SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#964: Stone heart Human Race

Jiutian Yanyu stands dangerous in the summit of high tower, with bright moonlight complete/even tall, the immortal gauze shades the body, physique beautiful is imaginary, leisurely however takes out a handle god spoon. 九天烟雨悬立在高塔之巅,与明月齐高,仙纱蔽体,体态美幻,施施然的取出一柄神匙。 The god spoon is White Jade carves, the length approximately two chi (0.33 m), half palm is wide, shines the ray all over the body, like a handle opening god gate key, likely handle trace varied Ancient Sword. 神匙是白玉雕成,长约两尺,半掌宽,通体放光芒,就像一柄开启神门的钥匙,又像一柄纹路杂多的古剑 This is Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, is very precious. 这是一件十品灵器,十分珍贵。 Even if these inherit 100,000 years of ancient clan not necessarily to have the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact town clan, obviously its precious degree, makes the innumerable member sufficiently crazy. 就算那些传承100000年的古族都未必有十品灵器镇族,可见其珍贵程度,足以让无数修士为之疯狂。 However Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian actually bestowed it to Feng Feiyun, absolutely was the great writer, making the innumerable member on the scene envy the envy. 但是九天仙子却将它赠送给了风飞云,绝对是大手笔,让在场无数修士羡慕嫉妒。 Operates the day spoon!” “开天匙!” Feng Feiyun this Grade 10 Spirit Artifact pinching in hand, noble spirits transmit from the god spoon. 风飞云将这一件十品灵器给捏在手中,有一股浩然之气从神匙之中传来。 Simultaneously in also the fluctuation of life spreads to the arm a faint trace thought that then the flowing in mind, it as if completely melts with Feng Feiyun for a body, Feng Feiyun can feel the pulse that it beats. 同时里面也有一股生命的波动将一丝丝意念传入手臂,然后流进脑海,它仿佛和风飞云完全融为了一体,风飞云能够感受到它跳动的脉搏。 spiritual intelligence is really formidable, absolutely is top Grade 10 Spirit Artifact. 灵性实在强大,绝对是一件顶尖的十品灵器 !” “噗啊!” The most depressed person is Eighth Young Master Gu, thinks the person who Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian favor is he, but has not actually thought that Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian has given Feng Feiyun Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, will the fairy maiden also favor Half Monster to be inadequate? 最郁闷的人莫过于顾八少爷,原本以为九天仙子青睐的人是他,但是却没有想到九天仙子送给了风飞云一件十品灵器,难道仙子还会亲睐一个半妖不成? No, is absolutely impossible, Half Monster cannot break through the Ascension boundary, even if again startled certainly colorfully also absolutely could not become the overlord, could not become , did the fairy maiden possibly help him? 不,绝对不可能,半妖不能突破羽化境,就算再怎么惊才绝艳也绝对成不了霸主,成不了至强,仙子怎么可能偏帮他? Perhaps the fairy maiden wants to probe my complete strength, therefore gives that Half Monster Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, enabling that Half Monster to become stronger, then has with the strength that I fight. 仙子或许是想试探我的全部实力,所以才将十品灵器交给那个半妖,让那个半妖可以变得更强,然后拥有和我一战的力量。 Eighth Young Master Gu thought own already has been fully correct the thoughts of fairy maiden. 顾八少爷觉得自己已经猜透了仙子的心思。 Such being the case I had to win more attractive, must give to defeat this Half Monster within the shortest time, this can leave behind a better reflection in the heart of fairy maiden.” “既然如此我更有赢得漂亮些,要在最短的时间之内将这个半妖给击败,这样才能在仙子的心中留下一个更好的映像。” Skyscraping ocean territory!” “摩天溟域!” Eighth Young Master Gu has launched own territory, the endless ocean fire runs out from his body, sends out the faint gloomily blue color, some ocean fires condense the shape of devil claw, some condensation hole shape, some condensation the shape of dead tree, some demon soldiers, some quiet pond, some condensation hell...... 顾八少爷展开了属于自己的域,无尽的溟火从他的身体之中冲出,发出淡淡的幽蓝色彩,有的溟火凝聚成鬼爪的形状,有的凝聚成窟窿的形状,有的凝聚成枯树的形状,有的化阴兵,有的化幽池,有的凝聚成地狱…… Is born like an ocean territory. 就像一座溟域诞生。 The entire mansion becomes looks like a nether world clever mansion. 整个府邸都变得像一座幽冥鬼府。 The strength of skyscraping ocean territory has attacked, simultaneously and Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain and Ten Thousand War Beast Domain collide in together, exudes the grating great sound, was ground like iron stones generally. 摩天溟域的力量冲击了过来,同时和金蚕佛域万兽战域碰撞在一起,发出刺耳的巨声,就像一块块铁石被磨碎了一般。 Bang! 轰! Three territories overlap, in Fokuang has the shadows of ten thousand beasts, ten thousand beasts gallop in the ocean territory, presents a strange inexplicable picture scroll. 三座域相重叠,佛光之中有万兽的影子,万兽又奔腾在溟域之中,呈现出一幅诡异莫名的画卷。 Eighth Young Master Gu grasps god vast Ancient Sword, back wants the empty shade of blood Qilin to present, the arm wields, the blood-color war sword, gives tearing the earth before Feng Feiyun body together. 顾八少爷手持神浩古剑,背后要血麒麟的虚影呈现,手臂一挥,一道血色的战剑,将风飞云身前的大地给撕裂。 Feng Feiyun will operate the day spoon to insert toward the ground, the light wave the place of hole from operating the day spoon inserts scatters in all directions together, the region within eight meters surrounding area protecting, but the surrounding area the place eight meters away was twisted by the sword air/Qi broken, in the ground chaotic Shiheng flies, the vegetation changes into the powder, the basin evaporation is the moisture. 风飞云将开天匙往地上一插,一道光波从开天匙插出的孔洞之处四散出去,将方圆八米之内的地域给守护住,而方圆八米之外的地方则都被剑气被绞碎,地面上乱石横飞,草木化为粉末,水池蒸发为水气。 Ocean fire Heaven!” “溟火九重天!” This is move of top magical powers of looking after the household, only then cultivates the juniors in skyscraping ocean territory to cultivation, has looked after the household few people to give the to learn since the Middle Ages this move of magical powers. 这是顾家的一招顶尖的神通,只有修炼出摩天溟域的子弟才能修炼,自中古以来顾家都很少有人将这一招神通给学会。 Before Eighth Young Master Gu also can only display the former tertiary strength of ocean fire Heaven, but after obtaining the inheritance of blood qilin half Saint, his already can display the 4th-layer strength. 以前顾八少爷也只能施展出溟火九重天的前三重的力量,但是得到血麒半圣的传承之后,他已经能够施展出第四重力量。 The Eighth Young Master Gu double hand-held sword, the body surrounding ocean fire kept revolving, changed into a huge flame vortex. 顾八少爷双手持剑,身体周围的溟火不停旋转,化为了一个庞大的火焰漩涡。 The sword air/Qi and ocean fire melt, erupt the huge destruction strength. 剑气和溟火相融,爆发出巨大的毁灭力。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun will operate the day spoon and monster fights the lance float in the top of the head, protects oneself by two Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, extends a hand, the palm departs a scarlet-red feather, fully three meters, full is the flame. 风飞云将开天匙和妖器战矛给悬浮在头顶,以两件十品灵器守护自身,伸出一只手,手掌心飞出一根赤红的羽毛,足有三米长,满是火焰。 Phoenix tail plume!” “凤凰尾翎!” The magical powers when this is Feng Feiyun cultivates Nirvana 4th-layer is born. 这是风飞云修炼到涅槃第四重之时诞生的神通。 Phoenix tail plume might, endures to compare Ascension boundary phoenix the strength of tail plume. “凤凰尾翎”的威力,堪比羽化境凤凰的一条尾翎的力量。 The arm of Feng Feiyun wields, the phoenix tail plume has cut, pulls out together the flame arc, ocean fire Heaven will give to break, strikes the bombardment in the chest of Eighth Young Master Gu. 风飞云的手臂一挥,凤凰尾翎斩了出去,拉出一道火焰弧形,将“溟火九重天”给破开,一击轰击在顾八少爷的胸口。 Must know that the phoenix of Ascension boundary is absolutely stronger than the human of Ascension boundary, even if only Ascension boundary phoenix the strength no small matter of tail plume. 要知道羽化境的凤凰绝对比羽化境的人类更强,哪怕只是羽化境的凤凰的一条尾翎的力量都非同小可。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Eighth Young Master Gu god vast Ancient Sword keeping off in the chest, the phoenix tail plume cut on the god vast Ancient Sword sword blade, sent out the bell bang the sound, shook the ground in a flash. 顾八少爷将神浩古剑给挡在胸口,凤凰尾翎斩在了神浩古剑的剑身上,发出大钟轰隆的声音,震得地面一晃。 Eighth Young Master Gu was shaken to fly, backs up dozens meters far, bordeaux b long gown was cut broken, changed into cloth strips. 顾八少爷被震飞了出去,倒退数十米远,身上的枣红长袍被斩碎,化为了一根根布条。 What strength is this?” “这是什么力量?” These member of looking after the household hear the news to catch up, has the God's favored ones and days of younger generation the arrogant female , some old people of noble character and high prestige, their already waited and saw outside of mansion were very long, saw Eighth Young Master Gu to occupy the convenience not to get rid to prevent. 顾家的那些修士闻讯赶来,有年轻一代的天之骄子、天之骄女,也有一些德高望重的老人,他们已经在府邸的外面观望了很久,见顾八少爷占得上方便都没有出手阻止。 However Feng Feiyun displays a strange technique law to give to repel Eighth Young Master Gu, making these old people of looking after the household somewhat worry, after all the talent like Eighth Young Master Gu is very difficult to cultivate one, if falls from the sky, will be the heavy loss of looking after the household. 但是风飞云施展出一种诡异的术法将顾八少爷给击退,让顾家的那些老人们有些担忧,毕竟像顾八少爷这样的才俊很难栽培出一个,万一陨落,将是顾家的巨大损失。 An old person of looking after the household has caused under the meaningful glance, at once then four wear the person ready dead of black armor to fly into the mansion. 顾家的一位老人使了下眼色,旋即便又四位身穿黑色铠甲的死士飞进府邸之中。 Stop, a trivial Half Monster say/way looks after the household to act unruly unexpectedly, really has eaten the bear heart leopard guts.” “住手,一个区区的半妖竟然道顾家撒野,真是吃了熊心豹子胆。” The old person of looking after the household is afraid to lose, therefore sends four person ready dead military officers to cut to kill Feng Feiyun. 顾家的老人害怕有失,所以派遣四位死士将领去斩杀风飞云 Four person ready dead military officers are Nirvana 5th-layer cultivation base, in looking after the household to enjoy the elder rank the treatment, not only the strength is valiant, but also did not fear the death, year to year disciplined above ten thousand clan battlefields, was called the murder machine. 四位死士将领都是涅槃第五重修为,在顾家享受长老级别的待遇,不仅战力彪悍,而且不畏死亡,常年在万族战场之上磨练,被称为杀人机器。 Bang!” “轰!” Four handle broad long blades toward the Feng Feiyun top of the head detachment, cut the defense of broken Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, pulled out four death rays. 四柄宽阔的长刀向着风飞云的头顶劈去,斩破金蚕佛域的防御,拉出四道死亡光芒。 Buddhist doctrine is boundless!” “佛法无边!” Feng Feiyun holds their palms together, the innumerable Sanskrit depart from his palm, condense a human form the Buddha egg. 风飞云双手合十,无数梵文从他的手掌心飞出,凝聚成一个人形的佛卵。 A both hands brace, endless Fokuang promotes, the long blades of four people ready dead shaking. 紧接着,双手一撑,无尽佛光推出,将四位死士的长刀给震开。 One side Eighth Young Master Gu sees four person ready dead military officers get rid, then falls back on, tight is staring at the battlefield, he quite abstained from phoenix tail plume that” Feng Feiyun displayed a moment ago, what magical powers wants to see clearly that is move of? 顾八少爷看见四位死士将领出手之后,便退到一边,紧紧的盯着战场,他对风飞云刚才施展出来的“凤凰尾翎”颇为忌讳,想要看清楚那到底是一招什么样的神通? Feng Feiyun grasps the day spoon, pinches a handle ju que likely, the arm is wielding, shells in a top of the head of person ready dead military officer. 风飞云手持开天匙,像是捏着一柄巨阙,手臂一挥,轰击在其中一位死士将领的头顶。 Bang!” “嘭!” Exudes the great sound of metal collision, is two Tieshan is hitting likely. 发出金属碰撞的巨声,像是两座铁山在撞击。 The person ready dead military officer armor of unexpectedly not shatter, this makes the Feng Feiyun heart one startled, hastily retreat. 死士将领身上的铠甲竟然没有破碎,这让风飞云的心头一惊,连忙后退。 Whish!” “哗!” The air/Qi of death has delimited from the Feng Feiyun chest front together, almost Feng Feiyun cutting off two sections. 一道死亡之气从风飞云的胸前划过,差一点将风飞云给斩断成两截。 How can like this? 怎么会这样? By the Feng Feiyun strength, in addition Grade 10 Spirit Artifact prestige energy, even if the people who the god refining up strongly must be hit crushes, but actually hits a undying person ready dead military officer, is including their armor unable to break. 风飞云的力量,加上十品灵器的威能,就算是神铁铸炼的人都要被打得粉碎,但是却打不死一位死士将领,更是连他们的铠甲都破不开。 Are their bodies harder than the iron? 难道他们的身体比铁还要坚硬? Looks after the household also really suffices to take seriously Eighth Young Master Gu, sends four person ready dead military officers to go to lead a cheer unexpectedly, then Feng Feiyun had in a big way troubles!” Liu Suzi gently touches high-pitched and fine chin. “顾家还真是够重视顾八少爷,竟然派遣出四位死士将领前去助阵,这下风飞云有大麻烦了!”琉苏紫轻轻的摸了摸尖细的下巴。 Each Middle Ages aristocratic family will train some people ready dead, establishes a special organization the person ready dead, carried out some secret tasks for the Middle Ages aristocratic family. 每一个中古世家都会训练一些死士,将死士编制成一个特殊的组织,为中古世家执行一些秘密的任务。 The person who the Middle Ages aristocratic family does not dare on to kill outwardly, will send the person ready dead to start in secret \; The old people of Middle Ages aristocratic family did not facilitate got rid, will send on the person ready dead. 中古世家不敢明面上杀的人,都会派遣死士暗中下手\;中古世家的老人不方便出手的时候,也都会派遣死士上。 Like the present, was fighting of younger generation, these old people of Middle Ages aristocratic family does not facilitate to get rid, therefore then sent the person ready dead to kill Feng Feiyun, this people came out to interfere, the person who then condemned was also these people ready dead, had nothing to do with the old people of Middle Ages aristocratic family. 就像现在,乃是年轻一代的争锋,中古世家的那些老人都不方便出手,所以便派遣死士去杀风飞云,这样就算有人出来干涉,那么被谴责的人也都是那些死士,与中古世家的老人无关。 This was the method of Middle Ages aristocratic family, did not mean that your natural talent was certainly colorful, certainly could not cope with you, sending the person ready dead to come to tidy up you as before. 这就是中古世家的手段,并不是说你天资绝艳,就一定对付不了你,派遣死士来依旧能收拾你。 These four person ready dead military officers are stone heart Human Race, they four people of cultivation base already achieve Nirvana 5th-layer, not only refine the stone the heart, gave to refine the stone the skin, could not break their skins, is unable to break their bodies.” Liu Suzi passes message in secret to Feng Feiyun. “这四个死士将领都是石心人族,他们四人的修为已经达到涅槃第五重,不仅将心炼成了石头,更是将皮肤都给炼成了石头,打不破他们的皮肤,便无法震碎他们的身体。”琉苏紫暗中传音给风飞云 Stone heart Human Race?” Feng Feiyun has never listened to this race. “石心人族?”风飞云从未听过这个种族。 Liu Suzi said: In human altogether 134 Yang Dynasty, 134 different races, a race is in one Yang Dynasty. Most stone heart Human Race gather at 132 nd Yang Dynasty, is in the human hundred clans quite small and weak, you have not listened to be very normal.” 琉苏紫道:“人类一共有134个中央王朝,也就有134个不同的人种,一个人种便是一个中央王朝。绝大多数的石心人族都聚集在第132中央王朝,属于人类百族之中比较弱小的一支,你没有听过很正常。” Stone heart Human Race is inborn heart on such as stone general ice-cold and hardness, that is the source that they cultivation. They the strength that cultivates from the heart, is called stone air/Qi, this is very at once hard, was known as that not firmly may break.” “石心人族天生‘心’就如石头一般的冰冷和坚硬,那是他们修炼的本源。他们自己将从心脏之中修炼出来的力量,称为‘石气’,这一股气无比坚硬,号称无坚可破。” „The defense of stone heart Human Race is also more formidable than any clan of human hundred clans.” “石心人族的防御也就比人类百族的任何一族都要强大。” Feng Feiyun had not heard really stone heart Human Race, after all is only a small branch in human. 风飞云还真没有听说过石心人族,毕竟只是人类之中的一个小分支。 Since defends so strongly, why stone heart Human Race does place in hundred clans that lowly?” Feng Feiyun launches the samsara speedily, the movement becomes strange not measured, socializes with four person ready dead military officers. “既然防御如此强,为何石心人族在百族之中排名那么低?”风飞云展开轮回疾速,身法变得诡异莫测,与四位死士将领周旋。 Because the ordinary stone heart Human Race life has 30 years old, even if the stone heart Human Race follower, the life is also lower than the general human follower.” “因为普通石心人族的寿命是有30岁,就算是石心人族的修炼者,寿命也都低于一般的人类修炼者。” Moreover the stone heart Human Race reproduction ability is extremely also low, the population is a least clan in hundred clans.” “而且石心人族的繁殖能力也极低,人数在百族之中属于最少的一族。” „A most important point, the stone heart Human Race cultivation way differs with other Human Race too far, is the powerhouse, in the body the rock proportion are more. In the ancient times history after a period of time, the human hundred clans did not even acknowledge that stone heart Human Race belonged to Human Race, thought that they differed with other human too in a big way, wanted the tribal group that they pushed aside human.” “还有最重要的一点,石心人族的修炼方式与别的人族相差太远,越是强者,身体之中岩石比例就越多。在远古历史上有过一段时间,人类百族甚至不承认石心人族属于人族,觉得他们和别的人类相差太大,想要将他们排挤出人类的族群。” Can say status of stone heart Human Race in human state, merely is only higher than Half Monster is so little.” “可以说石心人族在人类国度之中的地位,也就仅仅只比半妖高那么一点点。” Feng Feiyun said: „It is not stone heart Human Race, I have the means to break their armor and defenses.” 风飞云道:“不就是石心人族,我有办法破开他们的铠甲和防御。” The defense of stone heart Human Race is called not firmly may break, but Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall is called not firm broken. 石心人族的防御被称为无坚可破,而天髓兵胆被称为无坚不破。 Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall is the stone heart Human Race difficult adversary. 天髓兵胆就是石心人族的克星。 Naturally present Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall did not have that formidable penetrating power, it needs to refine many Spirit Artifact to fight the soldier, improves a sharp degree once more. 当然现在的天髓兵胆还没有那么强大的穿透力,它需要炼化更多的灵器战兵,再次提高一个锋利程度。 The Feng Feiyun vision concentrates, the war lance of Grade 10 monster rank infiltrating in Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall. 风飞云的目光一凝,将十品妖器级别的战矛给打入天髓兵胆之中。 !” !” Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall starts to refine Grade 10 monster, must give the melting Grade 10 monster. 天髓兵胆开始炼化十品妖器,要将十品妖器给融化。
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