SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#966: Extension of buddhas netherworld ten King

The body of Eighth Young Master Gu is tattered, many place flesh and blood splash to fly, reveals white bones. 顾八少爷的身体破破烂烂,很多地方血肉都溅飞出去,露出一根根白骨。 blood energy overflow in wound, changes into a rotten corpse likely. 有一道道血气在伤口之中溢出,像是化为一具烂尸。 Howling!” “嚎!” In the body of Eighth Young Master Gu has the voice of blood Qilin to roar, the blood flaming combustion in within the body, the shatter body heals fast, in the bone is born the flesh and blood, makes up for the flaw of body. 顾八少爷的身体之中有血麒麟的声音在咆哮,体内的血液熊熊燃烧,破碎的身体快速愈合,骨头之中诞生出血肉,弥补身体的缺陷。 His both eyes are bloody, the aura is vigorous, the body almost must change into the blood Qilin that a erectness walks. 他双目血淋淋,气息浑厚,身体几乎都要化为一尊直立行走的血麒麟。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” His both legs become sturdier, like the fiery-red pillar, dashes about wildly, is a giant beast is running likely, opens the giant mouth, must swallowing of Feng Feiyun. 他的双腿变得更加粗壮,就像火红色的柱子,狂奔过来,像是一头巨兽在奔跑,张开巨大的嘴,要将风飞云的吞噬。 Bang!” “嘭!” Four phoenixes run out, more than ten meters high, the vision looks disdainfully, the wing is giant, is four comes to the antique real phoenix likely. 四头凤凰冲出,都有十多米高,目光睥睨,羽翼巨大,像是四只来至太古的真凤。 A wing leaf of phoenix, directly raising to fly Eighth Young Master Gu, big piece skin was burnt by the flame burned black, the hair turns into the dust, the scalp changes into the blood mud to be common. 凤凰的羽翼一扇,直接将顾八少爷给掀飞出去,身上的大片皮肤被火焰被烧得焦黑,头发变成灰尘,头皮化为血泥一般。 His body almost to burn to refine. 他的身体几乎为焚炼。 This is the Phoenix Fire God Domain destruction strength, is the strength of world most perfect flame, is more formidable than it Qilin Monster Clan the strength of flame. 这是凤凰火神域的毁灭力,乃是天下最极致的火焰之力,比之麒麟妖族的火焰之力更加强大。 !” “噗!” Feng Feiyun will open the day spoon and Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall also makes, operates the day spoon to sew above the Eighth Young Master Gu left hand arm, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall inserts above his right hand arm, gives the interruption the bone above his arm. 风飞云将开天匙和天髓兵胆同时打出,开天匙钉在顾八少爷左手手臂之上,天髓兵胆插在他的右手手臂之上,将他手臂之上的骨头都给打断。 Opens the day spoon and Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall also catches up, the strength of destruction will spread to the arm, goes toward the average of his body, must shake thoroughly him vanishes in a puff of smoke. 开天匙和天髓兵胆同时发力,将毁灭之力传入手臂,向着他的身体之中流去,要将他震得彻底灰飞烟灭。 Eighth Young Master Gu roared crazily, from breaking the both arms, the shoulders welled up the blood, departed the day spoon and Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall attack range. 顾八少爷疯狂咆哮,自断双臂,双肩涌血,飞出开天匙和天髓兵胆的攻击范围。 Qilin arm!” “麒麟臂!” In Eighth Young Master Gu the blood hole of shoulders grows two arms, these two arms were given to cover by the scale, the bloodlines are thick, was covered by the flame. 顾八少爷的双肩的血孔之中生长出两只手臂来,这两只手臂都被鳞片给覆盖,血脉粗大,被火焰覆盖。 Arm regeneration, I am more formidable!” “手臂再生,我更强大!” His fist has shelled the past, the Qilin arm becomes more and more greatly, extends dozens meters far, the fist is simply bigger than the head of Qilin. 他一拳轰击了过去,麒麟臂变得越来越大,延伸出数十米远,拳头简直比麒麟的头颅都要大。 Feng Feiyun cold snort/hum, phoenix tail plume!” 风飞云冷哼一声,“凤凰尾翎!” In the hand of Feng Feiyun condenses a phoenix plume, cuts in the sky, gives to cleave in two Qilin arm of Eighth Young Master Gu, the fist probably separates from the central position, the blood drip to fall. 风飞云的手中凝聚出一根凤凰翎,当空一斩,将顾八少爷的麒麟臂给劈成两半,拳头都好像从中央的位置分开,有一道道血液淌落。 The phoenix plume adds on Phoenix Fire God Domain, the might becomes fiercer, has the epoch-making prestige energy. 凤凰翎加上凤凰火神域,威力变得更加厉害,有开天辟地的威能。 Eighth Young Master Gu only felt that in the arm has an ache of web to transmit, has the flame to roast the fever like the marrow, if not for his will is firm, definitely lay on the ground called out pitifully. 顾八少爷只感觉手臂之中有一股钻心的疼痛传来,就像骨髓里面有火焰在烤烧,若不是他意志坚定,肯定趴在地上惨叫了起来。 Fight in mansion is having the tremendous changes instantaneously, the conduct reverses, stems from the expectations of all people. 府邸之中的战斗在瞬间发生翻天覆地的变化,行事逆转,出乎所有人的预料。 How possible? Three territories!” “怎么可能?三座域!” Liu Suhong is startled dumbfoundedly, unceasing shaking the head, was the eyes looks to spend absolutely, how possibly can some people simultaneously cultivation three territories? 琉苏红惊得目瞪口呆,不断的摇头,绝对是自己眼睛看花了,怎么可能有人能够同时修炼出三座域? These talent outstanding are also startled is unable to describe in the spoken language, three territories, each territory goes against heaven's will, can have already to become Fang Qiang, let alone is three territories? 那些天才俊杰也都惊得无法用言语来形容,一身三域,每一种域都那么逆天,能够拥有一种都已经可以成为一方强者,更何况是一身三域? Countless people are unable to be quiet, unceasing rubbing eye. 无数人都无法平静,不断的揉眼睛。 Young Master Gu Jiu and yellow Yuchang, Yu Shao and the others the chin must fall on the ground, before they bragged that is leaf Hongjing most top talent, but with Feng Feiyun one compared with feeling oneself is a mediocre person. 顾九少爷、黄羽长、玉少等人下巴都要掉在地上,以前他们都自诩是叶红境最顶级的才俊,但是和风飞云一比感觉自己就是一个庸才。 Phoenix Fire God Domain, Phoenix Fire God Domain, the Feng Feiyun mother is Phoenix Monster Clan......” Liu Suzi is reading in a low voice, read her sound already not to have finally completely, raised the head fiercely the shock was staring at Feng Feiyun in mansion, if he inherited Phoenix Monster Clan bloodlines that too to be fearful. 凤凰火神域,凤凰火神域,难道风飞云的母亲乃是凤凰妖族……”琉苏紫低声念着,念到最后她的声音已经完全没了,猛地抬起头来震惊的盯着府邸之中的风飞云,若是他真的传承了凤凰妖族的血脉那就太可怕了。 Although her sound is very low, but was given to hear by many member as before, these member complexion big changes. These old people who especially looks after the household, on face almost did not have the blood-color. 她的声音虽然很低,但是依旧被很多修士给听到,这些修士一个个都脸色大变。特别是顾家的那些老人,脸上几乎都没有了血色。 „The monster blood of hearsay Feng Feiyun is unable to examine in the Half Monster Union big camp, by Half Monster Union these can guess that greatly is the bloodlines of Antique Saint Monster Clan.” Came to say to the old man of Middle Ages aristocratic family Huang. “传闻风飞云的妖血在半妖盟的大营都无法检验,被半妖盟的那些大能猜测乃是太古圣妖族的血脉。”一位来至中古世家黄家的老者说道。 I have also heard this matter, it is said Half Monster Union Kong Hou and Fu Ying brought the blood of Feng Feiyun to go to the Half Monster Union total pledge yesterday, it is estimated that is to confirm this matter.” The old ancestors of another Middle Ages aristocratic family came, was old looks awful, the white hair towed to the ground. “我也听闻过此事,据说半妖盟孔侯蝠应昨日就带着风飞云的血液去了半妖盟的总盟,估计就是想要确认此事。”另一位中古世家的老祖现身,苍老得不成样子,白发都拖到地面上。 God! If this matter has been confirmed that this will vibrate entire sixth Yang Dynasty.” 天呐!若是这件事得到证实,这将会震动整个第六中央王朝。” ...... …… The Feng Feiyun bloodlines issue causes the stir, gives to alarm red leaves star topest these elders member within the extremely short time, was shocked, in influence that pondering behind can possibly have. 风飞云的血脉问题引起轰动,在极短的时间之内将红叶星最顶尖的那些老辈修士都给惊动,一个个都被震撼住,在思考着背后可能会造成的影响。 Phoenix Monster Clan surmounts existence of Antique Saint Monster Clan, the bloodlines are very honored, impossible and human is related through marriage, but is actually born to have Half Monster of phoenix bloodlines now, once this matter has spread, not only perhaps vibrates sixth Yang Dynasty to be so simple. 凤凰妖族乃是超越太古圣妖族的存在,血脉无比尊贵,不可能和人类通婚,但是现在却诞生了一个身怀凤凰血脉的半妖,这件事一旦传扬了出去,恐怕不只是震动第六中央王朝那么简单。 Jiutian Yanyu stands in the summit of high tower, the double pupil is graceful, the fine jade nose favor, stares at two talents of below fierce combat, in the pupil is having several points of moving happy expression. 九天烟雨站在高塔之巅,双眸盈盈,琼鼻润泽,盯着下方激战的两位才俊,眸中带着几分动人的笑意。 The distant place, summit of the jade palace, Xuanyuan Yiyi stands at the back of Ancient Sword under the moon/month, the inverted image is slender, the white skirt is floating, likely is the female celestial that rides the wind to come. 远处,一座玉殿之巅,轩辕一一背着古剑站在月下,倒影纤长,白裙飘飘,像是一位乘风而来的仙女。 No wonder Holy Spirit must summon him, originally he actually has the phoenix bloodlines, and has built three territories, matchless. Also only then this character possibly obtains summon of Holy Spirit, finally understands reason.” Many old people hide in the hidden place, the mind vibration is enormous. “难怪圣神要召见他,原来他竟然身怀凤凰血脉,而且修成了一身三域,举世无双。也只有这种人物才可能得到圣神的召见,终于明白其中原因了。”很多老人都隐藏在暗处,心神震动极大。 They understand that this matter relates significantly, will not be good to annoy the Phoenix Monster Clan thunder to be furious, perhaps when the time comes all insiders will write off. 他们都明白此事关系重大,一个不好会惹来凤凰妖族的雷霆震怒,到时候说不定所有知情者都会被抹杀。 These old people hide the body, does not dare to come, thinks of does not know this matter. 这些老人都隐藏身体,不敢现身,装着并不知道此事。 Most has a headache is looks after the household these old men, one type the impulsion that wants to hit the wall, whom annoys not to be good, how to annoy one to have Half Monster of phoenix bloodlines? 最头疼的莫过于顾家的那些老者,一个个都有一种想要去撞墙的冲动,惹谁不好,怎么就惹上一个身怀凤凰血脉的半妖 Then must leave the big basket. 这下说不定要出大篓子。 Everything had these Middle Ages aristocratic families of occurring together with Feng Feiyun, their head of household already hurried to the boundary main mansion at this moment, the interview boundary main Sir, discussed the countermeasure. 凡是与风飞云有交集的那些中古世家,他们的家主此刻都已经赶去了境主府,纷纷求见境主大人,商量对策。 Do not be startled, since Holy Spirit acts to summon him, then explained that Holy Spirit definitely already knew this matter, all causes and effects naturally have Holy Spirit to come the wise judgment. Naturally this matter relates significantly, tonight all insiders must keep this secret, before the situation has not understood, if who has publicized this matter, does not take it ill this nobility to extinguish his entire clan.” “你们不要惊慌,既然圣神出面召见他,那么说明圣神肯定早已知晓了此事,一切因果自然有圣神来明断。当然此事关系重大,今晚所有知情者都务必要保守这个秘密,在情况还没有明了之前,谁若是将此事宣扬了出去,休怪本爵灭他全族。” This was the boundary main Sir lowered the law aim, has issued the seal command, feared that the news proliferated, created the big calamity. 这是境主大人降下了法旨,下了封口令,怕消息扩散出去,造成大乱子。 The heads of household of these Middle Ages aristocratic families were daunted, the retreat, some hurry to close ancient array platform in abundance, some send for shielding the secret, under some people go the seal command. 那些中古世家的家主都被吓住,纷纷退去,有的赶去关闭古阵台,有的派人屏蔽天机,有人前去下封口令。 A severest boundary main law aim, in tonight, has spread over the entire red leaves star. 一道最严厉的境主法旨,在今夜,传遍了整个红叶星。 Naturally all these in influencing subtly carry on, these cultivation base low member do not know this matter. 当然这一切都在潜移默化之中进行,那些修为低的修士根本不知道此事。 ...... …… The Feng Feiyun three territories are uneven, presents three different strengths, almost pushes the Eighth Young Master Gu skyscraping ocean territory broken. 风飞云的三域齐出,呈现出三种不同的力量,将顾八少爷的摩天溟域差点挤碎。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun grasps the day spoon, raising to fly Eighth Young Master Gu, is destroyed the Qilin arm that he just grew, the arm succeeds in giving up sections. 风飞云手持开天匙,将顾八少爷给掀飞出去,将他刚生长出来的麒麟臂又被打碎,手骨断成一截截。 I had already said that Half Monster can also in the contemporaries, I then probably interstate cut the person invincibly today.” “我早就说过,半妖亦能无敌于同代人,今日我便要跨境斩人。” The Feng Feiyun vision looks disdainfully, gives to revolve all strengths, opens the day spoon, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall and phoenix plume, first even/including hitting to fly more than ten times Eighth Young Master Gu, the body is hit again tattered, as if must be split up. 风飞云的目光睥睨,将所有力量都给运转出来,开天匙、天髓兵胆、凤凰翎,一连将顾八少爷给打飞十多次,身体再次被打得破破烂烂,仿佛要四分五裂。 Feng Feiyun, you were favorite too early. You think that in the body has phoenix bloodlines to be invincible, I want slaughter Feng today.” 风飞云,你得意得太早了。你以为身体之中拥有凤凰血脉就可无敌,我今天要屠凤。” Eighth Young Master Gu sits to set out suddenly, both eyes are red, in the dantian had air/Qi of death to spread. 顾八少爷豁然坐起身来,双目通红,丹田之中有一股死亡之气传出。 Continuously purple air current surges from the navel of Eighth Young Master Gu, condenses a huge sea of qi, in the sea of qi is sitting cross-legged a old person, wears the trigram clothes, the crane sends the young face, the forehead is growing one white moon/month seal. 一缕缕紫色的气流从顾八少爷的肚脐之中激荡出来,凝聚成一片庞大的气海,气海之中盘坐着一位老人,身穿卦衣,鹤发童颜,眉心长着一道白色的月印。 This old man sits cross-legged in the Eighth Young Master Gu dantian, although wears the Daoist robe, but actually boundless dead air/Qi, are very fearful, making countless people such as fall into the ice hole. 这老者就盘坐在顾八少爷的丹田之中,虽然穿着道袍,但是身上却有一股无边死气,很是慑人,让无数人都如掉进冰窟之中。 What's all this about? How in the old eight dantians to be sitting cross-legged a old person?” These old men who looks after the household also fear. “这是怎么回事?老八的丹田之中怎么会盘坐着一个老人?”就连顾家的那些老者也都惊住。 The body of old man sends out the air/Qi of fearful Ascension, making people feel absolutely terrifiedly, is one walks the ghost envoy likely in place deep pool. 那老者的身上散发出慑人的羽化之气,让人感觉到毛骨悚然,像是一位行走在地渊的鬼魂使者。 Feng Feiyun is very clear the strength that this old man contains, in Holy Ghost Tomb, is this old man almost gives suppress and kill him, luckily he by Sacred Fruit rescuing, Nirvana rebirth. 风飞云很清楚这个老者所蕴含的力量,在圣灵墓葬之中,就是这个老者差一点将他给镇杀,幸好他被圣实果给救走,又涅槃重生了。 Does not suit! This old man as if became stronger.” Feng Feiyun Spiritual Awareness is clear and bright, feels an intense sense of crisis. “不对劲啊!这个老者似乎变得更强了。”风飞云灵觉明锐,感觉到一个强烈的危机感。 The Sacred Fruit sound spreads to the ear of Feng Feiyun, said: In grandfather's body has the inheritance of blood qilin half Saint!” 圣实果的声音传入风飞云的耳朵,道:“那老爷爷的身体之中有血麒半圣的传承!” Blood qilin long time inheritance? 血麒半晌的传承? The inheritance of blood qilin half Saint was not given to obtain by Eighth Young Master Gu, how to fall into the body of this old man? 血麒半圣的传承不是被顾八少爷给得到,怎么会落入这个老者的身体之中? Was the inheritance that Eighth Young Master Gu obtains merely only the fur/superficial knowledge, the true inheritance of blood qilin half Saint by this old man seizing? 难道顾八少爷得到的传承仅仅只是皮毛,血麒半圣的真正传承是被这个老者给夺走了? „The old man transfers the buddha, he has not died unexpectedly, hides in the old eight dantians.” The old man who the tooth must fall out or off entirely calls out in alarm said. “那老者是转轮王,他竟然没有死,藏在老八的丹田之中。”有一个牙齿都要掉光的老者惊呼道。 All people are shocked once more, the Liu Suzi mind vibrates, said: Transfers the buddha, netherworld one of the ten king. Did the already and Yama and Qin Guangwang hearsay on fall from the sky 10,000 years ago together in ten thousand clan battlefields?” 所有人再次震惊,琉苏紫的心神震动,道:“转轮王,阴间界的十大王者之一。传闻在10000年前就已经阎王、秦广王一起陨落在了万族战场?” The Eighth Young Master Gu complexion became fierce, the body vicious tendencies increased, the dead air/Qi was steaming, has made purple fog. 顾八少爷的脸色变得狰狞了起来,身上戾气攀升,死气腾腾,打出了一道紫雾。 His struck to carry dantian the strength of revolutions buddha. 他这一击携带了丹田之中的转轮王的力量。 Feng Feiyun happy does not fear, the body wraps the flame, making four phoenixes condense four flame mountains, simultaneously has shelled. 风飞云怡然不惧,身上包裹火焰,让四头凤凰凝聚成了四座火焰山岳,同时轰击了下去。 Bang!” “轰!” The Eighth Young Master Gu big mouth spits blood, the body has the innumerable blood marks, the body must split likely. 顾八少爷大口吐血,身上生出无数血纹,身体像是要裂开。 Feng Feiyun also transferred buddha the gas cut of body of that death, body almost frozen stiff, the five main internal organs (entrails) tumbles fiercely, must burst likely, however war intent actually as before powerful, the bang has killed once more, must give thorough suppress and kill Eighth Young Master Gu this archenemy. 风飞云也被转轮王的那一股死亡之气侵体,身体差一点被冻僵,五脏六腑剧烈翻滚,像是要破裂开,但是身上的战意却依旧强盛,再次轰杀了上去,要将顾八少爷这尊大敌给彻底镇杀 ...... …… Today is to explode the week last day, the present is fourth, asked the distinguished guest ticket, preserved fourth. 今天是爆更周的最后一天,现在是第四,求贵宾票,保住第四。
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