SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#973: Abyss rooftop

Huan Tianjing, abyss rooftop. 桓天境,九渊天台。 This is situated the giant stone together above wilderness, the stone is big excessively, wants large number ten times compared with it mountain massif, the surface is very smooth, is broad and smooth. 这是一块坐落在旷野之上的巨石,石头大得过分,比之山体都要大数十倍,表面十分光滑,宽阔而平整。 The moonlight sprinkled, making this giant stone also stain a silvery brilliance, downward looked from the upper air, like a circular silver lake. 月光洒落,让这一块巨石也沾上了一层银辉,从高空往下看,就像一个圆形的银色湖泊。 Whish!” “哗!” The ancient array platform ray flashes. 古阵台的光芒一闪。 Feng Feiyun and Xuanyuan Yiyi already stood above the giant stone, the surrounding wind was very anxious, blows the skin to send coolly. 风飞云轩辕一一已经立在了巨石之上,周围的风很急,刮得皮肤发凉。 Quite bleak!” Feng Feiyun looked toward the nighttime sky, looks, is very difficult to see the habitation. “好荒凉!”风飞云向着夜空之中看了看,一眼望去,很难看到人烟。 Xuanyuan Yiyi such as a clean clear responsibility, is elusive and holy, the body has one type the makings of being aloof in the common custom, said: This ancient array platform already was left uncultivated was very long, the main reason is, 80,000 years ago withering away of abyss Immortal City. Abyss Immortal City perished, but ancient array platform actually retained , to continue to use now.” 轩辕一一如一株净洁的清荷,空灵而圣洁,身上有一种超脱于世俗的气质,道:“这一座古阵台已经被荒废了很久,最主要的原因乃是,80000年前九渊仙城的消亡。九渊仙城灭亡了,但是古阵台却保留了下来,沿用到现在。” The Feng Feiyun also approximate calculation some, this side giant stone indeed is crashes from the backdrop, it seems like that the abyss Immortal City ruins should in the place above of this position, once definitely some innumerable member gather, is a side cultivates sacred place, but affirmed that now already crashes to the earth above. 风飞云也大致的推算出一些,这一方巨石的确乃是从天幕之上坠落下来,看来九渊仙城的遗址应该就在这个位置的上方,曾经肯定有无数修士聚集,乃是一方修炼圣地,不过现在肯定已经都坠落到大地之上。 80,000 years were too long, experienced dozens generations, all already disappeared! 80000年实在太久,经历了数十代人,所有的一切都已经泯灭! Immortal City is the top influence, is side Mighty Lord, the awe into submission submissive peripheral number field territory Lord, but actually as before destroys, obviously initially here surely had the earthshaking fight, surely was very at that time solemn and stirring. 仙城都是顶尖势力,为一方雄主,慑服周边数域的域主,但是却依旧毁灭,可见当初这里必定是发生了惊天动地的战斗,当时也必定无比悲壮。 In the air, blows the cold wind, in the wind as if is also bringing dismal air/Qi. 空气中,吹着阴风,风中似乎都还带着一股悲凉之气。 Hearsay here has the soul of powerhouse not to extinguish, is protecting this stretch of earth, had had several times the mishap, therefore few people will walk this ancient array platform. However we must go to Moonwater Wonderland, through here is a recent road, walks! We continue to start.” “传闻这里有强者的阴魂不灭,守护着这一片大地,曾经发生过数次不测,所以很少有人会走这一座古阵台。不过我们要去水月天境,通过这里乃是最近的一条路,走吧!我们继续启程。” The heart of Xuanyuan Yiyi like the bright mirror, cannot feel the slightest bit in her mind her fearing intent, resembles in this world all fears to have nothing to do with her general. 轩辕一一的心如明镜,在她的心中感受不到半分她的惧意,就好像这世上所有的恐惧都与她无关一般。 When she wants to open ancient array platform once more, above the nighttime sky, together burns goal radiance to fly, across the universe, hits toward this ancient array platform. 就在她想要再次开启古阵台之时,夜空之上,一道灼目的光华飞来,穿过天宇,向着这一座古阵台撞击下来。 Howls!” “呼啸!” The broken rumor/wind sound is very grating, making air burn. 破风声十分刺耳,让空气都跟着燃烧起来。 This is diameter hundred meters flint, like the meteorite that drops from the universe. 这是一块直径百米的火石,就像从天宇之上落下的陨石。 The flint has not descended, that huge impulse makes giant stones under their two human foot vibrate on already, sends out fierce rocking. 火石还没有降落,那一股庞大的冲击力就已经让他们两人脚下的巨石震动起来,发出剧烈的晃动。 This is one makes the Ascension sages want the back to send the cold strength fluctuation. 这是一股让羽化贤者都要背脊发寒的力量波动。 Really some people get rid.” “果然有人出手。” Xuanyuan Yiyi faces the wind to stand, the physique is graceful, faces beyond the day that is dropping from the clouds the meteorite, on simple and beautiful immortal Yan Zhi does not have the slightest bit to fluctuate, Ancient Sword that carries on the back departs to the sheath, pull-off together brilliant divine light, like a meteor, direct impact vault of heaven! 轩辕一一临风而立,身姿绰约,面对着那从天而降的天外陨石,清丽的仙颜之上没有半分波动,背上的古剑离鞘飞出,拖出一道绚烂的神光,像一颗流星,直冲天穹! Ancient Sword chops slantingly, sword shade inflates to 300 meters, is a handle operates the day Divine Sword likely. 古剑斜劈下去,剑影膨胀到300米长,像是一柄开天神剑。 Bang!” “轰!” That flint was divided into two together, departs toward both sides, then hits above ancient array platform both sides earth, has attacked ruthlessly, hits two several miles big endocraters. 那一块火石被一分为二,向着两旁飞出,然后撞击在古阵台两旁的大地之上,狠狠冲击了下去,撞击出两个数十里大的巨坑。 The impulse still in unceasing expansion, gives birth to the dense and numerous cracks, the longest crack extends several hundred miles to be long. 冲击力还在不断的扩展,生出密密麻麻的裂纹,其中最长的裂纹延伸出数百里长。 Walks, leaves here, has the powerhouse to attack.” “走,离开这里,有强者袭击。” The Xuanyuan Yiyi look is dignified, in star pupil is bringing radiance of wisdom, obviously was calculating person who in secret gets rid. 轩辕一一的神色凝重,星眸之中带着睿智的光华,显然是在暗中推算出手的人。 In the boundless nighttime sky, the cold wind flap flap, the cold air wins. 茫茫夜空之中,阴风猎猎,寒气更胜。 That cold air, lets the sky floating white snow. 那一股寒气,让天空飘白雪。 Conveys a vast and gloomy sound to void beside, we have no intention to affront the saintess, only asked the saintess to be able Half Monster Feng Feiyun to hand over, we then immediately retreated.” 一个浩渺而阴沉的声音至虚空之外传来,“我们无意冒犯圣女,只求圣女能够将半妖风飞云交出来,我们便立即退去。” The Feng Feiyun heart sneers, this group of people unexpectedly to me! 风飞云的心头冷笑,这群人竟然是冲着我而来! He pours also not the many words, stands in the one side, gives to close both eyes , to continue to transform Spirit Beast battle soul. Naturally he also revolves fifty technique, starts to calculate the background of opposite party. 他倒也并不多话,站在一旁,将双目给闭上,继续转化灵兽战魂。当然他也运转起大衍术,开始推算对方的来头。 Xuanyuan Yiyi stands remarkably, the physique sends concave-convex, is simple and beautiful the dust, said: Feng Feiyun is the person who Holy Spirit must see, your courage are really big enough, dares to hit his attention unexpectedly.” 轩辕一一卓然而立,身姿凹凸有致,清丽出尘,道:“风飞云乃是圣神要见的人,你们的胆子真是够大,竟然敢打他的注意。” Little takes Holy Spirit to press us, if we will fear Holy Spirit not to appear here.” That vast sound said. “少拿圣神来压我们,我们若是惧怕圣神就不会出现在这里了。”那一个浩渺的声音说道。 Another measured cloudy the old sound that resounds, says with a smile: Holy Spirit, although is all-resourceful, but will not actually have cared about these minor matters . Moreover the world is vast, even if can unable completely to know all by Holy Spirit, if we do not have the absolute assurance, how dare to snatch the person in the hand of saintess?” 另一个阴测测的苍老的声音响起,笑道:“圣神虽然神通广大,但是却还不会太在意这些小事,而且天地浩大,就算以圣神之能也不能尽知一切,我们若是没有绝对的把握,岂敢在圣女的手中抢人?” Another sound resounds, you do not need to waste energy the calculation, we already sealed up the secret god, will not make the saintess know that who we are.” 又一个声音响起,“你们不用白费力气推算,我们早已封闭天机神则,是不会让圣女知道我们是谁。” Xuanyuan Yiyi also knitting the brows head of slightly, a moment ago she indeed calculated, but all between surroundings world were banned to seal up, is unable to calculate that by her cultivation base anything, it seems like in this group of people have Great Wiseman extremely. 轩辕一一也是微微的皱了皱眉头,刚才她的确推算一番,但是周围天地之间的一切都被禁封住,以她的修为都无法推算出任何东西来,看来这群人之中有绝顶的大智师 Since the opposite party has this grade of character to assume personal command, can estimate them to walk here also has not been the strange matter. 既然对方有这等人物坐镇,能够揣摩出他们会走这里过也就不是什么奇怪的事了。 Feng Feiyun opens both eyes suddenly, both eyes brilliant, looks toward void above, said with a smile: Heard that the Nine Firmaments Immortal City sea mister, ranks ninth in the sixth Yang Dynasty intelligence, on passes the astronomy, below knows the geography, all night the natural justice fate, the material knows fortune and misfortune ominous.” 风飞云豁然睁开双目,双目灼灼,向着虚空之上望去,笑道:“听说九霄仙城的沧海先生,在第六中央王朝智力排名第九,上通天文,下知地理,通宵天理命数,料知祸福凶吉。” Above curtain of night slightly obstructs, then together the old sound ordered, said: Begins!” 夜幕之上微微的一窒,接着一道苍老的声音下令,道:“动手!” In surrounding void gives birth to innumerable mark seal, dazzles the light to tie like, world separating for narrow and small spaces. 周围的虚空之中生出无数的纹印,就像一道道炫光结界,将天地给隔断为一个个狭小的空间。 A black god tower flies from the cloud layer, is very plain, fully eight story-high, above full is the dust, above swarthy openings in turnover god essence. 一座黑色的神塔从云层之上飞下来,十分古朴,足有八层高,上面满是灰尘,一道道黝黑的口子之上在吞吐神精。 Ten Grade 1 Spirit Artifact.” “十一品灵器。” The tower bottom opens, reveals a jet black gateway. 塔底打开,露出一座漆黑的门户。 !” “呼!” The tower bottom gateway looks like universe black hole, erupts the strength of swallowing, Feng Feiyun and Xuanyuan Yiyi taking in black tower. 塔底门户像一座天宇黑洞,爆发出吞噬之力,将风飞云轩辕一一给收进了黑色的塔子之中。 Has handled, quickly leaves this place, has several other waves of people to catch up in this direction, do not let the person know us to come to here.” “搞定了,赶快离开此地,有另外几波人向着这个方向赶来,千万别让人知晓我们来过这里。” Wear black clothes lead the old man of black cover to appear the personal appearance, although the black robe binds the body, but actually as before can see that he is very emaciated, the resembles hell monkey of body rickets. 一个穿着黑色衣服带着黑色罩子的老者现出身形,虽然黑袍裹身,但是却依旧能够看出他十分瘦弱,身体佝偻的像一只地狱猴子。 Bang!” “轰!” That black tower float in void, suddenly the volume expansion, grew ten times. 那一座黑色的塔子悬浮在虚空,突然体积膨胀了起来,增长了十倍。 The complexion of that old man changes, extends a pair of withered hand, on the finger makes ten Dao Divinity light, above the bang toward void goes, must assign black tower. 那一个老者的脸色一变,伸出一双干瘪的手,手指上打出十道神光,向着虚空之上轰去,要将黑色的塔子给定住。 „Doesn't the owlet god tower blow Moonwater Saintess?” “难道枭神塔都镇不住水月圣女?” Void, also three person's shadows go out, all wears the black gown, is bringing the black cover. 虚空之中,又有三道人影走出,皆是穿着黑色袍子,带着黑色罩子。 This black clothes after special material manufacture, not only the defensive power is formidable, but can also isolate the aura of member above the enormous degree, letting the person is unable to look through their true bodies. 这一身黑衣都是经过特殊的材料制作而成,不仅防御力强大,而且能够在极大程度之上隔绝修士的气息,让人无法看破他们的真身。 Bang!” “轰!” Black tower inflates once more, some places give birth to the crack, like must break. 黑色的塔子再次膨胀一圈,有的地方生出裂纹,就像要破碎开。 Chaotic bead!” “混乱珠!” Another body tall and strong black robe man, has hit a gray bead of fist size, decides in the owlet god tower top, erupts a piece of chaotic ray, jointly the two people in suppression tower, Gentaz child unceasing changes is small. 另一个身体魁梧的黑袍男子,将一枚拳头大小的灰色珠子打了出去,定在枭神塔顶,爆发出一片混乱光芒,联合镇压塔子之中的两人,让塔子不断的变小。 This is also a treasure of ten Grade 1 Spirit Artifact ranks. 这也是一枚十一品灵器级别的宝物。 Although ten Grade 1 Spirit Artifact differ Grade 1 with Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, but the disparity exceptionally is also big. 一品灵器虽然和十品灵器相差一品,但是差距也异常大。 Grade 10 Spirit Artifact was activated completely, can erupt 400 times of striking power, but after ten Grade 1 Spirit Artifact were activated, can erupt 800 times of striking power. 十品灵器完全被激活,能够爆发出400倍攻击力,而十一品灵器被激活之后,能够爆发出800倍攻击力。 Can put out the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact character, absolutely is a side big energy. 能够拿出十品灵器的人物,都绝对是一方大能。 Can offer a sacrifice to ten Grade 1 Spirit Artifact, is the extraordinary character, cultivation base absolutely is more fearful. 能够祭出十一品灵器,更是了不得的人物,修为绝对可怕。 Meanwhile with two ten Grade 1 Spirit Artifact suppression, that prestige can unable to describe in the spoken language simply, making the surrounding area several thousand miles lifeform fear fear tremble. 同时用两件十一品灵器镇压,那一股威能简直无法用言语来形容,让方圆数千里的生物都慑慑发抖。 This is two black robe people feared that makes too greatly the noise, suppressed the Spirit Artifact prestige to be able range, otherwise not only affected several thousand miles to be so simple. 这还是两位黑袍人怕将动静闹得太大,压制了灵器威能的范围,要不然就不只是波及数千里那么简单了。 Bang!” “轰!” In the owlet god tower runs out of a huge strength once more, shook the owlet god tower inflated dozens times, , many places split, fall the next profound irons, each profound iron is over ten thousand jin (0.5 kg), ground pounding big holes. 枭神塔之中再次冲出一股庞大的力量,将枭神塔震得膨胀了数十倍,“”,很多地方都裂开,掉落下一块块玄铁,每一块玄铁都重达上万斤,将地面给砸出一个个大坑。 „!” “咻!” Two person's shadows depart from the tower entrance, flies toward the day beyond. 两道人影从塔门之中飞出,向着天外飞去。 They...... They ran away unexpectedly.” “他们……他们竟然逃出来了。” Four black robe old men also get rid, displays the unparalleled magical powers respectively. 四位黑袍老者同时出手,各自施展盖世神通。 A person made ten meters thick electric light, the bang has approached the horizon, likely was a purple electricity dragon, the strength terrifying. 一人打出了十米粗的电光,轰向天际,像是一条紫色的电龙,力量恐怖之极。 The second person has made black sea, is day sea that is condensed by the profound astral ghost water, includes three thousand li (500 km), the mighty waves are turbulent, as if must give to sweep across the sky. 第二人打出了一片黑色的海洋,乃是由玄罡煞水凝聚成的天海,囊括三千里,波涛汹涌,仿佛要将天空都给席卷下来。 The third person shells the universe great seal, this is also ten Grade 1 Spirit Artifact, above has ancient Chinese characters 100,000 that Great Sage carves, likely is one volume of books from heaven, has cut off Feng Feiyun and Xuanyuan Yiyi escape route. 第三人轰击出乾坤大印,这也是一件十一品灵器,上面有大贤者刻下的古字100000个,像是一卷天书,斩断了风飞云轩辕一一的退路。 In the fourth person of body erupts Spirit Beast battle soul, is a gluttony, more than 100 meters high, the body almost condensed the essence fully, the wearing out expansive sky, pursued the past toward two people, the strength was much bigger. 第四人的身体之中爆发出一头灵兽战魂,乃是一头饕餮,足有100多米高,身体几乎凝聚成了实质,穿破长空,向着两人追击过去,力量大得可怕。 These four people are super powerhouses, absolutely is existence of side overlord rank, gets rid then earth-shakingly, pours the day counter. 这四人都是超级强者,绝对是一方霸主级别的存在,一出手便石破天惊,倒天逆地。 These four people is a side overlord, cultivation base are extremely fearful, I deliver you to walk first!” “这四人都是一方霸主,修为极其可怕,我送你先走!” The finger/refers of finger of Xuanyuan Yiyi above toward void, points at snow white and slender, a spirit road from her is supple, but the fingertip of characterless departs, extends to the horizon beside, the turbine wheel circles, unbearable. 轩辕一一的手指向着虚空之上一指,手指雪白而纤细,一条灵路从她柔而无骨的指尖飞出,延伸到天际之外,涡轮盘旋,咫尺天涯。 This is «Horizon Say/Way» that she cultivates, melts close is the horizon, must deliver Feng Feiyun to leave first. 这是她修炼的《天涯道》,化咫尺为天涯,要送风飞云先离开。 Feng Feiyun slightly surprise stared at her one eyes, said with a smile: I may not be impolite, you yourself carefully.” 风飞云略微诧异的盯了她一眼,笑道:“那我可就不客气了,你自己小心一点。” Feng Feiyun is but actually impolite, looks forward to Xuanyuan Yiyi dead in these four people of hands, the body moves, uses the technique of incarnation, falls to her fingertip, the foot steps on the spirit road, departure directly, the body arrived at beyond the thousand li (500 km) in a flash. 风飞云倒也并不客气,巴不得轩辕一一死在这四人手中,身体一动,施展出化身之术,落到她的指尖,脚踩灵路,径直的离去,身体转瞬之间就到了千里之外。 After Xuanyuan Yiyi sees Feng Feiyun leaves, this takes back the finger, the absolute beauty physique above void had flown, a pull-off beautiful white shade. 轩辕一一看到风飞云离开之后,这才收回了手指,绝丽的身姿在虚空之上飞过,拖出一道美丽的白影。 Bang!” “轰!” She keeps off four big powerhouses alone, carries on the back Ancient Sword to depart, is pinching in the slender fingers, punctures together the sword intent world. 她独挡四大强者,背上古剑飞出,捏着纤细的手指间,刺出一道剑意世界。
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