SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#978: Abyss spirit lineage/vein

The member in non- longevity god palace, starts the central advance toward abyss Immortal City ruins, seeks 80,000 years of front-heavy to enter the bottom nine abyss spirit lineage/vein. 无寿星宫的修士,开始向着九渊仙城遗址的中心前进,去寻找80000年前沉入地底的九条深渊灵脉。 Feng Feiyun naturally following quietly in them behind, distant falling in behind, everything has evil to crawl ominously from the place bottom, whether there is the powerhouse in longevity god palace gets rid to suppress. 风飞云自然是悄悄的跟在他们身后,远远的掉在后面,凡是有凶邪从地底爬出,都有无寿星宫的强者出手镇压。 Feng Feiyun three days ago, has hit the jade flying symbol on already, informs Xue Shuang and Yao Ji, making them lead the Monster Clan powerhouse to catch up with the abyss Immortal City ruins. 风飞云早在三天前,就已经将玉飞符打了出去,通知雪泷姚吉,让他们带着妖族的强者赶来九渊仙城的遗址。 Today, Feng Feiyun above a tattered stone column, saw finally spider mark that Xue Shuang keeps. 今天,风飞云终于在一根破烂的石柱之上,看到了雪泷留在的蜘蛛印记。 „The Monster Clan powerhouse comes such quickly, unexpectedly also first one step to enter the center of ruins compared with me unexpectedly, does not know that they and Xuanyuan Yiyi encounter on do not have.” 妖族的强者竟然来得这么快,竟然比我还先一步进入遗址的中心,也不知他们和轩辕一一遭遇上没有。” Also walks in the Immortal City ruins fifth day, has passed through many evil spirits densely, some Immortal City forbidden areas. 又在仙城遗址之中行走的第五天,穿过了很多凶煞密地,还有一些仙城禁区。 These five days, Feng Feiyun transformed Spirit Beast battle soul of 10,000 antique Saint beast bloodlines completely, making each Spirit Beast battle soul achieve the Nirvana 4th-layer rank. 这五天的时间,风飞云将10000头太古圣兽血脉的灵兽战魂完全转化,让每一头灵兽战魂都达到了涅槃第四重的级别。 The Feng Feiyun present boundary is Nirvana 5th-layer initial stage, can definitely use the Buddha Qi essence in heaven, was reached the Nirvana 5th-layer peak by oneself, and makes Spirit Beast battle soul also promote to the Nirvana 5th-layer boundary. 风飞云现在的境界乃是涅槃第五重初期,完全可以利用天国之中的佛气精华,让自己达到涅槃第五重的巅峰,并且让灵兽战魂也都提升到涅槃第五重的境界。 When the time comes he can fight with the fists the strengths of 10,000 Nirvana 5th-layer member! 到时候他就能一拳打出10000名涅槃第五重修士的力量! Naturally promotes cultivation base using the Buddha Qi essence, is not in one single day can complete, after all Feng Feiyun cultivation base is now higher than before were too many, the Buddha Qi essence that needs to consume were also much more than before, the time of expenditure were also much much. 当然就算是利用佛气精华提升修为,也不是一朝一夕就能完成,毕竟风飞云现在修为比以前高了太多,需要消耗的佛气精华也比以前多得多,花费的时间也就多得多。 But now he is in the Immortal City ruins, the side not only has the evil spirit to appear and disappear, but also has the netherworld person to chase down him, wanting the calming down heart to cultivate that is the impossible matter. 而现在他身在仙城遗址之中,身边不仅有凶煞出没,而且还有阴间界的人追杀他,想要静下来心来修炼那是不可能的事。 Naturally he can also find a place to hide , to promote cultivation base, but such will possibly miss the chance, in the thing with Immortal City inserts the shoulder, such does not attempt. 当然他也可以找个地方隐藏起来,提升修为,但是那样很可能就会错失机缘,与仙城之中的东西插肩而过,那样就的不尝试了。 The boundary can cultivation slowly, but chance is not momentarily can meet. 境界可以慢慢修炼,但是机缘也不是随时都能遇到。 On this day, the place deep pool old say/way of non- longevity god palace had finally found the abyss spirit lineage/vein position, arrives above a stretch of bleak earth, here has nine huge abyss. 这一日,无寿星宫的地潭老道终于找到了九渊灵脉的位置,来到一片荒凉的大地之上,这里有九座庞大的深渊。 In abyss, dense vast, nine turbulent spirit lineage/vein under surges, likely is nine spirit lineage/vein crazy dragons. 深渊之中,氤氲浩瀚,有九道汹涌的灵脉在下方涌动,像是九条灵脉狂龙。 However, nine make in the abyss, five abyss already have the person, absorbs the abyss spirit lineage/vein in inside the strength, the promotion potential. 但是,九做深渊之中,其中五座深渊都已经有人,在里面吸收深渊灵脉的力量,提升潜力。 The five people in that five abyss spirit lineage/vein, are the netherworld five talents, all wears the white robe, wraps the whole body, like five mummies. On them braves the ray, likely is five god roots of breeding in spirit lineage/vein. 那五座深渊灵脉之中的五人,正是阴间界的五位才俊,皆穿着白袍,包裹全身,像五具木乃伊。他们身上冒光芒,像是孕育在灵脉之中的五根神根。 The place above of another four abyss spirit lineage/vein separately are also sitting cross-legged a black robe old person, in taking in the heterogeneous spiritual energy in spirit lineage/vein , to promote own cultivation base. 另外四座深渊灵脉的上方也都分别盘坐着一位黑袍老人,在吸纳灵脉之中的异种灵气,提升自身的修为 Black robe old person's tip of the nose attracts, has the massive spiritual energies to crash in their bodies, the cultivation base remarkable promotion in body. 黑袍老人的鼻尖一吸,就有大量的灵气冲进他们的身体,身体之中的修为显著的提升。 Hateful, acted swiftly to get there first unexpectedly.” “可恶,竟然被人捷足先登。” Nine abyss spirit lineage/vein, each is the unsurpassed resources, endures a ratio immortal ore, makes countless people drool sufficiently, the characters of worthy people of former times rank must get rid to rob. 九座深渊灵脉,每一座都是无上资源,堪比一座仙矿,足以让无数人为之垂涎,先贤级别的人物都要出手抢夺。 Although three old of non- longevity god palace are the state of mind unusual member, but faces the present resources, they are unambiguous. 无寿星宫的三位老道虽说都是心境超凡的修士,但是面对眼前的资源,他们却都不含糊。 Mixes in cultivation world, where has the truth that does not kill people? 修仙界混,哪有不杀人的道理? In order to cultivation the resources, kills gloomily, confiscates family's property to exterminate the clan, this is at the normal matter. 为了修炼资源,杀得天昏地暗、抄家灭族,这是在正常不过的事。 Such being the case, what does that also wait for? 既然如此,那还等什么? Immortal resources, have virtue to occupy it! We have virtue, but they are the demon outlets, we must recapture to belong to our abyss spirit lineage/vein, cuts the monster to eliminate the demon, according to upright said.” “仙道资源,有德者居之!我们乃是有德者,而他们是邪魔外道,我们要夺回属于我们的深渊灵脉,斩妖除魔,以正大道。” You Zilin already looked that this group of people are not feeling well, first rushing, jumped in abyss spirit lineage/vein with a netherworld talent battle to get up, hits these member in gloomy non- longevity god palace not to be naturally unambiguous, each has aimed at abyss spirit lineage/vein, then jumped, with one step entered the netherworld member in abyss spirit lineage/vein to slaughter first. 游紫林早就看这群人不爽,第一个冲上去,跳进了一座深渊灵脉之中与一位阴间界的才俊争斗起来,打得天昏地暗无寿星宫的那些修士自然也都不含糊,每一个都瞄准了一座深渊灵脉,然后跳了下去,与先一步进入深渊灵脉之中的阴间界修士厮杀起来。 Each gets rid ruthlessly, they likely are not the path of cultivation gentlemen, wants the stingy to be spicier than under the evil way member simply. 每一个都出手极狠,他们不像是修道士,简直比邪道修士还要下手狠辣。 Mixes in cultivation world, is not ruthless does not have the means of livelihood! 修仙界混,不狠就没有活路! Most depressed is the netherworld member, suddenly was hit, „aren't immortal resources first come , first served? When turns has virtue to occupy it? 最郁闷的莫过于阴间界的修士,一时间都被打愣了,“仙道资源”不是先到先得吗?什么时候变成有德者居之? ! It is not right! 诶!不对啊! Even if has virtue to occupy it, your non- longevity god palaces do have wool virtue? Returns the bandit compared with the bandit simply! 就算是有德者居之,你们无寿星宫有毛的德?简直比土匪还土匪! Feng Feiyun somewhat is also astonished however, this group of taoist priests really have not been able to look down on, is not old-fashioned, understands to be accommodating very much, has virtue occupying, then under cruel methods to the netherworld member. 风飞云也有些讶然,这群道士还真是不能小瞧,一点都不古板,很懂得变通,一句有“德者居之”,然后就对阴间界的修士下狠手。 This reason is good, I later also multipurpose! 这理由真他妈的好,我以后也得多用! Although the overall strength of netherworld is stronger, but actually hitting is caught off guard by the non- longevity god palace, suddenly unexpectedly is thrown into confusion. 阴间界的整体实力虽然更强,但是却被无寿星宫给打得措手不及,一时间竟是乱了阵脚。 Feng Feiyun naturally cannot let up the opportunity of this taking advantage, sits cross-legged on the ground, starts to mobilize the Great Amplify Domain strength, seeps to the place bottom, slowly toward an abyss spirit lineage/vein movement in the past. 风飞云自然不会放过这个趁火打劫的机会,盘坐在地上,开始调动大衍域的力量,渗透到地底,缓缓的向着其中一条深渊灵脉移动过去。 My little darling! Unexpectedly is three fire spirit lineage/vein, moreover about 8000 miles in length, is really the good thing! After it refining up, can perhaps make my physique another level higher, may becomes the talent of legendary rank.” In the heart of Feng Feiyun is quite excited, wants to achieve the legendary rank talent already to be very long. “我的乖乖!竟然是一座三火灵脉,而且长达8000多里,真是好东西啊!将它炼化之后,说不定能够让我的体质更上一层楼,有可能成为传奇级别的天才。”风飞云的心中颇为激动,想要达到传奇级别的天才已经很久。 To contend with Xuanyuan Yiyi, wants to look for the Shui Yueting revenge in the future, must first become the talent of legendary rank. 想要和轩辕一一相抗衡,想要将来去找水月婷复仇,就必须先成为传奇级别的天才。 Makes three fire spirit lineage/vein unexpectedly, this does not feel strange! 竟然是一做三火灵脉,这就不奇怪了! No wonder can let that group of young taoist priest and old taoist priest in non- longevity god palace says to have virtue occupying like this to have the philosophical words. 难怪能够让无寿星宫的那群小道士和老道士说出“有德者居之”这样具有哲理性的话来。 Three fire spirit lineage/vein gathered constantly spirit fire, two taste ocean fires, three tastes are really hot the spirit lineage/vein, regarding the member of say/way of cultivation flame, have the advantage that said. 三火灵脉可是汇聚了“一味灵火”,“二味溟火”,“三味真火”的灵脉,对于修炼火焰之道的修士,有说之不出的好处。 Especially Feng Feiyun cultivates «Undying Phoenix Physique», three fire spirit lineage/vein were too big to his profit. 特别是风飞云修炼《不死凤凰身》,“三火灵脉”对他的益处实在太大了。 In three fire spirit lineage/vein, three member are fighting. 三火灵脉之中,有三个修士在战斗。 And on is binding the white robe, the height eight chi (0.33 m), grasp the azure knife, the blade glow quickly like the lightning. This person Nangong Yebai. 其中一个身上裹着白袍,身高八尺,手持青色小刀,刀芒快如闪电。这人正是“南宫夜白”。 Although he whole body is binding the white robe, affects expansion of movement, but the speed terrifying, in the hand the blade light flashes as before, has delimited from non- longevity god palace a neck of disciple, carries over a blood splash. 他虽然全身都裹着白袍,影响身法的展开,但是速度依旧恐怖至极,手中刀光一闪,就从一位无寿星宫的弟子的脖子上划过,带出一片血花。 Spirit wind Junior Brother!” “灵风师弟!” Another member in non- longevity god palace calls out in alarm one, in the eye gives birth to capillaries, the anger said, you have killed spirit wind Junior Brother unexpectedly......” 无寿星宫的另一个修士惊呼一声,眼中生出一道道血丝,怒道,“你竟然杀了灵风师弟……” Nangong Yebai has added the blood above knife point, sneers saying: Nonsense, is not I kills, is you kills inadequately?” 南宫夜白添了添刀锋之上的血液,冷笑道:“废话,不是我杀得,难道是你杀得不成?” Nangong Yebai changed into a white shadow, the knife in hand likely is one round azure moon/month, gives to cleave in two skull of that non- longevity god palace, splashes the big piece brain fluid, bang, poured in three fire spirit lineage/vein. 南宫夜白化为了一道白色的影子,手中的小刀像是一轮青月,将那个无寿星宫的脑颅给劈成两半,溅出大片的脑浆,嘭的一声,倒在了三火灵脉之中。 Non- longevity god palace, but is only a joke! With person who our netherworld struggles the treasure, is the dead end...... Giggle......” “无寿星宫,不过只是一个笑话!和我们阴间界争宝的人,都是死路一条……咯咯……” Nangong Yebai throat Junqua Lord suddenly, probably was given to press firmly between the fingers the neck, the following words difficult to put out from the throat again, rocking that both hands and both feets keep, is keeping struggling like a person of being drowned. 南宫夜白的喉咙突然卡主,就好像是被人给捏住了脖子,后面的话再难从喉咙之中吐出,双手和双脚不停的晃动,就像一个溺水的人在不停挣扎。 You...... You...... You are struggling that......” Nangong Yebai keeps, the body shines rune, but actually could not revolt, looked like the god of death in cable/search his life. “你……你……你是……”南宫夜白不停的挣扎,身上亮起一道道符文,但是却都反抗不了,就像是死神在索他的命。 Feng Feiyun puts on the hidden silkworm gauze, stands in his, a hand is covering his neck, a hand pinches Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall to shear his throat. 风飞云穿着隐蚕纱罗,站在他的身后,一只手捂着他的脖子,一只手捏着天髓兵胆在割他的喉咙。 Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall like a saw, his throat unceasing mangle. 天髓兵胆就像一把锯子,将他的喉咙不断的割碎。 I am...... Funny, Feng Feiyun!” “我是……哏哏,风飞云!” Both eyes of Nangong Yebai stare the circle, in pupil cover dying embers, twitching that the body keeps. 南宫夜白的双目瞪圆,瞳孔之中蒙上一层死灰,身体不停的抽搐。 !” “噗!” His head and neck separation, lay down on the ground. 他的头颅和脖子断开,躺在了地上。 Feng Feiyun springs one group of flame, falls to his corpse above, gives to fire the flying ash his head and neck. 风飞云弹出一团火焰,落到他的尸体之上,将他的头颅和脖子都给烧成飞灰。 Feng Feiyun opens the heaven channel fast, this about 8000 miles in length three fire spirit lineage/vein taking in heaven, decides one sea bottoms in heaven, then immediately closes the heaven channel, retreating speedily. 风飞云快速打开天国通道,将这一条长达8000多里的三火灵脉给收进天国之中,定在天国之中的一片海洋之底,然后便又立即关闭天国通道,疾速的退走。 At this time the non- longevity god palace member and member of netherworld spelled life and death, and nobody realized here sound. 这个时候无寿星宫修士和阴间界的修士拼得你死我活,并没有人察觉到这边的动静。 Feng Feiyun stares at the vision above the second abyss spirit lineage/vein. 风飞云将目光盯在第二条深渊灵脉之上。 This is blood spring Lingmai, is seven thousand li (500 km). 这是一条血泉灵脉,长达七千里。 The spirit lineage/vein generally surge in the place bottom like the blood spring, but this is actually not the genuine blood spring, but by the world spiritual energy collection, looks like the blood vessel of world. 灵脉就像血泉一般在地底涌动,但是这却并不是真正的血泉,而是由天地灵气汇集而成,就像是天地的血管。 If can absorb the spiritual energy in this blood spring, blood energy and the vitality and body and spirit member will grow very big one section, this is enormous to the member profit of Nirvana boundary, can increase the Nirvana success ratio. 若是能够吸收这一条血泉之中的灵气,修士的血气、生命力、体魄都会增长很大一截,这对涅槃境的修士益处极大,可以增加涅槃的成功率。 Moreover blood energy and vitality is the exuberant person, can succeed the Nirvana number of times to be also more. 而且血气和生命力越是旺盛的人,能够成功涅槃的次数也就越多。 At this time in blood spring Lingmai, the two member were fighting. 这个时候血泉灵脉之中,正有两位修士在战斗。 These two are extremely powerhouse, cultivation base is extremely fearful, each move has to divide the star to cut the moon/month the strength. 这两位都是绝顶强者,修为极其可怕,每一招都有劈星斩月的力量。 Song Chengming stands in top of the Daoist temple tall and straight, the body such as a pine, this Daoist temple was he obtains from an ancient times dense conceals, can obtain in the Daoist temple an inheritance of old say/way. His body almost fuses together with this Daoist temple, can borrow the strength in Daoist temple, can use the Daoist temple to launch the attack. 宋城名站在一座道观之顶,身体挺拔如一棵青松,这一座道观乃是他从一座远古密藏之中得到,能够得到了道观之中一位老道的传承。他的身体几乎和这一座道观融为一体,能够借用道观之中的力量,也可以使用道观发起攻击。 After that old say/way dies, integrates in an essence on already the Daoist temple, therefore the strength of Daoist temple is quite fearful, once the prestige can show completely, the destructive power is hard to estimate. 那一位老道死后,就已经将一身精气都融入道观之中,所以道观的力量相当可怕,一旦威能全部展现出来,破坏力难以揣度。 Song Chengming grasps a sphere, the spiritual energy in body emerges the sphere, stimulates to movement inside Formation, above the sphere grows at once ten handle soft swords, each handle soft armor can extend several hundred meters far, in his hands beats like ten silver snakes. 宋城名手持一枚圆球,身体之中的灵气涌入圆球,催动里面的阵法,圆球之上旋即生长出十柄软剑,每一柄软甲都能延伸数百米远,就像十条银蛇在他手掌之中跳动。 This is Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, named ten cut sword, the might is enormous, had cut a Ascension sage. 这是一件十品灵器,名叫“十斩剑”,威力极大,曾经斩过一位羽化贤者。 What fights with Song Chengming is You Ziling. 宋城名交手的乃是游紫菱 Her body is slender, such as a purple large snake, shuttles back and forth, in ten cut in the slit of sword, the speed is much faster. 她身体窈窕,如一条紫色的长蛇,穿梭在十斩剑的缝隙之中,速度快得让人眼花缭乱。 Her full long hair such as the supple silk, the cheek is exquisite and fine, above the snow white flesh is flowing the graceful white light, to feeling that the person one type is not tainted by this world's affairs holily. 她的满头长发如柔丝,脸蛋小巧而精致,雪白的肌肤之上流动着盈盈白光,给人一种圣洁不染尘的感觉。
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