SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#975: Netherworld guest

Netherworld belongs to independent big, is quite in sixth Yang Dynasty sixth. “阴间界”属于一座独立的大界,就相当于第六中央王朝所在的“第六界”。 But ten king of netherworld, is a character of rule level, is a unsurpassed control. 而阴间界的十大王者,更是属于一界的统治级的人物,属于一界的无上主宰。 Six heavenly talent that at this moment and Feng Feiyun fights, is the netherworld top successors, obtained the direction of King, the strength no small matter. 此刻和风飞云交手的六位天骄,都是阴间界的顶级传人,曾经得到过王者的指点,战力非同小可。 Evil mirror stand under place Luo Taicheng. “孽镜台”座下的“罗太成”。 The hand pinches the azure knife, the complexion pallid youngster, is due south Wo stone the successor under place, named Nangong Yebai. 手捏青色小刀,脸色煞白的少年,乃是“正南沃石”座下的传人,名叫“南宫夜白”。 That wear scarlet-red blood blister youngster who a moment ago and Feng Feiyun fought, was Bian city the successor under place, named dark green day. 刚才和风飞云交手的那个穿着赤红血泡的少年,乃是“卞城”座下的传人,名叫“苍经天”。 Besides these three people, one of the Chujiang king successors Xie Xuan, one of the equal king successors wooden spirit sound, the later generation descendants of Song king Song Chengming. 除了这三人之外,还有楚江王的传人之一“谢玄”,平等王的传人之一“木灵音”,宋帝王的后辈子孙“宋城名”。 These six people are the Epic Level peak talents, obtains the direction of King, the strength no small matter, is enormous in the reputation of netherworld. 这六人都是史诗级别巅峰的天赋,更是得到过王者的指点,战力非同小可,在阴间界的名声极大。 Especially sits in the Daoist temple loose city name, the outstanding successor of equal king wooden spirit sound, is the character of Nirvana 6th-layer rank. 特别是坐在道观之中的“松城名”,平等王的杰出传人“木灵音”,都是涅槃第六重级别的人物。 They already can break through to the Ascension boundary, to promote own talent, increases own life, sublimates own potential, they have not chosen to break through as before, but wants Nirvana more multiple. 他们早就能够突破到羽化境,但是为了提升自己的天赋,增加自己的寿命,升华自己的潜力,他们依旧没有选择突破,而是想要涅槃更多次。 Feng Feiyun simultaneously launches three big territories, Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi and ten thousand beasts melts, each palm makes to erupt the earthshaking prestige energy. 风飞云同时展开三座大域,金蚕佛气和万兽相融,每一掌打出都能爆发出惊天动地的威能。 Phoenix Fire God Domain erupts, the strength of flame burns to refine for nine days, making this stretch of Immortal City ruins burn. 凤凰火神域爆发出来,火焰的力量焚炼九天,让这一片仙城废墟都跟着燃烧起来。 Armor small hell, destiny universe seal.” “铁衣小地狱,命运乾坤印。” Xie Xuan looks like also 20 years old, the vision such as the falcon general sharpness, both hands tie seal, the body covers on a metal flowing light, has worn an armor likely, the speed increases the several fold crazily, in an instant appears before the body of Feng Feiyun, such as a god of death arrives. 谢玄看起来也就20来岁,目光如鹰隼一般的锐利,双手结印,身上笼罩上一层金属流光,像是穿上了一层铁衣,速度狂增数倍,刹那之间就出现在风飞云的身前,如一尊死神降临。 Destiny universe seal shells together from his hand! 一道命运乾坤印从他的手中轰击下去! Phoenix crack day!” “凤凰裂天!” A Feng Feiyun arm show, scarlet-red feathers give birth from the arm, the finger becomes is sharper than the claw of phoenix, destiny universe seal destroying. 风飞云手臂一展,一根根赤红的羽毛从手臂之上生出,手指变得比凤凰的爪子还要锋利,将命运乾坤印给打碎。 The Feng Feiyun speed also wants on quick one compared with Xie Xuan, the second claw shells, hit on the body of Xie Xuan. 风飞云的速度比谢玄还要快上一丝,第二爪轰击下去,打在了谢玄的身上。 The prestige of this claw can no small matter, be able to cave to the bang a piece of mountain. 这一爪的威能非同小可,能够将一片大山给轰塌陷下去。 Xie Xuan cannot avoid, can only boldly thrust forward to resist hardly, armor erupts a metal flowing light. 谢玄根本避不开,只能挺身硬抗,身上的铁衣爆发出一层金属流光。 Bang!” “轰!” The phoenix vestige of the past bombardment above the armor, shells unceasingly a metal flowing light dissipates, shakes the earth to shiver. 凤凰爪印轰击在铁衣之上,将一道金属流光轰击得不断逸散,震得大地颤抖。 However armor unexpectedly not shatter. 但是铁衣竟然没有破碎。 Xie Xuan sneers, young Dower!” 谢玄冷笑一声,“小道尔!” He offers a sacrifice to a handle white bones evil soldier, like a handle spur, punctured the Feng Feiyun territory strength, the point of spur, already jabbed into the Feng Feiyun flesh and blood. 他祭出一柄白骨邪兵,像一柄骨刺,刺破风飞云的域力,骨刺的尖部,已经刺进了风飞云的血肉之中。 This is a bone of evil way Great Sage, was built up more than 100 years by the Xie Xuan sacrifice, the might is very fearful. 这是一根邪道大贤者的骨头,又被谢玄祭炼了100多年,威力很可怕。 Feng Feiyun mobilizes the Phoenix Fire God Domain strength, a phoenix condenses before his body, shaking to fly Xie Xuan. 风飞云调动凤凰火神域的力量,一只凤凰凝聚在他的身前,将谢玄给震飞了出去。 The Feng Feiyun foot steps on seven ten Grade 2 Buddha stages, advances on suddenly, is pinching together the buddha's finger bone, condensed a piece of vast Fokuang, in the chest of Xie Xuan, punctured like a handle Buddha sword. 风飞云脚踩七十二品佛台,猛然进击,捏着一道佛指,凝聚出一片浩瀚佛光,点在了谢玄的胸口,就像一柄佛剑刺过去。 !” “噗!” Fokuang gives to pierce the chest of Xie Xuan, projects together the blood spring. 佛光将谢玄的胸口给洞穿,射出一道血泉。 In the Feng Feiyun look is completely angry, making Phoenix Fire God Domain condense the empty shades of five phoenixes, erupts the evil fire god strength, must Xie Xuan building up. 风飞云的眼神之中满是愤怒,让“凤凰火神域”凝聚出五只凤凰的虚影,爆发出孽火神力,要将谢玄给炼化。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Luo Taicheng, dark green simultaneously shifts after the days and Nangong Yebai three people, launches the magical powers tactical rules, five phoenix empty shade destructive power blocking. 罗太成、苍经天、南宫夜白三人同时横移过来,展开神通战法,将五只凤凰虚影的破坏力给挡住。 Good terrifying flame.” “好恐怖的火焰。” Dark green was burnt after the day palm burned black, continually retroceded seven talent coming to a stop footsteps, on the face full is being astonished color/look. 苍经天的手掌被烧得焦黑,一连后退了七步才站稳脚步,脸上满是讶色。 Netherworld also has many Half Monster, but is mostly small and weak and base and low, has not had this Half Monster so to be at present fierce, simply might be called an overlord. 阴间界也有很多半妖,但是大多都弱小而卑微,没有一个有眼前这个半妖这么厉害,简直堪称一位霸主了。 Somewhat is indeed inconceivable, no wonder some people pass on his body to flow the bloodlines of Phoenix Monster Clan.” The chest of Xie Xuan is still bleeding, has together to fluctuate in the wound, making the injury be hard to heal. “的确有些不可思议,难怪有人传他身体之中流淌着凤凰妖族的血脉。”谢玄的胸口还在淌血,有一道佛芒在伤口上浮动,让伤势难以愈合。 The Feng Feiyun vision looks disdainfully, stands in shatter remnant walls, sneers saying: Your teacher's younger brother ancestors do not dare to show by the true colors, you actually dare such to do, after doesn't fear the matter exposes, to annoy the big disaster to netherworld?” 风飞云的目光睥睨,站在一段破碎的残垣之间,冷笑道:“连你们的师叔祖都不敢以真面目示人,你们却敢这么做,难道就不怕事情败露之后给阴间界惹去大灾祸?” That Daoist temple flies, Song Chengming wears the Daoist robe, wears the Daoist monk's cap, sits cross-legged in the Daoist temple, leaves behind together the handsome sketch on the window paper. 那一座道观飞过来,宋城名穿着道袍,戴着道冠,就盘坐在道观之中,在窗纸上留下一道俊朗的剪影。 He said with a smile: Brother Feng considered thoroughly. Reason that four teacher's younger brother ancestors cover status , because quite abstained from Moonwater Saintess. After all Moonwater Saintess startled certainly colorful, now she perhaps is not four teacher's younger brother ancestors' matches, but by her natural talent, exceeds four teacher's younger brother ancestors is only the issue of time. However you are different, why do we want to fear you?” 他笑道:“风兄多虑了。四位师叔祖之所以掩盖身份,是因为对水月圣女颇为忌讳。毕竟水月圣女惊才绝艳,现在她或许不是四位师叔祖的对手,但是以她的天资,超越四位师叔祖只是时间的问题。但是你却不同,我们为何要惧你?” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: After all I am a person who Holy Spirit must see, after you do not fear I escape, today's matter will tell Holy Spirit.” 风飞云笑道:“毕竟我是圣神要见的人,难道你们不怕我逃脱之后,会将今天的事告诉圣神。” Song Chengming smiled, said: Brother Feng, my this person of courage is small, you may not frighten me with Holy Spirit. Two points you need to know, first, you at all impossible to flee from our hands today \; Second, the Holy Spirit status is lofty, is impossible to pay attention to striving for hegemony of our young people to fight ruthlessly. Brother Feng is a smart person, must understand this truth.” 宋城名笑了笑,道:“风兄,我这人胆子小,你可千万别拿圣神来吓我。有两点你需要知道,第一,你今天根本不可能从我们手中逃离\;第二,圣神地位崇高,也不可能理会我们年轻人的争雄斗狠。风兄乃是聪明人,不可能不明白这个道理。” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: „The netherworld six big powerhouses simultaneously get rid to deal with a person, should such battle formation be rarely seen?” 风飞云笑道:“阴间界六大强者同时出手对付一个人,这样的阵势应该不多见吧?” The wooden spirit sound graceful shadow presents above the earth, only then a composed shadow throws on the ground, but actually cannot see her person. 木灵音曼妙的影子在大地之上呈现,就只有一个婉约的影子投在地上,但是却根本看不见她的人。 Her sound is very sluggish, transmits from the shadow of ground, says with a smile: Has actually one time, but that time we collaborated suppress and kill a Ascension 1st-layer sage.” 她的声音很懒散,从地上的影子之中传来,笑道:“倒是有过一次,不过那一次我们联手镇杀了一位羽化第一重的贤者。” Feng Feiyun stared at that together shadow of ground, knows that this is extremely magical powers, said with a smile: Fierce! Worthily is netherworld talent outstanding, it seems like I must leave from your hands today, but also is really not general difficult. I have last issue, Sir Yama did already return to netherworld?” 风飞云盯了盯地上的那一道影子,知道这是一种绝顶神通,笑道:“厉害!不愧是阴间界的天才俊杰,看来我今天要从你们的手中离开,还真不是一般的难。我还有最后一个问题,阎王大人已经回到阴间界了吗?” The God's favored ones of six netherworld were silent. 六位阴间界的天之骄子都沉默了起来。 This cannot tell you.” The Song Chengming words are very dignified, said: You are without a fight! You possibly are not our matches, so as to avoid when the time comes we cut off your both hands both feet, leads you to return to the netherworld again, doesn't that have the face?” “这就不能告诉你了。”宋城名的话十分威严,道:“你就束手就擒吧!你不可能是我们的对手,免得到时候我们斩断你的双手双脚,再带你回阴间,那多没面子?” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Many thanks Brother Song spoke to persuade, what a pity my this person did not have other merit, was the face is thick-skinned. Face this type of thing, no time, I can assemble living \; Sometimes, I can also throw it on the ground.” 风飞云笑道:“多谢宋兄出言相劝,可惜我这人没有别的优点,就是脸皮厚。‘面子’这种东西,没有的时候,我可以凑合着活\;有的时候,我也能将它扔在地上。” Song Chengming said with a smile: „The person who is not concerned about face compares person not awfully more fearful, sometimes I will also do the matter that is not concerned about face.” 宋城名笑道:“不要脸的人比不要命的人更可怕,有些时候我也会做不要脸的事。” Bang!” “轰!” His words have not said, then the control Daoist temple hits to fly toward Feng Feiyun, speed wonderful quick incomparable. 他的话还没有说完,便驾驭道观向着风飞云撞飞过去,速度奇快无比。 Song Chengming this person of cultivation base is much higher, already achieves the Nirvana 6th-layer boundary, is not Xie Xuan, Luo Taicheng and the others can compare. 宋城名此人修为高得可怕,已经达到涅槃第六重的境界,远不是谢玄罗太成等人可以比拟。 He leaves merely, has the crack mountain to open the place the strength, the say/way between entire world probably was given inspiring by him, imprisons void. 他仅仅只是一动身,就有裂山开地的力量,整个天地之间的道则都好像被他给引动,禁锢一片虚空。 Feng Feiyun felt that own body as if falls into the mire, is very difficult to move, in the Daoist temple hitting that flash, his under foot gives birth to together the tornado, carries on the back to give birth to a pair of fiery red phoenix wing, the body raises vertical, flies several hundred meters upper air, flies to the horizon. 风飞云感觉自己的身体仿佛陷入泥潭之中,很难动弹,在道观撞击过来的那一刹那,他的脚下生出一道旋风,背上生出一对火红的凤凰羽翼,身体提纵起来,飞到数百米高空,飞向天际。 Aiyu! Also wants to run away! Hehe!” “哎呦!还想逃!呵呵!” The shadow of wooden spirit sound flies suddenly, rides the wind, changes into a giant shadow, intercepts before the body of Feng Feiyun. 木灵音的影子突然飞起,乘风而起,化为一个巨大的黑影,拦截在风飞云的身前。 The shadow makes a giant hand to be in charge, wrapping to be in charge the body of Feng Feiyun. 黑影打出一道巨大的手掌印,将风飞云的身体给包裹在掌印之中。 Her is invisible being in charge, but the strength actually really exists. 她这是无形的掌印,但是力量却又真实存在。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The finger of Feng Feiyun is in charge toward black hand, the fingertip departs light of invisible fifty, gives to pierce being in charge of shadow, will be in charge hitting crushes. 风飞云的手指向着黑色的手掌印一点,指尖飞出一道无形的大衍之光,将黑影的掌印给洞穿,将掌印给打得粉碎。 At this time Xie Xuan and Luo Taicheng rush came, has made destiny universe seal, made the evil mirror stand! 这个时候谢玄罗太成冲杀而来,一个打出了命运乾坤印,一个打出孽镜台! This is you must court death!” “这是你们自己要找死!” In the Feng Feiyun reassignment body tribulation extinguishes ten thousand magic arts the strength, tribulation strength revolve in the body, the body is a world, the arm wields, cuts together the Extreme Disaster strength. 风飞云调动身体之中“劫灭万道法”的力量,一道道劫力在身体之中运转,身体就是一座天地,手臂一挥,斩出一道死劫的力量。 Bang!” “嘭!” gray radiance shells together on the body of Luo Taicheng, cut he 100 years of life. 一道灰色的光华轰击在罗太成的身上,斩掉了他100年的寿命。 The chest of Luo Taicheng probably by the great hammer shelling, in the mouth has put out a blood, under the whole body severe pain, the painful penetrating marrow, the body crashes the expansive sky, the footsteps staggers, is very difficult to come to a stop. 罗太成的胸口就好像是被巨锤给轰击了一下,口中吐出一口鲜血来,全身剧痛,痛彻骨髓,身体坠落下长空,脚步踉跄,很难站稳。 Another several God's favored ones are one startled! 另外几位天之骄子都是一惊! The Luo Taicheng strength merely is only also weaker than Feng Feiyun on that's all, even if not beat Feng Feiyun, impossible to be hit by Feng Feiyun one move spits blood. 罗太成的战力也仅仅只比风飞云弱上一丝罢了,就算不敌风飞云,也不可能被风飞云一招就打得吐血。 In the Song Chengming pupil light brings several to segregate heavily, said: Luo Taicheng, what's the matter?” 宋城名的眸光之中带着几分凝重,道:“罗太成,怎么回事?” Yes...... Yes...... The tribulation......” in the Luo Taicheng eye full is the shocking look, the body weakly, the finger aims at Feng Feiyun, coughs up blood, while stutter was saying. “是……是……劫……”罗太成的眼中满是震惊的神色,身体虚弱至极,手指指向风飞云,一边咳血,一边结巴的说着。 How Feng Feiyun to the opportunity that he opens the mouth, once tribulation extinguishes ten thousand magic arts the secret was passed on, does not know that will have many old undying character to look for him, when the time comes in the entire world does not have his place of taking shelter. 风飞云岂会给他开口的机会,一旦“劫灭万道法”的秘密被传了出去,不知会有多少老不死的人物来找他,到时候整个天地之间都没有他的容身之地。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” Feng Feiyun both hands are grasping Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, has divided fully! 风飞云双手握着天髓兵胆,全力的劈了下去! Luo Taicheng said two characters, then has to the strength in revolution body, go to resist Feng Feiyun this levelling off hilltops crack place hastily a blade. 罗太成才说出了两个字,便不得不连忙运转身体之中的力量,前去抵挡风飞云这劈山裂地的一刀。 !” “噗!” The blade air/Qi twisted both hands of broken Luo Taicheng, the knife point chops in his top of the head, sends out great sound that a metal thundered. 刀气绞碎罗太成的双手,刀锋劈在了他的头顶,发出一声金属轰鸣的巨声。 Above his top of the head has the crowded evil symbol trace, erupts ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) fine glow, has blocked Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall. 他的头顶之上生出密集的邪符纹路,爆发出万丈精芒,挡住了天髓兵胆 However that powerful impulse, as before shaking the brain thunders Luo Taicheng, eye darkened, the body becomes more and more heavy, then fell down. 但是那一股强烈的冲击力,依旧将罗太成给震得大脑轰鸣,眼睛昏黑,身体变得越来越沉重,然后倒在了地上。 Really had the powerhouse's quarter on him to protect body rune, was the top person is worthily outstanding. Was not excellent to faint, protected body rune also to have the fart to use.” “竟然有强者在他身上刻下了护体符文,不愧是顶尖人杰。不过人都昏死了过去,护体符文还有屁用。” Feng Feiyun grins fiendishly, chops a blade once more, the head of Luo Taicheng cutting. 风飞云狞笑一声,再次劈出一刀,将罗太成的头颅给斩了下来。
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