SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#961: The second territory

Gives a thought to eight master mansion war cries one pieces, the blood splashing red ground, corpses bend down on the ground, bleeding that keeping. 顾八爷府杀声一片,鲜血溅红地面,一具具尸首伏在地上,在不停的淌血。 The foot of Feng Feiyun steps on blood depression, clothes were given the percolation by the blood all, the war lance in hand wield, a piece of wall collapses, three guard member pressing above sincere wall. 风飞云的脚踩在血洼之中,身上的衣服尽数被鲜血给浸透,手中的战矛一挥,一片墙壁坍塌,将三名护卫修士给压在厚重的墙壁之上。 Bang!” “嘭!” A Feng Feiyun foot steps on above the wall, under three guard member being killed by shock. 风飞云一脚踩在墙壁之上,将下方的三名护卫修士给震死。 Throws over the old man of Purple Gold profound robe to go out from the mansion, one step steps in the ground, the blood of ground shaking blood energy, ascends, changed into a piece of blood curtain, turned toward Feng Feiyun to attack the past completely. 一个披着紫金玄袍的老者从府邸之中走出,一步踩在地上,将地上的血液给震成血气,升腾起来,化为了一片血幕,全部向着风飞云冲击了过去。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun does not urgently await, to fight lance straight thrust to exit, gives the disintegration the blood fog. 风飞云毫无亟待,战矛直刺出去,将血雾给崩碎。 That is throwing over Purple Gold profound robe the heart of old man slightly one startled, this Half Monster youngster also was really wonderful, cultivation base achieves so the region unexpectedly, can actually break my dancing profound air/Qi. 那一个披着紫金玄袍的老者的心头微微一惊,这个半妖少年还真是奇了,修为竟是达到如此境地,竟然能够破掉我的婆娑玄气。 Old man is western wooden tuo mountain Huawei, is looks after the household one of the eight master mansion consecration elders, the old man looked that your young cultivation base is good, is may make the material, best fast retreat, so as to avoid from harming.” Huawei child say/way. “老夫乃是西木陀山的华为子,也是顾家八爷府的供奉长老之一,老夫看你年纪轻轻修为不俗,乃是可造之材,最好速速退去,免得自误。”华为子道。 Huawei has the status of elder, can say such words with Half Monster, already was quite polite. 华为子有着长老的身份,能够跟一个半妖说出这样的话,已经是相当客气了。 If not for Feng Feiyun is the person who the Holy Spirit roll-call wants, he already a palm Feng Feiyun patting. 若不是风飞云乃是圣神点名要的人,他早就一掌将风飞云给拍死了。 Feng Feiyun cold sound said: old man, you boil, this is I and Gu eight struggles, is not one's turn you to meddle.” 风飞云冷声道:“老头,你滚开,这是我和顾老八之争,轮不到你插手。” You......” Hua Wei zi was enraged, the beard and hair must stand upside down, said: Although the fighting old people of younger generation cannot meddle, but the old man is responsible for protecting to attend to eight master government offices, then has the qualifications to get rid the avid follower who teaches your this to come to stir up trouble.” “你……”华为子被激怒,胡须和头发都要倒立起来,道:“虽说年轻一代的争锋老人不能插手,但是老夫负责守护顾八爷府,便有资格出手教训教训你这个前来挑事的狂徒。” Huawei child practicing moderation cultivation base is profound, did not use the spirit soldier Taoist skill, a footsteps tread, the body leapt, a palm toward the Feng Feiyun top of the head according to going. 华为子自持修为精深,并不使用灵兵道术,脚步一蹬,身体飞跃了起来,一掌向着风飞云的头顶按去。 Feng Feiyun mocked smiled, footsteps moved, compared with the speed of Huawei does not know that many times, have flown his top of the head quickly directly, a palm of the hand according to his vest, fell the ground to the racket him, fell one to go fall flat on one's face. 风飞云讥诮的一笑,脚步一动,比华为子的速度不知快了多少倍,直接飞到他的头顶,一巴掌按在他的背心,将他给拍落到了地上,摔了一个狗吃屎。 Bang!” “嘭!” Huawei falls dirtily, gives to break the jade board of ground, the whole body ache wants to crack, the backbone of vest was almost given the interruption by the opposite party. 华为子摔得灰头土脸,将地上的玉石板都给砸碎,浑身都疼痛欲裂,背心的脊梁骨差一点被对方给打断。 The Huawei what kind of status, was usually respected by countless people, today actually loses a such big face, in the heart the anger has occurred simultaneously, turns over/stands up, the azure great seal will pound together toward Feng Feiyun. 华为子何等身份,平时被无数人崇敬,今天却丢了一个这么大的脸,心中怒火交加,翻身而起,将一块青色的大印向着风飞云砸去。 Bang!” “轰!” The great seal becomes huge, sends out the yellow ray, some character articles send out from the great seal. 大印变得庞大,发出黄色的光芒,有一个个字文从大印之中散发出来。 This is Grade 9 Spirit Artifact, the might is very formidable, gives to shake unceasingly the surrounding dozens meters grounds splits. 这是一件九品灵器,威力十分强大,将周围数十米的地面都给震得不断裂开。 Good treasure.” “不错的宝物。” Feng Feiyun finds out an arm, palm changes into the giant shadow, this great seal receiving, then turned round to puncture a lance, ! Gives to pierce the chest of Huawei, punctured from the position of heart. 风飞云探出一只手臂,手掌化为巨大的影子,将这一枚大印给收了起来,然后回身刺出一矛,噗!将华为子的心口给洞穿,从心脏的位置刺了过去。 Huawei is the Nirvana 5th-layer member, the vitality is extremely formidable, the heart has not died shatter as before, both eyes become incomparably cold Hen, a palm has shelled. 华为子乃是涅槃第五重的修士,生命力极其强大,心脏破碎依旧未死,双目变得无比冷狠,一掌轰击了出去。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun also lays out a palm, palm becomes with the phoenix claw same gods and ghosts, gives tearing the arm of Huawei, big flesh and blood grasp to fall from his arm, reveals the white bone. 风飞云也拍出一掌,手掌变得跟凤凰爪一样的神异,将华为子的手臂给撕裂,一大片血肉从他手臂之上抓落下来,露出白森森的骨头。 „!” “啊!” This is blows the pain of bone, Hua Wei child pitiful yell one. 这是刮骨之痛,华为子惨叫一声。 Behind him runs out of five Spirit Beast battle soul, is five teng snakes, simultaneously turned toward Feng Feiyun to throw. 他背后冲出五道灵兽战魂,乃是五条螣蛇,同时向着风飞云扑了过去。 Senseless struggling!” “无谓的挣扎!” Feng Feiyun shook the head, above the arm resounds the Spirit Beast battle soul great sound, a palm makes the strengths of 442 Nirvana 4th-layer member, directly hitting crushes five Spirit Beast battle soul of Huawei, simultaneously breaks the body of Huawei around the middle. 风飞云摇了摇头,手臂之上响起灵兽战魂的巨声,一掌打出442位涅槃第四重修士的力量,直接将华为子的五道灵兽战魂给打得粉碎,同时将华为子的身体给拦腰打断。 The guard member who these catch up with give this to give to daunt, Nirvana 5th-layer consecration elders by a palm of the hand patting, this young Half Monster strength big? 那些赶过来的护卫修士都给这一幕给吓住,就连涅槃第五重的供奉长老都被一巴掌给拍死,这个年轻的半妖的力量到底有多大? A member retrocedes unceasingly, does not dare to fight with Feng Feiyun, this is one kills the star. 一众修士不断后退,不敢和风飞云交手,这是一个杀星。 Feng Feiyun has arrived under the Eighth Young Master Gu pavilion finally, these guard member encircle in the surroundings, but actually nobody dares to get rid. 风飞云终于走到了顾八少爷的楼阁之下,那些护卫修士都围在周围,但是却无人敢出手。 Above the pavilion is having several young talents to sit there, they drinks wine, while appreciates «Vault of heaven Chart», is merry, as if simply had not seen Feng Feiyun that murderous aura comes steaming. 楼阁之上正有几个年轻才俊坐在那里,他们一边饮酒,一边欣赏《苍穹图》,有说有笑,似乎根本没有看到杀气腾腾而来的风飞云 These young talent Eighth Young Master Gu, Murong Sande and yellow heaven, Liu Suhong, are leaf Hongjing the younger generation topest several people. 这几个年轻才俊正是顾八少爷慕容三得、黄天、琉苏红,乃是叶红境年轻一代最顶尖的几人。 Originally is Brother Feng, what do you come to my your family place to make?” Eighth Young Master Gu is handsome, the manner is loose. “原来是风兄,你来我府上做什么啊?”顾八少爷俊朗潇洒,举止风流。 Feng Feiyun stands remarkably, the vision looks disdainfully, said: Gu eight, you asked something already known, I asked that you I occupied already to get down in the dream day yesterday have purchased Spirit Beast battle soul only, why can you snatch with me?” 风飞云卓然而立,目光睥睨,道:“顾老八,你这是明知故问,我问你昨天我在梦天居已经下了单购买灵兽战魂,你为何要跟我抢?” Has this matter?” Eighth Young Master Gu however, at once says with a smile slightly: I do not know that person that orders unexpectedly is Brother Feng, was really is sorry. However I paid the double prices to purchase Spirit Beast battle soul, actually was also I suffers a loss! Brother Feng should not mind that is.” “有这事吗?”顾八少爷微微愣然,旋即笑道:“我不知道下单的那人竟然是风兄,真是太抱歉了。不过我出了双倍价格购买灵兽战魂,其实也是我吃亏啊!风兄应该不会介意才是。” Feng Feiyun naturally knows that Gu eight will have one set of excuse, but this is he gets a excuse that the gate comes, how regardless of Eighth Young Master Gu said, he is impossible to give up. 风飞云自然知道顾老八会有一套说辞,不过这本就是他打上门来的一个借口,无论顾八少爷怎么说,他都不可能罢手。 Liu Suhong wears the red clothes light garment, flesh such as the snow fat, the black hair such as splashes ink, on the face of absolute beauty is hanging several points of cold intent, said: Feng Feiyun, here attended to eight master government offices, you rush in others mansion does not distinguish between right and wrong, moreover kills that many guards and consecrations, did this pay attention to leaf Hongjing the law? Did this pay attention to the boundary main Sir?” 琉苏红穿着红衣轻衫,肌肤如雪脂,黑发如泼墨,绝丽的脸上挂着几分冷意,道:“风飞云,这里可是顾八爷府,你不分青红皂白就闯进别人府邸,而且还杀死那么多的护卫和供奉,这将叶红境的法度放在眼里了吗?这将境主大人放在眼里了吗?” At this time, Liu Suzi and Young Master Gu Jiu and yellow Yuchang, some young talents rushed attended to eight master government offices. 这个时候,琉苏紫顾九少爷、黄羽长,还有一些年轻才俊闯进了顾八爷府。 Liu Suzi pushes to the front, the heroic bearing thrives, the pretty moving, hand operated folding fan, such as purple wind walked generally, distant said: „The younger generation fights, struggles is a spirit and warm-blooded, this has nothing to do with the law, if must discuss the law , the strength is the law.” 琉苏紫一马当先,英姿勃发,靓丽动人,手摇折扇,如一阵紫色的风一般的走了过来,远远的就道:“年轻一代争锋,争的就是一口意气和一身热血,这与法度无关,若是真的要谈法度,力量就是法度。” These young talents receive the rumor/wind sound then immediately to catch up, that several smiled to the Feng Feiyun nod with the young talents of Feng Feiyun acquaintance. 这些年轻才俊收到风声便立即赶来,那几个和风飞云相识的年轻才俊都对风飞云点头笑了笑。 Above the garret, the Liu Suhong beautiful pupil sank sinking, in the pupil killed off flashes. 阁楼之上,琉苏红美眸沉了沉,瞳孔之中杀光闪动。 Good strength is the law, whose law my yellow heaven comes to see to be stronger today.” “好一句力量就是法度,那我黄天今天就来看看谁的法度更强。” Middle Ages aristocratic family Huang first heavenly talent flew to fall instantaneously from the garret, stepping on to sink the ground. 中古世家“黄家”的第一天骄从阁楼之上瞬间飞落下来,将地面给踩沉了下去。 yellow heaven the body is throwing over a Daoist robe, front is the color punctures the Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart, the back is element seal says the cauldron stage, the black hair with the Daoist monk's cap bunch in the head, grasps white Buddha dust. 黄天的身上披着一件道袍,前面是彩刺八卦图,背后是素印道鼎台,青丝用道冠束在头上,手持一根白色的佛尘。 His arm wielded, whisks to sweep across like the white river. 他的手臂一挥,拂尘就像白色的长河席卷了过来。 When yellow heaven was born, before old paths gate of Huang, receives him for the disciple, leading him to go to Dao Sect to cultivate for 30 years, 30 years later returns to Huang, his then already is the first powerhouse of Huang younger generation. 黄天出生之时,有一位老道路过黄家的门前,将他收为弟子,带他去道门之中修炼30年,30年之后返回黄家,他便已经是黄家年轻一代的第一强者。 yellow heaven the Taoist skill is exquisite, few people can know his strength strongly, because never some people can make him use fully. 黄天的道术精湛,很少有人能够知道他的战力到底有多强,因为从未有人能够让他用出全力。 In the body of Feng Feiyun runs out of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the skin becomes the golden light is shining, some Buddha articles fly around the body, Grade 10 monster in hand fought the lance to be given the package by a Fokuang, in seal a golden brilliance. 风飞云的身体之中冲出万丈佛芒,皮肤变得金光灿灿,有一个个佛文在身体周围飞行,手中的十品妖器战矛都被一层佛光给包裹,印上了一层金色的光辉。 The Feng Feiyun foot steps on the samsara, bypassed the white Buddha dust, a lance thorn to yellow day surface gate. 风飞云脚踩轮回,绕过了白色佛尘,一矛刺向黄天的面门。 Bang!” “嘭!” yellow heaven both hands have one to gossip seal, blocked Feng Feiyun the spear/gun, the body has exploded draws back, simultaneously has taken back the Buddha dust secretly, the heart one startled, when seeing Feng Feiyun struck to kill Huawei, he estimated the Feng Feiyun strength in the heart, this moment discovery somewhat has underestimated him. 黄天双手结出一个八卦印,挡住了风飞云的这一枪,身体爆退,同时收回了佛尘,心头暗暗一惊,在看到风飞云击杀华为子之时,他就在心中估算风飞云的实力,此刻发现还是有些低估了他。 Feng Feiyun does not give the opportunity that yellow heaven pants for breath, the arm vibrates once more, the body changed into a meteor, the speed must present nobody to be able quickly to see clearly, yellow day head piercing. 风飞云不给黄天喘息的机会,手臂再次抖动,身体化为了一道流星,速度快得在场没有一个人能够看清,将黄天的头颅给刺穿。 !” “噗!” The lance punctured from the yellow day back of the head. 长矛从黄天的后脑勺刺了过去。 It is not right! 不对! Feng Feiyun does not realize well, the body has shifted, in his body transverse shift that checks, whisks to cut the expansive sky together, stood the position that to cut from him a moment ago. 风飞云意识到不好,身体横移了出去,就在他身体横移的那一刹,一道拂尘划破长空,从他刚才所站的位置斩过。 Presents two yellow heaven, first by the Feng Feiyun lance piercing the head, another presented in Feng Feiyun has gotten rid to him. 出现两个黄天,第一个被风飞云的长矛给洞穿了头颅,另一个出现在风飞云的身后对他出手。 Said the puppet!” Feng Feiyun said. “道傀儡!”风飞云道。 yellow heaven the hand pinches the Buddha dust, wears the Daoist monk's cap, the vision mocked, said with a smile: Said the puppet, calculates that you also somewhat experienced.” 黄天手捏佛尘,头戴道冠,目光讥诮,笑道:“正是道傀儡,算你还有几分见识。” He said that this saying his under foot has a mark of Yin-Yang fish, the body beats, the Yin-Yang fish rotation, the ray flashes, next quarter already appeared in the Feng Feiyun front, the index finger and middle finger pinches the sword Secret Art thorn to the Feng Feiyun dantian. 他说完这话他的脚下生出一幅阴阳鱼的印记,身体跳动,阴阳鱼转动,光芒一闪,下一刻已经出现在了风飞云的面前,食指和中指捏成剑诀刺向风飞云的丹田。 Broken!” “破!” In his mouth read such a character. 他的口中念出这么一个字。 Feng Feiyun held their palms together, makes a Buddha seal, the dantian position erupted a piece of Buddha article, gave to block the sword air/Qi of yellow day ejecting, at the same time his under foot launched the samsara speedily, the body retroceded suddenly, falls about ten zhang (3.33 m). 风飞云双手合十,做了一个佛印,丹田的位置爆发出一片佛文,将黄天击出的剑气给挡住,于此同时他的脚下展开轮回疾速,身体猛然后退,落到了十丈开外。 The yellow day must manage does not forgive person, after getting the winning side, then continues to pursue, the under foot gives birth to the Yin-Yang fish chart article once more, whisks to change into the endless filament, each filament is sharper than the spirit sword, in the air makes humph humph sound. 黄天得理不饶人,占据上风之后便继续追击,脚下再次生出阴阳鱼图文,拂尘化为无尽的细丝,每一根细丝都比灵剑还锋利,在空气中发出“嚯嚯”的声音。 yellow heaven cultivation base has been so the degree unexpectedly, definitely already reaches the Nirvana 5th-layer peak, is very difficult to run into the match by his talent and Taoist skill magical powers in Nirvana 5th-layer.” Attends to shrinks on young master's eyelid, some do not dare to believe. “黄天的修为竟然达到了如此程度,肯定已经达到涅槃第五重的巅峰,以他的天赋和道术神通在涅槃第五重都很难遇到对手。”顾就少爷的眼睑一缩,有些不敢置信。 yellow Yuchang say/way with deep veneration: Yellow day definitely entered the family ancestral temple of Huang, obtained the Taoism essence strength to fill the top, otherwise cultivation base was impossible to grow such fiercely. Only then all previous family inherits the talented person to be qualified for the family ancestral temple, will these old person already decisions in family make him be the Huang future head of household?” 黄羽长肃然的道:“黄天肯定是进入了黄家的家族祠堂,得到了道家精华力量灌顶,不然修为不可能增长得这么厉害。只有历代的家族继承人才有资格进入家族祠堂,难道家族之中的那些老人已经决定让他做黄家未来的家主?” The Feng Feiyun anchorage personal appearance, cold snort/hum, thinks really your Taoist skill was invincible! Gold Silkworm Buddha Domain!” 风飞云定住身形,冷哼一声,“真以为你的道术就无敌了吗!金蚕佛域!” In the body of Feng Feiyun erupts endless Fokuang, myriad Gold Silkworm protection oneself body, a huge Buddha link condenses in his back, the under foot presents seven ten Grade 2 Buddha stages. 风飞云的身体之中爆发出无尽佛光,万千金蚕守护己身,一个巨大的佛环凝聚在他的背后,脚下出现一座七十二品佛台。 The Buddhism singing in praise of the Buddha reverberates in the world! 佛门梵音在天地之间回响! What great does trivial Buddha territory have? On my also whether there is territory, nine magnificence Daoyu!” yellow heaven has launched own territory, nine glow shine around his body, presents nine different colors, resembles Dao Divinity born. “区区一座佛域有什么了不起?我亦有无上道域,九华道域!”黄天展开了属于自己的域,九片道芒在他的身体周围亮起,呈现出九种不同的色彩,似一尊道神降世。 Right? I have the second territory, Ten Thousand War Beast Domain!” “是吗?我还有第二域,万兽战域!” 10,000 Spirit Beast battle soul run out from the body of Feng Feiyun, is filled with the expansive sky, ten thousand beasts roared, rock the earth, each fought the beast fiercely scary, the strength can quarry a mountain. 10000头灵兽战魂风飞云的身体之中冲出,挤满长空,万兽咆哮,震天动地,每一头战兽都狰狞吓人,力量能开山。 The air/Qi of Feng Feiyun bloodthirsty has seethed with excitement! 风飞云身上的嗜血之气沸腾了起来!
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