SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#972: Goes to Moonwater Wonderland

The flame is red, has the empty shade of phoenix presents, sends out to resound through sounding of vault of heaven. 火焰赤红无比,有凤凰的虚影呈现,发出响彻天穹的鸣叫。 Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged in the flame, skin like the copper, the hair god feather, both eyes condenses lost fire radiance, circles like two phoenixes in the pupil. 风飞云盘坐在火焰之中,皮肤如赤铜,头发化神羽,双目凝聚出神火光华,像是有两只凤凰盘旋在瞳孔中。 In the body of Feng Feiyun also has the tremendous changes, especially in the dantian, Bronze Ancient Vessel becomes the incomparable gods and ghosts, the azure light is brilliant, is plain and broken, likely is an eternal god ship. 风飞云的身体之中也在发生翻天覆地的变化,特别是丹田中,青铜古船变得无比神异,青光烂漫,古朴而残破,像是一艘永恒神船。 Bang!” “轰!” Above Bronze Ancient Vessel blustery, curls up the innumerable Holy Saint bone ashes, tosses to the sea of dantian, then ships along with the meridians to various body places. 青铜古船之上风起云涌,卷起无数圣灵骨灰,抛洒到丹田之海,然后又随着经脉运送到身体各处。 The body of Feng Feiyun becomes is holy and nimble and resourceful, the thoughts of Holy Saint shuttle back and forth in the body, distribute radiant starry skies, vast incomparable, likely is a starry sky picture roll, extends toward the deep place of vast god space. 风飞云的身体变得圣洁和灵动,一股股圣灵的意念在身体之中穿梭,排布成一片璀璨星空,浩渺无比,像是一幅星空图卷,向着浩渺神宇的深处延伸。 Grains of Holy Saint bone ashes are shivering, condense and thought that from antique has preserved now. 一粒粒圣灵骨灰在颤动,凝聚道则和意念,从太古一直保存到现在。 800 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes, likely are 800 million stars. 800000000粒圣灵骨灰,像是800000000颗星辰。 Saint Domain in Feng Feiyun body becomes the congealing reality even more, the faint trace Holy Saint aura is born from Saint Domain, reaches the air/Qi of nine Holy Saint. 风飞云身体之中的圣域变得越发的凝实,有一丝丝圣灵的气息从圣域之中诞生,多达九道圣灵之气。 When Nirvana 4th-layer, he can only condense air/Qi of Holy Saint, unexpectedly, can cut to kill the cultivation base weak Ascension sage, but actually can only send out one move. 涅槃第四重之时,他只能凝聚出一丝圣灵之气,出其不意之时,可以斩杀修为较弱的羽化贤者,但是却只能发出一招。 But now his already can condense nine, can make nine strengths, after running into the Ascension sage, he will deal becomes calmer. 而现在他已经能够凝聚出九丝,也就是能够打出九道力量,遇到羽化贤者之后,他应对起来将会变得更加从容。 In the body, is angry is recovering, the strength returns, moreover becomes more formidable. 身体之中,生气在复苏,力量回归,而且变得更加强大。 Bang!” “轰!” In the body of Feng Feiyun sends out the explosive strength unceasingly, shakes the bone of whole body to shiver, first even/including four Phoenix Bones are born, sends out to burn the goal brilliance, like four blood-color jades. 风飞云的身体之中不断发出爆炸性的力量,震得全身的骨头都在颤动,一连有四块凤骨诞生,发出灼目的光辉,就像四块血色的玉石。 Altogether 22 quick Phoenix Bones, but cannot achieve the legendary rank as before talent. 一共22快凤骨了,但是依旧未能达到传奇级别的天才之列。 Eight hundred million Holy Saint bone ashes, arrange a big starry sky god chart. 八亿圣灵骨灰,排列成一座大的星空神图。 22 Phoenix Bones condense a small sidereal revolution world. 22块凤骨凝聚成一个小型的周天世界。 The Feng Feiyun strength increased three times to continue, if now runs into yellow heaven and God's favored one of the Murong Sande that rank, a fist can kill. 风飞云的力量增加了三倍不止,现在若是遇到黄天和慕容三得那种级别的天之骄子,一拳就能打死。 Xuanyuan Yiyi came unexpectedly.” 轩辕一一竟然来了。” The Divine Sense return of Feng Feiyun, immediately had then discovered the Xuanyuan Yiyi aura, does not know the outcome as for Liu Suhong, obviously when breaks through the boundary while oneself, ran away quietly. 风飞云神识回归,便立即发现了轩辕一一的气息,至于琉苏红则不知所终,显然是趁自己突破境界之时,悄悄的逃走了。 Although Feng Feiyun gave Liu Suhong, but was actually not worried that she will publicize, thus annoyed to trouble to oneself, after all she must compete the boundary main successor, if this were to publicize, did not have any advantage to her. 风飞云虽然将琉苏红给上了,但是却并不担心她会宣扬出去从而给自己惹来麻烦,毕竟她要竞争境主继承人,若是这件是宣扬出去,对她没有任何好处。 The Xuanyuan Yiyi sword intent world is protecting this region, sword air/Qi past in void, gives the package the aura that Feng Feiyun dissipates. 轩辕一一的剑意世界守护着这一片地域,一道道剑气在虚空之中流转,将风飞云逸散出来的气息给包裹。 Feng Feiyun understands finally when oneself are at the breakthrough, why nobody under dark hand to him. 风飞云终于明白自己在突破之时,为何没有人对他下暗手了。 Has the Moonwater Saintess protection, who dares to act rashly? 水月圣女守护,谁人敢轻举妄动? When first time sees Xuanyuan Yiyi, Feng Feiyun has the favorable impression to her, thought that she indeed is elusive holy, the unconventional idea does not have the flaw. Since she will kill Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young Lord and 12 territory territory main heir's news said that Feng Feiyun to her favorable impression does not have. 在第一次见到轩辕一一之时,风飞云对她还是颇有好感,觉得她的确是空灵圣洁,仙心无瑕。但是自从她将自己杀死九霄仙城少主和12域域主子嗣的消息说出去之后,风飞云对她的好感就全无了。 Feng Feiyun hated to the marrow of the bones to the Moonwater Wonderland person, naturally did not have the slightest bit favorable impression to her. 况且,风飞云本来就对水月天境的人恨之入骨,自然也就对她没有半分好感了。 Feng Feiyun receives to have an intention the train of thought that gives to restrain in the body all flame, a white meek robe throwing over on body, the body extravagant reality, the face is handsome, the long hair lets fall the two sides, the body dissipates a sacred valuable alike aura, is a young handsome titan goes out from the ruins likely. 风飞云收起心中思绪,将所有的火焰都给收敛到身体之中,将一件白色儒袍给披在身上,身体阔实,面孔英俊,长发垂落两边,身上逸散出一股神圣宝象的气息,像是一位年轻俊朗的大智者从废墟之中走出。 Saw him to break through the boundary, Xuanyuan Yiyi then receives the sword intent world, as before slim and graceful standing there, the stature beautiful and graceful was slender, simple and elegant beautiful, has fallen back on at the back of Ancient Sword one side, likely was the nature fusion in one. 看到他突破境界,轩辕一一这才收起了剑意世界,依旧亭亭玉立的站在那里,身材婀娜窈窕,清雅秀丽,背着古剑退到了一边,像是个大自然融合在了一起。 The Feng Feiyun heroic bearing thrives, the lip is sharp, cups one hand in the other across the chest to say with a smile: Haha! Many thanks the saintess protects!” 风飞云英姿勃发,嘴唇锋利,拱手笑道:“哈哈!多谢圣女守护!” Xuanyuan Yiyi wears the white clothing jade robe, flesh does not have the flaw, the body like orchid, beautiful woman absolute beauty immortal face too many mood has not fluctuated, said: Slight effort.” She looked to stand in nearby Liu Suzi, said: Actually most cared that your person is Suzi.” 轩辕一一穿着白衣玉袍,肌肤无瑕,身如幽兰,倾城绝丽的仙颜没有太多的情绪波动,道:“举手之劳。”她看了看站在一旁的琉苏紫,又道:“其实最关心你的人是苏紫。” Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi are slightly stares! 风飞云琉苏紫都是微微的一愣! „Will she care about me?” “她会关心我?” Feng Feiyun does not think that Liu Suzi will care about his body dead really very much, after all their friendship were still shallow, is not any life-and-death friendship. 风飞云可不认为琉苏紫会真的很在乎他的身死,毕竟他们两人的交情尚浅,并不算什么生死之交。 Last night, Feng Feiyun and Liu Suhong Wushan **, does not know that Xuanyuan Yiyi has come, because his body blood of Demon awakened at that time, the intelligence is very chaotic, quilt ** wresting away, naturally could not have scruples other, therefore does not know that Xuanyuan Yiyi said this saying true meaning. 昨夜,风飞云琉苏红巫山**之时,并不知道轩辕一一来过,因为当时他身体之中的妖魔之血觉醒,神智很是混乱,被**给霸占,自然顾忌不了其它,所以也就不知道轩辕一一说这话真正的意思。 At this moment, weather already slightly bright, unknowingly has practiced unexpectedly the entire night. 此刻,天色已经微亮,不知不觉竟然修炼了整整一夜。 The auction already had naturally ended, the hot luan bone auctions 46 billion Spirit Stone, converts into is 46,000 wormhole Spirit Stone. 拍卖会自然是早就结束了,火鸾骨拍卖出46000000000枚灵石,折合下来就是46000枚虫洞灵石 In addition beforehand Spirit Stone, is 51,262 wormhole Spirit Stone, the greatness of wealth value, makes the person be dumbfounded simply. 加上以前的灵石,就是51262枚虫洞灵石,财富值之巨,简直让人结舌。 The dream day occupied some people to send Spirit Beast battle soul of 8000 antique Saint beast bloodlines to Feng Feiyun, in addition Feng Feiyun in 2000 Spirit Beast battle soul that last night finalized, in addition was 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul, altogether has spent 10,000 wormhole Spirit Stone. 梦天居有人给风飞云送来了8000头太古圣兽血脉的灵兽战魂,加上风飞云在昨夜交割的2000头灵兽战魂,加起来就是10000头灵兽战魂,一共花费了10000枚虫洞灵石 Feng Feiyun also remains 41,262 wormhole Spirit Stone. 风飞云还剩41262枚虫洞灵石 Today also arrived at Feng Feiyun and Xuanyuan Yiyi agreement date and time, is going to go Moonwater Wonderland. 今天也到了风飞云轩辕一一约定的时日,将要前去水月天境 That side Xue Shuang and Yao Ji did not have news to feed, Feng Qingqing and Mao Wugui also disappear without a word, but Feng Feiyun already has left behind the clue, if they return to the red leaves star naturally also to be able with looking. 雪泷姚吉那边还没有消息传回,风卿卿茅乌龟也音讯全无,但是风飞云已经留下了线索,他们若是回到红叶星自然也就能够跟着找来。 The red leaves star, the profound wonderful mainland, top of the bare mountain peak, many wonder stone distributions, condense a strange chart. 红叶星,玄奇大陆,一座光秃秃的山峰之顶,有很多奇石排布,凝聚成一座诡异的阵图。 This is ancient array platform, belongs to Black Level ancient array platform, little was opened, the place that because it transmits is very far away, belongs bleakly, general one year rarely starts several times. 这是一座古阵台,属于玄极古阵台,很少被开启,因为它传送的地方很偏远,属于荒凉地,一般一年都难得启动几次。 Xuanyuan Yiyi stands in the top of mountain peak, the light breeze suspends blowing her skirt, reveals one section snow white **, tall and pleasing to the eye, slender holy feeling that but the characterless, one type cannot blaspheme to the person. 轩辕一一站在山峰之顶,轻风将她的裙摆给吹起,露出一截雪白的**,美轮美奂,纤细而无骨,给人一种不能亵渎的圣洁感觉。 Feng Feiyun, don't you go to and Suzi farewell?” 风飞云,你难道就不去和苏紫告别?” Feng Feiyun is slightly stares, she was, does not want to be the saintess, wanted to change professions to be the matchmaker? 风飞云又是微微的一愣,她到底是怎么了,难道不想做圣女,想要转行做红娘? „! Even if must say goodbye is also you goes to say goodbye with her, what matter closes my? You are send to be young, but we meet by chance.” Feng Feiyun extended one to stretch, the vision glanced slightly, said: Words said the saintess Sir, we do not go to Moonwater Wonderland, arrives at such bleak ancient array platform?” “咳咳!就算要告别也是你去和她告别,关我什么事?你们是发小,而我们只是萍水相逢。”风飞云伸了一个懒腰,目光微微一瞥,道:“话说圣女大人,我们不是要去水月天境,怎么来到这么一座荒凉的古阵台?” Xuanyuan Yiyi sighed one quiet, the red lip opened slightly, starts to speak but hesitates, has hesitated the moment, said: Your matters, I do not want multibarreled. Moonwater Wonderland is extremely remote to sixth Yang Dynasty, does not know that the span many Immortal Jump(s), have not transmitted the stage in leaf Hongjing, we must undergo 12 transmissions, goes too one, melts Saint Ze, only uses in Saint Ze has directly leads to Moonwater Wonderland ancient array platform. But melts Saint Ze also to leave leaf Hongjing to be infinite, this perhaps will not be all the way peaceful, you best tight with me, otherwise life difficult insurance.” 轩辕一一幽叹了一声,红唇微微张开,欲言又止,沉吟了片刻,道:“你们的事,我也不想多管。水月天境离第六中央王朝极其遥远,不知跨度了多少个仙人跳,就算在叶红境也没有传送台,我们必须要经过12次传送,前去太一界,化圣泽,只用在化圣泽才有直接通往水月天境古阵台。而化圣泽也离叶红境无穷遥远,这一路上或许不会太平,你最好紧紧跟着我,不然性命难保。” It seems like Moonwater Wonderland after Shui Yueting has killed me establishes! 看来“水月天境”是在水月婷杀了我之后才建立! Also has the danger to be inadequate?” The Feng Feiyun heart moves. “难道还有危险不成?”风飞云的心头一动。 „But before actually did not have, but currently has.” “以前倒也没有,但是现在却有了。” Xuanyuan Yiyi said quite vaguely, said: I know that you do not want to go to Moonwater Wonderland, but I can tell you, this line does not have any fault to you, moreover to you perhaps will be a huge chance.” 轩辕一一说得颇为隐晦,顿了顿,又道:“我知道你不想去水月天境,但是我可以告诉你,此行对你没有任何坏处,而且对你来说或许将是一次天大的机缘。” Smiling of Feng Feiyun coldly, said: Huge chance, does not know that the saintess Sir can disclose first?” 风飞云冷冷的笑了笑,道:“天大的机缘,不知圣女大人可不可以先透露一些?” Is related with «Gold Silkworm Scripture» that you cultivation, is related with Buddha Can Zi senior.” Xuanyuan Yiyi said. “与你修炼的《金蚕经》有关,也和佛蚕子前辈有关。”轩辕一一说道。 Feng Feiyun frowned immediately, he has thought Shui Yueting must see him, because of seeing through his status, but this moment Xuanyuan Yiyi told him because of another reason. 风飞云立即皱起眉头,本来他一直以为水月婷要见他,是因为识破了他的身份,而此刻轩辕一一却告诉他是因为另一个原因。 Teachers? Buddha Can Zi? Gold Silkworm Scripture? 师尊?佛蚕子金蚕经 Is it possible that Shui Yueting and some are Buddha Can Zi origins inadequate? 莫非水月婷和佛蚕子还有一些渊源不成? The situation stems from Feng Feiyun to expect, making Feng Feiyun have to make a fresh start to ponder the means of dealing with. 情况出乎风飞云所料,让风飞云又不得不重新开始思考应对的办法。 Moonwater Wonderland cannot go absolutely, once went, even if Shui Yueting formerly does not know my status, after going, definitely knows when the time comes definitely is the dead end. 水月天境是绝对不能去,一旦去了,就算水月婷先前不知道我的身份,去了之后也一定会知道,到时候肯定是死路一条。 However wants to withdraw from the hand of Xuanyuan Yiyi, is actually a matter of very difficult office. 但是想要从轩辕一一的手中脱身,却又是一件十分难办的事。 Right, she said that this guild has the danger, refers to should ambushes the Monster Clan people in human state. 对了,她说此行会有危险,指的应该是潜伏到人类国度的妖族中人。 It seems like or has looked down on her, her already ahead of time the sensation to the danger. 看来还是小瞧了她,她已经提前感知到了危险。 Since you did not plan that and Suzi said goodbye, then we started!” Xuanyuan Yiyi one step strided in ancient array platform, walks toward wonderful Shi Qun, then Spirit Stone installing in wonder stone hole, starts to get ready to start a stage. “既然你不打算去和苏紫告别,那么我们就启程吧!”轩辕一一一步跨入了古阵台之中,向着奇石群之中走去,然后将一块块灵石给安装到奇石孔洞之中,开始准备启动阵台。 Feng Feiyun floating enters wonderful Shi Qun, asked with a smile: Fairy maiden, is our first station, where going to go?” 风飞云飘然的走进奇石群,笑着问道:“仙子,我们的第一站,将要去什么地方?” Huan day boundary, abyss rooftop.” Making Spirit Stone that Xuanyuan Yiyi speed strange Kuai, the slender white delicate arms keeps, quick 366 Spirit Stone infiltrating wonder stone hole. “桓天境,九渊天台。”轩辕一一的速度奇快,纤细的玉臂不停的打出灵石,很快就将366块灵石给打入奇石孔洞。 Huan day boundary, abyss rooftop.” Feng Feiyun read reading. “桓天境,九渊天台。”风飞云念了念。 Huan Tianjing is also one of the southwest 12 boundaries! 桓天境也属于西南12境之一! Reason that Feng Feiyun knows that Huan day boundary this name, that is because Nine Firmaments Immortal City is located in Huan Tianjing, is one of the boundary overlords. 风飞云之所以知道“桓天境”这个名字,那是因为九霄仙城就位于桓天境,属于一个境的霸主之一。 It seems like carefully.” “看来得小心一些。” Although Feng Feiyun does not think that the Nine Firmaments Immortal City person will know them to from abyss rooftop, but must provide against contingencies, how otherwise dead does not know. 虽然风飞云并不认为九霄仙城的人会知晓他们要从九渊天台过,但是也要以防万一,不然怎么死的都不知道。 Xuanyuan Yiyi looks concentrated, stands by together the giant stone of shape likely white elephant, the luster of the skin is pretty, stretches out a palm, gently according to a giant stone hollow position, a miraculous glow sends out from her hand, crashes in the giant stone. 轩辕一一神情专注,站在一块形状像白象的巨石旁边,玉体俏丽,伸出一只手掌,轻轻的按在巨石的一个凹陷的位置,一片灵光从她的手中散发出来,冲进巨石之中。 Bang!” “轰!” ancient array platform was started, wonder stones revolve, sends out the dense miraculous glow, then vanishes does not see. 古阵台被启动,一块块奇石运转起来,发出氤氲的灵光,然后消失不见。 When the miraculous glow vanishes, Feng Feiyun and Xuanyuan Yiyi already was transmitted, vanishes in wonderful Shi Qun. 当灵光消失之时,风飞云轩辕一一已经被传送了出去,消失在奇石群之中。 Whish!” “哗!” Red flower rain fly, condenses a pretty person's shadow in the top of mountain peak, the stature is concave-convex, flesh snow white like jade, long hair pitch-black, but is suitable softly, in the eye is bringing several points of beautiful and bewitching, sneers. 一片红色的花雨飞来,在山峰之顶凝聚成一个靓丽的人影,身材凹凸曼妙,肌肤雪白如玉,长发乌黑而顺柔,眼中带着几分妖冶,冷笑一声。 Then, she has also flown into the wonder stone forest, Spirit Stone infiltrating the wonder stone hole, activates ancient array platform. 然后,她也飞进了奇石林之中,将一块块灵石给打入奇石孔洞,激活古阵台
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