SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#977: Unknown story

Hearsay 80,000 years ago, the real dragons was seriously injured, runs away from Monster Clan big to ten thousand clan battlefields, wants to surmount the battlefield potential surface to run away. However actually encounters with the human army in ten thousand clan battlefields, finally it was given to overtake by chasing down, was given to write off by the opposite party, but the dragon corpse crashed Human Race battlefield big thousand potential surfaces, was hidden by abyss Immortal City worthy people of former times at that time secretly, brought back to sixth Yang Dynasty.” “传闻在80000年前,有一头真龙受了重伤,从妖族的一座大界逃到万族战场,想要跨越战场位面逃走。但是在万族战场却与人类大军遭遇,最终它还是被追杀者给追上,被对方给抹杀,而龙尸则坠落到了人族战场的一座大千位面,被当时九渊仙城的一位先贤给偷偷藏了起來,带回第六中央王朝。” Unexpectedly is the corpse of real dragon!” You Zilin has grown up the mouth. “竟然是真龙的尸体!”游紫林长大了嘴巴。 His cultivation base may be called incomparable in the younger generation, but actually as before stills have a childlike innocence, is very curious to the matter of dragon clan. 他的修为在年轻一代堪称无匹,但是却依旧童心未泯,对龙族的事很好奇。 What existence can strike to kill the real dragon?” “什么样的存在能够击杀真龙?” These young talents are surprised uncertain, seems is hearing the legend. 那些年轻才俊都惊疑不定,仿佛是在听神话传说。 The Old Dexu say/way continues saying: „The corpse of real dragon was brought back to abyss Immortal City, no one knows that among this exactly what happened, the news disclosed in a while, vibrated entire sixth Yang Dynasty. dragon clan has the envoy to arrive to abyss Immortal City, where abyss Immortal City City Lord dares to speak the last words with the messengers of dragon clan, immediately dragon corpse handing over. However dragon clan the envoy is unsatisfied, wants abyss Immortal City City Lord to hand over any thing. It is said abyss Immortal City City Lord was also at that time ignorant, does not know that what that thing is?” 地虚老道继续道:“真龙的尸体被带回九渊仙城,谁都不知道这中间到底发生了什么事,沒过多久消息是走漏了出去,震动了整个第六中央王朝。龙族有使者降临到九渊仙城,九渊仙城城主哪敢和龙族的使者叫板,立即将龙尸给交了出去。但是龙族的使者则并不满意,要九渊仙城城主交出什么东西。据说九渊仙城城主当时也懵了,根本不知道那一件东西是什么?” You Zilin is very surprised, was the eyeball turning round rotation, that real dragon has carried what thing on the body?” 游紫林很惊讶,眼球滴溜溜的转动,“难道是那一头真龙携带了什么东西在身上?” The Old Dexu say/way shook the head, said: No one knows that exactly what happened, abyss Immortal City and messengers of dragon clan have fought unexpectedly, finally dragon clan the envoy died, the abyss Immortal City destruction, that dragon corpse does not know the trace! Then that war destroyed around the abyss Immortal City three big territories, abyss Immortal City also thoroughly changed into the ruins, the continuous hundreds of thousands of miles were the Immortal City ruins, hides many disasters that the past years has left behind.” 地虚老道摇了摇头,道:“谁都不知道中间到底发生了什么事,九渊仙城和龙族的使者竟然战了起來,最终龙族的使者身亡,九渊仙城覆灭,那一具龙尸也不知所踪!当时的那一战毁灭了九渊仙城周围的三座大域,九渊仙城也彻底化为废墟,连绵数十万里都是仙城遗址,隐藏了当年留下的诸多祸患。” Afterward some dragon clan powerhouses arrived here, making entire abyss Immortal City sink to the bottom, all people think that powerhouse already of that dragon clan carries off the dragon corpse, but no one has expected for 80,000 years later, abyss Immortal City emerges the ground, that dragon corpse also crawls from the place bottom.” “后來又有龙族的强者降临到这里,让整个九渊仙城都沉入地底,所有人都以为那一位龙族的强者已经将龙尸带走,但是谁都沒有料到80000年之后,九渊仙城又浮出地面,那一具龙尸也从地底爬出。” The Old Dexu say/way spoke of here sound to stop suddenly, quiet long time, said: Yeah! No one knows that what all these do indicate? Perhaps is not the auspicious matter.” 地虚老道说到此处声音豁然打住,沉寂了半晌,才道:“哎!谁都不知道这一切到底预示着什么?或许并不是什么吉利的事。” Why do we also want in the heart of going abyss Immortal City ruins?” You Ziling sits cross-legged above azure cloud, the body Daoist robe is clean, the long hair drags, a two stars pupil especially pure brightness. “那我们为何还要前去九渊仙城遗址的心中?”游紫菱盘坐在一朵青色的云彩上,身上道袍干净,长发摇曳,一双星眸格外清明。 Her appearance simple and elegant jade sends, the long hair hangs on the sparkling stone white forehead, has one type to say only beautiful. 她的容颜清雅玉致,长发挂在莹白色的额头上,有着一种说之不出的唯美。 Old Dexu say/way: Reason that abyss Immortal City is called abyss Immortal City, that is because it once had nine deep pools, is flowing nine abyss spirit lineage/vein, each spirit lineage/vein can be talent outstanding wash a body, quenchings the mortal body. Leads you to come, to seek for these nine spirit lineage/vein chances, if in you luck of some people are good, can perhaps quenching the body in the spirit lineage/vein , to promote cultivation base, increases the body potential, in the future will become the overlord in non- longevity god palace.” 地虚老道道:“九渊仙城之所以被称为九渊仙城,那是因为它曾经拥有九座渊,流淌着九条深渊灵脉,每一条灵脉都可以为一位天才俊杰洗涤道体,淬炼肉身。带你们前來,就是为了寻找这九条灵脉机缘,若是你们之中有人的运气好,说不定能够在灵脉之中淬炼身体,提升修为,增加身体潜力,将來成为无寿星宫的霸主。” Non- longevity god palace the vision of these young talents are bright, the cultivation immortal said that to not become an immortal, only for free and unfettered first. 无寿星宫的那些年轻才俊的目光都明亮起來,修炼仙道,不为成仙,只为逍遥一世。 They are non- longevity god palace the talents of extremely, already had broke through the qualifications of Ascension boundary, but broke through the Ascension boundary merely, that was the performance that one type did not seek to progress, they also wanted Nirvana more multiple, be only the Nirvana quantity were more, in the future will walk in the Ascension boundary, after achieving the Ascension boundary, will be also stronger. 他们都是无寿星宫的绝顶天才,都已经拥有了突破羽化境的资格,但是仅仅只是突破羽化境,那是一种不求上进的表现,他们还要涅槃更多次,只有涅槃的数量越多,将來才会在羽化境走得更远,达到羽化境之后也才会更强。 Now they most lack is the body potential, the potential is deeper, can the Nirvana number of times be also more. 现在他们最缺的就是身体潜力,潜力越深,能够涅槃的次数也就越多。 Beside the plain broken ruins, dark clouds sweep across. 古朴残破的废墟之外,一片阴云席卷过來。 Four wear the old person of black gown to go out from the dark clouds, falls to the ground , the body cold air is cold, Qi Shapes present in their top of the heads. 四个身穿黑色袍子的老人从阴云之中走出,落到地面上,身上寒气冷冽,有一道道气象在他们的头顶呈现。 Their Evil Qi heyday, walk from evil like four revere evilly. 他们的身上邪气极盛,就像四尊从邪界走來的邪尊。 Wears the young people of white robe in four black robe old people's also five, is extraordinary, the body, the body aura is remarkably vigorous, vision fleeing world! 在四个黑袍老人的身后还有五个身穿白袍的年轻人,一个个都气质出众,身体卓然,身上气息浑厚,目光披靡天下! They like black and white variable general, the whole body gives the package by the black robe and white robe, cannot see their status, cannot see their cultivation base. 他们就像黑白无常一般,全身都被黑袍和白袍给包裹,看不出他们的身份,也看不出他们的修为 However Feng Feiyun gives to recognize their identities as before, is the netherworld four old men and five young talents, they are really also haunted by the ghost, suddenly found here to come. 但是风飞云依旧将他们的身份给认出,正是阴间界的四位老者和五位年轻才俊,他们还真是阴魂不散,竟然找到这里來了。 Everybody was careful!” “大家小心!” These member in non- longevity god palace are also tense, is critical situation, stands up from the ground. 无寿星宫的那些修士也都紧张起來,一个个如临大敌,从地上站起。 Old that and has a ruddy complexion gives to make purple talisman, talisman float in ten zhang (3.33 m) high void, erupts faint purple glow, condenses a purple light cover, protects these disciples in non- longevity god palace. 其中一个面色红润的老道将一枚紫色的符箓给打出,符箓悬浮在十丈高的虚空,爆发出一片淡淡的紫芒,凝聚成一座紫色的光罩,守护住无寿星宫的那些弟子。 Future who?” A Old Dexu complexion is tranquil, sits cross-legged on stone platform, the body is motionless. “來者何人?”地虚老道脸色平静,盘坐石台上,身体一动不动。 Although the opposite party is threatening, but the three old say/way of non- longevity god palace have also experienced the great storms person, by opposite party Evil Qi daunting. 对方虽然來势汹汹,但是无寿星宫的三位老道也都是经历过大风大浪的人,并不被对方身上的邪气给吓住。 Outside the ruins, an old man sound of netherworld is hoarse, is smiling to a nearby old man in a low voice, is that group of smelly taoist priests in non- longevity god palace.” 废墟外,阴间界的一位老者声音沙哑,对着旁边的一个老者低声一笑,“是无寿星宫的那一群臭道士。” You Zilin stands up suddenly, said: old man, you said that who was smelly?” 游紫林豁然站起身,道:“老头,你说谁臭了?” The three old say/way of non- longevity god palace also again and again knit the brows, very repugnant outside this crowd of member aura , the gloom and blood energy are too really heavy, understood at a glance that is that full hand bloody evil way member. 无寿星宫的三位老道也都连连皱眉,很反感外面这群修士身上的气息,阴气和血气实在太重,一看就知道是那种满手血腥的邪道修士。 Moreover they are also the honored and popular characters, that ancient clan old ancestors must flatter them, how could some people dare saying that they are the smelly taoist priests? 而且他们也都是有头有脸的人物,那种古族的老祖都要巴结他们,何曾有人敢说他们是臭道士? Puts on the old man of black robe to sneer, pair of evil vision dew outside black robe, sound high-pitched and fine, „do you see Half Monster?” 穿着黑袍的老者冷笑一声,一双邪性的目光露在黑袍外,声音尖细,“你们看到一个半妖沒有?” Half Monster had not seen, the transvestite sees one crowd actually.” You Zilin said. 半妖沒看到,人妖倒是看到一群。”游紫林道。 Quack! The young taoist priest, you said that who is a transvestite?” The voice of black robe old man is more incisive, likely is the evil spirit under night. “嘎嘎!小道士,你说谁是人妖呢?”黑袍老者的声音更加尖锐,像是夜下的厉鬼。 You Zilin said: Naturally was said that one crowd does not dare by the monster that the true colors showed that own face does not dare to reveal, what wasn't this transvestite is?” 游紫林道:“自然是说一群不敢以真面目示人的怪物,连自己的脸都不敢露,这不是人妖是什么?” Young taoist priest, you are courting death.” “小道士,你这是在找死。” The black robe old man aura chaos, in both eyes project two black fine glow, was two black thin sword flying volumes comes likely, penetrated the defense of purple talisman, cut to the neck and waist of You Zilin. 黑袍老者身上的气息混沌,双目之中射出两道黑色的精芒,像是两道黑色的细剑飞卷过來,穿透了紫色符箓的防御,斩向游紫林的脖子和腰部。 Bang!” “轰!” The Old Dexu say/way extends an old hand, selected one finger/refers, the fingertip departs together Daoguang, that two thin sword striking off. 地虚老道伸出一只苍老的手,点出一指,指尖飞出一道道光,将那两道细剑给击断。 Immeasurable day Venerable/reveres! The old say/way is the non- longevity god palace empty, has not seen any Half Monster all the way, does not want with anybody to be the enemy, if naturally your excellency wants to look for a job, our non- longevity god palaces are not the people of being afraid of getting into trouble.” “无量天尊!老道乃是无寿星宫地虚,一路上并沒有看到任何半妖,也不想和任何人为敌,当然若是阁下想要找事,我们无寿星宫也不是怕事的人。” A Old Dexu sound is vigorous, the air/Qi shakes the sky, making the surrounding world blown sand walk the stone, displays the formidable strength. 地虚老道声音浑厚,气震霄汉,让周围天地都飞沙走石,表现出强大的力量來。 These member of netherworld do not want to be meddlesome obviously, that black robe old man sneers saying: You most said are the truth, otherwise I made your non- longevity god palaces pay the serious price. We walk!” 阴间界的那些修士显然也不想多事,那一位黑袍老者冷笑道:“你们最好说得都是实话,要不然我让你们无寿星宫付出惨重的代价。我们走!” Four black robe old men, five white robe talents, departure directly, go toward the deep place line of Immortal City ruins. 四位黑袍老者,五位白袍才俊,径直的离去,向着仙城遗址的深处行去。 Hey! How such to walk? Has the skill to dispute with my teacher's younger brother ancestor, looked that who is stronger!” Say/Way that You Zilin clamored. “喂!怎么就这么走了?有本事与我师叔祖较量一番,看谁更强啊!”游紫林叫嚣的道。 Old Dexu full was the forehead wrinkle of wrinkle bans, has scolded one, said: „The opposite party background is not small, do not provoke.” 地虚老道满是皱纹的额头皱禁,呵斥了一句,道:“对方來头不小,不要去招惹。” You Zilin thinks otherwise as before, the entire southwest 12 boundaries, what person will the non- longevity god palace fear? 游紫林依旧不以为然,整个西南12境,无寿星宫会惧什么人? Even if the Middle Ages aristocratic family that these keep aloof is also respectful to the non- longevity god palace, will dispatch in the clan the hero Bai enters non- longevity god palace to cultivate, how many black and white transvestites let alone is? 就算是那些高高在上的中古世家也都对无寿星宫恭恭敬敬,会派遣族中英杰拜入无寿星宫修炼,更何况是几个黑白人妖? You Ziling said: You, if dares to stir up trouble again, now get lost/rolls returns to the star palace.” 游紫菱道:“你若是再敢惹事,现在就滚回星宫。” Elder sister...... I am looks unpleasing to the eyes......” You Zilin to be somewhat resentful however, lowers the head, does not dare own and elder sister speaks the last words. “姐……我就是看不顺眼……”游紫林有些悻悻然,低着头,不敢自己的和姐姐叫板。 You Ziling eyelash curved, the physique is slender, flesh snow white, Daoist robe is very neat, outlined gracefully the tender body of beautiful and graceful unparalleled, making the person indulge in fantasy. 游紫菱睫毛弯弯,身姿修长,肌肤雪白,身上的道袍十分整洁,将婀娜的娇躯勾勒得曼妙无双,让人想入非非。 I also looked that now you aren't pleasing to the eyes, want me to teach you first?” Her beautiful pupil is bright, has one to let the person hard-and-fast dignity. “我现在也看你不顺眼,要不要我先教训教训你?”她美眸明亮,却又带着一股让人不可违逆的威严。 No! No! The elder sister, did I make a mistake was not good? I made a mistake really! Right, the elder sister you are so intelligent, you thought that what person they are finding? Half Monster? Their cultivation base are so formidable, definitely greatly has the background, looks for Half Monster to do?” “别!别!姐,我错了还不行?我真错了!对了,姐你那么聪明,你觉得他们到底在找什么人?半妖?他们的修为那么强大,绝对大有來头,找一个半妖干什么?” You Zilin fears to this big three minutes of elder sisters very much, he will dare the teacher's younger brother ancestor not to pay attention, actually does not dare to speak the last words with You Ziling, will therefore shift the topic hastily. 游紫林对这个比自己大三分钟的姐姐很惧怕,他敢不将师叔祖放在眼里,却不敢和游紫菱叫板,于是连忙转移话題。 Old Dexu also reveals the color/look of thinking deeply, said: Half Monster! It is said recently leaf Hongjing left Half Monster heavenly talent actually, gives to defeat leaf Hongjing the first talent, moreover obtained summon of Holy Spirit, this historically rarely seen.” 地虚老道也露出深思之色,道:“半妖!据说最近叶红境倒是出了一个半妖天骄,将叶红境的第一天才都给击败,而且还得到了圣神的召见,这在历史上都不多见。” What teacher's younger brother ancestor refers to is Half Monster Feng Feiyun?” The eye of You Zilin becomes bright as snow, said excitedly: Above ten thousand clan battlefields I have seen with him one time, at that time but actually had not thought he fierce, has not thought that several years of scene, can actually defeat Gu on already eight, cuts to kill yellow heaven, obtained summon of Holy Spirit, actually a good match. If sees him again, must dispute with him, making him taste my executes fierce of evil sword.” “师叔祖指的是半妖风飞云?”游紫林的眼睛变得雪亮,兴奋道:“在万族战场之上我可是和他见过一次,当时倒沒觉得他有多厉害,沒想到才几年光景,竟然就已经能够击败顾老八,斩杀黄天,得到了圣神的召见,倒是一个不错的对手。若是再见到他,非要和他较量一番,让他尝尝我的诛邪剑的厉害。” Sat cross-legged in Qingyun a pair of beautiful pupil above of You Ziling reveals the unusual look, the eyelash winked winking, has remembered the matter in White Spider Monster Clan big camp, above the snow white cheeks gave birth has wiped to blush, was he! That shameless Half Monster.” 盘坐在青云之上的游紫菱的一双美眸之中则露出异色,睫毛眨了眨,想起了在白蛛妖族大营之中的事,雪白的脸颊之上生出了一抹红晕,“是他!那个无耻的半妖。” However she has rubbed at once the snow white tooth, does not have the fellow of principle to be somewhat angry to that also does not have the principle, has a big mouth. 但是旋即她又磨了磨雪白的牙齿,对那个沒有原则的家伙有些气恼,既沒原则,也口无遮拦。 Although Feng Feiyun had rescued her life at that time, has not made her have too many favorable impressions. 虽然风飞云当时救了她一命,也沒有让她有太多的好感。 „Did elder sister, you do a lot of talking to do?” You Zilin curious say/way. “姐,你磨牙干嘛?”游紫林好奇的道。 Your disciplinary training of juvenile delinquents!” You Ziling said. “你少管!”游紫菱道。 Oh!” You Zilin resentful nod of however, does not dare to inquire about again. !”游紫林悻悻然的点了点头,不敢再过问。 Feng Feiyun stands in the darkness, stares at that pair of twin sister and brother in distant place, the heart is feeling somewhat funnily, it seems like can actually enter the abyss Immortal City ruins center with them together. 风飞云站在黑暗之中,盯着远处的那一对双胞胎姐弟,心头不禁感觉有些好笑,看來倒是可以跟着他们一起进入九渊仙城的遗址中心。 The skeleton of real dragon, nine abyss spirit lineage/vein, this submerges in place bottom 80,000 years of Immortal City, what secret once hid? 真龙的尸骸,九条深渊灵脉,这一座淹沒在地底80000年的仙城,曾经到底隐藏了什么秘密? ...... …… It seems like everybody already fostered read the free book the custom, but hopes that everybody payment reading supported. Later daily two chapters, 12 : 00 am and 6 : 00 pm. The burst time unification decides on per week Monday. 看來大家都已经养成了看免费书的习惯,不过还是希望大家付费阅读支持一下。以后每天两章,凌晨12点和下午六点更。爆发时间统一定在每周星期一。
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