SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#974: Before evil mirror stand, does not have the good person

Abyss rooftop, the continuous hundreds of thousands of miles, were once Immortal City ruins. 九渊天台,连绵数十万里,都是曾经的仙城遗址。 Here experienced ruinous war, the Immortal City disintegration, the earth has distorted, the day is chaotic, is stretch of Immortal City ruins. 这里曾经经历过毁灭性的大战,仙城崩碎,大地变形,天则混乱,是一片仙城废墟。 80,000 years pass by, here has been full of the unknown bad risk as before. 80000年过去,这里依旧充满了未知的凶险。 Feng Feiyun walks in piece by piece ancient ruins, once for a while turning head looked toward the day beyond, war already of Xuanyuan Yiyi and four big powerhouses change elsewhere, has several thousand miles far to him fully, was layer upon layer banned the law to give the isolation, now can only see a continuously glare in the day Bianshan twinkle. 风飞云走在一片片古老的废墟之间,时不时的回头向着天外看,轩辕一一和四大强者的大战已经转向别处,离他足有数千里远,被层层禁法给隔绝,现在只能看到一缕缕强光在天边山闪烁。 This thinks that wants to withdraw to spend a time from her hand, cannot think that such easily fled.” “本以为想要从她的手中脱身得花一番功夫,想不到这么容易就走脱了。” The Feng Feiyun heart is very relaxed, is lives as for Xuanyuan Yiyi dies, relates with him is not very big, since she likes showing off power, that makes her flaunt! 风飞云的心头无比轻松,至于轩辕一一是生是死,与他关系不是很大,她既然喜欢逞强,那就让她去逞吧! Surrounding remnants of destroyed buildings, ancient wall horizontally above wildness, like a mountain ridge, broken. 周围残垣断壁,有一堵古墙横在狂野之上,像一条山岭,残破至极。 Because the past time was too remote, above this ancient wall has piled up with the stone, grew emerald green azure poplar trees, likely was a small mountain ridge. Only the sheer precipice dew of part outside, can know that this once was an abyss Immortal City wall. 因为过去的时间实在太久远,这一堵古墙之上堆满了土石,生长出一根根翠绿的青杨树,像是一条小型的山岭。只有部分的悬崖峭壁露在外面,才能让人知道这曾经乃是九渊仙城的一堵墙。 Above that palatial ancient wall has one group of flames to flash, hangs like one in the heavenly light of expansive sky. 那巍峨的古墙之上有一团火光闪动,就像一盏挂在长空的天灯。 Feng Feiyun stands under, can feel on a depressing aura seat the heart, is transmits from that ancient wall. 风飞云站在下方,能够感受到一股压抑的气息席上心头,乃是从那一堵古墙之上传来。 In the legend each Immortal City ancient wall inlaid completely falling day Spirit Stone, entered Immortal City, cultivation base in influencing subtly was suppressed. 80,000 years pass by, falling day hadn't Spirit Stone in this ancient wall been given to pull out inadequately?” “传说每一座仙城的古墙之中都镶满了陨天灵石,走进仙城,身上的修为就会在潜移默化之中被压制。难道80000年过去,这一堵古墙之中的陨天灵石还没有被人给掏走不成?” The surrounding space was sealed up, has filled the chaotic element, wants to leave this Immortal City ruins, must surmount this broken ancient wall, this looks like the natural moat keeps off in the front together. 周围的空间都被封闭,充满了混乱的元素,想要离开这一座仙城遗址,就必须要翻越过这一堵残破的古墙,这就像是一道天堑挡在面前。 Knows that so is not easy to make me run away, what people curious is really this one group of?” “就知道没这么容易让我逃走,真好奇这到底是一群什么样的人?” Feng Feiyun welcomed the night wind to smile, looks up toward the expansive sky, the body changed into a black big bird, overshot since the place, treadonned in some shatter places of ancient wall, flew toward the Ancient City crown. 风飞云迎着夜风笑了笑,抬头向着长空望去,身体化为一只黑色的大鸟,从地上冲起,脚踏在古墙的一些破碎地方,向着古城的顶部飞去。 More approaches the ancient wall, that from the suppression of cultivation base is also intense. 越是靠近古墙,那一股从修为的压制也就越是强烈。 Also is because Feng Feiyun cultivation base has achieved Nirvana 5th-layer, can fly such calmly, if the boundary is lower, is not necessarily able to fly here. 也是因为风飞云修为达到了涅槃第五重,才能飞得这么从容,若是境界再低一些,未必能够在这里飞得起来。 Feng Feiyun fell the crown in ancient wall, looked in the direction of that group of flame combustion, originally that was a shatter Daoist temple, the bluish gray wood/blockhead built, on float was takeoffing three chi (0.33 m) position, along with night wind rocking gently. 风飞云落到了古墙的顶部,向着那一团火焰燃烧的方向望去,原来那是一座破碎的道观,青灰色的木头搭建成,就悬浮在离地三尺的位置,随着夜风轻轻的晃动。 Moonwater Saintess is really fierce, relied on a person of strength to block four teacher's younger brother ancestors unexpectedly, but you, if thinks that escaped four teacher's younger brother ancestors' that pass/test, can run away, that simply was dream of a fool.” A quite young sound spreads from the Daoist temple, the sound is very low and deep, is very calm. 水月圣女果然厉害,竟然凭借一人之力挡住了四位师叔祖,不过你若是以为逃过了四位师叔祖的那一关,就能逃走,那简直就是痴人说梦。”一个颇为年轻的声音从道观之中传出,声音很低沉,也很从容。 Feng Feiyun stands outside the Daoist temple, appears especially calm, is shouldering both hands, said with a smile: „Who are you? How I thought that not too likely is Nine Firmaments Immortal City.” 风飞云站在道观之外,也显得格外从容,背负着双手,笑道:“你们到底是什么人?我怎么觉得不太像是九霄仙城。” Nine Firmaments Immortal City? Funny, Nine Firmaments Immortal City is any thing, gives us netherworld to pull on shoes does not match.” That young sound cold snort/hum, in the sound has filled disdaining. 九霄仙城?哏哏,九霄仙城算什么东西,给我们阴间界提鞋都不配。”那一个年轻的声音冷哼一声,声音之中充满了不屑。 Also is netherworld! 又是阴间界! No wonder their moon reflection in the water boundary day people dare to move. 难怪他们连水月境天的人都敢动。 Feng Feiyun already knows that now netherworld background, Yama and revolutions buddha once was netherworld one of the ten king, then goal Feng Feiyun of these people on approximate was clear. 风飞云现在已经知道阴间界的来头,阎王和转轮王曾经都是阴间界的十大王者之一,那么这些人的目的风飞云就大致的清楚了。 Although Feng Feiyun and revolutions buddha has some celebrating a holiday, but that limits between Feng Feiyun and Eighth Young Master Gu merely, is impossible for this reason, making netherworld wage a war to send so many powerhouses to seize him. 虽然风飞云和转轮王有一些过节,但是那仅仅局限在风飞云顾八少爷之间,不可能因为这个原因,让阴间界大动干戈派遣如此多强者来擒他。 Then now also only then a reason Yama must seize him, must recapture on him that half evil corpse skeleton. 那么现在也就只有一个原因了阎王要擒他,要夺回他身上的那一半邪尸尸骨。 Yama has not died! 阎王没有死! Can Sir Demoness have the danger? Feng Qingqing and can Mao Wugui have an accident? 女魔大人会不会有危险?风卿卿茅乌龟会不会出事? The Feng Feiyun heart naturally also quite vibrates, but on the face actually displays very tranquilly, smiled, said: It seems like Sir Yama already returned among Yin World, was really is happy for him!” 风飞云的心头自然也颇为震动,但是脸上却表现得很平静,笑了笑,道:“看来阎王大人已经返回阴界间了,真是为他感到高兴啊!” These words you face to face went to say to the Yama master! Becoming, heard that this child gave to defeat the successors of runner prince, was cultivation base very as if good, does have the interest and he contests?” “这些话你还是当面去对阎王爷说吧!太成,听说此子将转轮王爷的传人都给击败了,修为似乎很不错,有没有兴趣和他过招?” In the Daoist temple, another sound of coldly resounds, saying with a smile of mock: Time between my ten breath, can hit to lie him on the ground.” 道观之中,另一个冷冷的声音响起,讥诮的笑道:“我十个呼吸间的时间,就能将他打趴在地上。” I may help you count! During the first breath, starts!” “那我可就帮你数了!第一个呼吸间,开始!” Luo Taicheng looks like a cloudy god to depart from the Daoist temple generally, the body likely is one group of smog dissolutions, changed into gray dark clouds. 罗太成像一尊阴神一般从道观之中飞出,身体像是一团烟雾般的溶解开,化为了一片灰色的阴云。 This is huge specters, the head gives birth biangular, condenses two hand claws, having one to destroy the day to extinguish the place the imposing manner. 这是一个庞大的魔影,头上生出双角,凝聚出两只手爪,带着一股毁天灭地的气势。 Under evil mirror pedestal first heavenly talent, Luo Taicheng.” “孽镜台座下第一天骄,罗太成。” This Luo Taicheng is Nirvana 5th-layer peak cultivation base . Moreover the magical powers that cultivates are very top, the aura is more terrifying than it Eighth Young Master Gu. 这个罗太成乃是涅槃第五重巅峰的修为,而且修炼的神通很顶尖,气息比之顾八少爷还要恐怖。 The evil mirror stand is Qin Guangwang's Buddhist temple, obviously this Luo Taicheng is Qin Guangwang's successor. 孽镜台乃是秦广王的道场,显然这个罗太成乃是秦广王的传人。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun launches Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, everywhere gold/metal, the Buddha silkworm is densely covered, the singing in praise of the Buddha few, the skin of whole body probably changed into the golden color, makes Buddha to be in charge together, the bang broke the Luo Taicheng specters. 风飞云展开金蚕佛域,漫天金芒,佛蚕密布,梵音寥寥,全身的皮肤都好像化为了金色,打出一道佛掌印,轰破了罗太成的魔影。 „Before evil mirror stand, does not have the good person, various prisons present, will never be reincarnated.” “孽镜台前无好人,各狱呈现,永不超生。” Luo Taicheng makes an demon stage, stage tall Yue has one zhang (3.33 m), the mirror big ten encircle, is hanging to east, on has inscribed horizontal tablet together, has written seven large characters: Before evil mirror stand, does not have the good person. 罗太成打出一张魔台,台高约有一丈,镜大十围,向东悬挂,上有一块横匾,写了七个大字:孽镜台前无好人。 Demon Tai Town presses, a hell crashes, imposing manner as aggressive as pinnacle. 魔台镇压下来,就一座地狱坠落,气势凶悍到极致。 Like leaf Hongjing the top talents of these Middle Ages aristocratic families, if fights with Luo Taicheng, is very difficult some people able to block his three moves. 像叶红境的那些中古世家的顶尖才俊若是和罗太成交手,很难有人能够挡住他三招。 Feng Feiyun offers a sacrifice to Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, condenses a handle sword, chops in the sky, curls up together the blade river, demon stage resisting. 风飞云祭出天髓兵胆,凝聚成一柄战刀,当空一劈,卷起一道刀河,将魔台给抵挡住。 Phoenix crack day.” “凤凰裂天。” The arm of Feng Feiyun changed into phoenix claw, toward expansive sky tearing in the past, will be void ripping fissures, hits the flame to brave, to exude an intermittent bellow the demon stage. 风飞云的手臂化为了凤凰爪,向着长空撕裂过去,将虚空给撕出一道道裂痕,将魔台打得火光直冒,发出一阵阵轰鸣声。 In the Daoist temple, broadcasts a light young sound: During six breath.” 道观之中,传来一个轻飘飘的年轻声音:“六个呼吸间了。” The eyebrow of Luo Taicheng concentrates, changed into two iron bolts likely, above the arm the cross grain is densely covered, loudly exclaimed: Evil mirror world, dark clouds sand small hell.” 罗太成的眉毛一凝,像是化为了两道铁栓,手臂之上斜纹密布,大吼道:“孽镜化天地,黑云沙小地狱。” Above that demon stage erupts a jet black radiance, wraps the surrounding space, lowered air/Qi of huge death. 那一座魔台之上爆发出一圈漆黑的光华,包裹周围的空间,降下一股庞大的死亡之气。 In the air, the dark clouds clear away, wind-drift sand fills the air, changed into a hell likely. 空气中,黑云涤荡,流沙弥漫,像是化为了一座地狱。 Feng Feiyun stands remarkably, happy motionless, Ten Thousand War Beast Domain and Phoenix Fire God Domain transferring, condenses the strengths of three territories, breaks dark clouds sand small hell that” Luo Taicheng makes, kills the numerous dark clouds, a blade has divided, the blade air/Qi has flown from the face of Luo Taicheng, dividing to fall his collar. 风飞云卓然而立,怡然不动,将万兽战域凤凰火神域给调动出来,凝聚三座域的力量,震碎罗太成打出的“黑云沙小地狱”,杀出重重黑云,一刀劈了出去,刀气从罗太成的脸旁飞过,将他的一块领子给劈落。 The Luo Taicheng heart is also quite shocking, this Half Monster compared with the fearfulness in it information describing, can actually rush out the strength of evil mirror stand? 罗太成的心头也颇为震惊,这个半妖比之情报中描述的更可怕,竟然能够闯出孽镜台的力量? Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Their strengths shake hardly, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall and demon stage clash, hits ancient wall unceasing rocking of under foot. 两人的力量硬撼,天髓兵胆和魔台相击,打得脚下的古墙不断的晃动。 Bang!” “嘭!” Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall gives to cleave in two demon stage, a blade bombardment in the chest of Luo Taicheng, pulls out together half meter blood-stained mouth, divided to fly dozens zhang (3.33 m) far him, the blood tossed in the expansive sky unceasingly. 天髓兵胆将魔台给劈成两半,一刀轰击在罗太成的胸口,拉出一道半米长的血口,将他劈飞了数十丈远,鲜血不断在长空抛洒。 Haha! Fierce, fierce, altogether has spent during 12 breath. However that person of defeat is actually not Feng Feiyun, but is Luo Taicheng, who said that Half Monster certainly isn't good? Formerly is who said?” In the Daoist temple broadcasts the sound that selects lightly, is having several points of happy expression. “哈哈!厉害,厉害,一共花费了12个呼吸间。不过败的那个人却不是风飞云,而是罗太成,谁说半妖就一定不行?先前是谁说的?”道观之中传来一个轻挑的声音,带着几分笑意。 The Feng Feiyun horizontal blade stands, is not relaxed, feels in the Daoist temple also to have several strength aura, each is not weaker than Luo Taicheng. 风飞云横刀而立,心情并不放松,感觉到道观之中还有几个力量气息,每一股都不比罗太成弱。 I a moment ago was only general idea that's all, five strengths have not used, I must fight again!” The hand of Luo Taicheng wipes in the chest, half meter blood-stained mouth heals immediately, war intent rushing, the vision looks disdainfully. “我刚才不过只是大意罢了,五层力量都没有用到,我还要再战!”罗太成的手在胸口一抹,半米长的血口顿时愈合,身上的战意滂湃,目光睥睨。 I come! I most look down upon Half Monster this low level living thing.” Complexion is pallid, the Evil Qi cold youngster, stands in the entrance of Daoist temple, relies on gate beam, in the hand is holding appreciatively a handle azure knife. “还是我来吧!我就最看不起半妖这种低级生物。”一个脸色煞白,邪气凛凛的少年,站在道观的门口,倚着门梁,手里把玩着一柄青色的小刀。 A speech has the sound of component to resound from the Daoist temple very much, said: What has to be good to struggle? Who we do not come to compare to fight, we are seize the person, since is captures why is also one-to-one? Gets rid together, first discards his both legs.” 一个说话很有分量的声音从道观之中响起,道:“有什么好争?我们又不是来何人比斗,我们是来擒人,既然是擒拿又何必非要一对一?一起出手,先废掉他的双腿。” Another calm sound resounds, said: Has other person of influence to realize that here sound caught up, must give to take him within the shortest time.” 另一个沉稳的声音响起,道:“有别的势力的人察觉到这边的动静赶过来了,必须在最短的时间之内将他给拿下。” The netherworld younger generation topest ten successors, altogether came six, including five go out from the Daoist temple, the aura especially is huge, the strength no small matter, lets these ancient clan old ancestor position awes sufficiently. 阴间界年轻一代最顶尖的十位传人,一共来了六个,其中有五个都从道观之中走出,气息都格外庞大,力量非同小可,足以让那些古族的老祖位置敬畏。 But that sixth person sits cross-legged in the Daoist temple, the Daoist temple flies suddenly, then depresses loudly, shells in the Feng Feiyun top of the head. 而那个第六人则盘坐在道观之中,道观豁然飞起,然后轰然压下,轰击在风飞云的头顶。 Feng Feiyun launches the samsara speedily, the body floating retrocedes, jumps down the ancient wall, in fast returning abyss Immortal City ruins. 风飞云展开轮回疾速,身体飘然后退,跳下古墙,快速的退回九渊仙城的遗址之中。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” A mountain ridge that huge ancient wall shaking disintegrates by the strength of Daoist temple, the crushed stone tumbles, ancient wood was buried, the sky has covered mist and dust. 一座山岭那么庞大的古墙被道观的力量给震得土崩瓦解,碎石滚落,古木被掩埋,天空都蒙上了一层烟尘。 Must know that here strength was given the suppression by falling day Spirit Stone, but the opposite party actually as before can erupt the so terrifying strength, this absolutely is existence of younger generation topest rank. 要知道这里的力量都被陨天灵石给压制,但是对方却依旧能够爆发出如此恐怖的力量,这绝对是年轻一代最顶尖级别的存在。 Wears the youngster of scarlet-red blood robe, the sleeves agitation, in the arms departs gray radiance, making bottom falling day Spirit Stone depart, 12, each such as the meteorite is fully common, simultaneously turned toward Feng Feiyun to shell the past. 一个身穿赤红血袍的少年,衣袖鼓动,手臂之间飞出一道道灰色的光华,让地底的陨天灵石飞出,足有12块,每一块都如陨石一般,同时向着风飞云轰击了过去。 Feng Feiyun faces the wind to stand, a palm pressure, a giant hand was in charge in the sky has shelled the past, above was in charge is also occupying the shadows of five phoenixes, likely was a phoenix god nest. 风飞云临风而立,手掌当空一压,一个巨大的手掌印轰击了过去,掌印之上还盘踞着五头凤凰的影子,像是一座凤凰神巢。 Bang!” “轰!” 12 falling day Spirit Stone were patted falls, sinks to the bottom, but the young master of that wear scarlet-red blood robe encountered hitting hard likely, the body retroceded suddenly more than ten steps. 12块陨天灵石都被拍落,沉入地底,而那个穿着赤红血袍的少爷像是遭遇了重击,身体猛然后退了十多步。
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