SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#962: Big puppet technique

Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain and Ten Thousand War Beast Domain melts, every day Spirit Beast battle soul puts on golden, turned into the golden Buddha beast likely. 金蚕佛域”与“万兽战域”相融,每天一头灵兽战魂都披上一层金色佛芒,像是变成了金色的佛兽。 442 Spirit Beast battle soul are located in the center, other 9000 unusual animals battle soul were pushed both sides, forms a grand magnificent ten thousand beast picture roll. 442头灵兽战魂位于中央,其它9000多头异兽战魂被挤到两侧,形成一幅宏伟壮观的万兽图卷。 Howling!” “嚎!” Feng Feiyun both eyes look disdainfully, portable war lance, the imposing manner is steaming, two territories simultaneously present on the body. 风飞云双目睥睨,手提战矛,气势腾腾,两座域同时在身上呈现。 What? Does he simultaneously cultivation two territories unexpectedly?” “什么?他竟然同时修炼出两座域?” All people were shocked, is red including Liu Suzi and speed of flow, Eighth Young Master Gu and the others were no exception, as if to see in this world the most surprised matter. 所有人都被震惊,包括琉苏紫、流速红、顾八少爷等人也不例外,仿佛见到了这世上最惊奇的事。 Must know that can achieve Nirvana 4th-layer to cultivate the people who the territory comes to be very few, person Hero who can cultivation all shakes ancient Shuojin who two territories come, in Yang Dynasty is not necessarily able born „a double territory the person. 要知道能够达到涅槃第四重修炼出域来的人都少之又少,能够修炼出两座域来的无一不是震古烁今的人雄,一个中央王朝都未必能够诞生一个“一身双域”的人。 But now Half Monster actually cultivates two territories! 而现在一个半妖却修炼出了两座域! No wonder he must purchase unusual animals battle soul of that many antique Saint beast bloodlines, is he wants to cultivate 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul strengths? That may quite in 10,000 strengths with boundary member.” Liu Suzi has thought this possibility, the heart incomparably frightens. “难怪他要购买那么多太古圣兽血脉的异兽战魂,难道他是想要修炼出10000头灵兽战魂的力量?那可就相当于10000名同境界修士的力量。”琉苏紫想到了这个可能,心头无比震慑。 Other these heavenly talent talents are also the mental generations extremely, has thought this possibility, the heart vibration is enormous. 其他的那些天骄才俊也都是心智绝顶之辈,也都想到了这个可能,心头震动极大。 10,000 times of strengths with boundary member, if makes him achieve, how could it not be must invincibly in the contemporaries, become in history the striking power first character. 10000倍同境界修士的力量,若是真的让他做到,岂不要无敌于同代人,成为有史以来攻击力第一的人物。 No wonder Saint Divine Capital must summon him, the Holy Spirit vision will not be absolutely wrong.” “难怪就连圣神都要召见他,圣神的眼光绝对不会错。” yellow heaven a heart shake slightly, then immediately returned to normal, how even if 10,000 times with the boundary member strength? At least he now has not practiced that step. 黄天的心头微微的一震荡,然后便立即恢复了平静,就算是10000倍同境界修士战力又如何?至少他现在还没有修炼到那一步。 How was summoned by Holy Spirit? The younger generation strives for hegemony, even if Holy Spirit cannot manage. 圣神召见又如何?年轻一代争雄,就算是圣神也管不着。 Since already gives to offend this Half Monster, then absolutely cannot keep him to maintain a livelihood again. 既然已经将这个半妖给得罪,那么也就绝对不能再留他活命。 Nine magnificence Daoyu, a air/Qi nine clear.” “九华道域,一气九清。” In yellow heaven the mouth read the making a debut Secret Art, nine air/Qi departed, condense nine handle azure Ancient Sword, divided nine directions to cut to Feng Feiyun. 黄天的口中念出道诀,九道道气飞出,凝聚成九柄青色的古剑,分九个方向向风飞云斩了过来。 Feng Feiyun portable war lance, to assassinating, unceasingly nine swords shaking. 风飞云手提战矛,冲刺杀出,不断将九剑给震荡开。 Finally unites the whole body strength, a lance bombardment in the past, gave to break nine swords, changes into a poisonous dragon, ! Penetrated yellow heaven the body, pierced the chest, the bone above chest was broken. 最后凝聚全身力量,一矛轰击过去,将九剑给震碎,化为一条毒龙,噗!穿透了黄天的身体,刺穿了胸膛,就连胸膛之上的骨头都被震碎成一块块。 Is a puppet!” “又是道傀儡!” Feng Feiyun one strikes toward the place above fiercely. 风飞云猛地向着上方一击。 !” “噗!” The place above that yellow heaven body also will give the penetration, has passed to the heel from the head, a little bit blood from fighting the lance drops, dá dá falling on the arm of Feng Feiyun. 将上方的那一个黄天的身体也给穿透,从头颅一直传到脚跟,一滴滴鲜血从战矛之上滴落下来,哒哒的落在风飞云的手臂上。 I am undying!” yellow heaven the voice resounds once more, appears in the Feng Feiyun left. “我是不死的!”黄天的声音再次响起,出现在风飞云的左侧。 Ancient Sword punctures together from the left, murderous aura is steaming, the sword air/Qi is sharp. 一道古剑从左侧刺过来,杀气腾腾,剑气锐利。 Feng Feiyun war lance inserting of Grade 10 monster rank suddenly on the ground, the disciple fights with the bare hands the sword, Ancient Sword breaking sections , a palm of the hand bombardment in the yellow day top of the head, gives his body spalling. 风飞云十品妖器级别的战矛猛然的插在地上,徒手搏剑,将古剑给震碎成一截截,一巴掌轰击在黄天的头顶,将他的身体给震塌。 !” “噗!” The fourth puppet was broken, changes into place blood mud. 第四具道傀儡被震碎,化为一地血泥。 The scene was too strange, presented four yellow heaven corpse, but merely was only yellow heaven the say/way puppet, was not yellow heaven the true body. 现场实在太诡异,出现了四具黄天的尸体,但是都仅仅只是黄天的道傀儡,并不是黄天的真身。 These puppets are the living people . Moreover the strength also and yellow heaven is equally formidable, not likely with the puppet that other thing sacrifice refining up. 这些道傀儡都是活生生的人,而且力量也都和黄天一样强大,并不像是用别的物件祭炼成的傀儡。 How among the world to have such strange technique?” The young talents look at creepy feeling. “天下之间怎么会有如此奇术?”有一位年轻才俊看得头皮发麻。 The Liu Suzi beautiful pupil narrows the eyes, said: Said the puppet, was one of the antique eight techniques big puppet technique in which branch. True big puppet technique present already is lost, was analyzed the becoming enlightened puppet technique and Buddha puppet technique, the dead puppet technique and Saint puppet technique when the antiquity, now cultivates the puppet technique of spreading mostly came from these four puppet techniques.” 琉苏紫美眸一眯,道:“道傀儡,乃是太古八术之一‘大傀儡术’的其中一个分支。真正的‘大傀儡术’现在已经失传,在太古之时就被拆分成道傀儡术、佛傀儡术、死傀儡术、圣傀儡术,现在修炼界流传的傀儡术大多都是源自这四种傀儡术。” „The say/way puppet technique that yellow heaven cultivates, already is has sprinkled the blood for soldier the degree, is his blood is a say/way puppet, saying the puppet can die for his body, can depart from his body, fights for him, only then own three strengths. It is said cultivates the big puppet technique, can make the puppet body have five strengths.” “黄天修炼的道傀儡术,已经达到了‘洒血为兵’的程度,也就是他的一滴血液便是一个道傀儡,道傀儡可以代他身死,也可以从他的身体之中飞出,代他战斗,不过只有自身的三层力量。据说修炼成大傀儡术,能够让傀儡身拥有五层的力量。” Actually yellow heaven every time fights with Feng Feiyun is the true body, when Feng Feiyun strikes kills him, he uses a puppet, the yielding the way puppet for his body died.” “其实黄天每一次和风飞云交手都是真身,只是在风飞云击杀他的时候,他才使用了道傀儡,让道傀儡代他身死。” yellow Yuchang said: „The body of his undying?” 黄羽长道:“那他岂不是不死之身?” Liu Suzi hesitates does not speak, has not spoken again. 琉苏紫沉吟不语,没有再说话。 Feng Feiyun eighth time gives to pierce the yellow day say/way puppet, ground already had eight corpses, and yellow Tianchang exactly the same. 风飞云第八次将黄天的道傀儡给刺穿,地上已经有了八具死尸,都和黄天长得一模一样。 Heavenly Eye of Phoenix.” 凤凰天眼。” Both eyes of Feng Feiyun become especially scarlet-red, the pupil likely is two meteorites of flaming combustion, two phoenixes of gods and ghosts dance in the air in the pupil, the emanation quantity body phoenix cried. 风飞云的双目变得格外赤红,瞳孔像是两块熊熊燃烧的陨石,两只神异的凤凰在瞳孔之中飞舞,发出量身凤凰啼鸣。 Feng Feiyun Heavenly Eye of Phoenix already achieves on peeps the day, below peeps the boundary, gives to see through the yellow day whole body blood, even can see the mobile speed of each blood. 风飞云凤凰天眼已经达到“上窥天,下窥地”的境界,将黄天的全身血液都给看穿,甚至能够看到他每一滴血液的流动快慢。 „To use the puppet technique, requires time of transition, so long as within the time of this transition, cuts to kill him twice, then he died.” Heart such thought of Feng Feiyun. “想要施展道傀儡术,也需要一个过渡的时间,只要在这个过渡的时间之内,两次将他斩杀,那么他就死定了。”风飞云的心头如此的想到。 yellow heaven Daoist robe clean, wheat flour does not need, says with a smile: Your two territories how? After all is only Half Monster, wants to kill me, you also miss too. Main road life plate.” 黄天的道袍净洁,白面无须,笑道:“就算你一身两域又如何?毕竟只是一个半妖,想要杀我,你还差得太远。大道命盘。” yellow heaven two hands started to rotate, has picked up a azure disc, turned toward Feng Feiyun to strike loudly. 黄天的两只手开始轮转了起来,托起了一个青色的圆盘,轰然向着风飞云击了过去。 Is now! 就是现在! Feng Feiyun mobilizes the strengths of two territories, a fist shells, gives to break the disc, gives the chop suey the yellow day head, at the same time Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall departed, changed into several thousand handle small swords, flew in all directions, sharp sword air/Qi mangle void, sends out rumor/wind sound that howled. 风飞云调动两座域的力量,一拳轰击下去,将圆盘给震碎,将黄天的头颅给杂碎,与此同时天髓兵胆飞出,化为了数千柄小剑,飞在四方八面,锋利的剑气割碎了虚空,发出呼啸的风声。 !” “噗!” !” “噗!” !” “噗!” ...... …… Flesh and blood fall from void, finger, arm, calf, head, hair, neck...... 一块块血肉从虚空中掉落下来,手指,臂膀,小腿,头颅,头发,脖子…… The Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall sword air/Qi is sharp, yellow day body cutting off innumerable truncations, the blood of this ground was much redder than the past, that bloody flavor/smell also especially irritated the nose. 天髓兵胆的剑气锋利,将黄天的身体给斩断成无数截,这一次地上的鲜血比以往都要红得多,那血腥的味道也格外刺鼻。 At this moment all member were quiet, is searching high and low yellow heaven the true body, thought that yellow heaven will also appear. 这一刻所有修士都沉静了下来,在四处寻找黄天的真身,觉得黄天还会出现。 Did not need to look, yellow heaven true body already was cut.” “不用找了,黄天的真身已经被斩。” Liu Suzi gently is swinging the folding fan, leisurely however smiles, above Liu Suhong toward garret looked at one, changed Eighth Young Master Gu the vision, said: I looked that leaf Hongjing first heavenly talent should exchange ownerships, a Feng Feiyun double territory, deserves for the male Lord of younger generation.” 琉苏紫轻轻的摇着折扇,施施然的一笑,向着阁楼之上的琉苏红看了一眼,又将目光转向了顾八少爷,道:“我看叶红境的第一天骄应该易主了,风飞云一身双域,当之无愧为年轻一代的雄主。” Eighth Young Master Gu sneers, said: Half Monster also wants to make leaf Hongjing first heavenly talent, does he match?” 顾八少爷冷笑一声,道:“一个半妖也想做叶红境的第一天骄,他配吗?” „!” “唰!” The body of Eighth Young Master Gu moves, the next quarter then fell the Feng Feiyun opposite, sneered saying: Has not thought that you can also have the present strength, early knows in ten thousand clan battlefields on this thorough settles your life, this is my fault.” 顾八少爷的身体一动,下一刻便落到了风飞云的对面,冷笑道:“没想到你也能有现在的力量,早知道在万族战场之中就该彻底的了结你的性命,这算是我的失误。” Eighth Young Master Gu is always a person of stamping out the source of trouble, repeatedly wants striking to kill Feng Feiyun in ten thousand clan battlefields, but was escaped by Feng Feiyun finally, instead makes Feng Feiyun cultivation base stronger and stronger. 顾八少爷从来都是一个斩草除根的人,在万族战场就多次想要将风飞云给击杀,但是最后都被风飞云逃脱,反而让风飞云修为变得越来越强。 Feng Feiyun also very much attaches great importance to Eighth Young Master Gu, mental and talent of this person are the top ranks, moreover in the dantian also hides the secret that some nobody are knowing, now also obtained the inheritance of blood qilin half Saint, absolutely is an archenemy. 风飞云顾八少爷也很重视,此人的心智和天赋都是顶尖级别,而且丹田之中还藏着一些无人知晓的隐秘,现在又得到了血麒半圣的传承,绝对是一尊大敌。 „The fate of person so is always difficult to guess, if not for because of you, I that will quickly not break through to Nirvana 4th-layer, thanks!” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “人的命数总是这么难猜,若不是因为你,我也不会那么快突破到涅槃第四重,谢谢啊!”风飞云笑道。 Is impolite!” Eighth Young Master Gu is also smiles, eye that coldly with falcon same sharpness. “不客气!”顾八少爷也是冷冷的一笑,眼睛就跟鹰隼一样的锋利。 A blood red Qilin presents from his back, the foot steps on serious famine Ze, the top of the head blood-color clouds, the clear and resonant voice howls, the voice of Qilin shakes the vibration that the Feng Feiyun two territories keep. 一头血红色的麒麟从他的背后呈现出来,脚踩大荒泽,头顶血色云,朗声一啸,麒麟的声音震得风飞云的两座域不停的抖动。 „A double territory, today will become the history.” “一身双域,今日将会成为历史。” Eighth Young Master Gu calls a big sword, the sword blade has the palm of the hand to be so wide fully, half are the red, half are the white, inside has the huge aura to pass on, is in the sword is sealing the coordinated process likely. 顾八少爷唤出一口大剑,剑身足有巴掌那么宽,一半为红色,一半为白色,里面有庞大的气息传出来,像是剑中封着一条龙。 „It is not good! The heads of household have passed to god vast Ancient Sword unexpectedly old eight, this is the sword that one handle every generation will inherit the talented person grant, will be the saber of looking after the household first generation head of household young time, inherited for several million years, was nurtured with own Yuan accumulated by each generation of heads of household, sword that a handle ordinary material quality sacrifice originally will build up, now strength already no small matter. Although this does not look after the household the strongest war soldier, the significance that but represents is different, moreover inside has bred the overbearing will of all previous head of household, is not the average person can resist.” Young Master Gu Jiu said. “不好!家主竟然将神浩古剑传给了老八,这是一柄每一代继承人才会被赐予的剑,乃是顾家第一代家主年轻时候的佩剑,传承了数百万年,被每一代的家主用自身的真元蕴育,原本的一柄普通材质祭炼的剑,现在力量已经非同小可。这虽然不是顾家最强的战兵,但是所代表的意义却不同,而且里面孕育了历代家主的霸道意志,不是一般人能够抵挡。”顾九少爷说道。 Each generation of heads of household of looking after the household are the characters of male Lord rank, is aggressive from accumulated, the body contains the dignity, by sword that all previous head of household wears, naturally has contaminated that Hero's main will. 顾家的每一代家主都是雄主级别的人物,自蕴霸气,身含威严,被历代家主佩戴的剑,也就自然而然的沾染了那一股雄主的意志。 God vast Ancient Sword, has not gotten rid, will that gang of innumerable powerhouse above sword blade condenses, the spirit of young talent crashing. 神浩古剑一出,还没有出手,剑身之上的那一股无数强者凝聚的意志,就将很多年轻才俊的精神给压垮。 The young talents slightly retrocede, the revolution strength resists that Ancient Sword will, but some people of face whitens, the pain is as before difficult to bear. 很多年轻才俊都微微后退,运转力量抵挡那一股古剑意志,但是依旧有人脸色苍白,痛苦难当。 It can be imagined stands in Eighth Young Master Gu opposite Feng Feiyun, was given the impact by the god vast Ancient Sword will directly, big of pressure withstands. 可想而知站在顾八少爷对面的风飞云,直接被神浩古剑的意志给冲击,所承受的压力之大。 Feng Feiyun naturally cannot be given to crash by this will, cracks a joke in his body, but 180 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes, 180 million Holy Saint wills collect in one, how by trivial god vast Ancient Sword crashing? 风飞云自然不会被这一股意志给压垮,开玩笑他的身体之中可是有180000000粒圣灵骨灰,有180000000道圣灵的意志汇集于一身,岂会被区区神浩古剑给压垮? However god vast Ancient Sword does not allow to look down upon as before, abandons the will of that worthy people of former times not to discuss, merely is only Ancient Sword is in itself handle Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, this is Grade 10 Spirit Artifact of genuine. 不过神浩古剑依旧不容小视,抛开那一股先贤们的意志不谈,仅仅只是古剑的本身就是一柄十品灵器,这是货真价实的十品灵器 Spirit Artifact has achieved Grade 10, can erupt 400 times of striking power, if not for received the suppression of falling day Spirit Stone in the red leaves star, once the strength complete explosion of Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, strikes can destroy a side earth, controls a side life and death. 灵器达到了十品,就能爆发出400倍攻击力,若不是在红叶星受到了陨天灵石的压制,一旦十品灵器的力量完全爆发出来,一击就能毁灭一方大地,主宰一方生死。 The Feng Feiyun look enforces, mobilizes the strength in body completely, Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain and Ten Thousand War Beast Domain inflated once more, the whole person achieves the most flourishing condition. 风飞云的神色严肃起来,将身体之中的力量完全调动,“金蚕佛域”和“万兽战域”再次膨胀了一圈,整个人达到全盛的状态。 ...... …… For these days was too busy, the renewal was very unstable, the stinking ninth category apologized to everybody. However explodes the week . Moreover the competition is not big, hopes that everybody casts the distinguished guest ticket to the stinking ninth category, many distinguished guest tickets, the stinking ninth category will write several chapters next week. 这几天实在太忙,更新很不稳定,老九给大家伙致歉。但是乃是爆更周,而且竞争不大,希望大家将贵宾票投给老九,有多少贵宾票,下周老九就多写几章。
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