine Firmaments Immortal City member come but not return surely.” 风飞云冷冷的盯了他一眼,“老头,我早就说过你若是再敢与我为敌,我必定让你们九霄仙城的修士有來无回。” Feng Feiyun, you many big ages, unexpectedly dare to say the words that so boasts shamelessly, my Nine Firmaments Immortal City inheritance in the Middle Ages, Half Monster Union not necessarily paid attention, how to be given the threat by your Half Monster junior.” 风飞云,你才多大的年纪,竟然就敢说出如此大言不惭的话,我九霄仙城传承于中古,就连半妖盟都未必放在眼里,岂会被你一个半妖小辈给威胁。” Xiao Baiming is angry, head white hair counter to/clashes, like mobile electric lights steel needles. 霄百鸣大怒,头上的白发都逆冲起來,就像一根根流动电光的钢针。 The own what kind of status, could not tidy up a Half Monster junior unexpectedly, if this passed on, how he later also based in Nine Firmaments Immortal City. 自己何等身份,竟然收拾不了一个半妖小辈,这要是传出去,他以后还怎么在九霄仙城立足。 Highest heaven thunder Fa, hundred resend a telegram the rain.” “九霄雷罚,百重电雨。” Above the backdrop ghost cloud is billowing, dark clouds stack, electricity snake dance. 天幕之上煞云滚滚,阴云堆积,电蛇狂舞。 Nine thunder and lightning drop from the clouds, links up day and the Divine Sword of place like nine, the electricity glow very dazzling. 九道雷电从天而降,就像九道连贯天与地的神剑,电芒十分刺目。 .” “噗。” .” “噗。” ...... …… Feng Feiyun launched speedily the movement, the body like changing into the illusory image, beat in the thunder and lightning. 风飞云展开疾速身法,身体就像化为了幻影,跳动在雷电之间。 His body was given the package by three big territories, not having the thunder and lightning can chop he. 他的身体被三座大域给包裹,沒有雷电能够劈中他。 The elders member who Liu Suzi brings were actually divided innumerably, only then more than ten people are still barely managing finally to maintain a feeble existence. 琉苏紫带來的老辈修士却被劈死无数,只有最后十多人还在苟延残喘。 Seven princess, we bring up the rear for you, you walk first.” In the eyes of that more than ten old man full decidedly, simultaneously stimulates to movement the potential in body, erupts to surmount the ordinary several fold the strength. “七郡主,我们为你断后,你先走。”那十多位老者的眼中满是决然,同时催动身体之中的潜能,爆发出超越平常数倍的力量。 This is one type promotes the cultivation base magical powers instantaneously, although can cause own strength in extremely in a short time suddenly/violently to increase, but body potential, once exhausts, can god shape entirely to extinguish. 这是一种瞬间提升修为的神通,虽然可以使自己的力量在极短时间内暴增,但是身体潜能一旦耗尽,就会神形俱灭。 Liu Suzi sees own subordinate tragic deaths, absolute beauty complexion also more and more cold Chen, said: Boundary main already had the command, the struggle of successor, refusing the Ascension sage to meddle, you also dare to disobey orders unexpectedly, puts where the boundary main law.” 琉苏紫看到自己的属下一个个惨死,绝丽的脸色也越來越冷沉,道:“境主早就有令,继承人之争,严禁羽化贤者插手,你竟然还敢违令,将境主的法令置于何处。” The Liu Sulu dimple is serene and beautiful, said: Who said that this is the struggle of successor, this competes for the treasure in the Immortal City ruins obviously, the boundary main once had said that cultivates a way, the law of the jungle \; The dispute of resources, exceeds all.” 琉苏绿笑靥幽美,道:“谁说这是继承人之争,这明明是在仙城遗址之中争夺宝物,境主可是曾说过,修炼一途,弱肉强食\;资源之争,胜过一切。” Boundary main had not said the people of colored glaze family can also in fight for the resources.” Liu Suzi is very resentful. “境主可沒说过琉璃家族的人为了资源也可以内斗。”琉苏紫十分愤懑。 Younger Sister Qi, should not be unfair to me, in we may not have to fight in Oh.” Liu Sulu is very self-satisfied, today Liu Suzi must die without doubt, once removed her, then are also few competitor. 七妹,可别冤枉我,我们可沒有内斗中。”琉苏绿十分得意,今日琉苏紫必死无疑,一旦除掉了她,那么就又少一个竞争对手。 Bang.” “轰。” Feng Feiyun across the sky comes, a palm of the hand flew to the fan Liu Sulu, her delicate and exquisite body threw flies the number hundred zhang (333 m) to be far, pounds to fall to one Immortal City ruins one type, ancient bricks and stones submerging. 风飞云横空而來,一巴掌将琉苏绿给扇飞了出去,她娇小玲珑的身体抛飞了数百丈远,砸落到一片仙城废墟一种,一块块古老的砖石给淹沒。 Liu Suzi also slightly stares. 琉苏紫也是微微一愣。 Follows me.” “跟我走。” Feng Feiyun flies to fall to the Liu Suzi body side, gives to hold her fragrant shoulder, then launches the samsara speedily, to flying. 风飞云飞落到琉苏紫的身侧,一把将她的香肩给抓住,然后展开轮回疾速,冲飞出去。 The Feng Feiyun body wild animal is likely common, gives to hit to fly more than ten elders member. 风飞云的身体像野兽一般,将十多位老辈修士都给撞飞出去。 Bang.” “轰。” Liu Sulu departs from the ruins, whole body is the dust, in an extremely difficult situation, the corners of the mouth are also hanging the blood threads, is staring direction that Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi run away, in the pupil full is killing intent: Hateful Half Monster, pursues to me.” 琉苏绿从废墟之中飞出,满身都是尘土,狼狈不堪,嘴角还挂着血丝,盯着风飞云琉苏紫逃走的方向,眸中满是杀意:“可恶的半妖,给我追。” Within the short time, that more than ten old men of Liu Suzi side by suppress and kill, did not have remaining. 短短时间之内,琉苏紫一方的那十多位老者都被镇杀,一个都沒有剩下。 The ground full is the corpse, is very frigid, the blood this stretch of ruins dyeing, Spiritual Master blood is still burning crimson piece by piece. 地上满是死尸,十分惨烈,鲜血将这一片废墟给染得绯红,一片片真人血液还在燃烧。 Is absolutely safe, has not actually thought that the halfway kills Half Monster, if makes Liu Suzi return to the red leaves star, perhaps will report this matter to the boundary Lord, the boundary main will circle Nine Firmaments Immortal City.” Xiao Baiming tight knitting the brows, felt that is very indignant, especially to Feng Feiyun resentfully. “本來是万无一失,却沒有想到半路杀出一个半妖,若是让琉苏紫返回红叶星,将此事汇报给境主,境主恐怕会绕不过九霄仙城。”霄百鸣紧紧的皱眉,感觉到很气愤,特别是对风飞云愤懑不已。 The struggle of successor the Ascension sage cannot meddle the boundary main mansion, but he meddled now, once Liu Suzi returns to the red leaves star, is his time of death. 羽化贤者不能插手境主府的继承人之争,但是他现在插手了进來,一旦琉苏紫返回红叶星,就是他的死期。 Liu Sulu said: She cannot escape, Liu Sulan and person in non- longevity god palace in the front is waiting for her, front does not have the means of livelihood, only then the blind alley, we are also about to pursue, if makes that cheap person run away, no end of trouble for the future.” 琉苏绿道:“她逃不掉,琉苏蓝和无寿星宫的人就在前方等着她,前面沒有活路,只有死路,我们也快些追上去吧,若是让那贱人逃走,后患无穷。” Liu Suzi is light like a willow branch, by Feng Feiyun pinching in hand, near her ear full is the broken rumor/wind sound, the scenery unceasing retreat. 琉苏紫轻得就像一根柳枝,被风飞云给捏在手中,她的耳边满是破风声,景物不断的后退。 The Feng Feiyun speed drew near pinnacle, flew like the meteor together in the ruins. 风飞云的速度快到了极致,像一道流星飞在废墟间。 Nine Firmaments Immortal City has the powerhouse of Ascension boundary, moreover more than one, letting Feng Feiyun has to run away, he has not wanted to go all out with the powerhouse of Ascension boundary temporarily. 九霄仙城羽化境的强者,而且还不止一位,让风飞云不得不逃走,他暂时还不想和羽化境的强者拼命。 How to run into you each time, I so am bad luck.” Liu Suzi is rousing the cheek, not, because Feng Feiyun saves her to feel grateful Feng Feiyun, instead thought that Feng Feiyun is the unlucky star. “怎么每次遇到你,我都这么倒霉。”琉苏紫鼓着腮帮子,并不因为风飞云救她而感激风飞云,反而觉得风飞云是灾星。 Hey, can speak sentence logical expression, if not for because of me, you died twice.” Feng Feiyun is very speechless, these days the arrogant female also was really a morality and conduct, has saved them obviously, did not appreciate kindness rendered on that's all, but also blamed the responsibility on his body. “喂,能不能说句人话,若不是因为我,你都死了两次。”风飞云忒无语,这些天之骄女还真是一个德行,明明自己救了她们,不领情就罢了,还将责任怪在他的身上。 Half Monster was not treated inborn sees. 难道半妖天生就不受待见。 The day in arrogant female circle passes is meeting Half Monster to hide walking, be in good health absolutely year proverb. 难道天之骄女的圈子里都流转着“遇到半妖躲着走,健康长寿万万年”的俗语。 Liu Suzi is this, You Ziling is also this. 琉苏紫是这样,游紫菱也是这样。 Liu Suzi does not treat sees Feng Feiyun, said: I suspected that behind this is you are instigating, otherwise why I encounter the danger each time, can always run into you.” 琉苏紫并不怎么待见风飞云,道:“我都怀疑这背后是不是你在主使,要不然为何我每次遭遇危险,都总能遇到你。” Feng Feiyun is very depressed, said: Plans you to have any advantage to me, by the wealth, you do not have me to be rich, by cultivation base, you do not have me now, I why plan you.” 风飞云很郁闷,道:“算计你对我有什么好处,论钱财,你也沒我富有,论修为,你现在也沒我强,我何必算计你。” The beautiful pupil rotation of Liu Suzi, has hesitated the moment, nodded, said: Pours is also, your this Half Monster not good female sexual attractiveness, does not lack the wealth, wants to support the boundary Lord who I am leaf Hongjing, then makes me enfeoff place to you Half Monster Union.” 琉苏紫的美眸转动,沉吟了片刻,点了点头,道:“倒也是,你这半妖又不好女色,又不缺钱财,难道是想扶持我做叶红境的境主,然后让我分封一块地给你们半妖盟。” Sweat. 汗。 Feng Feiyun discovered that her suspicion is not the general heaviness, the woman was too intelligent was not good, her words reminded Feng Feiyun actually, if made her sit leaf Hongjing the boundary main position, had very big profit to Half Monster Union actually. 风飞云发现她的疑心不是一般的重,女人太聪明了也不好,不过她的话倒是提醒了风飞云,若是让她坐上叶红境境主的位置,倒是对半妖盟有很大的益处。 Feng Feiyun very has sentiment to Half Monster Union. 风飞云半妖盟还是挺有感情。 You said well, I am this meaning, our Half Monster Union intends the boundary main successor who supports you to be leaf Hongjing.” The Feng Feiyun vision becomes serious, probably really has matter such to be ordinary. “你说得不错,我正是这个意思,我们半妖盟有意支持你做叶红境的境主继承人。”风飞云的目光变得严肃起來,就好像真的有这么一回事一般。 Snort, knows that your mind is impure, where 11, leading me to see her, so long as had found her, then calculates your great merit one, if in the future I will be the boundary Lord, naturally cannot treat unjustly your Half Monster Union.” Liu Suzi said. “哼,就知道你的居心不纯,11在什么地方,带我去见她,只要找到了她,便算你大功一件,将來我若为境主,自然不会亏待你们半妖盟。”琉苏紫说道。 She...... She......” Feng Feiyun is naturally impossible to tell her, oneself asked the Monster Clan powerhouse to cope with Xuanyuan Yiyi, therefore said: I told you, we run into the netherworld person, then dispersed, how I know her now where.” “她……她……”风飞云自然不可能告诉她,自己请了妖族的强者去对付轩辕一一,于是道:“我都跟你说了,我们遇到了阴间界的人,然后就走散了,我怎么知道她现在在哪里。” The Liu Suzi black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkled the wrinkle, said: This Liu Sulu and Liu Sulan have made the preparation, depending on your strength, is impossible to escape from the bureau under their arrange/cloth, only then found 11, can lead us to leave here.” 琉苏紫黛眉皱了皱,道:“这一次琉苏绿琉苏蓝都做了充分的准备,凭你的力量,根本不可能逃出她们布下的局,只有找到11,才能够带我们离开这里。” Such does not believe my strength.” The Feng Feiyun heart is bored very much, very much conflicts to Xuanyuan Yiyi, is not the Moonwater Wonderland saintess, has any great. “这么不相信我的实力。”风飞云的心头很腻味,对轩辕一一也很抵触,不就是水月天境的圣女,有什么了不起。 Liu Suzi white his eyes, said: You, if so is really strong, why must run away.” 琉苏紫白了他一眼,道:“你若是真的那么强,现在为何要逃。” Bang.” “嘭。” Feng Feiyun stopped the footsteps suddenly, the body skidded forward dozens meters far, finally stopped, the knee fell into the soil. 风飞云豁然停下脚步,身体向前滑动了数十米远,最终停了下來,膝盖都陷入了泥土之中。 ...... …… Tonight early morning starts, first five chapters, if the fresh flower, collection and distinguished guest, will stamp and other lists to be powerful tomorrow, can consider to add five to ten chapters again. 今晚凌晨开始加更,先更五章,若是明天鲜花、收藏、贵宾、盖章等榜单给力,可以考虑再加五到十章。
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