SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#963: The fairy maiden presents as a gift Spirit Artifact

Feng Feiyun raises Grade 10 monster to fight the lance, above the top of the head float Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall is condensing the sword rain that becomes, a foot stepped on the crack the ground, the bang has killed. This book is latest the free chapter to visit. 风飞云一手提着十品妖器战矛,头顶之上悬浮着天髓兵胆凝聚而成的剑雨,一脚将地面踩裂,轰杀了出去。本书最新免费章节请访问。 Eighth Young Master Gu is throwing over the deep red long gown, grasps the god vast war sword, a sword cuts, sword air/Qi like river. 顾八少爷披着枣红色的长袍,手持神浩战剑,一剑斩出,剑气如河。 His body has the strength of blood qilin to revolve, in the blood vessel exudes the Qilin common roar. 他的身上有血麒之力在运转,血管之中发出麒麟一般的吼声。 Bang bang bang!” “砰砰砰!” Feng Feiyun on ten thousand beast Venerable/revering, Eighth Young Master Gu on such as the headstrong wild Qilin, the sword lance hit, the air/Qi to/clashes the sky, the three palaces in mansion by the disintegration, was changed into the ruins. 风飞云就似万兽尊者,顾八少爷就如莽荒麒麟,剑矛撞击,气冲霄汉,将府中的三座殿宇都被崩碎,化为了废墟。 Buddhist doctrine ten thousand.” “佛法万宗。” Feng Feiyun will fight the lance hitting, then condenses a Buddha seal above the palm, myriad Buddha seal vibrate above the palm, then gathers as one. 风飞云将战矛给打了出去,然后在手掌之上凝聚出一个佛印,有万千佛印在手掌之上震动,然后汇聚为一体。 Buddha seal on mountain general sincerity, is having Sanskrit. 佛印就山岳一般的厚重,带着一个个梵文。 God vast sword kills, nothing which is not broken!” “神浩剑杀,无所不破!” Eighth Young Master Gu both hands are pinching the sword hilt, has noble spirit to condense on the body, the extravagant sword lifting the top of the head, has shot down outrageously. 顾八少爷双手捏着剑柄,自有一股浩然之气凝聚在身上,将阔剑给举过头顶,悍然击落下去。 Bang!” “轰!” Buddha seal and sword air/Qi also disappear. 佛印和剑气同时泯灭。 Feng Feiyun launches the samsara speedily, the body speedily retrocedes, evades the place of magical powers clash, simultaneously fights the lance taking back Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall and monster. 风飞云展开轮回疾速,身体疾速后退,躲过神通相击的地方,同时将天髓兵胆和妖器战矛给收回。 Eighth Young Master Gu also launched amazingly quick, the body has raised vertical, spreading the wings Dapeng who such as soared, cut a sword once more. 顾八少爷也展开了一种神速,身体提纵起来,如一只腾飞起来的展翅大鹏,再次斩出一剑。 Kills!” “杀!” God vast Ancient Sword becomes exceptionally huge, 80 meters, 12 meters in width, the imposing manner is arrogant, resembles to the entire mansion give to cleave in two. 神浩古剑变得异常庞大,80米长,宽12米,气势凌人,似要将整个府邸都给劈成两半。 Feng Feiyun holds their palms together, around the body 108,000 golden Buddha silkworms speedily revolve, change into a huge golden silkworm egg. 风飞云双手合十,身体周围108000只金色佛蚕疾速运转,化为一个巨大的金色蚕卵。 Looks from afar, is wrapping Feng Feiyun like a golden light membrane, there are innumerable Gold Silkworm to rotate above the light membrane. 远远望去,像一层金色的光膜包裹着风飞云,有无数的金蚕在光膜之上转动。 Bang!” “嘭!” Giant god vast Ancient Sword chops above the golden silkworm egg, exudes the deafening great sound. 巨大的神浩古剑劈在金色的蚕卵之上,发出震耳欲聋的巨声。 Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain gives to block god vast Ancient Sword finally, rock-solid, like an inscription on stone tablet and bronze fortress, is unable to break through. 金蚕佛域最终还是将神浩古剑给挡住,坚如磐石,像一座金石堡垒,无法攻破。 Eighth Young Master Gu drove giant god vast Ancient Sword, above the arm gives birth to the Qilin common scale, the strength increased several points. 顾八少爷拖动巨大的神浩古剑,手臂之上生出麒麟一般的鳞片,力量更增加了几分。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” The ground subsidence of Feng Feiyun under foot, presents cracks, some cracks extend to about dozens meters, appears very shocking. 风飞云脚下的地面沉陷,出现一道道裂纹,有的裂纹延伸到数十米开外,显得十分触目惊心。 Howling!” “嚎!” Feng Feiyun ten thousand beast noisy wails, all Spirit Beast battle soul, turned toward Eighth Young Master Gu to throw. 风飞云的身上万兽长嚎,所有的灵兽战魂,都向着顾八少爷扑了过去。 Eighth Young Master Gu receives the sword hastily, the body runs out of endless blood energy, a head of blood Qilin appears in his head, noisy wail one, is really gives the roar to draw back all Spirit Beast battle soul. 顾八少爷连忙收剑,身上冲出无尽血气,一个血麒麟的头颅在他的头上出现,长嚎一声,真是将所有灵兽战魂都给吼退。 „!” “唰!” The Feng Feiyun sleeves wield, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall changed into sword rain to fly, made the sound, likely was a white stegosaurus, counter flushed the vault of heaven. 风飞云的衣袖一挥,天髓兵胆化为一片剑雨飞了出去,发出唰唰的声音,像是一条白色的剑龙,逆冲苍穹。 Overwhelming sword air/Qi, the state of mind reappears.” “浩然剑气,神魂再现。” Eighth Young Master Gu Spiritual Awareness is extremely also formidable, the sensation to the sharpness of Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, has not dared to move, body flying upside down backward, displays a move of sword Secret Art, the god vast Ancient Sword prestige can erupt, such as sword god near world. 顾八少爷灵觉也极其强大,感知到了天髓兵胆的锋利,不敢触碰,身体倒飞向后,施展一招剑诀,神浩古剑的威能爆发出来,如剑神临世。 The form of looking after the household all previous dynasties worthy people of former times stands in Ancient Sword behind, each dignified aggressive, the air/Qi to/clashes the sky. 顾家历代先贤的身影站在古剑的后面,每一个都威严霸气,气冲霄汉。 This is carries looking after the household all previous dynasties worthy people of former times will the sword prestige, gives the impediment Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall beside the sword air/Qi. 这是携带顾家历代先贤意志的剑威,将天髓兵胆给阻隔在剑气之外。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” A Eighth Young Master Gu sword has cut, the sword air/Qi terrifying is incomparable, gave to cut to collapse a corner/horn the wall of mansion, chaotic Shiheng flew, Formation was disillusioned. 顾八少爷一剑斩了出去,剑气恐怖无比,将府邸的墙壁都给斩塌了一角,乱石横飞,阵法破灭。 These talent outstanding already already withdrew attended to eight master government offices, saw that in the mansion fights the relative fight, the vibration of heart is enormous. 那些天才俊杰早就已经退出了顾八爷府,看到府邸之中争锋相对的战斗,心头的震动极大。 Must know here, but the red leaves star, cultivation base was suppressed extremely the low point, but these two actually as before can send out so fearful destructive power, must catch up with these Ascension worthy people of former times simply. 要知道这里可是红叶星,修为被压制到了极低点,但是这两人却依旧能够发出如此可怕的破坏力,简直都要赶上那些羽化先贤了。 Young talent who Eighth Young Master Gu strength of the palm can pat a top, this is all people's dwelling place of Buddhist immortals in the immortal empty flowers saw that but this moment is called Feng Feiyun Half Monster actually to fight with him, unable to contend again and again, has to acknowledge that this Half Monster indeed is the outstanding person phoenix. 顾八少爷的一掌之力能够拍死一位顶级的年轻才俊,这是所有人在仙虚花间洞天都看到的,但是此刻一个叫做风飞云半妖却和他大战连连、相争不下,不得不让人承认这个半妖的确是人中龙凤。 Younger Sister Qi, this elder sister from the heart congratulates you, has not thought that you also really picked the treasure, really made the person envy.” Liu Suhong stands on a colored glaze upturned eave, the red clothes is floating, the beautiful white skin clear, beautiful pupil contains the smoke, on the face of absolute beauty is bringing cold. 七妹,这次姐姐是发自内心的恭喜你,没想到你还真的捡到宝了,真是让人嫉妒。”琉苏红站在一座琉璃飞檐上面,红衣飘飘,雪肤晶莹,美眸含烟,绝丽的脸上带着一份冷峭。 The Liu Suzi stature is slender, although the chest position binding to entangle with the white turban, as before peak very slightly, the nape of the neck is very slender, the vision is very bright, says with a smile: Eldest sister may probably be careful, Feng Feiyun murderous aura is very heavy, if your fiance killing, was really not good to congratulate.” 琉苏紫身材纤细,虽然胸部的位置用白巾给裹缠,却依旧微微的挺耸,脖颈很纤细,目光很明亮,笑道:“大姐可要小心了,风飞云杀气很重,若是将你未婚夫给杀了,就实在不好恭喜了。” The Liu Suhong pretty complexion sinks slightly, the heart quite surprise, her grandfather and Eighth Young Master Gu grandfather, sets the wedding to two people in secret, to marry to form an alliance, this is the extremely secret matter, how by Liu Suzi knowing? 琉苏红俏丽的脸色微微一沉,心头颇为诧异,她的爷爷和顾八少爷的爷爷,暗中给两人定下婚事,以联姻结盟,这本是极其隐秘的事,怎么会被琉苏紫给知道? It seems like this Younger Sister Qi really was unable to look down upon. 看来这个七妹还真是不能小视。 Although Liu Suhong heart startled, but on the face has not actually fluctuated, said: You rather looked at Feng Feiyun strongly, perhaps if his cultivation base with Gu eight in the same boundary, might defeat Gu eight, but he now after all the Nirvana fourth boundary, where even if were a double territory also not necessarily can strong to go.” 琉苏红的心头虽惊,但是脸上却没有丝毫波动,道:“你未免将风飞云看得太强了,他的修为若是和顾老八在同一境界,或许还有可能战胜顾老八,但是他现在毕竟才涅槃第四的境界,就算是一身双域也不见得就能强到哪里去。” Liu Suzi also knitting the brows slightly, knows Liu Suhong said is the truth, the Feng Feiyun boundary was indeed worse than Eighth Young Master Gu a section. 琉苏紫也微微的皱眉,知道琉苏红说的都是实话,风飞云的境界的确比顾八少爷差了一截。 If he can plan Spirit Beast battle soul of complete/even 10,000 antique Saint beast bloodlines, displays to surmount with the boundary member 10,000 times of strengths, could have a bigger opportunity.” “若是他能够筹齐10000头太古圣兽血脉的灵兽战魂,发挥出超越同境界修士10000倍的力量,或许能够有更大的机会。” This dead Half Monster conceals results in secret too to be really many, if sooner told me to need Spirit Beast battle soul, I was ask the elder in clan, must help him plan complete/even enough Spirit Beast battle soul, now cultivation base did not have Greater Stage to stir up trouble, what mishap if there is, who helped me cope with Gu eight this archenemy? 这个死半妖藏得秘密实在太多,若是早些告诉我需要灵兽战魂,我就算是去求族中的长辈,也要帮他筹齐足够的灵兽战魂,现在修为还没有大乘就过来挑事,若是有什么不测,谁来帮我对付顾老八这一尊大敌? Liu Suzi somewhat gets angry, thought that Feng Feiyun working motionless brains, is the Feng Feiyun intelligence quotient felt that seizes anxiously. 琉苏紫有些发恼,觉得风飞云做事不动头脑,为风飞云的智商感到捉急。 However at once she then understood, knows reason that Feng Feiyun such makes, two days later, he must go to Moonwater Wonderland along with Moonwater Saintess, simply does not have the time, therefore has to get rid at this time. 但是旋即她便明白了过来,知道风飞云这么做的原因,两天后,他就要随水月圣女水月天境,根本没有时间等,所以才不得不在这个时候出手。 Whish!” “哗!” The Eighth Young Master Gu arm is sturdy, full is the scale of Qilin, is flowing the monster light, a Jianhe sweeps across toward Feng Feiyun. 顾八少爷手臂粗壮,满是麒麟的鳞片,流动着妖光,一条剑河向着风飞云席卷过来。 Feng Feiyun has haunched Gold Silkworm Buddha egg hastily, draws in Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, changes into the diameter, only then three meters golden Buddha territory, defends oneself. 风飞云连忙撑起了金蚕佛卵,收拢金蚕佛域,化为直径只有三米长的金色的佛域,守住自身。 Bang!” “嘭!” The sword air/Qi bombardment above Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain, was blocked again. 剑气轰击在金蚕佛域之上,再次被挡住。 However Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain was also struck to fly, cracks-up a front door of jade palace, fell into the jade palace. 但是金蚕佛域也被击飞了出去,撞碎一座玉殿的大门,落入了玉殿之中。 Eighth Young Master Gu also changes into together the flowing light, flies into the jade palace. 顾八少爷也化为一道流光,飞进玉殿之中。 In the jade palace hears a series of war sounds, finally the avalanche, the roof panel of palace was raised flies, wall spalling. 玉殿之中传来一连串的战声,最终崩塌,殿宇的顶盖被掀飞,墙壁被震塌。 The Feng Feiyun hairlace was cut to fall, the long hair chops to fall, on the face has the sword mark together, has delimited the cheekbone position, blood drops from inside. 风飞云的发带被斩落,长发劈落下来,脸上有一道剑痕,划过颧骨的位置,有一滴血液从里面滴落下来。 Eighth Young Master Gu raises god vast Ancient Sword to go out from the ruins, sneers, said: Your cultivation base, if promotes the single layer again, perhaps I will also abstain from your several points, but depends on your present boundary, at all possibly is not my match, I have not used the strength of territory, defeats you on already.” 顾八少爷提着神浩古剑从废墟之中走出,冷笑一声,道:“你的修为若是再提升一重,或许我还会忌讳你几分,但是就凭你现在的境界,根本不可能是我的对手,我还没有使用域的力量,就已经将你击败。” Defeats? You rather also too overestimated you yourself, you have not used fully, have I never used fully?” “击败?你未免也太高估你自己了,你没有用出全力,我又何尝使用了全力?” Feng Feiyun the bloodstain of finger tracing cheekbone position gently, golden Fokuang emits from the finger together, Fokuang plunges in the wound, making that bloodstain heal at the naked eye obvious speed. 风飞云的手指轻轻的摸了摸颧骨位置的血痕,一道金色的佛光从手指之上冒出,一道道佛光浸入伤口中,让那一道血痕以肉眼可见的速度愈合。 The immortal light goes out from the spirit road together, the foot steps on the cool breeze, the physique is gently beautiful. 一道仙光从灵路之上走出,脚踩清风,体态柔美。 In the immortal light, wrapped a slender beautiful person, the black hair is letting fall the waist perfectly, the stature to the pinnacle, one unusual refined makings implication on her body. 仙光之中,包裹着一个纤细的玉人,黑发垂落到腰间,身材完美到了极致,有一种超凡脱俗的气质蕴含在她的身上。 She stands in absolute high four directions the summit of ancient tower, under the bird's eye view, the beautiful pupil flow of tears, the sound is gently beautiful, said: I thought that this fights simply may be called the facing directly confrontation of leaf Hongjing topest two talent, two both are the earthshaking talents, even if rarely seen in entire sixth Yang Dynasty, two magical powers and cultivation base, are really praiseworthy.” 她站在一座高绝四方的古塔之巅,俯瞰下方,美眸涟涟,声音柔美清雅,道:“我觉得这一战简直堪称叶红境最顶尖的两位才俊的直面交锋,两位都是惊天动地的天才,即便是在整个第六中央王朝都不多见,两位的神通和修为,真是让人钦佩。” Many thanks Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian Miao Zan.” Eighth Young Master Gu receives happily extremely. “多谢九天仙子缪赞。”顾八少爷喜不胜收。 Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian is the honored status, these boundary main heir are not necessarily able to see her immortal face, but this moment Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian actually arrives to his mansion, this already has given his greatest face. 九天仙子是何等尊贵的身份,就连那些境主的子嗣都未必能够看到她的仙颜,而此刻九天仙子却降临到他的府邸,这已经算是给了他莫大的脸面。 Did I obtain the favor of Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian? 难道我得到了九天仙子的青睐? Eighth Young Master Gu is ecstatic, thought that likely is this reason, why otherwise Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian must bestow to his «Vault of heaven Chart», why can also come here? 顾八少爷心花怒放,觉得很可能就是这个原因,要不然九天仙子为何要赠送给他《苍穹图》,又为何要降临到这里? All showed, Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian takes seriously him really very much. 一切的一切都证明,九天仙子真的很重视他。 Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian fine qualities orchid/blue heart, the unconventional idea is vast, leisurely say/way however: Is only this fights is unfair, Eighth Young Master Gu has the war sword of Grade 10 Spirit Artifact rank in the hand, has the will of family worthy people of former times to add the body, but Feng Feiyun only has remnants of Grade 10 monster rank, can only display three strengths of Grade 10 monster. The war soldier who I want to bestow a Grade 10 Spirit Artifact rank gives Feng Feiyun , helping his helping hand, does not know that everybody does will think the misty rain was too offensive?” 九天仙子蕙质兰心,仙心浩渺,施施然的道:“只是这一战并不公平,顾八少爷十品灵器级别的战剑在手,更有家族先贤的意志加身,而风飞云却只有一件十品妖器级别的残兵,只能发挥出十品妖器的三层力量。我想要赠送一件十品灵器级别的战兵给风飞云,助他一臂之力,不知道各位会不会觉得烟雨太唐突了?” Bestows Grade 10 Spirit Artifact? 赠送十品灵器 All people are one dull, instinct thought that Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian spoke incorrectly the words, should be borrowing is right, should not be present. 所有人都是一呆,本能的觉得九天仙子说错了话,应该是“借”才对,不应该是“赠送”。 Who will have that big writing skill, brings to bestow Grade 10 Spirit Artifact with the person? 有谁会有那么大的手笔,将十品灵器拿来赠送与人? „Does fairy maiden need to bestow Grade 10 Spirit Artifact really?” Say/Way that some people cannot believe. “仙子真的要赠送十品灵器?”有人不敢相信的道。 The Jiutian Yanyu ease faint smile, the immortal face is simple and beautiful, the flesh is exquisite, said: Naturally bestows. Since old times treasure soldier presented as a gift the talent, beautiful woman matched the hero. Regarding the talent in Young Master Feng this kind of double territory, Grade 10 Spirit Artifact is also only the temporary war treasure, can help the master happy war in the crucial time, this is fights the treasure to have the value that truly, Young Master Feng thought that I did say right?” 九天烟雨悠然浅笑,仙颜清丽,肌肤细腻,道:“自然是赠送。自古宝兵赠才俊,美人配英雄。对于风公子这样一身双域的才俊,十品灵器也不过只是一时的战宝,能够在关键的时刻助主人痛快一战,这才是战宝真正该有的价值,风公子觉得我说得对吧?” Fairy maiden said is really right.” “仙子说得实在太对了。” Feng Feiyun discovered oneself are could not completely understand more and more this Fairy Maiden Jiu Tianxian, has worked really does not have the rule to follow, moreover could not completely understand that what goal she is? 风飞云发现自己是越来越看不透这个九天仙子了,做事实在没有规律可循,而且看不透她到底是什么目的? In female who in Feng Feiyun knows, is as deep as a well Xuanyuan Yiyi and mental extremely Long Jiangling can compared with her, must be not as good as for Yao Ji and Liu Suzi. 风飞云所认识的女子之中,只有高深莫测的“轩辕一一”和心智绝顶的“龙姜玲”能够和她相比,至于姚吉琉苏紫都要稍逊一筹。 The front three people are to walk the main road, even if plays with the plan, gave people a feeling of correct path as if made by Heaven. 前面的三人都是走中正的大道,即便是玩弄心术,也都给人一种正道天成的感觉。 Yao Ji and Liu Suzi, although and mental above is not weak in the talent in them, but actually gives people a sword to walk the slant and by the feeling of wonderfully winning. 姚吉琉苏紫虽然在天赋和心智之上都不弱于她们,但是却总给人一种剑走偏锋、以奇致胜的感觉。 The sword walks the slant, although can result in the temporary ingenuity, however can become since the ancient times important matter is „is all winning, to win wonderfully eventually is only the heretical sect. 剑走偏锋虽然能够得一时的巧妙,然而自古以来能够成大事者无一不是“以正致胜”,“以奇致胜”终究只是左道旁门。 So-called greatly skillful non- labor, greatly deceitful as loyal, Great Sage inactivity, perhaps is this truth. 所谓大巧不工、大奸似忠、大贤无为,或许就是这个道理。
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