SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#960: Fearless

In Feng Feiyun behind air transmits the slight fluctuation, a white small turtle goes out from the air, the head brings the crystal red cap, in the hand to lean on the small wooden club, like bridging over an invisible gate, walked. 风飞云身后的空气中传来细微的波动,一只白色的小乌龟从空气之中走出,头上带着晶红帽子,手中拄着小木棍,就像跨过了一道无形的门,走了出来。 A black strange fruit top broke the soil, emits from the place bottom. 一个黑色怪果子顶破了泥土,从地底冒出。 Elder Brother I goes with you together.” Feng Qingqing holds white cat also to go out from the tree trunk, on the face had the evil smiling face, the eye to narrow the crescent moon. “哥我跟你一起去。”风卿卿抱着一只白猫儿也从树干后面走出,脸上带着邪邪的笑容,眼睛眯成了月牙儿。 Afterward Yao Ji and Xue Shuang also walked. 随后姚吉雪泷也都走了出来。 Except that already alone departs, Long Cangyue of oneself self-torture, all people arrived. 除了已经独自离去,自己苦修的龙沧月,所有人都到了。 On the Feng Feiyun forehead braves the heavy line, said: How did you come?” 风飞云的额头上冒黑线,道:“你们怎么都来了?” Mao Wugui languid is stepping the step, like a turtle Sir, said: You must capture alive Moonwater Saintess, how can this matter be short of us?” 茅乌龟懒洋洋的迈着步子,就像一个龟大爷,道:“你要去活捉水月圣女,这种事怎么能少了我们?” Right, right, such amusing matter, we must participate.” Feng Qingqing very active saying with a smile. “对,对,这么好玩的事,我们也要参与。”风卿卿很活跃的笑道。 Feng Feiyun flipped the supercilious look, said: Who said that I do want to capture alive Moonwater Saintess?” 风飞云翻了翻白眼,道:“谁说我要去活捉水月圣女?” Mao Wugui said.” Feng Qingqing said. 茅乌龟说的。”风卿卿道。 Your younger sister said.” Mao Wugui said. “你妹妹说的。”茅乌龟道。 This person of Itsukame almost also said, the spearhead aims at the opposite party. 这一人一龟几乎同时说道,矛头都指向对方。 Mao Wugui and Feng Qingqing have looked at each other one, then simultaneous say/way: Actually Mao Laoshi said.” 茅乌龟风卿卿对视了一眼,然后又同时的道:“其实茅老实说的。” Sacred Fruit somewhat suffering from injustice was whispering, I may anything not say.” 圣实果有些委屈的嘀咕着,“我可什么都没有说。” Feng Feiyun is also disinclined to investigate that who chews the mouth in behind randomly, has coughed two, said: cultivation base of saintess Sir imagines you are higher, wants to withdraw from her hand is an extremely difficult matter, it is estimated that was the Ascension sage gets rid how her. You go back! Why should why go.” 风飞云也懒得追究谁在背后乱嚼嘴巴,干咳了两声,道:“圣女大人的修为比你们想象中还要高,想要从她手中脱身都是一件极其艰难的事,估计就算是羽化贤者出手都奈何不了她。你们都回去吧!该干嘛干嘛去。” Yeah! I said that Feng Feiyun does not dare to seize Moonwater Saintess, you have not believed that now believed?” Mao Wugui clothes disappointed appearance. “哎!我就说风飞云不敢擒水月圣女,你们还不信,现在信了吧?”茅乌龟衣服失望之极的样子。 Feng Feiyun smiled, said: Actually I have the means to cope with her actually, but cannot begin in the red leaves star.” 风飞云笑了笑,顿了顿,道:“其实我倒是有办法可以对付她,只是不能在红叶星动手。” An eye of Mao Wugui has shone immediately, said: Really? Calculates that my, must calculate my, captures Moonwater Wonderland saintess this is moves the world absolutely the matter, how can be short of me?” 茅乌龟的一双眼睛顿时亮了起来,道:“真的?算我一个,必须算我一个,擒拿水月天境的圣女这绝对是名动天下的事,怎么能够少了我?” I, I, I must participate.” Feng Qingqing said. “还有我,还有我,我也要参与。”风卿卿道。 Both eyes of Feng Feiyun narrow the eyes, said: I cannot tell you as for the concrete method, once said is equal to giving away the secret, such by Xuanyuan Yiyi cultivation base, can calculate surely ahead of time some people wanted to cope, is not easy to do.” 风飞云的双眼一眯,道:“至于具体的方法我不能告诉你们,一旦说出来就等于是泄露了天机,那样的话以轩辕一一修为,必定能够提前推算出有人想要对付,那么就不好办了。” „Can we hit a helper? Matter that you look at the old man to be sturdy, helping you absolutely not have the issue according to a leg.” Mao Wugui comes the spirit very much, the show two claw, were likely common in the bright muscle. “那我们能不能打个帮手?你看老夫身强力壮,帮你按一条腿是绝对没有问题的事。”茅乌龟很来精神,秀了秀两只爪子,像是在亮肌肉一般。 The Feng Feiyun vision became sinks coldly, made a barrier, isolated the surrounding Heavenly Dao rule using the fifty technique, this said: This time we do not seize her, but kills her.” 风飞云的目光变得沉冷了起来,打出一道屏障,利用大衍术隔绝周围的天道规则,这才道:“这一次我们不是擒她,而是杀她。” Yao Ji knit the brows saying: „The Moonwater Saintess status is too high, once her were struck to kill, we are also very definitely difficult to maintain a livelihood.” 姚吉皱了皱眉头道:“水月圣女的身份实在太高,一旦她被人击杀,我们肯定也很难活命。” Therefore cannot we get rid.” Feng Feiyun said. “所以说不能我们出手。”风飞云道。 Who gets rid?” “那谁出手?” Feng Feiyun thinks or tells them finally then forget about it, so as to avoid this group of not normal people are thinking all day some not normal matter, said: Monster Clan. Xuanyuan Yiyi takes the horizon ruler, obtains white Zhusheng ancestor's inheritance «Horizon Say/Way», in Monster Clan many powerhouses refuses to accept surely, sneaks sixth Yang Dynasty to kill her to recapture the horizon ruler and Monster Clan ruthless person of «Horizon Say/Way» inheritance is not infrequent absolutely.” 风飞云最终觉得还是告诉他们算了,免得这群不正常的人整天都想着一些不正常的事,道:“妖族轩辕一一取走天涯尺,得到白蛛圣祖的传承《天涯道》,妖族之中必定有很多强者不服,潜入第六中央王朝想要杀她夺回天涯尺和《天涯道》传承的妖族狠人绝对不在少数。” Feng Feiyun also by Xuanyuan Yiyi compelling dead end, if goes to Moonwater Wonderland along with her, does not have the means of livelihood surely, since want to maintain a livelihood, then that person of death must be she. 风飞云也是被轩辕一一给逼上了绝路,若是随她去水月天境,必定没有活路,既然自己想要活命,那么死的那个人就必须是她。 Is she first to the Feng Feiyun non- righteousness, then do not blame Feng Feiyun being cruel and merciless to her. 况且是她先对风飞云不义,那么也就别怪风飞云对她心狠手辣。 Xue Shuang, you are the White Spider Monster Clan emperor's clan, should know how to find these Monster Clan powerhouses?” Feng Feiyun said. 雪泷,你乃是白蛛妖族的皇族,应该知道如何找到那些妖族强者吧?”风飞云道。 Xue Shuang also knows that this matter relates the significant, say/way with deep veneration: I only know the White Spider Monster Clan ambush in human state the contact method of clansman, but is uncertain they still to use this contact method now, I can only try.” 雪泷也知道此事关系重大,肃然的道:“我只知道白蛛妖族潜伏在人类国度的族人的联系方式,但是不一定现在他们还在用这种联系方式,我只能试一下。” Feng Feiyun nodded, said: Yao Ji, you accompany Xue Shuang to contact with the Monster Clan powerhouse, once we left the red leaves star, I will leave behind wind character symbol, if there is an opportunity, I will inform your Xuanyuan Yiyi whereabouts through the jade symbol. This is two Spirit Stone, encounters the danger you to open the wormhole channel to leave.” 风飞云点了点头,道:“姚吉,你陪雪泷去联系妖族的强者,一旦我们离开了红叶星,我会一路留下‘风’字记号,若是有机会,我会通过玉符通知你们轩辕一一的行踪。这是两枚界灵石,遇到危险你们可以打开虫洞通道离开。” Feng Feiyun has given Xue Shuang and Yao Ji two wormhole Spirit Stone, after they depart, Feng Qingqing also said: „Does elder brother, I do?” 风飞云将两枚虫洞灵石交给了雪泷姚吉,她们离去之后,风卿卿又道:“哥,那我干嘛?” Feng Feiyun said: You go west virtual environment, looks for the Demoness whereabouts, if found her, in any event must give her please come.” 风飞云道:“你去一趟西灵境,寻找女魔的下落,若是将她找到,无论如何都要将她给请过来。” Divine Jin Dynasty that ancient array platform another in the west virtual environment, Demoness, if arrived at sixth Yang Dynasty surely from there, even if her already leaves, has left surely also behind the clue. 神晋王朝的那一座古阵台的另一头就在西灵境,女魔若是来到了第六中央王朝就必定会在从那里过,就算她已经离开,也必定还了留下线索。 Thinks, Feng Feiyun also said that Mao Wugui you and she go together.” 想了想,风飞云又道,“茅乌龟你和她一起去。” Let a Feng Qingqing person go not to be very reasonable, lets Mao Wugui this slippery customer and she wants to be safer. 风卿卿一个人去很不靠谱,还是让茅乌龟这个老油条和她一路要稳妥一些。 Sacred Fruit said anxiously: I what to do?” 圣实果焦急道:“那我怎么办?” You with me, can run away at the back of me when necessary.” Feng Feiyun said. “你跟着我,必要的时候可以背着我逃走。”风飞云道。 Actually Feng Feiyun makes Sacred Fruit follow in his side also to have another reason, what after all Mao Wugui and Feng Qingqing seek is Demoness, if makes Demoness see that the Sacred Fruit affirmation eye was green, did not seize it cooks at the scene is the strange event. 其实风飞云圣实果跟在他的身边还有另外一个原因,毕竟茅乌龟风卿卿去寻找的乃是女魔,若是让女魔看到圣实果肯定眼睛都绿了,不将它逮住当场炖了才是怪事。 After Mao Wugui and Feng Qingqing leave, Feng Feiyun will become, only then Sacred Fruit of walnut size holding in pocket, then arrived at the century god city. 茅乌龟风卿卿离开之后,风飞云才将变得只有核桃大小的圣实果给揣进衣兜里,然后来到了千秋神城。 These time does not have Liu Suzi to guide, but the person of guarding city gate does not dare to block Feng Feiyun, although merely is only an evening, however Feng Feiyun name already is well-known, the heads of household of Middle Ages aristocratic family personally inquired about, became the character of wielding great power with great arrogance. 这一次没有琉苏紫带路,但看守城门的人也不敢拦风飞云,虽然仅仅只是一个晚上,但是风飞云的名字却已经家喻户晓,就连中古世家的家主都亲自过问,成为了炙手可热的人物。 Feng Feiyun walks on the street in god city, attracts much attention, the old man of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, the young girls of beautiful beautiful woman repeatedly turn head to look at this by Holy Spirit summon Half Monster. 风飞云走在神城的街道上,也都备受瞩目,无论是仙风道骨的老者,还是美丽倾城的少女都频频回头看这个被圣神召唤的半妖 already is the next day night, should have Spirit Beast battle soul to transport from other god city. 已经是第二天的夜晚,应该有灵兽战魂从别的神城运过来了。 The Feng Feiyun heart so is thinking, then went to the dream day to occupy, arrived to trade the Spirit Beast battle soul immortal city again, under an inquiry, was makes in the Feng Feiyun heart raise anger. 风飞云的心头如此想着,便去了梦天居,再次来到贩卖灵兽战魂的仙市,一询问之下,却是让风飞云心中升起一股怒火来。 Was bought ahead of time?” Feng Feiyun also said: Who is all right to buy that many Spirit Beast battle soul?” “被人提前买走了?”风飞云又道:“谁没事买那么多灵兽战魂?” „After original yesterday received the Young Master Feng order, we immediately went various Great God cities to transport Spirit Beast battle soul, earliest one batch had Spirit Beast battle soul of 1100 Nirvana 4th-layer ranks, was this morning is transported to the dream day occupies, but just transported to comes by Eighth Young Master Gu to buy soon completely, moreover what left was the double prices, according to the custom of dream day occupying, can sell to him first.” “本来昨天接到风公子的订单之后,我们就立即前去各大神城调运灵兽战魂,最早的一批有1100头涅槃第四重级别的灵兽战魂,乃是今天早上被运到梦天居,但是刚运到不久就被顾八少爷派人前来全部买走,而且出的是双倍价格,按照梦天居的规矩,是可以先卖给他。” Gu eight!” “顾老八!” Eighth Young Master Gu is naturally impossible to want that many Spirit Beast battle soul, impossible to buy Spirit Beast battle soul spends the double prices, this move of affirmation copes with Feng Feiyun specially. 顾八少爷自然不可能要那么多的灵兽战魂,更不可能为了买灵兽战魂花费双倍的价格,这一招肯定乃是专门对付风飞云 Feng Feiyun coldly smiles, goes out of the dream day to occupy, then directly arrives at the Eighth Young Master Gu residence. 风飞云冷冷的一笑,走出梦天居,然后便径直的来到顾八少爷的住所。 Original Eighth Young Master Gu lives in family ancestor mansion, but actually enjoys the treatment of successor now, has carried out the family ancestor mansion, lives in one ** in mansion. 本来顾八少爷住在家族祖府之中,但是现在却享受起继承人的待遇,搬出了家族祖府,住在一座**的府邸之中。 This mansion, is very lordly, before the gate, is putting two first more than ten meters high Qilins, the steps are the jade throw, has 99 steps fully, each steps unusual brightness is graceful, radiance is eye-catching. 这一座府邸,十分气派,门前放着两头十多米高的麒麟,阶梯乃是玉石扑成,足有99阶,每一台阶梯都宝光盈盈,光华夺目。 Feng Feiyun arrived at the Eighth Young Master Gu mansion, looked at one toward the place above of mansion, sees only the place above of mansion to have a blood-color Qilin empty shade to occupy, the Qilin is fierce, is stepping on Great Desolate Great Lake, the top of the head blood-color cloud. 风飞云独自一人来到了顾八少爷的府邸,向着府邸的上方望了一眼,只见府邸的上方有一头血色麒麟虚影盘踞,麒麟凶猛,踩着洪荒大泽,头顶血色云彩。 This is Eighth Young Master Gu Qi Shapes blood cloud Qilin. 这是顾八少爷气象“血云麒麟”。 Qi Shapes occupies in the sky of mansion, then explained him in the mansion. 气象盘踞在府邸的上空,那么说明他就在府邸之中。 Feng Feiyun called to fight the lance, above the arm Fokuang inflates, fights the lance to project, ran out like a peerless monster dragon. 风飞云唤出了战矛,手臂之上佛光膨胀,战矛投射出去,像一条绝世妖龙冲出。 Bang!” “轰!” The bloodstone front door of mansion is torn to pieces, giant crystal wall shutters blast out in all directions. 府邸的血晶大门支离破碎,一块块巨大的晶壁门板四处炸开。 Whose that big courage does dare to damage to attend to eight master government offices unexpectedly the front doors?” “谁那么大的胆子竟然敢损毁顾八爷府的大门?” Two wear the middle-aged man of armor to depart from the front door, is much longer, muscle highlights fiercely, is Nirvana 4th-layer cultivation base, is attended to eight master government offices two consecrating, the member has practiced several thousand years of powerhouse. 有两位身穿铠甲的中年男子从大门之中飞出,都长得虎背熊腰,身上的肌肉凸显得厉害,乃是涅槃第四重修为,乃是顾八爷府的两位供奉,修士修炼了数千年的强者。 Go away!” “滚开!” Feng Feiyun has laid out two palms, directly these two middle-aged men patting on the ground, the bones of their whole body turned into the smashing, like two groups of rotten meat general paralysis on the ground. 风飞云拍出了两掌,直接将这两个中年男子给拍死在地上,他们全身的骨头都变成了粉碎,像两团烂肉一般瘫在地上。 In the Feng Feiyun entering mansion with long hurried strides, will insert the war lance in ground gives to mention, then step by step walks toward the deep place of mansion, loudly shouted: Gu eight, get lost/roll to me.” 风飞云大步流星的走进府邸之中,将插在地面上的战矛给提起,然后一步步的向着府邸的深处走去,大喝道:“顾老八,给我滚出来。” The guard who at this time one team put on spirit armor killed, more than 50 people, the body of everyone all had fearful murderous aura fully, experienced the people of ten thousand clan battlefield baptism to train so wild murderous aura absolutely. 这个时候又有一队穿着灵甲的护卫杀出,足有50多人,每个人的身上皆有慑人的杀气,绝对是经历了万族战场洗礼的人才能培养出如此野性的杀气 That guard leader of lead, is attended to eight master government offices one consecrating, the waist hangs a scarlet red sword, the side such as the metal casts the double headed leopard that refining up with a Touwan. 领头的那一位护卫头领,也是顾八爷府的一位供奉,腰悬一口赤红色的战刀,身边跟着一头宛如金属铸炼的双头豹子。 This guard leader knows Feng Feiyun, has not gotten rid immediately, said: Feng Feiyun, here attended to eight master government offices, you dare to kill to attend to consecrations of eight master government offices, is offends entire looks after the household, even if were Half Monster Union cannot guarantee you.” 这一位护卫头领认识风飞云,并没有立即出手,道:“风飞云,这里可是顾八爷府,你敢杀顾八爷府的供奉,就是得罪整个顾家,就算是半妖盟都保不了你。” Right?” “是吗?” !” “噗!” Feng Feiyun very begins the war lance, a lance punctured, gave to pierce the head of this guard leader, fights above the lance to shake a huge strength, the head of guard head blasts out immediately, changed into the dried blood powder. 风飞云挺动手中的战矛,一矛刺了出去,将这一位护卫头领的头颅给洞穿,战矛之上震荡出一股庞大的力量,护卫头颅的头颅顿时炸开,化为了血粉。 These guards who attended to eight master government offices are fearful and apprehensive, this was Half Monster? 顾八爷府的那些护卫都心惊胆战,这个半妖到底是怎么了? Dares to break to attend to eight master government offices unexpectedly blatantly the front doors, kills three to consecrate continually, by his Half Monster status, dares to make such matter of treason and heresy? 竟然敢公然砸碎顾八爷府的大门,又连杀三位供奉,以他半妖的身份,怎么胆敢做出这么大逆不道的事情? He insane inadequate? 他疯了不成? If before place, Feng Feiyun naturally can also look after the household to abstain from several points, but now he actually fearless, did not fear these old people who looks after the household come out to suppress him, these old people who looks after the household get rid to him, naturally some people can help him keep off. 若是放在以前,风飞云自然还会来顾家忌讳几分,但是现在他却无惧,根本不怕顾家的那些老人出来镇压他,就算顾家的那些老人对他出手,自然有人会来帮他挡。 Such being the case, does he have what to fear? 既然如此,他还有何惧? Feng Feiyun already wanted to remove Eighth Young Master Gu, just wants to look to kill him by, actually does not think that he launches an attack to Feng Feiyun first, then has happen to given Feng Feiyun the reason that gets the gate to come. 风飞云早就想要除掉顾八少爷,正想找个由头来干掉他,却不想他先对风飞云发难,那么正好给了风飞云一个打上门来的理由。
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