SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#967: Runner deep meaning

In the Eighth Young Master Gu dantian is hiding respect for elders unexpectedly, the aura is huge, contains ancient Wei, condenses the Ascension invincible might, has to let present all old people for the aura that it frightens, likely was an ancient times Spiritual God. 顾八少爷的丹田之中竟然隐藏着一尊老者,气息庞大,蕴含古味,凝聚羽化神威,有着让在场所有老人都为之震慑的气息,像是一尊远古神灵。 This old man is the revolutions buddha in legend, for netherworld one of the ten king, dies 10,000 years ago. 这个老者就是传说之中的转轮王,为阴间界的十大王者之一,死在10000年前。 He once made countless people fear, is the god of death synonym, the place visited, does not have the living certainly. 他曾经让无数人惧怕,乃是死神的代名词,所过之处,绝无生者。 He is born now once more, incomparably frightens the will of the people, lets cultivation several thousand years of old person to tremble. 他如今再次出世,无比震慑人心,让很多修炼数千年的老人都为之发颤。 He sits cross-legged as in the sea of qi, both eyes shut tightly, the body is spiritless, like body of clay sculpture. 他依旧盘坐在气海之中,双目紧闭,身上死气沉沉,就像泥塑的身体。 Although he has not awaked, but does not know any reason, Eighth Young Master Gu can actually use his some strengths, becomes incomparably formidable, can actually meet as an equal with Feng Feiyun. 他虽然未醒,但不知什么原因,顾八少爷竟然能够使用他的部分力量,变得无比强大,竟然能够和风飞云分庭抗礼。 Bang!” “轰!” Their arms must beat, sincere clash, strength rushing. 两人的手臂都要打烂,拳拳相击,力量滂湃。 Eighth Young Master Gu drinks the blood of blood qilin half Saint, in the body has blood energy of-and-a-half Saints, the body intensity surmounts with boundary all people, the tattered fist was raised to accumulated by the aura of that blood Qilin, quickly then restores. 顾八少爷饮过血麒半圣的血液,身体之中拥有一丝半圣的血气,身体强度超越同境界所有人,破烂的拳头被那一股血麒麟的气息给蕴养,很快便恢复过来。 Feng Feiyun cultivates «Undying Phoenix Physique», there is Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi flowing in the body, the body is stronger than it Eighth Young Master Gu a point, restores the speed to be also quicker. 风飞云修炼《不死凤凰身》,又有金蚕佛气流动在身体中,身体比之顾八少爷更强一分,恢复速度也更快。 Whish!” “哗!” Four phoenixes depart once more, simultaneously makes together the claw, tears four flesh and blood in the chest of Eighth Young Master Gu, the phoenix evil fire burning to refine the flying ash that flesh and blood. 四头凤凰再次飞出,同时打出一道爪子,在顾八少爷的胸口撕裂下来四块血肉,凤凰孽火将那血肉给焚炼成飞灰。 God vast Ancient Sword in Eighth Young Master Gu hand also strikes above the arm of Feng Feiyun, the defense of Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain driving out one, arm cutting a blood-stained mouth, dripping with blood. 顾八少爷手中的神浩古剑也击在风飞云的手臂之上,将金蚕佛域的防御给轰开了一丝,将手臂给斩出一道血口,鲜血淋漓。 Phoenix plume!” “凤凰翎!” No matter Feng Feiyun the blood-stained mouth above arm, condenses the phoenix plume once more, cutting to fly the body of Eighth Young Master Gu, almost his body splitting two halves, visibles faintly the internal organs in his body. 风飞云不管手臂之上的血口,再次凝聚出凤凰翎,将顾八少爷的身体给斩飞,几乎将他的身体给剖成两半,隐约可见他身体之中的脏器。 Feng Feiyun while winning the pursuit, the body rises straight from the ground, carries the strengths of three territories, shells, hits to fly Eighth Young Master Gu once more. 风飞云趁胜追击,身体拔地而起,携带三座域的力量,轰击下去,将顾八少爷再次打飞。 His carrying on the back displays phoenix wing, the body soars, a foot steps on carrying on the back of Eighth Young Master Gu. 他的背上施展出凤凰羽翼,身体腾飞起来,一脚踩在顾八少爷的背上。 Bang, bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭,嘭……” Stepping on Feng Feiyun foot foot in his carrying on the back, has stepped on the ground from the midair Eighth Young Master Gu, each foot shakes the Eighth Young Master Gu big mouth to spit blood, backbone almost by Feng Feiyun stepping on. 风飞云一脚一脚的踩在他的背上,将顾八少爷从半空一直踩到地上,每一脚都震得顾八少爷大口吐血,脊梁骨都差点被风飞云给踩断。 Bang!” “轰!” The body of Eighth Young Master Gu falls the ground, the earth pounding the crack, body already soon thoroughly rots, the big mouth coughs up blood, in the eye full is the haze and murderous aura, cold sound bellows: Respects authority , helping me to cut him.” 顾八少爷的身体落到地上,将大地给砸裂,身体已经快要彻底烂掉,大口咳血,眼中满是阴霾和杀气,冷声大吼:“尊师,助我斩他。” The Eighth Young Master Gu forehead projects together blood glow, breaks in the body of that old man. 顾八少爷的眉心射出一道血芒,冲入那老者的身体之中。 That sat cross-legged old man in sea of qi like to be lit the fire of life, the body surged a prestige energy of moving mountains, air/Qi of vibration vault of heaven a death. 那盘坐在气海之中的老者就像被点燃了生命之火,身上激荡出一股排山倒海的威能,一股死亡之气震动苍穹。 His old both eyes opening slowly, the eye like two black holes, swallows the surrounding light and heat, immediately vanished any ray to the surroundings of his eye does not see. 他苍老的双目缓缓的睁开,眼睛就像两座黑洞,吞噬周围的光和热,任何光芒到了他眼睛的周围都立即消失不见。 Looks at your prospect.” Vast and old sound. “瞧你那点出息。”浩瀚而又苍老的声音。 His both eyes move, project two auspicious signs, Eighth Young Master Gu scar then vanish, aura becomes more formidable, flood the purple light, like the body that the amethyst carves. 他的双目一动,射出两道紫气,顾八少爷身上的伤痕便消失殆尽,身上的气息变得更加强大,泛着紫光,就像紫晶雕琢的身体。 The strength recovery of Eighth Young Master Gu, the vision haze, the campaign is more steaming, spirit compared with it a moment ago powerful, kneels on the ground hastily, to transferring the buddha bows politely. 顾八少爷的力量复苏,目光更加阴霾,战役腾腾,精神比之刚才更加的强盛,连忙跪在地上,对转轮王叩拜。 Transfers the buddha to wear the trigram clothes, always said like one, the forehead has a white crescent moon mark, the vision cavity and gods and ghosts, looked at one toward Feng Feiyun. 转轮王穿着卦衣,像一个老道,眉心有着一个白色的月牙印记,目光空洞而又神异,向着风飞云看了一眼。 Bang!” “轰!” A dense and ice-cold aura, threw to curl. 一股森然而又冰冷的气息,扑卷了过来。 Feng Feiyun felt that the life was threatened, launches the samsara speedily, hastily explodes draws back. 风飞云感觉到生命受到威胁,展开轮回疾速,连忙爆退。 However speed of retreat cannot catch up with that cold air as before the speed, was shelled in the chest, the body throws to fly, hits above more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high walls. 但是后退的速度依旧赶不上那一股寒气的速度,被轰击在胸口,身体抛飞了出去,撞击在十多丈高的墙壁之上。 „!” “哗哗!” The cold air gives the entire body of Feng Feiyun frozen, freezes above the wall. 寒气将风飞云的整个身体都给冰封,冻结在墙壁之上。 His body condensed a thick purple ice. 他的身上凝聚了一层厚厚的紫冰。 Too strong! 太强了! Continually facing the powerhouse on this rank, runs away possibly does not have. 面对上这种级别的强者,连逃的可能都没有。 Transfers the buddha, your wild ambition! Resides temporarily unexpectedly in the body of successor I look after the household, is it possible that do you want to seize me to look after the household several million years of family property and resources?” “转轮王,你狼子野心啊!竟然寄身在我顾家的继承人的身体之中,你莫非想要夺我顾家数百万年的家业和资源?” One group of old men of looking after the household flood into mansion, is the powerhouses, grasps to fight, sits cross-legged that in the sea of qi central Daoist sphering. 顾家的一群老者涌进府邸之中,都是强者,手持战器,将那一个盘坐在气海中央的道人给围住。 Is the old people of looking after the household, both eyes are bright, the hair is gray, body accumulated dazzles up. 都是顾家的老人,一个个都双目炯炯,头发花白,身蕴炫光。 Young Master Gu Jiu stands outside the mansion, said disappointed: Gu eight were too hateful, is letting a wolf into the fold simply, if will make him be the head of household of looking after the household in the future, will look after the household to perish!” 顾九少爷站在府邸之外,怅然道:“顾老八实在太可恶了,简直就是在引狼入室,若是让将来他做了顾家的家主,顾家亡矣!” Is the top talents, mental extremely, will attack the match using the opportunity very much. 都是顶尖才俊,心智绝顶,很会利用机会打击对手。 These old person also again and again discolorations of looking after the household, know that behind this matter fearful place, in the heart breaks into sweat, after today , the successor who looks after the household, feared that must reconsider. 顾家的那些老人也都连连色变,知道这件事背后的可怕之处,心中冒冷汗,今日之后顾家的继承人,怕是要重新考虑了。 The Eighth Young Master Gu person of father's generation and ancestry also again and again knit the brows, at this time does not dare to shield Eighth Young Master Gu, after all this concerns the prosperity and mourning of defeat family. 就连顾八少爷的父辈和祖辈也都连连皱眉,这个时候也不敢袒护顾八少爷,毕竟这关乎到家族的兴盛和丧败。 Transfers on the face of buddha full is periphery, was old looks awful, has sneered two, say/way that disdained: Looks after the household? What thing trivial looks after the household is? How this King will cling to this resources, dares to move to this King fights the soldier, is dead characters.” 转轮王的脸上满是周围,苍老得不成样子,冷笑了两声,不屑的道:“顾家?区区顾家算什么东西?本王岂会贪恋这点资源,敢对本王动战兵,便是一个死字。” Transfers the buddha to sit cross-legged motionless, surrounding auspicious sign tumbling, like changing into purple sea. 转轮王盘坐不动,周围的紫气翻滚,就像化为了一片紫色的海洋。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” The old person who these look after the household has not begun with enough time, completely was given by the purple cold air frozen, turned into icicles. 那些顾家的老人还没有来得及动手,就全部都被紫色的寒气给冰封,变成了一根根冰棍。 Broken!” Transferred the buddha to read one gently. “破!”转轮王轻轻的念了一句。 The cold ice blasts out, these old men of dozens looking after the household turned into the powder powder completely, changes into auspicious signs, flows to transfer in the nostril of buddha. 寒冰炸开,那些数十位顾家的老者全部变成了齑粉,化为一道道紫气,流进转轮王的鼻孔之中。 In an instant, then dozens looking after the household old men died, personal appearance entirely to extinguish, became nourishment that transfers the buddha. 刹那之间,便有数十位顾家老者身亡,身形俱灭,成为了转轮王的养料。 Hateful! Dies to me!” “可恶!给我死来!” A super powerhouse of looking after the household rushes, wears brocade clothes magnificence robe, wears the crest, was away from one piece to make a walking stick void, the hole broke the purple sea of qi, shelled to transfer the front of buddha. 顾家的一位超级强者赶到,身穿锦衣华袍,头戴羽冠,隔着一片虚空打出一根拐杖,洞破了紫色的气海,轰击到转轮王的面前。 Bang!” “嘭!” That walking stick has not punctured to transferring the body of buddha, then automatic shatter. 那一根拐杖还没有刺到转轮王的身体,便自动破碎。 Transfers the both eyes of buddha ice-cold, in pupil projects two dead air/Qi, separates to empty that the super powerhouse of looking after the household cutting off two sections, sprinkles the blood in the expansive sky, incarnadine backdrop. 转轮王的双目冰冷,瞳孔之中射出两道死气,隔空将那一位顾家的超级强者给斩断成两截,洒血在长空,染红天幕。 More powerhouses of looking after the household catch up, is the top players, simultaneously makes the hand imprint. 顾家的更多强者赶来,都是顶尖高手,同时打出手印。 Dozens big hand imprints shell from void, the bang broken buildings, destroy ancient roads. 数十只大手印从虚空之中轰击下来,轰碎一座座建筑,打碎一条条古道。 Transfers the finger of buddha void toward, together the direct three meters thick referring to sword departs, strikes to kill that dozens powerhouses all. 转轮王的手指向着虚空一点,一道直接三米粗的指剑飞出,将那数十位强者尽数击杀。 Void above, dozens old men crash. 虚空之上,有数十位老者坠落下来。 Since came, then destroys!” “既然来了,便都毁灭吧!” Transfers buddha both hands to stretch out, the endless auspicious sign surges, becomes the incomparable rushing, is a piece of purple galaxy is revolving likely, is having incomparable terrifying the strength of destruction. 转轮王双手伸出,无尽的紫气涌动,变得无比滂湃,像是一片紫色的星河在运转,带着无比恐怖的毁灭之力。 Transfers the buddha, slaughtering that you create are too really many, should receive the hand.” “转轮王,你造成的杀戮实在太多,该收手了。” The sword air/Qi cuts together from the universe, bang, will transfer the auspicious sign that the buddha condenses cutting broken. 一道剑气从天宇之外斩来,“嘭”的一声,将转轮王凝聚出来的紫气给斩破。 !” “噗!” The sword air/Qi lacerates transfers the skin of buddha, has left behind one on his neck the bloodstain. 剑气割破转轮王的皮肤,在他的脖子上留下了一道浅浅的血痕。 Vision falcon that transfers the buddha, full is the vicious look, bloodstain disappearance on neck slowly, the eye looks toward the curtain of night, opens the ice-cold lip, cold say/way: Good fierce sword, who?” 转轮王的目光鹰隼,满是狠毒的神色,脖子上的血痕缓缓的消失,眼睛向着夜幕之中望去,张开冰冷的嘴唇,冷道:“好厉害的剑,谁?” Under moonlight, in curtain of night. 月光下,夜幕中。 A stream of the slender and simple and beautiful form walked, at the back of Ancient Sword, the body has a moving immortal intent. 一道纤细而清丽的身影走了出来,背着一口古剑,身上有着一股动人的仙意。 The Xuanyuan Yiyi state of mind is elusive, the vision is limpid, the flesh match snow, the black long hair dances in the air, has one type not to eat the feeling of world smoke and fire, as if momentarily wants the flying to go. 轩辕一一心境空灵,目光清澈,肌肤赛雪,黑色的长发飞舞,有着一种不食人间烟火的感觉,仿佛随时都要飞天而去。 Her step is lithe, the side has the light rain to wind around, a peerless immortal face, making countless people demented. 她的步伐轻盈,身边有光雨缭绕,一张绝世仙颜,让无数人为之癫狂。 Moonwater Wonderland, Xuanyuan Yiyi.” The say/way of Xuanyuan Yiyi gentle voice, does not contain a mood to fluctuate. 水月天境,轩辕一一。”轩辕一一柔声的道,不含一丝情绪波动。 Originally is the Moonwater Wonderland saintess, no wonder cultivates so fierce sword intent, your «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard» feared already cultivated ‚the sword heart world the boundary, Holy Spirit when your this age, perhaps also on this boundary.” Transfers the buddha to say with a smile crazily. “原来是水月天境的圣女,难怪修炼出如此厉害的剑意,你的《心御静心剑典》恐怕已经修炼到‘剑心世界’的境界了,圣神在你这个年纪的时候,恐怕也就这个境界。”转轮王狂笑道。 Xuanyuan Yiyi said: Sacred is the beauty, nobody can compared with her.” 轩辕一一道:“神圣乃是天人,无人能和她相比。” Transfers the buddha to laugh saying: Already heard fierce of «Heart Govern Peaceful mind Sword Standard», is the heads of ten thousand sword, today makes this King experience strongly.” 转轮王大笑道:“早就听闻《心御静心剑典》的厉害,为万剑之首,今日就让本王来见识见识到底有多强。” Transfers the buddha to sit cross-legged in the sea of qi, body passes air/Qi of rotation, immediately is dizzy, the endless auspicious sign gathers in a stretch of world, has pressed toward the Xuanyuan Yiyi bang, the entire century god city becomes the total darkness, changed into likely to the dark place. 转轮王盘坐在气海,身上流转出一个轮转之气,顿时天旋地转,无尽的紫气汇集成一片天地,向着轩辕一一轰压了下去,整个千秋神城都变得暗无天日,像是化为了至暗之地。 The Xuanyuan Yiyi tender body stands in cold wind, the white clothing is floating, Ancient Sword that carries on the back departs automatically, slender such as the arm of jade lotus root, cuts toward the behind-the-scenes plotting. 轩辕一一的娇躯站在阴风之中,白衣飘飘,背上的古剑自动飞出,纤细如玉藕的手臂,向着黑幕之中一斩。 !” “噗!” In the behind-the-scenes plotting hears one to remain silent. 黑幕之中传来一声闷声。 Fierce! Let you experience the this King runner deep meaning!” Transfers the buddha sinking sound the say/way. “厉害!让你见识一下本王的转轮奥义!”转轮王沉声的道。 Void becomes more chaotic, cold wind flap flap, angry howling rave. 虚空变得更加混乱,阴风猎猎,怒啸狂吼。 Eighth Young Master Gu also stands in the runner world of this haze, in the vision is bringing killing intent, is staring by frozen above Feng Feiyun in wall. 顾八少爷也站在这一片阴霾的转轮世界之中,目光之中带着杀意,盯着被冰封在墙壁之上的风飞云 His body moves, flies to fall to the wall, raised god vast Ancient Sword, cut toward the wall above. 他的身体一动,飞落到墙壁之下,提起神浩古剑,向着墙壁之上斩去。 Bang!” “嘭!” The purple ice crystal blasts out ahead of time, ice crystal four fly, the body of Feng Feiyun runs out from inside, the body full is the flame, burns the item especially. 紫色的冰晶提前炸开,冰晶四飞,风飞云的身体从里面冲出,身上满是火光,格外灼目。 Jumps to leap, departs sword air/Qi the range. 纵身一跃,飞出剑气的范围。 Courts death!” “找死!” Feng Feiyun carries on the back to give birth to a pair of spacious phoenix wing, the body soars, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall condenses a handle sword, both hands is pinching the hilt, chops a huge crazy dragon. 风飞云的背上生出一对宽大的凤凰羽翼,身体腾空而起,天髓兵胆凝聚成一柄战刀,双手捏着刀柄,劈出一条庞大的狂龙。 Bang!” “轰!” Eighth Young Master Gu was rumbled to fly upside down, in the mouth spits blood once more. 顾八少爷被轰得倒飞出去,口中再次吐血。 Since you want dead, I then help you.” “既然你想死,我便成全你。” Transfers the buddha is resides temporarily in the body of Eighth Young Master Gu, once cutting to kill Eighth Young Master Gu, transfers the buddha is also the dead end. 转轮王乃是寄身在顾八少爷的身体之中,一旦将顾八少爷给斩杀,转轮王也是死路一条。 Whish!” “哗哗哗!” Feng Feiyun transferred the strength of whole body, body changed into a hot person, simultaneously made seven phoenix plumes, cut the broken expansive sky like seven handle day blades. 风飞云调转全身的力量,身体化为了一尊火人,同时打出七道凤凰翎,就像七柄天刀斩破长空。 ...... …… Explodes the week final several hours, asked the distinguished guest ticket! Before asking 12 points distinguished guest tickets! 爆更周最后几个小时,求贵宾票啊!求12点之前的贵宾票!
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