SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#970: Blood

The Feng Feiyun body has a firm beauty, the wide solid chest, the streamline muscle, the perfect build presents in the jade palace. 风飞云的身躯有着一股阳刚之美,宽实的胸膛,流线型的肌肉,完美的体型就呈现在玉殿之中。 Liu Suzi is pinching the red knife, the movement is graceful, knife point gently has delimited from the skin of Feng Feiyun, has fallen from the neck to the position of heart. 琉苏紫”捏着红色的小刀,动作优雅,刀尖轻轻的从风飞云的皮肤之中划过,从脖子一直滑落到心脏的位置。 The knife is sharp, glittering and translucent carving, is the blood-color spirit crystal builds likely! 小刀锋利,晶莹剔透,像是血色灵晶打造而成! Knife slowly pricks the skin of Feng Feiyun, the bright red blood flows together from the body of Feng Feiyun. 小刀缓缓的刺入风飞云的皮肤,一道鲜红的血液从风飞云的身体之中流淌出来。 !” “噗!” In her double pupil is having the ruthless color/look, makes an effort fiercely, the knife pricks the chest of Feng Feiyun completely, but actually stops in the position of heart, like the hit above an iron stone, has exuded sonorously one. 她的双眸之中带着狠色,猛地用力,小刀完全刺入风飞云的胸口,但是却在心脏的位置停下,就像撞击在了一块铁石之上,发出“铿锵”一声。 That is phoenix spirit! 那是凤凰心骨! Body of Feng Feiyun fierce shakes, an ache of web spreads to the heart, the blood of Demon was stimulated, bursts out, above the skin has demon marks, both eyes become especially bright red. 风飞云的身体剧烈的一抖,一股钻心的疼痛传入心扉,身上的妖魔之血被刺激,迸发出来,皮肤之上生出一道道魔纹,双目变得格外的鲜红。 Howling!” “嚎!” In the body of Feng Feiyun ten thousand beasts roared, the sound was ear-spitting, a wild animal aura ran out, Liu Suzi shaking to draw back. 风飞云的身体之中万兽咆哮,声音震耳,一股野兽般的气息冲出,将“琉苏紫”给震退开去。 Liu Suzi when has sealed up this piece of space on already, has isolated this piece of space thoroughly, any sound will not send out. 琉苏紫”在进来之时就已经封闭了这一片空间,彻底的隔绝了这一片空间,任何声音都不会散发出去。 Her heart at this moment full is shocking, pinches is moistening the knife of blood, looks at Demon general Feng Feiyun, can feel that his body has a fearful strength to transmit, looks at her look, making her seepage send being afraid/painful. 她此刻的心头满是震惊,捏着沾血的小刀,看着妖魔一般的风飞云,能够感觉到他的身上有一股可怕至极的力量传来,看她的眼神,让她的渗透发憷。 Is it possible that does the deity confuse blue cannot seal up you?” “莫非神仙迷兰都封不住你?” Liu Suzi the sound fills panic-stricken, knows the Feng Feiyun strength the fearfulness. 琉苏紫”的声音充满惊恐,知道风飞云战力的可怕。 Her will is also very firm, in the beautiful pupil is bringing murderous aura, two fingers are pinching the knife, throws to fly, thorn to the throat of Feng Feiyun. 她的心志亦十分坚定,美眸之中带着一份杀气,两指捏着小刀,扔飞出去,刺向风飞云的喉咙。 Bang!” “嘭!” The arm of Feng Feiyun braves the flame, hitting to fly that handle knife, the knife was hit distorts, inserts on the wall of jade palace. 风飞云的手臂冒着火焰,将那一柄小刀给打飞,刀身都被打得变形,插进玉殿的墙壁上。 Properly speaking, cultivation base achieves Nirvana 1st-layer, can restrain the body blood of Demon by the willpower of member, however the blood of Feng Feiyun actually receives deity confuses orchid the invasion, therefore the blood of Demon was stimulated, moreover becomes fiercer. 按理说,修为达到涅槃第一重,以修士的意志力就能够克制身体之中的妖魔之血,但是风飞云的血液却受到“神仙迷兰”的入侵,于是妖魔之血又被刺激了出来,而且变得更加凶猛。 This is an extremely dangerous matter, does not pay attention slightly, the Feng Feiyun Divine Sense disintegration, the body also will be split up. 这是一件极度危险的事,稍不注意,风飞云神识就会崩碎,身体也会四分五裂。 He affirmed at this moment already confused the orchid invading Divine Sense by deity, when is the willpower is weakest, first him gives the uniform again to say.” “他此刻肯定已经被神仙迷兰给入侵神识,乃是意志力最薄弱之时,先将他给制服再说。” Liu Suzi the body changes into together the virtual light, the slender jade white palm makes, together scarlet-red is in charge presses up to the chest of Feng Feiyun, must blow the heart of Feng Feiyun, destroys his heart lineage/vein. 琉苏紫”的身体化为一道虚光,纤细玉白的手掌打出,一道赤红的掌印直逼风飞云的心口,要镇住风飞云的心,打碎他的心脉。 The hair of Feng Feiyun stands upside down, above the left face has the demon mark, is having the happy expression of mock, extends a hand, being in charge that Liu Suzi will make gives the crumb. 风飞云的头发倒立,左脸之上生出魔纹,带着讥诮的笑意,伸出一只手,将“琉苏紫”打出的掌印给捏碎。 Bang!” “嘭!” Demon is having intense corrosiveness, penetrates territory that Liu Suzi displays, seizes toward her neck. 魔手带着强烈的腐蚀性,穿透“琉苏紫”施展出来的域,向着她的脖子擒去。 Very powerful big strength.” “好强大的力量。” Before Feng Feiyun demon seizes her neck, her body splits suddenly, changes into red flower rain counter to fly piece by piece, falls to more than ten meters beyond, condenses the Liu Suzi appearance. 风飞云的魔手擒住她的脖子之前,她的身体突然裂开,化为一片片红色的花雨逆飞出去,落到十多米外,又凝聚成琉苏紫的样子。 Town body rune/symbol Tu!” “镇身符图!” Liu Suzi puts out, in portrays rune, this is with antique Saint beast bloodlines talisman of Spirit Beast blood writing, above condensed the skill in Daoist cultivation of Ascension sage, has to suppress a side void strength. 琉苏紫”拿出一张古图,古图上刻画着符文,这乃是用太古圣兽血脉的灵兽血书写的符箓,上面凝聚了羽化贤者的道力,拥有镇压一方虚空的力量。 She this rune/symbol Tu pasting in the Feng Feiyun back, both hands pinches the seal Secret Art, must inspire rune/symbol Tu the strength, gives the suppression Feng Feiyun. 她将这一张符图给贴在风飞云的背后,双手捏动印诀,要引动符图的力量,将风飞云给镇压。 „!” “刺啦!” Feng Feiyun that town body rune/symbol Tu tearing down an corner/horn, above the spirit glow is radiant, the break place flows the none remaining, the electric lights are walking randomly. 风飞云将那一幅镇身符图给撕下一角,古图之上灵芒璀璨,断裂处流淌精光,有一道道电光在游走。 Liu Suzi was feared again, already pinched 50% law Secret Art anchoring stiffly. 琉苏紫”再次被惊住,已经捏动了一半的法诀硬生生的停住。 Was town body symbol chart given to tear into shreds by him unexpectedly? 镇身符图竟然被他给撕碎了? Is this strength of person? 这是人的力量吗? Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun chops a palm horizontally, Liu Suzi dividing to fly. 风飞云横劈出一掌,将“琉苏紫”给劈飞出去。 Her head hairlace disruption, long hair scatters, turned into the female appearance, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is slender, red lip clear, may be called the world is simply outstandingly beautiful. 她头上的发带碎裂,长发散落下来,变成了女子模样,黛眉修长,红唇晶莹,简直堪称人间绝色。 Although this is Liu Suhong, but at this moment is actually the Liu Suzi appearance. 这虽然是琉苏红,但是此刻却是琉苏紫的模样。 She such does not want to know Liu Suhong to come here, in this case, she has taken the blood of Feng Feiyun, others also only think that is Liu Suzi so-called, does not have any relations with her. 她这么做是不想让人知晓琉苏红来到过这里,这样的话,她取走了风飞云的血液,别人也只会认为是琉苏紫所谓,跟她没有任何关系。 In body of Feng Feiyun deity confuses orchid the strength becomes more and more formidable, in unscrupulous dashes his body, even already has broken through Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi, flows to go toward the brain. 风飞云的身体之中的“神仙迷兰”的力量变得越来越强大,在肆无忌惮的冲撞他的身体,甚至已经冲破了金蚕佛气,向着大脑之中流淌而去。 Was bad, quickly ended fight.” “糟了,尽快结束战斗。” Feng Feiyun has not lost the reason, offers a sacrifice to the day spoon, divided to cut. 风飞云并没有丧失理智,祭出开天匙,劈斩了过去。 Liu Suzi naturally is not the generation of being easy, launches one Dao Divinity, resists the prestige energy of day spoon. 琉苏紫”自然也不是易于之辈,也展开一道神通,抵挡开天匙的威能。 Bang!” “嘭!” She slender exquisite body was raised to fly, the long skirt drags, flows out a pair of snow white jade leg, even can also be indistinct saw that jade leg root has exquisite faint purple Qiu Ku, romantic, making the person indulge in fantasy. 她纤细玲珑的身体被掀飞出去,长裙摇曳,流出一双雪白的玉腿,甚至还能隐约间看到那玉腿根部有一条小巧的淡淡的紫色裘裤,香艳至极,让人想入非非。 Feng Feiyun naturally also saw this, the heart vibration is enormous, the bloodlines inflated, both eyes also become evil red, exudes evil different laughter. 风飞云自然也看到了这一幕,心头震动极大,血脉膨胀了起来,双目也变得更加的邪红,发出一声声邪异的笑声。 Liu Suzi does not realize wonderfully, launches speedily magical powers, changes into together the purple shadow, runs away toward the jade palace outside. 琉苏紫”意识到不妙,展开一种疾速神通,化为一道紫色的影子,向着玉殿外面逃。 You could not escape!” “你逃不掉了!” The Feng Feiyun speed is faster, from behind her white delicate arms pinching, is giving to drag into own bosom her fiercely. 风飞云速度更快,从身后将她的一只玉臂给捏着,猛地一拉,将她给拉入自己的怀中。 The big hand searches into her front piece, touches to one group of pleasant warmth. 大手探入她的衣襟之中,摸到一团温软。 Liu Suzi the body such as suffers the electric shock, the beautiful pupil sinks coldly, the finger changes into sword edge, the thorn to the Feng Feiyun dantian. 琉苏紫”的身体如遭电击,美眸沉冷,手指化为剑锋,刺向风飞云的丹田。 Feng Feiyun gives to press firmly between the fingers her white hands once more, has buckled then instead, then threw above jade palace that the jade that was used to cultivation to collapse her from. 风飞云再次将她的玉手给捏住,然后反扣了起来,然后将她扔到了玉殿上方的那一张用来修炼的玉塌自上。 Liu Suzi felt that a severe pain, the bone as if powder of body has put up, the slender luster of the skin keeps shivering, the milk-white bosom that a pair stands upright slightly pastes above the ice-cold jade collapses, seemed numb. 琉苏紫”感觉到一股剧痛,身体的骨头似乎都散架了,纤细的玉体不停颤抖,一对略微挺立的酥胸贴在冰冷的玉塌之上,仿佛都要麻木了。 Above she collapses from the jade immediately turns over/stands up, but actually by a Feng Feiyun palm of the hand patting upside-down. 她立即从玉塌之上翻身而起,但是却又被风飞云一巴掌给拍倒了下去。 ! 刺啦! Her purple magnificence robe was given to tear into shreds by Feng Feiyun, reveals a suet beautiful body, appearance absolute beauty, the facial features are fine, the neck slender jade is white, collar bone sex appeal, chest position tight is binding a white silk, was pressed the twin peaks under the silk, the extrusion must distort. 她身上的紫色华袍被风飞云给撕碎,露出一具羊脂美体,容颜绝丽,五官精致,颈部纤细玉白,锁骨性感,胸部的位置紧紧的裹着一层白色的绢布,将双峰被压在了绢布之下,挤压得变形。 Again downward, is slender, but the small waist of non- excess flesh, smooth smooth, the navel is exquisite, the flesh is common like the white snow. 再往下,是纤细而无赘肉的小腰,平坦柔滑,肚脐小巧,肌肤就像白雪一般。 Her one group of slender and slender jade legs hastily overlapping, gives to grip both legs basic that purple little Qiu trousers, above Qiu Ku hangs three small jade to fall, is the amethyst carves, radiance, forms the sharp contrast with her flesh. 她的一团修长而纤细的玉腿连忙交叉起来,将双腿根本的那一个紫色的小裘裤给夹住,裘裤之上挂着三个小玉坠,都是紫晶雕琢,光华点点,与她的肌肤形成鲜明的对比。 You dare! I am the boundary main mansion big princess......” “你敢!我乃是境主府的大郡主……” ! 刺啦! Feng Feiyun gives to tear off the long white silk of her chest, was wrapped and extrusion in following pair of a jade peak of standing tall and erect jumped immediately, is big exceptionally, the smooth photo person, is White Jade carves likely, the peak a little bright red. 风飞云将她胸口的一层长长的白色绢布给扯下,原本被包裹和挤压在下面的一对高耸的玉峰顿时跳了出来,大得异常,光滑照人,像是白玉雕琢而成,峰顶还有一点嫣红。 Feng Feiyun also jumped up the jade to collapse, throws to press in Liu Suzi above petite luster of the skin. 风飞云也跳上了玉塌,扑压在“琉苏紫”娇小的玉体之上。 He was stark naked, at this moment and Liu Suzi slides the tender flesh to contact exquisitely closely, immediately sends out the pleasant sensation that said. 他本就一丝不挂,此刻和“琉苏紫”的细腻滑嫩的肌肤紧密接触,顿时发出一股说之不出的快感。 Bang!” “轰!” Liu Suzi shames the anger to occur simultaneously, the snow cheek surfaces the boat is wiping the pink, a palm goes toward the Feng Feiyun chest bang. 琉苏紫”羞怒交加,雪腮之上浮着一抹桃红,一掌向着风飞云的胸口轰去。 The Feng Feiyun strength is strong, presses firmly between the fingers her both hands wrist/skill, according to her top of the head, making her unable to move, vibration that only then chest front two groups keeping. 风飞云的力量强大,捏住她的双手手腕,按在她的头顶,使她动弹不得,只有胸前的两团在不停的抖动。 Purple Qiu Ku of her lower part of the body also took off! 她下身的紫色裘裤也被脱下! The lower part of Feng Feiyun was already hard just like the steel pestle, sends out boiling hot fiery, pricked in her jade legs. 风飞云的下半身早就坚硬得宛如钢杵,发出滚烫的火热,刺入了她的玉腿之间。 Liu Suzi finally realized that the important matter is not good, in the dantian the spiritual energy tumbles, dense enormous and powerful, this assigns Spirit Artifact to depart from inside, is handle Ancient Sword. 琉苏紫”终于意识到大事不好,丹田之中灵气翻滚,氤氲浩荡,一件本命灵器从里面飞出,是一柄古剑 The arm of Feng Feiyun is pinching the Ancient Sword sword hilt, its control. 风飞云的手臂捏着古剑的剑柄,将其掌控。 Feng Feiyun, you were insane, if you dare to move me, then rushes to the enormous disaster.” 风飞云,你疯了,你若是敢动我,便是闯下弥天大祸。” Liu Suzi unceasing displays thought to control the Ancient Sword strength, unceasing vibration of Ancient Sword in the hand of Feng Feiyun, sends out sound that beasts howl. 琉苏紫”不断的施展意念控制古剑的力量,古剑风飞云的手中不断的震动,发出一声声兽啸的声音。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun offers a sacrifice to Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall building up Ancient Sword, then condenses a handle dagger Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, by in Liu Suzi above snow neck, a cold air direct impact her brain, this is murderous aura, almost attacks her soul to disperse. 风飞云祭出天髓兵胆古剑给炼化,然后将天髓兵胆凝聚成一柄匕首,靠在了“琉苏紫”的雪颈之上,一股寒气直冲她的大脑,这是一股杀气,冲击得她灵魂差点飞散。 Her revolt also became slow! 她的反抗也变得迟钝了起来! Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun seizes the opportunity, separates her pair of jade leg, will be hard and sturdy lower part, very into she narrow, mild and exquisite obstructing, faint blood red has sexual intercourse the place to flow from two people, sticks above the jade collapses, is flesh color like the peach blossom. 风飞云看准时机,分开她的一双玉腿,将坚硬而粗壮的下半身,挺入了她狭窄、温润、细腻的窒道中,有一丝淡淡的血红从两人交合之处流淌出来,粘在玉塌之上,粉红得如桃花。 Liu Suzi the long hair scatters, chants in a low voice. Recited, coquettish look like silk, jade back curving shivering that like half a month, tender body keeping. 琉苏紫”的长发散落,低声呻.吟,媚眼如丝,玉背弯曲的就像半月,娇躯在不停的颤抖。 In above the ground, full is the shatter clothing, the jade collapses, two people in crazy gou. About various postures presents. 地面上,满是破碎的衣衫,玉塌之上,两人在疯狂的媾.合,各种姿势呈现。 Tittered!” “噗嗤!” Tittered!” “噗嗤!” The Feng Feiyun trunk is formidable, the flesh and blood is similar to is the gold/metal brass casting refining up, enters one, the massive water splash splash down, chanting that lets the beautiful person under body keeping. Recite! 风飞云的体躯强大,血肉如同是金铜铸炼,一进一出,大量水花溅落,让身下的玉人在不停的呻.吟! Tonight, dream day occupied has held one of the most significant auctions, collected all great people, at this moment above float universe. 今夜,梦天居举行了一场最为重大的拍卖会之一,汇集各方大人物,此刻都在悬浮的天宇之上。 But trades the Spirit Beast battle soul immortal city appears the person's shadow is also scarce. 而贩卖灵兽战魂的仙市也就显得人影稀少。 white glow drops from the clouds together, descends like together the immortal rainbow, is wrapping a beautiful beautiful shade. 一道白芒从天而降,就像一道仙虹降落下来,包裹着一个绝美的丽影。 Xuanyuan Yiyi carries Ancient Sword, wears white long dress, the long hair like the waterfall, both eyes is elusive, body including immortal rhyme, directly goes toward the direction line of jade palace. 轩辕一一背着古剑,穿着白色长衣,长发如飞瀑,双目空灵,身含仙韵,径直的向着玉殿的方向行去。 The next quarter, she has then passed through Formation, arrives in the jade palace, collapses above scarlet toward the jade. The bare men and women looked at one, the beautiful pupil full is the incredible look. 下一刻,她便穿过了阵法,来到玉殿之中,向着玉塌上面的赤.裸男女看了一眼,美眸满是不可置信的神色。 Feng Feiyun in Liu Suzi above luster of the skin opens up wasteland, exudes thick crazy cries, but Liu Suzi the cry obscenely drifts, a prostitute like brothel was done ** again and again. 风飞云正在“琉苏紫”的玉体之上开垦,发出一声声粗狂的叫声,而“琉苏紫”的叫声则更加淫霏,就像一个青楼的妓女被人干得**连连。 Suzi and Feng Feiyun...... They......” 苏紫风飞云……他们……” Say/Way heart shaking of Xuanyuan Yiyi slightly, the body departs white fog, covers before the view, hastily has turned then around, no longer above looks at the jade to collapse wants. Immortal desire. Two who dying. 轩辕一一的道心微微的抖,身上飞出一片白雾,遮挡在眼帘之前,然后又连忙转过身,不再看玉塌之上欲.仙欲.死的两人。 The tender body moves, next quarter she then disappears in the jade palace, like at-large general! 娇躯一动,下一刻她便消失在玉殿之中,就像在逃一般!
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