SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#979: Doing things stealthily

Has not thought that the non- longevity god palace has heavenly talent of your this rank unexpectedly the arrogant female, should you be this generation of non- longevity god females?” “沒想到无寿星宫竟有你这种级别的天骄之骄女,你应该就是这一代的无寿星女吧?” Song Chengming also wears the Daoist robe, wears Daoist monk's cap, neatly and immaculately dressed, each knot buckles very elegantly. 宋城名也穿着道袍,头戴道冠,衣冠楚楚,就连身上的每一颗扣子都扣得很考究。 On the Song Chengming white robe was already given crushing by You Ziling, making him reveal the true colors, valiant, but the complexion was white somewhat excessive! 宋城名身上的白袍早已被游紫菱给击碎,让他露出了真面目,英姿飒爽,而脸色白得有些过分! You Ziling grasps volt demon Ancient Sword, a top of the head condensation Taoist trinity air/Qi, the stature is graceful, milk-white bosom, waist like willow tree, when displaying sword Secret Art, the body Daoist robe flies upwards, will have to concave-convex the stature outlined extremely attractively, both legs of pair of wear pale blue tight-fitting pants were slender and straight, even if were closely bound under the Daoist robe, let the person recollections in close succession. 游紫菱手持伏魔古剑,头顶凝聚三清道气,身材曼妙窈窕,酥胸微挺,腰肢如柳,在施展剑诀之时,身上道袍飞扬,将凹凸有致的身材勾勒得极其诱人,一双穿着月白紧身裤的双腿修长而笔直,即使被紧紧裹在道袍下,都让人浮想联翩。 But her makings such as silt clear responsibility, pure white like Immortal Crane, making the person not endure to profane to play. 而偏偏她身上的气质又如出淤泥的清荷,洁白如仙鹤,让人不忍亵玩。 Song Chengming also said with a smile: Non- longevity god palace is also in Dao Sect quite formidable one, is being able to stand in line given name, if can conquer a Dao Sect outstanding star female, walks in the evil way, matter that definitely is one very much has the face.” 宋城名又笑道:“无寿星宫也算是道门之中比较强大的一支,算是排得上名号,若是能够征服道门的一位杰出星女,那么在邪道上行走,绝对是一件很有面子的事。” Perhaps you did not have that skill!” You Ziling is handsome, appearance absolute beauty, eyelash is long and curving, the pupil light is limpid. “你恐怕还沒有那个本事!”游紫菱唇红齿白,容颜绝丽,睫毛长而弯曲,眸光清澈秀丽。 Her sparkling stone white forehead shines together azure divine light, was opened like the dense ancient roads, inside departs a plain magic lamp unexpectedly. 她莹白色的眉心亮起一道青色的神光,像是有一条氤氲古道被打开,里面竟然飞出一盏古朴的神灯。 Does not have the absurd subdue demons lamp!” “无妄降妖灯!” This magic lamp is Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, hides in her forehead, was already interlinked with her regard, can erupt the complete prestige to come. 这一盏神灯乃是十品灵器,藏在她的眉心,早就与她心意相通,能够爆发出全部威能來。 Bang!” “轰!” Ten cut sword strength did not have absurd subdue demons lamp to give the suppression, ten handle white swords contract unceasingly, was suppressed in the sphere. “十斩剑”的力量被“无妄降妖灯”给压制,十柄白色的剑不断收缩,被压制回圆球之中。 Holy solemn, the beautiful woman is beautiful! I like, but...... I used three strength that's all a moment ago, now is I seized to seize your time whole-heartedly, you may probably be careful Oh!” “圣洁端庄,倾城秀丽!我喜欢,不过……刚才我不过只是使用三层力量罢了,现在就是我全力以赴來擒捉你的时候了,你可要小心了!” Bang!” “轰!” On the face of Song Chengming full is the happy expression of mock, above the arm the miraculous glow rises suddenly, ten handle swords inflate, will not have the absurd subdue demons lamp striking to fly. 宋城名的脸上满是讥诮的笑意,手臂之上灵光暴涨,十柄剑膨胀出去,将无妄降妖灯给击飞。 Ten handle swords like ten silver snakes, give the winding You Ziling! 十柄剑就像十条银蛇,将游紫菱给缠绕! The You Ziling movement is extremely also quick, but ten cut the sword to be quicker, interweaves a standing net, gives the imprisonment her tender body, some entangle in the both arms, some entangle in the both legs, some entangle in the waist, some point to her forehead. 游紫菱的身法也极快,但是十斩剑却更快,交织成一张网,将她的娇躯给禁锢,有的缠在双臂,有的缠在双腿,有的缠在腰部,有的直指她的眉心。 Greatly sad talisman!” “大悲符箓!” Although You Ziling ten was cut the sword bundle imprisonment, but is not flurried, the thoughts are quiet, in the mouth puts out an imperial seal. 游紫菱虽然被十斩剑捆绑禁锢,但是却不慌不乱,心思沉静,口中吐出一枚丹符。 talisman blasts out in a big way, changes into one greatly is in charge sadly, toward the Song Chengming bombardment in the past. 符箓炸开,化为一个巨大的大悲掌印,向着宋城名轰击过去。 This is in charge the implication the strength to be very fearful together, is a Great Sage sacrifice refining up, is divine talisman that gives her to maintain life, the destructive power can the general Ascension sage making into the severe wound. 这一道掌印蕴含的力量十分可怕,乃是一位大贤者祭炼而成,乃是交给她保命的神符,破坏力可以将一般的羽化贤者给打成重伤。 Generally the outstanding successor of top Confucianism, will have one and two moves of move of maintaining life, even if cannot strike to kill the match, can escape calmly. 一般顶尖大教的杰出传人,都会拥有一、两招保命的招数,就算不能击杀对手,也能从容逃脱。 If other person affirms already to be at a loss at this moment, seizes the life to run away, the Song Chengming complexion becomes serious, does not draw back instead enters, flies toward You Ziling. 若是别的人此刻肯定已经乱了方寸,夺命就逃,宋城名脸色变得严肃,不退反进,向着游紫菱飞去。 That was in charge also to turn toward You Ziling to fly greatly sadly, was bringing formidable winds in the upper heavens, her complexion slightly changed, has not thought that Song Chengming so was unexpectedly intelligent, the will so was unexpectedly firm. 那一个大悲掌印也向着游紫菱飞了过來,带着一片强大的罡风,她的脸色微微一变,沒想到宋城名竟然如此聪明,心志竟然如此坚定。 Her heart is very unwilling, the strength that but has to inspiring be in charge first greatly sadly, lets be in charge greatly sadly dissipates ahead of time, otherwise the result is she and Song Chengming perishes together. 她心头很是不甘,但是还是不得不先一步引动大悲掌印的力量,让大悲掌印提前消散,不然结局就是她和宋城名同归于尽。 Bang!” “轰!” In charge greatly sadly shatter, erupted a huge impact, gave to strike to fly Song Chengming and You Ziling. 大悲掌印破碎,爆发出一股庞大的冲击了,将宋城名游紫菱都给击飞。 They are the powerhouses, has not encountered the too big wound. 两人都是强者,并沒有遭到太大的创伤。 Song Chengming controls ten to cut the sword, pinches ten silver locks like the hand, imprisons the body of You Ziling, lets she exquisite graceful luster of the skin float in blood spring Lingmai. 宋城名掌控十斩剑,就像手捏十根银锁,禁锢游紫菱的身体,让她玲珑曼妙的玉体悬浮在血泉灵脉之中。 Song Chengming stands in the top of Daoist temple, a hand holds not to have the absurd subdue demons lamp, a hand pinches ten to cut the sword to control the body of You Ziling, the look is red. Bare is staring at her tender body, said with a smile: Autumn waters are Shenyu are the bone, the organism romantic beautiful woman skin. star female your highness, I announced now, you were my woman!” 宋城名站在道观之顶,一只手托着无妄降妖灯,一只手捏着十斩剑控制游紫菱的身体,眼神赤.裸裸的盯着她的娇躯,笑道:“秋水为神玉为骨,肌体香艳佳人肤。星女殿下,我现在宣布,你是我的女人了!” On You Ziling is entangling a handle silver soft sword, but goes to be hard to destroy on her as before that clock spirit elegance, the flesh is exquisite, but the young and fresh-looking, the fine jade nose powder slides, the lips carves like the clever axe finger of God, even if the twin peaks were wrapped in the Daoist robe actually as before are very gigantic, can by the say/way lapel of dispersing see jade bowl shape that slightly the chest front two bewitch romantically. 游紫菱身上缠着一柄银色的软剑,但是去依旧难以破坏她身上的那一股钟灵的秀美,肌肤细腻而水嫩,琼鼻粉滑,双唇就像鬼斧神工雕琢而成,双峰即使被包裹在道袍之中却依旧很是硕大,能够透过微微散开的道襟看到胸前两圈香艳勾魂的玉碗形状。 Beautiful female like her, the will firm such as Song Chengming is unable under the killer to her. 像她这样美丽的女子,就连心志坚定如宋城名都无法对她下杀手。 To give to conquer her above bed, but does not conquer on the cutting edge. 想要将她给征服在床榻之上,而不是征服在刀口上。 The You Ziling both legs are straight, the waist is pliable but hard to break, the pupil light is very tranquil, said: I know that who you were? You are the netherworld people.” 游紫菱的双腿笔直,腰肢柔韧,眸光很平静,道:“我知道你们是什么人了?你们是阴间界的人。” Song Chengming said with a smile: How makes you know, your this moment already loses the freedom, will become a beautiful woman collection in my mansion, will wait to return to netherworld, I will want your first to wait on the bedroom to me.” 宋城名笑道:“就算让你知道又如何,你此刻已经失去自由,将成为我府邸之中的一位美人珍藏,等回到阴间界,我要你第一个给我侍寝。” At this time, left side of Song Chengming void sent out a fluctuation, the snow white slash found out from void together, cut the past toward his neck above. 这个时候,宋城名左侧的虚空发出一丝波动,一道雪白的刀痕从虚空之中探出,向着他脖子之上切割过去。 Who?” “谁?” Song Chengming is the Nirvana 6th-layer character, Spiritual Awareness is extremely after all formidable, the sensation arrives at the danger, loosens ten to cut the sword hastily, the body speedily retrocedes. 宋城名毕竟是涅槃第六重的人物,灵觉极其强大,感知到危险,连忙松开十斩剑,身体疾速后退。 The white slash, leaves behind a bloodstain above his neck merely. 白色的刀痕,仅仅只是在他脖子之上留下一道血痕。 Only almost can his head shearing, Feng Feiyun was sighing in secret, now Song Chengming had the vigilance, wanted to kill him to be difficult once more. 只差一点就能将他的头颅给割下來,风飞云在暗中叹息了一声,现在宋城名有了警觉,想要再次杀他就难了。 Who?” “谁?” Song Chengming asked again, vest already was given to soak by the cold sweat, that blade was really silent, has almost harvested his life. 宋城名再次问道,背心都已经被冷汗给湿透,刚才的那一刀实在无声无息,差一点收割了他的性命。 He launches Divine Sense, is actually hard to realize the opposite party position, but his Spiritual Awareness told him, in blood spring Lingmai indeed was hiding another powerhouse, making him have to guard fully. 他展开神识,却难以察觉到对方的位置,只是他的灵觉告诉他,血泉灵脉之中的确隐藏着另一个强者,让他不得不全力防范。 You Ziling gets out of trouble, unfolds the beginning printing Secret Art, the non- absurd subdue demons lamp in Song Chengming hand robbing, then fully turned toward Song Chengming to shell the past. 游紫菱脱困而出,展开印诀,将宋城名手中的无妄降妖灯给抢夺回來,然后全力向着宋城名轰击了过去。 Bang!” “轰!” Song Chengming knows that powerhouse hides in secret, in the heart abstained from very much, fights with You Ziling does not dare whole-heartedly, kept several points of strength, momentarily deals possibly in secret sneak attacks his person. 宋城名知道暗中有一位强者隐藏,心中很是忌讳,与游紫菱交手也不敢全力以赴,留了几分力量,随时应对可能暗中偷袭他的人。 The Song Chengming dual purpose, is very wholeheartedly difficult to achieve absolutely safe, does not dare to wait for a long time in blood spring Lingmai again, feared that person in secret gets rid to sneak attack once more. 宋城名一心两用,很难做到万无一失,不敢再在血泉灵脉之中久待,怕暗中的那人再次出手偷袭。 Bang!” “轰!” The Song Chengming control Daoist temple, the body exploded, to bleeding spring Lingmai, entered the clouds. 宋城名驾驭道观,身体爆冲了起來,冲出血泉灵脉,直入云霄。 Until after You Ziling and Song Chengming walked, Feng Feiyun reveals the family background to come, offers a sacrifice to 99 meters high gold/metal hastily, opens the heaven channel, must blood spring Lingmai taking in the heaven. 直到游紫菱宋城名走了之后,风飞云才显出身來,连忙祭出99米高的金佛,打开天国通道,要将血泉灵脉给收进天国之中。 „!” “唰!” You Ziling goes to return, flies to fall to blood spring Lingmai, is staring at that giant gold/metal, looked at Feng Feiyun, some surprise say/way: How is your this Half Monster, saw each time you are doing some matters of doing things stealthily.” 游紫菱去而复返,飞落到血泉灵脉之中,盯着那一尊巨大的金佛,又看了看风飞云,有些诧异的道:“怎么又是你这半妖,每次见到你都在做一些偷鸡摸狗的事。” „! star female your highness, my this doing things stealthily Half Monster, but has saved you twice.” “咳咳!星女殿下,我这个偷鸡摸狗的半妖,可是救了你两次。” Feng Feiyun stands in the bank of 99 meters high gold/metal, the hand pinches Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner receives to draw blood spring Lingmai, did not fear that You Ziling gets rid to him. 风飞云站在99米高的金佛之畔,手捏天髓兵胆,旁若无人的收取血泉灵脉,并不怕游紫菱对他出手。 The beautiful pupil of You Ziling sends cold, unceasing doing a lot of talking, always thought that meets this Half Monster is very unlucky, runs into him each time, does not have the good deed certainly. 游紫菱的美眸发寒,不断的磨牙,总觉得遇到这个半妖就很晦气,每次遇到他,准沒有好事。 „The people of netherworld are extremely cut-throat cruelly, you want the fingers/tiger mouth to seize the food in their hands, does not have any advantage to you.” You Ziling wears the azure Daoist robe, like a clear responsibility, the immortal face is refined, advice Feng Feiyun of good intention. “阴间界的人都极其凶狠残暴,你想要在他们的手中虎口夺食,对你沒有任何好处。”游紫菱穿着青色道袍,像一株清荷,仙颜雅致,好心的劝告风飞云 She actually does not know that Feng Feiyun does not capture the abyss spirit lineage/vein, these member of netherworld will not let off him. 她却不知就算风飞云不夺取深渊灵脉,阴间界的那些修士也不会放过他。 World magical things, have virtue to occupy it!” Feng Feiyun unscrupulous receives to draw blood spring Lingmai, on the face is having the affectedly virtuous look. “天地灵物,有德者居之!”风飞云肆无忌惮的收取血泉灵脉,脸上带着道貌岸然的神色。 You Ziling rolls the eyes unceasingly, world will have such does not fear death, is not concerned about face, person not awfully? 游紫菱不断翻白眼,天下怎么会有这么不怕死,不要脸,不要命的人? Feng Feiyun said with a smile: You, since already knows that they are the netherworld people, quickly has not informed the member in your non- longevity god palace, wants to see that the member in your non- longevity god palace do die cleanly?” 风飞云笑道:“你既然已经知道他们乃是阴间界的人,还不赶快去通知你们无寿星宫的修士,难道想要看到你们无寿星宫的修士都死得干干净净?” After You Ziling hears the Feng Feiyun words, the complexion at once changes, stared at his one eyes, then changed into a azure flowing light, to bleeding spring Lingmai. 游紫菱听到风飞云的话之后,脸色旋即一变,盯了他一眼,然后化为了一道青色的流光,冲出了血泉灵脉。 They are the netherworld people, everybody draws back quickly.” “他们乃是阴间界的人,大家快退。” She stands in void, the physique is graceful, the chest stands upright, the jade buttocks are high and precipitous, even if stands there, gives people an infinite aesthetic sense. 她立在虚空,身姿曼妙,胸脯挺立,玉臀峭拔,即便只是站在那里,都给人一种无限美感。 The member in non- longevity god palace retreats hastily, after the shields of three old say/way, one group of young taoist priests flew to run away. 无寿星宫的修士连忙撤退,在三位老道的掩护之后,一群小道士飞逃了出去。 These member of netherworld are very resentful, want to chase down, but feared that the abyss spirit lineage/vein lose, finally stopped. 阴间界的那些修士十分愤懑,想要追杀上去,但是又怕深渊灵脉又失,最终停了下來。 Nangong Yebai was given to kill.” Xie Xuan said. 南宫夜白被人给杀了。”谢玄说道。 Altogether person of five abyss spirit lineage/vein by non- longevity god palace were won, is really hateful!” The shadow of wooden spirit sound throws in the ground, is very slender, waist like jade plate. “一共有五条深渊灵脉被无寿星宫的人夺走,实在可恶!”木灵音的影子投在地面上,十分纤细,腰如玉盘。 An old man of netherworld shook the head, said: „The three old say/way of non- longevity god palace have only taken three abyss spirit lineage/vein, how to turn into five? Two who took?” 阴间界的一位老者摇了摇头,道:“无寿星宫的三位老道只取走了三条深渊灵脉,怎么会变成五条?还有两条谁取走了?” Definitely also some people hide in the hidden place!” “肯定还有人隐藏在暗处!” A top of the head grows the old man of silver sharp corner/horn, both eyes is congealing, makes five to be in charge, falls into five empty abyss separately, rumble! Five are in charge five abyss gives to collapse by pressure, razes. 一个头顶长着银色尖角的老者,双目一凝,打出五道掌印,分别落入五座空荡荡的深渊之中,轰隆隆!五道掌印将五座深渊给压塌,夷为平地。 Some people wear the hidden silk clothing, departs from the place bottom, ran away toward the west side.” Of netherworld achieves the big grandmaster rank Wiseman to launch the clairvoyant, saw an empty shade ran away toward the west side, gets rid to shell the past. “有人穿着隐蚕衣,从地底飞出,向着西边逃去了。”阴间界的一位达到大宗师级别的智师展开天眼通,看到了一道虚影向着西边逃窜,出手轰击过去。 Attainments of this Wiseman above secret fortune-telling is extremely high, has the extremely high status in netherworld, high of wisdom, under the Nine Firmaments Immortal City sea mister, cannot hoodwink the secret, calculates the cause and effect. 这位智师在天机命理之上的造诣极高,在阴间界也有极高的地位,智慧之高,不下于九霄仙城的沧海先生,能够蒙蔽天机,推算前因后果。 His clairvoyant can see the Feng Feiyun position indistinctly, naturally this bases on him to display in the situation that the clairvoyant searches to achieve desirably , is usually very difficult to realize that puts on the hideaway gauze Feng Feiyun. 他的天眼通能够隐约看到风飞云的位置,当然这都是基于他刻意施展天眼通寻觅的情况下才能做到,平时也很难察觉到穿上隐藏纱罗的风飞云 Bang!” “轰!” In his both eyes projects two fine glow, the fine glow changes into the sharp sword, has cut in the direction that Feng Feiyun flies away. 他的双目之中射出两道精芒,精芒化为利剑,向着风飞云飞走的方向斩了过去。
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