SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#968: Myth

The ray of phoenix plume is very brilliant, across the sky has cut likely seven fiery red perpetual flows, refine all in world. 凤凰翎的光芒无比绚烂,像是横空斩过的七道火红长河,炼化世间的一切。 ! !” “噗!噗!” In the Eighth Young Master Gu body seven phoenix plumes, the arm, sole and thigh were cut to fall, the head flew, the big piece blood sprinkles on the ground. 顾八少爷身中七道凤凰翎,手臂、脚掌、腿部都被斩落,就连头颅都飞了出去,大片血液洒落在地上。 His thorough quilt **, the body was cut eight parts. 他彻底被**,身体被切割成八个部分。 The chest of Feng Feiyun also inserts a handle generous sword, sword edge his body puncturing to putting on, is Eighth Young Master Gu that god vast Ancient Sword. 风飞云的胸口也插着一柄宽厚的剑,剑锋将他的身体给刺得对穿,正是顾八少爷的那一口神浩古剑 The blood of Feng Feiyun fell from the sword hilt, dá dá falling on the ground. 风飞云的血液从剑柄之上滑落了下去,“哒哒”的落在地上。 This fights is too frigid, is almost the fighting methods of perishing together. 这一战实在太惨烈,几乎都是同归于尽的打法。 !” “呼!” Wild with rage cold wind has howled. 一阵狂怒的阴风呼啸了过来。 Put on the revolutions buddha of Daoist robe to fall the Feng Feiyun opposite, the vision was empty, the body had four sword marks, head Daoist monk's cap was also cut to fall, has hair dishevelled, appeared is very distressed. 穿着道袍的转轮王落到了风飞云对面,目光空洞,身上有四道剑痕,头上的道冠也被斩落,披头散发,显得很是狼狈。 Respects authority, saves me!” “尊师,救我!” In the body of Eighth Young Master Gu has Qilin blood, the vitality is extremely formidable, has not died as before thoroughly. 顾八少爷的身体之中有麒麟血液,生命力极其强大,依旧没有死透。 His head rolled on the ground, get lost/rolls to transfer the under foot of buddha, bit with the mouth is transferring the Daoist robe of buddha, unceasing entreaty. 他的头颅在地上滚动,滚到了转轮王的脚下,用嘴咬着转轮王的道袍,不断的哀求。 Useless thing.” “没用的东西。” Complexion very cold Chen who transfers the buddha, but that bloody head of ground hugging, has scratched the bloodstain on his forehead gently. 转轮王的脸色很冷沉,但是还是将地上的那一个血淋淋的头颅给抱了起来,轻轻的擦了擦他额头上的血迹。 The Xuanyuan Yiyi cool breeze, the slender gently beautiful physique moves together, then already fell Feng Feiyun side, carried Ancient Sword as before, slim and graceful, the black hair dragged, has continuously immortal light to past on her. 轩辕一一似一道清风,纤细柔美的身姿一动,便已经落到了风飞云的旁边,依旧背着古剑,亭亭玉立,青丝摇曳,有着一缕缕仙光在她身上流转。 Worthily is the Moonwater Wonderland successor, today this King has experienced fierce of «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard», today defeats, profits a great deal, came the date my cultivation base restorations, will ask for advice surely again.” Transfers the buddha to give to even up eight bodies of Eighth Young Master Gu entire, then took in a person leather bag child , the movement is very graceful. “不愧是水月天境的传人,今天本王算是见识了《心御静心剑典》的厉害,今日一败,受益良多,来日等我修为复原,必定会再来领教。”转轮王将顾八少爷的八块身体都给找齐全,然后收进了一根人皮袋子里面,动作很优雅。 Xuanyuan Yiyi such as clear responsibility stands in pool of water, does not moisten dust, said: Senior slaughters are too really many, the younger generation wants asked the senior to go to Moonwater Wonderland bitter seacoast pavilion to cultivate clear for 800 years.” 轩辕一一如清荷立在池水中,不沾一丝尘埃,道:“前辈杀戮实在太多,晚辈想要请前辈去水月天境的‘苦海岸阁’清修800年。” Transfers the buddha to smile, said, bitter seacoast, sea of bitterness where has the shore?” 转轮王笑了笑,道,“苦海岸,苦海哪有岸?” Turns head is the shore!” Xuanyuan Yiyi said. “回头便是岸!”轩辕一一道。 Transfers the buddha to shake the head, says with a smile: Then only has the bloodshed in the eyes of old man, does not have the sea of bitterness. The sea of bitterness has the shore, the bloodshed is boundless. The saintesses, the old man acknowledged that you indeed have the unsurpassed natural talent, the world these bragged sufficiently the people of talent give to step on just like the pig dog, wants to defeat present this King is not impossible, but wants to leave behind this King, funny, your story was too shallow a point.” 转轮王摇了摇头,笑道:“在老夫的眼中便只有血海,没有苦海。苦海有岸,血海无涯。圣女,老夫承认你的确有无上天资,足以将天下的那些自诩天才的人都给踩得宛如猪狗,想要击败现在的本王也不是不可能,但是想要留下本王,哏哏,你的阅历还是太浅了一点。” Transfers the buddha to carry on the shoulder to think of Eighth Young Master Gu person leather bag, the body becomes more and more empty, finally only the black shadows of remaining ground. 转轮王扛着装着顾八少爷的人皮袋子,身体变得越来越虚,最后只剩下地上的一个黑色的影子。 That shadow said with a smile: Came the date to say goodbye, the bloodshed was boundless!” 那影子笑道:“来日再见,血海无涯!” Xuanyuan Yiyi holds their palms together, offers a sacrifice to Ancient Sword, a sword cuts to that black shadow, decides in the shadow heart position, cuts to extinguish the shadow thoroughly. 轩辕一一双手合十,祭出古剑,一剑斩斩向那黑色的影子,定在影子的心脏位置,将影子给彻底斩灭。 The Feng Feiyun long hair obstructs the face, both eyes blushes, on the lip is also bringing the blood, smiled, said: Useless! What he uses is world projects, the universe transfers the magical powers, already left the red leaves star at this moment.” 风飞云长发遮脸,双目发红,嘴唇上还带着血液,笑了笑,道:“没用的!他使用的乃是‘天地投影,乾坤挪移’的神通,此刻都已经离开了红叶星。” Choke! 呛! Xuanyuan Yiyi takes back Ancient Sword, beautiful appearance absolute beauty, simple and elegant moving, looked at Feng Feiyun one, faintly said: „Are you all right?” 轩辕一一收回古剑,玉颜绝丽,清雅动人,看了风飞云一眼,淡淡的道:“你没事吧?” Cannot die!” “死不了!” Feng Feiyun shook the head, tight bites the tooth, the hand is pinching the god vast Ancient Sword sword hilt, has pulled out from the body god vast Ancient Sword, above the sword blade drops the blood unceasingly. 风飞云摇了摇头,紧紧的咬着牙齿,手捏着神浩古剑的剑柄,将神浩古剑从身体之中抽了出来,剑身之上不断滴血。 Feng Feiyun cold sweat is dripping, strength of revolution Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi in god vast Ancient Sword the body gives to melt, the wound of chest heals unceasingly, finally recovers completely. 风飞云身上冷汗淋漓,运转金蚕佛气将身体之中神浩古剑的力量给化解,胸口的伤口不断愈合,最后完全复原。 He coldly looked at Xuanyuan Yiyi one, then raises god vast Ancient Sword to turn around to walk, goes out of the shatter mansion, lost god vast Ancient Sword to Young Master Gu Jiu, then departure directly. 他冷冷的看了轩辕一一一眼,然后提着神浩古剑转身就走,走出破碎的府邸,将神浩古剑丢给了顾九少爷,然后便径直的离去。 In the mansion, the Xuanyuan Yiyi beautiful pupil contains the smoke, wrinkled the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow gently, is unable to understand that she in hate in the Feng Feiyun eye seeing. 府邸之中,轩辕一一美眸含烟,轻轻的皱了皱黛眉,无法理解她在风飞云眼中看到的恨。 Feng Feiyun has to think takes away god vast Ancient Sword directly, but god vast Ancient Sword is the looking after the household head of household's symbol, looks after the household must certainly give the recaption Ancient Sword, this does not have the matter of any suspense. 风飞云并不是没有想过将神浩古剑给直接拿走,但是神浩古剑乃是顾家家主的象征,顾家肯定是要将古剑给取回,这是没有任何悬念的事。 Feng Feiyun now the wing is not abundant, moreover was seriously injured, temporarily does not want to provoke to look after the household this archenemy, therefore has bought a favor, lost god vast Ancient Sword to Young Master Gu Jiu. 风飞云现在羽翼未丰,而且又受了重伤,暂时不想招惹顾家这一座大敌,于是就买了一个人情,将神浩古剑丢给了顾九少爷 The Eighth Young Master Gu transferred buddha gives to carry off, Young Master Gu Jiu will obtain god vast Ancient Sword, internal influence of looking after the household will have one time to shuffle surely greatly, will be impossible to have the opportunity to cope with Feng Feiyun, this also will be Feng Feiyun the aspect that will want to see. 顾八少爷被转轮王给带走,顾九少爷得到神浩古剑,顾家的内部势力必定会发生一次大洗牌,不可能有机会来对付风飞云,这也是风飞云想要看到的局面。 Feng Feiyun has not continued to keep century Ancient City, but returned to the Half Monster Union big camp directly. 风飞云并没有继续留在千秋古城,而是径直的返回了半妖盟大营。 Beside century Ancient City, already has four seven levels of Half Monster to catch up to aid Feng Feiyun, the innumerable Half Monster Union members also catch up, it may be said that the sea of people, look like welcome the return of hero. 在千秋古城之外,已经有四位七级半妖赶过来接应风飞云,还有无数的半妖盟的成员也都赶来,可谓人山人海,就像是迎接英雄的回归。 Wall that the world has not leaked out, although the boundary Lord the seal command, nobody dares to reveal that the matter of Feng Feiyun bloodlines, however Half Monster Union these member actually as before know Feng Feiyun defeated leaf Hongjing first powerhouse Eighth Young Master Gu, this regarding that Half Monster simply was the huge celebration, looked that the Feng Feiyun look was is not looking at a hero likely, was more like looks at a myth. 天下没有不漏风的墙,虽然境主下了封口令,没有人敢吐露风飞云血脉的事,但是半妖盟的那些修士却依旧知道风飞云击败叶红境第一强者顾八少爷,这对于那么半妖来说简直就是天大的喜事,看风飞云的眼神也不像是在看一位英雄,更像是看一个神话。 „The Brother Feng younger brother is really too **, the father already could not get used to seeing Gu eight that calves, his cultivation base is too what a pity high, do you hit to swell his face today?” Shi Dakai has patted the shoulder of Feng Feiyun, the giant fist is bigger than the head of Feng Feiyun. 风兄弟真是太**了,老子早就看不惯顾老八那犊子,可惜他的修为太高,你今天打肿他脸没有?”石大开拍了拍风飞云的肩膀,巨大的拳头比风飞云的脑袋还要大。 Only pitifully misses to see the Brother Feng younger brother's peerless elegant demeanor since the century god city, from now on does not know how to boast with the person?” “只可惜无缘进入千秋神城之中一睹风兄弟的绝世风采,今后都不知道跟人怎么吹牛?” Haha! You these brothers told that you know the Brother Feng younger brother, will you believe them to think that you will be boasting?” “哈哈!你就跟那些兄弟说你认识风兄弟,你信不信他们都会认为你在吹牛?” „One side goes, get lost/rolls.” “去,滚一边去。” ...... …… All Half Monster Feng Feiyun encircling, your word, my language. 所有半妖都将风飞云给围了起来,你一言,我一语。 In their hands is pinching the spirit soldier, can suspect, if Feng Feiyun encountered the mishap in century Ancient City, these people affirmed that the strategic place went in the Middle Ages aristocratic family looks after the household to go all out. 他们的手中都捏着灵兵,可以猜想,若是风飞云在千秋古城之中遭遇了不测,这些人肯定要冲进去跟中古世家顾家拼命。 Bestows as for Liu Suzi to Feng Feiyun that several Half Monster beautiful women. Servants, in crowd, but they lower the head, appears feels inferior very much, thought oneself give Feng Feiyun to make the qualifications of servant not to have. 至于琉苏紫赠送给风飞云的那几位半妖美女.奴仆,也在人群之中,只是她们都低着头,显得很是自卑,觉得自己给风飞云做奴仆的资格都没有。 The big hero like Feng Feiyun and big hero, in the future surely become the earthshaking great people, even if the character who his servant also absolutely overawes eight sides, is not they seeks friendships. 风飞云这样的大英雄、大豪杰,将来必定成为惊天动地的大人物,即便是他的奴仆也绝对是威震八方的人物,不是她们高攀得起。 Comes back well!” “回来就好!” Sir Qing Zhai drops from the clouds, the foot steps on blue lotus, the whole body flame, looked that the Feng Feiyun vision is very complex, during is indistinct unexpectedly some awes. 青祭大人从天而降,脚踩青莲,全身火焰,看风飞云的目光十分复杂,隐约之中竟然有些敬畏。 Her already obtained boundary main circular, knows something about Feng Feiyun. 已经得到了境主的通传,知道关于风飞云的一些事。 When hears that news, she was also shocked in the extreme, if not for this saying stems from the law of boundary main Sir, she even thought that this is fantasy story. 听到那个消息之时,她也被震惊得无以复加,若不是这话乃是出自境主大人的法令,她甚至都觉得这是天方夜谭。 Half Monster of phoenix bloodlines! 凤凰血脉的半妖 It is estimated that is these people in Half Monster Union headquarters hears this news, by shocking unease sitting or standing. 估计就算是半妖盟总部的那些人听到这个消息,都会被震惊的坐立不安。 Under the crowding around of people, returned to the Half Monster Union big camp. 在众人的簇拥之下,回到了半妖盟的大营。 Perhaps is the reason of boundary main law, or is in each influence heart the taboos, this Tianxian tranquilly, nobody arrived at the Half Monster Union big camp to look for a job especially, looking after the household and Huang who suffered a loss also displayed exceptionally silent. 或许是境主法令的原因,又或者是每一个势力心中都有一份忌讳,这一天显得格外平静,没有人来到半妖盟大营找事,就连吃了大亏的顾家和黄家也都表现得异常沉默。 Feng Feiyun recuperates the injury thoroughly, already is next day afternoon. 风飞云将伤势彻底养好,已经是第二天的下午时分。 At this time, Xue Shuang and Yao Ji came back. 这个时候,雪泷姚吉回来了。 Pays a visit the master, congratulates the master to cut yellow heaven first, then defeats Gu eight, becomes leaf Hongjing the younger generation first person.” The Xue Shuang physique is plentiful, the jade waist is slender, the milk-white bosom is clear, ** stands upright, slightly does obeisance, the curve of whole body then outlined incisively. “拜见主人,恭喜主人先斩黄天,再败顾老八,成为叶红境年轻一代第一人。”雪泷身姿丰腴,玉腰纤细,酥胸圆润,**挺立,微微的一拜,全身的曲线便勾勒得淋漓尽致。 Feng Feiyun is shouldering both hands, stands before a leaf of screen, said with a smile: News passes on very quickly. However looked like some people suppressed the most important news desirably, the true news was blocked.” 风飞云背负着双手,站在一扇屏风前,笑道:“消息传得挺快。不过看来有人是刻意压制了最重要的消息,真正的消息都被封锁了。” What master refers to is?” Xue Shuang beautiful pupil flow of tears, having several points to have doubts. “主人指的是?”雪泷美眸涟涟,带着几分疑惑。 Nothing!” Feng Feiyun smiled, then the complexion became has enforced, gave to launch Great Amplify Domain, strength of the invisible fifty extended, was completely close the surrounding piece of space, nobody can calculate in any matter. “没什么!”风飞云笑了笑,然后脸色变得严肃了起来,将大衍域给展开,一股无形的大衍之力延伸出去,将周围一片空间完全封闭,没有人能够推算到里面的任何事。 He then said: Relates to the Monster Clan powerhouse?” 他这才道:“联系到妖族的强者没有?” The Xue Shuang complexion also becomes serious, nodded, said: What I relate is a White Spider Monster Clan monster territory feudal lord, he is the highest head in leaf Hongjing this region.” 雪泷的脸色也变得严肃起来,点了点头,道:“我联系到的乃是白蛛妖族的一位妖域领主,他乃是叶红境这一片地域的最高负责人。” The Feng Feiyun vision concentrates, said: Monster territory feudal lord?” Shook the head, said: Xuanyuan Yiyi cultivation base me forecast that during is higher, transfers the buddhas is not her match, wants to cut to kill this female, a monster territory feudal lord is insufficient the component, doesn't have the character of monster king rank?” 风飞云的目光一凝,道:“妖域领主?”摇了摇头,又道:“轩辕一一修为比我预测之中更高,就连转轮王都不是她的对手,想要斩杀此女,一个妖域领主还不够份量,难道没有妖王级别的人物?” Reply the master, big monster blood energy of monster king rank expands, cannot hide the truth from these great people in human state, only then the big monster of monster territory feudal lord rank can ambush . Moreover the opportunity is extremely also tiny, if can ambush ten monster territory feudal lords, including seven may be discovered that then by suppress and kill.” Xue Shuang said. “回禀主人,妖王级别的大妖血气太膨大,根本瞒不过人类国度的那些大人物,只有妖域领主级别的大妖能够潜伏进来,而且机会也极其渺小,若是能潜伏进来十位妖域领主,其中有七位都可能会被发现,然后被镇杀。”雪泷说道。 Feng Feiyun knitting the brows of slightly, said: Gets up the speech! Already has told you, does not need to kneel down before me.” 风飞云微微的皱了皱眉,道:“起来说话吧!早就跟你说过,在我面前不需要下跪。” Thanked the master!” “谢主人!” In Xue Shuang heart one happy, beautiful, but above jade Li's appearance is having a faint smile, standing up however, lets the person the curve that leisurely spurts the luster of the skin of blood to outline to arouse again. 雪泷心中一喜,妖艳而玉丽的容颜之上带着一份浅笑,施施然的站起身来,让人喷血的玉体再次勾勒出撩人的曲线。 She also said: That monster territory feudal lord also knows that Moonwater Saintess cultivation base is formidable, already contacts with other powerhouse, at the tonight's reunion, if can confirm that the authenticity of news, perhaps Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan will catch up personally.” 她又道:“那一位妖域领主也知道水月圣女修为强大,已经去联系别的强者,将在今晚聚首,若是能够确认消息的真实性,或许妃媛公主会亲自赶过来。” How they can believe that my news is real?” Feng Feiyun said. “他们怎么才能相信我的消息是真实的?”风飞云道。 „One side they want to see with you.” Xue Shuang said. “他们想要和你见一面。”雪泷顿了顿才道。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Feng Feiyun naturally is also a person of being careful, colludes in the human state and Monster Clan, already is the monstrous crime, will encounter putting to death of entire Human Race, if again and Monster Clan member meets, was equal to making the Monster Clan member hold his evidence, how later to threaten him to be OK. 风飞云自然也是一个小心谨慎的人,在人类国度和妖族勾结,已经是弥天大罪,会遭到整个人族的诛杀,若是再和妖族的修士见面,那么就等于是让妖族的修士抓住了他的证据,以后怎么威胁他都可以了。 This type of obvious trap, Feng Feiyun naturally can not jump. 这种显而易见的陷阱,风飞云自然会不跳。 You relate their one time again, told them, wanted messenger to believe that if not willing to believe that on that's all. In any case the horizon ruler is not my, the inheritance of white Zhusheng ancestor does not have with the relations of my half copper, I want to withdraw, momentarily can withdraw.” “你再联系他们一次,告诉他们,愿意相信便相信,若是不愿意相信那就罢了。反正天涯尺又不是我的,白蛛圣祖的传承也和我半个铜子的关系也没有,我想要脱身,随时都能脱身。” Feng Feiyun also said: My most repugnant Moonwater Wonderland person, wants to help them to massacre Moonwater Saintess. I and Moonwater Saintess will leave the red leaves star at the latest tomorrow, goes to Moonwater Wonderland, as for kills, looked at them to choose.” 风飞云又道:“不过我最讨厌水月天境的人,想要助他们杀掉水月圣女。我和水月圣女最迟明天就会离开红叶星,前往水月天境,至于杀不杀,就看他们自己选择了。”
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