SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#982: Showdown Ascension

Also is really the cruel and merciless female, which this has the sisters of blood relationship, the ratio kills the father personal enemy to be hostile toward the opposite party simply.” “还真是心狠手辣的女子,这哪是有血缘的姐妹,简直比杀父仇人仇视对方。” The Feng Feiyun heart so is thinking, on the face reveals several points of mock the happy expression, does not want to mix among them the struggle of successor, on the face has smiled saying with a smile: You continue to chat, I have the matter, first walked.” 风飞云的心头如此想着,脸上露出几分讥诮的笑意,更加不想搀和到她们之间的继承人之争,脸上笑了笑道:“你们继续聊,我还有事,就先走了。” Feng Feiyun thought that the situation is extremely disadvantageous to Liu Suzi, oneself and she stands perhaps will be implicated. 风飞云觉得形势对琉苏紫极其不利,自己和她站在一起说不定会被连累。 That crowd stands in the top of mountain member, the young talent of another Nirvana 4th-layer boundary gazes at Feng Feiyun for a very long time, in the look is having the look of doubts, suddenly said: Cannot put him to walk, he is kills Young City Lord that Half Monster, Feng Feiyun.” 那一群站在山岳之顶的修士中,又一位涅槃第四重境界的年轻才俊久久的注视风飞云,眼神之中带着疑惑的神色,突然道:“不能放他走,他就是杀死少城主的那个半妖,风飞云。” This young talent has participated among the immortal empty flowers the grand feast of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, distant has seen one side Feng Feiyun. 这个年轻才俊参加过仙虚花间洞天的盛宴,远远的见过风飞云一面。 He knows Feng Feiyun, but Feng Feiyun actually does not know him. 他认识风飞云,但是风飞云却不认识他。 Right is he.” A young beautiful young girl also Feng Feiyun recognizing. “沒错就是他。”一个年轻美丽的少女也将风飞云给认出。 This young girl is very clear attractively, skin white Taosai, the eye round, understood at a glance that is the thousand gold (daughter) young lady of that being pampered since childhood, however her cultivation base is not low. 这个少女十分清纯漂亮,肤白桃腮,眼睛圆溜溜的,一看就知道是那种娇生惯养的千金大小姐,但是她的一身修为却并不低。 Feng Feiyun more looked that she more feels familiar, finally gives to record her, before for several years, has fought in Holy Ghost Tomb twice, probably is the Xiao Tianyue little niece, named Xiao Xiaochan. 风飞云越看她越感到熟悉,最终将她给记起來,数年前在圣灵墓葬之中交手过两次,好像是霄天悦的小侄女,名叫“霄小婵”。 She cannot massacre Feng Feiyun, actually instead by Feng Feiyun seizing, finally by Xuanyuan Yiyi carrying off. 她沒能杀掉风飞云,却反被风飞云给擒走,最后被轩辕一一给带走。 Originally is Young Lady Xiao, your which eye saw me to kill Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord, but at that time you collaborated to kill me, I was a victim.” Feng Feiyun resentful say/way however. “原來是霄姑娘,你哪只眼睛看见我杀了九霄仙城少城主,当时可是你们联手在杀我,我才是受害人。”风飞云悻悻然的道。 The Xiao Xiaochan double pupil blushes, said: I personally saw, at that time in the undying palace, my Third Uncle and 12 territory territory main heir horizontal corpses by the red puddle, Moonwater Saintess also saw, therefore do not want to quibble.” 霄小婵双眸发红,道:“我就亲眼看见了,当时就在不死殿之中,我三叔和12域域主子嗣都横尸在红色的水潭旁边,水月圣女也看见了,所以你别想狡辩。” Liu Suzi and Liu Sulu quite curious stared at one toward Feng Feiyun, reveals several points of curious color/look, is it possible that Xiao Tianyue also is really this Half Monster kills. 琉苏紫琉苏绿都颇为好奇的向着风飞云盯了一眼,都露出几分好奇之色,莫非霄天悦还真是这个半妖所杀。 Xiao Tianyue is not common character, will have to aspire to seize in the future the natural talent of overlord, can this grade of character, can be underestimated. 霄天悦可不是一般的人物,有问鼎未來霸主的天资,能够这等人物,让人不容小觑。 Brow of Feng Feiyun slightly raises, since, he has thought then matter was Xuanyuan Yiyi tells Nine Firmaments Immortal City and 12 territory main government offices secretly, but discovered at this moment oneself little forget about it a person, is at present this young girl, Xiao Xiaochan. 风飞云的眉头微微的一掀,一直以來,他都以为当时的事是轩辕一一偷偷告诉九霄仙城和12域主府,但是此刻才发现自己少算了一个人,就是眼前这个少女,霄小婵 She with Xuanyuan Yiyi in the same place, definitely also knew this matter at that time 她当时就和轩辕一一在一起,肯定也知道此事 That said, since oneself has misunderstood Xuanyuan Yiyi. 那这么说,自己一直以來都误会轩辕一一了。 Feng Feiyun old face one red, has rubbed the temples, the heart feeling is somewhat embarrassed. 风飞云的老脸不禁一红,揉了揉太阳穴,心头感觉有些不好意思起來。 Person non- saints and sages who can be wrong. 人非圣贤孰能错。 Even if the saints and sages works, not necessarily absolutely is right. 就算是圣贤做事,也不一定就绝对是对的。 It seems like oneself were too thin to Moonwater Wonderland person some.” In the heart of Feng Feiyun is slightly somewhat guilty, after all this time has tarnished the good person, how to say again Xuanyuan Yiyi this female conduct or worth make the person admire, wants tall too much compared with it Shui Yueting. “看來自己对水月天境的人还是有些太偏薄了。”风飞云的心中还是略微的有些愧疚,毕竟这次是真的冤枉了好人,再怎么说轩辕一一此女的品行还是值得让人佩服,比之水月婷要高太多。 Good, you are Feng Feiyun, is really the enemies often cross each other's path.” Nine Firmaments Immortal City saying of elder cold Chen. “好啊,原來你就是风飞云,真是冤家路窄。”九霄仙城的一位长老冷沉的说道。 This elder full Toubai must, the body entangle the gold thread waistband, in the vision is having the thunder and lightning, above the old skin is pasting immortal spirit radiance. 这位长老满头白须,身缠金丝腰带,目光之中带着雷电,苍老的皮肤之上流转着仙灵光华。 He is the Xiao Tianyue grandfathers character, cultivation base is extremely profound, the already half foot strides in the Ascension boundary, in the body already cultivates the air/Qi of Ascension. 他乃是霄天悦的祖父辈人物,修为极其精深,已经半只脚跨入羽化境,身体之中已经修炼出羽化之气。 He does not have any unnecessary words, gets rid to Feng Feiyun directly, above the palm is holding gloomy dark clouds, wraps a side wonder stone, the wonder stone is inflating, changes into a white five fingers mountain peak, has pressed toward Feng Feiyun. 他沒有任何多余的话,直接对风飞云出手,手掌之上托着一片灰暗阴云,包裹着一方奇石,奇石膨胀,化为一座白色的五指山峰,向着风飞云压了下去。 Bang.” “轰。” Feng Feiyun does not fear, in the body runs out of 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul. 风飞云丝毫不惧,身体之中冲出10000头灵兽战魂 Spirit Beast battle soul, each fierce scary, huge incomparable, carries the strength of ten thousand beast, a palm bombardment in the past, gave the cradling that side giant wonder stone, then counter has hit. 灵兽战魂,每一头都狰狞吓人,庞大无比,携带万兽之力,一掌轰击过去,将那一方巨大的奇石给托住,然后逆撞了回去。 That wonder stone is casts to refine by innumerable spirit crystals, the weight endures a ratio mountain range, the hard degree can compared with Grade 10 Spirit Artifact. 那奇石乃是由无数灵晶铸炼而成,重量堪比一条山脉,坚硬程度可以十品灵器相比。 Feng Feiyun such as ten thousand beast Venerable/revering, the foot steps on above the five fingers mountain common wonder stone, shaking falls the wonder stone to the place bottom, inserts in the ground. 风飞云如一位万兽尊者,脚踩在五指大山一般的奇石之上,将奇石给震落到地底,插在地面上。 Bang.” “轰。” The earth caves , the crack is densely covered. 大地塌陷,碎纹密布。 Feng Feiyun lays out a palm once more, digging the mouth spits the blood that Nine Firmaments Immortal City elder, the bone of arm changes into the powder, above the body the opening are innumerable. 风飞云再次拍出一掌,将那一位九霄仙城的长老给打得口吐鲜血,手臂的骨头化为粉末,身体之上裂口无数。 Bang.” “轰。” Feng Feiyun shells the third palm, pats thoroughly this Nine Firmaments Immortal City elder, the back break, the blood vessel disintegration, the dantian is tattered. 风飞云轰击出第三掌,将这一位九霄仙城的长老给彻底拍死,脊梁断裂,血管崩碎,丹田破烂。 A character paralysis of elder rank on ground, full is the blood, loses the vitality. 一位长老级别的人物瘫在地上,满是是血,失去生机。 „.” “嗷。” The Feng Feiyun ten thousand beasts gallop, is wild, shakes the entire ruins to shiver, the vision looks disdainfully saying: I do not want to be hard to solve with your Nine Firmaments Immortal City, if annoys me again, I make your one unable to go back.” 风飞云的身后万兽奔腾,野性十足,震得整个废墟都在颤抖,目光睥睨道:“我不想和你们九霄仙城纠缠不清,若是再惹我,我让你们一个都回不去。” Feng Feiyun is too strong, three palms give to kill the elder who half-step strides in the Ascension boundary, the horizontal corpse at the scene, lets Liu Sulu and Liu Suzi these two days the arrogant females surprise, in the heart vibrates enormously. 风飞云实在太强势,三掌就将一位半步都跨入羽化境的长老给打死,横尸当场,让琉苏绿琉苏紫这两位天之骄女都诧异之极,心中震动极大。 They are the day arrogant female, rarely has the match in younger generation, but they self-examined that could not have achieved three palms to divide a degree of elder. 她们都是天之骄女,在年轻一代鲜有对手,但是她们自问还做不到三掌劈死一位长老的程度。 The difference is that in the Liu Suzi pupil light is having several points of bright ray, the happy expression flow of tears, saw the hope of withdrawing on the body of Feng Feiyun. 所不同的是,琉苏紫的眸光之中则带着几分明亮的光芒,笑意涟涟,在风飞云的身上看到了脱身的希望。 She smiled, said: Congratulates Brother Feng cultivation base to go a step further again, worthily is Half Monster Union first heavenly talent, kills the Nine Firmaments Immortal City member, such as slaughter pig dog.” 她笑了笑,道:“恭喜风兄修为再进一步,不愧是半妖盟的第一天骄,杀九霄仙城的修士,如屠猪狗。” The Feng Feiyun heart smiles secretly, Liu Suzi worthily is Liu Suzi, saw that the opportunity does not miss. 风飞云的心头暗自一笑,琉苏紫不愧是琉苏紫,看到机会就绝不错过。 Really, after Nine Firmaments Immortal City these member hear the Liu Suzi words, became indignant angrily, a white hair towed the place old man cold snort/hum: Good such as the slaughter pig dog, Half Monster that's all, to dare provocative Nine Firmaments Immortal City, that only to trade one unexpectedly again and again dying character, today first cuts you, then eliminates seven princess.” 果然,九霄仙城的那些修士听到琉苏紫的话之后,都变得愤愤然了起來,其中一个白发拖地的老者冷哼一声:“好一句如屠猪狗,一个半妖罢了,竟然敢一而再再而三的挑衅九霄仙城,那只能换來一个‘死’字,今天就先斩你,再除七郡主。” The voice of this white hair old man is very dignified, the sleeves wield, then the people ready dead of two Nine Firmaments Immortal City trained kill, wears the black armor. 这位白发老者的声音很威严,衣袖一挥,便有两位九霄仙城培养的死士杀出來,都身穿黑色铠甲。 Two person ready dead” each of whole body by the armor tight package, was not kept any slit, the lip by the iron-covered package, the tooth was built up by again the sacrifice. 两个“死士”全身的每一处都被铠甲紧紧包裹,不留任何一个缝隙,就连嘴唇都被铁皮包裹,牙齿都被重新祭炼。 Arms tooth simply, likely was two steel deicides. 简直就是武装到了牙齿,像是两具钢铁杀神。 Their armor are cast to refine by the blood of Ascension member, puts on since childhood on the body, already and their bodies fuses together, is unable to take off. 他们身上的铠甲乃是由羽化修士的鲜血铸炼而成,从小就穿在身上,已经和他们的身体融为一体,无法脱下來。 Naturally the defensive power of such Ascension blood armor is extremely also astonishing, moreover is remaining the aura of Ascension boundary sage in inside, densely covered Formation, may be called firm cannot break. 当然这样的羽化血甲的防御力也极其惊人,而且残留着羽化境贤者的气息在里面,又密布阵法,堪称坚不可破。 Liu Sulu stands in the top of mountain peak, happy independent, slender simple and beautiful, does not prevent them, she and Nine Firmaments Immortal City are only cooperation relational that's all, Nine Firmaments Immortal City and Feng Feiyun gratitude and grudges, she naturally cannot manage, so long as Liu Suzi do not escape suffices. 琉苏绿站在山峰之顶,怡然独立,窈窕清丽,并不阻止他们,她和九霄仙城只是合作的关系罢了,九霄仙城风飞云的恩怨,她自然管不着,只要琉苏紫不要逃掉就够了。 Seven princess, if I help you to get out of trouble today once more, you must seal my big point territory.” Feng Feiyun long has smiled one, the body does not have any color/look of fear, carries 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul to rush ahead. “七郡主,若是今天我再次助你脱困,你可得封我一块大一点的领土。”风飞云长笑了一声,身上沒有任何畏惧之色,携带10000头灵兽战魂冲杀出去。 After Feng Feiyun reaches the Nirvana 5th-layer peak, already wanted roundly war, said again he and Nine Firmaments Immortal City gratitude and grudges sooner or later must be solved, even if has not met Liu Suzi, the Nine Firmaments Immortal City person is impossible to let off him. 风飞云达到涅槃第五重的巅峰之后,早就想要痛快淋漓的大战一场,再说他和九霄仙城的恩怨迟早都要解决,就算沒有遇到琉苏紫,九霄仙城的人也不可能放过他。 You , if there is that big skill, I did not mind that asked you to be my chief staff.” Liu Suzi has stroked long hair gently, the sexy lip curls upwards, sends out to smile. “你若是真的有那么大的本事,我不介意请你做我的首席幕僚。”琉苏紫轻轻的捋了捋长发,性感的嘴唇微翘,发出会心一笑。 Bang.” “轰。” Feng Feiyun simultaneously and two wear black armor the corpse to fight, the palms and their iron armor clashes, the strengths of 10,000 Nirvana 5th-layer member also erupt, striking to fly these two corpses, falls to dozens zhang (3.33 m) beyond. 风飞云同时和两位身穿黑甲的死尸交手,手掌和他们的铁甲相击,10000名涅槃第五重修士的力量同时爆发,将这两位死尸给击飞,落到数十丈之外。 However their armor not broken, turns over/stands up, respective sacrifice a bowl mouth thick war lance. 但是他们身上的铠甲沒有碎,翻身而起,各自祭出一杆碗口粗的战矛。 Kills.” “杀。” Kills.” “杀。” The people ready dead did not fear the death, the body had to run out of two gloomy wild aura. 死士不惧死亡,身上有冲出两道阴森狂暴的气息。 Courts death.” “找死。” Feng Feiyun calls Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, changes into a long spear/gun. 风飞云唤出天髓兵胆,化为一杆长枪。 Bang.” “嘭。” Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall an armor of corpse will give the puncture, his body breaking the blood mud, then threw to fly. 天髓兵胆将其中一个死尸的铠甲给击穿,将他的身体给震碎成血泥,然后扔飞了出去。 Another corpse grasps to fight lance, sweeps away, the strength is aggressive. 另一位死尸手持战矛,横扫过來,力量凶悍无比。 Feng Feiyun finds out a palm, presses firmly between the fingers the war lance in his hand steadily, a foot him kicking. 风飞云探出一只手掌,将他手中的战矛给稳稳捏住,一脚将他给踢飞出去。 Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall changes into sword rain to fly, grasps to fight the person ready dead of lance piercing that above void, the body was cut a lot, armor rottenly has become the dregs. 天髓兵胆化为一片剑雨飞出去,将那一位手持战矛的死士给洞穿在虚空之上,身体被切割成千百份,身上的铠甲都烂成了渣。 In an instant gives suppress and kill two formidable people ready dead. 转眼间就将两位强大的死士给镇杀 That white-haired old man is Nine Firmaments Immortal City worthy people of former times, named Xiao Baiming. 那一个满头白发的老者乃是九霄仙城的一位先贤,名叫霄百鸣 His vision like the electricity, the outstretch palm slowly, changed into a huge hand imprint to press toward the Feng Feiyun top of the head racket. 他的目光如电,缓缓的伸出手掌,化为一个庞大的手印向着风飞云的头顶拍压了下去。 This was a Ascension 1st-layer sage, the strength moves mountains, presses the cloud layer above backdrop to lower. 这是一位羽化第一重的贤者,力量排山倒海,压得天幕之上的云层都为之低了下來。 Feng Feiyun not with his head confrontation, but is the samsara speedily, broke in Nine Firmaments Immortal City the crowds of these young member, the arm wields, then hitting to fly two young member. 风飞云沒有和他正面交锋,而是轮回疾速,冲入了九霄仙城的那些年轻修士的人群之中,手臂一挥,便将两名年轻修士给打飞了出去。 Xiao Baiming sees Feng Feiyun to break in the Nine Firmaments Immortal City younger generation member, at once has taken back the palm, fears the wounds and to the Nine Firmaments Immortal City juniors. 霄百鸣风飞云冲入九霄仙城的年轻一代修士之中,旋即收回了手掌,怕伤及到九霄仙城的子弟。 Also really looked down on you, got rid together, who can cut to kill this Half Monster, who can obtain a sword embryo of highest heaven Divine Sword as the reward.” Xiao Baiming ordered. “还真是小瞧你了,一起出手,谁能够斩杀这个半妖,谁就能得到一件九霄神剑的剑胚作为奖励。”霄百鸣下令道。 Highest heaven Divine Sword the strength of sword embryo endures compared with Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, making Nine Firmaments Immortal City these member power and influence crazy, simultaneously started to go all out. 九霄神剑的剑胚的力量堪比十品灵器,让九霄仙城的那些修士威势疯狂,同时开始拼命了。 Meanwhile, Liu Sulu has also brought some powerhouses, this moment already and Liu Suzi begin. 与此同时,琉苏绿也带來了一些强者,此刻已经琉苏紫动手。 Feng Feiyun launches Ten Thousand War Beast Domain, 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul present, is Nirvana 5th-layer cultivation base, within short time of breath, gives suppress and kill the Nine Firmaments Immortal City more than 20 young disciples, the lying down corpse in the place, the blood splashes three chi (0.33 m). 风飞云展开万兽战域,10000头灵兽战魂呈现出來,都是涅槃第五重修为,在短短一个呼吸的时间之内,就将九霄仙城的20多位年轻弟子给镇杀,躺尸在地,血溅三尺。 Boy, gives me dead.” “小子,给我去死吧。” Seven cultivation several thousand years of old man simultaneously to turn toward Feng Feiyun to kill, offered a sacrifice to Grade 9 Spirit Artifact, killed the prestige is really scary. 七位修炼数千年的老者同时向着风飞云杀來,都祭出了九品灵器,杀威甚是骇人。 ...... …… Constructs the female student group the goal is to give a Spirit-Vessel female reader family/home, the stinking ninth category sincerity does not have other goal, I little chatted in female student group, hopes that everybody do not let one's thoughts wander. 建女生群的目的是为了给灵舟女读者一个家,老九真心沒有别的目的,我都很少在女生群里聊天,希望大家别乱想。
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