SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#969: The deity confuses the orchid

Tonight is dream day occupies auction hot luan bone the time, Little Demon and Mao Wugui have not come back, it seems like they seek for Demoness not to be smooth. 今夜乃是梦天居拍卖“火鸾骨”的时候,小邪魔茅乌龟并没有回来,看来他们去寻找女魔并不顺利。 Feng Feiyun for their safe worries, does not have Mao Wugui that pit goods but actually , can only be they profits, others have bad luck. 风飞云倒也并不为他们的安全担心,有茅乌龟那坑货在,只会是他们占便宜,别人倒霉。 These day propagandas, let the reputation of hot luan bone big chirp, in leaf Hongjing, and even the southwest 12 boundaries, has stirred the controversy, caused that the innumerable refine the pill of immortality big Grandmaster arrive at the century god city. 这几日的宣传,让火鸾骨的名声大噪,在叶红境,乃至西南12境,都引起了轩然大波,引得无数炼丹大宗师来到千秋神城。 Ten fine gold liquid gold male stones that two days before auctions, auctioned the astonishing price, the grand total achieved 3.68 billion Spirit Stone. 前两日拍卖的十块鎏金水牡石,也都拍卖出了惊人的价格,总计达到3680000000枚灵石 Also is 3680 wormhole Spirit Stone. 也就是3680枚虫洞灵石 In addition before Feng Feiyun, 1582 wormhole Spirit Stone that has, altogether added to have 5262 wormhole Spirit Stone, the wealth value of represents was extremely astonishing, endures a ratio immortal lineage/vein big ore the Spirit Stone sum total. 加上风飞云以前拥有的1582枚虫洞灵石,一共加起来就有了5262枚虫洞灵石,所代表的财富值极其惊人,堪比一座仙脉大矿的灵石总和。 3 million jin (0.5 kg) hot luan bones, the minimum estimate value is 30 billion Spirit Stone. 3000000斤的火鸾骨,最低估值是30000000000枚灵石 This is a huge wealth, makes these ancient clans step back sufficiently, only then these extremely rich refine the pill of immortality big grandmaster possibly can purchase. 这更是一笔庞大的财富,足以让那些古族都为之却步,只有那些极其富有的炼丹大宗师才可能购买得起。 Naturally also some the super big influences of coming, some influences even surmounted the Middle Ages aristocratic family, the low key entered the falling asleep day to occupy, only to purchase the hot luan bone in legend. 当然还有一些闻讯而来的超级大势力,有的势力甚至超越中古世家,都低调进入梦天居,只为购买传说之中的火鸾骨。 Feng Feiyun does not have what interest to the auction, but treats in trading the Spirit Beast battle soul immortal city, sits in a jade palace main hall. 风飞云对拍卖会并没有什么兴趣,而是待在贩卖灵兽战魂的仙市,坐在一座玉宫大殿之中。 Here is the place that the honored guests in immortal city can enter, is very quiet, the surroundings have the invisible Formation protection, the center of jade palace are putting a bronze cauldron furnace, inside cigarette few, the spiritual energy greets the nostrils. 这里乃是仙市的贵客才能进入的地方,十分清静,周围都有无形的阵法守护,玉宫的中央放着一只青铜鼎炉,里面香烟寥寥,灵气扑鼻。 Feng Feiyun sits in the inside of jade palace, transforms Spirit Beast battle soul. 风飞云坐在玉宫的里面,转化灵兽战魂 The auction conclusion leaves the red leaves star went Moonwater Wonderland the time, he must try hard to enhance oneself strength, can many one point of strength then want many one point of strength. 拍卖会结束就是离开红叶星前去水月天境的时候,他必须努力的提高自己的实力,能够多一分力量便要多一分力量。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Two hands of Feng Feiyun are pinching Spirit Beast battle soul respectively, takes in Spirit Beast battle soul the body forcefully, Spirit Beast battle soul that enters newly small and weak Spirit Beast battle soul will give to swallow, is in the Spirit Beast battle soul original position, becomes new battle soul. 风飞云的两只手各自捏着一头灵兽战魂,将灵兽战魂强行吸纳到身体之中,新入的灵兽战魂将弱小的灵兽战魂给吞噬,然后占据灵兽战魂原来的位置,成为新的战魂 This is one quenchings oneself, to strengthen own process unceasingly. 这是一个不断淬炼自身、强化自身的过程。 After Feng Feiyun 22 Spirit Beast battle soul to transformation, then immediately stopped, looks toward outside. 风飞云将22只灵兽战魂给转化之后,便立即停了下来,向着外面望去。 Clip clop!” “哒哒!” Outside of jade palace hears the lithe sound of footsteps. 玉宫的外面传来轻盈的脚步声。 Wears the purple clothes robe to print the young young master of gold thread to stand outside, the stature is very thin full, flesh like baby snow white, in the pupil light brings several to distinguish clearly to drench, in the hand is swinging the folding fan, said with a smile: Young Master Feng, can I come in?” 一个身穿紫衣袍印着金丝的年轻公子站在外面,身材很细盈,肌肤如婴儿般雪白,眸光之中带着几分清淋,手中摇着折扇,笑道:“风公子,我可以进来吗?” Feng Feiyun gives to receive Spirit Beast battle soul of these seals, the sleeves wield, the front door opens, says with a smile: Dream day occupies is your family opens, how can't you come in?” 风飞云将那些封印的灵兽战魂都给收起来,衣袖一挥,大门打开,笑道:“梦天居都是你家开的,你怎么不可以进来?” The Liu Suzi step is graceful, smiled faintly wear a look , the beautiful appearance was fair, jade waist slender such as supple willow tree, walked from outside, said: Young Master Feng cultivation base so is no wonder high, originally buys the short time that can finish to cultivate in the waiting racket continually, really makes the person admire, respectable! Lamentable!” 琉苏紫步伐盈盈,面带浅笑,玉颜白皙,玉腰纤细如柔柳,从外面走了进去,道:“难怪风公子修为这么高,原来连在等待拍买会结束的短暂时间都在修炼,真是让人佩服,可敬!可叹!” Feng Feiyun stands up suddenly, in both eyes is having several points of unusual look, paces to say with a smile: Who called my father is not the boundary main Sir, naturally diligently be better than others.” 风飞云豁然站起身来,双目之中带着几分异色,踱步笑道:“谁叫我老爹不是境主大人,自然要比别人更加努力才行。” Liu Suzi smiles, glances to arouse, the beautiful woman selects, leisurely however arrives at Feng Feiyun, then unexpectedly Feng Feiyun grasping. 琉苏紫抿嘴一笑,眼波撩人,娥眉微挑,施施然的走到风飞云的身后,然后竟是将风飞云给抱住。 Feng Feiyun probably knows that she will say general, first one step gives to seize her pair of white hands, making her hand not bump into own body. 风飞云就好像知道她会这么说一般,先一步将她的一双玉手给捉住,使她的手不碰到自己的身体。 You are not Liu Suzi, who are you?” The Feng Feiyun vision becomes incomparably ice-cold, closely presses firmly between the fingers her wrist/skill. “你不是琉苏紫,你到底是谁?”风飞云的目光变得无比冰冷,将她的手腕紧紧捏住。 Her two jade refer to have an extremely thin needle, wants thin ten times compared with it hair silk, moreover this needle melts with the air completely, even if the member is not necessarily able to discover. 她的两根玉指间有一根极其细的针,比之头发丝都要细十倍,而且这一根针跟空气完全相融,就算是修士都未必能够发现。 Needle-tip already of this needle by in Feng Feiyun the position of dantian, almost punctured. 这一根针的针尖已经靠在了风飞云的丹田的位置,差一点就刺了下去。 Liu Suzi in a pair of beautiful pupil gives birth for several points to sneer, the eyelash trembles, red lips clear, said: How you discovered that I am not she?” 琉苏紫”的一双美眸之中生出几分冷笑,睫毛颤颤,朱唇晶莹,道:“你怎么发现我不是她?” Feng Feiyun points at the spirit needle to give to take down her forcefully, her throwing ruthlessly on the ground, pinched to look in the hand, faintly said: Altogether three points. First, Liu Suzi will not call me Young Master Feng. She to I am polite the time, will call Brother Feng, to I impolite time, directly is dead Half Monster.” 风飞云强行将她手指间的灵针给取了下来,将她狠狠的扔在地上,捏在手中看了看,淡淡的道:“一共三点。第一,琉苏紫不会叫我风公子。她对我客气的时候,会叫一声风兄,对我不客气的时候,直接便是一声死半妖。” Second, Liu Suzi is looking down upon Half Monster very much, even if I became fights the king, she regards with a special fondness to me, when walks together, she can maintain three distances with me, is impossible to hug me suddenly, naturally also has a situation, only if...... Some people fed to her **.” “第二,琉苏紫很瞧不起半妖,即便是我成为了战王,她对我另眼相看,一起行走之时,她都会和我保持三步的距离,根本不可能突然抱我,当然还有一种情况,除非……有人给她喂了**。” Third, her look completely is also different from you, her look is having one wisdom that makes people unable to be fully correct, that is a feeling of mapping out strategic plans in an army tent. Although you are studying her look vigorously, is used to camouflage itself, but you do not have her to be intelligent after all, that look cannot achieve through the camouflage.” “第三,她的眼神也和你完全不同,她的眼神带着一股让人无法猜透的睿智,那是一种运筹帷幄的感觉。你虽然在极力的学习她的眼神,用来伪装自己,但是你毕竟没有她聪明,那种眼神不是通过伪装就能做到。” Hehe, I do not have her to be intelligent, you crack a joke, from infancy to maturity, if not for these ancestors are loving her, I already can kill her ten times.” Liu Suzi the white hands become incomparable thin slide, looks like a White Jade loach, slides from the hand of Feng Feiyun, then speedily retrocedes, closes right up against a wall. “呵呵,我没有她聪明,你开什么玩笑,从小到大,若不是那些老祖宗们疼着她,我早就可以杀她十次。”“琉苏紫”的玉手变得无比的细滑,就像是一条白玉泥鳅,从风飞云的手中滑开,然后疾速后退,靠着一堵墙。 Feng Feiyun shakes the head to smile, anyone of you are intelligent, who is stupid, has nothing to do with me, but you, since wants to kill me, can have a reason? Big princess!” 风飞云摇头笑了笑,“你们谁聪明,谁愚蠢,和我无关,但是你既然想要杀我,总要有个理由吧?大郡主!” Feng Feiyun her real status shouting broken. 风飞云将她的真实身份给喊破。 She is Liu Suhong. 她就是琉苏红 Although Feng Feiyun her status shouting broken, but she as before has not actually changed the appearance, ease standing under wall, the pear skin peach cheek, the beautiful pupil flow of tears, said with a smile: I, if told you, I was give you who Gu eight revenged to believe?” 虽然风飞云将她的身份给喊破,但是她却依旧没有改换容貌,悠然的站在墙壁下,梨肤桃腮,美眸涟涟,笑道:“我若是告诉你,我是来给顾老八报仇的你信不信?” Feng Feiyun shakes the head to smile, said: You must really be such sentimental female, I can consider to put your horse actually. Is only a pity is in the world the sentimental female are many, but you actually absolutely are not.” 风飞云摇头笑了笑,道:“你要真的是这么多情的女子,我倒是可以考虑放你一马。只可惜是世上多情的女子不少,但是你却绝对不是其中一个。” Liu Suzi narrows the eye to smile, said: You rather said absolutely, did I look like am such a heartless female?” 琉苏紫”眯着眼睛笑了笑,道:“你未免说得太绝对了,难道我看起来就是这么一个无情的女子?” The Feng Feiyun knitting the brows head of slightly, in heart gives birth to a vigilance, felt faintly somewhat improper, said: You before, me had not suspected completely your status, I want to know what method very much you with have hoodwinked the secret, making my Spiritual Awareness sensation not arrive at the danger?” 风飞云微微的皱了皱眉头,心中生出一种警惕,隐隐感觉到有些不妥,道:“你在进来之前,我完全没有怀疑过你的身份,我很想知道你到底是用什么方法蒙蔽了天机,让我的灵觉都感知不到危险?” Liu Suzi red lips are ruddy, the nape of the neck is fair, swung the folding fan gently, said with a smile: Your already has not said that this dream day occupies is our family/home opens, I can definitely get up to some tricks ahead of time.” 琉苏紫”朱唇红润,脖颈白皙,轻轻摇了摇折扇,笑道:“你不是都已经说过了,这一座梦天居都是我们家开的,我完全可以提前做一些手脚。” It is not good! 不好! Vision staring of Feng Feiyun above palace central that bronze cauldron furnace, the inside azure smoke one, the fragrance is very continuously pale. 风飞云的目光凝视在殿宇中央的那一只青铜鼎炉之上,里面青烟一缕缕,香味十分淡。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun makes is in charge together, gives to overturn that bronze cauldron furnace, emerald common leaf that inside burns tumbles a piece by piece, scattered place, the combustion that but also keeping, sends out a faint trace fragrance. 风飞云打出一道掌印,将那一尊青铜鼎炉给打翻,里面燃烧的一片片翡翠一般的叶子滚落出来,撒了一地,还在不停的燃烧,发出一丝丝香味。 This is the deity confuses the orchid, is extremely difficult to buy in leaf Hongjing the black market, is called one of the topest poisons, the Ascension sage smells this flavor/smell to be able the skill to reduce greatly. Its flavor/smell and musk flavor/smell is similar, can in influencing subtly the six knowledge of seal person, suppresses cultivation base of person, you have not dropped down to the present, this already makes me feel quite surprised.” “这是神仙迷兰,在叶红境的黑市之中都极难买到,被称为最顶尖的毒物之一,羽化贤者闻到这味道都会功力大减。它的味道和麝香的味道相似,能够在潜移默化之中封闭人的六识,压制人的修为,你到现在都还没有倒下,这都已经让我感到相当吃惊。” Feng Feiyun hastily revolution Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi, really in the discovery bloodlines and meridians are flowing unknown gas. 风飞云连忙运转金蚕佛气,果然发现血脉和经脉之中都流动着一股未知的气体。 Feng Feiyun uses Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi to refine this all at once body, but actually this all at once body suppressing, instead makes it wild, speedily turns toward in the dantian to flush away. 风飞云使用金蚕佛气去炼化这一股气体,但是却并没有将这一股气体给压制下去,反而让它变得更加的狂暴,疾速向着丹田之中冲去。 Feng Feiyun uses phoenix evil fire hastily the strength, wants burning to refine this all at once body, but this body actually invades the nerve all at once, counter rushes toward the brain. 风飞云连忙又使用凤凰孽火的力量,想要将这一股气体给焚炼,但是这一股气体却侵入神经,向着大脑逆冲上去。 Bang!” “轰!” The Feng Feiyun complexion changes, gives to condense all Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi to the brain spirit platform/stage position hastily, gives the impediment this class all at once. 风飞云的脸色一变,连忙将所有的金蚕佛气都给凝聚到大脑灵台的位置,将这一股气流给阻隔。 If makes this class crash in spirit platform/stage all at once, then troublesome was big. 若是让这一股气流冲进灵台之中,那么麻烦就大了。 At this time must maintain the reason! 这个时候必须要保持理智! Is deity confuses orchid worthily, smells including the Ascension sage wants the skill to reduce greatly, this is cultivation world one to the toxin. 不愧是“神仙迷兰”,连羽化贤者闻到都要功力大减,这是修仙界的一种至毒。 Liu Suzi sees the Feng Feiyun face whiten appearance, at once has smiled, said: Do not build up the deity to confuse the orchid with your fierce magical powers, otherwise you will die quickly. The deity confuses blue is falls gently from Yin-Yang above the mountain, only has dozens pieces of that's all every year. You can enjoy a piece, already was very big being honored.” 琉苏紫”看到风飞云脸色苍白的模样,旋即笑了起来,道:“千万别用你的那些厉害的神通去炼化神仙迷兰,不然你会死得更快。神仙迷兰乃是从阴阳山之上飘落下来,每一年都只有几十片罢了。你能够享用其中一片,都已经算是很大的荣幸了。” Feng Feiyun did not speak, the resistance deity vigorously confused the blue toxin, at the same time with the fifty technique calculated refine the deity to confuse the blue means. 风飞云并不说话,极力的抵抗神仙迷兰的毒素,一边用大衍术推算炼化神仙迷兰的办法。 Liu Suzi walked slowly, a pair ** incomparably slender, the finger such as the allium cepa is common, gently touches the chin of Feng Feiyun, said with a smile: You did not say that I do not have Liu Suzi to be intelligent, now do you also like this think?” 琉苏紫”徐徐的走了过来,一双**无比纤细,手指如玉葱一般,轻轻的摸了摸风飞云的下巴,笑道:“你不是说我没有琉苏紫聪明,现在你还这样认为吗?” Above the Feng Feiyun forehead emits the close beads of sweat, in the eye unceasing braves the demonic nature ray, becomes more and more bloodthirsty, as if must unable to control the body. 风飞云的额头之上冒出细密的汗珠,眼睛之中不断的冒着魔性的光芒,变得越来越嗜血,仿佛要控制不住身体。 „Do you want to do?” “你到底要干什么?” Liu Suzi smiled, pupil light gradually became must cold, said: I want your blood, the blood of phoenix.” 琉苏紫”笑了笑,眸光渐渐的变得冷了起来,道:“我要你身上的血液,凤凰的血液。” You want from the blood of Half Monster, refines the phoenix blood? Haha! I do not know that in the body is the implication has the phoenix blood, do you also want to refine the phoenix blood from my body unexpectedly?” Feng Feiyun feels funnily. “你想要从半妖之血中,提炼出凤凰血液?哈哈!连我自己都不知道身体之中是不是蕴含有凤凰血液,你竟然还想从我身体之中提炼出凤凰血?”风飞云感觉到好笑。 Although he does not know that the monster blood of which clan in own body has, but he can affirm, in the body absolutely is not the bloodlines of Phoenix Monster Clan. 他虽然不知道自己的身体之中到底有哪一族的妖血,但是他可以肯定,身体之中绝对不是凤凰妖族的血脉。 It seems like is because I have used Phoenix Fire God Domain, misleading these people into thinking that I have the phoenix bloodlines. 看来是因为我使用了“凤凰火神域”,让这些人都误以为我身怀凤凰血脉。 You do not need to quibble, when I refine the phoenix blood in your body, captures your Michimori, then my potential and talent will stride in the top rank in human.” “你不用狡辩,等我提炼出你身体之中的凤凰血液,夺取你的道基,那么我的潜力和天赋将跨入人类之中的顶尖级别。” Liu Suzi takes out a handle red knife, gives to cut the clothes of Feng Feiyun chest, continuously from neckband to bottom of pants leg. 琉苏紫”取出一柄红色的小刀,将风飞云胸口的衣服给划破,一直从领口到裤脚。 Feng Feiyun gown falls on the ground suddenly, becomes stark naked, reveals a strong body. 风飞云身上的袍子豁然落在地上,变得一丝不挂,露出一具健硕的身躯。 ...... …… Today, tomorrow and day after tomorrow...... We hope that everybody forgives, in the sentiment of stinking ninth category had some problems, the spirit is not very good...... Yeah...... If renewal unstable...... Although everybody scolded is...... The stinking ninth category will adjust as soon as possible...... 今天、明天、后天……希望大家谅解,老九的感情上出现了一些问题,精神不是很好……哎……若是更新不稳定……大家尽管骂便是……老九会尽快调整回来……
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