SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#971: Fifth Nirvana

Xuanyuan Yiyi like cool breeze, comes suddenly, above goes quickly, not to alarm two people who the jade collapses is shifty. 轩辕一一就像一阵清风,来得突然,去得更快,并没有惊动玉塌之上翻云覆雨的两人。 In the jade palace, the spring scenery is continuous, arousing heart and soul. 玉殿之中,春色绵绵,撩人心魄。 Liu Suzi the tender body is exquisite, the mighty waves are turbulent, ** very curls upwards, the willow waist is slender, in the throat sends out long chanting. Recited, the luster of the skin fierce convulsion, the double pupil turned the dead fish eye, above the body all strengths seems exhausting. 琉苏紫”的娇躯玲珑,波涛汹涌,**挺翘,柳腰纤细,喉咙中发出一声悠长的呻.吟,玉体剧烈的痉挛,双眸翻着死鱼眼,身体之上所有的力气都似乎耗尽。 Feng Feiyun as in unceasing opening up wasteland, both hands is actually pinching two **, will be slender and snow white beautiful leg gives on the shoulder, unceasing punitive expedition. 风飞云却依旧在不断的开垦,双手捏着两条**,将修长而雪白的美腿给架上肩上,不断的讨伐。 Liu Suzi a lower part of the body mud piece, spring the water is in flood. 琉苏紫”的下身泥泞一片,春水泛滥。 Thick crazy respite sound and recited the sound to interweave tenderly, drifted obscenely incomparably, water splash stained. 粗狂喘息声和娇吟声相交织,淫霏无比,水花斑斑。 When all subside, Feng Feiyun scarlet-red both eyes slowly were gloomy, in the body gushes out a scalding hot strength, that ebullition blood also subsiding slowly. 当一切都平息下来之时,风飞云原本赤红的双目缓缓暗淡下去,身体之中涌出一股灼热的力量,那一股沸腾血液也缓缓的平息。 He hastily the lower part from Liu Suzi in obstructing extracts, stands upright as before firm, in the body runs out of scarlet-red flame, wraps his body completely. 他连忙将下半身从“琉苏紫”的窒道中抽出,依旧阳刚挺立,身体之中冲出一股赤红的火焰,将他的身体完全包裹。 „The difficult Dao Divinity immortal to confuse the blue strength, has inspired Extreme Disaster?” “难道神仙迷兰的力量,引动了死劫?” The intelligent tide general return of Feng Feiyun, sits cross-legged hastily, calms the mind to cultivate. 风飞云的神智潮水一般的回归,连忙盘坐下来,静心修炼。 Feng Feiyun like a phoenix of bath fire, each pore of whole body runs out of the flame, scarlet-red incomparable, is a hot cloud is wrapping him likely. 风飞云就像一只浴火的凤凰,全身的每一个毛孔都冲出火焰,赤红无比,像是一片火云包裹着他。 Liu Suzi tender body white and tender, the figure is slim, two ** above full is the silt is blue, ** the place of root luxuriant grass, an muddy small stream flows, but also is hanging the bright red blood threads, has mixes the yellow liquid from inside slowly to flow, got wet the snow white thigh. 琉苏紫”的娇躯白嫩,身材修长,两条**之上满是淤青,**的根部芳草萋萋的地方,一条浑浊的小溪流淌,还挂着鲜红的血丝,有混黄的液体从里面缓缓的流淌出来,沾湿了雪白的大腿。 Her bone probably dispersed the frame, below the waist almost passed out, but she was difficult from crawling, appearance change on face slowly, turned into the Liu Suhong appearance, the beautiful woman like willow leaf, the fine jade nose was lovable, Bei tooth closely was nipping the red lip, bit a blood. 她的骨头都好像散了架,腰部以下几乎失去知觉,但是她还是艰难从爬了起来,脸上的容貌缓缓的改变,变成了琉苏红的模样,娥眉如柳叶,琼鼻可爱,贝齿紧紧的咬着红唇,咬出一丝鲜血来。 Hateful!” “可恶!” Liu Suhong long hair pitch-black, two groups of chest snow white were rubbed to twist fully are the silt are blue, almost changed the shape, sends out intermittent web the ache. 琉苏红长发乌黑,胸口的两团雪白被揉拧得满是淤青,几乎变了形状,发出一阵阵钻心的疼痛。 Whish!” “哗!” She bends at the waist, looks at the stained contamination between both legs, well ups grieved, stands up slowly, a red clothes binding on the body, blocks from the tender body that feels ashamed, covers contamination trace. 她弓腰而起,看着双腿间的斑斑污秽,一股酸楚涌上心头,缓缓站起身来,将一件红衣给裹在身上,遮住羞人的娇躯,掩盖身上的污秽痕迹。 Oneself are the boundary main mansion big princess, was given by Half Monster unexpectedly. Deceitful, but has by him. In the deceitful process, forgets oneself unexpectedly **, like one ** generally. 自己乃是境主府的大郡主,竟然被一个半妖给强.奸,而起自己在被他强.奸的过程之中,竟然还忘乎所以的**,就像一个**一般。 This makes consistent arrogant Liu Suhong very difficult to accept, in a pair of beautiful pupil completely is the color/look of hatred, but she was done already to escape the strength by Feng Feiyun, the lower part is numb, at this time went to and Feng Feiyun goes all out, brought about own destruction simply. 这让一贯高傲的琉苏红很难接受,一双美眸之中尽是怨毒之色,但是她被风飞云搞得已经脱力,下半身麻木,这个时候去和风飞云拼命,简直就是自寻死路。 She closely is pinching both hands, is supporting the body, went out in the jade palace fast, does not dare to stay here, after fearing Feng Feiyun wakes up, oneself cannot leave. 她紧紧的捏着双手,撑着身体,快速的走出了玉殿之中,不敢在这里停留,怕风飞云醒来之后,自己就走不掉了。 Feng Feiyun sits cross-legged in the jade palace, the thoughts are quiet, the strength of some innumerable flame go through in the body, head hair became scarlet-red, like changing into the feather of phoenix. 风飞云盘坐在玉殿之中,心思沉静,有无数火焰之力在身体之中穿行,头上的头发都变得赤红了起来,就像化为凤凰的羽毛。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The flame burns around his body, erupts the burning hot the temperature, gives to refine these Formation, jade palace also by melting slowly. 火焰在他身体周围燃烧,爆发出炙热的温度,将那些阵法都给炼化,玉殿也被缓缓的融化。 Some member of dream day occupying were alarmed, appears one after another is trading the Spirit Beast battle soul immortal suburban, is looking at that group of scarlet-red fireballs, can indistinct looked that must the center of fireball sit a person's shadow. 梦天居的一些修士被惊动,纷纷出现在贩卖灵兽战魂的仙市外,望着那一团赤红的火球,能够隐约的看得火球的中央坐着一个人影。 Liu Suzi originally at the auction, after hearing this matter, speedily has caught up, the physique is straight, the pupil is bright, said: „His is carrying on fifth Nirvana, good quick cultivation speed.” 琉苏紫本来在拍卖会上,听闻了此事之后,也疾速的赶了过来,身姿笔直,眸光明亮,道:“他这是在进行第五次涅槃,好快的修炼速度。” When her first time sees Feng Feiyun, when Feng Feiyun Nirvana 1st-layer cultivation base, within the several years, his already was also attacking fifth Nirvana. 她第一次见到风飞云之时,风飞云还之时涅槃第一重修为,才短短几年的时间之内,他已经在冲击第五次涅槃了。 Almost every time sees him, his cultivation base then has the promotion. 几乎每一次见到他,他的修为便都有提升。 The old people of some Middle Ages aristocratic families also had to catch up, the bodies of some people were having the hostility, wanted writing off Feng Feiyun while this opportunity. 一些中古世家的老人们也有一些赶过来,其中一些人的身上带着敌意,想要趁这个机会将风飞云给抹杀。 Whish!” “哗!” A white beautiful shade flies, simple and beautiful moving, the fairyism annulus, stood in front of that flame. 一道白色的丽影飞来,清丽动人,仙气环体,站在了那一片火光的前面。 Xuanyuan Yiyi. 正是轩辕一一 These retroceded with the old person who Feng Feiyun had a grudge in abundance two steps, received killing intent in heart, does not dare to fudge in the Moonwater Saintess front. 那些与风飞云有仇的老人纷纷后退了两步,收起了心中的杀念,不敢在水月圣女的面前动手脚。 Suzi, what's all this about?” The Xuanyuan Yiyi pupil is bright, immortal face is beautiful, look complex stared at Liu Suzi one. 苏紫,这是怎么回事?”轩辕一一眸光明亮,仙颜美丽,眼神复杂的盯了琉苏紫一眼。 Liu Suzi has hesitated the moment, then shook the head, said: „It is not quite clear, I was also feeling strange why he carried on fifth Nirvana at this time. Normal member Nirvana, will prepare many, will have the elder Protector in the side, will choose is carrying on densely, to guard was given to disturb. However he actually here carries on fifth Nirvana, Protector for him without any person, definitely has not been fully prepared, all these and common sense violates.” 琉苏紫沉吟了片刻,然后摇了摇头,道:“不太清楚,我也在奇怪他为何在这个时候进行第五次涅槃。正常修士涅槃,都会做好诸多准备,而且会有长辈在身边护法,会选择在密地之中进行,以防被人给打扰。但是他却在这里进行第五次涅槃,没有任何人为他护法,也肯定没有做好充分的准备,这一切都和常理相违背。” The Xuanyuan Yiyi black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkled the wrinkle gently, said: By your relations, you should clearly be very right.” 轩辕一一黛眉轻轻的皱了皱,道:“以你们两人的关系,你应该很清楚才对。” Liu Suzi raised the head suddenly, some surprise stared at Xuanyuan Yiyi one, swung the folding fan, has smiled, said: Relations are not but actually shallow, but the body of this dead Half Monster is hiding many secrets, I am unable to be fully correct completely. Perhaps his Nirvana, was encounters somebody's darkness to raid at this moment suddenly, has no alternative.” 琉苏紫豁然抬起头来,有些诧异的盯了轩辕一一一眼,摇了摇折扇,笑了起来,道:“关系倒也不算浅,不过这死半妖的身上藏着诸多秘密,我也无法完全猜透。他此刻突然涅槃,说不定乃是遭遇了某人的暗袭,不得已而为之。” Xuanyuan Yiyi does not want to give to bring to light something, so as to avoid makes in own boudoir the good friend awkward, said: You feel relieved are, I will help you protect his security, no one can move him.” 轩辕一一也不想将有些事给挑明,免得让自己的闺中好友尴尬,道:“你放心便是,我会帮你守护他的安全,谁也动不了他。” Liu Suzi slightly has gawked staring, she always thought that Xuanyuan Yiyi is not very normal today, „does she think me with that dead Half Monster also what inadequate? It seems like the heart of saintess not necessarily does not have on dust, said that the heart cannot pass the Saint.” 琉苏紫又是微微的愣了愣,她总觉得轩辕一一今天很不正常,“难道她认为我和那个死半妖还有些什么不成?看来圣女的心也未必就一点尘埃都没有,道心也未能通圣。” Feng Feiyun indeed is forced to carry on fifth Nirvana, because only then fifth Nirvana possibly confuses the orchid to refine the deity in body thoroughly, this is the result that fifty technique calculates. 风飞云的确是被迫进行第五次涅槃,因为只有第五次涅槃才可能将身体之中的神仙迷兰给彻底炼化,这是“大衍术”推算出来的结果。 When Feng Feiyun by the control of blood of Demon, another rational strength in body is stimulating to movement fifth secondary dead Nirvana on already. 风飞云妖魔之血的支配之时,身体之中的另一股理性的力量就已经在催动第五次生死涅槃 If not confuse the orchid building up the deity, Feng Feiyun dying will be more painful. 若不将神仙迷兰给炼化,风飞云将会比死更痛苦。 Bang!” “轰!” In the body of Feng Feiyun runs out of great-circle flame, blasts out in his body like a sea of fire, brilliant incomparable. 风飞云的身体之中冲出一大圈火焰,就像一片火海在他身体之中炸开,绚烂无比。 The place visited, gives anything refining up friendly. 所过之处,将任何东西都给融炼。 Xuanyuan Yiyi stands in not far away, slim and graceful, extends a slender hand, above the palm departs endless sword intent, changes into a world of sword intent condensation, gives the package the Feng Feiyun surrounding hundred meters regions, prevents that strength to attack from inside. 轩辕一一站在不远处,亭亭玉立,伸出一只纤细的手,手掌之上飞出无尽的剑意,化为一座剑意凝聚的世界,将风飞云周围百米的地域给包裹,阻挡那一股力量从里面冲击出来。 Liu Suzi pupil light wisdom, said: Perhaps another possibility, he really has not wanted to go to Moonwater Wonderland, wants to break through the boundary as soon as possible, this possibly escapes from your hand, therefore breaks through the boundary at risk of life.” 琉苏紫的眸光睿智,又道:“还有另一个可能,或许他真的不想去水月天境,想要尽快突破境界,这样才可能从你的手中逃脱,所以拼死突破境界。” Xuanyuan Yiyi knows that the relations of Feng Feiyun and Liu Suzi were very close, have surmounted the friendship, therefore has also regarded the meaning of Feng Feiyun the Liu Suzi words. 轩辕一一知道风飞云琉苏紫的关系十分亲密,超越了友情,所以将琉苏紫的话也当成了风飞云的意思。 She thought that this is Liu Suzi is testing her intentionally. 她觉得这是琉苏紫在故意试探她。 Xuanyuan Yiyi does not have the retained say/way: You told him, Holy Spirit summoned him to go to Moonwater Wonderland not to have other reason, was must leave his thing to give him his teacher.” 轩辕一一无所保留的道:“你告诉他,圣神召他去水月天境并没有别的原因,乃是要将他师尊留给他的一件东西交给他。” His teacher?” Some Liu Suzi surprise. “他的师尊?”琉苏紫有些诧异。 Xuanyuan Yiyi said: „The «Gold Silkworm Scripture» founder, is a great Buddhism Saint monk, was only a pity that about this Saint monk is the taboo, I also smatter.” 轩辕一一道:“《金蚕经》的创始人,乃是一位了不起的佛门圣僧,只可惜关于这位圣僧的一切都是禁忌,我也只是一知半解。” In Holy Ghost Tomb, Xuanyuan Yiyi knows that Feng Feiyun has practiced the «Gold Silkworm Scripture» secret, after returning to Moonwater Wonderland, reported all these to Holy Spirit, but after Holy Spirit knew this matter, decided that must summon Feng Feiyun. 圣灵墓葬之中,轩辕一一就知道风飞云修炼了《金蚕经》的秘密,回到水月天境之后,将这一切都禀告给了圣神,而圣神知道此事之后,才决定要召见风飞云 It can be said that Holy Spirit summoned the Feng Feiyun reason, was because of «Gold Silkworm Scripture». 可以说圣神召见风飞云的原因,乃是因为《金蚕经》。 But Feng Feiyun actually thinks that is because Shui Yueting saw through his status to summon him, therefore Feng Feiyun wants completely by any means possible, not to hope Moonwater Wonderland, feared to never to return. 风飞云却认为是因为水月婷识破了他的身份才召见他,所以风飞云想尽千方百计,不愿去水月天境,怕一去不复返。 Liu Suzi dignified say/way: „Is the Feng Feiyun teacher really some Great Saint virtue of antique Saint Buddhist temple?” 琉苏紫凝重的道:“难道风飞云的师尊真的是太古圣佛庙的某一位大圣贤?” Xuanyuan Yiyi shook the head, said: Some matters, once says to annoy the terrible disaster, this matter relates is too significant, I do not dare the wild talk.” 轩辕一一摇了摇头,道:“有些事一旦说出来将会惹来滔天大祸,这件事关系实在太重大,我也不敢妄言。” Said Moonwater Saintess does not dare wild talk, then this matter definitely was extremely significant, Liu Suzi had not asked again. 水月圣女都说出不敢妄言,那么这件事就肯定极其重大了,琉苏紫也没有再问。 This dead Half Monster also really has the Lord of big backer.” Liu Suzi smiling of slightly. “这个死半妖还真是有大靠山的主。”琉苏紫微微的笑了笑。 Bang!” “轰!” In the body of Feng Feiyun runs out of the second wave of flame, a fist huge flame god circle attacks, is a piece of enormous and powerful real fire god clouds likely. 风飞云的身体之中冲出第二波火焰,一拳庞大的火焰神圈冲击出来,像是一片浩荡的真火神云。 Bang!” “轰!” The tertiary wave flame runs out, burns the day to extinguish, the imposing manner is fearful, if not for there is a Xuanyuan Yiyi sword intent world package, that flame affirmed that already burnt to refine the big piece region. 第三波火焰冲出,焚天灭地,气势慑人,若不是有轩辕一一的剑意世界包裹,那一股火焰肯定已经焚炼了大片地域。 Bang!” “轰!” The fourth wave of flame erupts, the vibration is bigger, a stretch of earth building up, gave to refine to turn into the scarlet red these white sword air/Qi, was a Fire Dragon flies in revolving likely. 第四波火焰爆发出来,震动更大,将一片大地给炼化,将那些白色的剑气都给炼化成了赤红色,像是一条火龙在旋转飞行。 These any old people of Middle Ages aristocratic family and Feng Feiyun has the enmity were panic-stricken, was roasted the complexion to blush by this strength. 那些凡是和风飞云有仇怨的中古世家的老人都惊骇住,被这一股力量烤得脸色发红。 This Half Monster was too strong, even if cannot break through the Ascension boundary, in the future definitely will have to cut to kill the strength of Ascension boundary powerhouse.” “这一只半妖实在太强势了,就算不能突破羽化境,将来都肯定会拥有斩杀羽化境强者的实力。” Archenemy! Archenemies!” “大敌啊!大敌!” If not for there is a Xuanyuan Yiyi protection in the one side, at this time some people of reckless getting rid, must certainly write off Feng Feiyun in the cradle. 若不是有轩辕一一守护在一旁,这个时候肯定有人不顾一切的出手,要将风飞云抹杀在摇篮之中。 Some Xuanyuan Yiyi also slightly surprise, thought that the Feng Feiyun potential is too big, even if is also not the talent of legendary rank, already is the apex of Epic Level talent, is difficult to meet with the match with the boundary, quick will promote to younger generation most peak a number of person. 轩辕一一也微微有些诧异,觉得风飞云的潜力实在太大,就算还不是传奇级别的天才,也已经算是史诗级别天才的顶尖,在同境界难遇对手,很快就会晋升到年轻一代最巅峰的一批人之列。 If he can break the curse of Half Monster, achieved the Ascension boundary to be good, in the future in fighting of chaos day city, can be surely Human Race strikes awe. 若是他能够打破半妖的诅咒,达到羽化境就好了,将来在混沌天城的争锋之中,必定能够为人族扬威。 Her heart such is thinking, located to make the material Feng Feiyun, emerging fire that human rose. 她的心头如此的想着,将风飞云定位了一个可造之材,人类崛起的新兴之火。 Naturally the premise is he can shoulder fifth Nirvana first. 当然前提是他能够先扛过第五次涅槃 Bang!” “轰!” Finally the fifth wave of flame has surged, formerly four time add to be fiercer. 终于第五波火焰激荡了出来,比先前的四次加起来都要凶猛。
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