SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#965: The phoenix is born

Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall may refine world all Divine Weapon, absorbs the soldier soul and spirit in Divine Weapon. 天髓兵胆可炼化世间一切神兵利器,吸收神兵利器之中的兵魂和锐气。 Although Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall cannot birth own soul, but the sharp degree is actually nobody anything may compare. 天髓兵胆虽然不能诞生属于自己的器魂,但是锋利程度却是没有人任何东西可比。 This strange presents in the people at present, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall refining up Grade 10 monster friendly, gives to swallow Grade 10 monster unceasingly, making many people astonished. 这诡异的一幕就呈现在众人的眼前,天髓兵胆融炼十品妖器,不断将十品妖器给吞噬,让很多人为之惊异。 Feng Feiyun another wonderful treasure is born, that is Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, is incomparably precious refiner divine object, even if only additional drop of Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall in Spirit Artifact, can above the enormous degree improve the Spirit Artifact sharpness, even may make Spirit Artifact then become upgradeable Spirit Artifact.” 风飞云又一件奇宝出世,那是天髓兵胆,乃是无比珍贵的炼器神物,哪怕只是加一滴天髓兵胆灵器之中,就能极大程度之上提高灵器的锋利度,甚至有可能让灵器便成可升级的灵器。” A refiner grandmaster is very excited, he has never seen Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, but has seen the introduction about Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall above the record, always cannot seek for one drop. 一位炼器宗师很是激动,他从未见过天髓兵胆,只是在记载之上看到过关于天髓兵胆的介绍,平生也未能寻找到一滴。 Can obtain a refiner grandmaster so to appraise, thus it can be seen the precious degree of this wonderful treasure, makes many people on the scene show the greedy look immediately. 能够得到一位炼器宗师如此评价,由此可见这一件奇宝的珍贵程度,顿时让在场很多人都露出贪婪的神色。 Bang!” “嘭!” The war lance of that Grade 10 monster rank was quenched by Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall thoroughly, changes into place residual, but the Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall ray becomes dazzling, pinches like a meteor in his hands. 那一件十品妖器级别的战矛被天髓兵胆给彻底淬炼,化为一地残渣,而天髓兵胆的光芒则变得更加刺目,就像一枚流星捏在他的手中。 After swallowing the soldier soul and spirit of Grade 10 monster, seven times that the Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall sharp degree increases. 吞噬十品妖器的兵魂和锐气之后,天髓兵胆的锋利程度增加的七倍。 A blade chops, blade air/Qi easily ground cutting deep opening. 一刀劈出,刀气轻易的将地面给切割出深深的口子。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun launches the samsara speedily, the movement like the lightning, a blade chops in a top of the head of person ready dead military officer, on person ready dead military officer sends out a piece of radiance, Formation flashes, then loudly shatter, reveals a giant hole. 风飞云展开轮回疾速,身法如闪电,一刀劈在一位死士将领的头顶,死士将领头上的发出一片光华,阵法闪动一下,然后轰然破碎,露出一个巨大的窟窿。 The hole has the fist to be so big probably, appearance that inside reveals the person ready dead military officer. 窟窿大概有拳头那么大,里面露出死士将领的容貌。 That corpse military officer unemotionally, skin like stone same color, but under the stone can see that as before the bloodlines are flowing, both eyes are also in sharp contrast, the black hair soft does not have what difference with the normal person as before. 那一位死尸将领面无表情,皮肤如石头一样的颜色,只是石头下面依旧可以看到血脉在流动,双目也黑白分明,黑色的头发依旧柔软与正常人没有什么不同。 After Feng Feiyun sees the stone heart Human Race true appearance, felt that heart one raised, indeed and general human has the too big difference, saw , is very fierce, no wonder will be given the repel by the human hundred clans. 风飞云看到石心人族的真正样子之后,也感觉到心头一凸,的确和一般的人类有太大的差异,看到之后十分狰狞,难怪会被人类百族给排斥。 These four corpse military officers looked after the household to buy from the slave market, used the special mystique to make their cultivation base progress by leaps and bounds, has achieved the Nirvana 5th-layer boundary. 这四位死尸将领都是被顾家从奴隶市场之上买来,利用特殊的秘法让他们的修为突飞猛进,达到了涅槃第五重的境界。 Because their cultivation base are promotes by mystique, therefore they most can only achieve Nirvana 5th-layer, was impossible to break through again. 但是因为他们的修为乃是由秘法提升上来,所以他们最多只能达到涅槃第五重,不可能再突破了。 General human member achieves Nirvana 5th-layer, mostly will have 7000 to 9000 life. However Nirvana 5th-layer stone heart Human Race actually only then 2000 to 3000 life, in addition they are Gu Jiali with cruel mystique promotion cultivation base, therefore the true lifetime only has in 1000 about. 一般的人类修士达到涅槃第五重,大多都拥有7000年到9000年的寿命。但是涅槃第五重的石心人族却只有2000年到3000年的寿命,加上他们乃是顾家利用残忍的秘法提升的修为,所以真实寿命只有1000年左右。 Kills!” “杀!” The body of person ready dead military officer ran out of a death to fight the air/Qi, the portable long blade, the air operated mountains and rivers, the knife point ice was cold, in an instant fell the Feng Feiyun top of the head. 死士将领的身上冲出一股死亡战气,手提长刀,气动山河,刀锋冰寒刺骨,刹那之间就落到了风飞云头顶。 In the eye of Feng Feiyun full is indifferent, the arm wields, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall gives to cut off the long blade, then pierced the petrified skin of this person ready dead military officer, has the boiling hot blood to flow out from their bodies. 风飞云的眼睛之中满是冷漠,手臂一挥,天髓兵胆将长刀给斩断,然后刺穿了这一个死士将领的石化皮肤,有滚烫的鲜血从他们的身体之中流出。 !” “噗!” Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall spirit the whole body of person ready dead military officer twisting broken, harvests his vitality. 天髓兵胆的锐气将死士将领的全身给绞碎,收割他的生命力。 !” !” Finally this body of person ready dead military officer like the ceramic general disruption, changes into fragments. 最终这一个死士将领的身体就像陶瓷一般的碎裂,化为一块块碎片。 These old people of looking after the household grieved must die, everyone ready dead military officer needs to consume many resources, moreover in 10,000 stone heart Human Race slaves not necessarily can become the person ready dead military officer. 顾家的那些老人心痛的要死,每一尊死士将领都需要耗费许多资源,而且10000个石心人族的奴隶之中都未必有一个能够成为死士将领。 It can be said that everyone ready dead military officer is a huge wealth, loses a person ready dead military officer, under losing ten hundred million Spirit Stone. 可以说每一位死士将领都是一笔巨大的财富,损失一尊死士将领,不下于损失十亿灵石 Feng Feiyun will simultaneously open the day spoon and Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall offering a sacrifice, encounters with the remaining three person ready dead military officers, various magical powers and technique laws interweave. 风飞云同时将开天匙和天髓兵胆给祭出,与剩下的三尊死士将领交锋,各种神通和术法交织。 Bang!” “嘭!” Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall cuts horizontally, cuts off the body of second person ready dead military officer around the middle, the blood splash, the blood dyes the earth. 天髓兵胆横斩出去,将第二位死士将领的身体给拦腰斩断,鲜血飞溅,血染大地。 Opens the strength of day spoon to erupt, a Grade 10 Spirit Artifact prestige can surge, gives to break the ground two sections of corpses, changes into two groups of blood fog, thorough disappearing. 开天匙的力量爆发出来,一股十品灵器的威能激荡,将地上两截尸体给震碎,化为两团血雾,彻底的泯灭。 The second person ready dead military officer falls from the sky. 第二位死士将领陨落。 These person ready dead military officers are Nirvana 5th-layer cultivation base, already are the absolute powerhouses, but easily was actually cut to kill by young Half Monster, such as the slaughter pig dog, loves dearly these old person teeth that looks after the household to tremble. 这些死士将领都是涅槃第五重修为,已经算是绝对的强者,但是却被一个年轻的半妖给轻易斩杀,如屠猪狗,心疼得顾家的那些老人牙齿直哆嗦。 Eighth Young Master Gu naturally very much cannot get used to seeing, drinks one coldly: You draw back, making me tidy up him.” 顾八少爷自然也很看不惯,冷喝一声:“你们都退下去,让我来收拾他。” Two person ready dead hears word, the diving posture retrocedes immediately, does not prolong contact slightly. 两位死士闻言,立即飞身后退,丝毫都不恋战。 Draws back! Can draw back?” “退!退得掉吗?” Feng Feiyun step strange Kuai, speed like the meteor, quick overtook a person ready dead military officer quickly. 风飞云的步伐奇快,速度快如流星,很快就追上了一位死士将领。 Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall condenses a long spear/gun, gives to pierce the body of this person ready dead, sews above the fence of mansion. 天髓兵胆凝聚成一杆长枪,将这位死士的身体给洞穿,钉在府邸的围墙之上。 Struggling that the person ready dead military officer keeps, shaking sways more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high walls, does not break the trace, must escape from Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall. 死士将领不停的挣扎,将十多丈高的墙壁给震得摇晃,不断裂出纹路,要从天髓兵胆之中逃脱。 Operates the day spoon!” “开天匙!” Feng Feiyun will operate the day spoon hitting, a white spirit departs, shells above the head of person ready dead military officer, gives the disintegration the armor, gives to beat the head, the blood splashes full wall is. 风飞云将开天匙给打了出去,一股白色的锐气飞出,轰击在死士将领的头颅之上,将铠甲给崩碎,将头颅给打烂,血液溅得满墙都是。 Bang! 轰! The wall collapses loudly, buries to the corpse that person ready dead military officer thoroughly. 墙壁轰然倒塌,将那一位死士将领给尸体彻底掩埋。 Hateful!” “可恶!” Eighth Young Master Gu launches the skyscraping ocean territory, back has the empty shade of blood Qilin presents. 顾八少爷展开摩天溟域,背后有血麒麟的虚影呈现。 He grasps god vast Ancient Sword, such as a blood-color evil god walks, the extravagant sword chops to the shoulder of Feng Feiyun, the blood wave tumbles above his arm. 他手持神浩古剑,如一座血色邪神走来,阔剑劈向风飞云的肩膀,血浪在他的手臂之上翻滚。 Feng Feiyun offers a sacrifice to the day spoon, transfers the prestige of Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, shakes god vast Ancient Sword hardly. 风飞云祭出开天匙,调动十品灵器之威,硬撼神浩古剑 Bang!” “嘭!” The body of Feng Feiyun backs up dozens zhang (3.33 m), protracted battle with Eighth Young Master Gu, but is chases down the last person ready dead military officer, must his thorough suppress and kill. 风飞云的身体倒退数十丈,并不与顾八少爷久战,而是去追杀最后一名死士将领,要将他彻底镇杀 Kills me, must execute it. 杀我者,必诛之。 Rests!” “休走!” Eighth Young Master Gu like a blood Qilin, body blood energy is huge, the aura like the bullfight, moves like the idol, pursues tightly in Feng Feiyun, the speed is only merely weaker than Feng Feiyun. 顾八少爷就像一头血麒麟,身上血气庞大,气息如斗牛,行动如神象,紧追在风飞云的身后,速度仅仅只比风飞云弱一线。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun will give to overtake that person ready dead finally in the future, kills to the bang it, the body cracks two halves, the blood sprinkles the earth, splashes pours is the blood. 风飞云最终将那一名死士将来给追上,将它给轰杀,身体裂成两半,鲜血洒满大地,溅得身上倒出都是血液。 Also late one step! 又迟了一步! The Eighth Young Master Gu heart air/Qi infuriated, was enraged by Feng Feiyun thoroughly, noisy wail, the body as if wanted the incarnation to be the Qilin, resounded through half century Ancient City. 顾八少爷的心头气得火冒三丈,被风飞云给彻底激怒,长嚎一声,身体仿佛都要化身为麒麟了,响彻半个千秋古城 Bang!” “嘭!” His both arms and both legs start to inflate, becomes more and more sturdy, grows scales, has bulge. 他的双臂和双腿都开始膨胀,变得越来越粗壮,长出一块块鳞片,生出一个个凸起。 Both legs sturdy five times, both arms sturdy three times, is ordinary like the four feet of Qilin, has the scarlet-red flame to burn above, to person feeling of the incomparable gods and ghosts. 双腿粗壮了五倍,双臂粗壮了三倍,就像麒麟的四足一般,有赤红的火焰在上面燃烧,给人一种无比神异之感。 Air/Qi of antique Great Desolate presents on his body, is born like Qilin Venerable/revering. 一股太古洪荒之气在他的身上呈现,就像一位麒麟尊者出世。 Bang!” “嘭!” His speed arrives at the extreme quickly, rolls toward Feng Feiyun like one group of giant fireballs, the arm bombardment in the chest of Feng Feiyun, and opens the day spoon to give to shake Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall flies, the chest of Feng Feiyun hitting covered with blood, the body threw to fly. 他的速度快到极点,就像一团巨大的火球向着风飞云滚动过来,手臂轰击在风飞云的胸口,将天髓兵胆和开天匙都给震飞,将风飞云的胸口给打得血肉模糊,身体抛飞了出去。 The Feng Feiyun body intensity is higher than other people, trades to be another Nirvana 4th-layer member, even the Nirvana 5th-layer member, affirmed at this moment already vanishes in a puff of smoke. 要不是风飞云的身体强度远高于他人,换做另外一个涅槃第四重的修士,甚至涅槃第五重的修士,此刻肯定已经灰飞烟灭。 Howling!” “嚎!” Eighth Young Master Gu noisy wail, the sound is rock the earth, likely is the Qilin the howling moon/month. 顾八少爷长嚎一声,声音震天动地,像是麒麟在啸月。 The innumerable member were shaken ear to send to hurt, hastily ear covering. Not only this is a great sound, is the one power and influence of antique Qilin. 无数修士都被震得耳朵发疼,连忙将耳朵给捂住。这不仅是一股巨声,更是太古麒麟的一种威势。 Was bad! The inheritance of blood qilin half Saint is too formidable, the blood of blood Qilin flows in the body of Eighth Young Master Gu, making Eighth Young Master Gu cultivation base increase to the Nirvana 5th-layer vertice, Feng Feiyun can perhaps encounter the mishap.” Young Master Gu Jiu said. “糟了!血麒半圣的传承实在太强大,血麒麟的鲜血在顾八少爷的身体之中流淌,让顾八少爷修为攀升到涅槃第五重的至高点,风飞云恐怕会遭遇不测。”顾九少爷道。 Qilin is one of the Antique Saint Monster Clan, blood energy is huge, unmanned energy enemy.” Liu Suhong sneers again and again. “麒麟乃是太古圣妖族之一,血气庞大,无人能敌。”琉苏红冷笑连连。 Liu Suzi shrank eyelid slightly, in the beautiful pupil is having several points of worried look, after all she and Feng Feiyun have a more than time friendship. Moreover Feng Feiyun has also saved her life, but she cannot help at this moment, because her cultivation base cannot stand off Eighth Young Master Gu. 琉苏紫微微的缩了缩眼睑,美眸之中带着几分忧色,毕竟她和风飞云也算是有不下一次的交情。而且风飞云还救过她的性命,但是此刻她也帮不上忙,因为她的修为也敌不过顾八少爷 The Eighth Young Master Gu present strength in leaf Hongjing the younger generation is invincible existence, even if the boundary main mansion four days the arrogant female, very much abstained from him. 顾八少爷现在的实力在叶红境的年轻一代乃是无敌的存在,就算是境主府的四位天之骄女,也都对他很忌讳。 This is fighting of younger generation, the older generation cannot meddle, the younger generation nobody is the Eighth Young Master Gu match, all can only depend on Feng Feiyun, the bystanders could not help him.” Liu Suzi said. “这是年轻一代的争锋,老一辈不能插手,年轻一代又无人是顾八少爷的对手,一切都只能靠风飞云自己,外人都帮不了他。”琉苏紫道。 Since Feng Feiyun turns over/stands up from the ground flies, the chest blood drippings, vision cold Chen is valiant, head long hair counter flushed, bringing a faint trace flame, the violent anger saying: What thing is Qilin? Dares to step on me, I want your god shape entirely to extinguish. Phoenix fire god!” 风飞云翻身从地上飞起,胸口鲜血淋淋,目光冷沉而彪悍,头上的长发都逆冲了起来,带着一丝丝火光,暴怒道:“麒麟算什么东西?敢踩我,我要你神形俱灭。凤凰火神!” In the body of Feng Feiyun the third territory erupts, a dazzling flame presents, sends out sound that the phoenix sounds, resounds through the vault of heaven. 风飞云的身体之中第三座域爆发出来,一片刺目的火光呈现,发出凤凰鸣叫的声音,响彻天穹。 This is a boundless phoenix aura, arrives like God Phoenix! 这是一股磅礴的凤凰气息,就像一头神凤降临! The sound that the phoenix sounds spreads over the entire god city, the member who lets the innumerable older generations awaken from the cultivation, the heart shakes greatly, thinks that a phoenix arrives to the red leaves star, goes out in abundance closes up, flies in the direction that the phoenix sounds. 凤凰鸣叫的声音传遍整个神城,让无数老一辈的修士都从修炼之中惊醒,心头巨震,以为有一头凤凰降临到红叶星,纷纷走出闭关地,向着凤凰鸣叫的方向飞来。 These Spirit Beast in god city lather, kneels to bend down in the place, keeps shivering. 神城之中的那些灵兽更是焦躁不安,跪伏在地,不停颤抖。 The phoenix is born, the world changes color. All living things shiver, the group all fears evilly. 凤凰出世,天地变色。众生颤抖,群邪皆惧。 Eighth Young Master Gu also attacking unceasingly retrocedes by that huge aura, in the body has a capital stock to be able fearing intent, looked like saw sovereign stood in his front, the Qilin blood in his body as if static, has inborn fearing to the phoenix. 顾八少爷也被那一股庞大的气息给冲击得不断后退,身体之中生出一股本能的惧意,就像是见到了一位皇者站在他的面前,就连他身体之中的麒麟血都仿佛静止了下去,对凤凰有着天生的惧怕。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun launches Phoenix Fire God Domain, four phoenixes present, is born like four Spiritual God. 风飞云展开凤凰火神域,四头凤凰呈现出来,就像四尊神灵降世。 And a phoenix flies, stretches out the giant sharp claws, looks like eagle catches chicken general, toward this Eighth Young Master Gu raising, sharp phoenix mouth has given the puncture the chest of Eighth Young Master Gu. 其中一头凤凰飞起来,伸出巨大的利爪,就像是“老鹰抓小鸡”一般,向着这顾八少爷给提了起来,尖锐的凤凰嘴将顾八少爷的胸口给击穿。 !” “噗!” The blood spring flows together from the chest of Eighth Young Master Gu. 一道血泉从顾八少爷的胸口流淌出来。 No, I am the blood qilin successor, my undefeated, the phoenix must cut.” “不,我乃是血麒传人,我不败,凤凰亦要斩。” Eighth Young Master Gu roared crazily, bit tooth tightly, in the body runs out of enormous and powerful blood energy, escaped from the claw of that phoenix, grasps god vast Ancient Sword to cut. 顾八少爷疯狂咆哮,紧咬牙齿,身体之中冲出一股浩荡的血气,从那一只凤凰的爪子之中逃脱,手持神浩古剑斩了过去。 Bang!” “轰!” Another phoenix shells, shaking to fly Eighth Young Master Gu, a claw bombardment on his body, gives to break his skin, the flesh and blood to splashes in all directions, almost his body patting rottenly. 另一头凤凰轰击过来,将顾八少爷给震飞了出去,一爪轰击在他的身上,将他的皮肤给震碎,血肉向四处飞溅,几乎将他的身体给拍烂。
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