SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#980: Nirvana 5th-layer peak

A huge crisis sweeps across, this is genuine the strength of Ascension, is not Ascension talisman can compare. Please remember the website of home station:. 一股庞大的危机席卷过来,这是货真价实的羽化之力,不是羽化符箓可以比拟。请记住本站的网址:。 Eighth hundred million Holy Saint bone ashes Feng Feiyun reassignment body, the body full is the luminous spot, the ray burns item of dazzling, the Holy Saint bone ash overflows thoughts, condenses a Holy Saint aura. 风飞云调动身体之的八亿圣灵骨灰,身体之满是光点,光芒灼目刺眼,圣灵骨灰之溢出一道道意念,凝聚出一丝圣灵气息。 Bang!” “轰!” The Holy Saint aura counter has cut, that two fine glow cutting off. 圣灵气息逆斩了过去,将那两道精芒给斩断。 „!” “啊!” Netherworld Wiseman of that big grandmaster rank called out pitifully, above the double pupil were many a bloodstain, like was sheared by the bit above the pupil, a pair of deva-eye destroyed in light of this. 阴间界的那一位大宗师级别的智师惨叫一声,双瞳之上多出一道血痕,就像被刀片割在了瞳孔之上,一双天眼就此毁了。 Two eyeballs almost shear two halves! 两只眼球差不多就割成两半! Xie Xuan and dark green after day hastily him supporting by the arm. 谢玄和苍经天连忙将他给搀扶住。 Wiseman of this big grandmaster rank, on the old face full is the panic-stricken color/look, said: Is the Holy Saint strength, is the Holy Saint strength......” 这位大宗师级别的智师,苍老的脸上满是惊恐之色,道:“是圣灵的力量,是圣灵的力量……” What? Holy Saint strength?” Old man also complexion big changes of another three netherworld. “什么?圣灵的力量?”另外三位阴间界的老者也都脸色大变。 Although is only air/Qi of Holy Saint, but actually absolutely is the Holy Saint strength, will not have the mistake.” “虽然只是一丝圣灵之气,但是却绝对是圣灵的力量,不会有错。” This big grandmaster rank Wiseman keeping of eye socket bleeds, a pair can on peep the day, below peeps the eye has destroyed thoroughly, by the air/Qi of Holy Saint cutting broken, is impossible also to have the opportunity of restoration, two eyeballs by naked eye obvious rots. 这位大宗师级别的智师的眼眶之不停流血,一双能够“上窥天,下窥地”的眼睛彻底毁了,被圣灵之气给斩破,不可能还有复原的机会,两只眼球以肉眼可见的度烂掉。 Also only then the air/Qi of Holy Saint possibly has so formidable destroying strength, what background is the opposite party? Actually has the air/Qi of Holy Saint, is it possible that is a recluse Holy Saint successor? Is Moonwater Saintess?” White-Haired double pupil of old man full is the startled color/look. “也只有圣灵之气才可能有如此强大的摧毁力,对方到底是什么来头?竟然拥有圣灵之气,莫非乃是一位隐士圣灵的传人?难道是水月圣女?”一位白发苍苍的老者的双瞳之满是惊色。 Wiseman of that big grandmaster rank shook the head, eye socket the blood starts to scar, stands up, the sound said disappointed: Moonwater Saintess works consistent frank, said the heart pure brightness, followed the world main road, was impossible unable to make this and other sinister matters, should be another powerhouse.” 那一位大宗师级别的智师摇了摇头,眼眶之的血液开始结疤,站起身来,声音怅然道:“水月圣女做事一贯光明磊落,道心清明,遵循天地大道,不可能做不出这等阴险的事,应该是另一位强者。” „The back of opposite party has Holy Saint to support, we not provoke to wonderfully, so as to avoid annoys the fatal disaster to oneself.” “对方的背后有圣灵撑腰,我们还是不要招惹为妙,免得给自己惹来杀身之祸。” From now on will be more careful, runs into this person should better to make a detour.” “今后还是小心一些,遇到此人最好绕道而行。” All member looks of netherworld dignified, although ate one to be unable to speak out about one's grievances, but actually does not dare to retaliate, the significance that after all the air/Qi of that Holy Saint represented was too scary. 阴间界的所有修士都神色凝重了起来,虽然吃了一个哑巴亏,但是却不敢报复,毕竟那一丝圣灵之气所代表的意义太骇人。 Feng Feiyun naturally does not know air/Qi of Holy Saint oneself make, gives to daunt the member of netherworld unexpectedly, nobody dares to pursue again. 风飞云自然不知道自己打出的一道圣灵之气,竟然将阴间界的修士都给吓住,没有人再敢追上来。 Feng Feiyun flies at the illness as before, does not dare the slightest bit to stay, after all the member of netherworld is a powerhouse, begins truly, even if he is grasping the air/Qi of nine Holy Saint, it is estimated that is also difficult the life the opportunity. 风飞云依旧在疾飞行,不敢半分停留,毕竟阴间界的修士都是强者,真正动起手来,就算他掌握着九丝圣灵之气,估计也难有活命的机会。 Can a moment ago the opposite party and wound to also lucky that's all. 刚才能够将对方和伤到也只是侥幸罢了 Also does not know where has flown, in any case also in Immortal City ruins it. 也不知飞到了什么地方,反正还在仙城的遗址之。 After the confirmation behind nobody pursues, he gives to take off the hidden silkworm gauze, then the quick steps quick line, hides to a ruins densely it. 在确认身后没有人追来之后,他才将隐蚕纱罗给脱下,然后疾步快行,藏身到一座废墟密地之。 This harvest is too sumptuous, three fire spirit lineage/vein, blood spring Lingmai, is the good thing, obtained these two two lineage/vein, I can attempt to attack the legendary rank now the talent.” “这一次收获实在太丰盛,三火灵脉,血泉灵脉,都是好东西,得到了这两座两脉,我现在就可以尝试冲击一下传奇级别的天才了。” Feng Feiyun plans to promote the strength first, then goes to the deep place of Immortal City ruins to seek for the chance, otherwise the cultivation base insufficient words , are very perhaps difficult to be potential achievement. 风飞云打算先提升实力,然后再去仙城遗址的深处寻找机缘,不然修为不够的话,恐怕也很难有所作为。 He takes out 99 meters high golden great Buddha, stands in a broken stone palace it, then opens the heaven channel, plans to be reached the Nirvana 5th-layer peak using the Buddha Qi essence by own cultivation base first. 他将99米高的金色巨佛取出,立在一座残破的石宫之,然后打开天国通道,打算先利用佛气精华让自己的修为达到涅槃第五重的巅峰。 He arranges many Formation around the broken stone palace, even arranged beyond hundred miles has warned Formation. 他在残破的石宫周围布置诸多阵法,甚至在百里之外都布置了警示阵法 Once some people intrude in hundred miles, he can the sensation. 一旦有人闯入百里之内,他就能感知到。 After completing all these preparatory work, he then sits cross-legged under 99 meters high golden great Buddha, guidance heaven the Buddha Qi essence, making it flow from the heaven channel, float around his body, like a golden river encirclement body. 做完这一切准备工作之后,他便盘坐在99米高的金色巨佛下,引导天国之的佛气精华,使之从天国通道之流动出来,悬浮在他的身体周围,就像一条金色的长河环绕身体。 A piece of rich Fokuang gives the package Feng Feiyun, the Buddha Qi essence starts unceasingly toward surging of his body, is ordinary like the well irrigation soil. 一片浓郁的佛光将风飞云给包裹,佛气精华开始不断往他身体之涌动,就像泉水灌溉土壤一般。 By the Feng Feiyun present boundary, already is not absorption Buddha Qi essence the strength of one after another, but is a hollow hollow absorption, each depression has several hundred drops of even over a thousand drops of Buddha Qi essence. 风飞云现在的境界,已经不是一滴一滴的吸收佛气精华的力量,而是一洼一洼的吸收,每一洼都有数百滴甚至上千滴佛气精华。 Bang!” “轰!” 10,000 unusual animals battle soul Feng Feiyun body also clash, is wrapping his body, each unusual animals battle soul is fierce and aggressive, like a leader antique ominous beast generally in swallowing the Buddha Qi essence above backdrop. 风飞云身体之的10000头异兽战魂也冲出来,包裹着他的身体,每一头异兽战魂都狰狞而凶悍,就像一头头太古凶兽一般在吞噬天幕之上的佛气精华。 The consumption unprecedented rapidness of Buddha Qi essence, was almost absorbed every minute of 1000 drops of Buddha Qi essence. 佛气精华的消耗度前所未有的快,几乎每分钟都有1000滴佛气精华被吸收掉。 The strength growth of Feng Feiyun is extremely also obvious, each double-hour aura has the distinct enhancement. 风飞云的力量增长也极其明显,每一个时辰身上的气息都有明显的提高。 Bang!” “嘭!” Birth of 23 rd Phoenix Bones in his body, divine light brilliant, then and body 22 Phoenix Bones originally are united as one body, constitutes a perfect sidereal revolution, the Feng Feiyun physique grows once more one step. 第23块凤骨在他身体之诞生,神光灼灼,然后和身体之原本的22块凤骨连成一体,构成一个完美的周天,风飞云的体质再次增长一步。 Bang!” “轰!” 24 th Phoenix Bones is born! 第24块凤骨诞生! Bang!” “轰!” 25 th Phoenix Bones is born! 第25块凤骨诞生! ...... …… ............ ………… 27 th Phoenix Bones is born! 第27块凤骨诞生! Feng Feiyun whole body is the flame, the body looks like changes into a hot person, its has 27 group radiance becomes extremely bright, occupies like 27 stars in body it. 风飞云全身上下都是火光,身体就像是化为一个火人,其有27团光华变得极其明亮,就像27颗恒星盘踞在身体之。 «Undying Phoenix Physique» promotes a sidereal revolution once more. 不死凤凰身》再次提升一个周天。 Feng Feiyun cultivation base has reached the Nirvana 5th-layer peak, the body the strength rose more than one time, only then he has so terrifying promotion, because his boundary already had already sufficed, will not fear, because the boundary too creates the situation of overstating quickly. 风飞云修为达到了涅槃第五重的巅峰,身体之的力量攀升了不止一倍,也只有他才有如此恐怖的提升度,因为他的境界早就已经够了,根本不会怕因为境界太快造成走火入魔的情况。 Moreover he is also grasping a high-quality mystical place, can provide the continuous essence strength for him. 而且他又掌握着一座高级秘境,可以为他提供源源不断的精华力量。 Feng Feiyun has estimated the heaven the Buddha Qi essence, supports him to cultivate Nirvana 9th-layer sufficiently, naturally the premise is he can complete ninth Nirvana. 风飞云估算了一下天国之的佛气精华,足以支撑他修炼到涅槃第九重,当然前提是他能够完成第九次涅槃 Nine Nirvana is a legend, when is antique can be that level after the mythical characters of day latitude place. 九次涅盘是一个传说,只有太古之时一些经天纬地的神话人物才能达到那个层次。 Many Holy Saint have not completed nine Nirvana, Holy Saint overwhelming majorities that above the old book records also on Nirvana seven or eight times, can be nine times to belong absolutely extremely rare. 就连很多圣灵都没有完成九次涅盘,古籍之上记载的圣灵绝大多数也就涅槃了七次或者八次,能够达到九次的绝对属于凤毛麟角。 Epic Genius overwhelming majorities can only complete six times Nirvana, can complete seven times Nirvana Epic Genius to be very few, 10,000 are very difficult to present one. 史诗级别的天才绝大多数只能完成六次涅槃,能完成七次涅槃史诗级别的天才少之又少,10000个之都很难出现一个。 Regarding most Epic Genius, can achieve Nirvana 6th-layer to be quite good on already, may be called the bright future, in the future the overlord, for example Song Chengming, You Ziling and the others, can achieve Nirvana 6th-layer by the Epic Level peak talent. 对于绝大多数的史诗级别的天才而言,能达到涅盘第六重已经相当不错,堪称前途光明,未来霸主,比如宋城名游紫菱等人,都能以史诗级别巅峰的天赋达到涅槃第六重 Naturally any talent that can achieve Nirvana 6th-layer, is the supercilious generations, naturally cannot satisfy in light of this, will attack side boundary Nirvana 7th-layer that Epic Genius can achieve. 当然凡是能达到涅盘第六重的天才,也都是心高气傲之辈,自然不会就此满足,会去冲击史诗级别的天才能达到的极境涅槃第七重 Once can stride in Nirvana 7th-layer, even if has not broken through the Ascension boundary, sage who can also contend with the Ascension boundary, becomes unsurpassed heavenly talent, has boundless prospects. 一旦能够跨入涅槃第七重,即便没有突破羽化境,也能抗衡羽化境的贤者,成为无上天骄,前途无量。 Nobody is willing to offend the Nirvana 7th-layer member, because can achieve the Nirvana 7th-layer member also to walk in the future in the Ascension boundary. 没有人愿意得罪涅槃第七重的修士,因为能达到涅槃第七重的修士将来在羽化境也能走得更远。 Why this is also Song Chengming and You Ziling this kind of person already achieves Nirvana 6th-layer, is actually not willing to break through the reason of Ascension boundary. 这也是为何宋城名游紫菱这类人已经达到涅盘第六重,却迟迟不肯突破羽化境的原因。 „The Nirvana boundary is a strange boundary, has been full of the danger, every time breaks through a boundary, and death short distance contact. 涅槃境”乃是一个奇怪的境界,充满了危险,每突破一个境界,都和死亡近距离接触。 Simultaneously „the Nirvana boundary is one fortunate and boundary of challenge, this set of points manifests to the growth of member life above. 同时“涅槃境”又是一个充满机遇和挑战的境界,这一点集体现在对修士寿命的增长之上。 The member achieve Nirvana 4th-layer, can have 8000 to 9000 life. 修士达到涅槃第四重,能拥有8000年到9000年的寿命。 The member achieve Nirvana 5th-layer, can have a close 12,000 years to 13,000 years of life. 修士达到涅槃第五重,能够拥有接近12000年到13000年的寿命。 The member achieve Nirvana 6th-layer, can have 15,000 to 20,000 years of life. 修士达到涅槃第六重,能够拥有15000到20000年的寿命。 The member achieve Nirvana 7th-layer, can have 30,000 years to 35,000 years of life 修士达到涅槃第七重,能够拥有30000年到35000年的寿命 The member achieve Nirvana 8th-layer, can have 40,000 years to 50,000 years of life. 修士达到涅槃第八重,能够拥有40000年到50000年的寿命。 How long as for achieving the Nirvana 9th-layer member can live, does not have the concrete record. 至于达到涅槃第九重的修士能活多久,则没有具体的记载。 In brief a few words, Nirvana one time, the life will always increase very big one section. 总之一句话,每多涅槃一次,寿命就会增加很大一截。 Such situation only appears in „the Nirvana boundary, because the member achieves „the Ascension boundary cultivation base, regardless of the high life will not be growing, only then some natural talent characters extremely achieve Holy Saint Realm, the life will again have few increase. 这样的情况只出现在“涅槃境”,因为修士达到“羽化境”修为无论多高寿命都不会在增长,只有一些天资绝顶的人物达到圣灵境界,寿命才会再有少量的增加。 Moreover achieves the Holy Saint boundary, the promotion of life is also extremely few, moreover according to member to become Saint Saint Yuan different, many of promotion life is also different, after some unparalleled powerhouses become the Saints, the life does not have remarkable increase, finally passed away when Holy Saint. 而且就算是达到圣灵境,寿命的提升也是极其少量,而且根据修士成圣的“圣元”不同,提升寿命的多少也不同,有的盖世强者成圣之后,寿命也没有显著的增加,最终在圣灵之时老死了。 It can be said that „the Nirvana boundary wants the member to trade the life by the life, many lives that the person who the person who only then dares to march forward courageously, dares to face directly the life and death, possibly seizes, is the Ascension boundary wins more time. 可以说“涅槃境”就是要修士以命换命,只有敢勇往直前的人,敢直面生死的人,才可能夺的更多的寿命,为羽化境争取到更多时间。 Like these in Nirvana 4th-layer on the sage of breakthrough Ascension boundary, is doomed only to become a sage, altitude already that can increase was limited. 像那些在涅槃第四重就突破羽化境的贤者,也都注定只能成为一位贤者,能够攀升的高度已经被限制。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul unceasingly are promoting, steps into the Nirvana 5th-layer rank in abundance, erupts the powerful incomparable aura, the beast roar again and again, vibration vault of heaven. 10000头灵兽战魂都在不断晋升,纷纷踏入涅槃第五重的级别,爆发出强势无比气息,兽吼连连,震动苍穹。 If not for Feng Feiyun has arranged many Formation in the surroundings of this bedstone palace, perhaps these Spirit Beast battle soul sounds, can resound through the entire Immortal City ruins. 若不是风飞云在这一座石宫的周围布置了很多阵法,恐怕这些灵兽战魂的声音,能够响彻整个仙城遗址。 Feng Feiyun strength, rises unceasingly, each inch muscle and skeleton in unceasingly were built up, concise is getting more and more formidable. 风飞云身上的力量,不断攀升,每一寸的肌肉、骨骼都在不断被炼化,凝练的越来越强大。 Feng Feiyun a strength of implication of hair, can Nirvana 1st-layer Spiritual Master running over now \; Sprinkles blood, can make a lake the evil lake that human is confined to barracks. 风飞云现在一根头发之蕴含的力量,都能够将一位涅槃第一重真人给压死\;洒一滴血液,能够让一座湖泊变得人类禁足的邪湖。 Bang!” “轰!” 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul are promoted completely is Nirvana 5th-layer, changes into Mang Shouda a territory, each Spirit Beast battle soul in turnover Fokuang, the body is huge, almost condensed the entity, like 10,000 giant beasts stood in Feng Feiyun. 10000头灵兽战魂全部晋级为涅槃第五重,化为一座莽兽大域,每一头灵兽战魂都在吞吐佛光,身躯庞大,几乎凝聚成了实体,就像有10000头巨兽站在风飞云的身后。 This is with amazement incomparable imposing manner, is born like long life Venerable/revering, world all Spirit Beast must listen to his verbal command. 这是一种骇然无比的气势,就像万寿尊者降世,天地所有灵兽都要听他号令。 Feng Feiyun felt the own present strength, can touch with some sages of cultivation base low Ascension boundary hardly. 风飞云感觉自己现在的力量,能够和一些修为低的羽化境的贤者硬碰。 If can achieve the legendary rank the talent boundary, then can definitely have with the strength that the Ascension boundary member fights.” “若是能够达到传奇级别的天才境界,那么肯定就能拥有和羽化境修士一战的力量。”
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