SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#981: Liu Sulu

Feng Feiyun wants to refine three fire spirit lineage/vein immediately and blood spring Lingmai, attempts to attack the legendary rank the talent, but on this time, in his mind had the vigilance, some people have rushed to him in caution Formation that beyond hundred miles did not know, caught up toward here. 风飞云本想立即炼化“三火灵脉”和“血泉灵脉”,尝试冲击传奇级别的天才,但是就这时候,他的脑海之中生出警觉,有人闯过他在百里之外不知的警示阵法,向着这边赶过來。 Comes well quickly.” “來得好快。” Feng Feiyun feared that is known own secret, receives Ten Thousand War Beast Domain hastily and 99 meters high golden great Buddha, then abolished surrounding Formation. 风飞云怕被人知道自己的秘密,连忙收起万兽战域和99米高的金色巨佛,然后又撤销了周围的阵法 „.” “唰。” That group of member come extremely quickly, hundred miles far distance blinks, already crashes in this stretch of ruins. 那一群修士來得极快,百里远的距离不过眨眼之间就至,已经冲进这一片废墟之中。 Feng Feiyun, you how here.” 风飞云,你怎么在这里。” Liu Suzi appears quite distressed, purple long gown has many tattered, head young master hair bun was also given to cut to fall, the long hair hangs loose, was very elegant, has been short of several points of heroic bearing, were many gently beautifulness of several points of female, has the flavor/smell compared with the appearance that it Liu Suhong transformed. 琉苏紫显得颇为狼狈,身上的紫色长袍有多处破烂,头上的公子髻也被人给斩落,长发披散下來,十分飘逸,少了几分英姿,多了几分女子的柔美,比之琉苏红幻化成的样子更有味道。 On her has riches and honor makings of gang of princess, to person a feeling of keeping aloof, but this female also most lets the desire that the man has overcomes. 她身上有着一股千金小姐的富贵气质,给人一种高高在上的感觉,而这种女子也最是让男人生出征服的欲望。 Also with has leaf Hongjing boundary main mansion dozens old people who she travels together, appears is very distressed, some old people's bodies have the wound, obviously has encountered the unknown attack. 与她同行的还有叶红境境主府的数十位老人,也都显得很是狼狈,有的老人的身上还有伤口,显然是遭到了未知的攻击。 Feng Feiyun traces the tip of the nose, little sees the Liu Suzi such distressed appearance, this is not talking and laughing merrily Young Master Zi, said with a smile: How I also want to ask you to be able here.” 风飞云摸了摸鼻头,很少看到琉苏紫这么狼狈的样子,这可不是谈笑风生的紫公子,笑道:“我还想问你怎么会在这里。” „The abyss Immortal City ruins are unearthed, have the real dragon skeleton born, many member catch up with this stretch of earth to seek for the chance, some hearsay many Monster Clan powerhouses surmount the gate of wormhole to come here, I naturally am also come to seek for the chance.” Liu Suzi will divide in the back pitch-black long hair gives to press firmly between the fingers, must tie once more long hair. “九渊仙城的遗址出土,有真龙尸骨出世,很多修士都赶來这一片大地寻找机缘,传闻有不少妖族的强者都跨越虫洞之门降临到这里,我自然也是前來寻找机缘。”琉苏紫将劈在背后的乌黑长发给捏住,就要将长发再次系上。 She pulls the movement that sends to be very graceful, the jade refers to soft, sends the silk to be suitable slides, making the person look somewhat is in a daze. 她挽发的动作很优雅,玉指柔软,发丝顺滑,让人看得有些发呆。 Feng Feiyun also looked somewhat crazily, simple pulled a round of movement, can actually move the heartstrings of person, said: Anticipated very much your female attire is any appearance.” 风飞云也看得有些痴了,简单的一个挽发动作,却能够撩动人的心弦,道:“很期待你女装是什么样子。” You said anything.” Liu Suzi is handsome, the beautiful woman is slender, the eyeball in pupil is very black, the white of the eye is very white, the black and white phase contrast, making her eye appear especially bright. “你说什么。”琉苏紫唇红齿白,娥眉纤细,瞳孔之中的眼球很黑,眼白很白,黑与白相衬,让她的眼睛显得格外的明亮。 If the will insufficiently firm member, sees her statement morning star pupil, lowering the head of can not help, does not dare to look at each other with her. 若是心志不够坚定的修士,看到她的这一声明亮星眸,就算情不自禁的低下头,不敢和她对视。 That is an imposing manner of gang of high-rank. 那是一股上位者的气势。 I said...... You are always dressed as a man, is not will like the woman.” Feng Feiyun teased. “我说……你总是女扮男装,不会是喜欢女人吧。”风飞云调侃道。 The eyelid of Liu Suzi shrinks, beautiful appearance concentrates, the eye became cold cold. 琉苏紫的眼皮一缩,美貌一凝,眼睛变得冷寒了起來。 Feng Feiyun continues to tease: You will not like Xuanyuan Yiyi, no wonder I see you to look each time her eye Divine Capital does not suit very much, this was also too fearful.” 风飞云继续调笑:“你不会喜欢轩辕一一吧,难怪我见你每次看她的眼神都很不对劲,这也太可怕了。” You court death.” “你找死。” Liu Suzi offers a sacrifice to Ancient Sword, the purple sleeves wield, Ancient Sword flies horizontally, sword air/Qi incomparably cold severe. 琉苏紫祭出一口古剑,紫色的衣袖一挥,古剑横飞而出,剑气无比冷厉。 Feng Feiyun launches the samsara hastily speedily, body shifts, the next flash then fell Liu Suzi another side, on the face as before with a laugh, said: Xuanyuan Yiyi and you may be extremely a beautiful woman, is not what a pity normal, likes installing purely, likes installing the man, you walk in the same place, I am not completely accidental.” 风飞云连忙展开轮回疾速,身体横移出去,下一刹那便落到了琉苏紫的另一边,脸上依旧笑呵呵,道:“轩辕一一和你可都是绝顶佳人,可惜都不正常,一个喜欢装纯,一个喜欢装男人,你们两人走在一起,我完全不意外。” Dead Half Monster, best not to insult 11, otherwise your fate will be very miserable, I promised you.” Liu Suzi knows that Feng Feiyun cultivation base greatly enters now, already is not original that Feng Feiyun, therefore has not gotten rid again, takes back Ancient Sword, pretty standing there, the body has riches and honor, but makings proudly. “死半妖,你最好别侮辱11,不然你的下场会很惨,我向你保证。”琉苏紫知道风飞云现在修为大进,已经不是原來的那个风飞云,所以沒有再出手,收回古剑,俏丽的站在那里,身上有着一股富贵而傲然的气质。 The Feng Feiyun complexion is astonished however, starts to suspect that she and Xuanyuan Yiyi have a leg, wants to speak to tease her again, but thinks that she copes with the Xiao Tianyue method, immediately lets some Feng Feiyun creepy feeling, received that thoughts. 风飞云的脸色讶然,开始怀疑她和轩辕一一是不是真的有一腿,本想再出言调侃她一番,但是一想到她对付霄天悦的手段,顿时让风飞云有的头皮发麻,又收起了那一份心思。 This female is too crafty . Moreover the back also huge boundary main mansion is the backing, if her sincerity must cope with Feng Feiyun, will also bring the huge trouble to Feng Feiyun. 这个女子实在太诡计多端,而且背后还有一座庞大的境主府作为后盾,若是她真心要对付风飞云,还真的会给风飞云带來巨大的麻烦。 Cracks a joke, as for such takes seriously.” Said. “开个玩笑而已,至于这么当真吗。”道。 The Liu Suzi beautiful woman, the physique is slender, the jade chest is tall and straight, the stature is concave-convex, obviously she has not lived in the twin peaks under purple robe with arrange/cloth Guo today, therefore a moment ago she when pulling to send appears will have the feminine qualities. 琉苏紫明眸皓齿,身姿窈窕,玉胸挺拔,身材凹凸曼妙,显然她今天并沒有用布裹住紫袍下的双峰,所以刚才她在挽发之时才会显得那么有女人味。 However thinks that under her clothes robe has not worn Qiu clothes, at once makes Feng Feiyun start the recollections in close succession, it seems like after Liu Suhong has done one time, in the heart already to Liu Suzi has the evil thought that this is not really good. 但是一想到她衣袍下面沒有穿裘衣,旋即让风飞云又开始浮想联翩,看來和琉苏红搞过一次之后,心中已经琉苏紫生出邪念,这着实不好啊。 What to do if has incautiously made mistakes. 万一一不小心犯错了怎么办。 That definitely is Liu Suhong harms. 那肯定都是琉苏红害得。 The Feng Feiyun heart indeed has had the desire to Liu Suzi, this feeling was very subtle, making Feng Feiyun feel bewilderedly. 风飞云的心头的确是对琉苏紫生出了欲念,这种感觉十分微妙,让风飞云都感觉到莫名其妙。 Probably is arrives at the Immortal City ruins to have this situation, like this, in this Immortal City ruins also to have how any thing to affect my body blood of Demon. 好像是來到仙城遗址才出现这种情况,怎么会这样,难道这一座仙城遗址之中还有什么东西能够影响我身体之中的妖魔之血。 Liu Suzi slanting Feng Feiyun, felt that the heart somewhat is scared, slightly and Feng Feiyun move back several distances, said: You stare at me to look to do, you were not and 11 went to Moonwater Wonderland, now where she is.” 琉苏紫斜了风飞云一眼,感觉心头有些发毛,微微和风飞云拉远了几步距离,道:“你盯着我看干嘛,还有你不是和11去了水月天境,她现在在哪。” Feng Feiyun long hair shawl, valiant, takes back the vision, Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi in revolution body, the body blood of Demon suppressing, the thoughts become tranquil, said with a smile: We come here through ancient array platform, has run into the netherworld person, then dispersed.” 风飞云长发披肩,英姿飒爽,收回目光,运转身体之中的金蚕佛气,将身体之中的妖魔之血给压制下去,心思变得宁静,笑道:“我们通过古阵台來到这里,遇到了阴间界的人,然后就走散了。” Feng Feiyun moved two steps in her direction, said with a smile: How you made such distressedly, the person who is it possible that also to meet netherworld.” 风飞云向着她的方向移了两步,笑道:“你们又怎么弄得这么狼狈,莫非也遇到阴间界的人了。” Liu Suzi knitting the brows of slightly, does not want to leave too nearly with Feng Feiyun, moves outward two steps, in the star pupil is having several points of cool color, said: Pours is not the netherworld person, who as for is, you small Half Monster...... Cannot manage.” 琉苏紫微微的皱了皱眉,不想和风飞云离得太近,向外移动两步,星眸之中带着几分冷色,道:“倒也不是阴间界的人,至于是谁,你一个小小的半妖……也管不着。” I, no matter, being disinclined manages.” One side Feng Feiyun grins to smile, falls back on. “我不管,也懒得管。”风飞云咧嘴笑了笑,退到一边。 A near 70-year- old man enters ruins, the body beat in the remnants of destroyed buildings, like the clever shadow, quick flies to fall to the Liu Suzi front together, respectful Bai say/way: Troops already of four princess sides pursued.” 一个年近七旬的老者走进废墟,身体跳动在残垣断壁之间,像一道鬼影子,很快就飞落到琉苏紫的面前,恭敬的一拜道:“四郡主一方的人马已经追上來了。” Another side , the old man flies, such as a big bird drops from the clouds generally. 另一方,又有一个老者飞來,如一只大鸟一般从天而降。 He also respectful is doing obeisance to Liu Suzi, said: Troops of six princess sides catch up from the front, cut off us to go the Immortal City ruins center road.” 他也恭敬的对着琉苏紫一拜,道:“六郡主一方的人马从前方赶过來,斩断了我们前去仙城遗址中心的路。” The beautiful pupil rotation of Liu Suzi, eyelash is long and curls upwards, says with a smile: They also are really good to plan, it seems like wants taking the opportunity that this Immortal City ruins are born, collaborates to give to remove me, I was curious such good deed, why the eldest sister had not participated.” 琉苏紫的美眸转动,睫毛又长又翘,笑道:“她们还真是好算计,看來是想借这次仙城遗址出世的机会,联手将我给除掉,我就好奇了这样的好事,大姐为何沒有参与进來。” „It is indeed strange, likely is not the working style of big princess.” A brain truster of hand operated feather fan said. “的确很奇怪,不像是大郡主的做事风格。”一个手摇羽扇的智囊说道。 Another Great Wiseman said: „The hangers- on of six princess Priest Bai enters non- longevity god palace profound plain, have become friends with many member in the Master gate, this already and member in non- longevity god palace relates on, quick will catch up, the strength of non- longevity god palace is highly regarded.” 另一位大智师说道:“六郡主拜入无寿星宫的玄朴道长的门下,在师门之中结交了很多修士,这次已经和无寿星宫的修士联系上,很快就会赶过來,无寿星宫的力量不可小觑啊。” Four princess and Nine Firmaments Immortal City are on good terms, this time also united the Nine Firmaments Immortal City member, Huan Tianjing was their home games, Nine Firmaments Immortal City transfers many member to catch up, situation also.” “四郡主与九霄仙城交好,这次也联合了九霄仙城的修士,桓天境乃是他们的主场,九霄仙城调动了不少修士赶过來,情况也很遭。” Feng Feiyun listens to some clue, it seems like it was boundary main mansion the struggle of successor. 风飞云算是听出了一些端倪,看來又是境主府的继承人之争。 Also right, usually is only pieces of work, does not dare the true below killer, after all under the boundary main eye hides, no one wants to make goes too far. 也对,平时都只是小打小闹,不敢真正的下杀手,毕竟都在境主的眼皮子底下,谁都不想闹得太过火。 However the abyss Immortal City ruins are now unearthed, many evil spirits are born, has the dragon corpse to occupy, making here secret extremely chaotic, even if there is a God's favored one to occur to chat the mishap here, that is also very normal matter. 但是现在九渊仙城的遗址出土,有很多凶煞出世,更是有龙尸盘踞,让这里的天机变得极其混乱,就算有天之骄子在这里发生聊不测,那也是很正常的事。 At this time was also they must write off the match thoroughly the time. 这个时候也是她们要彻底抹杀对手的时候。 Can become the candidate of successor, who is the softhearted generation. 能够成为继承人的候选人,有谁是心慈手软之辈。 leaf Hongjing boundary main mansion altogether four successor candidates, moreover is natural talent female extremely: Big princess Liu Suhong, four princess Liu Sulu, six princess Liu Sulan, seven princess Liu Suzi. 叶红境的境主府一共有四位继承者候选人,而且都是天资绝顶的女子:大郡主“琉苏红”,四郡主“琉苏绿”,六郡主“琉苏蓝”,七郡主“琉苏紫”。 Altogether seven candidates, were sealed for the princess and heir apparent, but during that two heir apparent and an princess were competing died, only remained four princess also to live. 本來一共有七位候选人,都被封为了郡主和世子,但是那两位世子和一位郡主都在竞争之中死亡,只剩四位郡主还活着。 Naturally their names also after being labeled as the princess bestow, by rainbow seven colors of the spectrum name. 当然她们的名字也都是在被封为郡主之后所赐,以彩虹七色命名。 These four can in the day in numerous talents emerging the arrogant female, is not the generation of being easy, possibly sees another two fierce degrees from Liu Suhong and Liu Suzi, Feng Feiyun cannot think that ginseng about to boundary main mansion the struggle of successor, he plans to hurry to the center of Immortal City ruins immediately, the secret of that dragon corpse is he urgently the matter that wants to clarify. 这四位能够在众多天才之中脱颖而出的天之骄女,都不是易于之辈,从琉苏红琉苏紫就可能看出另外两位的厉害程度,风飞云不可想参合到境主府的继承人之争中,他打算立即赶去仙城遗址的中心,那一头龙尸的秘密才是他迫切想要弄清楚的事。 Since does not have other matter, then did not give seven princess to add to the chaos below, this said goodbye.” “既然沒有别的事,那在下就不给七郡主添乱了,此告辞。” Liu Suzi has not detained Feng Feiyun, whatever he departs. 琉苏紫并沒有挽留风飞云,任凭他离去。 Feng Feiyun just went out of this slabstone palace ruins, then stops the footsteps, has drawn back, stood in Liu Suzi. 风飞云才刚刚走出这一片石宫废墟,便停下脚步,又退了回去,站在了琉苏紫的身后。 Liu Suzi stared at his one eyes, said with a smile: How you do not walk.” 琉苏紫盯了他一眼,笑道:“你怎么又不走了。” Feng Feiyun did not say a word, raised the head, looks to the ruins, saw only the earth one layer upon layer to be uncovered, changed into three huge mountains horizontally at present, hundreds of thousands of jin (0.5 kg) giant stone tumbled above the mountain massif. 风飞云并不言语,抬起头,看向废墟之外,只见大地被一层层揭起,化为了三座庞大的山岳横在了眼前,数十万斤的巨石都在山体之上滚落。 The Sanzuoshan mountain reaches as high as several kilometers, a dense piece, tunnels the vision of person. 三座山岳高达数千米,黑压压的一片,挡住人的视线。 „,......” “咻,咻……” Points out frankly the rumor/wind sound to transmit together. 一道道破风声传來。 When are not many, then several hundred formidable member stand above that Sanzuoshan mountain. 不多时,便有数百位强大的修士站在那三座山岳之上。 Their aura were very tyrannical, offer a sacrifice to four Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, erupted the vibration mind the strength, blocked this piece of space. 他们一个个的气息都很强横,祭出了四件十品灵器,爆发出震动心灵的力量,封锁这一片空间。 And an outstandingly beautiful young girl of wear green clothes stands in the summit of central mountain, on the shoulder is standing a azure spirit bird, the body has six long green colored ribbons, flutters in the wind, like one fairy maiden that rides the wind to come. 其中一个穿着绿衣的绝色少女站在中央的山岳之巅,肩上站着一只青色的灵鸟,身上有六根长长的绿色彩带,在风中飘飞,就像一位乘风而來的仙子。 The Liu Sulu body is very delicate, the pupil is only soft, the white delicate arms, willow waist and beautiful leg are very slender, blows to be able her to give like Yizhen Feng to blow down. 琉苏绿身体很柔弱,眸光柔情似水,玉臂、柳腰、美腿都十分纤细,就像一阵风吹來就能将她给吹倒。 She said with a smile gracefully: How the sisters talked about old days with great difficulty one time, you why walked sharply.” 她盈盈一笑道:“咋们姐妹好不容易叙旧一次,你何必走得那么的急。” On the face of Liu Suzi but actually also and few minutes fear intent, smiled faintly: I feared...... The sister must kill me.” 琉苏紫的脸上倒也并沒有几分惧意,浅笑道:“我怕……四姐要杀我。” How possible...... Our sisters, I have abandoned your cultivation base at most.” “怎么可能……我们姐妹一场,我顶多废了你的一身修为。” Liu Sulu seems like delicate, sound also soft numb, but in that spoken language disclosed the imposing manner, actually as before can give to daunt many people, frightening. 琉苏绿看似柔弱,声音也柔软酥麻,但是那言语之中透露出來的气势,却依旧能够将很多人都给吓住,让人心惊胆战。 ...... …… Increases the Spirit-Vessel female student group: 337358664, like the Spirit-Vessel governing elder sister, sprouting the younger sister, the female skirt silk, the female man and goddess, is enterable, this crowd is chaste is unable to look straight ahead including the saintesses, if the male compatriot intrudes, breaks the both legs, loses to feed the monkey. 新增灵舟女生群:337358664,喜欢灵舟的御姐、萌妹子、女屌丝、女汉子、女神,都可进入,本群纯洁得连圣女都无法直视,男同胞若是闯入,打断双腿,丢出去喂猴子。
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