SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#976: Real dragon skeleton

Bang!” “嘭!” A Feng Feiyun foot the head of ground stepping on broken, like stepping on the broken big watermelon, the red blood scatters. Please use to visit the home station. 风飞云一脚将地上的头颅给踩碎,就像踩碎一个大西瓜,红色的血液四溅。请使用访问本站。 Not......” “不……” The netherworld remaining five God's favored ones fierce cried loud and long, the sound was full of resenting, simultaneously made the strongest magical powers, a strength bang of blotting out the sky has pressed. 阴间界剩下的五位天之骄子都厉声长啸,声音充满愤恨,同时打出最强神通,一股铺天盖地的力量轰压了过去。 Feng Feiyun simultaneously launches Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, Ten Thousand War Beast Domain, Phoenix Fire God Domain, three territories concentrate as one, changes into a divine nature big territory, wraps oneself body, like a Buddha beast world, takes root above the earth. 风飞云同时展开“金蚕佛域”,“万兽战域”,“凤凰火神域”,三域凝为一体,化为一座神性大域,包裹己身,就像一座佛兽世界,扎根在大地之上。 However the netherworld five people of strengths are formidable, each strength is not weaker than Feng Feiyun many. 但是阴间界五人的力量更是强大,每一个实力都不比风飞云弱多少。 Bang!” “轰!” He was flown to the bang by that strength, three territories were attacked to crush. 他被那一股力量给轰飞了出去,三域都被冲击得粉碎。 The body of Feng Feiyun are many dozens wounds, the clothes is tattered, the under foot has a deep scoop channel, is with his body impact. 风飞云的身上多出数十道伤口,衣服破破烂烂,脚下有一条深深的凹槽,乃是用他的身体冲击而成。 However he as before is actually standing, in the mouth puts out one group of bloody foams, said: „The present is I kills one person first, netherworld heavenly talent extremely, is mediocre!” 但是他却依旧站着,口中吐出一团血沫子,道:“现在可是我先杀一人,阴间界的绝顶天骄,也不过如此嘛!” Calculates that I formerly underestimated you, but your present already suffered the heavy losses, you think that can escape from we five people of palms?” The Song Chengming sound became cold, that cold air, making above the earth freeze thick cold. “算我先前小看了你,不过你现在已经遭受了重创,你以为能够逃出我们五人的手掌心?”宋城名的声音变得冷冽了起来,身上的那一股寒气,让大地之上都结上一层厚厚的寒冰。 Brother Song, you may not frighten me! I did not fear Yama how to fear you? I can kill Luo Taicheng, can also you kills.” Feng Feiyun revolution Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi, the injury in body speedily restores, overflows from the pore. 宋兄,你可千万别吓我!我连阎王都不怕,岂会怕你们?我能够杀死罗太成,也就能够将你们也一个个都干掉。”风飞云运转金蚕佛气,身体之中的伤势疾速恢复,一道道佛芒从毛孔之中溢出。 That waits and sees...... It is not good, how did the earth vibrate?” The Song Chengming complexion changes. “那就走着瞧……不好,大地怎么震动起来了?”宋城名的脸色一变。 Complexion also change of Feng Feiyun slightly, has an appalling strength in speedily outward to clash the sensation to the bottom of earth, must destroy like the entire earth generally. 风飞云的脸色也微微的变化,感知到大地之底有一股让人毛骨悚然的力量在疾速往外冲,就像整个大地都要毁灭了一般。 Above the sky also had the great change, bunch of dark clouds condense, blood astral flows, interweaves a spider web common blood net. 天空之上也发生了巨变,一团团阴云凝聚,血罡流动,交织成一座蛛网一般的血网。 Blood astral to become net, evil spirit is born!” “血罡成网,凶煞出世!” The wooden spirit sound is skilled in the astronomical geography, sees the celestial phenomenon above backdrop, read a code, is celestial phenomenon that saw from books of record evil spirit. 木灵音精通天文地理,看到天幕之上的天象,念出了一道密语,乃是从一本记载凶煞的书籍上面看到的天象。 How will the bottom have evil spirit?” “地底怎么会有凶煞?” Here once was the abyss Immortal City ruins, perhaps was once abyss Immortal City imprisoned in the place bottom evil spirit, abyss Immortal City, although has destroyed 80,000 years ago, but the lives of these evil spirits were higher than human, perhaps has not died.” “这里曾是九渊仙城的遗址,说不定是曾经九渊仙城囚禁在地底的凶煞,九渊仙城虽然在80000年前就毁灭了,但是这些凶煞的寿命远高于人类,说不定还没有死。” The under foot of Feng Feiyun also gives birth to openings, stones upward are braving, in the crack overflows air/Qi of faint trace corrosion. 风飞云的脚下也生出一道道裂口,一块块土石在往上冒,裂缝中溢出一丝丝腐蚀之气。 I said that ancient wall stands in the there 80,000 years, nobody dares to break the ancient wall to take inside falling day Spirit Stone. Here every bit of property cannot move, had the worthy people of former times to arrange the imprisoned method here, once undermined here balance, will have the ancient evil spirit broken to ban.” Feng Feiyun calculates reason using the fifty technique. “我就说那一堵古墙立在那里80000年,都没有人敢去打破古墙取里面的陨天灵石。这里的一草一木都动不得,有先贤在这里布置了禁锢手段,一旦打破了这里的平衡,就会有古老的凶煞破禁而出。”风飞云利用大衍术推算出原因。 Some wooden spirit sound surprise, she cultivation base in Wiseman was extremely also high, has achieved the Grade 7 Great Wiseman rank, but linked her not to calculate the reason, opposite Half Monster actually already calculated. 木灵音有些诧异,她在智师道上修为也极高,达到了七品大智师的级别,但是连她都还没有推算出原因,对面的半妖已经推算出来了。 This Half Monster is really not be ignored! 这一个半妖真不可小视! The fluctuation of bottom is getting more and more intense, and has extended several hundred miles, many already were buried in a place bottom several tens of thousands years of thing emerges the ground, the sculpture that for example tattered Ancient City walls, break remnantly, the rusty stain stained iron hardware, did not have the rotten white bones completely...... 地底的波动越来越强烈,而且一直延伸了数百里,很多已经被掩埋在地底数万年的东西都浮出地面,比如说一堵堵破烂的古城墙,残断的雕塑,锈迹斑斑的铁器,还有一些没有腐烂尽的白骨…… 80,000 years pass by, have too many thing already corrosion. Any thing that can also preserve now, once surely extraordinary. 80000年过去,有太多的东西都已经腐蚀。凡是还能保存到现在的东西,曾经都必定非凡。 Gloom run out from place bottom, are having the strength of intense corrosion. 一道道阴气从地底冲出,带着强烈的腐蚀之力。 I was moistened the body by the gloom!” The skin of Xie Xuan covers dying embers, was entered the body by the gloom, the skin becomes more and more pale, looks like the skin of deceased person is ordinary. “我被阴气沾身了!”谢玄的皮肤蒙上一层死灰,被阴气入体,皮肤变得越来越惨白,就像是死人的皮肤一般。 Bang!” “轰!” In his body gushes out rushing the spirit glow, suppresses that gloom, but actually as before cannot refine completely. 他的身体之中涌出一股滂湃的灵芒,压制住那一股阴气,但是却依旧不能完全将之炼化。 Feng Feiyun fled, pursues!” 风飞云遁走了,追!” The abyss Immortal City ruins are very vast, the continuous hundreds of thousands of miles, once were a Immortal City state. 九渊仙城的遗址十分浩大,连绵数十万里,曾经乃是一座仙城国度。 This state already was buried in the place bottom several tens of thousands years, now once more has actually braved. 这一座国度已经被掩埋在地底数万年,现在却又再次冒了出来。 The Feng Feiyun shuttle in ruins, in the air is filling corrupt and damp smell, often also some ancient corpse crawl from the place bottom, to moon breath expiration and inspiration. 风飞云穿梭在一座座废墟之中,空气之中弥漫着一股腐败而阴湿的气味,不时还有一些古尸从地底爬出,对着月亮呼吸吐纳。 Here thorough changed into ominous place. 这里彻底的化为了一座不祥之地。 Finally that five people getting rid.” “终于将那五人给摆脱了。” This is he in the third night in the abyss Immortal City ruins walking, these three days he has met many bad risks, has the giant beast white bones to emit the ground, had ancient times the soul born, has the worthy people of former times remains to change into the corpse to be evil, several times were almost killed. 这是他在九渊仙城遗址中行走的第三个夜晚,这三天他遇到了很多凶险,有巨兽白骨冒出地面,有远古阴魂出世,有先贤遗骸化为尸邪,有好几次都差点丧命。 He restrains aura, walks in piece by piece remnant tile cliffs, occasionally can also pick several tens of thousands years ago treasure that leaves behind. 他收敛身上的气息,行走在一片片残瓦断壁之间,偶尔还能捡到一些从数万年前遗留下来的宝物。 The sound of abyss Immortal City ruins, gives to alarm entire Huan Tianjing, many member already enter this region. 九渊仙城遗址的动静,将整个桓天境都给惊动,有很多修士都已经进入这一片地域。 Feng Feiyun stands above gray-black stone platform, side is ruins of palace, above full was the bloodstain and moisture, the rubble was already rotten completely, the wall has collapsed several. 风飞云站在一座灰黑色的石台之上,旁边是一座殿宇的废墟,上面满是血迹和湿气,瓦砾早已烂尽,墙壁都垮塌了数处。 Is three days ago, emits from the place bottom. 乃是在三天前,从地底冒出。 He is looking into the deep place of Immortal City ruins, hears one to shout, the sound is very huge, likely is dragon cry, is the desolate ancient giant beast is roaring likely. 他眺望着仙城遗址的深处,听到一声嘶吼,声音很庞大,像是龙吟,又像是荒古的巨兽在咆哮。 This sound his already heard to be unalarmed by strange sights. 这种声音他已经听得见怪不怪了。 This is dragon corpse is roaring really! 这是一头真龙尸在咆哮! Two days ago, Feng Feiyun sees with one's own eyes that huge real dragon corpse to crawl from the place bottom, like mountain ridge that the steel refining up strongly, then flew to the deep place of Immortal City ruins, at that time made Feng Feiyun extremely shocking. 两天前,风飞云亲眼看到那一头庞大的真龙尸体从地底爬出,像钢铁铸炼成的山岭,然后飞向了仙城遗址的深处,当时让风飞云极其震惊。 Must know that is the real dragon, but is not the common flood dragon. 要知道那可是真龙,而不是一般的蛟龙。 dragon clan with the Phoenix Monster Clan same pride, all dragon clan skeletons must be buried the dragon tomb. 龙族可是和凤凰妖族一样的骄傲,所有龙族的尸骨都要被埋葬到龙冢。 Sixth will Yang Dynasty present dragon corpse? 第六中央王朝怎么会出现一具龙尸? Perhaps abyss Immortal City destruction with this related.” “说不定九渊仙城的覆灭就与此相关。” Feng Feiyun cannot calculate reason, some people have sealed up the past secret, it seems like here had any matter 80,000 years ago , the truth also will perhaps have surfaced! 风飞云没能推算出其中的原因,有人封闭了当年的天机,看来在80000年前这里真的曾经发生过什么事,真相或许也将浮出水面了! He is planned to leave this region, so as to avoid again and in Xuanyuan Yiyi bitter experience, when sees that dragon corpse, the blood in his body actually had the strange fluctuation, the blood of Demon was shivering, in the mind appeared strange pictures. 他本来是打算离开这一片地域,免得再和轩辕一一遭遇上,但是在看到那一具龙尸的时候,他身体之中的血液却发生了奇异的波动,妖魔之血都在颤动,脑海之中浮现出一幕幕奇怪的画面。 Feng Feiyun thought that dragon corpse affirmed has some connections with. 风飞云觉得那一具龙尸肯定和自己有一些关联。 He decides to stay behind, must give investigation to understand this matter. 他决定留下,一定要将此事给探查个明白。 Some people came toward here.” Sacred Fruit said in Feng Feiyun pocket. “有人向着这边过来了。”圣实果风飞云的衣兜里说道。 Feng Feiyun Spiritual Awareness is formidable, approaches sensation to some people, the body moves, at once hides in stretch of ruins, stands in the darkness, the body closes right up against the moist wall. 风飞云灵觉强大,也感知到有人接近,身体一动,旋即隐藏到了一片废墟之中,站在黑暗处,身体靠着湿润的墙壁。 When are not many, one crowd put on the member of azure Daoist robe also to arrive at this stretch of ruins, including more than ten were the young member, three were the member of older generation. 不多时,一群穿着青色道袍的修士也来到了这一片废墟,其中有十多个都是年轻修士,还有三个乃是老一辈的修士。 These three old say/way are very energetic, cultivation base is immeasurably deep. 这三个老道都很精神,修为深不可测。 And old both eyes are bright, the aura is vigorous, Divine Sense noses toward all around. 其中一个老道双目炯炯,气息浑厚,神识向着四周查探。 Feng Feiyun hastily the hidden silkworm gauze putting in the body, has isolated aura, cultivation base of this old say/way is formidable, if only depends on his technique of concealment, does not evade Divine Sense of old say/way. 风飞云连忙将隐蚕纱罗给穿在身上,隔绝了身上的气息,这个老道的修为强大,若是仅靠他自己的隐匿之术,根本躲不过老道的神识 The Old Dexu say/way takes back Divine Sense, said: This stretch of ruins are tranquil, the formidable evil spirit has not been born, everybody is here in-situ a training double-hour, after restoring to peak condition, immediately starts the central city area in abyss Immortal City ruins.” 地虚老道收回神识,道:“这一片废墟还算平静,没有强大的凶煞出世,大家在这里原地修养一个时辰,恢复到巅峰状态之后,立即启程去九渊仙城遗址的中心城区。” Empty Master Zu, abyss Immortal City in the past because of what reason destruction? You said to us!” On a face of young taoist priest hangs the smiling face, the wheat flour is not needing, pretty, is very handsome, is that type can absolutely the man who Senior Sister and Junior Sister fan must not be oneself. “地虚师祖,九渊仙城当年到底是因为什么原因毁灭?你给我们说说吧!”一个小道士的脸上挂着笑容,白面无须,眉清目秀,很是俊朗,绝对是那种能够将师姐师妹迷得神魂颠倒的男子。 Feng Feiyun more looked that more thought this young taoist priest is familiar, finally gave to think him, not in that of non- longevity god palace above ten thousand clan battlefields met non- long-lived planetesimal. Is called You Zilin. 风飞云越看越觉得这个小道士熟悉,最终将他给想了起来,不正是在万族战场之上遇到的无寿星宫的那个“无寿星子”。叫做游紫林 His also twin elder sister, is called You Ziling. 他还有一个双胞胎姐姐,叫做“游紫菱”。 Has not thought that they also really escape from the White Spider Monster Clan big camp unexpectedly. 没想到他们竟然还真的从白蛛妖族的大营之中逃出。 The vision inspection of Feng Feiyun, really in that group of young talents, saw young simple and beautiful You Ziling. 风飞云的目光巡视,果然在那一群年轻的才俊之中,看到了年轻清丽的“游紫菱”。 Her appearance absolute beauty, clear fragrant is refined, there is an unusual refined flavor in inside. 她容颜绝丽,清馨雅致,有一种超凡脱俗的韵味在里面。 Feng Feiyun beforehand cultivation base is low, could not completely understand that their sister and brother two cultivation base, only know their two sister and brother are very both formidable, does not have the longevity god female, one is the non- long-lived planetesimal, two people have Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, under collaborates, can rout several tens of thousands Monster Clan armies. 风飞云以前的修为低,看不透他们姐弟两的修为,只知道他们两姐弟都很强大,一个是无寿星女,一个是无寿星子,两人都拥有十品灵器,联手之下,能够杀退数万妖族大军。 Feng Feiyun once can only look up to them in any case. 反正风飞云曾经只能仰望他们。 However Feng Feiyun cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds, now already can see that some clue come, their two sister and brother's cultivation base are very high, especially that did not have the longevity god female, cultivation base very possible already to achieve Nirvana 6th-layer. 但是风飞云修为突飞猛进,现在已经能够看出一些端倪来,他们两姐弟的修为很高,特别是那一个无寿星女,修为很可能已经达到了涅槃第六重 Her younger brother non- longevity planetesimal must be slightly weaker, has reached the Nirvana 5th-layer peak, will not compare netherworld Xie Xuan, Nangong Yebai and the others to be weak. 她弟弟无寿星子就要稍微弱一些,达到了涅槃第五重的巅峰,不会比阴间界的谢玄南宫夜白等人弱。 Feng Feiyun looked at the vision to the bodies of other young disciples, mostly cultivation base in Nirvana 4th-layer above, two have also achieved Nirvana 5th-layer. 风飞云又将目光望向了其他的年轻弟子的身上,大多修为都在涅槃第四重以上,其中两个还达到了涅槃第五重 It seems like the inside story of non- longevity god palace is also not the general great strength, trained so many God's favored ones unexpectedly, was Dao Sect in which lineage/vein, the inside story surpasses these Middle Ages aristocratic families worthily.” “看来无寿星宫的底蕴还不是一般的强大,竟然培养出了如此多的天之骄子,不愧是道门的其中一脉,底蕴远超那些中古世家。” Feng Feiyun takes back the vision not to dare to peep at hastily again, that three old man cultivation base of non- longevity god palace are too formidable, even if puts on the hidden silkworm gauze, possibly was given the discovery by them. 风飞云连忙收回目光不敢再窥视下去,无寿星宫的那三位老者修为太强大,就算穿着隐蚕纱罗,都可能被他们给发现。 The Old Dexu say/way sits cross-legged above side stone platform, say/way slowly: Abstained from about abyss Immortal City all very much, now Huan Tianjing cultivation world forbids to discuss these, but...... Since sinks to place bottom Immortal City, now again unearthed, explained that already to has revealed the truth in the world the time, said that to you might also as well.” 地虚老道盘坐在一方石台之上,徐徐的道:“关于九渊仙城的一切都很忌讳,现在桓天境的修仙界都禁止谈论这些,不过……既然沉落到地底的仙城,现在又重新出土,说明已经到了真相大白于天下的时候,给你们说说也无妨。” These young disciples in non- longevity god palace also raise up the ear to listen attentively! 无寿星宫的那些年轻弟子也都竖起耳朵倾听起来! The Old Dexu say/way said: 80,000 years ago, the master of my master had not been born, therefore regarding then all, the old say/way also merely listened to the elders to mention, not necessarily was the real matter, you listen casually are.” 地虚老道说道:“80000年前,我的师父的师父都还没有出生,所以对于当时的一切,老道也仅仅只是听长辈们谈起,并不一定是真实的事,你们随便听听便是。” The old truth takes care of the beard, prepares speaks one not to record the confidential matter above books to these young disciples. 老道理了理胡须,准备给这些年轻弟子讲一个没有记载在书卷之上的密事。
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